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Basic VDF Soldier Skills

Professional Military EducationInitial Entry Training

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• VDF Pamphlet 350-2-1 Orientation Course

• VDF Enlisted Soldier Handbook


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• Alerting and Activation• Command and Control of VDF Forces• Movement of Troops• Traffic Control• Military Personnel Records Jacket (MPRJ)• Certification, Education and Training

Training Objectives

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Activation: The call to State Active Duty is authorized by the Governor. VDF personnel cannot perform the emergency duties called for in the VDF mission without State Active Duty orders subsequent to an executive order or proclamation by the Governor.

Alerting & Activation

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Local communities may request assistance based on orderly chain of events:

1. Need for emergency assistance that cannot be met by the jurisdiction's resources.

2. Request sent to Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM) at Virginia Emergency Operations Center (VEOC)

3. VEOC determine what state agency OR Emergency Support Function (ESF) will handle fulfilling request

Alerting & Activation

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• Neither the VDF nor the Virginia Army National Guard (VANG) are first responders

• VDF will not be called if an emergency can be resolved with normal community resources or with mutual aid or with state resources.

• VDF will be called for major emergencies that will continue over a period of time. Troops must be prepared to deal with extremely serious disaster conditions and to support themselves for days.

• VDF must be able to mobilize and deploy quickly.

Alerting & Activation

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Prior to activation each individual should:

• Brief family on can be called, for how long, and for what types of duty.

• Prepare family prepared to take care your absence.

• Update wills and ensure family know location of critical documents (insurance papers, property deeds, etc.)

• Execute power of attorney adequate to allow spouses or others to conduct basic affairs for up to 60 days.

Alerting & Activation

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ALERT 1: Alert One is an e-mail or telephone alert. Units will be asked to contact all of their personnel, determine who is available, and report strength to the next higher level.

• MRGs complete in 60 mins. and Regiments in 90 mins.

• Units may be instructed to put personnel on TELEPHONE STANDBY.

ALERT 2: Alert two is a response alert. Members report in uniform to where ordered, with vehicles and the basic load, ready for operations.

Alerting & Activation

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Emergency Deployment Readiness Exercise (EDRE):

Conducted at least once a year to exercise the alerting system. The EDRE itself will be a telephone ALERT ONE.

Operational Readiness Checks (ORCs):

Conducted for units on a random schedule, although each MRG and Regiment should expect an ORC at least once every two years. ORC’s test the ability of the unit to actually mobilize, proceed to a mission area, and perform a mission on which unit personnel have been trained.

Alerting & Activation

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Operational Control (OPCON):

During emergency, troops on SAD will be under the Operational Control of the Joint Operations Center (JOC) of the Virginia National Guard.

Tactical Control (TACON):

For individual mission tasks, troops may be assigned under the TACON of individual VANG units and staff elements.

Command & Control

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Small Emergencies:

• VANG may request activation of a small number of VDF personnel to support VANG operations.

• VDF National Guard Civil Support (NGCS) teams and/or individuals may be assigned under the TACON of a VANG commander in the field or at a VANG facility.

• VDF NGCS teams will be activated for duty at the JOC and the Virginia Emergency Operations Center (VEOC).

• Headquarters elements will not be activated.

Command & Control

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• Entire VDF may be called to State Active Duty.

• VDF can be called for up to 60 days of duty at one time.

• Units home stationed in a disaster area may or may not be called to serve as initial response units if those VDF members involved are/or may be severely impacted.

• VDF personnel will most probably be employed in rotation in during an extended period.

Command & Control

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VDF units must be able to MOVE in an orderly manner, arriving at the same time in the most efficient way.

• Vehicle Global Positioning System (GPS) are becoming more prevalent but should not be the only tool

• Basic Road Maps are provided by the Virginia Department of Transportation and are necessary back-up to GPS

• Route sketch or simple strip map may be provided

• Route selection is critical in an emergency considering blockages, closures, detours, and flow of traffic

Movement of Troops

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Pre-movement Vehicle Checks:

• Headlights, brake lights, turn signals all operational.

• Windshield wipers operational and fluid reservoir full.

• Tires in good condition and tire pressure good.

• Spare tire in good condition, jack and tools in vehicle.

• All fluids at proper levels (radiator, oil, transmission, etc.)

• Emergency equipment: flashlight, flares, reflectors, water, blanket, jumper cables, towing strap, first aid kit, etc.

Movement of Troops

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Small Unit Convoy Procedures:

• Mark all vehicles with distinctive VDF windshield placards

• Brief the route to everyone, plus rest and fuel stops

• First, last, and unit commander's vehicles must have radios.

• Vehicles depart in a set order and maintain this order

• Obey posted speed limits and traffic control devices.

• Adjust speed to allow the delayed vehicles to catch up.

• Transport crew of disabled vehicle

Movement of Troops

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• VDF personnel may perform traffic control, where directed, to control flow according to patterns established by authorities.

• Traffic control is hazardous, requiring a smoothly functioning team to maintain traffic flow.

• Traffic control is a function restricted by law to sworn law enforcement officers, and that VDF personnel only perform this function under supervision of law enforcement or when given special officer status.

Traffic Control

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• Smoothly moving traffic under existing signals has no need for traffic control

• Ensure you are visible by wearing a reflective safety vest, with flashlight with a traffic control wand and whistle

• Do not enter the flow of traffic unless it is absolutely necessary to control traffic.

• If possible, control traffic from the side of the road or the corners of the intersection, rather than positioning in the center of the street.

Traffic Control

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• Make your movements large, clear, and easy to understand, conforming to standards of Code of Virginia.

• Coordinate among the team working the intersection to ensure each knows how the traffic is supposed to flow

• Never make assumptions about what a driver is going to do and maintain eye contact

• Have directions ready. You will be asked where fuel, food, lodging are available and for directions on what route to follow. Know the answers so you can give short directions and keep the traffic flowing.

Traffic Control

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• Some people will run through closed road signs and go in whatever direction they want to. Stay out of their way.

• Do not try to stop a car with your body.

Traffic Control

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• Company Commander is responsible for opening and maintaining the MPRJ files for himself and all persons assigned to MTO positions in his unit.

• Each soldier should maintain his/her own file

• Upon transfer or attachment of an individual from one unit to another, the losing unit should forward all personnel records to the gaining unit.

Military Personnel Records Jacket

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• VDF Form 2-1R Personnel Qualification

• VDF Form 337-R Oath

• VDF Form 14-R Parental Consent

• VDF Form 428 VDF ID Card

• VDF Form ATEV Alternative Training or Extra Hours

• VDF Form 350-4-R Individual Record of Training

• VDF Appendix S Personnel Evaluation

• VDF Form 4856 Career Development Counseling

Military Personnel Records Jacket

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• GO/NO GO certifications

• Certificates required for promotion(Orientation, IIA, NCOLD, BNCOC, FEMA courses, etc.)

• Letters of Commendation Certificates

• Professional Certificates

• Prior Service (DD214, NG20, etc.)

• Civilian Education

• Military Education

Military Personnel Records Jacket

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Professional Military Education (PME):• Initial Entry Training (IET)• Primary Leadership Development Course (PLDC)• Basic Non-Commissioned Officer Course (BNCOC)• First Sergeant’s Course (FSC)• Advanced Non-Commissioned Officer Course (BNCOC)• Basic Officer Leadership Course (BOLC)• Staff Operations and Planning Course (SOPC)• Company Commanders Course (CoCC)

Ongoing Certification, Education and Training

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Military Occupation Specialty (MOS):

• Instructors Development Course (IDC)

• IMAT Certification

• MCP Certification

• STARS Certification

• SMSLT Certification

• HFRT Certification

Ongoing Certification, Education and Training

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Emergency Management Training:

• Basic: FEMA IS 100, 200, 700, 800

• Advanced: FEMA ICS 300, 400

• FEMA Professional Development: IS-120, IS-230, IS-235, IS-240, IS-241, IS-242, IS-244

• Basic and Advanced MEMS

Ongoing Certification, Education and Training

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• State Guard Association of the United States (SGAUS)

• Virginia Emergency Management Association (VEMA)

Ongoing Certification, Education and Training


Professional Military EducationInitial Entry Training
