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How does Kenneth Slessor explore life and death in Beach Burial?

Life is wasted for these soldiers in war. The only life Slessor discusses is the lives of those who bury the dead. The dead soldiers lives are anonymous, Unknown Seaman, but even this inscription washes away with time. Slessors main message; it does not matter who they were in life, in death they are just anonymous casualties of war.Dehumanised The opposite of being human.

Kenneth Slessor explores life and death through his poem Beach Burial using a variety of techniques such as metaphors, sibilance and personification. His use of alliteration and a metaphor describes how the mens bodies are taken from the ocean and buried hastily, To pluck them from the shallows and bury them in the burrows. This conveys to the reader that the bodies are dehumanised, and instead associated with animals. (Technique and quote).

In the last stanza, Slessor uses sibilance to express his belief that life lost in wars is life wasted, Dead seaman, gone in search of the same landfall. The repetition of s gives a bitter tone to Slessors voice, enforcing his belief. (Technique and quote). (Technique and quote).
