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B A N T U wrs L F A R E T R U S T

Notice of meeting.

The meeting of the Bantu Welfare Trust will be held in the office of Lt. Colonel J« Donaldson D ,S ,0 . , at 11.30 a.m* on Friday the 9th January, 1948,


1* Apologies,

So Confirmation* of the minutes.

3. Matters arising from the minutes.

(a) Ophirton property,

(b) Training of African Surveyors,

(c) Council of Non-European Trade Unions - Report,

( d) Moroka School,

(e) Bantu Welfare Trading Trust,

(f) Haigh Pfowell - Physiotherapist,

(g) Apex Building Society.

(h) Rumphrey riajola,

(i) Survey of Domestic Servants (Mrs Noriskin's)

4, Applications for Assistance.

(a) Y, M. C. A, - for a grant*

(b) Margaret Leeke (Miss) - for a rant,

(c) Friends of Africa Society - for a grant.

(d) Transvaal African "eachere* Association - for grant,

(e) Tshekedi Khama (Chief) for a grant,

5* Art school for Africans - Reply from Achlmota College.

6, Employment Bureau in Orlando.

7, Bantu Lawn Tennis Union.

8 , Grant (Monthly) to Donaldson Orlando Community Centre.

9 o Gen eral*

I. Gh^ A ' <tu(> - ymci*

3 , ♦ olr^n^ "V l A*

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byI . D. du Plessis

(Price 1 /-)

It is said that Sjech Yussuf, a man

of great piety and culture, who came to the Cape in 169U as a political exile, was the founder cf the Muslim faith in

South Africa. 4

Prof. du Plessis’ "booklet is an app­reciation of M s followers' contribut­

ion to the life and tradition of Scuth Africa, more particularly as a study of l ife in that section of Cape Town which has come to ho known as the Malay


"Even now, though sadly fallen into neglect, the Quarter makes a strong appeal to anyone with an eye for "beauty in^ ouiidings. The rapid fall of tho ground hero, the stepping of tho roofs and stoops, with the Ticw of the city "b e l o w , tho sudden change in tho width of tho street, with the low terraced houses on the h*.xi heyend, makes a pic ture "beloved of artists for v/hem tho whole Q,uarter ha3 ho3n a favoured field

for subject-matter.rl

The pemphlct is a condensation of

Prof. du Plessis1 hook "The C^pe Malaya and appears in this Seri00 with^the con­sent of Messrs Maakevr Miller, Ltd.

'' B A N T U W E L F A RgE T R U S T


The meeting of the Bantu weif&re Trust will he held In the office of Lt. Colonel J.Donaldson D .S .O . at 11.00 a.m. on Friday the 30th January,1948.


1, Apologies.

Cor.^irraation of minutes.

3 , fa&ttera arising frota the mln ;tes.Ojtt

(&)• Training of African Surveyors/C.y 0|«PO ''(f'Wr'A

. u\ (b) Moroka Sbhoolw^

(c) Au*x Building Society.^*

(d ) Rumr.hrey MaJola.

(e) Grim do liursery school.

(f) Grant to Donaldson Orlando Com;.iunity Centre.

(g) Street collection.

(h) James Donaldson Award 1947. r fwi‘

(i) Kameelboom Agricultural Holdings./i\ V. A ^ £ 'f * ^ v W « - w


( a )V Yeni G .L .T . : for o loan to enable him to take lawstudies.

(b) / Japhtha Kokhachane: Thts is a cripple who auplles for assistance to enable him to learn a trade.

( o ) ^ MaBlko (Rev. P) for a grant towards school funds.

(d) Margaret Ballinger Home: for a grant towards their

building scheme. ;’•**

(e) Molktngoa C.R. for agtelfcAnce to enable him to .. publish k vernacular manuscripts.


6 . L-^-'PS 9F THANK3. •' * 8

7. RFPAYf-'HT OF LOANS. VLvl S % 'k j , ,

8 . GENERAL. , \ »


PRESENTLt. Colonel J.Donaldson P .3 .0 . (Chairman), Mr w.F.Hunter,Mr J.D.Rheinallt Jones, Mr P.R.Mosaka, Dr Ray PhillipsMr R .^ .S e l o p e Theme end Mr ^ulnt n Hhyte.

In t ‘ >nr'{.ncfi : Mr J.H.Altmtn end. the A*si*ta«rt Beo^^t^ry.

APOLOGIASTh<* Rt. Hon. J.H.Hofm«*yr, Mr G.H.H.Edmunds and Dr A.B.Xuraa.


Tho minutes of the meetings held or the 7th November andthe 5th rfct-u'bf*r,te^e confirmed.

2. MAKERS ARISING- F:- ■■ V.'l.

(a) Ouhtrton ^rpoerty:- Hr Hunter reported that the Governor Oerter ai ht>d given his ^on^ent **or- the Vrenafer or the oroperty sn-i that the n^potifctions for th*» trahtfer vrere prooeadtng MK>i)thly. The Glfeir*i%n *s Sated that at* soon kb the ourch&aa price of the r>r»|>*T*iy ■&« ?>aln, e.r,r-e<.mreiiienr,s for the Gi/i.i motion cl’ rent bhc.uld Oe raad»..

(b) Training; of African Surveyors: Reported that the Secretary of the Institute of Ijmd Surveyors had stated that the letter fl-om the Trust was receiving*tt*»ntion, m d , further, that they had not yet receiver a reply fron: t^s University of the ^it^aters- i’ r»d.


1 '''' ..... Council of Non-EuT»onea.nK Trad* Unlons:->?$einaTT? fon "s reported on the T*etlnr?B h«tween

th* of the Hantu Welfare Trust vlththe ui amber a of the ’'Vf.nsnsl Council of 'ion-European Trade UnlrMe rmd the Council ef African T'rr»de Unions*

e&id •*•*■, » MeT.h er?t of th- ’" r ^ i r 1 Cornell of Non— '•Qt) n Trad0, ITlitCfrt'S h 'S ptg t ».* that rv- ereor,l **1 trant

Unions had broker »wpv t'ley rot 1 ven*" j s’tftt’jy * tl,in .*»'>■■ **r*«■*•> n** * i » —-.-I -*;*he t they

hfp rj T.-Tft ♦>?’’ ^ 1T'r» ’ i T* ^ * e < i i •' t*' r ^ e ■'ocr f '*>*-> r>

. t • •• ' ■ • - - — C 'c v ir e l .2 * ■. •• *■•■ * -»d t h e

;),»’h«v* : of r.!'e o1 3 '1 h - rt,nt e»nd'*rwr*» t’ i MV---V eons^unlsts had eoriF<jnir«t sympathies.An a ttr-cipt had h^eu nia fe hy the Te^hni rv-1 *.-‘*rl«ory Coraitiitt ' tc 7 ’ :r- to reconcile the t^o bodieshut it h i T h e y -di not brook interference

••*• .... •. Jvnee further gtstfd th«tVie ne* Council had .’anied that the pr-Mt ha-* been

caused by ideological diff«r"?nr*»»5 tv.»stallnites «>n the one Vumd a* •* *■ •'*■ theother. On the contrary, ther* v>- ' . » ir.r fueling of diesatiafacti m -»! *v ot tneCouncil Affairs, and, since the formation of the new Counoll which has twenty-three Unions, thev eln»ady v- ' helpful discus si ns «»ith government officials and members of the Chamber If Industries. The reoort was adopted, and, follosing a discussion in ^'hich Mr Mosftka mt lntained that it ^ould be inonportune at this stage to su.;g<“st to the new Council that the Trust was considering their anolication, the following recommendstions of the sub-committee ^ere adooted:-

That:(1) The Trust discontinue Its grants to the Transvaal Council of Non-European Trade Unions on the gr unds:

(a) Failure* to render satisfactory reports.(b) The failure of the Unions to do their share

in financing the Council*

(2) No grant be given to the new Council.

(3) Both Councils should be told that the Trust is prepared to consider applications from help from them when they can show that the Unions are doing their be6t to support one Council or other.

( d) Soroka School:- The Secretaries reported that they ha hed been informed by the Chief Inspector of Native Education that the Trust’ s o^fer of £10,000 was under considerati n by the Provincial Education authorities, and he did not think that there would be any difficulty in the way of its being accepted. This was noted, and Dr Phillips stated that he had received a letter from th« Manager of the Johannes­burg Non-European Affairs Department Informing the Trust that the school which was being built of breeze blocks, was about to be completed, and asking if the Trust nould consider making a further grant of £750 to enable them to add a veranda and a celling to the building.

VS WAS DECIDED:not to make a further grant.

(©) Bantu Welfare Trading Trust:- Mr Rheincllt Jonesstated that he had discussed with Mr Carr, Assistant Manager of the Non-Euronean Affairs Department, certain queries which Mr Venables had raised in connection with the claused in the constitution relating to trading and building. He had explained that it was the intention of the Trust,in the event of the C .O .T .T .scheme failing and of the Johannes­burg municipality deciding to close the Orlando Vocf tlonal school, to train Africans to build their own homes on leasehold property is hoped, will be wet aside for African occupation in the future.Mr C$>rr had accepted the explanation and requested that the Trust should write and confirm the conversation. The memorandum wsjs e ■’opted and the sub-committee appointed to drsft it *a 6 Instructed with the scheme envisaged in the constitution, making recomrrendfctlons so to the source of the initial revenue of the company.

Physiotherapy for Africans:- The Secretaries reported that both Doctors tfolema and Xuma as well as the Secretary of the Society of Physiotherapists had advised against meking a loan to Mr Haigh Howell.

IT WAS AGREED:not to make a loan.

<g) Anex Build ins Society:-Mr Rhelnallt Jones reported that he and Mr Edmunds had agreed that in view of the intention of the Trust to establish a Public Utility Comoany which, among other things,contem­plated assisting Africans to build their own homes the Trust should not grant a loan to the Apex Building Society.

: IT WAS AGREED:not to make a loan.

(h) Rumphrey Ma.)ola:-Thls was an application for a loan of £50 to enable him to start a coal business In Dundee. The Secretaries stated that they had received a letter from the Additional Magistrate at Dannhausersupporting Mr 1'ejola's application.

IT WAS aghsbd ;to make a loan of £50.

(i) Survey of Domestic workers(Mrs Koriakins): The Secretaries stated that' this report had been circulatedto all the Trustees and,

IT WAS AGREED:that the survey should be recommended to the Institute of Race Relations to follow up.


(a) Y ^ .C .A .:- for a grant of £500 towards their African work.

IT WAS DECIDED:that as the report ofl the Non-Europeay work of the Association was not lmpr' ive. they should be advised to appl7 again after three months and subml' another report.

(b) Orlando Nursery School;- for a grant to enable committee running this school to build quarters their staff at Orlando.

IT WAS DECIDED:to hold over this application and for a rtoort.

(c) friends of Africa Sueiety: -for the renewal of the £ lO O .^ant which they had received last year.

IT WAS DECIDED:to make r. arant of £100.

(d) ^ransveal African Teachers* Association:-for & sub­sidy on their new members enrolled in 1947.

IT WAS DECIDED:to ssk them for a report Indicating^ their membership Increase during MM laet t^o yesr?.

(e) Khamg Tshekedl ( C h i e f for a grant towards theDull ding" fund's of the Brcr.ngvrato Tribal school.


IT WAS AGREED! ' vtc mfake a grant of £500 and to reconslde

■ -C'v' the application art> 1 n later.""


The Secretaries reported that they had received a reply from the Principal of Achimota College Inform­ing them that they were at present unable to admitUnion Students to their college.

. . IT "'AS DEEIDED:thfet the Secretaries should write to M&kerereCollege Nyaaaland and to CyreneS.Rhodesia.


On the recommendation of the Secretaries. It was decldto re iUest to “tFie Board of Management of the Donaldson Orlando Community Centre, to consider tlhe possibility of opening a Juvenile Affairs Board In connection *'-lth the Centre.

3. A. B. Lawn Tennlr Union.

The Secretaries stated that they had been asked by the Treasurers whether they should pay to the S.A.B. L&vn Tennis Union, the £200 rhloh Dr Phil lips and Ur Rhelnellt Jones had recommended* T^ey f«»lt that unless the Union could ot>en a banking account the checu° should not he rjaifl out. Dr Phillips stated that as t a t -.i llcatio10. *ad stated the puroosefor *M ch ths fund wa? n;oing to he u-?ed, It '"oulr’ be b#r<! not- ptj ‘hr ofor ,-je.

XT WAS AGREED:the f'he up to Dr Phi11 I d s end

to fc sk him to a drain 1«-• ter tfte fund untilthe nis Dili oft Ka s onened a banking

CtRAI»T TO DOh,-,LJ>Swi-: CKLftl-yO Ci 'x C A W «,

Th*1 tecractritf eta cadtbat the Treasurers hfcu &dvlsed th.r 3ar»tu Welfare Trust to have it minuted that of tY* ^rant raade in 1P<!7 to the Donflcson Orlando Community Centre, Sir hundred uound3 (£000) V&d been

«<et aside for furniture anr equipment. They had al^o r^eoT.t.en^ed that any grsrts n»de tp the Centre in * r® fu ture, sfco&ld nr for a ye## rr?ly.

IT w'ft.S D2CIDR&JThat, i>\ y tJh ii i ip g anould njaWe_

^ecom^endat.tons at th» n~»rt meeting1 of t,he Tru st r boijt the f inancls'i

recui.-r-eTier.ty of*" fee ' Centre' af" reflected

A r-2F* S " T " 1 ' ' : r " s tes . ” *

srhuhbt nou&n*!*

T“ * f;h i.y?u:f(.r v«s+~*:* tv*-1 4 >« '"'ru*'* e?vr.%; '»;<■* consider the 11 1 f >11 i 1 y r' ** hf.l -:■» * *•«*»• t r ” 1 * c p t * r e crT h «: *■ ,

I S :

t c hi >vf' - v r ?lS1 f * f1* ••» r> «ytr^e>l*5 *.

:rRAr’ SCHOOLS FCg ! - ? ° r ' ?-

The Chrtr-.rr. : 3 t «dlstt facilities existedfor the trkirUife of Africans In the t w * * . »*d Vr Rheinallt Jcnss stated that the rp,T<>T,T!t,:':'r,t ,*'ee traini! -ng 400 Africans at Kingvil'*?■»"**■» * -thr^ston had been made lr. the constltv t : . of * urOT&gv'wd Bantu welfare Trading Tru^t, f*f t**« t r ; of A fricans .



The Chflrman stated that the treasurers should be requested to submit a monthly st;>tement reflecting the value of the shares In the Sur>er Concrete Conmany Ltd.



ThlH was an application for a grant towards tne F'unds of the Literacy Experiment of the Institute of Rrce Relations. After a die cu^sion in which certain members felt that the eynerimpnt should have bf»en shoving retultF by nov»,

T t was TM &vm :To hold this application in abeyance until the" next meeting when the' Trusteei shall have had time to read the report on the r.roKress made.

13. TAM BO 0.

*rhc Trer«ufrers report*'? that Mr Titnbo had submitted his gur^ti^s and they seamed satis^ectory.

IT WA$ DRG1 T>?CT>2to make a loan of £b!i-0 to ;.jp ^i.mho.

14. V i J1 vU Lu iij.

lil* hunt or S'U ~2 c that clifi aitpule of the VeruJuiB f’rc'Sfi ’ 1 th ©ie t si' the orouerty ,/fhich they Ter* pure-i, hi...£ b er. settl-d *njioabXy, an* the negotiations for the* tr«r.» 1'*r ‘ ere going through. The Treasurers rere e x p ^ t in g the oroprietore of the

Pr»sfi to :aakff their w yn>*rts of “he loan soon.

This w»g noted

15. JAldga DON/ j.nijOrj tv; ARP LC4? .

The 3eer«5tttrlet stated that they hafi adverTlsed the Award again, and had received only one aore recommen­ds tiorj in respon".e. Thi‘.> had "ought the number of"«.co:ir; ririfiti ons received to five.

■ I r ” ■ S ....;.; - |Sjto - ■ • r> the nonatr>« tl ytg at t - £ n*1 1 jnee til n g;. ** ........ ~ — v

L v n :fo OF ,?j AvitCa

& e I *(■ “S o.i ‘r;*-.-; t *>e ' >.» t1 aw m g;

(a) 1 - -V#-! ic-v-n /.-jy titution.i 0/ H:-.\r. o.ti. •roa for* i.;i« ,»anI to the

**»«»* el* oar Agricultural Holdings,

Th^ese v/ere note(

The fo ' •». . •-> left over for the r.»rt meeting:

Reoayoent of Lcen*.

This concluded the busln-ss.

J M .S UWNAU.i>OH -W/iRt; lyH >

1, 4ffl£ F .H . RE GO ;;ND D BY: B .<Au .frloan Tsaohere Union, Port SlizabetK.reecber for ye!;r3 during hioh period be organis 'd aever?.! f^iich^rs &&eociatlons and beoar.u flrs$ ri»or«t«ry of the J?Ve ration of .ifric&rj i ■ 3ri‘>re.

He was U 30 interested ir. sports and h*Xd p. - ti rildent tc several »ports er^&ni sat Ions.

,;e '‘us s: s gporulttle fo** cie >udin# of several hoarding so bools in ?v :'V . . '•> i't'ji the howell Hi, h ticbool for Africans and

'I'j H- '! ••'/• » for coloured ad .-frloan children, her ' ' - ■ <> ■ r, a aooial rork«i‘ and orocpter .of clinics in the

* »**««* and in r slather of the1B*trt»l«dorp area und»r tk« Pors iiU.ttaoftta 'iHv.1, sionsl Couneil eagaged is * romotlng better hOtlsl»g AUd a ’.u>: fiv

2, UABAi frOTLF. 31?|ryv^Y’

-r. by* i;b« Ssaftafitf' ui rjC‘u - E . c . r c *»f-ivXt.u 5s. -ivUory Board

..-Hi''&?►. i v' -jiMfr % * * &"fy' ? lit and has * - - . - • • . -.w •. : ;, »J i. i ..I i . . i ; .H'iifc tlcH» roll

—s. i c ! . i , . iv .• C ,,. . f?« y> •■.. t V.- til* s i upervisorai to. ^ Lt .a i i .. :•! i d . li-.: .*«£* taken ak,ees 3ht? rf; s,». Jn t>i Itrift *a;? hit j-’/ic <lo:.« has saved,br>. t eijeoo -»r/ S#® Jr.Jjr le.: r. Jt-r t fit *•*#♦ !i &a« always worked for n e )a ] r •••(*.;• «rs t4t -r. ■ 2 n i :v c-' t »8 O' ' 'u. b .:oiui, Council,tic startle ac IU ^dtf's*6i ?"••»»:.<• *ocU i ciJi gcoefaily and *&a inrt t#*l »,k ng eU;ht tJhiiirdi* to fu4 d«a.f nnd dumbschoG.1 svt C&.pe 'TdflSi,He ha& :m ; i?tf.- r ‘ ■ .■•>,* ' Iweujpllal conditions

y &ad in V- .' w i?ar fiect H o t ^ l •. op i, •■ fund# forv ths hoepit&l. r-r.r-iiij., the *sr fii< ; - 'v ■ • ■ ■■ • .-.1 :d •-. c ,Idlers’

olub »ftd often got up early in the Mori;lr;g te r.Ke the oof fee ‘ulasvif. He hi** be*ri a mediu**? of the Fu-j-nivills «5.vicory Esard for 15 year* and la held in hi"h »-jt^«n by boi-.h the African and the -.uT-oper.n com^.ur.itj«s.

3 . Nd^'ga •. a i •.,. v q .

*»cowmet! d" •'•' by i Mr .J. h, n>.nls«, i>srowe>

»orn in loo5 he ass b#*n « Cbr uti%u for tc: y«»rs. He hf.s w^en• #irtsti.\n vori[»r tad -it Mro-v- *:>ie fjara\”. n» to for y«*ri,He ip, ytil’. t ^u*eac:'.*** te-dsy, active JhrlstlaR Rprk.

K.r.Heeoiafi? <2ea by j J . J . ?l .

Since l>OiS to ^ftte he has be^r: first clerk to the Swaziland Ad’aini «.trs ti,!>n. ^urs.rt«ra, and w.vt$ awarded the ^ln^'a medal for ?-ritoT>1*tt6 s-rvJ.c«t i’roc 1910 - 15 he t?s« bbon-ttti y of the African Kcadlag Club founded by SI shoo C.C.Watts. He wk*» iJLso Seoret^ry of the V,ad /nntbal 1 Club Association.H«» s!Uo formed a rr.rtle voice choir in 1910 and. r»>uaiacd its conductor nvtil 1920,In 1912 h*» heeawe th» Secretary of the B&ntii Inv«stn»eiit Cooperative Boeietv urtil the dep rt-tre of Mr Purest* the fienfader In 1?^9, Since

ha hcs “ii.'in userstsry of the Swaziland Protfv^psiv*' Assoole*.tlon i-.tid ia molding ’;his cost today. Hi was ilao Secretary of the jasundusia Hall Social C^ntve and founder of she Mbabane African

?©’onis club. In 1^3^ he v ■? eoretary of ths sunduza Stand Holder As3oelttir.R ;„r.r? Afriasvr. Swaziland Oy.ukana Club, lie is a preacher, soole.1 *-6fnvi:;*rt scholar /rid/ of r>marksbl* knowledge and ability.


m m t l

- 2 - y- v '

KUi'/vLC J / ■ s:" " ■ ■"■■■ ■ - -

Recommenced by} Ui- Horace E.Bafcb.

He has been ir the service of fir iiorace B&:b for 33 years and has been an honest, faithful and praiseworthy aervant. I5a la a ‘leacon snd a worker for the welfare of the African community.

'" • X\5j? - r ' *V *•$, 'T:' > ■ ■■. zm ar>- V- ' is ,¥\-v ■

SM8§rfc&*s$m>t- ®'■ --------------------

• :tW.

V'"--' v i *i- - v V ^ . 1? £ ';•• * •• ;v. .;•• ft .;-. .V" .vi‘" is***"

■ - - ’-i • .,

•■» >V- ' * l , I .. • •■••■' • 5-.. \- J • :i v v - • ' ' •'' ■'■'■ *. .

- f ■'\ V!V«; p! :•■•-/ ;,>• .>;t:**-t }>*:( ", S <


5 » i S

J V \ . B A N T U W E L F A R E T R U S T(y ■ - -t--------------------------

/ Notice of meeting

/ The next meeting of the Bantu Welfare Trust will be held in the office of Lt. Colonel J.Donaldson D .3 .0 . A.B.C.Chambers Johannesburg at 3 .p.m. on Friday the 5th March,1948.





(a) Training of African Surveyors.

(b) Moroka School.

(c) Orlando Nursery school.

(d) Financial position of Trust & Renort on Super Concrete by Mr Edmunds.

A ( e) r re ret Baliinsrer Home.

(f) Repayment of Loans - Dr Vilakazl's loan.


(a) iVendl Memorial Scholarship Fund Committee.

(b) A. A. Matlare:- for a loan to enable him to take law.

(c) j-. Pitje for a loan to enable him to oay for the typing of his thesis.

( d) Printing of digests of Government reports.

5 . J . L . Vaba za : 1oa n .

6. Snrlngbok Legion:- review of grant.

£ ?. A. fc;. E. Church for a s-rmt to enable them to send a dele ateto ; church conference in America.

8. Review of the policy of the Trust.

S. Report on Mr M. S. Toni.

10. Applications dealt with by Secretary

i Mr Benia ¥feka.

(b) 5Jr W. -..selek u

11. Adam's College.

IS. African Contracts.

13. Conditions of service of Assistant Secretary

14. General.



PRESENT iLt. Colonel J. Donald son D. 3 .0 . (Chairman), Mr W.F. Hunter,Mr P. R. Mosaka, Dr Ray Phillips, and Mr Quintin Whyte.

In attendance: Mr J.R.Altman and the Assistant Secretary.

APOLOGIASThe Rt. Hon. J.H.Hofmeyr, Mr G.H.R.Edmunds, Mr J.D.Rheinallt Jones, and Mr R.V.Selope Thema.


The minutes of the meeting held on the 9th January19*Vg, having b*en circulated, were taken as read and were confirmed.


(a) Training of African surveyors: Reporeted that no replies had been received yet from the Wltwatersrand University and the Institute of Land Surveyors.


(b) Moroka school: The Secretaries reported that the Manager of the Johannesburg Non-European Affairs Department had written to inform the Trust that the school which is being hallt of breeze blocks at Jabavu was thoroughly per­manent and that good use was being made of the Trust's grant for building it*

This was noted.

IT WAS DECIDED:not to make any further grant.

(o) Apex Building Society: The Secretaries reported that Mr Donaldson, Manager of the Apex Building Society had written and pointed out that he had not asked the Trust for a loan,but had Requested the Trust to buy shares from the company.

IT WAS DECIDED:not to depart from the deolslon of the previous m eetin g ^—— —— .

(d) Rumphrey idajola: The Secretaries reported that they had be n advised by the Additional Magistrate at Dannhauser that the oheque for Mr Majola should be paid to him direct in Johannesburg as Mr Majola had now abandoned the idea of obtaining a General Dealer's Licence and wished to purchase a horse and a trolley.for hawking coal.

IT WAS AGREED:to ac ept the advice of the Additional Magistr­ate.

(e) Orlando Nursery School: The Secretaries reported that they had received a statement of the finances of the Orlando Nursery School which showed that they had set aside £800 for the building, estimated at £2000, and had to find the balance of £1200.


to ascertain if the Nursery school committee was likely to receive a subsidy from the gover­nment for the school-! ---

( f ) Grant to Donaldson Orlando Community Centre: Dr Phillips reported that the Board of Management of the Donaldson Orlando

Community Centre had budgeted for a working defioit of £953* Government was going to contribute 50^ of this sum, and they had tof flngf the balance of £476/10/-. They were th refore requesting the Bantu welfare Trust for £50 a month for current expenses for the ensuing year. He further stated that they would require an additional sum of £2000 for furnishing and equiping the new buil­ding as soon as it was completed.

IT WAS AGREED:to adopt Dr Phillips* recomrrendatlon that the Bantu Welfare Trust should provide for the payment of £600 towards the current expenses of the Donaldson Orlando Community Centre* for the ensuing year at the rate of £50 monthly.

The Chairman stated that as the sum available for furniture and equipment for the Centre, was inadequate, the Trust would have to appeal to the public for additional funds.

This was noted

(g) Street Collection: Upon the Chairman suggesting that the Bantu Welfare Trust should organise a street collection to augment Its funds, Dr Phillips pointed out that the Trust was was not registered as a charitable Institution and could there­fore not aold a street collection. He proposed that the idea should be passed on to the Board of Management of the Donaldson Orlando Community Centre.

IT WAS AGREED:to adopt Dr Phil U p s 1 proposal.

(h} James Donaldson Award for lg47_; The Secretaries submitted five recommendations for the 194? James Don Idson Award, namely:

Mr Fairbridge Hansen Zwide.

Mr Laban Motlhabi.

Mr Ncakga Seakgano.

Mr F. F. Sepamla.

Mr James Kumalo.

The recommendations were scrutinised, and, on the motion of Mr Mosaka seconded by Dr Phillips,

IT WAS a g r e e d :that the Award for 1947 be made to Mr Falrbridge Hansen Zwlde of Port Elizabeth, and that the Award be raised to £lX>

(i ) Kameelboom Agricultural Holdings: The Secretaries reported that the Secretary of the Transvaal Provincial Education Depart­ment had advised them to refer the request to administer the £200 grant to the Kameelboom Agricultural Holdings to the Circuit Inspector, Mr Jansen and that the Executive Committee had decided to assist Native Communities to build schools by making them a subsidy on a $ for £ basis.

This was noted

(j ) Literacy Experiment:- The Secretaries stated that this

application had been held over from the previous meeting to enable the Trustees to read the report whioh had been submitted with it. After a discussion in which the opinion was reiterated that the experiment should be ehowing results already,

IT WAS AUR£ DSthat the Trust should make a grant of £500 and ask for a report to be submitted in six monrhs time when the Trust will consider financing the publication of the material available.

Mr Quintln Whyte stated that It was hoped that the Council of Adult Education would second an officer to organise the Literacy campaign before the literature was ready as this was highly necessary, ?

This was noted

(k) Super Concrete Ltd:- Mr Hunter reported that as no balanoe sheet had yet been prepared by the company, the valuation of this company’s shares would not be of any practical value. Mr Edmunds and Mr E.J.Donaldson had taken and were taking very aotlve steps to bring the company to a dividend paying stage and Industrial efficiency experts were being employed with this end In view.A full report would be made by Mr Edmunds at the next meeting when an audited balance sheet would be available.

This was noted


(a) Yenl (Mr) G .L .T j- for a loan to enable him to take law. The Secretaries reported that they had written to ask him for testimonials and sureties.

This wag noted

(b) Japhtha Mokhachane:- or assistance to enable Japhtha who is a cripple, to go to an Industrial school,

IT WAS DECIDED:to refer this matter to the Cripples Care Assoclatlo

(c) Maslko(Rev) P: - for a grant towards his school funds.

IT WAS DECIDED:not to make a grant.

(d) Margaret Ballla. er Home:- for a grant towards their building Funds,

IT WAS DECIDED:that hlv Q.ulntln Whyte. Mr Moaaka and the Assistant Secretary should visit the Home and submit a report at the next meeting.

(e) Molkangoa (Mr) C.R;- The Secretaries reported that they had referred this application for assistance to publish vernacular manuscripts, to Doctor Kerr,

This was noted


Dr Phlllipa reported that the Assistant Secretary had referred to him a letter from the Electricity Department of the City of Johannesburg asking for immediate payment of a deposit of £110 agaiBBt the coat of extending the electrical mains to the Community Centre.As the members of the Board of Trustees were away, he had obtained a cheque from the Treasurers and paid the Department. He had also aocepted the conditions of the extension on behalf of the Board of Trustees,

IT wA AGBEED:to conferf,t the action of Dr Phillips.

THE Assistant Secretary reported further that the consent of the Adrainlstratot-in-Executive Committee had been given gor th® Johannesburg City Council's grant of £10,000 towards the capital costs of the Donaldson Orlando Community Centre.

This was noted


The Assistant Secretary stated that according to records, the Trust had made a loan of £200 to the late Dr Vilakazi for the publication of a Zulu manuscript. As thia loan aas made on the understanding that lt would be recovered from the sales of the book, the Trust had to decide what should be done about it .

IT WAS d e c id e d :that the Assistant Secretary should make Inquiries and report at the next tin&.


The Assistant Secretary stated that he had received a report on the Natal Bantu Cooperative Society. Mr Allan who had prepared the report on behalf of the Trust, stated that while he thought that the Society was supplying a useful service, he did not think it required financial assistance, and thia view was shared by Mr Graham. He suggest®# that the Trust might assist by paying rent for additional premises should this become necessary, or by acting aa guarantor of rentala for premises should this be of assistance in obtaining a lease under suitable conditions.

IT WAS AGREED!not to make a grant

7. JiATLHAF.g A mrL a ^a .

This was an application for a loan to enable Mr Matlhare to eatabliah a business for himself.

IT WAS D5-CIDL D:not to make a loan.


On the propoaal of the Chairman,

IT WAS AGREED:that the Treasurers should be requested to prepare a complete statement of tne finances of Colonel Donaldson do aa to enable the Trustees to get a cleafpTf what they are entitled to from the e stave.

Collection Number: AD1715


PUBLISHER: Collection Funder:- Atlantic Philanthropies Foundation

Publisher:- Historical Papers Research Archive

Location:- Johannesburg



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