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Page 1: Be A Successful Engineer

Sunil Raithatha

Want to Change the World –

--- be A Successful Engineer.

Page 2: Be A Successful Engineer


Sunil Raithatha

I thank your school for giving me opportunity to interact with you.

Page 3: Be A Successful Engineer

Objectives of PresentationObjectives of Presentation

1) Guide and Motivate Students

to become a Successful Engineer.

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Overview of Presentation

1) Your Goal in your Life.

2) Role of engineers in Knowledge Economy.

3) Qualities of Successful Engineer.

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What is your goal in your life. ………Since you have joined engineering I assume your goal is to become successful engineer. How many of you have joined engineering because……….

Engineering as a CareerEngineering as a CareerMy GoalMy Goal


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Reasons for Entering Engineering.

• My parent wanted me to become engineer.

• After 12 th either you become Doctor or Engineer I was not cut for becoming doctor so I opted engineering. Nor I wanted to do B Sc.

• Challenges, Curiosity, Excitement.

• Money, Travel, Status.

• To make a difference in the world, to change

the way things work.

• Want job in big Company.

• I want to start something of my own

( entrepreneurship).

Do you know what do engineers do ? Do you know what do engineers do ?


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What Engineers Do?

• Solving the problems by Applying Knowledge.

• Optimizing design to minimize cost and enhance efficiency.

• To predict the problems and find solutions before problem is faced.

• To imagine and think new and creative way of doing things.

Role of engineers in Globalized EconomyRole of engineers in Globalized Economy


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Role of Engineers in Globalized Economy.

• Compete the world in Cost & Quality and retain domestic Market.

• Innovate New Process for domestic & Global Market.

• Innovate New Products for Global Market.

• Capitalize on Opportunities thrown open by Global Economy.

• Innovate New Services for Global Market. NextQualities of Successful Engineer.Qualities of Successful Engineer.

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Qualities of Successful Engineer.Qualities of Successful Engineer.• No single quality will make you a good engineer.

• Engineering is a field that requires many people with different skills to work together to solve complex problems in a simple way.

• Here are some personal qualities that will help you become a successful engineer.

• Remember that not all these are necessary and there is no precise formula.

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• Interest in Engineering• Analytical Skills.• Problem Solving Attitude & Skill.• Communication Skill.• Proficiency in Maths & Physics.• Persistence.• Listening Skill.• Team Attitude.

Personal Qualities of Successful Personal Qualities of Successful Engineer.Engineer.

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• You should have personal

interest in Engineering.

Interest in Engineering.Interest in Engineering.

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• We make decisions everyday, but the decision engineers make may determine if a bridge can hold a car or if it will collapse under its own weight. That's why engineers have to be able to analyze a situation and see the factors involved that will help in making informed decisions..

Analytical Skill.Analytical Skill.

X > YX > YY= 4 + 2 ZY= 4 + 2 Z

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• Problem Solving Attitude & Skill.

Problem Solving Attitude & Skill.Problem Solving Attitude & Skill.

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• Communication Skill.

Communication Skill.Communication Skill.


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• Proficiency in Maths.

Proficiency in Maths.Proficiency in Maths.

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• Physics.

• Law of Motions.

Proficiency in Physics.Proficiency in Physics.

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• Success is never instant any where

so its is not in Engineering also.

Persistence and Trying again and again is part of engineering job.


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• Cultivate habit of listening. Most of the time solution can be found by listening others suggestions.

Listening Skills.Listening Skills.

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• Not the Caste and Creed.• Not the urban or rural upbringing.• Not the family background.• Not the Boy or Girl.

It’s Quality that Decides.It’s Quality that Decides.

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• Once you have shown interest & decided to become engineer. You have taken hardest step.

• Plan Ahead.• Study Hard.• Get Involved and Get Informed.• Talk to engineers in your family, friend circle,

relative and community.• Think and look around “ How things

works around you” & feel the

engineering behind it.

How Do I Become A Successful Engineer?

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See the world around you.

It is full of work done by Engineers from various


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Make a self CommitmentMake a self CommitmentThat I want to becomeThat I want to become

aaSuccessful EngineerSuccessful Engineer

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Wish You ALL the Best.

Be a Successful Engineer.

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Thank You
