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Page 2: Background - Tulane… · Background ! The commitment to equity years of interest in the case of Venezuela


�  The commitment to equity years of interest in the case of Venezuela coincide with the governmental period of Hugo Chavez Frias.

�  Social and fiscal policies can be characterized by two phases: �  The first phase, covering the period between 1999 and

mid-2003, shows the predominance of previous social policy along with some attempts at social reforms.

�  The second phase (2003-the present) is characterized by the gradual abandon of the previous social policies and the arrival of “the missions”.

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�  This second phase is characterized by �  An increase in social expenditure that reached, in some of

these years, the highest levels in the history of Venezuelan public finances, in real terms.

�  The increase in school enrollment continues, although more slowly in the Primary and Secondary Sectors, while steadily increasing in the Tertiary sector.

�  Spending on non contributory retirement pensions continues to increase, becoming the main objective of the mission “Amor Mayor” (Love towards the Elderly)

�  The social “missions” are established, becoming a political success, although with debatable results, especially since 2007, when several of them disappeared, revealing problems in the efficiency of their implementation.

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�  This second phase can be divided into three periods: �  2003-2006/7: the period of highest social spending ,

particularly on the missions. �  2007-2010: a period of deceleration in social expenditure and

a weakening of many of the first missions (at one stage there were more than 40 missions running throughout the country).

�  2011-2012: a period of partial reinvestment in the social sector, but emphasizing new programs.

�  It is debated whether the marked reduction in poverty is attributable to the missions or to the accelerated increase in the real income of the poorer sectors, particularly between 2004-2008, and the increase of the employment figures, especially in the public sector.

�  Undoubtedly the Commitment To Equity project will play a key role in clarifying these issues.

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Venezuela: Real Social Expenditure pc

Central Gov. , General Gov. , GG + Autonomous Inst (PDVSA, FONDEN)

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Grandes misiones, Enero 2013    






Hijos de Venezuela Amor Mayor Vivienda Venezuela Saber y Trabajo  

Beneficiarios por Hogar Beneficiarios Beneficiados Año 2012

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Misiones en el área de salud, 2012 !!!

594.409.904 !!!!!!!

18.529.964 !

4.939.422 !!

1.072.573 !!416.569


Misión Barrio Adentro (Consultas Atendidas)

Misión Niño Jesús (Beneficiarias)

Misión Sonrisa (Consultas Realizadas)

Misión Milagro (Consultas realizadas)

Misión Barrio Adentro Deportivo (Beneficiarios)


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Misiones educativas, 2012 !


12.817.536 !!!!!!!!!!!!

1.756.250 !


789.436 822.853 !!!!!!!

212.352 !!

23 !!!

Misión Robinson I (Patriotas)

Misión Robinson II (Patriotas)

Misión Ribas (vencedores)

Misión Sucre (Graduados)

Misión Alma Mater (Universidades)

Misión Cultura Corazón Adentro

(Activadores) !!Fuente: Segunda Vicepresidencia para el Área Social

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Misiones en protección social, 2012 !!

17.554.222 !!

6.258.797 !!!!!!!



252.176 336.490


39 !!!!!!!!

Misión Alimentación (Beneficiarios)

Misión Madres del Barrio


Misión Negra Hipólita (Centros de


Misión Guaicaipuro (Indígenas Atendidos)

Misión Niños y Niñas del Barrio


Misión Dr. José G. Hernández

(Discapacidad) !

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Poverty and Inequality

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CTE Venezuela: The Surveys �  We use the Venezuelan National Household Survey,

ENHM (Third quarter of 2012), and a special module called “Sistema de Indicadores de Coyuntura, SIC”, (Short term System of Indicators) as the main source of our data.

�  It is the first time that the SIC survey has been carried out. The survey focuses on: �  Subjective Poverty �  Use of Health Services (Types and frequency of use,

satisfaction with the service, etc) �  Missions: Enrollment and direct transfers (yes/no) �  Internet use �  Social participation/envolvement

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Scope and Limitations �  The surveys have a National coverage at state level. �  The ENHM Survey is an income survey. There are no

recent consumption surveys. This means that Consumption PPP dollars are not available. This also raises problems with post fiscal estimations.

�  The survey lacks a question on the public or private nature of the school attended.

�  The survey does have data on rents, direct transfers, pensions, several work benefits and the amounts assigned to these benefits.

�  To summarize, at the moment we only provide estimates for: market, net market, disposable and final incomes.

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Constructing the Income �  We used simulation of tax rules to impute direct

income taxes. �  Payroll taxes are not declared in the survey. We

grossed up the market income. �  Housing rent is declared in the survey. In order to

impute the value of owner/occupied housing we used survey-adjusted regression on log household income, log rent, type of dwelling and a quality of housing index.

�  There are issues with the estimation of indirect taxes (VAT). This tax represents more than 50% of the non-oil related income.

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Inequality: Benchmark Case

Ve ne zue la

Market Income

Net Market Income

Disposable Income

Post-fiscal Income

Final Income

Gini 0.392 0.388 0.382 0.360% change wrt market income -0.4% -0.9% -3.2%Significance (p-value) 0.000 0.000 0.000% change wrt net market income -0.6% -2.9%Significance (p-value) 0.000 0.000Theil Index 0.267 0.260 0.252 0.224% change wrt market income -0.7% -1.5% -4.4%Significance (p-value) 0.000 0.000 0.000% change wrt net market income -0.8% -3.6%Significance (p-value) 0.000 0.00090/10 6.592 6.540 6.305 5.379% change wrt market income -5.2% -28.7% -121.3%Significance (p-value) 0.003 0.000 0.000% change wrt net market income -23.5% -116.1%Significance (p-value) 0.000 0.000

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Inequality: Sensitivity Analysis 1

Ve ne zue la

Market Income

Net Market Income

Disposable Income

Post-fiscal Income

Final Income

Gini 0.400 0.396 0.382 0.360% change wrt market income -0.4% -1.8% -4.0%Significance (p-value) 0.000 0.000 0.000% change wrt net market income -1.3% -3.6%Significance (p-value) 0.000 0.000Theil Index 0.280 0.271 0.252 0.224% change wrt market income -0.9% -2.8% -5.7%Significance (p-value) 0.000 0.000 0.000% change wrt net market income -1.9% -4.8%Significance (p-value) 0.000 0.00090/10 7.189 7.052 6.305 5.379% change wrt market income -13.7% -88.4% -181.0%Significance (p-value) 0.000 0.000 0.000% change wrt net market income -74.7% -167.3%Significance (p-value) 0.000 0.000

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Lorenz Curves

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Concentration Curves

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Rent Imputation

139.9222 Otro tipo 287.8333 Rancho campesino 300 310.2108 Vivienda Rustica o Rancho 300 875.8202 644.1703 492.1154 Casa de vecindad 800 600 450 904.1479 973.6826 588.8601Apartamento en quinta o casa-quinta 1000 1000 600 1038.535 139.9222 710.8816 Apartamento en edificio 1400 600 664.2298 480.1106 468.265 Casa 800 500 550 819.7939 Quinta o casa quinta 1000 Tipo de Vivienda Buena Regular Mala Calidad de la vivienda

. table tipviv caliviv [fwei= pesoh], c(med alquiler med alq_imp3)