
Backlink Building Services that Still Work in 2014Since Google has introduced PANDA and PENGUIN algorithms in its search engine, link building has experienced a significant turn. Many online business managers have turned into despair because they were ought to provide higher quality content and less spamming. A few years ago many people could make easy money online by simply spinning other articles and providing low quality links. Since the recent development of search engines, backlink building has become an intense activity that requires effort and commitment from the online business owners. PANDA algorithm was introduced to verify the content of pages while PENGUIN algorithm is supposed to sort out any unnatural links. Hence, the latest filters of search engines are based on relevance and natural traffic. So, backlink building is not dead but has become more complex and consumer-oriented. Here are some tips about how you should handle this activity by the new rules. Social network pages are a must in todays internet marketing. They provide you an easier way to access your audience and also your business will be more easily spotted by search engines. Replace automatic link building with high quality link-building strategies that will serve you by avoiding any unnatural link notices in Google Webmaster Tools. It is more recommended that you deal with this activity rather than outsourcing it. If its about outsourcing, do it for citations. These are very well documented statements that correspond, describe and are part of your pages content. There are many online citation providers that can help you with high-quality often researched citations, perfectly related to your niche. Create original and real press releases. Everything being about quality rather than quantity today, a good press release will increase your sites popularity in no time. Distributed on newspapers sites or social media, it is the best way of advertising. Outsourcing it is recommended as many providers not only they write your press release but are also able to distribute it. Focus on providing your readers with good original content that is useful for the large majority. The more useful your content is, the more researched it will become. Stop spamming, its so last season. Spamming no longer works for neither search engines nor for your consumers, so it makes no sense using it anymore. Add FAQ and HOW TO content pages to your page. Think of what consumers may ask about your products and expand the FAQ page. Also, developing a How to page is like offering an instructions manual. If you product is general and also produced by lots of other businesses, the instruction manual you provide to your consumers will be the main attraction point of your website and will differentiate your business from others.

Where should I backlink today?

There are many options of where you can start link building but not all of them are effective. Here are some recommended tools as well as some which you should avoid.Recommended backlink building

Choosing high trafficking websites to link your own is always a good idea. Not only they are huge brands but are also trusted. I link you, you link me. Find out the best and most visited websites related to your niche. You can also link them on your page if you think the information they contain is high-quality. You can do this with low traffic related niche websites because it counts as natural linking. Pay attention to e-mail spamming of reciprocal links and mostly to those that are unrelated to your niche. Find out big trusted pages like Governments, Ministry related to your niche, Universities related to your niche etc. These would serve you great traffic. Find out websites that provide general useful information and link there. Just verify how trusted the page is.What to avoid in backlink building? There are many things people do when they backlink their websites without knowing that search engines actually penalize them for doing so. Here are the actions subjects of penalties:

Linking your page in forum signatures Linking or do-follow statements included in comments Automatic linking widgets Syndication services, directory links and article submissions

Remember that linking is the core activity of the Internet. Without links we wouldnt have a web. So dont worry too much about new search engines implementations and work diligently to promote your business and to provide good content. The era of online scams has ended.