Page 1: Baynton West Primary School Baynton West Primary School … · Baynton West Primary School is ... Mrs Dunbar, Mr Powers and Mr ... At

Baynton West Primary School is a proud Positive Behaviour

Support School

Baynton West Primary School An Independent Public School

Hudson Cox Holly Miller Harper McLean Rocky Longo Arabella Calvadores William Balfe Jerrelle Mills Ebony Bird Dinagee Wijekoon Eilam Borges Sanches

Sienna Handley Oliver Grylls Ellie Roskell Tia Corby Alejandra Ramires Carrillo Tristan Lance Indigo Kranendonk

Honour Certificates

Anthea Colato-Lopez Harper Watsford Maiah Sioneloto Hannah Wills Adrian Calvadores Kingston Bartlett Lyla Otto Nikita Ferguson Haki Mautama Suhaira Anwar Lacey Hawkins Marley Proud Flynn Wilson Cynara Cunningham

Amelia Laffey Rohan Collins Emma Irvine Zara Le Cerf Indiana Ward Ava-Michelle Haslam Joirdyn Paxton Samuel Woolcott Tait Baddeley Sienna Handley Nylah Smith

Happy Birthday

Iyla Bailey Autulies Jenkins Nuha Jasil Emma McCrystal Damon Mews Kayden Parker Bjorn Twaddle Tylah Milnes Keeley McCrystal

Isabella Moore Meesha Justins Jai Dyson Ava Bailey Antwaryn Whitby

Fish Certificates

Woolworths Earn and Learn is on again! From now until September 19 every $10.00 you spend on grocery items will earn you a sticker. Collect the stickers, place them on the sticker sheet and once it is filled drop it into the box in our library. All of the stickers go towards our school earning fabulous resources.

31 July 2013

Dates to remember:

18 August

Faction Athletics Carnival

14 - 25 August Whale Shark

Race Around The World

25 August Children’s Book Day

Dear Parents/Caregivers, I had an absolute blast on camp last week with our amazing Year 6 students, Mrs Whitbread, Mrs Dunbar, Mr Powers and Mr Green. Everywhere we went the students received compliments and comments about their conduct and genuine interest and curiosity. We had a few cases of gastro, but the affected students took it all in their stride, rested for a day and launched straight back into the learning and fun. The special school initiated ‘surprise’ which has become a tradition, was an evening at SkyZone, a trampolining and rock climbing place. Some of the students amazed us with their agility and enthusiasm for performing outlandish tricks, all under the watchful eye of the SkyZone coaches. The future of our school camp to Canberra is dependent on the outcome of a parent survey, soon to be launched. Keep you eye on our ‘app’ and Facebook page for updates and notification of survey launch. WA Education Awards I am both honoured and proud to have nominated for the following awards; Premier’s Teacher of the Year – Miss Jessica Stevens (ECE Coordinator), Mrs Suzie Powell (Gumala 0-3 Playgroup Coordinator) and Mrs Louise Woodvine (Aboriginal Enrichment Program Coordinator). Premier’s Excellence in Aboriginal Education- Baynton West Primary School School Support Service staff member of the Year – Mrs Justine Passmore (Manager of Corporate Services) and Catherine Wall (Library Officer) WA Beginning Teacher of the Year – Mr Jack Powers I'm sure you all join me in congratulating these nominees on the hard work and multiple achievements. They're already winners in my eyes. Float Parade Congratulations to our hardworking and very creative P&C for this event. Not only did we come second, a great achievement, it was an opportunity to really bring our community together. I somehow ended up on the truck, which was a privilege and lots of fun, and thoroughly enjoyed singing and watching the pride on our wonderful school community’s faces as they marched behind. The coordinators: Mrs Jolene Twaddle, Mrs Megan Wood-Hill along with P&C president, Mrs Caroline Taylor did an outstanding job. Open Night It was heartening to see so many students and their families, including many proud grandparents attend our recent open night. The classrooms all were overflowing with student work, with children doing a great job of guiding their parents through their learning and I was thrilled to see so many families interacting with our our STEM equipment. Many thanks to our P&C for providing dinner, tea and coffee and a sneak preview of our float parade tree. I'm sure you all agree the performances were excellent. Thank you to everyone involved.

Baynton West Primary SchoolBaynton West Primary School

An Independent Public SchoolAn Independent Public School

16 August 201716 August 2017

Marniyarra Loop

Baynton West WA 6714

Ph: 9185 3001

Fax: 9183 8970


Lisa Ledger [email protected]

Please visit our school website


Page 2: Baynton West Primary School Baynton West Primary School … · Baynton West Primary School is ... Mrs Dunbar, Mr Powers and Mr ... At

Baynton West Primary School is a proud Positive Behaviour

Support School

Baynton West Primary School An Independent Public School

Year 6 Canberra Camp Illness notification It appears that our school has been hit hard with a nasty strain of gastro! One day a few weeks ago there was 126 students away. Unfortunately we only know that some of these students were unwell, due to being informed of absence by parents/caregivers. We don't know and can't account for the whereabouts of many of the other students! A reminder it is a requirement to let schools know of the reason for a student’s absence within 3 days of the student returning. Keep up to date It is important for families to take ownership and responsibility for remaining in the loop. The school provides an ‘app’, a business Facebook page along with a regularly updated website. You can also request a paper copy of the newsletter or call in at the office to collect a copy. Please ensure you stay informed to avoid missing out on important events and milestones in your child’s life. Point Samson Kids Art Awards and Photography Competition Community members and schools were invited to submit work into the Point Samson Photography and Art Awards 2017. The exhibition was open on Sunday August 13 at the Point Samson Community Hall for the public to view. Congratulations to all the outstanding artists involved. RoboCup Congratulations to Bailey Smith and Matthias Barre for traveling to Perth to compete in the State Final of RoboCup Junior Australia. We had an excellent result with Baileys team coming third in the state. Congratulations to both of these clever boys and the teams they represented Remember it is our annual faction Athletics carnival on Friday, please join us! National Science Week To launch National Science Week students from Kindergarten to Year 6 have been creating various ‘Flight Machines’ and experimenting with the effects of Push, Pull and Gravity. In the spirit of the occasion Karratha HeliSpirit landed their helicopter on our school oval to engage the students. After landing Jerry Pioron the pilot, spoke to students from Years 3-6 about helicopter flight and information about helicopters. To complete our Science Day students from Years 1-6 participated in their year level championship, in which winners from each classroom competed against their year level for the ultimate winner. Congratulations to Gleno Burton and Oliver Grylls winners of the Paper plane challenge and the runner ups Charlie Keller and Josh Dunbar. The winners of the O-Wing Challenge, Indi Franklin and Kai Johnston, the runners ups Aotetonga Robertson and Carmen Miller. The High Flying Kite winner James Taylor and the runners up Jasmine Lambert and Tamzyn Neville.

Aidan Dinsdale

Beatrice Gan Mackenzie Smith

Baynton West Primary School is a proud Positive Behaviour

Support School

Baynton West Primary School An Independent Public School

Woodside Visit - STEM

Sustainability News This year the Sustainability Committee has been busy working on several projects. You may have noticed composting tumblers in the gardens beside each teaching block. This is because we have extended our Composting Program to include the whole school. Each classroom and the canteen is now diverting crunch and sip scraps from landfill and turning it into compost to be used on our vegetable gardens which have also been freshly planted. Room 2 and Room 19 have also started worm farms as another way of putting our fruit and vegetable scraps to good use. The worm wiz produced will be excellent fertilizer for our vegetable gardens. We can’t wait to sample some of our delicious home grown produce! At the end of Term 2 we held a Nude Food Day and were very pleased with the response from our Baynton West families. Congratulations to Rooms 16 and 21 who both had a total of only 4 pieces of packaging in their class lunchboxes. It is fantastic to see classes trying hard to reduce the amount of packaging that goes to landfill. Our current project includes using recycled materials to build an Indigenous Yarning Circle which will also include bush tucker gardens. Students have really come on board to help with this project and we have formed a Sustainability Club which meets every Tuesday at lunch time. Students are involved in the design and building of the Yarning Circle and are pitching in to help clear the space to make it ready for construction. They also help with the composting and maintenance of the vegetable gardens. It is great to see so many students giving up their play time for such a good cause. The Yarning Circle is due to be completed in September and we are looking forward to using this space. Finally, don’t forget we are a collection point for used batteries and printer cartridges so please bring them in and we will recycle them for you.

Warruwarru is off and racing! The Whaleshark Race Around the World 2017 has kicked off this week and the students are all very excited about following his progress throughout the race. If you would like to see the progress of all the tagged Whalesharks please visit to see their progress. Student Councillors and Faction Captains At this week’s junior assembly, the student councillors and the faction captains were presented with their badges.

PBS Focus Week 5 and 6

If you feel unsafe, worried or unsure talk to an adult in

your trusted safety network

Attendance Award Week 4

C12 93% Week 5

C16 93%

Congratulations to

Joel Kemp Jayden Baggao

Winners of our

Voluntary Contributions

Please like our new school ‘official’ business page to keep up to date with all current