Page 1: Balance,Gait, Posture, Back Comfort

Balance Gait Louise Stiedle Hayes, Ph.D.

7934 Turauoise 281-787-2451


Streriythen vestibuiar system — eyes, ears, muscles, joints, posture.

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Change feedback

Strengthen core muscles Stand on one foot, be safe Bridge position

Crosswalk statements ' ' I am balanced. Yes I am.'' "My balance is great. Yes, it is." " I stand tali. Yes, I do." " I move easily and safely."

Learn to get up from a fall Strengthen arm and leg muscles

in bed, chair, standing Practice when you have help


Position weaker foot — press down bed, chair, or standing

Maintain security touch Stand on both feet evenly Alternate weight on each foot, hold

for brain orocessino time Side walk Forward walk Walk with hands on your own legs

Free presentations to schools, churches, and nonprofit groups.

Posture Back Comfort

second office I-45N @ 1960 W


Plumb posture: head, shoulders, hips, and feet in alignment

Hold your hands on your upper thighs for a moment to stabilize body.

To pick up something bend knees, keep trunk of body plumb, support weight with hands or elbows on knees.

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chair on the legs, keep trunk plumb, lower your seat to the chair by 'walking' your hands down your thighs toward the knees as you bend your knees, sit, scoot back for comfort.

To get up from seated position, scoot forward to edge of chair then reverse the sit down directions.

Back Comfort

stand against the wall, bend the knees if necessary for the shoulders to touch the wall. If no wall, bend the knees for a 'plumb' trunk. Talk to your brain (See and feel muscles relaxing, letting go, smoothing out.) Breathe slowly.

Inuiviuuai consultations available.

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Grow Your Brain and Keep It Alive Louise l-layes, Ph.D. 281-787-2451 Individual sessions available $45 an hour.

Free presentations for churches, schools, and nonprofits. [email protected]

Brain grows new ceils Each cell has 10,000 connections Brain - Mind - Body Brushing the brain

Development of brain

One cell divides and differentiates within a strict timeline

Stress causes gaps to occur, but can be bridged

Direct the growth of new connections with Movement-Touch-Intention

Right brain (picture, comprehension, gestalt) Left brain (words, logic, order, sequence) Crosswalk (alternately connect your hand to your opposite leg) Crosswalk statements for Att itude Adjustment

My brain is growing, NOW. I'm happy and healthy and wise. I feel great. Yes, I do. I am balanced. Yes, I am.

Connect for focus with Eye-Hand Tracking , each eye, 10 circles top = comprehension, bottom = detail, sides = total picture

Reorganizing the brain for more efficient function Same-Opposite-Same movement Do ordinary things in a different way

Getting oxygen to the brain to keep it alive and growing Exhale, then inhale Sing, whistle, laugh, exercise

Stop Stress Damage Power of words Negative arrows Take control of your perception of what is happening

The more you do — the better you are!

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Comments after using Brain Growth and Repair Techniques 281-787-2451

"Thanks for teaching me how to get up from my chair without causing my hip to 'catch' and feel so painful. I don't limp as I walk anymore." Individual client.

"One of my great joys today was the feeling I had when I raised my rib cage and head then breathed deeply. I t came easier and lasted longer. Thank KOI////" recovering scoliosis client.

" I brought my daughter to see you when she was eleven, she is now in college and doing very well, thanks to what you taught us, " workshop participant.

"I will be 91 years old next week, and since I have been using the breathing, brushing, and other techniques you teach, I have cut my blood pressure medicine in half (OKed by Dr.), and do not have to use my cane for walking any more," excited and regular workshop participant.

"Thank you for getting my legs to be the same length. That hasn't happened in a long time. I t has made me feel as if I am walking on air." During an individual session.

" I met a woman at the Y and she told me about her 'floaters' disappearing. She told me that she thought it was the 'brushing' she had learned in your Brain workshop. She was surprised and pleased."

"This presentation on Brain Growth and Repair has been a life-changing experience. I want to thank you for sharing this information."

"For such a long time I thought I was mentally retarded because I was having such a hard time in school. A psychiatrist finally told me I was not mentally retarded, and now you have given me some ways I can help myself become a better learner. Thank you so much for the Brain Growth yNorkshop."

"This workshop on Brain Growth has been the most valuable time I have ever experienced. Thank you so much."

"While I waited in the doctor's office, I practiced deep breathing (the complete exhaling then relax and let the oxygen rich air come in). The doctor was surprised to note that my blood pressure had greatly improved." workshop participant

" I appreciate the gentle method that you used to get my head to move further than I thought it would ever go again." client with 10 year history of scoliosis.

"When I arrived at your workshop, I had stuffy sinuses and when I left they were clear. I think the brushing did it. Thanks,"

"Since I have been crosswalking my math facts, the answer just pops up in my brain when I need it." 3rd grade tutoring student

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"Since I have been using the Brain Growth and Repair techniques taught in your workshops, I no longer experience the beginning Alzheimer symptoms which had been a concern to me." workshop participant.

"My husband now enjoys reading for pleasure instead of forcing the very necessary reading for his business. I t used to be torture for him. He got through college having his books read to him because of dyslexia. He can also now write his own fax message with good spelling. Thank you." private client.

"My balance is great again. I no longer have to use a cane for walking since I have been 'brushing' my brain. Everyone is amazed." a workshop participant

" I can walk backward now. I haven't been able to do that since my stroke. Now my husband and I can go dancing again." workshop participant."

" I can lift my recovery arm three times as high after you worked with me to communicate to my brain to release the holding muscle. I t took just a few minutes, using touch, energy, and imagery," a volunteer participant in a Brain ^Ciga/r workshop.

" I can feel the touching in my hand and I haven't felt anything there since my stroke," participant in Brain /?e^a/rworkshop as she did the 'sawing of the fingers'.

"My floaters disappeared after I did some of the brushing my eyes and my brain," reported at workshop.

"My wife is now picking up her recovery leg and placing her foot firmly on the bottom of the pool as she walks forward, holding to my hands for security," husband of stroke recovery person during private session.

"My arm is no longer 'glued to my side' as it has been since my accident 30 years ago. My brain released it with just a few minutes of the touching and movement of your hand." client

" I had a headache when I came to the workshop, but after brushing my eyes/brain for a few minutes, it is gone."

" I was dreading going to my high school reunion, but after I crosswalked the statements you suggested, I had a wonderful time." Workshop participant

" I had been a 'blood to the quick' nail-biter until I crosswalked some of the statements you suggested. Now, just look — beautiful and long."
