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Bay madisson case

Marketing research

JANUARY 15, 2015Shekhar Saurabh biswal

Page 2: Bay Madison case



CASE FACTSEllis Company launched a product, Rill, a powdered cleanser in 1923. Rill was initially used

as a heavy duty cleansing agent for removing dirt and stains from porcelain, metal and

ceramic surfaces. This product had a unique bleaching property which eliminated the

necessity for scrubbing and it did not contain any abrasive material. In 1936, the company’s

research department developed and added an ingredient which imparted a light and fluffy

texture to textile products washed in a mild solution of Rill. Hence the company promoted

Rill both as a powdered cleanser and laundry wash water additive. 50% of the advertisements featured Rill

as powdered cleanser, 30% as laundry additive and 20% as dual purpose product. Rill was

distributed in three sizes as a concentrated solution. Rill sold well in its initial years but from

1970 the unit sales had declined due to competition. But the dollar volume over this period had

remained constant. One of the problems they were facing was whether to promote Rill as a cleanser,

laundry additive or a dual purpose product. They had the quantitative information like unit

sales, outlets, margins etc. and needed the qualitative information like consumer attitudes

toward the product, usage patterns and opinions on different product characteristics in order

to formulate the marketing and advertising strategies. Ellis Company decided to give the task

of conducting a thorough study on Rill to Bay Madison Inc., a large advertising agency.

Mr. George Roberts, who was the research director at Bay Madison Inc, had drawn up a

research proposal and forwarded it to six marketing research firms for detailed information

regarding the following:

An appraisal of the proposal and suggestions for any changes

A price quotation on the project as outlined and including any suggested changes

A brief description of the staff who would handle the project

Time required for preparation, implementation, tabulation and final presentation

Pilot testing suggested

Detailed explanation of suggested sample size

Information on the firm’s executive personnel, interviewing staff

Projects handled over the preceding two years

The research proposal consisted of the marketing problems, objective of proposed research,

broad suggestions regarding research methodology and a proposed questionnaire. For this

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purpose Bay Madison called in for research proposals from various firms. Out of all, three

research firms were short-listed and were asked to send in their proposals. The firms short-listed are as



1. National Research Associates Company

2. Progressive Research Group

3. H J Clifford Research


National Research Associates is one of the reputed and recognized leaders in the field

of Marketing Research in US. It has conducted almost 400 separate and varied research projects since its

establishment in1954.It has over 2 decades of rich experience, having highly qualified teams to work on the

research projects.


The company proposed to interview 2275 housewives on face to face basis and 600 in-depth

interviews. Face-to-Face interview would help in knowing the competitive position of RILL & In-depth

interviews would help to know the “reason why” RILL is in the present position by discovering the

attitudes, perceptions and feelings towards the product and its’ uses. Here the company has

undertaken three type of research:

1. Exploratory

2. Descriptive

3. Causal


In order to analyse the data collected through the interview various techniques were proposed toemploy:

1. The Personification Test: This method involves an attempt on the part of the respondent

to describe certain products in human terms and this would provide an opportunity for the

expression of attitudes and opinions.

2. The Thematic Apperception Test: It consists of presenting to the respondent an unstructured

drawing of a particular situation and asking him to “make up a story” of what is happening.

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3. Word Association Test: Here the respondents are asked to relate what comes to mind

when given a word or phrase is read to them.

4. The Semantic Differential Test: This method helps in providing insights and information

regarding to the perception of company and product attributes. In order to evaluate the

relative effectiveness of various merchandising, advertising stimuli and effectiveness of

the RILL package and label in comparison with those of major competitors many laboratory

studies were undertaken like:

Attention-getting test

Product recognition test

Brand identification test

Visibility and legibility test.

Memorability test

Apparent size test

Colour preference and association tests


According to the company the research would be done in 12 weeks’ time and the cost is estimated at $ 52000.


 Tactical – Very detailed


All research questions answered

Detailed description of the findings of the research


Began its operations in 1948, and is one of the oldest Marketing Research companies.

In order to prepare more economical, complete and detailed client reports the company possesses most

advanced computer equipment in the country and continuous improvements are being adopted.



A National sample of 750 home-makers in terms of region, socio-economic group, urban-

rural, and the like would be interviewed. The methodology would include interviewing with the

help of questionnaires and in order to make sure that the sequence and phrasing are of such a

nature as to be understandable, to get cooperation, and to obtain unbiased replies, a field test of 100

home-makers is proposed.

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The company is under the impression that two major uses of RILL may, in combinations,

affect the market negatively and women may think of it primarily in one sense or the other

and those who regard it as a cleanser may not be willing to use it as a laundry additive, or vice versa.


The company proposed a consumer study covering the major areas of behaviour and attitude including: 

Brand Personality and image for each of several cleansers & laundry additive products (including


Habit pattern on home cleaning and laundry additives (including products used)



Strategic – Not very detailed


Multi use product application not covered

Lack of detailed mention of the findings of the research

PROPOSAL 3: H J CLIFFORD RESEARCHOne of the most reputed firms. Most marketing executives regard this firm as the outstanding research

firm in the country. Roberts suspects if he has given enough data to expect a detailed plan

from the research firms. To complement his feeling, HJ Clifford being very professional,

does not give a detailed plan, instead says it needs more data, also that their way of working

involves continuous cooperation between the company, agency and the research firm. They

need to meet the company and get the exact details of what is required from the research, what is feasible

and what is not feasible with the company in perspective as their research could be strategy



Since the purpose of this research involves strategic change of the company’s product profile,

HJ Clifford expects to meet the client directly and get to know in more depth of their

requirements and the feasibility of the advice following completion of research. This

approach requires more time. From the case we know that the client wishes to arrive at a

decision quickly. Hence Bay Madison should try and buy some time from the client to get the

research plan, estimated time and cost from HJ Clifford. If the client is willing then the

proposal from National research will be kept on hold till the receipt of plan from HJ Clifford

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for later comparison and final decision. In case they are not willing to wait further for the

decision, Bay Madison should negotiate with National research to reduce the cost and to

remove unwanted parts included in the research plan sent by them.

PROPOSAL 4: CONSUMER PANELA consumer panel is an approach in which same group of respondents are contacted at periodical intervals

and data on actual purchase behaviour is collected to build time series data .The group is

representative of the population. Mr. Jacks initiative


Most economical alternative - $17000

Analysis cost - $9000

Data compilation cost - $2500

Mr. Jacks’ salary - $5000


We can only get the purchasing behaviour but predicting the usage of the product

cannot be done.

Lack of experience in research

Consumer panel data may not offer variety

Ambiguity in the case about the exact findings

Research capabilities of Bay-Madison Inc, an advertising agency


CRITERION SELECTION1. Answers all the research question2. Strict Time Constraint


1. If time is relaxed2. Cost is affordable

