


Army IBom~~~Crash Cau~eaDealth in Ea.t Saturday

Of Sgt. G. E. Lefler.

GAS HORTAGE ~AY--IAnnual Mee eng , n Open House I P:acses Suddenly ORN P~KING-IS \Endor",'e At~'o'rne'SER E1ADVANTAGES For Locql Firms ""'I'" PROGRESSING WELL ., I'"

T BUSINESS HERE S t" D·' Lb' re-Christm", plans in Wayne Of H t A k WITH UTILE HELP IF AiI~ ~-,--' ' e Inl ece.... er inc ude an open house at the cIty . ear ttac I or J1ppointmeCOMMUNITIES Will ex{)cri- _~ I, au 'torium Thursday, Nov¢mber ~~REEDOM from stonns has I ' _~r.

,encelbus~ness advantages and Directors 'Will Be: Elected t9. All merchants wilt have' their H H H' aIded corn picking, and the 'dlsadv~ntages by reason of g8lS- I 1 sto es OpeN from 7 to 8.~O p. m. to .• achmeler, Implement ask IS bemg performed as rap- Candidat~s Are Nomin.atoline rationing and the persu8- y Chamber dE Co merce Igr t custCltmers and tp display Dealer in Wayne, Dies dly as posslblc under the han~ For Kiwanis Officessian tOI reduce travel. Shoppers At Divi end D' ner, ,Ch stmas merchandise. No sal, Early Wedneaday, leap of an acute labor short- I By l,ocal up.may motor from 10 to 20 mlleR, ' WI} be made. age. The pnce for plckmg ISbut wUI hfsitate at 50 or l(}() ne C mb of ommerce ayne Strollers wJll prOVide (' _ Henry H. Hachmelcr, 58, Implc- hIgh and a powerful stImulus to K1WanJa~s "[onda unantmomiles. Smce lack of gaS01J~.IS boa of dJfl:1. tors, thelrlregular te ainment at the city aUdlton~ ment dealer m Wayne for a nUIl,l~ ~nyone whd knows how ;'olen Iadopled a ll'vl)utlOn favoringa bar (0 long trips which ften rno th!y meet ,g M dat evenjng, du ng the evening. : ber of years, dlE'd at hIS home here and women. hoys and girls are pomtmenl ~f II F: S jUdgein ordinary tlmcs arc tak 10 de ared dl en s In the form of I connectlOn WIth the Chri* Wednesday' morning, i"'ovember (lomg the JOo, and they hope to I :\'mth dblti( t t'J "uce! ed Judgemmgle pleasure wllh busl ss\ a ee dl~nf'r 40 he glvt~ at the rna festiVities small Chfist~ 11, about :l :30 follOWing a surlden ~'mISh hf'fore mterferencc by Ir: Wenke '\ h(, \Vii:' elected tothe nearest pomt ahlc to m en an uaJ mrC'IJO~ of the IOhamber tre s wJlI be put up on the streets attack of heart trouhlp Mr Harh- gly wmlcr ('lrmrnt~ Wf' hil\(:' <;talp ~uflr('ml' lOUI·!. ,po mQtlonreqUIrements wJli naturally be 0 Commf1t"('(' mf1mbers December ab ut November 23. meier and hiS snn, Ralph, had been hp;J.rd of somf' flP1ds thaI wdl Prof 0 R. 80v.('n, the club asfavored. Wayne IS stocked to 1 ThC' time and placc of !the meet- m SIOUX CIty Tuesday Clftf1rnoon elO ~"oon he clp;m'rJ of corn And E \',; HLL'iP and Sed,r'etary C~atlsfy demands. Its dpalerR 8nc Ing wl1l hc' announced soon. bUSiness Mr lIachmclPr fl'll w(>11 lhcJr hplpf'f" \\.111 go 1o thl' fl.S- cn('r> .\kGlI'm to fonnulate suc a.alert to serve, and thC'y have At Ihp l)r>ccmher 1 meeting, ccept Fourteen when he retlrpd hut hr "<IS lakrn "'Isfancp of famlPrs v.11() an' hc- 'fe'>olutlQn and forv.·aJtd this towhat peopie need Hnd want C'lgMt n('w mcmhC't"s Will be elected cntlcally J11 v.nth a hpart altavk hInd m lhl..' v.ark It IS f('fJortPo. ,('foor D\\lght Gns:t'Id.Joming the Wayne trade CIrcle to'the hoard of dlrrctorsl Retirmg f about:l o'clock and fallf'r1 10 rall\' lh;,t thl'> areCi. I'> ah('ad of r1ThCf Prof () E EO\"e chaIrmanmay serve economy while sav- members arc not ('hglble for re- ~ County Group Funerill serVIces In chClrgf' ~f parl'i of th0 "tall' lTl taklllg care thc nomlnatmg co lttee, reping ga,solinc. elcctlOn Those whose erms ex- the Beckpnhauf'r morluary, v.dl be of tht, crop v.hlch thIS }ear h ed nomm('(':-, a" follqws: H. E.____~____c___-..!t~-,Ipn"(' arf' J T. ErbsJer, Jr., J. C. made as soon~as word camps frolll 'larger and'morl' vi1.luablf' than man. pn!>ldcnt. R·IW. I.e)',

Carhart, W C Coryell, Itt. L. Lar- a brother In lbf' wcst i usual It IS hoped thp pnd of :-';0- pre .. ldt'nl Ml'nnan Lund<. r:M~::ekM:~~J~~'in:;Il~r~h~~s~: J 1~~~~r~nc~JMa~~a~~~~~~'rJla;'~~~~~ I ~:~t~~: r~~::t :1~I:ld;o C'lrn III :/~~~~~l~rl~~ (,:~~(~f~~~ ~:'T~~~de~c)o(!'lrer! tcnn of R ,J Kingsley and cr, WelS born In Germany :-';0\ f'm- dll' (Inr,; tPI (Ilree )fears. Elec

M L Hlngel' who Is fllll~ the un- ~~~ ~~~ ~:-;~n~'~~:~f't;'ll~l:~~~~~ h -.r h, rl'dr"t! tOl npxtJ Monday

~~~~;~~1:)f'::~~:~dEse~I~;'in who ab t:l5 young men who wpnt to Iry and localed In WP'it !'(Jlnl, ~cb Passes in City I' '~. \1.'1~';\:1JrI)1fl';~~~~t;h~1J)lft'ctors whose terms hold over, F Crook last Saturday for cx- Therf' c!f'rcased ll\ed untIl hp Cnme on tIl(' l ht)'1 ·... l']faro committe

firf' Burr Davis, R K. tKlrkrnafi, am natIOns for Sf'lectlvc f;ervlce to Wayne to he employf'd In the H "IM d :\ll1n D"'r m,ln<ig~r of the SlI('rmfin Lundb{'rg, L. W. McNatt, We e receIVed Wednesday hy the Implement firm of the ldtp John osplta on ay \~.l} "T"TI' \1. I, v.elqmrted Mon

Eel. Seymour, C C. StiJttz, A. L. loe I draft hoard In the group MClsler Later he was \\Ilh Ernest il<; i-\ nl\~ tTll tllhcr dC.the KlwS <' pas mg are Curbss Foster, Jr., Gad BIChf'1 In Ih" Implemf'nt ousmQq<; (. luI>.

Sgt. Gene E. Lcflcr, ~~, Omaha, W~l~mmrttmg commltlee, apPC!lint- fMiI cr, Clemlth Johnson, Peter Mr. Hachmf'lC'r C'stahl1shrd hi'> oum Rite& Will Be Conducted 1 r:,:h :\Pf>11 f4t Facts.former resldont of Hoskms, was erJ hy tlw prf'l'lrlpnt of the hoard, ~e en, Robf'rt Hassle, Donald firm rn July 19~1. and h':Hl oper.d· ,For Mn. John Bergeraon Thr n"1 (I t,,;- library readin

bkotimlehder$:"~Sr~)~l(YIon",:I,)','nou""nn,, r"I',gmllY" mcJudl's ('<-trl Wflghl, thalrman, Sjh ba~n, Ir~Jnh M~rlenson, B~n- ed thiS slne·p. Friday in Wakefield. ~ h,H.:k';l·ollrd for mterpretauou a I... Wll! Bdkl'l', .1. (' C<lrhart, R. L. a In aVIS, 0 n arrington, DC Mr. 113ehmeler <lnr! \11"0' Llnwl I\~r)rld ('\.'n l " .... i" 5ttessed by

l1ear Watel;horo, ~. Co FunPfal Larson ;:Inri Carl Nuss Nommtl- ae Ie, MerJound Les!oiman, Clar~ Barton. who was a nlll'''C In ;l JO/'" 1 \1rs .fohn Bergerson. 62 of IJlx- F A :'IIllrirl'l"r who addressedfltes arc 10 he cnnducled In (Jrna- flOns may also he made Ifrom the l:'nt:l Tlm~, Howard Huffman and hospital. wpr(' rnarfled hj Jurlge.J Ion. p.-1.'>sed a\\.a) In SIOUX CIT,:. Club ::'[onrfb~ :\Ir~. Mlldner, ofha thIS Thursday at :2 »Ith hUflal floor lEa I PhlJbm, the last named tmns- M, Cherry. October 16. 19:11) B,,- Mond.]y. :-';0\ emhr>r 9 aftpr'lx \\'ayn(' ITbrar,:. Introduced by S tat Forest Lawn. r Sf'cr('lary W A ~e ~d here from another poml. Sides hIS Wife, Mr HClChmelE'r \'.ef'k'i· Illness Sh(, had been In the .J \\' LJthl'{land. men~lOned t Rt

Lefler, formn Omaha s;lndJot urgf's all rrl('mh('r~ to be present ~ e board expects rrporls on Ip8\,('S two sons. llenr;.. Jr, of hOSPltRl a munth. .0 w'r rpnt of the h,'admg in,basehall sIal' who WHS under can .. And lak(' part In Ih(' (>lpcl!:ion. he others of the quota loday or Krarnpy. \.. ho cam(' \\,pdnpsdH). Funf'ral fllC''i v. ill h(' rflnrluctNi uty ll~rar;. 1:-. non-flJ2tlontract WIlh the Sl LoUIS ca~nalS' Thl' I'ntprullnmf'nt commJttee 0 orrow. It IS understood Ihat and Ralph, al homf' fir' l'i <ibo $ur- Fflday ;t 13U from thl' H}PSl' :c,hnuld be' (If ~pe<'lal mten>sE'nlisled In 1I1l' ,llr corps I anu~ will he In ('hargf' of features after pra tlcally all passed , \'l\erl hy two slstor". ~1Is<; ~!ary mortuHr} In \VRkcfl<'ld i-Ind iiI .!' m(n Sh(' fJtltb lh<-t~ men readary, 1941, hefore he' W<lS dul:' t f{'- lh[ hUSln[ '>s Sf'SSlon. he young men h<l'.e <l v.('f'k sand Mls<, Anna Hachmrlrr of WI"-t hom S<1.1ern LUlhf'ran church TtlrrC' 1pf'rs Clnd II ... Tl n 1~ radIO repo ~,porI to the C Irdlna/!.,· lJf'{'''1u Ill, _~~_ ]eu f' beforr gOIng mlo tramlng. POint. hnth of whom came and ;-t ..... llh R('\ C P Hall In rh,lr£;(' hut ... hl' Ur~ rj f\'a{iJng of lateteam. 11(' Vvd:; tr;llnNI dt K( 'ili,t ("()II'<r(' I)I·~ml'~SeS jmong fPcf'nl f'nIJ!';tmf'nt'i an' brother John. of Spokane. \\'a<;h I BUflnl "ill [0110\\ In \\'dkl'fl"ld CI., a ha~h r,)' fr,rming opInionFll'ld In MI'iSl~SIPPI dnd \I,'~S hen A (l'*l' "" ..., /, ,th f' ~f JUIJ,US fJlb~'nhng. _ I I cpmc1er) In addro ~"Ing lh~ recent lEbr rysent 10 S Int"l fvllmll"j ("11 I wherf' f)' II.] W N J IS nnt y, Manon (JranqUlst, Ken- A r 1-1 ]. J. .'. I .\11 ~ Ikr;.;pr"on. v. h,,'>p 11' ldlen n1f'('IJnJ.; III Omaha. Of. Cha (''i

tH~ h\,ca;T;\, ,: II q..;11 I '~'ng<lni'l'r and 0 f P ar eel S ne-I Baird, Rohert IIarnson andl rrange 0 l( d~!S Itllarnl'\\a"Agnp"i\t<llllrl:J..'o~('phlnl'Blo"n jlP"IQf'l1t 0 tti!~r' nn,:2~ bomher ·,pl'clailst. ' ~ _ ~ _ Dl~ ~lJ~ ~ .'or Wayn(~ Sf"hO()ll L.lnbloom. \"H." ll(lnl .In S\\f'rjl'n I Llhrd/\ l'>'oc,aIIO, e

Ut'cElu:-,ed wa<, fl.n lief/dl trg lJ1I'r'r Practically A II Student& *1 I~o\('mhf'r 13. lxr:n :-:h,' I'.]nlf' tr,In thl' nlJ corps and h;Hl rc('ntly • !f Ed tie Anwnrl v.hl'n 1J }PClr'- old andbeen IOI'i:ited at Columhl f'l!'ld, Are to Be Engaged 1n er uca on Chridlllas Receu Is Cut ~Irs( II\Pr! In I'f'rH1S}I\dnl;1 ThPff'N. c. Useful Endeavors. T B' G d" Mlf' \LIS conflrrr,f'd In t!1{' Lutheran

'I'll("' youlh" fal her. 1r h. lA'llf'r, AI" COt· 0 nn. ra uahon qhurch lIf'r fl1arflHg(' III Johnoppfalt'd .1 pool hall In l'!o'ikJns, WJ~~';]~':l~e ,~tA.n~~tlo:0a~r~~ ~O~I~;; 0 len I Izens Ahead of College. Bcrgprson took plrtcC In ;\TrKran ddt <II, ll,l'.!" , are like]and the fHmJly movrd to IOmaha llount), Prt. Ucloocr Ii 190.!. Thp I th('~ "P' doing muchseven years ago. f'Vf'ntng. No\pmber 1:3. untJi Mon· I 't Pit t d lIolldi'lYs have b('('n arranged at ~amlly mo\cd to Dixon count} I they Ir>a'rn \\hat tptal war at

SurvIving Sgt L('[lpr ,HI' hiS day morning, No'.(·mher 30, and n 1 e ersona n ereg e ~~n~\'I~:t~los~Ch~~~ ~~~e~h:~ril~~ about :.!tJ ~('ars ago and ha\e ix'en IS ~ll" ::'lildr:"r mentioned thaparent5, Mr. ancl Mrs H 'K. L('f- np'I'l rlY 1n(~ }lfh'r c{'nt °df the stUdents! 1 0 Wayne Court House lhan the college next spring De- ¢In farm::- In the VICJOI!y uf DL'wn pf'r (', III of t!l",_Fnghsh peopleler of 3805 North :l1th strf'rll, (Jma- WI f'!l('nr t e perlO m essentl3 Saturday Afternoon. and Concord i lW('f'n 11 dnd 1-\.:) )Iears of ageha, Onf,Elster, BonIta, onc ~rolh('r, employment. CtSlOn, left by the board of educa- Mrs Bergerson leaH'S her hus- lIn thp \~;.jr I (fnrt. Boo~s thatTed, btllh of Omaha, and 11l~ grand- A Cjtl('s!lonn<llrp taken recently I natlOnal Citizenship ('ducat IOn tlon to Sup I. .J W LItherland and band and fl\(' :-.on5 and three a'uthpntlr ,nforma.lon help giparent~<:;, Mr. and Mrs. W. ~.;. Ben- showed th<ll Rl [WI' cent have al- p tam, deslgned to enable clJ- the school s1aff, was reached In a (:'laughters Hildmg Bergl'rson of I backcrroundnett and J. M. Lefler, Hil d[ Madl~ "re<ldy m"lde engag('mentsforwork,~ . p and loyal alIens to secure speCial meetmg Tuesday. D,Xdi1, p\~ Carl Bergerson of Har-I To"'be ot gT'f"atest assistanson. 109 In corn flejds. df'fense pla."tlt or til 'r AmerIcan dlizenship, IS be- The school dismisses for Thanks- I T J h B f I til' post \\ ~r ppriqd Mrs Mi

__~ ~~_ In othf'r ('ssen11dl st'n:lCf'_'i A lflrge in f'pon50rpd by Wayne city glvmg holidays Nnvembpr ~6 and \~n::~il( l[~.x~;;;co~o;r R~~~~~~~ ,~l' SIl~.t:'f'~l('~1 ;hat ,-.\~one~ow,

W J J• ~. numb!'!" of thl' girls wtll hURk corn sc 001. Aliens. abo oRturallze-d 27 Chrlstmas holtdays Include nne home. \\ Ilbuf f:)ergrtsnn ,Inri ,\IIS"' ,as nlWh ,1, pus.sltHe. about 0

P( ( lllg uerVI(~f~ Sm("(' t 11(' 111'St "un f'y was laken. CIt zens who wl'ih to cnn! mue the wepk, from FrIday (>\'f'llln~ I1)('- l1f'rthd P,I'r~('r<;on of Los An~rli's, COllnt nr , a wI nth~r peOples.

H Ja nlllllh,'r of olhC'rs have Signed up st dy of governmenl, ,'1[(' flsked to cember lR, until Monday morillng'. M If l' f W t nf 1 rI rneeUng tho

lIpid preSUI1( ay for- .... l)rk ~') Ihal practically all m tat the court house herp Si-\t- D{'cof'mbf'r 2R Th" s(hoql .... lf! tw M~: ;\~'~~:~I{~:~~~ll) l)f;?~~;I~~; 1~~~(I;l;;\'\rll'·';,..j~ln~finene.),swlll hI' \!sro( ull} t'mployl'ct. uMr, aSY'~~INSI~YwP~,hnCO'"I( !,'Il'c,",',):, ,)"WAil 1


In ';::eSSlI~~a:~"~;1 ~~r~~': ~~dU'''' t Inn I JIW son dlPd In Infanc} '1 here Ml' ! t hIt IJ, 'I' ~ll It! Ihe readjJ.1sMi!ls Helen Osburn Is Bride Chfl'i!m<i'i hollda}s "lIt Include L" n. ... ., ~ ... " 't 13 grdndchllrln'll 'I' Let \b 1'" \'1"'1' ttpi

Ikct!nJlwr;:l and ~'). tf:'. Is arr furnish!"'!!, <Inri the (ram- MflY 21 I' _ _ < 1r,> \\ I JI j"rrned,"Of Tech, Cpl. Wischhof m CO'ils Ih(' allen~ nolhtng - If M· I· \1d,hil r

At Wayne Church. Talented Artist 'III"'nsllll' programs arc I'C- May Make ChanYCi' I a1'\' Illor IIJur~' ! "1,' , ",,10 and

Ilil~1g:~~('r'I:;\r'I~1IM':/;;;;n~J:)'>III~\r:ii Appear.~ in Wayne ~~ 1~~gu~~~;~lS~~tl~<;h:~~~~'~rn:~~ In College COll se l In (~al" Accid~:OI1t:~:~=;)Ulr':':"'II:::d~:;re~:S~~dfa\Vdyl1f' ('ollq::r' fat'lllly rtncl stu. fo such tnllntng 1<, urgf'nt FIgures Pol!cles cnmmltlpf' of til£' ( h ge I ~_ __ \.\Ir \i \'1·' .--rmcluded With

()shufn OI,\V;IYI1l'. ;llld I/)'dl ('1'1 1 I b 114( k rI ! h.,(;Ianald (, Wl'if'hhol. '>or! 01 \11 dl'lIh ('IlJOYI'd >I plRno ]'('('lla\ co 11>1('( In [)pcem pr, .I 1, show 16 rna mg a stu y tf) ('trrf'dne Miss Eleanor Edwards Has'dpl'JI'j>II" 1,",m1'.and Mrs WIlt Wls('hho! (It Wdy [I(" J\lol1d.J} ('\('nlng h y WIlllHm M<l~- ah ut ~,OOO,nO() pcr'ions 10 the whether ur nDt changes <;holdrl he: C dB' Wh I ( hOlf hl\rls Canta.....Wl'rp marrlt'd ;-.illnrlay 1'\Prjmg :'-Jo- Sl'l()~. LlIl nkri rnU<.,lClan Th(' lJ lted StRtes are not clllzens recommended In thf' "I'{'()n~ "c' i ut an rUlses en I F'r,,: H'J"l I And£"rson. a f'<;,tvemb~'r X, <it 7 ill .fit PaUl Lutl! .. )11110':':; III III "on of French and () er 18.000 non-cIIIZC'JlS rf'glstered mester curriculum In orrlpr Itna.1 Blinded by Frost. Il"r 1\1' d,,\. pr('~nted hiS co £'g"

Ullt['h par('nls IS flllfllling lhli' In N ..braska. At least 76 of the students may hest pn'parc [nt du-I " . I If III h(,ll III tl]" pattlotic cant'lt: 'lpran church In \\'ayne Re\ (; proml'ir' o[ a brJlltant chJld n ber reSide m Wayne county ties In Hnd defcn'>l' po"Jdlons )lh" r.Il'Hnor LdV..Jrlk'i '>11 ,fC( Ilk.lf AtllI rlCl Sirging."GH~schC'n pl'rfOrmlng thl' lmpre:-,- prodigy In March. 1939, he gave ithough 5uch classe'i have been As part of lhls stud) I{ qU"~JOn-la ]:;<I.",h on lhe nght nt·{, and I -~---SIVC do~ble-rmg S('f\ICC! In the hl'i r!('bul In Town Ha~l and hiS f;' ducted In Omaha and Lmcoln nalre was resentfod tn stlJdpnh hrlllSI'", ,ibout ~he f'}e.., Tu('''dHy I L' i Cl d tpresencel of r('J~tlVf''i an~ fnr'nrls lHll'nt was acclaimed In New fo some time, the program IS new early thiS P\\.ef>k TIll' commlllcc Jnrol'l1lng ahuut I :W 111 iI car HCCI-


r llllerDa k_~n ,:C eMiSS Charlottr ZIC'gler playC'r! soli IYnrk In 1941 MClSSf'iOS won the t northeast Nehraska. Thl' local wIl! cons~er the j-Jn"'\ oh1rtln·lrlent <-thout I.! mile" ~\('''t of \\"Y~.;' In a f1I.Q ruesorgan ~U~IC: \i~;:o,~g~OU.l llht; CITP" flJ.:l(lly jlHlgN! LUCIUs Pryor award b I'd of ('dUC<-ttlon IS sponSOfJng ell It 1:- pos:-'lhlC' thaI lh(' pfngfHIll I !Ier {' Ir dnd l(l~lt' hl'\{~ng~~g t~ 1·"1 ;\11'- I. \1 Dolson, SO, m hI tmonYI ~~( I fl( .. M<-lf\ h rr,t.n Lo- WhlCh pnlltlf's holder to a con- t proJt'(!t Hnd IS furnlshmg: lhe wJlI hI' Hccl'lFral('rl for "Iud!pnh' ~~~ 'j:;~~~d~:\'~l~I~~nm:.;,(t\(;~~:~ (11 til, lIT. l~r E. H. Do (Jfhen,grm ;Ind' Son~ oj L()/vl' I('('II ((Jur of (Jll!"tandlmg; clubs, m ('ling placp for the cl<lssC'" .. The who hil\p ('nll>,I['(1 In thl' n'"un('~ ! Fbi\\·;1'.11<' d·,,1 ~aturday at the m.'

1 hI.!' -brlllf' \\OIl' ,j g()lrl-n)l()r('~f {'llllpg(".; ;lnd llnl'.('f<,Jli('s of the" rks proJ('ct adminIstratIOn, Ihe _ - II \\ hat. . or I'" r d l'H;hl('r. Mrs. Cora C rnp·xef'r Vvonl dn'<;sm<lkr'r $111 1 v'J 'it I /lllddlr' dnrl 6(luthw("sl Thf' artlsl~ n tlOnal d"pHrtmenl of .JustIce <lnr! A . tIt t l\llss Lriv.;,nh \\a.s dlonc and I II )1 I nn S D Fu "lal...~own ;l{'n'SS()rJ('~ IJ{'r

IO'hnu (PI· lfl!rodl]('ld l,y I'rof Alhcrl G. ~ e stat" Of'pHrtmtmt of education PPOln ns rile or \\d" ['UOllng to \'.'aynl' to her \\l!lk H'. In d~lS rlUcted Th ~ 'ft

~rrsagf' WHS 01 .Inhflnll<i alii ~O""'-Ic.lrl'ion. 1l'~JlolHkd tn ~('v('ral a (' supplymg the text books and To National Council 1Il the AAA offlcc Thl' (dr \\Ind- ~'~;\r~u~\ ~~. t':;~rQ, S. D. e a a -er $lst('r'

lMISS HOlllllq (ls)Jlln. PllI'Ol[''i nfll'r hl' hdd completcd t ("teacher Shll,ld .... asfrn<;l}and:-.hehdrl s lop- IJI! 'l'il'd leavC'sa daugbLe anI

who ltltt'n( ('d twr wo[,c' 11"ll! hllll' I1f'rman Ha("/"lr has JII.')1 bNm In- 'pf'd once to :-Cfflpf' It off 1\11""" I, sb 'edsheer wool ctn's'i~nk('r t;~l! with IllS con(f'rt Non~cltl:l('nS am urg('d to tRke formf'd of hiS appOlnlnwnt to I.hc iJonps. on her V.Hy Alone to v'·flyne .l<>~,',l~ .~l:,',' .. nhct


dipre ~~

blackl <ICC€,SSOfll'S I iN ('or:-.Hge .... Il" .' .- - :. - a Ivanlage of this. opportunity. to admlnl!'trntlve board of the !"a- 10 a1te'nd col;ll'gf'. h,Jd ,>lopped to )" ".... n.

of ~IJ1Ik r(~s('buds, ' Cllnlc on ~ewlng ~J ~~a~exa~~~~~~~~onfolrhe P;:~~~I~ tlOnai Council for BusJnrss Educa- SPI' II 'ihe had III'e lroublf' :'vIIS::' h('1 In d~ 11\ D h d . Itl'd1ech (pi \\l'i{'hh()r \\'01" hiS M I Pi d tlOn Thl.'s bo.ard, l.s com~"rd,of:ll Ed\\HrdS [filled tl) ~el' the Jane'::. 1,,:-,I""""I·h:rI,n_IJ..:ls°l~t ':.e:

army unJfo~m. 111'i hI fit hr'l', Ll nil.. ac anne t tlon and gQ\ ernm€'nt conducted memhers, It ad{ rs In husJTlrs.."i ('rlll- car haltt'd on I hl' roMI unt 11 ~he ~ a.:J

al'r1 Wlschhor. who S('II.(.d ,I, 1)(',;1 A '-l'\\tnJ.: mactllnl' cliniC Will hJ b n<tturallzalJOn exam1l1('rs. ratIOn IQ th(llr fl'S(lE'ctl\1' locall· \1."" ('Io~f' She then Turned ... harvly turnJr1j.;' f, WOle tc.d blul' ~llit 11Pld I,y Illp county l'Xlf'nslon scr- Further informatIOn on the proJ" tle'i Th{' flr"t duty In lhlS c::tpa- but her flhHlline ldU,l;ht Ihe ldt -,----

An mf(lrmal r('('''pIIOIl [or thl' \,If'(' In Wayne at '-onw nNlr dat('. ~t ~~~ ~P ~cured from S\ll.lL J. city V.hlCh Will fall nn Mr Bae'hr l'\','\r fendt'l o[ the Jon('~ (ar. .llusical Programweddjrng parly Wits held at the AI!\'\'onl0n ~nfolled Will make all . I OF an ~ ~ __ wdl Ix- attennflncl' of lhc boa~ The Impact lhn'\\ Ml:-'S r.d\\A,rds lVil1 Be Presebndc!'s home follOWing till" ((TC'- nf'{'C'<;,s;{ryad)llstmf1nls on theIr • mectmg at DetrOIt December :28 the .... lmbhlt'ld .... hlChmony Buffet lunch<',on wlas senl'r! own S('Wlng machm(' ultld"r the su· 4eft EyelId Is Cut of thiS year. - orok(', and lilt' stl.'enng aho crad;- ,from a lable allpolntl'd In gold and p('rVIS10n of the SIHtc: extenslOr!I I F A·d t -- -- -----(--- ('d. The hroken v.tnd:;hlt'ld cut (,1111 ... I,r" ...ent a m~~ phroJn, the cnlors ol'mg cillrrlC'd Ollt .s[W('IH!I'it Any 0 n e mterested)' n, arm eel en Register at School ht'r knN:' "0 Ih,lt I,i)Ur stllcht~ Dr "oil,,, dnd s~u ense~blIn candles, hOUCjllPb ilnd tile \\erJ- 'i11f1uld conlac! Agl'nl W R Hard· Jprry }-.nbody. \\ho IS ('mpluy- • • "ere nc('cit'd Jln f,lt't, was hrUl"- Thur"d l\ (\cn at 7.45ding cake Mr.-; ElfiN Lubh('rs!{'dt C'r at til(' counly f'x!pn.slon office, (' al Ow Lesllt, Colt'y farm near For Gas RationIng cd ami Iwr bl,I"~('S broken. :'oIlS:' uollq.;1 lllthlO Prof. Janrl MISS Carolme Oshurn served. 101('s, suffprf'd a Se\efe cut on CH'i ratlonm~ regl.slrHllOn wzll he JonC's \1,,'1\ .... unhurt IKI'llh In I Pro Russel An

A dinner hononng Ihp ('ouple Will Sell Seals t ~ ~c/,t \~~f'l1d w('~nl'.srla)' m0:-n- ht'ld In WInside f'ndH}. i'O\emtwf MISs Edv.llrds \\HO' brought 10 an III l h If&e

was gl\'en Tue:-idflY l'\'enmg by Mr. In Illlral Schools I g. (f \HS Jll fI .... <1l':'on drl\lng a 20 from R C\ m to H p m at 11If' W/-Ivnc for ('fire She' wdl relurn to ('II ..:.=;:;:::;;;:;;;;:;::::::;;;#..::::::;;:and Mrs. Wm Wlschhof t am w l~n somethmg ~ruck hIm. s('hool 1l001"l' In thp hand room h£'r' \"ork In d [ew da}s. --~--

The young follc'i tool~ U :,1101 ( ~ Rural schools of WAyne county S\ll;Che:.ound '"('(Julre several Scllnol Will I1r ~eld as Jlsual Mf'm- BRo.:: JEll:tflp. \\111 conduct Ihelr annual sale of bNS 01 tilt' fedt'ra!f'o \\oman:, Start New Course :OSoc OD

w~;~~ ~1~~'h~(~~O~~ <~;~a~~l/~~u;e; ~~~~~l~l~~l~rl~<;~~I,\~:~~ ~~'k~ ~~c~:; ~ERMITS-APPROVED ('luh \\111 <1",>lsl \\'1111 the rcgl<:;tra- In Pilot Training r'lf~1 I\\~:\ac~:It :;LOf C:~lhe college h('re. She IS teachmg announces. Town schooisrwlll de- i BY RATION BOARD lJOn " nl'\\ army and navy CI\I!I ...ln (,old, n We ng.southwest or Wayne ;Jnd wlil ('on- (,lcle on lhe'lr own rlates, usmg parl I Wayne county ratlon board No- CHOIR WILL SING pllut traJnwg COUf'e be.gan flu::> Fag£' 1 tin (' a' 001


fher work or all of the week. ~mber 4 approved the followmg AT COLLEGE CHAPEL \\,I'ek al the college and at Wa)I1l'

T ch Cpl Wlschhof IS stut ioned rmlts Clare Buskirk, Wake- mUniCIpal port Prof A F. Cul- \\ a)'nt ~

:~ti I~;;~~~ ~~~; 'b;;l~h~~: ~:lel~ RES~E~iJ~BB~~~rJ'GE ~}~th~~~~ J:aa;~~~o~;e;;act:~~~:~ :eo~~oco:~~~ZS~~p~;~:~~f~:,l~~:~;~~:s c~ouo~~na~~~g~~ \~:t~:~on~ ~'-~~: t~\l;_-S ~o .15~Y furlough find leaves Fnday Ralph Rerrld~' bought L W. yr tlma Rees, Randolph, onf pas- ... '" are Stanley Full£'f. La\\rcncc P<Jht' SIX S th\\iLo port for duty, I Needham's reSidence east qf Brest' ~ng~r tube; Carl J. Wantoch, Hos- college thiS Thur;;,day morning. Rushenberg and Glen 1.. Hansen. ~orlll\H5t W •

Iph Livlngston of' Norfolk, sl('r park I and hIS family will k ns, one passenger tube The ~~a~e~orW~I~e:;:e~~a~~(''.:Js;r:r:~~:~'The ground scbool mstructors are PagE' Se en-\Van Colwa~L~n out·of~town gue t at the move to tne property next week. bard granted 16 recaps and 24 ob- '" Prof F G Dall>, Dr. A. G Wd· Pag€' EIght --$oU twedpm,g. !Mr, lmd Mrs. Needhanll will movr stJete tires. ~-- - --- - - hams. Dr W. G_ Ingram and W. C. flf'lei Soutlhve Wale

to their home at WInSIde. GOUNTY GETS SHARE To West Point Slor"'. Swanson.' Logan V8a!!~OD- _r Register at Ollie s. R E Phillips, who had been as~ ..,..., A.U

Farm workers using tucks for Def'dbFlIedHeore. I OF GASOLINE TAX SlStmg m the CounCil Oak store So Word Receln·d. Page Onl!---D. :s R.;r,tra'i'el from job to job ne d not re In property deed filed in Wayne IWayne county's share of the Oc- here, moved Sunday to Wes POInt Rev Harold Hennksen of Starn- Speak'>. Ke @. WJDLtum to their homes to re ister. fo; county November 5, Burr R. Davis, ~,J.ber gasohne tax is $2J)9~13. This where he IS manager of th com- ford. extended a ~ll to St Paul Page ~'o--E!ly ys.ce~ificates of war neces. ity. They referee. 'confers to E T. Warne- IJcludes $418.42 for the'· county pany's store. He and Mrs. hillips church, hat> not :,.et replIed Rev. icc ¢olumn_are to consult the ne~res pDT of- mund~ for $1.545.08. Jelts 1 and 21 bridge fund, $1,464.50 for county moved from Mrs. A. R. Dans' G. Gieschen goes to Omaha No- Page trhree- 'fie , ': blbck 10. original Winslde. ' rOnds and $209.21' for town road apartment. The F. A. Mild fam· vember 18. '"'::t Altona. B tn

djstricts. ily mov~s to the DaVIS re idence' SChjxJls..I n';' Poailioll tn C ~y. ' Un~l'llOO8 O.....tlo.. I " the last of thIS week. Flnoh Uouaoal Com. Pagc Four-

l\liss Mildred Eellstro Ihas ac- Mrs. Herbert Perry'l Un\!erwent f Will serve In Woo" . An ear of corn WIth five di\i"o' Warnc

. }cePited a 'position ItI the etephone ,an operation for appe~dic~tis Fri· Rev. P. Pea,rson left Tuesday for g;t C.,. to Farme Sions, similar to a human hand, 'Page l-'l\'~ ~roOfl"e in Omaha. I day at a -local hospital: l1er conJ. rlock. CaL, to serve the Luth- In Se tember, 13 per cen was found on the Fred Otte (ann. Page. SlX-U..4"""U'iI'i<1dI1i

<lilian lS good. 'HUf~"t ~~ e n pas~orate there temporanly. new nger ~cars ration I Sholes. No

u1a it~:~:n~e~= :n n~,~g- ~~~:~.~~~~e is CO;~I:~~ d u~~t~~,~w~~=: ::~~=. a :~ar:r¥u~~n~~;~~:~. ne':~?s:ro transacted busi- Northeast

"I I : ~ ,! I I." 'i Ii: I I . I : • :

Former HoskinsYGuth Is Killed

ols lIa$dle !

s R~gisleringf111~d: Out Bl~nia Will ,~e

Pre ented ljlove'l'ber 20or Ratiim Book••

I egiitralion fdr gasqline ration·in WI] be CO"teted In Waynec unty Friday, Noyer'lllber 20,t roug the sch ls. The time hasb en d la.yed be ause supp!les aren t ye availabl The dale of De­C qtbe 1 has be n set as the timef r! pu hasmg g~sohnc on the ra·ti n pl~n.

Waytlc city s9hool ~taff, wl'th~ ~t. .n W. Litherland leader, willh ve charge of! r('gl~lratlon for

ayne reSidents at the cIty audi­t riumj School will not be In scs­son fdr the da*. Members of thec lIegel high sta~f who arc In tOWin

ill aS$list ~inc€1 the dute IS durmg

~ ,~m~~~(';~h:~ICi~~'f/~~~~lo~!~)et~~1 wn.

The !liJours at the city all(l!lonurn111 be 8;00 a. m. to l~, 1 to :5 and

, to 9 r:i:a~~ mknkH FlIIe-d.Each cur owlw'r must ohfaln a

I lank from a service stallon andill thi~ out bef10fc gomg to fegls·er foir' gas ratlOnmg. The hlanks to he written m mk or md('lIble)encll. Bf>Sldes the name and ad­ress df 1he own('f, 1he lICenseumbel" and model of, thelank calk for the ~crlal number

:{f:~t~l:~t;:;::('~cr~~~~tc7Ifc;~~~JEttes were Ilfiued must also beaken as the serial number of the

ratlOnl hook IS to be wntten on theback of thiS siJp

ThiS reglstratJOn I, only for fJas~

senger cars, accordmg to RaymondEllIs, ch;urman of the ratIOnboard. A commercial vehIcle u:-.ermust Dlrst ohtam it cerllfll'it t'c ofwar n{,~csslty ~rorn Ole Of/ICC' of dl'­fpns(' IransportatlOn hefor(' fllmgtruck !lpphca~J(m forms With thel.ocal board.

Each one who has morc thanfIve tin's per car, one for eachwheel and a filfl h for it spare, mustsell tl1(' extra ones to th(' gOVt'rn­ment before he IS ciLglble for gaso~

I~ne 1n~ mileage rallOn books, Mr..E,lhs ekplams,

To dispose pf exce~s tln~s, a carowner shoulq take them to therailway'cxpre~sagency office. Aft·er inSpection, 1 the government Willpay for U1em~ltherby clleck or mwar bonds an stamps.. ioard P 8flS 011 n.-qucsts.

Pe son~ wllo believe that the"A" ratIOn bbok, which allow~ 90mHej of per~onal drtvmg <Inn 150mill) at oceUlJatlonat ot'l\lng permonth. "ill Inot permIt ltwm 10carryon their e~~entlal bU~lness,

may obtain app!tratlOn hlanks for. suppllementa\ ratlOm; when they(Iflflly lor thd'tf haslc raLton books.The~(' apJll1c~Ilons Joihould be spntto , l' lucal iboard 101 consIdera­tIOn

B 'Joil{lpS IS~Ulng • '1''' I ;llllHungboo slot ('O/lH1H'I('I,II Vdlll'll'S, Iheloea honl d '1\'1\1 Issue "J, ,IIHI "R"hoo s fot n(jn*hlghwdY use sud) itSfor fal'm trK(n!'s, dry cleaningcst! hlishmcl~ts Hnd tilL' Ilk(' "D'raIl n bookk Will be Issued formo ortycles,

nder lhq mileage ratlonmg pro­Jira ,tlre~iwljl be Inspected onpaR 'engel c~r8 eVtf~ four monthsan Illspl'qtors will mflke recom,me datlOns which must he follow-

" '









·~~:~ 8e=n2IC

,." th. 10e, Lb. Sc, Lb. 8c

,.. Lb. 3c" Lh. 6c· Lh. lie


Milk (hem" ~:~s 25cB b F d ';"'"0" • Small 7a i!Y 00 S .. traitwl (':lIl C

M~ola Ojl :-:'-n 30cMay Day Oil ::~ 27cPickles ~~:;:rn I'rid . ~:; 27c

2IcPeanuts "all"d

Swan SoapOxydolSu~rSuds.Su-Purb ::l':;1I1atf'd

Soap Rhl(' narnl

Matches ~::~~'"


~' ,,' 1I, '-.'

~(). ~


Xu. '!('an


;I~~·. 22c:;,;~~ 14c

2~:~~ 2Scil.:; 2Sc~;~' 12c~~ 35c3~",Z. 14c;~;: 5c

3 ~~~~ 2Sc1Sc ~,'.~ 33clSc ~.',~ 27c

~:i 9c~t~I~' 25eRa< l~c



Grapefrtut Glenn A; ....

G f '· ~ .. I('E,rape rplt 'f'mn 1I.. '''e

g;~~;~:~~~~eFI~kesInstan~ fereal ....1.'...

. lunch

DinnerGreen Beans ~~~e,.",

-Lima Beans ~t:;'~;lrlf'd

Corn ('ounfr:\, Jl(mll'; rrf'am-~I~'It'

Duchess SAl."') nRt;SSl""

Olives I.lhby'" Q"....n

Jell-well '.::::~~~ ;\:~:;~'

MilkP t t Che Kltt.'..

o a 0 IpS ....."',

Cookies ~~;~~~:tUln('

S TOMATO:I Cllmp~OUP twll1o. nt'\\ anti imprl)vf'd

Crackers Prl'nllum ~(~~.

Crackers ~::~::, ~,:~

Armf'd (ott'4}II, both hf'rf" Bnd abroad

::r1~ODm~~~~~:a~h~:m~n:~.~~tU~I, Thf'rf' ,,. an -..npl.. NUPSJly lorf'\".'ryon,' - hut we mull-t make It r:oarou·nd.

Your J:"oH'rl1ml'!nt Ja,. rf'quMtffl that..... 011 Bnd your faDllly f'at no mol"f' than

~~:.l t::tl~::~I·~,=:::.~.r~;U:owr::~I'han your family's §hsl"f" - b~lp mak~thf' PI"r'Sf"ht fT1£ supply KO around ­for VlrtolJ,



Cr(1r!.-cd JJ 'hule Jl 'ltrat Crrrm'feilh Jjrmnl Slll/ar al/d ['ollr ('rt'am

Cri8p Itc/cM/ Slicc~

J/aplc S!Jrup MlljJilU BullerCoffee 0' Milk

COOL'DAY LUNCHlJornemade J'cgetaUe Soup

in TllrunOfnh! ,~OIfP u:ith I.OUP bonr, (mltrcalA/age lrOl'(,~. ('orrol top'. Straj".Add fr('.~hl!l ~hrcdd(d t·l'gdaUltl.c(Jol, u mi'lUte". SU-T'e pip"'9 lUll,)

Toasted Clune Sa"Jr,lchC6Pear lIalu:J

..itll Chilftd ClIlrtaro SauclTea or Alill.-

OVEN DINNERBul PnI ROlJJt U'lth llrmrll Grary

Oltell-!Jrffi£"nrd PotatM.InJiridual SquaJJ.h

(RaJa 'hue uho/~, open and "ra.tOfJjust u('Jort sen'ill,q.)

Orange arid AJ"()('odo Saladlint lfISCUJf'.y or

Warmtd J1 uifi":J BullerJ{ai.trTI ri~

Cnffee Tea Milk

MuWln CookeryFor a pocht editiun 01 a cool!ng6Chool Jesson on muffins illdudmg''!U'la1ions with make-you.wantlo-cook appesl, see julia L~Wright's article in this wC'<"k·sFamily Circle Magazmf'. Ou1 every'thursdaY-fra at SaIeway.

~@ SaJewlll, Ho",e",akers~ B"rtllJl

JULIA LEE wlllGHT, DlreC'\Gr

01,) Ja, k Frost hos Hit tll(' IlighSIH,ts null \\lth the turn of l('ln­1)('falllfl'. famil.\' [IJlJwhtf's fl\\'orJllpillg hnt ~ub,lnfl!lal food, ThereIS a ("fa\ lng for thi,.].; .«DUp". slf'llm­il1~ :-I('\\"s and fJuantllies' of bul.t(Ted v<'gdahles.

On'n food", 100, nrc high in favor.~o for ('un\"('ni('n('(' and ('canamy

let YOllr OH'n do four-way dutyas IU th(' dmner helow.

SAFEWAY H~'quit/eNUMBER 61 * MnlU ideaJforbeartierappetites * A lis/til

penn) Slll'ers * Ab()u! gUdrJuteed fresh produce

* Ductgels penollal-adlia

Mrmmfil"l''iW'''l'!':l!7?V ··"1· ~'~:~:J,;,)i ! . <r;

Now's the timeto serve

heartier meals


,Ri\SK.4I, TH'CRSnAv, NOVE~mER 1~. 1;;42

1 I


Sur (I, '·ve aplentiful su ply ofblue 'Waper, red ro,s­hi" pappr, 1£1 rt'rl felt,

~nss, cloth nd Nu­ia glass, hateverou Want 0 cover

. ose scre£' doors,i 's here.

l.OCALNEWS\11'. and Mr". Elary Rjnphar~

vhltl'd tll!' 1:11('1"" lJrnttwr In Mar­CllS, ] ()\\'d , List \\l'('k, relurmmg~und<l).

1)1'. ;HHI Mr~. n. E. (;ormlpy o~

\\·In''Jdl'. \\l'n' ~ullday Qflt:.rnoonand lunl'lH'(ln glll'~!s (If :vtr~. .Jl'ssiCR!'\'llOlrls

Th~' Emil Pospisil family of\\'<I\1sa. and lhl' Elmf'r Rinl'hartsWE'rE' ~lln(by rlinn(>l' gU('sts ofRohE'!'1 RJnl'harts.

1\1r. lind Mrs. C. M. Cr:wf'n,;\11''' J. V\'. Jones, Ml". and Mrs. J.G. !\t1ill('r "pcnl from Frirlay tnSunday in Lincoln

MISS Fidl'liu CarsOn ldt Mon-eby for i\lntllsoll, S. D. nf1C'1' Isp('nding a wQ('k wI1h hf'r sister. ~~Mrs. S B vVhitmorp.

Mrs. L. A. Fanskp and Miss Jes­sie Bnycl' w('nt tn Sioux Falb, S_n., Friday 10 \'isll until Sunday,tht' fonn('r with hpr hro1h('r, Lee\V('IIs., and llne lattf'r with hermnthl1'r,

Mrs. J('nnie Sdfrumpf plans tolea\'(' within a ft'w days to spendthf' Winter with Mis.." NannettaSchrumpf in Lincoln. She may go10 New York Jah'r to visit Mrs.Howard Towns('nd.

Mr. and Mrs, J. O. W('ntworttl.

~~:oc~~:~ed~i~: B~~~h~lIaiIi~1i~:Bl8ir~ I viJsited, $aturday and Sun,day at the ranch home of Mr.Wentworth's brothe-r, F. E. Went"worth~ near Stuart. it

Mrs. Pearl Byers of Naper.came, Saturday to visit for ~

while 'with her sisl",r, Mrs. C. pJLapha,m, Mr. land Mrs, John Davisjthe la~ter a ~a'rlghter of ,Mrs. BY1ers, brought h€tT an~ went on t<tSioux IGHy fQr jlhe week-end, I'

Ric~ard Arimslrong of Casper,Wyo" Iarrived friday to visit al IR. w. Ley's. He leflt Sunday, BC !

companjed by Mrs. Armstrong I

;::::"I.;gr~~kt"dO'=~ ag.::.i,;~!'~ijIiI"'~~;~I~.;" ....j~lii.~estsi .t y'~wEj-I1t ,H. ~. eral1li 'iren a4d Ute,i T ~l' f~. I;


Vac~inate Stzkt;~tsIn WayneISchool.'?

Ahout :WO \\/ayn" "dHl"j ... 1\!­d<'llls \\1'11' \;lCC!O;III,Jj ];, ...,tday for 11T1111IIn'Z'lllon :ll.'::lln~lsmallpox !lnd dlph !)('t'lil.

sp('rmil dlphl1)(~n;j ... 1I'll, willhllndl(·rj )1l'.I:1S 111(''- '.

Oll' Ilh! of .101n\j;,r:-. tThos(' \\lH) h('1IH'll 1'1']1111(' 1'1'('-

ords \\'IT(' 1hI' folio.,., I ~ F(l1' Ill'

\Va 111'1' Ikntha('I~, . I'" (' C.Stlr!z Ilml :YllsS ,'\1yrt Ie[qr Ik L .I. KJllflTl. ~I''-' \V'ji"folJpnhaupl iinrl Mrs Lloyd :\111·dkll; fnr 1)1'. C T I glwhl, ;vll<;"Zada Thomas; lor r II'S. A. 1,111­gpn. hiS own hospital is;taff

Th(, \VelfHrp {'omnll kC' 8pprC"­ci<itl's the cooJ!crali()n (If flllr('nl~.

i schools and doc1or" j l11j$ ('nl(,f-


"I un d e r:" t and How l0f~haW' you i Ne'Vf'[' \il.S ltifl'

~h~~ ~~~e::' a fin- 11<'('n m r ied '?" i;t~ned~:I,'I~~.~:)n~~~~~"No, not yet. ,But -+- Idpcide \\'IWrlwr jo

the neighhors 111- If .yo~ rllVe' been ~~i~d °l~r ":)1:~E' ;~htmost got hL'r IllSl mat~rlt'(Ji a y length fil'ld n (I x I, <';1':I"on

hight." __ , ~~:~~:~a n~~~hYc~~ for Brooklyn.

N 0 bUildJ~~ i s rh~~e~~~r;1 ~s ~~~~~co~pJ~t('ly [flmshed ing quitp as good as H a I' (' (l fllrnlH'C'untIl ,It has a gt?0d Pinnacle ('oal for sizp coal,s t h ('co,;,ermg o~ pamt. hf'ating thf' housf'. right SJ"l(' ~r mostGhdden pal?t 'p'ro- You hay£"~ probably I furnR('('s HI d hf'at­tects and beaulifws. tnt'd m8jJ1Y othe'r Iing stow's. 11,,1'(' IS

N:o maHer ,w h a 1 I kinds of ,coal, hut no hf('Hkin of hlgkmd of bUlldmg you I' we dO\lb~ if you lumps bpf rl' youmakt or no. m.atf('r hav(' fou d any as can ,l::f't t is coalhow small It IS, ~(' good as innaci('. throu~h 11 (' door.sure 'I an? prot('c~ 1t It's aln:.ady pl'('pal'-wIth'Glldden palllt. ._- ed foT' si". Try

. - Th(' fkrJily with a Har('O fllrn CC'!Drafts are not stokl'T in their has('- - - I

only. annoying but ml'nl \):; i in luckI down ri~l)t dang('r~ thN,(' days, It not

oUs, They cause onlY costslthem l('ssmor€' colds. t han for hea1,! plus thepeople reahzf': It evenness of stokerisn't necess~ry to heating

f1l:tJilt When

bave drafts In your they can get a coalhbuse. Not when Jike Harc~ stoker

: st.or~ wl.ndows. and then the have at~fir:.,CPMbmatlon doors talned th Ultimate

Iwill stop them. Do in hl"Qtl g. HaveYOUh h a,v e storm you triE!d H B reo,' It's· ,'n rkansas

~ sas on YOUr house? stoker? :"""'"",,,,,,,,,,,.1 ~Ihis time tha~ a

~l~:' ~~~$~r~~~ ~:Sl~tL~;;'~ r CO. :~~ 1t:'::~':,'J t~~t hi~

wife wasn't dan!g(>r­Phone 141 Wayne OUS.

~ ~ Teaspoon nuim'"2 TablM;poona b.lI,aer

1 J Cup «"uham c~keJ'


LOAF ....


Graham Cracker & Apple P~IIC

I'lilee half uf nppll's in bottom of buttered bak JJish. ('ulIluine sugar and ~JJI('es; sprinkle apples wt.ijhAlf of sugal' IltixtUH'. Dot with butter a~ fprwith hull' of graham ,cl'a(>ker crnmbll. &e~·imllt'lU.ngain with nppJps, rlgoa-in Ilrrnnge in«red-wnfS"in ~ .t'I'S, toppillg willi I'rtlllJb~. Bake, ('u v crt><1 , in iIllod~r toven I.;j.-,O l)pg'. F.) ful' 30 minutes" or until ap eare ll·lld.,r. I·tll'll\·t·r; {'ontin\1e pooking' until eruare hrown. alJllllt 1:--, lllinu{t's. Serve warm orwith crl·/WI. :-;t'r\"f'~ 2.

Z CUIH' ~Ii("('d. peeled tartapples

I ~ ('up brown .'lUl"lLr. firmlypack,.;:!

I·i Teaspoon cinnamon

Conlains 811 the VI:\Ilnt"rals found in ~pee

Whole Wheat flOW'.traded Honry. CP

, WllOle :\U1k :and

About all the Vitamins in the alphabet, 'aiODgcium, Iron and Other Minerals are found insive materials used to produce this wholesome brea4




JUICE ORANGES, ilorid~~lmllnSI~O~,---2~GRAPEFRUITI Tex 5 seedless .. ,. 5 for IlcEArMOR CRUIE RiEl ... ,., , POlInlnllCWESTERI YELLO OIlOIS., .. 5 Lbs. IIC


, ....oU" ORYSTAL SUPERToilet WHITE 24-OUnee

So., SOAP PMkage

Giant13 eau. . Ola.& 27. Packap

ter ..... 1Ian....

GERBER' BABY ODD ::~<A:~::~ ..

Qt:AItTJAR ., .

Fird Prin

MEALY BEAlS2 ~~'G , , I~.


FLAKES Johnson's :.'~~~rurrackers~iG. co ....... 12h




11 ~u:~t.... lOcMorning Light

PEANUT BUTTEI2 ;,i'~"D 42.



IRAFT DINNER, PlCkll_· '1" •


we have!


Cash for

Frozen MeatLockers





And don't forge I th.t


as low .5 $6.00 per year

IHE WAV!<lE HE EBIM;lK • . DAl1. NOV~IBEB 12. 19<2


2 Boxe.12SeFor I

2 Boxe.125eFor l


~':;:•. !15e28,0," i. 23eBox I

3 ~:;·1:,. 22e2 ~:~s21e

.................. :;:~ .lee5~.. 28.

Shredded WhellWtie.1 Mell (lrape Nul


Irispy Crleken Sun.hloc ~~~nd it;Ir.fI ID"ller "ioe 'or .2 Bo... Lge, M,atlf,s. Day For 1

Chili Sluee Hupcrh ~~:.~~ 115.Clisup HUI'Hh l,~;;~;·ll4cPellul Butler ri~~~IOI. ~~~O'L'123e







""It or Lifebuoy SOIPWhole llito

"Ii Flush"II Soa,

I :

...~~ ...21o·liSplrk

No.2IYz23e i.J • I,c.n....... " :UlY 0



.Lelluee ~~:~~) llead.


S.e~1Poilioes Jersey

orii'11 v;Uow .


G~..e~ Onions

?i'h'.'.:;~, ,- ~' ..ti'.I~;, .".' I,': ' : 'I"~. '10.ile. r. M.IS1 Gosting, Miss I-we~ Sunday dinn r *uests ,. th~_ seMri ~ lItn tht.Cle.ction board were: dinner rtf'\'. ~.rf gav~~. Gernian Isjpent,-Th.ursd~I ~';hi~g. waho. Mr.,.~, ,_, vI a~a, ',Obi :J n S ,and Mis,s K rk~atrick. h~ e of Mrs. Ha~ e~'s b ther, Earl Potter, IHerm~n Puis, Frank address and Mrs. Blttnrf Bang ~ Eind Mo;. Conrad '\"'I":: ,:,i. .,it"r, , ' "": ',1-,' i--' , . ,e rly ~jVeryon In the 1st Die Engelbart, at, 'ter. I PhilJ p~, AlJJ~ugt . Behmer, John ,hymn "The SavIOur SaId, Have Melvin Utecht w~nt tu Lincoln".....'..~O' 1", "'.~'rt··F.. -1..J :':"~.' i " a, e W8.s. vaccin ted '·last week, Miss Lois PearsOI' 0 t aChe.s BIl"u8 , Mrs. ~d. Wi-nter, Ed. Scheu- Faith in Godl" Saturday to att.end the football

,i ': ,,II; ,,,.' Iii rlul,!:B I:. be~Je had been vaccinated at New~on, Iowa, s- J t Sat rda)! rich, Sirnon Strate and l:d. Beh- . - "game and spent'the y.'C'ek-end with,: 'r," , p 1 usly. an~ tha:t. night atl oy Pie on·S. mel'. Zi~n, Ll:ltheran Churc-h. IHf'rbert Temme.

l~jA • t· I~~ I iIlj Ebersole's dbg, "Red," paid She had dJpner ..(,~th Miss Rubiy 1 - (fu·... E. H, Bodllng. pastor) I :\ir. and Mrs. Ed. Fn'\'prt and, I Is lee ..,.y 1\ i"O...~m ., I.a r tfler unexpected vi¥iit to t~e Lorlg in Sioux CitylenrQute baCk..II~~~~~~~E~~~~II ~ "orne on "~urloulh. Sunday. Novembpr 15: German Faunl'il were la.,t \\ef'k SundayFeatu~ of' Co vOJC~hon. i cl s ';~m this ~e~k. The chll- l\lIr. and Mrs. Frfcl Stan !Itt., I~ Cp . Norman of ca.m.p Ed- s('r.\'ices~ 9:4i; English st'n'ic('s, Idlnne.r gUl'Sts of .\-lr. clnd -'Trs. Her-

j Wedn sdifl ornlnl~ d er)Joyed the VISlt. and Rohert Ston . of aure:l, George ·DrevRPn was!' a S~~day war " MaliS., ar:rived Saturday, 1lJ:50. Sunday sehoul l{):lI) to Ihert Echt('nkamp.• • I ' e~rly ev-ery student shows a weJ,"e 3t Frank Griff tr's Sat rday-. dinner gue8t at the Hlns Asmus Nov mbc'r 7 for a wl'ck's vlsll With IlU'~O. . i I .\-Tr ;wrl .\Tr,;. Ed. :'t.[l')"('r. :"Tr. and

. nyn , lege tr mmg sc!loo)·Ii.t Cf8jn in weig~t: Gwendolyln Horto,n. colleg st~~ home. j hj!; ~an('nt.;;,._Mr. and MrS. Wm. . S'ltllrday. I\u\'('~tlf'r 4: Sutur.: :'\'frs. (;('(), Fn'drlCk.".nrl (;"r:ddln(,dl tnllsSe \ F Iday evdnmg for two h cI,ass .has fiDlshed th£'. Win~ dent, Mrs. Kenneth rJohnso and Mr. and Mrs.~GllS Sc mid, were Dec . Cpl. Dj:!ck was inducted IOto day sehoul ~ tU 11.,11). '-"l!Jpnt Su'nday t'\"'mng l'r.. 1 \\'('ekW eks' v ea IOn. This Hi the usual s I Readers and is begmnihg Sharon also called tlwt da Saturday evening visit rs at the arm StTVICd February '..!,3, 194~. , - Iat Frnl'~t HI'.:tmmt--'r ~h, ,Iday l'eCl?;.;;.; but. Ii,s early Itle Ga.tes Primer I,and thf' Safet~~ . (~alJ0r~ last w(>cl\clat AlIa Herman Buss home I t' '-- )Ioskinli ..~vankf>lif'lll (·hur(·h. !V!r. an'l :V1r,;. CHIn J!f'rlhold<I r. M". and M"s. ".'d·... Fork or' Ca"- I.. .~' col ('gl' st.udent'l may ,aSSist R ders. ~ dup's were Mr. ~hfl Mrs. • . r ' Son 1'1 nom. I Rev. F. C. j·:~!Ingl'l'. p:istorJ . 'J"l'rp in J Io0l--><'r ~iJnd<1) oj la:-.t

i corn hus~ing ,an other vital 'From KlriderKt\rt.. n. \"ihn, Mn;. Christ~r:la Galhj ann ron, were Sunday WISi~'r$ at 1he 'A' I'd has /)('('n receiw'd of thf' SIT\'ICI'S OYl'r Ihl' r'(Jn1Jng Lord's j\A.'('''k to ;iltend thi' IlJnt'r',il <of ~r.:;.W r ef.f l'ts. School ,resumes No~ , I~USl>iOnS last w('l('k wpr;' .('en~ Herman, ,Mr. and Mrs. Otto iller Adolph Bruggeman :ho ~. . birtl uf a s.'on w('ighing, ~ puunds. r!<ly '~.U~d<lY' l\(j\ I'ntlll'l' ]:1 :t=, f.ul- f-If·l\h"ld·~. lmelt·. (;'!rharl ....;uhr.V(,tnbe1'30. " t,rd:around safely. All ollh(' Hnt1son,Mr.amiM~~~cJ'nrYBush, ~euben Walkt'r qf ~ Ica!V', IS bornlll)Mr andMrs.\\·JlJlamS.... r- 10\\.". Sunday ..,{'hut,1 'at 111·.lIJ. Mr". Cl'org" Br"mlllt'1'. \1rs.

irrair'l~g I~c~ool st~Jf mE'mbe~s· c ,i fen hellX'd in making ;In f'1f'{'- Mr, and Mrs. Waller Simopi . vi-sumg at the hom~ ot· h~8 Ipro1h- hart of Hollydall'. (':.;1., SU~i:';Y. MOI"Olng w{)r~hlp ;11 11 <~il. '!'+l('re L<l\\p'nr'{' H.U\\ ". J·j;trl:.n ;tnd :\lan- IW}? al ."I'n. Wayne .n<!oxt w.eek WIll til 'StoP. a~d Go sign. Linda Guest.l in .the Willard lerke cr, Awalt Walker~ ~nd famJly. NuvJmber R. Mrs. S\-\!h:-Hl W,C'i WIll h" no I'V(!nIJl~ ""1'1)('('. lyn :-penl Wt·dn,·..,dcty .':JII'·nJuon Oil".'Ist Itll gas ra!lo~. r~lst.r.atlon esler, DiCkIe. Sl(,l'I:. S I (,v.c hor(' Sunday of last wP<: for Mr. and Mrs. ,I'~lrrwr Utitecht. of lorrdl'r-ly l\liss Vt'rna AJJd('r~!I uf TIll' Iwxl Wornvn'.., ,\ll.,...,iona.ry la:-! I\p,·k ~d J-:rrwo-t l~r·,llJlnl1'r'.".')Vemttr~., P .. elski, Wyoma Grif.flth and MI~ M. Bleckr's hjr1h~aY]r Mr. Norfolk, were dtnni-r g~(j>st!li Sun- }/o.'iUins. : m",·lln!.; will I,,· "II Tl1ul'"d<ty, ;-';u- :\1r,;. Carl (;5nn;lr""n .Illd \'ina, I

!An '1-\!';tice d~IY' progra.m c a -I Ebersole have het'n pnllcP-1 itn~l Mrs. Will LUlll Mr. n Mrs. day at thp Herman ,GrJln~ homp.r _ ~ \"n.l!lt·r IIJ.. Mr:-. Ci.lJ:(·!j(·t. lmhll)u!~l ;in(,I. Ll- If~aiur('d cnl:tC'ge hi.t:h1chapel Wed~ (' ancl regulated th,' traffIC. I-[(1wurd Mau. Mr. anrl ~ Ru- Gus Schroeder,and MII"s Mabf'l :j Birthday Party. \!!u ~ln' weil"l(mp .to ,h!'lrc any. HUt· oj (Imc(,rd. \\'('1'1' II-i."t Iu(·:-.~n sdny. mOlrn!ng-..JJmmie Morri- yon ~rawings of till' sloP! dolph LOl'('nZf'n an~l fhrni Y lRob- Schroeder were'dml'jler gudSt.~ Sun- M. and Mrs. J.IPrrn;ln in.,m I:HIl! ;dl.1J1 \h.l'"'' c-,.r\li"'''.. lunl'twun ~:IJ' ...,1:; <11 AllIIn (':lrl~:-. n",iW~ WtlS In charge, spoke and si werC',made Thursday., I f'rt an;] Oscar Thun. Mr. an Mrs. day at the NOl"'ri~ Schroeder homp. ('nIl' tain~d sl'veral rt·Ltll\'(·" ;md --s ~{'dat' pal1'~otjC' music was given. ,group letter wril tcp Fl"i-I \Vm. HI('('kp. Thp f)on Lut fam- ,Ed. Kollath, Herman UUf;S and frie ds al fl pi-Irly Friday ('wnlng Trinity Luthf'ran (hurt'h. :\Ir. '--lnd !I-'1r". CI·on.:,' Hl:unmer

t hihiue SI"th Journal. to. Fr,ed lJen~lOgpr to thank lIy sppnt Hw f'vC'nIJ1lg thpJ'f'. g-r~ndsons. Virgil and Rph('rt Russ. in h nor of Mrs. GrJnllll'S IJll"lhdilY. I j{l·\. H. T. Hllll!lf. {'nll'rldinl·rj ;J/ dinn,·] l;j...,1 wt-'l,k.Tll£' /SL"lh Journal will IW ~is~ h 'for helping ~ith. Ow ('I('{'t~'i- t:. o. T. mf'l l'hu~sdH.Y wit Mrs. Wt>n' in Lincoln Monday on I>u,;i- CLir s Wt't'e plaY('d ;It ."IX tiltll(·:-;. ~t~\('mlj('r Sunr1:ly SUllrl.Jy AltgU.,t ;In(1 l.uu!!' Rt)f·hf·r.

1 '1IJutdd tomorrow.•Joanne Nlel·, C I part of th,-, stcm lIght. A pJC~ .low Finn. Mrs. Waynf' Eva s had n('~s. Priz s wen1 to Mr's. Arl J\1'1)". (Iltu Sdr()I)I }Ij or-lock, Sn\"j('r' Jh thl' 1''.1 r.... , ~:rlltna \\·,·1,,1':-.11,'11....,'·1' .\lr"S.n' and Charl~'s Good are the thel t r of the stop ~agn dlnwn by I('harg!' of the ~odal hour. quill Mr. and Mr:;. F:. W. F::ppkr of Koepke, W. J. HH;;g('rt. [VIr.s. Ed. . ".,.nguagl'. at 10: Vi. .' \ fll' \\'.I'.lln g ;In<l ::\1r..;, l<.mil R(.W ..

~.: ~~·~.~~f·,.·(1(';:~s IA.f~.)~,t ~~~~~t R~~:~~~.I t ~ ~:~tlp~<:bersole i"'ls l'nclospd JO I~~~ ~(I~d~~rR~~~rt~(~~\; lU\~:'l~ ~~~f~:: :;e~~e Tl~~'~Sdd~hn~~;,n~~~ ~::~f:~ Elm€>: Ut1l'l'ht, Mrs. Ed :\,I~·:,.lr~ll':~II.'~!l~1 ;11 ('\ ('- IW;lP\ 'lnd :\1]" F (" U,wt (Jr. ~Tr: onmiwlh Bh-ssh'r, Vlrgl,nla - - - on llw AAA program prJz S In a home. I . ("1:1:,,"" e;trh v,l·r!nt'."duy I'\e~ find \11''' \1ilrJln \f('yIT i'Inrl :-;(Jr-,I ('nki g(·r·. Maurice H?lb¢rer,: -ronll'st went to Mrs Robert, Mrs Mr. and Mrs.IW. A. Gl,Itzman r Zion Lnttll'ran Ald. ;11 k .. {I) ! mHn. Mr. and \]1''' Hl'nry \\'IPliO~

-' i1thl'Sn MI'Ginn r~nd Harriet I IPdulsl n and Mrs Ifloyd A drf'ws entertainf'd Mr. Hnd MrH. Ed. Mar- Mt.. · \Vm. KOI'pk t, and Mr'. JA",- . H1:-t!'lwlj(~ns $iltlJr-!i1nrl family CHllt·d in 111'-" Ernp.,t

J~F1iIJPS. .WILBUR IMrs I d I'ork IwcLlme a ne nwm- otz of Norfolk at dinner ,Ttlurs-Llr,~, ,.~<"C·nPkIo.<""I',n,.~..~'rA1a,,'ln,:'·(II,htl'~(."."ZI:',I~I"1 ;>,t;\~.~l::~;;I·('~~;J~;.\1 ~J:'~)i1~' r~ll;'l't 1... lu',ralm""n,lt:~'"h'.'k".llj> .'-iIHltLl) ;rfkt'Ooon

~During, IhE' sC'cond; qUal'ter the (By Staff Cortespondent) he! day {'vening. u,.-" " ~~ '"

" ',' .. I1f~~, fO.U;, s1udt>nt, teachers~ IrV(' RpecI IS ahl(' t~ h <Ihout . Pat~.y Sc~~itl of !--IlJmpl1:f'Y. i~ Thur-;day aftprnoon. ~'·\'l',nll·l,'n. . t·\t·lllng, );11\'t'nJ!J('1' ~t.i, '--It I La."t \\H·k Sunday pw'nlng sur>--, ollsl,ln( I..KI H gf' W'. III Ie. neh. ,~~a? . '. some dftprl)('mglllh.,".evpr,tllspendtngthISWCf'kwlthher grand- ml'rryht?rs Wt'rr' pr"."I'nt. Lllpsl" 11111 :per ~Ui',>h In till' LCiv,n,n('I' Ruwt"-'. g, ~]Jt'llJnf. and art; ':Irgmla rs. Gilmor'f' D.fl Y anri. d:H.lghtf'r Iwe.ek'i. Mr. and Ml's. Davp '!f1mf'r mQther, Mrs. Lena Wittlerr, <jlOd thc wl'rj: Mr.". i-:l'nl'st H.:-l:lsch 'If Nor- - Ihomt. in honor (}f J lCirtan'" llirlh-

adslOn, gpogr'aphy; FranceR (> e at Roy Day'~ f'l'1day. lind lJavid called cd Rf'Nls Sun- Arnold WHUl'r famiiy. folk, ~rs. R:liph VI){,f'b . .'\ir,;. Art I I:day annl\'I'r,;;lrY wen' Darlt'n,' etnel1~lrt. Y.. (".$tOl"Y; (.;('n('~(> Nygren, h.e Herbert T.huns sP.f'nt Sun- da. y aftprnoon,and,DaveTeophi_Sunday('veningvisitor'Sal thC' Ma~.. rhP,. r,(~gula~ nH.'t'llng \Wts N()rthea~t Wayne I;..;orn.liln IVlt'IH'I',. LJ('J(Jl'I'~. Iltll:1 and1CWflC('. I {'alth and mW;IC. I. ('\,pning at Chas. Thun's. lUI;; Sunday evpning. Mr!-l Hazl'l Henry Asmus home were: ?fIr. Hnd hpld. A Christmas party \1111 bE' ISand!":1 \\"il'lrnl;

F olU Fourth Grade. . t' r. and Mrs. Earl '·l\'krchant ILessman. MrR. FrE'd Beck an and Mrs. Lloyd Behmer Bnd family, ht'ld at the J)I'CI·mbf'r mf'f'ting. (By Staff Correspondent) I .I(';Jn .\llIlem of Long PlOP. B('\'-'i J~ol)('rt Good, Joe Nuss, Ehlln c'e at Hobert Aukl'I"s sund:lyIMfS, C . .1. HflJ;;S "",ere ur!->oay Mr. and Mrs. E. O. B('hmer. Mt's~ ,.,Rna,an·',c'~'."H.. !,Ang~i\I"'lkf'.Clrrll"".',nlm",a.,n,~ t.n l-Li.I,'y (If ,\In ..wor"tll, .Jlnl F.arlt'l'.~('j('r,sl·n (Ind Wayne SHmue!So n,·"g. ;'If~. ('rnoon ca. llC'rs. and Mrs. Roscoe Mr. and Mr~. HarTy StratI' and ," I I I I f I \\

d th Jl I' 1 J W 1 ~('I'''','d lunc:!Jeon. ,\nll;1 I..t·~""lll,'\fI "I",nl Thu1·...dil)' 'I dn, .... "l·nlll ,,'unarl " t It· f1)-~t',:-'l.?('· p('r:(',~'.t in at l('n an~e ~ .he Fred Iff'ier. .ir.. Limit J., ~r1('nl .J~.n('s .of CH,rroli slwnt II day (aughtel'. Enna ean. w{'re /:'( - '1'.',I,',',',','.'.l'JI)lI III tIll' 1'.1 lit ....,. 1 I.lrcm.1111"1" (1·,',:.11I"~t,"""k,.n.,.,I... ,'"l""I"'·':'\"1',','.'n' I.J"lj~.. I,',','" ',~.t'r,n"tlsl quaIl( r.. Juday :It Wm. Irbrl!illL:'" at 1l;'Jursddy 1hl re. npsday f'Vl'ning viJo;itors at lh,- G('r, ~~....,. ....' ,

~ll a :-;p~'('tal last:weeT .oeridge. (' I Lloyd Dll~klau is im roving hardt Eckf'rt hom{' at Wisner. The' ~~i~li?yf A~~tt~~:~n~i.;:Hlje~' 'I'll!' Ibni', S!ln'n~l'lh ""pl'nt 11\1' Ilrln;. ~k\lill(Jn homl'.'" f.V1'I'Yo. ne tnll.H·OVl'd, In. sPfllmg., ,r. an.d M~s. Kdth RN'd W(Tf' frbm lhp in.Jury ~uffC"r.CdJ' to hi.'; Mrs. Edward SChaffer I€'fl Fri- II 1 1'1 I '[ A \1 (. K t' I I \1

A I I I II 1« a Ceaturh d f f) h N C' to ",",'! h«r A,',l m,'! ·rhur'.·da" '"f""'n"',n ''',!h t!\('lll11J--: ;il C'l ll'rt ·x 1- .' r. ;,.nq . 1"'-. . . 'iJ 11 •• r.oS amp ( U) WI k . F. u day ,I,·,.n,'" gU'..><-.·! .. · ,'" Mal·k Ir;ght hand In a. corn nick r. MI". ay or ur am, . --, v ." ~ .-, J ~

I I rt ." .~ t' ~ J I d CIS h If h' M".'. A"nnld W. l'f",1 <·",,1 'Ir".·. and :vIr" Joe (·orblt Cind Billy wl'rp)[ language war { tlC .secon,/-, i pson's. nnd Mr.s. Kpnneth Dunkl U and 1WI )an, p. c a er, W 0 lS now ,:'oj , ,. .,

lU,~l'tl'r.. . I " ev. WaltC'r Brack/'.nsick Hnd I baby ealled at hi!> home onday ::;taRt~oVn.PRd.a~~.CBa.m"IIPorBfU,.t.anlol~'dNa··!.C'·hC Gu~ Schmidt as" 1l(}~1t'.'i~i'S in thp Heil hotd 1ft!' 1 \\-",·pk Sund'lY rllnnn gw'.'t,~ uf1 Ill- chJldrf'n c lOse a song re~ I I M d M 0;:- I:' , parochial school. Fourl fOpn nwm-< . . .... d.J. f ily C'flllf'd Sunday nfll'rnoon <It ('v('ning last Wf'C' {j r. a n.

'I' :.rnh('l'l'd fl'O~~l 11~(' 1,st ,gra~, e vln Long-p's. ' ":rwin Vahlkamp' flnd da ght('r~ Louif' Krause home ThU.fliday eVl'- h('r~ ..... l'rp pr(,~f'nt. (;U('S\S w('rl':I'uldlt' songs. ft)~ \l,olk lh r. and Mrs. \Vill Echll'nk,lmp w('rp TUt'seiay ':Jfterno~gue~ts ningto\'isttMr.Krausl'whoisim~ Md. HnthR Pfeil <In [wnflrary

t yl'jlltl;,( ..notl's ,~Hl, 111<' s.t.:lrf andC

m Bernic{' wC'rc at: Emil Bilipr"s last wcek. MT'~. J}ug. Kr 'r- and provJOg following a rC'cent illnc~s. member. MI";s Arll'I1" l-'ull1'man .• "'-Jn~posmg. 1III lunr> IS that 0, u day aft('rnno~ Mrs. Dav<, Harnfjr w<'re th/'re SundaY dinn('r gUl'sls at till' Gus Misls Ewtyn FlllJrnmn. H.l'\'. It F

,!'~~ .oil.! folk-gHm.~ often called rs. Herman Bf'(']im:m of \01£'- Wf'dnpsday. Mrs. IFred B ekman. Deck hom(' were: Mr. and Mrs. Ar- Bitlorf h,HJ charg!' or tl1(' de\,()-rSkip lil My Lou., . _ id e spent thC' wCf'k-end wil!l l\Trs. RIL'iSpll BI'ckiman an Pal1y nolll Miller and };on, Gene, Mr. Hnd tionBls. Plan" Wl'I'" m,j(]l" for nil-

b ~Jan,<'th' l')~nvson.s 1~1(~r('~t In an e slslf>r. Mrs. MIl-*: Ash'i

Iand Mrs. J1H~C'1 Lpssrna wprC' Mrs. Robf'tt SchWindt and fa~njJy. hos~ Christmas parly at th .. l>t·~,:I~I(JI.l'S llf'st swmgmg m t.~e Irs. Julia Pt:'rdue 'called SlItur- Thur:-;day I'VI'nmg ,gUf'sts. Mn;. Minnie Wittenberg of Nor- ('Nl1IbE'r rnN'ltng, (;lf1.'i wJlI In' t'X-

~'l~d waoS used ~y tbe cl,~ss In a on Mrs. Adalia Bush; Mr. ;Ind _ folk, is sppnding several day., IhlS chCllngt·d. Th., host('s."t'S 'i.1·J"WtJ a

vrlt.lnt{llthol .~.?rds, a"Nd m,,~s'c of a r, Henry Bush were thprI' Fd- lOCAL 'NE S week with her mQUll:'r; Mrli. Hpr- orH-CuUl'V' JuncJwon........ :ong ell 1'( Lmp y ('S. J tha Pfeil and brother, Ernl:'8t Pfeil.

I' Third tirade .It.e~l'i. f· at". and Mrs. JIQhf'y.t Allkpr, n. E. Marpk and Bur Davis Mr. and Mrs. Hans Asmus and Mn. Bnlmeho, lIost.,·ss.Thf' ,:)1'(1 gr<lr!prs mVlted thelt J;ion and Howard Sloa!k('s \l"f'r(' wpnt 10 ()mal~a y.,.'E'~n('sday fur the Arlent'. Mr. and Mr·s. Loui." Hen- The lJorC;I'> MWWty of till' PeflcP

IP;It'l'l:1." In St·t.' what they had done t :Albert Wft!snn's Slmd:lv :lftI'J'- SIBlt' halll{('r~ ffiCl1tJOg. dme flnel Janelle wI'r£' Sunday p\'p- Rprtorn1f'd church ITwl "1"hursd;-j}

Il tlVr:tll~ till' Itrst quart('L They o?n . Mrs. Mabel Slt'ell' jeft cdnps- nlOg Vi~.ltors at thl' J. uho IJr('\'~('nIafltrnu'lIl wltll !\Trs. "'1"1'11 J~nlm('L,J~,a\'('!':IYU.PPI-'1 s.'h~W'. "H~ns:l and rh~ JOhn.Finn ([;IY f'.J!' ('Hli~orn!a. 1!I'r da ghl.·r." honw. !'" as ho';ll'~., Ilt Ill(' {'hWTh. GIl;'sts,Ll'I'Ir!1. I'lcturp IllustratIOns wcre u~ia Pf'rdue Wf'n> ,n'I' :-.!;Iymg 10 1- remont. Mr. and Mrs. Edwil1 Wi!tpnlwrg w('1',,: HI·\. Hnt! ~r" :\"OI"lTlafl H.ll'd-j.;h!lwh. iI.S the story waS told. u¢sts in the AI. Vt'rwlli "lV.. T!"", Charlotte New. I.lerjmo\'ed of HastJllgs, s;pl'nl s('\-,erul days It'St.1 tlf {\iluhJ'ara.~ ,\1l'-",. LIZZie

'1\\II'I\"(' pl-lI'pnts Wl'rl' present. otlca. this \I"('l·k 10 1h(" 1.. B. , CCIUI'C' la.<..,1 wv('k with Mrs. Willl~nhN.I;(S (irceo. Lol;lmaye BrUll\t·ls. Rl·\'. CFrom !o;f'('ond Grad,~. r. and Mr!';. Roy Spahr. Lois ,properlY Oil FIrst st ('1'1. mothI'. r, Mrs. Gus Sdlmldt. ilnd II. Ru,dl'sl'l had t'lldl"gl' of til!' til'-

"II l1imyMi1dH'1l is moving to Lin- n L('Roy W('f(' at Me!\'in It. w. and lle;marl, I~~md- utl~~~s:lnd Mrs. W. A Glltzrn:w <Inti ~t:~~~t~~~ll;:I;~:;~ ll1l'mh~'(J;\~~I~~;:~~s~'I(I], .".01.11. 'Ili~ Wt,pk. lIt, Wll! be greatly • r day ('H-ning. Lois' h"l'g \\"('J'(' III . ~\ l~dn(i"d.tY to

1ll1";S('(. a urday. ,JIII'IH! tl1l' Il<!n),I'r" {()n\('1 tlUIl. <lHllg hlP.'..S "".·ere afl.l.rnoon \·ls.ltllr" 1 th,·jJ,'t't·mlwr rl.t ItIH'. Imlll('J\li,.;:;; '!\olary Lynn Burge will be rs . .T. G. Kyl. Mrs, Ft'st;:J Mrs. 1\.', A. Hollon retu'·nr·d.lo ilt the (J \V KH'sau hllllH' (Inti l,\'I'- oj !\Irs. \Vnl\('r FIr'(·]·. (~dts WJ]]

:;tlJdl'nt l!1 l'c'cl 01' for lhe rhythm h'el and Miss KHthrvn Kyl \\-'('l'(' Hlo()/llfield TlH·.,;r!ay nfU'l' ~ll£'ndJl)g ning ViSitors <-It thl' 11, (' MJllc·l- 1Jt' ('Xdlangl'd. ;\Ir·o;. Brunk'-, 'i(TV-

:bilndi this qU;'lrt('r. The children 1 Frank Griffith·s· \VI'llnf'sd:1Y 1ll days with 1lL't' uaugl1ll'I','iMr:-.. '1'. st~~~.t S~:;~1rs. Ed. Rrrnhardt of ~~tt~~'(;~,(:~~lt~:~'~~~~~~~:Ulll C',lJTying

I'H~r lli'arning a ne..y selection) "An a we£'k. IC. Bathke.,AIl'plaTH' HHl('." r. and Mrs. Will LUlt. Mr. :Ind Mrs. E. II. Dotson rf>lur1wu Fri- Norfolk; MI'. lind Mrs. EdWinI TIl<' ~'lud('nts are w~iting. picture ~. Howard Mau \-\.'prl' Sunday day fl'om a wI,('k's \'a('l!tJOn in Strate and Delorl'J-; Mat· wert· Sun Oh!'M'npo.; 90th Blrthha~·.11'11("rs in n'lation to' UWlr r('ad- i ner gupsts at. Vir'gil l\1()!.;{'m;ln'.-:.South j);lkot;,l. Sill' h:Hi hd'll \'I"'lt- day sUp!H'r gW'stJs ,l1 the lLllT)- !'fIr,;. BI'rlhii Pfl·ll.: l!iOllll'('r r£'sj-

i~'(\71~'~ nl1,i~'1.r,;. tire ,-:I~o working on Iat F~~1:~~n. Mrs. Fr'flnk r.riffilh I' In~I\'~'~a~~'I'~:: MHson arri\' d home S"~~~.d1:'m~()~~~. Augu.'it Spl'ng!('r ~~~~t l(il~ II:;;~~/'~~;l\~tt::~d;:~;h~'V)~'r~'t~~~From )<'irst nrade. Ia 'k Mr. and Mrs. John Ifyl :lncl 'l'uP.'idilY from a \'bit in hshland, and duughler, RU1h. and Mr. ,lnd (\;q,: annl\l'rsary. :\-Ir". !'ff,1i L'i onl'

TIll'stud(,lll 1{'Hchers for the .To to Craig Sunday af111' lhl'y ()hio. With ht'!· :'IIF. J. S Mrs. Arnold Jankl·. LOIS and jll'n (ll til" II'w l)('r"ol1" nnw hl'lllg. who::;e~ohd qual'tC'r ;I·~o:.' MisH,. Dillon, ha ~pent 10 days herp., \\.'C<1\'('I·. Enrout (. :-;!Jll.'itoPPl'ti nis spent Sunday at tIll' H. L. J lc\\ C,JlTlI' Wit h IIll' IIr ... I c(llm)',: (\1 \\'is-

']\liss Mo.rgan, M.ts<s· Thomp:-;on, rs. llenry 1Ians('n~~~~~...~~_~~llcago. t't ~~~~~a'~\ ~~)it~~chlagl'r (If }';I tr- ~~~~~~(,I~!It'J)~!'lt~~;.t(~11~;~r;:';~I;II~' j;::./I~l~..! mrmt, Mmn .. Mr. and Mrs.. AUglL-.t fur het' 1Jh~'. ,\1r<.;. l'I,'!l ril;lkt'.' h('r

S!'lt'ngll'r' and J{lllh \\'I'rl' calli'r:-. 11.1 h(ml(' WIth Iwr :-O!l. Ernl'il, In Hos­thl' \N,dtEor FI'r1skl' and A7"l1Uld klnS i,nr! dq,''; nil IS! of Ill(' hOlls!.'Janke IlOrn!'.'; S,tturday morning v';Qrtc In Jwnflr oj Mr, Pf~d's nJoth· i

Mr. and Mrs. Hl'l'lllan (Jpfer' ,HIli {'y', Mr. and 1\'11'0;. Arnold Plt·1i l'n- Ison, Billy, and !\'ll"~, WnJ. Vo~s \\tTt' t,'rtaJnt·d llw follOWing ,gUI'S\:-' atSunday visitur." at the Raymond a!) o'dock umw'l' Sonda;-' eW'ning:Bernhardt home in Norfolk. :\'1r Mr. and rvlr:-.. E. W Schlack andand Mrs. Harry Bernhardt uf pJI- Sandr:J.. l\-Ir:i. Carrie WilJs of \\'1-5­gcr. were also gucsts. n~r. Mrs. Mlnnl(' \VII t,{'nhf'rg of

Mrs. H. C Mittelslaedt and fam Norfolk, Mrs. Pfeil. Ertlest Pfpil,ily. Mrs. Herman Neitzke and Mrs FU::v. and Mrs. H. F Bittod andHerman Opfer and son wen' re family. A hlrthday cakf' hakl'd andcent visitors at th£' Dale Ziegler c!C'coratf'd hy fl,1J'''. Schlack Ct'nt£'r­home to visit .Mrs. Ziegler, who I'd! tll(' dinin~ 181>1(>. FoqoWlJ1g thp

is improving following a recent ill· \:jiiiiiii.ii~,1ness.

Mrs. Paul Wollschlager of Fflir­mont, Minn., was a FridRy o\'l'r­night nnd Satutday gUC1S!t at theAugust Spengler home. Sa turday IMrs. "WofIsChlagr.r went .10 CrfiLe;h­ton to visit hel'! parenls, Mr. <JndMrs, John Diedrlcks.

Callers at the LoUIS Krauscheme the past ",,:('('k 10 visit MrKrause were: Mr. and Mrs. EdwinWi1tenUerg of Hastings" Mr. andMrs. Herman Buss, Mr. and MrsHerman Neitzke, Mr. ane! MrsCharley Fuhnnan and Arlene.

Visitors at. the Wm. Deck homeSunday,afternoon to visit Cpl.Norman Deck of Camp Edwards.Mas~., wel"{': Mr. and Mrs. JohnAsmus and family of Winside, Mr.and MrS. Henr~ Asmus and fam~

Hy, Mr. and Mrs. Han~ A~mus andArlene. ,

Mr. and Mrsj GeOl.g(' Wittler e,"",­tertained Mr. nnd Mrs. HallrtSchmitt and aught€"r, Patty, beHumphl'{'Y. Mit. and Mrs. Arn~dWittler and <laughter'f Mariet a.Mrs. Lena Wittler, Rev. and MF. C. Ebjnger~ nd family at d n-ner Sunday n n. '

Misses Virgi ja, Leone, Lois a~d

DeLoris Lange berg sPQnt fromFriday until S nday at the L. W

Walker and H~K. Leffler home.:. inOmaha. Mrs. harles F&rran arddaughter; Aud y, of Winside, ~ohad been in rnaha. accompan~ed

tl1e MlssesLa genberg to Hl's­kim.

Mo........ ~1 opealOC C~.The Trinity ILutheran Paroc~al


P:~:;~.ijlv:~~,1tat the lle"'ralr~ecti.On in Hosk nslast Tu

3Earl Potter as

eleded justice ." the pe.ce of -kl~ precinct. ILo:Sehmor asi!Ieded .121 tina He 1''''IlII .,IPuIS by a votl of 12 to 54. TIl Be

, I

lI'nf" In I'

I round1)1(' hd"

·,lft ell

In.<; 1'1" ,.Ikd', !l

rkr'l hI :'ar!dcd

~"ll i.-

:'1110'11'':;·k, .. lil' II

h h·'["





\\'p {";IHrv "int \\ pl~hlr!<"P('f'c1 Mun..lnl{ u tem "uil ...ror \\ "mpn In 8t k in all"lz<"$. \'Jf" hjl.\'f" shknf"4" Iprqrth 'and !it

IInkl.. IPfllrlh "tyl\\ant ·!5°,:, \\001 or\\.r ('lUI ~..t Ihpln , )·OU in :!I

rl'\\. dll.\S from :UU !fOin~,

'1Iln untlt"Ill·r'....·t1y lind haKliI·n for ",ulwrjorqIlIlJitJ'.

(1\11 ill1l1nwnt [)j).t1IJril:l:,ill oIlHl TIl;"l jilnld~ anrl go\\'\\ (' \\''r(' il.11()\~pd

h.lJf "f v. h;lt \.\1''.l'dr If \Illj <lrptl~f'r f,f \Iun'irn~com(' nqw Thf'-:-('­ann ~(Jwns <in'Chri:',fnH~ gIftsqock md\ Ill':"oforr \01] had· pI":l·ttll1~ ~r)llr rpl:::uJl'r!fVt! $1 ~Ij, $:!:l5

(fond. looking'ra~(m mi'I',1 ho~pa

~ I· (1) Fl('cnrrlln~clln()llnt nf \~·nol an

Th, lulors a

H \nU arp mBki J:" thJnpof prrlh· I)rlnh; II (·hri",,"rna" ~Ift don't f .i tbat:\\l' UN' tllI spllin our fln-c"t doch of (i-old squareprint.>. l,1 29(".

Th,'\ IHr or Ihf". ~ lWlkyf1nl"h ('"lIon yarn!4 "'Ith Ihf8!Ii.III1U' fll ... l rolor )'e8 )·00

h8\f' a1"8'.... oollgb Lots ofchoif".. laslt('rml ("hOOMtfrrlUl r"r lllJrOD'I. d~faDf") w(lrk lind qui Illie·

An orrlpr f()r :l6,OO()dlfl "f'I.., WIll pro\·Ir!f' 1

rRr!IO pr02;rams for· Imerch,tnl sCldnrs at "f'

beP~~~:e~('~:X~ ;~~r f(~, 1~1/-~~:lJl\co\'er 11olf' Jn~n'1srn /·1 t r,Jgcn <lnd transportal10 1.

• Four Ol<lJor ....·arurgmg W<t r cont rae! " 1, ~ I

more C'nlored peoplc lJ Ill' J'


~' II



""p ha\·e dllK'o\·rrf"d;orn manufa.clurrr "homakf"1't n-.a.IIV tnlf' fHUnKhalf 8.I:J'.,f'1 drp"Mf>c" with rhokrlip to thp minutp "tylr andnlcf'l malf'lrlall'l. Thpy art"moderawly pri('('d 100 for8u<"h fin" quality. And ".f' doany nec~ry a.1t.('raUotl.OIiwithout ..drs rhallrf".

Nebraskans register November12 to 14 for gas ratiomng. A~y

having more than five tlres Will

not be allowed to register.

ki f oor price,-of $13 per .P

r'es~ only to kill true s a~:01 h'T .

~n;:edO:na po delivered at M.l£- rc rmnerClal viE-hIdes the road.souri. river markets. Such a poee , - .

ld they felt. give fanne~ and Merchants, ~armer's d artl';;<Jr,_,

~:~isers an incentive to prOduce aic;o manuf~crlurers an procf·;-''''jf"more bogs to, supply growing de- rqay ~ell t/1RIl." used e pm('nt ,HI'I

ds f r pork. supplIes wl~h()ut refe c(: to CLI-man 0 lOgs cstablisrred.

In vjew of thc threatened aper short-age alid necessary cUltailmen of publica­tiOIlR, ,,'e would advise Washin on author­ities to feel around near head uarters andput hohble, on bureaus that nsumc toomuch paper. The action \\'ould also relievewaste baskets.


Registrations for ga;; rationillg have beenput off another week. We would suggestto authorities that th"y do a E'urer job ofplanning something of such fa eaching ef­feetH. Backing up iK disconce ing, If ra~

tioning is indiHpen~ablc, it sh be hur­ried along,


DOl c;T N S:Inl \\far time as ~n ac~ ti

some persons aPPttar:t do rethan their Ishare,' whole ot ersseem to dOl l<ess. One indivi ualis 'not qualified fqr service aanother can give. Some pe, nare good leaders) while at erprefer to follow and shou deless responsibi1i~y. People fiInto different niches, and us aiIy perform well what they un

dertake. In a criSIS, like th "Nebraska's quota for fats andpresent, everybody on the h m .....i I 'olis is 380,000 pounds per monthfront is eager 10 help carry th ,~E N • Y K A RL , STEFAN i' or 4,600,000 pounds per year, annatIOnal burden and do e r WashiIlgton, D. c., rthe farms <or In the cities is not average of 31f.l pounds per caPl~~.thing possible to serve miH ar November 3, 194~. work109 oUl as well as was a lci- Every W pounds of fats and OJ}advantage, Peoplle are least el New regUlatl~rnsgove ing near- pated by advocatf's of such ~Ice will provide 1 pound of glycer


ish in a time of greaJt pe lIlY all wages and Sell les hav(' control. Increas('d agricultural ro- which is enough to ~anufacture~~:ti~n~~~:~ftoo~er~~~:~r~ ~r - been issued by form I' IJustlce duction ~IS as essential to Win mg pounds of gun power.peaceful lllrdC'r. Not many[ a Byrtles, who recently Ie the su- the war as IS mcreased prodU~lon ., salva -;commlttees wlll

preme court to beCome d rector of 10 munillon plants. Now tha at- Cou~ty . g '.1 ts~i$posedh tJo s~irk. I<~w ~ldr~st economic stabilization. hey are tcnbon has been turned to gri· appre~Late asslstan.ce I~ sa\' ng fare Army ('hll'f (,f Sl;J \1

isU~I~: ~~d~r~~J ~~a~~:o k .t in addition to the wa 3lnd salary culture, other steps may be t en. and 0115. Three SI7;P/ ste~ a·1

saId lfw "<;klllful "t'. r 1,In~fl';Ja democracy, once arouse a d ~:~tr:;eel::Vgi~I,·o;~d :~v~~I~ihge~al~ ~.~~h~~~Yfa:~ ~~r a~~:r:o t~ro;:: ;;:~~~~d~r;~s~:k~ng :J~I~nfa:/ thf' n8\Y ha~ ;,Irr!limpelled by clear undcrstan - -. X ~o bountifully as In 1942. For !that 2, strain IOta a straight-sided tm 800,f)lill, ~f)Idv'r" 'dfl'I'109, that 10surcs freedom,1 a d ad"esb a~.d big wa1es.. ho~eh~ngag- reason If for no other 'Conlre5s container and store In a cool plan', I irlnl Inff q orl \\ t r, u,independence e Y Irms emp oy. g elg [)f'o- . ,~ d coffee cans or ;'\io :.:!1;r AlliintlC Inri Pi'll IIIl

' ple or less are not affectec!. SH.I~ and thf' admlnlstratlVe dewart- one-poun . . ,... .1Fa·miTY Nut~iiioJ-- - ~g~~e~~}O~ ~~'~p~~b~~nl~m s~~~ ::~~!~h;~~~(r:~~~~~. further tb In- ~~~I~:'~~~ ~,r~d~~~·~~ ~~~ ~~~:~o~~ Thf' n.l\~ rr'jJf,rt",1 ·<)\I'n i,., ;

T aries a.bov~ that am~unt ar~ ·~Ol ~~~ ~~a~erU::;Cf;~z(~~J~~~a;~~~t;~ ~~~)t l:~tf/),f,n~;~:y ';111~';;; ~tn~~,l~tII:.'Subject of },a k 10 be Increased, hut may 0(' rr- As IhlS ch.qngp of pOlicy toward a ra I' who wil) pay the house- cr<; w('rr' rLmj;Il.':' d d llJiJ

Waync city .school paren~t- e h- duced to that amou t. F orhldden farm v.-prkl'[;oi occur": the manpow- .....~ 410 'nts a pound, plfln~ In;I l';l t ~('der group meets next Mond y .C'~ are the payment of s larH'!; ahove rr Situation m Industry and war e ce. air haIti/' !1llif'<; Ifthr''l'!

~~';;;e~~~~O~II~~ 1~:,~I;e~or ~~l ';;'~ ~;~~~e~err~n~::;;~i t~~rl~~~ua;~ ~:,~J~'~t;"~O~'::;el'::'n~~;'~g":~~I~r;h~~ Use of statnless steel tn more Ou",I"I,,,n,<I, ""., rT;,re~,;college, sptlaks on family nutrJl on ThIS limIt has heen nr:kr dISCUS- lng foref's. Bd]s to regiment all tWin 75 producb, ranging from ~ ~nox ..aId till' JdPd~"W N k ..... 11 J yajp slon formonth.s. T('r(' Hf(' rx- manpo..... cr~pro\'Jdcfordraftmgla- coffeepots andcutJery to farm rna-II /i.\rn·tlnf In,mll''nu%~~~, a~~1 ~~e '~f ~h~ tdac

1(~~ C'pptlOns to these fre zing rcgula- bor, JOrludmg that of women, have chlnery and hot water heater.." IS ;~)II)~,)n~1 .mr! 11]('/1

WIll report on the P.-T. A.lm ga- tlOns AdvanCt's in salaries or becn pending for months. A big prohIbited by ""·,=:"B. Itl1~' tll~( 1;~I')\(1'1r :lIIZlne He\! G. Gieschen \',111 re- wagf's may be made pan thr C'on- conference IS hClng held In Wash- ~ ;-ttld I trOjCSide for thf' last tlme b('fbrc he spnt of the treasu (kpartml'nt ingtol1' to consldpr Ihr subject. It I Midwesterners .... ho be1Jc\.e they. ,1 l',., r.~mow's 10' ()maha. The 6thl g de or the war labor boar, If and .... hen s{'emed a month ago that congress are entItled to more than the hoi<;l," I .

mothers, WIth Mrs. TeXlj lm~ merit of an mdlvld al warrants would be asker:! to act upon some ratIOn of gasolIne .... 111 have to fur' I Ld'l'~." q"t If} !'l'merma_n_ Ch.alr~~n, ~~d.l .ser 'e. such favorable consI eral Ion. Just such leglslallOn. Now come:; the nJsh speCifiC, detaIled Infonn<ltlon t hoi I 1 ,I U j' 1(lf I ,new ~~

.. .. - what that ('x,eptlo means Will word thdt legl:-ilii!IOn on lhe "ub- about thf"lr dnvlng rpqulrpmf'nt:- fornI' In ' " Illi' !,11l0rUrges Deferment not he known until I tel'. wct WIll not he: rC'fjllf'sted. It ~ ex- on theIr appllcatlOn form.";. Thl':'c! t-h, "n<l "I 1:113 and

~ flf'ctf'f! Ihal soml' voluntary:plan appllcatlOns for supplemental ra- !1i(~lllll(1 I,~ tIll' l'nd ofTo Help on "ra Thprf' Will hf" Ihou ands nf pN- may he rwrfpcle'd to make ,sure tlOns Will be Ci\allable at ,rnofol- I

In t('sllmony IJI'forc thc ~se <lIe sons whoSp salanf's w II h(' afff'ctf'd lhiil mdustrH's <is ..... ('11 <lS I the houses and other deSignated rcgls- f \\ j",r.' ir~ rlrr\t'n h r-':lll~ (;.I ff t f f;irms may ha\(' SufflClrnl lahpr to tratlOn sites. I EnV'J ;Inrl Hen P,A",!,k .

';~cl;;'lr:r: (:~r~~(;~~~~~~ 1c!J:uaJ~ ~~~~~~~Ite~~n~h~~;t ~7~1('~~I~~el~: he'pon Increasing thclroutpUt for :SoUlh CIty. (' ild/'rl , ..

R. Wickard urged that alll es rn- flat ion, broadening of r)('rsonal war purposes, :N"cwly deSIgned "C· .<;tlckers I:\lllnrl,l:. I i-I \\f'l k n" r f~):'~.' If~tml farm work('fs receIve ~c pa~ sacrrflce, and aSldc- rom the pf'r-' which ..... Ill makp kno.... n to thp puh- i GIl'~l' Sllff'·!"'l:·d i1 hroktlonal draft flefermf'nt ~ft..' Iso sonal Income laxes. n fact Ihrn' :SEWS ABOL'T THE WAiR be the exact plJrpo<;r for whIch kr'n h.lI! m({'rn·li InJu I'~ ~~,(.l r~:askf'd that plants holding gov rn- Will br somE' rf'ductl n III ppr<;on<ll From ()(flre of "·ar InfonJation cars have been ~ranlpo preferred: ~'l"IIT. rl;l,'I;,r ~"\l;<l 11'''' dnl! , .1mf'nt WBr contract<; be prqve ted incomp taxes becctus of It Some To pro\.·lde for winter contlfort, mileage are being- dIstributed. I ·('n liUl. loll ,l lro e ,..,from hmng ."uch ('ss{'nlla~ ·f Iml of thos(' rec('lvlng $ ,non or morf' vVPB has relcasl'd 6,OOO,()(XJ I~unds i Ja\~.\l/ork('rs. \\!wkard f('portd'd hat prr d<ly in ~alarles, 111 hii\p thf'lr of wool for umkr..... car and knitted CertifIcates of war nr,r<;<;11)

If scourging is nqecs~ary to swi g society ahout l.l.-i()(),OO(j \~ork('l·s left f; InCO]lle taxes grf''lI! r('(Ju('('(! Bill goods fOl" (:l\lllan", will nqt be rf'qUlred for \l'hlele<:.: r,\ .";.ilrnnn r:nw on. \1 I, t~way from a tendf'll(,y to idle and harmful dUring 1)1(' pa,l yl':ll', ;J,nrl d-;II corporation laxe:o; <ir' higher than "laldup·'1OdC'flnit('l) unlll the} ;HI'if'mplny ,. III till' :\1." 11 J 111'f'"dissipation, the war ought to do,it. But it ed that flO WI' (,(,l1t wlml nill) al· the avprage of inca c taxes. and Farm [;.Jmllll'<; ;In' a<;ken to ~ount placf'd h;1ck 10 Opern.tl0n Thl" ~p_ r{'tlrf'd :-<lj\',·mI1l'r 1.would ~eem the world should not have to .... ark \.. hlh 4() PCI tlflt '''ont nto II! IS pxpected that t f' IlmJ1atlons mf'al <;l<-lughterf"d at hom~ and -~~~-----be manhandled to lead it to modify mater- the dmwo fOrles ""Ill s...... ell tile n('t In oml's (If ror~ th~1 hOllght In qUHnlltlf's o~ thc

\ fal considerations and emphasize spiritual - ~ -- porallOns and hf'ncp Rdd to Ihe rwr.wl't'kJy nllowCince plan. lEach Or 5 . I ILLFarmers Do Share rev,nues under Ihe el' "" htll adull ,hould he a!!owed: 2', r pecla nl:ereSl:

values, T H l W Eff t I - I pound, a ,,,,,k, ehdd,en fronl 6 to-------<i 0 e p~ ar r Silil another hlg 11S<;Uf' hds Sf I 1.2 <11Io......prl 1 pounds, and Ith05e W Sh

In our life-long penchant for saying Thdt farmf'ls hid In<irl'sh, !lerl up ..... IIh new ord('rs <Ind rtg-utl tlnd('r h hl' .\ poundj to omen opp rsthingfi that were irritatingly inapropos, we for(c~ for the ndllon ,'i Plotf' tl0n tlOn<; rann auctlonS

1\flUlnt flmls _ I

favored our school teachers who were at long hcforf" the first homb:fel on and the thrf'af of or(' of thf'nl'l tl..,(' of plalmunl 10 [WeIr}' has ".p I;liIJ ha\p 75 f'hokr and ,\arnIPI'" ("0..-1 tP.... lnllleast rartiaTl,v and safely deaf. We did Pearl Harhor \....a' forturlat for l'I.nd rl('clinc In.<lgnr tural produc- h('C'n <;topped by \\·PH. ThPfetal mi~ht find jll ...t 1not favor man V, because most of them the unrte'rl nallon.". WIthin 'a eek lion fmally y,a~ ftl pd upon lh(' IS n('('dcc! for radiO tub s an ath- ~~:·I::ulnto~~~M'~~~.c;::~.: "ant amnn~ thpm. '\~In\'::l\l:within OUf recollection had perfect hear- aflrl" DC'ccmhpr I, ]911, the d('~ r1ttf'ntlon of tho"p who bO.;.1."tf'O cr communlcal10ns t''lu pmen . pral'of thpm arf" hands-omply it i!i "plI \\lJr1h lr). hr-

ing. $ ~:~~:~ln~Oo~11;,I;,r\(~Ut~I~~': ~~~~a i~~~ ~~~ ;~~~ ~)J1~(':~nl t~(~~~~~'nJ111)(~I~ I A nlnwr th3t --;u~s Jd! helve to ~~~ t:~=t~~.pA~~~~.. '~nd ;:~l;;- ~1~;:;' :\\(;~'t hp m~~~Thoug-h naturally a trifle suspicious, we Now th~t th(' niitllln celphr~tf'. the lhat th~ loss of lah~ on fal~s 10 1)(' odd-~lZC'd. IS unfoulnded.1 OPA h~eeds as wellas np\\" ,,"P8\'PS ruhhpr .·"nl .. nl ru If~~I1~;:.r~

farmers 'Ictory In mefC'tjmg the Indu<o;tn· and throu thr Clrm! reports that a survf'y shows ample in plain wool...o ... Thprf" i .. a :l~~l~r~r ~~w\\\;l~:~: akr", 11

f~~~"~~b \;,~lr:rst~~dPo~~~~:e:a~<;~~ei~ ~i~~~ :;:219~~H.I:J1:h~~o~rohdcu~t~~~u ~~~ ~.~~(,I~r~~~~~~~~\,;~, p~~~~r~~~)~~~ Istocks of wool ~I~or c~'.erJnfs, f:~4.selection In all size.. up ~~II~\~~:: (:::"~:;~~:l~ i';~~ ~~~~-- The Will' boarrts \~lll keep A ('f1- grf'Citr~f farm crop~ n our hl~IOry, RallOn books of ('hJ!dr~n under Pliers orr l'OtllI jU"It ahout rpmalnln!: ...hwk, I

The win and Ability ~o Win. can agriCUlture In slep WIth A E"r- protl'sted a ypClr a .that thflY 13 will not b(' \abd for U:>C 111 cof- al'j last yf"ar'l'j prkf's. $16.75(lndustnal Pretis Servkp) Ica's soldlPrs. Today'~ reco!rd ar- could not carryon WIthout help Ifee ratIOning. When ,offep tiJ,tlon- to $19,75 for unlnmmrd

There arc many people who though ~:~~I:~):n~~;l~~i[~~l f~~adt:sn~n Ihi~~ ~~1;:p~a;:~gbl:~1~::;~~es;~.~I(~~l'"nglgllerISl'l,u"lnrdreArll'o'nilY~)('lOllkeINa'ot ~t~~IIPI ;·::I~h::;:1 "~i~~·7~f"~:ln~3D;1:~~:~g~c:~.~~ct~u/~~ O~~t~\~l~ ~~fa~~tt~:~eh~~~: alh(>s. fho3l protest repf'atrdly wJtholl! hp used 10 ohtClln \ h(' fIrst lallot- ~to;~an> of bf'aut,'" and qua.l-authors, mu.sleiam", and sci ntists who~e The f'mphasl:O on suc]) rohm odl- rf'cognltion. Rp('pnt IHct,on hy fhp m£1nt.

tll'£; ili'i c,vg£;, milk nnd PQI'k will gowrnmcnt IndICa ('.'i thai tIll' i Wbrn )·011 arf' buyin&, yourworks will live through thc yqars, They are 0 d 1 I II thoutstanding' individuals \VhOSfl talenl..:;, douhtlf'.'i.'i conllnUe', WrU'/'l'tlpS urh warmngs W('f{' wpll foun I'ct. Nov.. Nf'w \lelolY rubhf'rs Hrjd ga- ('oat J:tmtp. ('.a~liu ~ f'

often developed under the most severe as snyhf'iLos, flf'anuts for bll and ,"nnw'i Ihe' orrkr f I' nefl'rnlf'nl losh~ <ire In hl<ick only. The heels :::,~etall:rln~~t'i;ent~ke ~=handl'caps, havc ende.'lred "hemselvc:-, to h('mp will rl'{,l'IVf',attf"ntlOn. from military sprvi e of f'1sSl'ntlill1 w111 be no higher than two Inches, siyle Into ('.oDslderation, and

l.i ." Mf'ah and diury produtts arp fartn help on dair , pou try anc and no fancy boots or fur-trinuned you'll rind that "Betty RoSf>'.the puhlic. making hig g;lln:o; and thIS IS Im- .stock farms, .slylet; Will be madc for the dura- coats SI"f" your "f'ry ht-st hit),.

But in indulsll'Y, thousands of these han- portanl as thps(' f;lrm prodljcts are tlOn. Thf"v ha\'f'I a. "'ell parnf"dIdicapped peoplt> are turning out war ma- hIgh on thp lIs! of H;\.l'!lmc n C'S- Sf'lf'ctive 13cf",'lce \111 dl'fer such rf'putaUol'l f'\"f'rywhf"rp a!'4i(crial.'\ and doing' ('vl'rythingl thcy can to SIUI'S. In till' flr:o;t SI'\en monl s of farm workers. wh rpplacemf'nt Dogs wdl not h.q\·c so much beef Amf"nca'jl, grf"-a.t.f"!I;t \·alur" 10help win the war. A man in Chicago, who thf' y('ar, l\nWflcCin "thfC'dtiarl ch efie of manpoy>Cf cann t be made. At and such me<lt for the dUr<ltlOn, popular prkf'd in a \\lheel chair was one of those output ex{'('eded l.ast ye!:l.r'$ h 45 the .<;ame time, the farm \',:orkers but thpre wJJI he plf'nty of IIlParts. "'p do all nf'rrssarv altf"r-who recently received an Army and Navy per cent, ('v<lporaled mi1k~37 per so deferred will no be ablf' to oh- lncrj etc These, along WIth fish. :lttonM without f'xtra rhari:r.reward emblJ rn . A man blind in one eye cenl, dry skim mdk for ( 62 tam employment government f'ggS" <lnd milk, furnish plenty of •

,. per cent. Beef slaughler dU~in the prOjects or in war IhdustrJes. They proteins.'operates an engine lathe in a machine tool first eIght monthof' of 19421wa 15 may trapsfer from ~ne farm to an- CampI Flf'('cf' CORtS Rrf"Iplant in New York. In many1 gIants blind per cent over the same m1t of other w,here emplo ment IS to h(' Amrru'ans l'lrf' <1sked to keep rRvoritc.s with junior glr1.s 9~pe'ople, beth ,men and women, are doing 1941, pork and lard 17 per c nt and had. I1e~ce. the or er IS not only hp<ltlng pqulpmrnt In good .shape vears to 15 years of agC'. Andremarkable \\fork on precision instruments, eggs 16 per cent. fOl' c!efermenl, but Iso an <I11f'mpl so as to s.1l\C all kinds of fUel. ~~l'YY~~;'~I;pan~u~ lJo~:narf;~~

! On an assemply line in an Ohi'o cartridge -~--'--~ 10 "froo'e" farm I" lor as h" he,-n them either They wanl Ihe~factorv there are many crippled workers dnnf' for some in ·ndustn('s, In- Hl.'palr unit:-, are not lnclUd('d In J)OCkrfs to hf' !'II thf" propl'r

~~~t~~:fit;~r~~~~1~~t~~tuaIlY have an ad- lal~ ,:::~~~:,:~ %~~',?~~:-~~l t~ ':t~~ ~~':d'~I~::I~e;;d;,~'~~'";.~~:II:I~~~; ~~~-n~'7~:II::~ln~';~~~('':':;~:;;~u~~: ~Ig~~~ oo;;;etAt',:~"\I~e ~~Right now,', industry ne~ds all the draft- and Mrs H('rlllanGeewcoC/Wa ne, f'n1ilnating from go'c>rnment agl'n- Cclltn an ('fluft to provide machm- tlH'y orf' In fl n'ill lunlor

exempt men lit can get a~d thousandH of at a local hospital. ' ('le£;, they cover m eh nnd reqUlrC' cry where It I'> mo~t needed/. ~Z~~",?;WdU~l~~~p::;n~ ~rta('I~~the lame, hl~'d, deaf, an otherwise crip- A !'ton WRS born Noyemtkr to space far printed c planations The f'd us from Nf'w York today.

b ·· I ·t I Mr. and Mrs. Jess GI~VCr of numher of cows t make a dalry Trucks cng<lged CXclUsl,II.:ely In Several of th('m are sP<'Clal!pled are el g given an opportunt y to (0 Wayoe. 'II a local ho,pll I. rs. farm ellgihle for efe'ffienl of a In'nspanatlnn of fArt11 PtadUC!" ordors 10 he lAid "Ide, RutIwhat they c~n to win the war. In giving Glove, IS the [oenw, Eva cK m. wo,ker is fixed fit clght. In SIX are exempl [rom two UDT orders, there arc 2 of each SIZe loft'their servic.esl to their country at this time A daug"bll'r WII" horn Nq-'(' her months,'12 wlll be \"1eCf'ssary. Thpn those reqUIring :!5 per ('('nit mlle- for stock. So com(' soon.they arc deJlum~trating that they have not 5 to ML <lnd Mrs. 11. L. Aygu. t of the number of hogs, poultry ilnd age reductIOn and rl'IlUltlng chpck- They aT<' flOf' warm. woolonly the Wint,o win b~.u,t the ability to win. Laurel. i-It a local hospltall The othf'r stock to put a farm In the lng With other carriers .sO as to fl f I 1

I '<' other Iwn children In thet fa IIy ellphlc clas."i is worked out b) the prOVide maxImum loads. ,in~~~~·flln~~f'St~~~~gj~.:<t~;;,)r Farm~s Are Skilled Workens. are son~. Mr. August IS a bra her departmental experts on the ha:'ll.s more ~xJ)('nsI\C ladlCS' coats.(Oniaha Journal-Stockman) 01 MISs R('rmce August of Wa ne. of the daIry cow. Rather a com- AppltcallOn f~s WhlCh must be $1.175 each.

Au,othcr tI1ing that the authorities are _--->- ~ I pllcated formula, but It wlll be ex· filled out fnr ~a.so1Jne ratIOninglearning this Iyear iii that farming is some- MISS Lola Greiner and, Kjelth panded. may be <;ecured from ser\'lte sta-

I thing more than mere drudgery. It is Martmdale of Randolph, were rpar- tlons, garages and tIre shops.skilled labor of a high character. For many riec! October 29. ThIS awakening to thf' fnct th<it

'industries a short apprenticeship is all that ~------ ._-- ----~ mdustrl,al wages are as much rp- Sugar rations for anny Rnd

f T t· sponslhle for the mO\f'mf'nt from mn)' nwn on furlough have beenI is necessary· ,Not so with ar~ing. ha IS the farms as lhf' drafting of farm set lit a half pound a weelk. Asomething that must be lear ed from the wnrkpr'S. probably mor(' so, romps change pi'rmll.>; a $E'r'l."lcc I manground UP. hy long and ar uous exper- latf', but It is het(pr 1<l1f' than nol whose' furlough IS onjy a werk to

ience. ThuH it is what meChal~.cs of a sort al all. Even now thousRnrl, of 0hbAt~llno',t,I~la,:n'dP'me'o",~:llSI'lhY~nthae~:aeev~, can generally be found but wh n farm help farms have bC'f'n r('duC'€"d to pm- d.~ ~t is scarce, thel situation is real y serious. duclng more wheal instf'ad of nnl- before he was eligible. Thf'Y rome In blaek. wlnp.

Farming if: not "common I bor;" it re- mal products of which a shorta~e hlue, K"~en and brown \\ith

. ~h~;~ta~ ~~ ~d~a~o~~~~;" :fr~l~;~g°aU';d ~~: ~;!:~~~~:nt~kil~e~ur~:%, "I~'~~k~~ :~'~:I~~!~~~E~t: :,7~~~:;:'"C~~;: ~~;:::IEr &~!-g:i:~ ",;i:'~, ~:;:~konO~jSI periertce th t no ordinaty Icity laborer may be released from thC' army ~o stock and IlOu!tr" farmer.!; and -e- I~~ll' \,' ~"1J·1I fi! needs t~ ...nall'fy fo~ hl's J'olJ, "oreover, vol~ help keep the home fam1s wor - J ->L pIf'....ln~ ;::dl Item

~ 1r I' lYf d I b ing. How far this may he clone re- fartm hands Without grounut> for il ........"1!111C'nl whIchI unteer la~or tttan~ient labor" chi! a or mains to be dct('nnmed. dependency deff'nnent but wHo are Spun rayon dres..<;('s ar(' the cnll,.CII"li ciirefuUy

~~dn~~IR~~~:~h:~~j~SO~heJPufllA~~hec:~~~ This new move to preserve food ~~:;:~:,:;, :;'r:n~o:0;v"'7:~~ ro- i;.~ti~~ tl~~~:;;.sP~~ pe;;,,:' o(~,c'~:e::.and properly tendj go an feeding meat pnxluction [or our nation, Its arm- ~~~J:ti~nWh "o°n:: ;~~~ ~(l~J \I~11;1Ih (',lrly puanimals for the mlli: ket., hat does a city ed forces and its aJlied natIOns, To provide filII' dlstributlon of two;Pfce effects. ~Ht, tha" )f'ar. ThePerson know~ for e arnpl~, about the! in- probably 'will be followed by oth- milk cans and farm fencing, CPA ;e;j"on for early

~ d . I d I ratIon these I &pun rayons are the dITSS- , nyoftricacies of f rrOWi1g or atlj~tin:g a grain eTS. The matter of machinery an IS '€'X{X'C'eo. es you WeHr the most ami qncf' ~o rnadrill?,' equipment' becomes constantly a you'n enjoy them mo."l if ~7s ar;l~~e%~~h

If the draf,ting of lads 0'" 1 and 19 is to greater pl:oblem as steel is needed Nebraska ranks thin\!. ~~~~ the they are fashionably stylerl and oW- forei£fl

i~. for expansion of annament and states in .the Seventh CIVIlIan de- like the ones we are showmg. 1 ost

rele~se oide men, s the ~r y chiefs Iffi- other purposes. The order reduc- tense regIOn In. nwn~.r of '101u.n- AIJ sLzes up to 52. $3.95 and ~fP~f~lo~r~c~o~ntply, I farmha ds sh uld b~ t e first pnes ing the output of such eqUipment te¢rs enrolled In cl:-Uan d~ense $4,95. ,'itllpptng facilities.sent home+ nd s e gu ra ty of better by 80 per cent may have til be on, a per capHa baSIS" The ""portWages shoul foUo • if- it . ped to keep given further attention. Farms shpws 47,18'" enrolled it Ol.~ pop- -e- , We'" IAV awaythem on the farm. I" cannot ,produce without workers, ul,tlon of 1.315,834, t is bel g 3.6 W. stili !lav•• stock seleetl1ns If you wa

And back lIf it a,I, farjnta~or ,Is vit_I'to neither can' farmers work without per cent. MiSSOurI w, hrs and ., M1IIIsbI&' ....&10 «lnll.. " Ihe ea Iy buye....t e very life of the uatl'l' Wei cau I get lools and machinery, Also Ihere Wyoming second. i I I·

long after ij fashion rwith ut ma~y t~us- =Si~~h~,fac~~~n;hi~~il'::t~t~~ ,I group of ~e~ras s interest-~ A'H E~ .... ,Suda of skilled· worIters u wIlen arm prices of fann products while the ~'n hog ra>Slng, . pre~~ "

elP~~l~~rC~~~~: ~~f~ fl;r ::Se :ra'" upturn in IlP-tional income adds to m y mterests, met ovemfu (' 1l!:=============9===r===7'1t,:;==:=f!<O~~-~13 fa' e't'~'1iii a~ bl ~'by 'hiIqsE{1f. ·1.''''+-:-:-i-o+-,....,.--~tr+T/1 the citsts be all families whether on in Lincoln to adopt reso I tion.~ .I: "

" .1 ' ." l .' ':! . I ! I I ! ' I I I

Girls' Coats

Tailored with all otthe smartne!;S of billsistE'r's (,P8t. TWl:'erlsor monofone~ in \,ar·ious eolol"s. f1 In 14.




Colorful .k nIt w 010 l­and-cotton.

Rayon Pile




"r'I~~~~ .,-,-'<\" 'c9 /I Sleepers

~•.A 7ge-,,'" \ Sle-e-pe-rs ()t Il

go () d weIght~I ,knit cotton in

ij~\,f. 't\f'· ~i~'~e ~i[~i~~1) ~, tached feet to\ Insure warmth- ~

---Child's Union Suits

C!cnrly style-d for big sl.!'ter,stordy for little brother. Chilichasers to withstand hard. lonlwear. Two-pieccrs, asst.. colors.

Knit cottnn suits with a rayonstripe. Short sle-e\'e and kneelength. Sell servedrop seat. Sizes 2-12

I\lisus' Kall










SII\'{'r Monn











I III II I I., I '



Contains Vitamin 81

ITnnllt,lllltl, l"\,t r1l fllfl('y

Wheat Germ

4 1,lls.For

leef Boil ~:~~tt Rib.

Pork Liver ~~::I;

leef St""'ak l'lhor~ ("".~ IRlb Ste$k.s

_eel Roast ~~t~ dh,o"

Pork c:bOps*;(;~nt.rSlorte iDg~r::!~k.r·s


Blue Barret

Soap I

Flvrida .JtJi<'fI




Toilet Soapr 20e

BuUcr Nut

Jell Powderl7e



JI,('.tty (',r0«11{('r

SOUp Mix2~~~;, lOe

3 W'oz,Bars

3 CRkes

Jcn.ey :

Sweet Potatoes4t, ;l7c-\: 'If


III Home of. Choice Meats and GroceriesPHONi~ 355 -- Free Delivel"lf on Orders of $1.00 or More -- PHONE 355

: I

P~I'('IOU!iIY fp, inluA 1'" YI.-url'(~Ule, Miss Pat ott at a time","I'D the natlo 's mlln·power'I~ks to you or inSPirauon!M~d thfl spirit r '42. Be frlll­f'~~ for t.hose Irlolll;h dates.1a~d dRht 111' t fht' final b('Wthist rinKs out thr old yeari

(~IlV Itomahw rayon ('fl'Pf'.

Siz('s U-17


On the co mil ec arc Mrs. F oy club rooms for Red ross sew~ son Betty Lou Hogue-wood, C}' S~-.--~~~~an §nyde , ~ve


'1.I.t..'J."y'..' i '~, ".' '4w Conger, M~s. EiE. Gadey, M .. ing. Miss Margaret ISchluclq!.- MinlJ,et by Bach, The :Skscraper 0 ~ge OCletles bur of No.rfolk were a 0 q-tere. ~, W. Huse a~(l Mrs. Frank ie . bier, Miss Ruby Dufiklau and~, by Thompso'l; Dona Beth Br('s~ Kap a Mu Epsilon, meeting MISS Wlnlfret!: and ilLCoHins

Pleasant ValJey club eet~ MiiS Hel~n Nielsen ser'ved. sler, SwaIlS on the 1~ilk(., The c:nda evening." in the student- of Carroll.. spent Sunda in the T.Nov~mbcr 1-8 Wltla Mrs. ·m.l * * * ; Traffic Cop, Man In 'tho Moon ~nlOn, eard D,an Sandahl talk on Collins ho"c.~e~~~kSltnromt candfoMrmrse'r~s'has:10f-lmC:,~, ~ew for, Red Cross. ' by Thompson: dU(,I.~,ctty Lou unne Mathematical puzzles and Mrs. Rodneyl Garw and fam-

" 11 I,; I. Coterie members ~e,"""d for Hogucwod and ;vr .'i. Welch, iscus:4ion of a party at some fu-I ily mov.ed from Wayn to Red.'C~:~lal,nkMSgr's~\I, ?·gauiSI' tBh"lcl'ctl~Pg;CI'VI~$f r,u,,~ Jthe I-ted Cross Tuesdaylafternoon The Pendulum hy Sw ulding; Lo Itrc d~tc- closed thc e\'ening. ICloud f-'1'0nday.

da ~'it Mrs. W,alter Phipps). '-' r <.;@tthecityhallMrs l"aul f1ar~ Raine Meyer, Indian ·ar Dante : * * * Mr. 'and Mrs. R. W. taller anda e ~Ju'b m'eets Friday with blOgraPhYfof a Nebraskan, and

l'l-ltington treated'the o~roup after- by Brounof[, Folk S(.Ing, Sanla Orp~cn mce.ling was. pos,tponed ,<;on of WinSide., were at G. G.

Mr. ~ I. Kirkman. An evening Mrs. .t;rk: I'hompson reViews a !ward. Mrs. W. D. No?!<es enter- Lucia: duel, Dclorps ~lyers and lond~ hccause of tho H>Cltal by l-hI!Jer's Saturdl\ ty- is PJa~m(!d Novel1fl,ber ~b. book: 1 1 lains next Monday at l.:ontract. Mrs. Welch, SIZJ!lptl<1 hy Franz ~'m.. ass('lo.". The group convenes 1 11r. and Mrs. Ro t ~hm

apltis Missibnary I SOclety Pnci;byt rian women mCf'1 in I * * * von Blum; Janicr' ,Johnson. A!- 'f\m'c hc 30 sw'nt Sunday m the bert Pillarthe e;hurc parlors n~'xl,Wcdn{';j- ¢'n Armistice .DaYJ bum blat hy Bf'f'Ihr!\,pn. Marines '1 1 ' o...-"I'. ~ __ ho~1f' at St<:lnton~: ::It O~~~~;~O;:O~:~~d ~~~ day for' a, thank -{lUenng and I Legion and AUXiJlilfY met last Hymn, Skating hy \\'~lgnl'ss, I' T lOCAL NEWS MISS Erma Jl nn Dun

lu h~o IJI'aisc ;.;erneC'. Hostesses are :evcnJOg at the Wontan's club Hail Storm hy W<:lgnl'~'i: Df,lorl'" ~ ~\('('k-('nd \\lth MISS

rs. . A. Welch, Mrs. H.. 'W. IBYl.V:C~k·cJn'"W", leGr',OSMIH,J>~.·n,' ,.~, rMs·.~~rll"fl~ IOnl»~,merv'aOnrccc,'o\'OefrCdAdrmishl.,·ldl'cl,nencdr.'yn, Myers, In t~1C' Gypsy Camp hy fW81nc Cleanr'rs Phone 41 n121f IRlc~ard.'i at Ji},ckson. . ...C Ir 'nd Mrs. W,. D. Noa~C's f r \.J " ~Behr, IIungdrJi-In 1):ln('0 hy Thel Lloyd Mitchells arc mo\ log \i\ H S\\ett of St UIS, l\fo,en rrtaih Eastern Star kensiru;- flth, Mrs.1 Frank Gnffith, Mrtl. The men had chargc of entcr- Brahm!' S(rt'nHlc hy Sct'llhrrl 0 LUlcoln Ihls weck spent from Satulday 0 Mondayto Firiday at the Welch home. c. W. Calljlpbcll clOti Mrs. Walter tainment afterward. Song of India hy H.lm ... ky Knr- lJr 1and Mrs A D Le ..... I'i C1nd I.... lth hIS fi-lmlly here

)~r ~t deem' M . ~ .sa\ldge

s" t:IE-'I'Y \4 -x. * * sakoff Lms (Jdmhlr' Thl rox 1'(1 .... C'rf' In ~rw('astlp Sund8\ :vIlsS Hp!1 n ThOmrtS"f Osmond.

m et~ ~~vemb~l/ ID l~~,~n~l~~ ~,. With Mrs. Wright. in Meetings. i' hy Dp Lenn,f Hlp~} FJrmpr Mr and :vIrs It L Larson' rc_,Sp(nt Thursrld} anrl t"lday witheh l'ch parlors with Mrs. AlIkrt , Mond::ty dub members w{'I'e oelist Circles JOel Wednes~ hy Schuml-ln l)nrnlh\ In nlrl [urne4! Frida. , .. rro.m :v!lnnri:lpoil". I' hrr COUSin, Mrs Tom Dunn, andBa C Ihdstess and Mns. L.: ,B. \ ul Mrs. Claren,cc Wright rs Earl Merchant, Mr ) I- ngllsh d jnt f r d rr...... f II to the ;vrlsb Ccnrv]p\'p ('ralg left Tuf'''- famIly. 1Y nJi:: Irader. - I Mrs. Br gger, Hostess. week when currenl cvcnts H r.; ---- PI~no h} BpI thf!\1 n, dU< t An- . <1y f~r Illfr. Colo, where ~he Willi :\ Glenn Paul and infant

r$. !Grace Dick~on Kt'yscr M I I met WuJnesd,ty wIth were given and the hotstess serv- Lc ntcrtamcd One at lhJ:; ahl! Korff ;-mr! JijnWf' ,john- lteachi di1.ugh!('r rrturfl('d Wddnesday tow· I 9r[ent junu')r rarid mlcr- Mrs. J. H. Brugger. cd. M·l's. A. 13. Carhart i:-i hoste:-is Ml' -eh nt. homc. Mrs. Dav~ son, Palr.IO~I~ Airs of the C, S: ~h. and Mrs_ P. L :'darch wcre theIr ho~(' at Concord from a lo-rn di4t , piano pupils in a r('ci- .~ '* .;.:. and Mrs. Clarencl' McGinn Jcad~ 'I'h op ll\ls led devotlons, anti A. hy Kasschdn. H~th Ann G<11r's in ?\.rJnru'i-lpolJs a few d'lys lAst I cal ho~plti-ll. ,

Mrs. Caauwe, Hoste.s~.. \ tel' n1;xt wel'k. Mr S A. Lutgen spoke. TWr wa~ unable to ape'dr an thf' pro- WPI·k,' ; :"olr. <:Inri :\lr~, Fr<1 k"Larsel) and,,~a aJvc ~j~:e:~d{~~~ studio Fri- E. (). l,l. n1('1 WC(lnl'sday With * * * me w th Mrs. Ed. Seymou. ~ gram. .\1r~_ Cl"renr.... \\·nght left 1'urs- i ~lr ... , Gle-nn cr'3nQu1t land KarenI rt;.IC. C. Stil'tz enl('rtain:; Mr.~. Le~ CaatlWl'. Entertains Altrusa. Mr' . .rd.,Surher and Mrs. Mm drt)/ fIr!r BJackwdl. ()kla .. to \ISlt I~p('nt Fnday In thc:AlnJton Gran.

MJ tlh.prf' Study clul th s Tl u . ·x· .r. .f,. ,'\1rh, M. V. Crawford t'nler- M tz i "'r'iJsted. Mrs. Seymour Jeti ;v1r. and :'rTf'''_ (;)'f)\"'l" SdH·!lf·ll- r('lalJ.,cs. IqUJst home.df.' M~"S' llerm'CJl/ H;~;,jl!l<l:>~~1 Eible Class MEets. laloc'd Allru."'l club "nd Mi...,s tll pr gram. I hf'rge'r of L,roxIIH;lnn., 'Ir, ;;n~1 .'Vlr~ ~rrt imrl ~Ir"_ .-\nrlrpw Parkcr.! Mr. i-lrJfl :'lIT"', \Vayne Ewing ofl~;.;. 1': . Osscnkop aSS1.'St. Mr:-.. .\1Iss !'l'.?.l'l J1!l't'k~, ('Il!cr-tamed ('lilla Vv'lschhof MOJ1(!ay whcJI . * * * Jnh~_Gosh()rn. \11 dnr] :\1,1", (jl'fl. :Y1r, anri :\1r~_ :\1:ltt !lqlt. ~r. and I, H<:Irllngtnn. \'Islt('dl »'frs. StellaS.' A. L tgen spea.ks. Bibll' cllTIl' W('r1nc:,'idily. prizeS ill canJs went to Mir>s Wi h rs. J. R. Johnson, Bressler Clnd \1,.'1')'1' l"IH'_"day rJon~ .\iac Holt "lJ"nl Sunday at! Chichester and Mrs. Altchie Wert

t. ,aul,k.utheran AId n¥:'c1s -k .IE' * Wiscilllof and Mrs. Eric Thomp- ,1m rva 1'luh, also Mrs. eli - supp(>r gLlf'.~1s ill Sllrlwr~. oJohni Hor~tman's .\11'. a~nd .\lrs.1 Saturday afternoon_.! th s '~'h1ursday i.n the church par- Entertains Nu-ru. .... on. Mr!1. l':.'ilh!.'r Thompson ~n- for'I Wait and Mrs. S. -;::=====-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==+:=±==================::::===:;1i~;;:;*=;;:;:;;;;;;~';;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~i Ip s. Mrs. Matl1da Hanns, Mrs. Mrs. 1', B. PrU!H'r ('nlcr1;llned tl'rtalO.'; Ul two w{'cks. Sh vI'1 were gU(,!1t~ of ;\1rs. I ,

Ii -r~R3: Lundberg and Mrs. Ku-Fu club Wcdnesday eVl'nilJg, .... * * * R Uol nson Monday when M s. ~! Il,'~I•• ' J7"~I.__ HC""'01l-"

d a~, reikes arc' hos\('sse.'i. .)(. * ·x- For !\-lrs. Chas. Baker. G. i w . ("ostcrisan had the I WlEII .fS\'V..,,& /no4 V4 ..La.

~Kl~gs Daughters mccl lhis Has Co~t'ract Club. ."<lrs .. Cllas. Bill«'r wa .... surfJris- ;'(/J~S:~1 :~~~ll(~'~n~f I;~;:';€'!~:i~7;~ ~ ~ I

I uo~d"~SY. MWri~,h. L,~.r,s. (.·,j,'••.~I' ',.~. Mr'". J~I'(Jnilrd ]>uu!.'inn l'n1(',o_ r'd on Iwl' S:lIurriay In ;('nl~n('ctlon with the stU} ;J I It'IRQNEE'<JI '-I " v "" lillIWd C(Jnll',H't ('lui) TU('..,(]iJY. WIlCll <J.\ hl'l' ~'lC ' ,

I ,deL, Mrs. Ah,n (;"'SC' h", ~h". ,J \\: Sui h"I'i"nd "II"" I,,,n, 1""1lI' "'"." "lid ~I,". Earl "''''''~I'd till' hnllk, "Th" <:1'1." lIl'lilll"';. ",,'At;'I'..... " ." ' , ;'.c atgclof the program.:"Jo IO'I1Ch-' k Mil :\1 1M lJ I W'j In 111('"," by Kat - III d In two \\t!.· "\ .r. ,;.;. lldlnl~\;J(r/t:~:'I'n ~.;~. lr:~ro~, I:t.: leon lortl'rc ~,'. ~iI.)I(,,)n, nC: ha'p ,",. 1,I,',n.' 1,,"1"'" ' " _)(- .;.:. -x. ".,

r Jj ~,' Here a....ld Meets. NIl'. and ;\lI's. Frank .'\idler of (!c A A", g.)' o'clock lunl'1,('0" n,,,,,[ " 11 k Bantis~ Women Meet, I . "I tt~ o.."JIJUn.t OW ,'C'-"o ., l/prf: imd 'J hl')(' m('nll)('rl, \\'f'rc 0" IllS. ! ....'f d" 'lh U 'f T J I ,Ill bt 1\1(1 TTlet \VJlh .\1rs, IA. ~('5 ay WI j.~r.'i. . . on(':-;. vucsts 1 f Mrs_ .\10111.1 Rr!mfr * .;(- .1.. f'

rs. A. R. Carl1art assist" Mrs. Has Kard Klub. (' '~'\;O Ion ilnil :vIr". (Jrra Mtr- ' NOvtmbet's chill brings home the need for wa.rmer outer andJ nes ~s hostess. Tht' groUt) go!'.'; ;~,;~~n;':':,1 :~~,,/.;:.1 h(' Ii()ml~ flf :\lrs. . :'.Ir... Sirnnlflrman lin, T~llrsdilY l!1 111(' formp 's snlJccer under wear. ('.orne and outfit the family here at pri~t thClcity hall afterward 10 "CW * -;.:. ·x· l'Tlilinf'd Klub ;Inrl Mrs. !-JonH'·llt was dc'etde(J tD chan l' < .... lh~t make you almost forget U's war time. How aboa~ these!f r the Rl"d Cross. Mrs, Jarl es, Hostess. 1'. Thomas \Vf'dnf'sday Jil.'il.1.1".'. in

1U.iJl rhnne'.,'. ilnd bClzaar to. _ I

D. ~. R. mects'Salunlay with :'\11'_".. , \\". ,J'))]I'," 1'llll'rli1ined when prlZ('~; wenl to ::\o1rs. ~~~~I~~ h,l~r('i~h o~l;!~Cr(~~~~e~[a t ,~: 1'1' -Warm Wint,er 1!1 Sweaterzs' ~' G Mil1<'l' Mrs JJ SCi I I I " \ 'I" hl']"]1l11 (',wZ)n,'. 2\1r.<; Fred ,rs" .. "". _. ... ontl'i1c i (. \I) ;1111 1 r.!>. I. • on !tll, dati.' prr'\'lously cho~ n S $1.~8

igh man, Mr~. H. W. L('~ iind Claycol1llJ TIIIJl',...d"y. Mrs. ('1M. LUf·r!I'rs iind :\Ir~. Walll'f· Lt'rn- Tht, 1 HI :Ind MlssloniU")' pIa ii COAT ,..' I' Cartnrt '1'i"isL' . lld (' I l I I fT_ Mrs, l';w!'l,tt ]{ohcrts l'nlel'< i \: • iJ. Sl'

e ~~ ~~·s ~"pa~riot'ic ~~(': L~;)nr I;_:~.~·~'n. lill llg I ~('()n_' In Cf - titll},'" rH' .... 1 i:~~I;\\f;;I;~~~ilS T In f)I'f'P 1- , .. , dl:~~e:'t~\~:~:

a ~z~al~~~_~1 ~.~lIiJ~.~~~gm~~:~~~t~I.'i.~ P.N.G. Con:~~'e:~ Wifh Mrs. Julia Haas. d * -7:- -lEA d $1975 ~~rtS~~~Ql~e~~~Watyne bran~h of A. A. q. W. f{f'd ('1-11,,_" dotH' :\Il'~. ,lllllil jl;lil'l ('nll'l't:lllwd ourl{~~f ~~U~~~:(~f'rJn~('r~.'i men's: sizea.eef~ this Thur.'iday l'vcflJ:ng III TUf'sf1ily \\'111'11 \11'-> Lf~l'- Silll1rr!;l\ P\o{'I1II1;": wll"ll h"1 ('I;jn ilurch 1Ilf't In IhL' Choose now.

t e Woman's club room 10)' ]lIC· n('r ;Inri :'.11', \\':111('1 \~'f'n' :\11'. ;111l! .\11'-> \\'111 rhJur:ij;L\ With :"olr... Sf:i ~('~c~~r(~~::u2c:~rc:_:~'I~~:~' ':/I~~~ 1\\'/.·:,:~II;f:((lltll::.' :-<, (;- a) 1'01'- :\ll's \\'1111;,1111 :11111 .J::'I~~~ .:;')\\\; B;.whr 11r'i_ Ed_ Baht" :'111'''. L. ~~~:rYn~U~li~s~O;l~: S •

1~P,'I"ro.,f'fl oj 1'11,'('1'. ;\)1' ;Inl! :\Ir". c_ I.ilrn!wI'o.,on ilnd Mrs. lIar 'I'y ling dress styles :' jS l' 1)yee, Miss L'lis ('rouch ;llld h j $ . 98'

isfi Ruth Pe<ll'"on al'{' hns\t'."'."'('''. Acme in Meeting. :;;~II~~: Ir'~I~:~~~:I;~jr~dd~:t.1. \lr" ~}I~l) ~~\I_~lI:j"'~~~~;~~';.' ~I~'~' rr-f:.:'... ~ (~.. ~ i~'ee~;efca('~~icst.w~~\s~ PIa I'i.:,- or .~!., '.,Mri eh W M d 'I 1 1\f·nH.' ('llll! IIIl'I .\If'llll:ly \\i!h, 1 d u

1 f It N 3h"· I' ('a i- pr(,~lf f'n f :'ll·S, (. !': (';Irh:lrl _ :\lr". (. T. -i(- * -K ~:~; ::"r-~:ll:)/;~~~thm \\:~r;'J(~,l J~~f~ ! ~~mr;Lo~:;r p ~l~ ~ 0°: plam f a brio:lhe ~om~n~~iS~~:C1::'~~ c;:;'~I,>;~I'I(:~ Ingll!Hll If'l! I!](' I,,,,,ftll on ('ur- At Crawford Home. !:Wl 1I~."tl'ij[ll!f u~ual holll,ly ; See vours today at styled with

1 ian IScl'vlce, will hr gUf'sl l--pl';d~- l'!_'rrt >;" ...:( :\1(Jlldilj- .\11'0.,. (j L. ] '- nlf·rnh('I'~. ;\bo;\lr alld dirtJn(,t. Mr'". 1I,'nry Kug!(' IS : popuiar prices. saucy, f 1a r.rl \" ct I " , '1' 1~. 1II'('kl'I'1 1'111<'1 );1 I n..,. )\11'''' ]-"n·d LIH'df'r,~ ilnd :\11". L;1l1· and rI,leats.r ('xt 'vc' nest ;lV, .~o\'~'nl )('1' thhlt'r!lan (11' (]f'('I!ratI0n". r~. "1

1-8, whe~ the wom,c;l mc!.'1 at IIlI' -;.:- -;;- -7:' :\11'<" \~:('r~"I~ll~_'I~I);(tT~~;~s~II;:~1 Ld_ ( I'anqubt ofMeltlOdLSl church fot' Mrs. Frisher, Hostess. l'rJ/f'" III Ciln].., wellt 10 J.. ]~_ ,YOUlig uf lhl'J::Wlcovcl'('d di.-;II l' I) ('!ll\) IIlf', HilI! \11'''' (. 1\11'" Fr;1I1k (~l'[(' .... :'I1r" ('('llrl)~'r:3 1I;lrl).

fLiJ'ginn AuxiJi;lry m('I't~ nr,.,,1 II 1(1)' l'IlIT('lll * * *

1,1j('f1"1", illll! (hr'llJ' J,I,'dll,'" Th,'~u~~~au~~~,I~g(·'Jl~:)~·'I(;I~/l~)'~'lr~'~'; Ilf"1 ~\IIJ1Id'I\\~~'hl,:ft~YI~'{/':~ ('lliI) )l;f'I'1s :~"\"II1IH'l l~J III Ihl' Co~~,i~'~l~eS:~rP~~~;lIr'r \ I!f'd

rvt· iR, Rhoados of the ()mHha F Ifl'~k\-',~If IH~ r)lJIll ll~l':-jr' I.II'dlk_~: I~_'ll~:' .\I~JnrlflY lo f'O"!J,'l<l!P in il _" <lIe13. l OffH_'C', will ·"P<J'ilk, WornPll 1..1.I,)/In I'n whll'h :-';phri-l"kH E<I"1(Tn

I lmvb their bll.'iinl',,,,'~ sessIOn ill DoI1

R"e."I"""C,ros,.,s",S,cwl:rn"Il',.,',c. '.,',n,',1 For Melvin Lars-en. Sti-ir Inrlg!"s will huy Cln a hu-I ~:3('. M('n of the LqglOll Ill-l' in- , ", .'\1r illll! :\11-". J-"riHlI< I 1l '1 for R'd ('ro"" !lrmy _ n'i riled <II 1:\ tn henr ~1r, ll\nn,lr!rs. cluh nwt TupsdilY r'\'('ning In tlw 1\1r:-., (;II'l1n Granrpll.';l har- I:.~('c'l' WilS ' .. , thilt' In~

-IBOY-WAH-BQNDS AND STAMPS. BUY WAR BONDS AND STAMPS I C'''''or, 01 '"'''' ,nl"I"'<I[or I~C Li-t"tf'rn :"!ill' IHJIl (' In

I Fn'n10nl C1nd a SUlblil Ilill

~! ;~~~r~:~I~: j ()/'I~ll~(l):ll~'~'J(:-li~Sf~~ r~H /::~;~I Mf'r!·hillli W:I" r'lHllnnan 01 Ill!'

I Sf!r\'lrg ('I!tlllmlll'(,'. (Jthpr... 1.''-''1'1'

~I Pl'liLlilnrl \lr~, K;-.;. P;lrk('.IMrs.

~ I Ji r~;tl~~,,\~,I'I;~;1 ~II;S,~; ~sW \\~:I~IEI:~tlll Ff'fh I· ,Inri ;"'lI's, W. C Corvpll.o (fffl rs wril bt' r'1f'c1.crJ lnl'Dc­:z c&ml 'J'.

o ' * * *Vl' Dra~a Meeting,

:VII" HUlh 110:"S ;md !\lISS

~ ~i': ~~~:~~~',::~~, ,;::'~;:~:~:~~.",I hPmi 11 was decided 'ocooper.-, <:Itf' ith the Woman's cluh In

prC's ntlOg a song rlramfltizallOnf()r )!"cpmbp/- :1 VICtory prn-

Ul gt"C1J1. M1~'" J\largilrpl \Vhilman,'I MI.'is I"r('st and l\11~'" CirrltHl

Hal' ('nhcrg wr-r(' placl'd In

23e• rhiir r of lhl~, r....llss Hawl Iu.,p\·('

I1"11>\'11 'ed "The En' of oS!. Mark,"h~' l\ 11 x\\'(,1 1 Anderson Mr:'. H. E,

• L~'y 'old or l\rlicl('.'i in thr('[' lS-


S!JJf"'i!)[ Thl'iJlrr Arts maga2inc.ttl llhp rrollp voll'd 10 mrC't theC s¢co rt Monday Pilch mOnth.-< Mrs, It P_ Cuff and Miss Lenor~~ I~am .('y r:ntcrt"in In {)f'f't'mbcr

>1 at III' LlCUI1 Y. :lpartm.cnLi.::c * * *r;g H~vtt Recital Saturday.o pupJls of Mrs. H. A.Z I Wpldh Appeared In a recitalo SfllUr•day ('v('ning. a.t her homeUl sturl~(). The program Included> a grrlull of patnotlc number~:ZI I)u('~, Joe Nuss and Mrs. Wr1ch,'0 Drurhs and Bugles, by Spaulct­t/11 l~g: lklty Lou Hoguewood,....J AmerIca, th(' BeautIfUl; Janis

5c ~ ~1:~r1:;a;I;~;iCi~n~~fl~~~:"'s, ~)tl:~,....,..-------------------~-\~ ~r~~\l~~('r';fo~;.~~ ~:tt~~, ~1~711~

FlESH MEAT SPECIALS SPllljg Song, Falms Harp, Thcqllimps, r~alling Lean's hyl1hnmp!"on; Dar!C'nr Anderson,

• 'Tihe ~a'ilor's Hornpipe by Eck~sj('in~ Dublin Town. John Pef'l,

tCI 'nhl', Stn'amlinn by Thompson;

S ~)~ni~~~~~~~~e ~~~f:,ng.J~~~~:E ~oh~ll~r and Mrs. Welch, ~he

> 'n:;~: ~~~~nc'bYTsh~u'7~~~;~m~t~:G Nus~, The Knight and theto 4tdJ.! hy Thompson, Little~ ~al by Brahms, The Tire·

~ ~o~ ~~~r:c;;:. ~~nJI:01;~Win Ie by Erb. Run Awa~ Riv-

~b Thompson: Joan Nuss.

he title Dutch Clock by Stil·ell duet. Marilyn and Loisa lIE', Dance of the Fairy

l~e n 1 by Bugbee; Jo Anr Vol­

\ iJe, The Frog Chorus byho pson, Dream of f.'Littleoy Blue by Erb, The obins

~on ~.y Richter; Marily Gam­le, ~ peep, The Fo~ Longgo l!:;ve/li"g Bells by lfhomp-

I '

, I





r in aub-

When ~ call, ho

be sure to give the

you are calling e

time :to reach th

phone belore you h

II you're not sure

number pleas~o='!-'f~

in your directory

"Inlormation' only f you

cannot lind it there.

Remember the p line

Golden Rule, whic 8 to

share the line with ot

as yOll would liket eshare it with you_


IYou can· help us serve both you

the war effort by observing tfollowing good telephdne practi

i2. Answer your telephone prI





Derby Vitalized Gasoline,Nourse Friction Proof Motor Oil

II 1.1\'.;1[.;;'. ! I- ~_++ ~.

Its extra fi~ strength provides ..fe lubrication on the warm wint~r da a

zero temperatures. ""TANK WAGON SE~VIC£

invited. A free-Will offering willtaken.

j .... Ii;l!ll"\\ II h

Fur \\'1111Ilrl':

In Thy'I'


11:1. rn

I HI iRAL ~~:1I00LUj ..,1fidl (jO.

I Hllth 1;1';lndr'J1I"'r~ 1,' idwrJ(II HI\' 'I'.. \ 1~IU"r'" ]lll- 11:<111111,

f!J111' \\"'1"(' from t·:llilllrllil.tThf' fl:1)' F n

JIt '('KI'l 11:1 ~ 1110'd()nr.

1',I,Ilf'r! .'<rh:lrf,~~lJrfolk.

Tho,,!, \~!w hal! [l('l kCl a I I f'nfl­anCl' for til£' month fin' L)-Ia

~~~,~~,r~~1:~;;1~;(' I_~:~~:~l;~:f'I:~ u~,tlll-'hnlg('I' :ll1d fl:lld F('I~' k,

;\1Hrrl~11 klll--:l')' k,d ;111 .-\"~ LIn

hr'r' l'o'pfJrl {>lnl 011'0 Illl'oeilAll pUjJlh d''iIl,~ ('\Jh,<\(,

t'l'adJng 1:,\(Jj.,.... hOlr<)\\'I',jfrom till' [l\J1dw IIt)r:I]"::'-

IJ<l]l:l L,"


--~-~- ~-

gan, Johrl Suehl;, Billy Sue"'l. ers club'; Ruth Sh f It, president;Shirley Muhs. Di<.--k $ul:'hl, Leo Lois Spahr. vice pSkovsende and Shirley Bess Iyn Ellis. $ecreta d Cleo Shu-"1 ,.:~ti.a'u_ t'.. A. 'MAli Suchl had 100 in spelling for the f('lt. treaRiJrer. T e club mee-l~r...n."W,fI ,:. dLI ' ....5 month. ('Very olhdr week., Is [Jurpos(' is

S.A HallOWE'en party was I'n- to mak(' ~'ach me ('1" a bett('r'

t • joyed Uctober :)(1. A' witch and ....chool Cili{t'n. .fl ~~ ghOl't played' pranks. Marion In th{' (T{Jl'."; co Ii ry racf' iJY

"Mortals and I;mmortaJs' is; th(' Skovsende and Arlene Gu¥pbert \\"<.ly ul <ltl1hmf'tic rad('s Lon'nsuhject of tht. lflssol'l-s(!rmo which were guests. Mrs. SkovSende EllIS plact'l(j flr-t . n Lois SjJ!-Jhrwill hp rl'el(l in Churches (If Chl"i."t. sent oookies. pl;lCf'd s('('aml]Scipnlist. throughout lh(>'w rid. un Jeanette Muhs has b('gu/l r<>ad* With PCit"1 (Jf ~hc ail' pr('mium

Sunday. l';o\-'l'mlwl" 1:j jn-t~~~,~tr~,*!~:~~:(':·r('gl\"('n e-ach ~~I>T;JI) (" d has bel'll

es~~':~;~:~~~J~r(;~.l I~ h(:'T~ ~'l'~~~'~f~ Thun;day. n'qulr."%10 ;~~:,I~{.U:~, rb~:;~?~~P~)~wailpth for 1/](' rUiJnlfl'~l;~I{)n ('(/~h~' ;~~i:nn(:):~litl.('~.rades F;tal·t- :, m'mlh I)rd"db) ,J \lfl ;lnd Kar-lhl' sons 01 Cod" '){(lmalh H:1YI. Rom~ GOl'bh"!'l. Leo Skol,"s('n- I,;,ril f-:Illr ';iI 11l!' mo~t

Among lhf' (,ll<!lj()n~ whl'li ('om- dp anrl JJarry SUt'hl hHd pf'rff'ct fjJr' 'r .. · :; ~lprise the !t',;"on-:-"'f"lT1o/l h 11(' fIJI· attendance lot"' .he flNt two [i11piJ h" :1 mini;durr>lowing [rom thr' 1;:11\": "F l" liJ lJt· hlfn !'ho("k (,;1 v.L:r 1 . "~llll"n hi"carn;llly nlln(j('d I.. (11':1111: IJUI 1(1 m~~2~~ld scho()] 11(.11 wa.... turn{'d ndnH'. f-:adl It. I 111,1 11U !JlI Ill!"hi' ';Pll"llU<llly mJnd,~d I'· 1[(' ,tnrl in for VT<lp, 11 \\l']ghed uver :!U(j d'~F. ' I~ hl~!wat·(, For lr .11'1' f; '\I'r I)l(', :it·t!Ol\'> ' (I k up.

i~~~~;I-':~Ttl~,'.):l!1 Ibill pound". C ~:)(~,I~ f~~J~j:l~~::~1 ";, gllll'}~:,,:~~Y ~~l:t~df'f'd" o[ lrH' . Di'itrkt 4.') '>1.lnd IljJ -lJ';,:.n un il hi' Hd" halliRorn;lIl" rI'I;.1.11. IArlyl1f' Ptll""n.lf':lCho"r) !nlolll,,:' g(j",j day.

Thl' I('sl'on-""J"m During lhl' rJr.. t ntnt' w(,\,k" Qf 1-:; !I' 11Itill' .... ("hool fl\'(' IJUjJlh hi-l\'(' hi-ld I.Jf'rfl'Cl whwhIChri .. tl'ln ,olkndanCI·. Th,';,- ,In' I..on·n EIII,>" ;lrJlhm,'IW'I ('!lC" and lI";III!l L cll'\) Shuf('I~. IJlJrr!lhy AII\'IIl, !)(In- l:til ll'<\lh"r- \\'1' a 'tr'yiOg" 10 .'-l'f'


SCrlPfIJl'I'" I n;l AII\'I:1 and H.ut)-~ Shuf(·11. \\'ho on ril;Jnk.· i 'in~ JI(I ....~I':--S"II\Hn:lll l-:lo\Vlli i HUlh Shuft,Jt l'arnl.d two J(I(]'~: liw pl'lJLI.d'l~l liJr;";',· . whll"h \\ill hf';lnd r]1'(';1\ ;,)" ;1, IhE' ~jJrJ:1l; I 1'1 Ihp nlllf' Wl'l'k..,· "Xanll1la\jOn". 1f:,·I.n,' \~'Jlh h g l·."'1. ....con·.. on.fnllll Ill1: ""!l1 \\Itil II( c'I""n Bar-lxjf";-j Elli.;. Carl Allvlll. Rosalyn ill" 11':llhl']'''hl,lil(''', :dt'·I·\\:'ld .... 11"\" ;Inr] I 1<111.". \.Jnrathy Allvln. \Varn'n Ellis (In :',:lI\'('nlllf"r'S \Varrf>n allil

II,j,lllrn 1() ,1~ n;111\',,, 11'oIlIln1-;n' .... , I ;Jnd !Jonna Alh-in ('iJ('h "i-trn"r! (JnE' P.C)qrt-y-rr_· 1-:+-4-----·f,l I lh,' (II-til"TIIIo; !l101I1.11 '-,l'f'nllng- I~ II'nl!"'I;11 1 ll)t) 1Il the !·.xamln;;Jlion.. t!lj,'t . ~"(i1i;Ln,1 ,\ r,,"il n('\('r' 1ll1'r'~l'" mlo ItlH"l(~lldl I ,.: TIll' followwJ.; offl('('l:i ha\"f' I>I'('n JHII-':. bljl Jlflally "r,r! I (·I('C1!'r! for lb.· :'\toun! Jl0J!" Tn,op-'JlII/.(' niP ;1( \" rti;wr<;.

I 11Il1l1lort:il m:ln :111111 (]('r-


ntl I" ftllJnrl 1) I~-,-;TIJ" Jlr('), ft In Long Bpwh and l'h( IJilJr'\~ ,\\hn li,lfl drtJ\f'd rTldR\ HI the' 1<11 Ihll

.'1( rlill Simm. rmi-\Jn home In Frl' \\ II hnl<lnt ('1m' !lIn \\llh th(01 10 r:\I ..1(11I,.. nf nil I \~(f k 01' !\\On \~Ith lh( ,\ .... ror m,lll 1 ,I ,\.... I~

1;l"dnl Sir:-lnll'l"m:IIl." :lr\(1 /llher! /\" ;1 rl"\"'1 If,,, f]l'lrI f

"I",,, I 11IIIIII'/r"I,

rmJJU:Jii;s :',::r':,l:~: ';,','~,I, I"1':"':'1'" 1'1"", I11 n(l tTl II"

\\ h' 11 11 I" '" ,t II' ill II"Imtlmnll/'I t:\'. Llclhpran ("hurdl. !lllTn:lfl Ill':11] Ii,'

I HI'\ F f' J)dr-Ior, pa"l(Jrl:-;('1'\']("" III .J h(' 1-!nglish langtJa~:('

n'·'.1 :-;1I11(];I}- ;11 I J :1. nJ.

('hur('" or {'hrl!.t.I Ah'ln L. (;](,s". mmi",lpr)

\I) :t, m,. Sunday ,,('hOld11 :1. Ill" ('hul"{'h ~l-rVJ("I'''.

H IJ m .. s('rvi(·(·. St udy ()flIf J khl"'\~'''',

Ttll'ophllu ... (·hurl·h.I H,,\. ,\, lllJf'!!"l'! pa.o.,tor)

~~\Jrld,l-" "l"iI(H.! at J(1'.1IJ.(;I'rllldl1 :lntl J-:nglhll s('rVICI'<; ;11

11.:111.Lldlf Aid mpr'h N(J\'I'mlwr 19

\\ lIb \11' .1, F M;!Jln in Iht' c!lurchp:lr!(Jr,..,. '

st. Ilalll's 1<:"'11,", I,nth. ('hurd.IR('\·. r.. C;ip.'";chl'n. p<l ...;torJ

('hull'h school at 10 <I. Ill.\Vorship sf'rvice at 11 a. m.

Thank offlTing ~('r\"ic(' of the'women of 1he church.

Thf' women of the church mf'etThur:-tlay at 2 p. m.

The Luther League mel'tsThursday at 8 p. m.

Thl' Suqday ~chool staff mpptsFriday, 8 ~. m.

Confirmation classl's Saturday.Seniors at 1 p. m. Juniors at 2:30p. m.

Choir rehearsals Saturday. Sen­ior . choir, at 7:30 p. rn. JuniorchOir at 2:15,p. m.Tuesda~, November 17, the

Women of the Church will ~ive arf'ception'in honor of Miss SelmaBergner. missionary to China. at2 p. m. Mi.<:;s Bergner will speak onthe work of women in the church,Visitot'S are- invited. .Th~d.y, November 19, Rev.

George Flora. missionary to cO 00'-1Liberia, will be the guest of the , U Au. I Icongregation He will speak at the r e ~ml::'etl,ng of the Women of the ..' I

~:~~~t~s~o':~" :::kS~o~:~ Wayne, Ne~r. -~ 1is a* t public tlng in the evt ._ I _j•••••J••_ •••••••••••••••••••••••••_ •••••••, •••mn~ at 8 o'eli' The pubhc 13 •••••~.~. 1 f + 11 '



~llll'm (lhnr(·h.I P,I" J\. 11()ft'IITI', P;I:-.llll")

.'-:1'1"\ I('" ~ ;\ 1 ~l : I. 'Ill

':'Ill' :ll1d; ...c!l(Jol ail 1(1 ;1. m.:llId I lPI'bj, r AHI rJW('1." Jh'('I'!lIIH'r 1

;!ll(J I \~ III1 \11' ..... AIIJf'rl ~1ICIlt'1.I

I)' I

II (·llllti!1li1·rj nn PH~')':! 'o:1'['lj('ll I

Ikrl' 011 ...·iHit.

p\.\ J-:lnll'r (;r:lnquisl of Flt<.,tl'rFi('IIl, ]'('\:I~, ;lITI'wd Fl'Irl:l}' 10VL~ll unt il 1111S \\'1111 hl'-Il.l r-('nls. ,\11'. :ltld :\]r" (; ':In-

:Ind rlIIH'1 j,'rl:lrl1(;llld I ];llllhl 1':!lI,·1!


nl'r lind luncheon gIJl·.,l.f, In Iii",honor \\'('1"1' Mr. :lnl1 ]\,1 r" , i\rtllllrOdt'gai-lrd. Ma.xirll' J·:\'~·IYIl. :'I-1r.and Mr..... I\lb~'1"1 nnd Lpln,Mr. ;wd \--11"'i. C,tr) dllliDonald. ]\1t·. :i1HI (;;lnjIJ!t1\1r. :lnd \1I'e;. F-:d\\ilL..,r) ;d1('rllooTl


In S('lrvl(~ a Year.Ray Hattig, son of Mrs. Anna

Hattig of Waynp. has be-en ins('rvic~ a year. His ·addl·f's.'"; is:Sr' .1/~ Ray Hattig. USS DC'nello*la, 6th division, care of postmas­ter. Ni:!w York, N. Y.

Cho.nK~!i l..oc:~Jltion.

Pvt. John R. Johnson wrljl'-s lhatIw appl'l'Ciatpj'; gf'tting n€'ws fromWaynt> through th£' Waynl' JIpr­ald. He wafi r('cently transf('rredfrom Camp R()hinson. Ark. Jlis nl'W<tddr('ss is Co. B., ~11 lnf., CampButner, N. C. A.P.O. jK

Home on Vi'l!ilt.PV1. George E, Claycomb of

San Bf'rnurdino. Calif.. :~riv('dSunday and visltC'd until W(·dn('<.,­day with his parpn1~! o~r. andMrs. A. T, Claycomb.' RichardClaycomb. who att('nds collf'ge alLinc{J]n, :;ppnt Monday aod Tucl'­day here.

Are Here Cor 'VIsit.C3jP1. tJrd Mrs. Donald Thm­

philus !:Ind son, David Charlps. ofFort. Robinson, NE'h.. caml' Mon­day to visit in 1h" Dav(> ThE.'ophilu<.:home. They \\'t'nt to Smilhl:-1ndWednesday and will slop h('r!' ontheir rpturn. TIll' first named ha!'10 duys' furluugh.

Goes to New York.Lowell Meyer, who 'had bppn In

I Norlolk Va.. hus now gone 1(J N('wYork. His addrefis is UJWf' II CMeyer, A. S., na\(y 1005 (ont>, zpro,

I zero. fiV('I. caff' of navy f1l't'l !J(J!--toffice, New York N. Y.

IJeav~1ii f~;rirglnln.Pvt. Arr\old Ge-rl man I('ft Mon­

day for C~mp Pic .f'lL Va .. aflerbeing here on furlough. Mr. andMrs, Otto Gerleman o'tnd Hf'lentook him to wh('rp hejoined other !-;ervic(' Tnl'n.

Wayne, Nebr.


Air Guns

Pocket Knives

Electric Razon

Shoe Ice Skare.

Mechanics Tools

Bath SCale.Watch Your Wellt"hl

Scotch Tape10c, 15c and 25c

Keen Kutter Shear.

Keen Kutter Butc:iher- Knives

~OYA' Wagonsj


1Jr. \\'. C. 1ngl';1111 :Int!pLlll 1() :-'Ill'/ld 1111' '\\'l'I'k-rnilIll' ;l! J1i1-.;tllll-':":JI1I\ wltll :1\ I Fir..liPrl'shytt~rian {'hurf·h.

\11"~ ('11:11'1011' /.1,jgll'J" :vI!"..; I (\\·II\)\}]' l-" 1)!(,rjklng. 1nJn I""! f'f'::!lld ]\11."" P:illlilJ'~ , II~I!""""'I Andl'r....ull. dll·t'Clot· uf 1nU-\\1')" SIlI](!:ly dJrlrH~l ;~I {, , .... w: AllH'rl (i. (:ar)...,on. orgllIJJ"'!;C. llallt·l'·.... PhIIJP.... : \\" C, Ingram, dltt'ctur of dlllrclJeall(·I!. '''ch()(JI, l

:\1r, ;lIld \11""..hnH' '- :~i~1HHdn 1)1 \lorntnl-': wnr... llljl, II !l Ill.:LiIH'lJln, \1 .... lll·d jllllll 1'111,1.1\ UI1111,f"illlrcll '''l'IIiHI!. 1'1 a. In.; ('ollr'l-':('SlInil:IY III 1111' II"nl"~ "I \In·, ,\ !"nHll. I; [! Bl.: lugh ~l"ho(d forum.PlJiI hill , .\11':-'. 1l'·l·tli,1 JIIl\,rj :111.1 !; p, rn\\';i1tl'!' ~Inlllnlll, i _ .• Dhtrif-t 3;'1.

.\11". ;11111 \1r" \1;11"( I!" ' Our Jt.>tIppmpr.t Luth, ('bunh. I\'elma 1l:ll('h, If'df'hrr):--1,11 'Illd (bUl'.1l1'·I· dnil \11"', IR,'\'. \\' F ; osl, pastor! flr·:l\\lllg..; (lr PUI~1!,kJJ1~ df'{'-

Tll()IIi.,.~r. 0111 (If J:.[r'I'll11111. "-[Jl'ml' \\'ur,;hl[l ';('f\'ll' ul II. Sunday orat!' th!' ('O\'t'r (If l!:Jpp;.· Scl!ul-\\Ilh .\11<". t"r;!Cl'I')IJhll .. l)llll .... {'!l(l{)I;11 II!. aI'S, thl' (lclllh,T I-!"'\W (JI "CliU1Ji

and I.rnm;t Hilker. , ChOll' rehearsell Thursday at nl'w:-, In tlw dl,,1 1'1("1.1\:('n11I'lh who I" f'nlpJO}'·: ~ ,~1IJ. A n{'w rJH'1 hull (11 .... )lI'lll11g IS

('(I m :'Illl'fl .. lefl Ih{'~'(' Luth(']' LI'aguc:met \V"c!ncsday u~f'd lhl." Till' "('ld\Vf'dnl',<;day 1() eom('~ 10 ~[J(:n<S: t~I' "\('nmg. nn\\"('{'k-('.nr <11 L;.-II' ("llnb)p ". 1',1' ::\"r.Jd Sun(!:Iy I~('\'. Kf'nn itll D('- nol 111'('[1 \\'11/1 lhl'rf'IUrn".1IJ 111" \\ork ilgllJn nl'~1 t Frl'!--l\ oJ (·olumhU.<;. will pn'HC'h il (·.,c('plJt)r1 ur 111(' rt" j('\\ \,.(lnl~

Home on Furlough. Mond<l)-, 1rIal <.,prlllon. TtH!' ('!lurch eouncl! TIll' w()1"Il" :11'0' -.;llldlt'd Iln Ttl!'~-

~~J. E:hr~m J~~nsond who is . 1'\"1. 1)0nO\·;ln J.t.lrl(.ln hflsl.!JC'¢'n m"l.ts din'elly afkl" ,,('!'vjcP'; Sun. rll",I'~·.ll:~II.I,',~'I','I",·::;:.... 'A·'n;:1'l\~"·,',.llnl~lln""I\:~~ Istalone at amp 't!War 6. _Ma~8., ill a couple or, \\I',f'k.,'" at ~ 1:I~]l A srwcial ('onl~Te~allnmd ' ... j

:~rttVledErs,.uCnsda.Y JmOohrnn:bnng inhhomls ~Rart* ,Whll t'. (l.n'. l\11"'; Il'~~I,'ndOhlyn n r~ 111<'('1 ing will h(' hpl.l .sunday, No. I'd \\'t,dn'· ...d;, \ ..;ll1dll'dp ton plan ... 10 go IfI \l:--It 1m. M <.:." \.('1ll1H'1' :.;:.;. din'('t,]v aftlT M'ryjc(".; Thlll',<!:1.\ ..-\ fln;ll 1,,>1 I,. I:'\"n

.Wa, efield, for a slilprt furlough. B('I'yl N(·l....on wJ11 Ih('lp In .JlJdJ~f,.L !() voll' (Ill till' IWW' pastor 1-'1"I(];t\l

~~~J'h~gjJ~~&1·I~~~~rH~~~IJ~~ gM.o·n(~·h(·l"I·Y·S (Jfrl('(j> Whrll' $olle,I'I' Hor~ld C.wllh"ll. n.ll;' ~.LIII- ~~. __

(ira.t·I' Lutlwrllll Churrh. .·.·._•••_ ......·ii..-.-.-.~••--.--.----.• .--.----...-."••_••_•• -J!l•••••••••••a ..!.11••••••••••••expr.ess appreciation for' hom(' Mr. ;'nd Mr<.:, \1W1nl" ltol$t ll,rl(HI'\'. Walll'l" Rratk('nsick. p:lstnr) • ]neWs brought thro~gh the paper. Th\lr"day ftll' Llnd(·r. Wyo,. 'If I'J' • r 1

..l.. Tl1ur"d:ly (lhl"'). Y. P. S. Hihlf' • 1'\'1' hif'f"n notirinj{ that '10 ThaI' .. fOil".\' I btl) t rt". Wo.Ear",~ T~motlon8. ~~i.l ~~~l 1~1:.~1.('\~~I~~'l" R~~~l ;\)i7,JJl':;;: ... ludy and hUl'inf'fiS n1l'('1 ing a! R' l~ : nUln\-O JM"0plif' ort" bU)'lnK Thl'Y handlp II Ii Y Inf'lr- .

o·c!ork. • J lhl'i~ Jr!l'" oil". Krpa_o; and (·handiJof'." uu (~ p crt a,nyCpl. Richard D> Gildersle(>ve nnd .<.:on Idt 1110 tb.v hdO'rl'tnr 1 h (' II A t f P t Iwishes to thank th~ Wayne Ht'r- LandtT. Trw;.' t(}(j ha"d vi.",itt!'d hl~ Friday, Sund.1Y school t(';tchers' : g~;'I~. ,llt f1~/ I \\o0:~·(~,.... W~f1~ thJn;/~ :I~' I~~ ~ I: ;1:;aId and looks forwajnd to receiving Ross fo'tmilv 1 nlf'C'tlllg- at R:l::l o·clock.: thf' r~;;..on i .. ? ~~n~IW;\": l~~,. .the paper every 'Saturday after- l\Iro;. Cla'rn HOl"sh(lm. who IJ:HI Saturrlay. church !'chool Rt 1:.10 • I ' ". •

noon. He wishes that a11 boys In bcen l1('r(' a fp\,/ WI'('kl', wpnt 1 10 p. m.·Cnnflrmalion class at ~:15, -

.sunda y .. Sunday school at 10 a'l:service weFe so fortunate as tq Madbon \Vf'dnes(iay. Shl? \"i.$ib m Cprman s;('rvices at 10:10 <I, m. •

gpt their home to'fn papers. Cpl. ther(' and in York. hf'fllrt"! I.f'R\·!ing EnglJ~h ~('rviC(' at 11 :1. m. •Gildersleeve was promoted from for Iwr hom(' ,in 'Klamalh Fdl1"private to private ~kst class Octo- Ore. Mrs. Hor~h<tm plans to sprnd sur~~~l~':~~;~T;~l(:~~l'~,\~~'~llr~~~ks/:,~ber 13 etnd then ~o corporal No* thf' winlf'T in Portland. "

vember 1. His a (lress is; C:pJ MI". and ;-'lrK ·P. L. March hnd ti(~\I~~',tl~.X~!l:I~~a:~;t~~~~'J!at H:10Richard D: Gildef~leev~; Co. D, Virginia wpnt 10 Vermillion. S.i J)" o'clock.355th Ertglneers ~G. S., Camp to \'i!iit Mr, Mal~ch'~ brother. I Lt.

White, O~e. Gp~. March, WI(.f' /-tnd .b.<t~n:'rFh().'I -+ arnved Monday ~rom FQrt c·LI!es Se..".~ Newli. Ck·llan, Ala., ftlr a VISIt. J L

"I wan to· tha~k you for send* March will re"lfl. in at VH.m~llon

~~gisms~~~ ~~~~dl~::8~~~: ~~:~ ~:~l(>~a~~~~;yrnd the olhlCr. re-

news eae week'f'he part 1 look Major and Mt'J-;'1 Clifforp iNfor first I is the' ervice New.s,'" and daughtf'r $P£'llt .5'unday andwrites C~1. Loui H. Brogren of Monday in the homp of hit' b oth­Camp Pi kett. Val The youth likes; er and family. ~h€' Milo Dlhs. MR-

• to keep in tOUChtith hpme folks .lor Dier is h<'in,lg- t,ransff'rthl rom• and, WI~hdther b ys in s¢'rvice. He' Ft. Mead., Md., 10 FI. n('nn.~ng Ga..=~ust rece tty mov ~ to C'mp Pick~ wh('M" he will I rf>l!'pivl?' o'dv ncprl• ett from he desel~ and 8Pprec.iates. training. Thp lout-of-tO\\lh IPsts

ftllr Chria~aa. Seta of =lhe'ba Cks aft r being in tents forml:>rly made Ithoir hom~ a Lin-• ~or 15 w eks. Th I new ajddJWl,s is: coln_ 1,; Cpl. Lou ~ H. Brd1/ren, Co, E., 33rd . Mr. and Mr~. Baldwi F· chcrI 'A. R., 253, pjekett, Va. or Bere'ford, . D.! wore er Sat-

• ---L.- urdky and un~:1r wi h their• IVM mo~on. fathers. Rev, Wm. Fis e lind:, Clare eie C. has 'been pro- W. H, Buet w. The B< ld\vin

:: moted to rank of CO~.DOporal and. FiSC.hers. Rev.tFiSChf'r . n Mrs.• has thi new a S5. Cpt Clar- Paul Rogge < ttende-d co hilus• ence .S.~. 37119107, church Sun ay. The akota; Btl1Y. "I.,-B[ AI- 11-. B·. (~ll<s. Bev, Ei her and th Paul

; L. N~ '11'" A [S'are: o~ l1!oggt!' "tamiIY1had dinne nday• Pas I. &\ ~~nc . "Gal/f, With ~I H. If! e1°r- I '

i ft:"~ewiii ~~.'~.1:~...'.' 1:.•..J01

.: JtI..•l~r.,~..a;: ~.' l.. ~.:e;::r... lSi m..a';,"d=forward' 0...,.,1 ri& ,it ac~. ..k, M1"" IJi n W ,\1 and n spent,II) .. :, J "I the w k-en4.n ,Gretna i Mrs.W~yne.Ne1.r .,:I. ,~, ~~~ f~'',.. Sll\1lJlennan'~ I par~nts, 1 M . ,and

I ".:"I·i.'~"".:~~'. ::::.'-+ 'Ii'S' nc! re.. :M:Jj's. ~n 'Etw rsl ~iss ~Bi Sim-...., •• '. ,-cely~ia~ ttEtr w k f .th~ir me..rtut' WhQ ',' ~I!nloyed!at Doug-

'I . ""~i"I"'i:.ii"M I" i'l, ", ",I '" i!' ,.,:1 '. I 1'1' II I: I II I I I'. ".' '--'~':(" '<,~"T,:· .,1.: I . I _ I' '\ ! 1

Razor Blade., All Kinds

• 8nd elow, landln. epeed&. makt' ilAnd of ope~alion. Ea,U, ~olnjzed by,".•houl1lhel country••he "Gra8!1hoppetot

I spol1 pla~e ~o popular whit !lporlsmanilh.wina (:o~lruction and


i Used ! ·al'malls!ReYUlar Farm fUn ~irst Class ShapeI

I A Few GOld f.ed Cream Separators, McCorm c Deering Implements

IM;;,. ';.•i;helhone 308


Cory Coffee Make •They Save Coffee' "

ri.wold Dutch Ov ".hey Save Food and J" a"ior

Reed RoaAteraLalit for Years

j"! of Minn.esot~. t r a course in e-J. c-l column giVing.! news 0 s.0"".'.«ce men.trjci~y. The :yo th is in Minne~ -I The yout~'s 8.djess i Wamn BU-


f Jis and will ta e the course f ur son, S 2jC .', U .N.. rarr~.CkS 57,

I' mOrith:ra••• II New York. 't,1 NTS, :~:~s I:m:l~:f.:la.Pfc~ Wm. :M. Jottes now has t' Is Cpl., Geo. IA. ILe:behs is now' in

address: 1707 515, 265th 0 ., Alaska. His jaddres;s I is 3 073847,A.P.O.,. P.O., are of postmast r, 8131n Eng. ~.. (AVNI.», U'.. army,NeW Yotk, N. . I APO 942, c~ of :JX.ftma~,ter, Se-

I, . Earns ew Rating. I attie, Wash. I-- . ,

• J Miss Nell ;F~X re~('ived w~rd ,Goe~ to CaHlrm1a.,. ~ I it~at her brothf.'r, Earl J<'=;ox. ~as ~vt. C::JydelBaker, in at Mr. andI I tieen promotedl to corporul. Hel is M~~. Fran~. "lBalF-er ~ Wayne, has

Comes, for FurJoU~h .' 'in caspe.r, WYO. .! thIS address., 37~670 ,A,J10 ~930,Pvt Frank Pe~crsen or. C mp __ I care of postmaster, San }o r1anClsco,

EclJwa :f ~ass., has been ·cr> on (Jom~~ fro~ Massachusetts. I CaL, U. S, army.

ftlrlou h thiS week. Pfc. Lyle Pdters of Camp *d- • Is T"':IDIfer\l'f"AI.Is Made Serg-ea.hL wards, Mass., . iarriv("d Sunday ito Li. Robert EL I'flt ha~ b~n

I , visit in lhe h9ffJG of his pan'ntS! ,in tran"ferred fro~ampa, IIFla .. topau 'J. Back has bE-'en pr ~ted S.holes till nex't Tupsdayt? ser eanL His.addtx.,.'iS is ililary' " Myrtle BE'ach, S. ~.. wht'l'el his ad-

poUce detachm eft Ft h Spend F rlough Here. dresf; is 455 Bomb QfllaJrod. 32:Jrd~eb. e,. ,a a, ,1..1. Henry ol'ding of Eng'le- Bomb group. U, S. army all' base.

I -- $oOd, Colo., h s a week's furl0trh Is Made SupervisOr.Joins N"a,,'y. i. ]which he, his i wife and daugh er Alvin Osburn, who has been in

Ha Id Barnett reccntly jcjined aro spending h~re and at Wins~ e. instructional work \. at Chanutet11e nttC'd States navy. lIi~ ad~ +_.- I Field. Ill., has bC'('n promotf'd todJless .1045 92nd St., Lp .A!nge- R.ecel.Veto l·romo~lon., I supervisor. He has 11 instructorsIf.'s. IlL r I WarrC'n Bilson who IS with fhe and 80 cadets under hj~~-p.... j. 1 --. J. U. S. navy, h<;ts been advanred sion.

GoeR to lJnlv~r Itr ,from apprenticle ~eaman to seaman:Mr. ;md Mrs. Albe t 'J l1rson second class. l1e IS attC'nding narval Earns Promotion

have ord that their on, 'rell ordnance school ih Norman, OkJla., MIts.' T~XI('~ SlmrtlJ't~an had,Tdhn~ n, has be(>n ch sen t go 'and likcR his· \torl< vpry much. He word that hPf htoltH'r, ErVine Eh­frp!" an Dieg-b to th Uni sity likes the Herald :lnd ('specially the leI'S. ,who is ih Australia, hml heen

promoted to i warrant offi['('r payclerk. He wil~ S(JOIl he assignl'd toa new station.

Rec~lves ProJlaotion. •C'rJl. Willis Rpichpr!l, ~on of Mr

and Mrs. Sam RpithC'rl or \V In-

~!'!'-!!!!!!I!!!!!!~~!IIIIIIIIIIII~1side, was promoted tp the rank ofsl'rgeant this pal't wrek at Da\'is-

•• • •••-•••••Ii'••••••••••~iIi.... Monthan Fi('ld in Tucson, ArIz.

• ~ee:~~:nt ~ tR~!~~trt ()Ir~~~rp(~('~~~= Octbber 21. 1941.••••••••:••••••••=•••••..I,.E••:'..",.:ilII!

":'11 Bread anll Cake B' x~a::,~ I Kef'lp Food Moist

\"1· . I"... Electric Heatin~i;I.1, AhJs elre.datlon.f' I Colds "



FAR:\1 FOR SALE: 120 acrmlks from Ponca, N¢pr. 20·-.a rt'alfalfa ami bro(111', 7 aCrE'*m a ~

ow. balanc(' ITIghly produ il'-efarm land Gt'nlly rolling. d-quatp 1JUildin~s, being rl"pai .goocl \\'1'11 ""II h st~1 mif!. 11lo('alr>d fin good road, {' r

~(,hnOI.. IJ!irf'd tO~II. on..fa\'or'lhl.' t!'rms an downn1<'nt. Writf', see '~fo

fprmatlon on lhi aDdll'farms in i':orthpa4;t ME

~~.?2~nnl~· ~~~~;~~~:~)h~~~2:'

Try Nored 40% H.... Feed

SeIl Your Produce to

NORCO MINERALPer 100 ~ .. ~~~



flTCR feed and Prt••*il

F(11l SALF> purehrPd Duroc·!tJOflrs and gilt~. Hpnry Stulhman& Sons, 5 miles north of PII~r,

1':ebr. 022t4


FOR SALE: -T~am of mare.,..;,smooth mouthed. good puJII.'rs.J::\ an Hamer, Carroll, :'-:ebr.


FOR SALF:- Purf'hrf'd Dur"lX'Hnd }{I'rf'forrl bniU, RrorkmanHro~. 9 mil\'~ V>'f'~t of Waynl' ongR. o:29t.1p

FOR SALE' :'>lew crop Golden:

~~l~a;.;br~Villiam Loberg, n~~J2 i_ ~.~ .----.,.- t

~'( JR SALE' :n-acrt' improved1lract adjoining Wayne for $.3,­OUO. Martm L. Rmger. n1:2.1:1

j--;entJ.y married The pa;ty was 'mIfmal eJraft of-~~~ aode will

Ithe ~ohn F Lubker home adopted and put Into leffe t.

MJ!'s Fanny Fair and Mrs Mc- I

ICassin of BellWood, Mrs John ---- ,Hanson of Wa'kef1eld,. spe-nt Fnday INOTICE OF SET"I"&EMWI th Mrs J T Bressler Mrs A ACCOUNT

~eg~I:;nco:~r:nda~~ ':lt~ ~O~r!CO~~~~~I~~t.~~~iBressler. All bad luncheon with " The stat€ of ~('bra.skaI YIrs. VonSeggern. county, 5:;.

! ;ropotOed-;~fetY Code. es;a~ea ~f P~non~~ i~~er~~


O. M. Olsen, commissioner of ceased: '

.~f~~~ro~O~ue~:t;a~kOa\:em~O~~c:~ th:u~t;ed~~r~~Y;~J~n r, 110 a, m., III thl' west senate, cham- Maude S. Gai!{'y, eKeCut ix, fibpr. ;state haul'€', Lincoln, Neb., the her final <;lccount and pe ilion 0departm~nt of lahar will. pursuant distribUlion or the- residu of ' ito law,' conduct a public hel-lnng eS,'tale. a dttt~r,~' lnation of the hon 'a propos~d new state-wide and for <Ii dl~(, argp. H(:> ing ifsafety code for elevators, dumb- he had on, .~HI a("co\J--l1t nd tiwaiterS and escalators, covering twn at Ihe ('( nty churt rlXlrn itheir construction, in,.<;pectlOn, Waynf', !':('braskH. on 1hfn27th amaitJtf'nance and operation.- of ~(J\rmh('r. 194'2, at del

All persons interest''('d! in the a. m .. whf'n ;-;\1 pf'r;;ons ntt'res.eprovisions of such code are pri\"- may apl.war 10 show caus(' why hilegE-d to··attend the hearJng, lake pray('1" of thl' lX'titionct he olpart m tht;' discus.<;lOn, and make grantt'd. I I

aPPTopriate recommf'ndations for Dated thi~ 10th day o~. Nov mlany changes deSired in the propos- ber, 194:.!. ·--lcd Code. (Seall J, M. PIER

Following the public hearing a n1.2t3 Cou ty Ju

,I ')

;trl('rnl)(Jn ;In(] ":Ijl~)l'r ~'Il""t, In Ill('J, K. J()},n"()f] hurn.

:Y1r. ;Int! '\11''-, !<"IH1"lh ,r"hll'iOn F(J1~ R~~:"lT' P~l(>; apartm"nt,S1),lrnn L"I' wei" I IlIJl'."'];I\-" Olltsldp enlrance, 3 ruom.'i and

I r\,'rllTlg "IIjIJI('1' ~1r""I~ iii Ii" .I. I~. bath, $10 p('r month_ :\1. L IJIt'AN"nil' JlJhn."on IHJlJH' Ringer. n12t1 ~ ....,_1_

:jt I! '-P::lt; "I':2dw~':~~~l'n~' 1:/' ~:/J~;;~t;: -OR SALF::- Team of ~mooth WA:,\,TI,:D' Gil'! to do

""u,n",jlh""", I ,d 1ill' llll!l'" uf tllO.' f-ltll'I"" bl'utl~- mou~~vh~~~~e~~~~~~~~-~~~r~ wort<. C(jrypJ~'!:.~~_~.:., "I". l~u!H'.t I ('ao,h. : \Va} /1('. n12tlIJ I \VA:-.;n LJ

1I';~ll.;~'~!-(,'::~1rU{~:W(~11~'.~:;t:'::I~~t \~~~! Vim SALE:--Purebred ('he~E:'r CoryE'lI Auto Company

\\"l'k-l,'IH! hen' \.\.1111 ]wr i110Ihp\",1 \Vhrtl' boars; also two f>x;(ra:'Ill >. A. .\lcEac-lll'll. I good Poland Chma ooars. R. R.

jJ\i and 'II" 'Ilk, h: u, I If r11 H.oh<'r1s & Sons n~t2v I

\\,drw"ddv 1III ;-';lllJPlrll rHld F(H-{ SALE -1938-C.twvro\('~ FJR~' T -t~hI If'xas dftzr \1~llltll-: Ih. j,lrnllt'd I ( Rfo,r-i MOIj rn OlLs(-'I (ourx' In cxcl'llent workln~ or- Meyf'rI'll \' IS ,IIHi '01 h' I" E!f'f good fInish good Ilrcs ~n- _ _ _ __ _ -----+---

'''''k, , \11" Min \\h'1 )11" qUIrt' Herald " n1211 -FOR RENT 3-room h\\""k 110. n d 11wl t 1 \1' .... -- mg apartnwnt ith

t" h() lu FuR SALE -Long bodied. heavy I m."hC'd $15 mohom'd. purebrPd Berkshire boars. ' .ErnJl E. Miller, Wakefield.Phone 2'45F20, Tv.'O mIles \~est

of \Vakefield. o29t3p

!':Iul"on (,rto "[H'llri


I t (~: \//1 ~ld \11'';. '~:I'l'~I~ k~: I ;::11,(/1;,~[~/;';; Ill<~! ~{I:~~:~I I' \1:: "~ t, I~\ I, ~ ;~l\']'.\tf)n\\:.~~.:~"Il "I Sunday ;It $ ,\'0]"- i .'-;llliday gll,"~t.'; It] ti',' 1-:;11"1 Pn".~-

() k hn"plt:t!, tnn hmlll' :It (·(}!l')'ld.L;1 FOR SALE Vcr)' choice Ayshire::"11''' I<lnH'l' Wallw;-;y ,H.nd ill,ilUg"t-J- ~ ~Ir. and },'!r". j)f'! Id, r,;lhd(" tlnd I dairy heifers, $~ f'Bch. Non~~e­

(Or, Ealwtll', :lnn T<.lr.; \~ JlJard :'1::." LpOllet \\'l'fl' :n (,'rl.t!" Bludt"s lated bull free WIth 5 head. f.x­ohn"IJn or Fnwrson, and .\Ii."...;! Sunday !Il ;!I1l'nd ;1 "h,lw"r tOr: cellent breeding. Hom('st('ad'cr,lldinl' Fn'r]ricks WP!l' ' unday 1 \11"0, D:lnnj(' Holstrom '.\ )1') \\'a." rt'- Farm~, McGraW, N. Y. o22t5


"Strong to 25 cents higher" ltst~~~~a~lo~a:~I: ~7~~:~ ;;~;e~'~71~~but camp under prpssure late Tues~

day. Just ahead or lhe easier pnc:etrend, however, a n('w five-j'farhigh of $17 was '(''itabJishC'd,'r sla.ughtcr' ~t('('rs and ydjr~

'hng,,> mamly S14 10 $16.75. .Fedl'1eifl'rs wen:' slE'ady holh davf;i at$13 to $15.25, .....hill' cows and ~t@ckcattle wl're strong to:25 cents hi~h~er. Cows sold up to $1:2.25, srockf;teers to $13.1iS, Iwifer Cal\'I'1S to$14 and st('l'r calvC's t.o $1~,15.

Butchpr hogs and sows sl~mped asmuch as 3;') cents-; l\Ionday but, ral­lied foJ' B slrung 10 10-centf,-hJ,gh~

er showing Tuesday tlml put hulkof hoth at $13.60 10 $13.7a>. Fat

IHmbs were> LS 10 40 cenl.'" hig-hcr I--;~::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::fIrst two days of I he w('ek~ cl~ar-

ing them TUl'sday al $14 tol $141.3S.Slau~ht('r l'\-',"('S werp ... strad)f U)strong at $4.:J() to $5.:23, and fecd­er Jamhs sironl; 10 a quarttr high-er at $11.L5 to,$LL50, I

La'r\-TPnct' Thorn."en, \\"o)/n&, lop·pf'd th(' markf't Thursday WIth

hog'S that tJrOllghl $11. The ~~.lm(' Iday E:ph nnd IJon Beck('nhaw'rmarkl'lPd "IWl'P 1ha I bruwght thetop of $H.:2:). .

(Jt)wrs mark('linglhj" !)II'

following'PI"." ill SI:'i :2:-):st('('rs atat $14; Th(,u. <;",,,,,,,,,,,,,',11-,,",S14.~~: \\'111 J)no,kl'lIiii $]4; A. 1.. Wih()l1,~t:I.:}:-); 1\, E. Bl'llc.ll'lld,.'j;14; 'l'utll1' lind \\';Inl. ,,,f("'f." ;I!$14.S(); Cpo. ,};JrL"l'n, ."Il'(,']''-, Ilt $1:-1:I\'('1s Ho..,II'()m, ,,11'lTS lit SlJ;Frank !,;lr~I'n, IH,g." ilt B('rgland Bern's, ..,!E!I'rr; ~Il fl('r-hl'rl {'Pfry, hng." litMah"n slp('r"dtlBnnkm"" hog, H' I J,OCAL NEW$Let's Know the Worl~ f ,: ::,,,,:,I,,~,:",' ~,',n:,~,,,n\l'"


week. They sent the Ievening atFred frevert'sj I j

Mr. ',and Mr~. Geo. neut~r W J'eSuRda-y .la~t Wt3ekJHJP1r guests _~tLou Ba;ier's. i

Mr. and Mr•. J. H, pahr w rewith Mrs. M. . Lowert, and J ~mSundtiy aftern~on. I I

Mr. 'and M~~. Lavertn Hal' erwere in the Nrls Grtinquist ho. ,eSund~y last w1h.ek for dinner: . t

Mn;. W,. E. Back andfIrma VI~lt-eq Mrs, Paul ack at ,has. W it~

ney's in en rron Sunda last W(~k.Mr. and Mr~, F'fl'd! Va.hlkafnP

;ut~I~{'~U;~l~J sl~~t ~~~~:'~ ~i~~eSa~~~home. II

Sgt. GIl>nn ']'h0J!1pson, who iSi pna furlough fl'0jJ11 Camp Robin~dln,

Ark.. \'iSill'd. at the Ivan X·dIl.. 'ehome la."1 WCqk. I,

Mr. Hnd Mr!/;. Tony Johnso '~Rog{'r })('lln ','1urnf'Cl to 0 fi!hM.onda y an (,r spendmg la~t w~cwith Mr. nn{J MN. Gl'O. Har(jh,IJan'llls of MI'';. ,'()~In:lon.

, IW\I'I' f'ali ('11 jU!oil how profit­::lJI,' I' ('0 1'('l,u '0,; Iwhhy ('III1It! hf-'1II~1il II'lU I' 1.0 Sllrill~fi~ld, VpR.teJ'~

;~:J~;dl~K,\~~,.r l~t l'~:;~D~:~~~('(r~~~Illg(~ wtl1f~r ~ J~i ~oln "pent his early~uys in, II inui,. 'Coday I dn)\'l~ 111­td :'-il)rin if-Id to \"j~jt his tomb,",hii'll, i'o idl~1l .ally, is on(~ of thfln.ost. Ill)l) lar 'hrim's in Americ.a.A~ I \\"ul II t rouR"h thfl 1)I~:llltHlil

1l'11'llIorinl, /.{I'il AI{ ut thf'l plaque~,s~,nt.lIl·s a d f' ,lIotal)1t that a r(~­

1I1('1nhf~ri" IlU li(~ l'rf'ded in honor"\ itfi In )!it 'nmons l'ltlzen, my~ anf-\{" <'II m'p to hill upon '1'0 o'd

~ J;r.:nth'~lll ('In I in II I'm.tlllne hOiUII iform nd 'JIlIr bushwsl'; Imlt. 1It I,('r fou d ,Ol t '~IUlt his Rgl\ Wll'"~)I ulld t lit, e .\\'ll" ('IIHtodhm of~'t~Il' l"1'on b,'~ ."

! A::; I 'uch d this .old gentle­n~lIn, 11 I; dyad a young boy ap~i~l'fJill'IH'r1 IJim. f was do~e enough

~r)i~~~arh~' Ie I::~ /~:~:,\;on;/~e~ ~~~

~t~~:dol~r'" l'~~\ n~~~~,n~:s~~~~~~lti~~;f~lJite·i.l\ hnl', but fil)~lJy, 1urnedjind wen, inl ) the inner ,~anctumnr the pm() ial which is dosed



I III ,t home ~ car ooman's I Pvt dC'rleman'JIll] POlln11 Ca sons were at plann d to I~ravel MonddY on his

\\" IIJI('d l'''1 :';l;m\ t.mdd?," lafte.r- return to RIce.IJri(J1l 11:-;t W 'ft. ~ I Mrs tJa~el !Heikes dno Barhara

~IIJ llld 1 If,; A Ig. Wlttlerjand of 8. x Clty~ MaxmL' Bartel!-; of~lJil~ ~Pi'lll jI, ond,! ('\!(>nmg last South S'loux ¢lty, and 'A lIma AlI­ll'll'ldt Wa Ifer U rIch's man pent 1115;11 week-POt In 1hel' ~II wd M f W Her UlrICh were Chas Ht>JkeS±hOme Uth guestf>'''lor~g lUnm I gu ls Sunday last there for Su day dlIinl'r NI' Mr\\, (]<I at r.r\ III V< hlkamp's. and. rs Hal" Id We4dmgfl'ldt and

<\' I J' FJ '\'1' () Winside, has Glori' of B,anCrOft. and Darn.~11~II ,;~ ;~~'ncli !J ~l ('w weeks' help- Bobi(" oil' South Siol\.lx CiIY·im ' dick cor 1 al. F .red Wacker's, ---- • , -

~ \\'i~~~~r·'~~;;~l~ili. r~ias Ilb~;e~a~n~~~;'11 ' , ,I! I ~,Jlt'~l" at H. S~I',I\ 'ryol"s, and lhe, N rthwest Wayne n'ntral Sndal Cil"('h~.

I '~l . g t I Cpntl'<ll SoCial cd'cle membrrsI' 'Y,<jI'S ~!~I'. 1 . 0 H flY e\'('llm a, By Staff Correspondent) and Mi';~: Honnadl'l Swanson wpre

Il~~IJ1~l)('rg ~

'll:tl~I~,,:~cl:~'ll~l'!k~~~I t~I}~U~~~~'\~i~~~I L_~-11+-'S-'-F'-a-nn-i-e-S-,,'-Id-I'-"'s--Sl-JI'-n-'-'-h~e I~~~~~~~BY }\)~~~\h/;~I~(, w~~t~~~~k 'h,llOnw : t Ita dolph. Mr, and W('l\~'lI·.l'an;ldaIMW,.isn..sitJG;'·.,o. 'P,',II,''''"on ~1(;~,~;IIIIJLn~~~-~:~:~~(~;~ ~f.y~ t;~~)~~~?I 1.'S..•.' 1<,'.'.'''.'','..WiH{ or Randolph, t.he J.V '" qL tt!f't' :l ell ught(' or t.h(' Lullher wer at.. Haz:vey Beck's Sunday. sllPlwr Friday I'v('ning, l)ecpmherJ i11'j'kl'l1.", '('I'I! a so there'. T e Lt>onard Pospishib 1,'J."it('d '1. in 1hl' W. ~:. Hark home.

:-\'lr" ,] I' Boy'!' ilnd the" Harry relatives; tit V.:('sl Poinl, Sunday. wllrHlf'l. ;Illd C. !. Hu)ce familH's last ee.k.:' W A~EFIELD

\'''-'l'r' :-:;'111<1; din 1I'T" gu.{'sts al Les- M '. a-n~ Mrs. Clar"ne" Clrlson \YilI lIold Mtrkting.n!HIIY,"" '. ,J. Jl. Boyce plans and daughter \\"f'r(' in HlP Paul Bdsy H.o~s Tent No. 3 D~lJgh-

jl! II ;I' il \. (jay.", probably $~li tgcrtJ~r honw Su'nditY last tel's or Union Vl'lcrt!ms willl,hold

i----1-=:::..=l=======~I==:::::==::::=:=:;====;It\{'ir l'f.'gular slated mceting I'W('d-,I r n('s(Jay. ~()\'('nd){\r lH, at the Le-

gion halJ. Nomim-ltiill1 of O!icers

::U~ s~~~':',. plaCl! <In<1 a CUm'(dttec

. -, IIIcmor Mrs. :Olin~r, I

1\11':-. Gporgl' J\ist!rnp(' anll Mrs.Dan Laml) l'nkrta!J1er! the! rnpln­hf'rs or B(,to,y Ito'i.'1 Tl'nl !No. :~

Daugh1l'rs of ·Clnlon VdprarjS Sun­dRY nUl'moOn In honor £if Mr:;.Mercy i )li\'l't' \\.:]10 leaH's s on forCali[ornla I () STll'nd several onths.The 1io1l' was ~I)jOnt in ga , u-sic ilnd Mrs, T. C ~I SP,

in heh;-lli" o( ml'mhers, reo pnt-

t th~;publi~, I~ a few nninutes h~ ~:S~:~,~~;, (~~;t~~~:t~-e:~~if 'r\'l'dr;;~r urn/':1d c¥rrY1ng a~, Il.rm,lo:-td ot :)::)() hufll'! ~,lfI!J('I" In thei guests.b(oks andl@apprs, IhQ [II'."! ar- +ti 1e he shb\.ved 1h(' lady and hl'f - - - ,.s n '-.\'as a miniature porlrait of RENNA I'

L ncoh1 donc, in ons. My kihiving Mr. ,Incl Mrs. Ray Gamtll(' spf>ntit' rned , to' real curosity \vll('n hi' ~ond!1Y t'vt'nl/lg in 1h Allwrl.s, id l~at he; had refused $:.!(),OlIO C;amhll' I\nnw.l' I' th'r; onl" picture. My curiosityI .' - -- --1-t rn(' 10 womil:'r n'li he "howpd ',11,,'> FJI(']1 Ikmpstf'rJ of Lf'-

'~~~ ~l~C;~f ~~in~(;~~!~n(\';~~i~~:, ;~\';:l,J!(~ \1 :II::/t:~J"~I~;I;lt~(.~I~:·~:~· (~~~~rJI(' /,:~;;~,~~~t r [r m the Cap-1UrQr ()r Booth, FI,:t1h('j"."!()1! ilnd Mio,c; B~'lty IloyttIl(' 0 igiiJal {If'n< and ink ('O!lY of \\'('!'l' S(Jnt!;I\' rl,innl'r 1;\1/'."1." ;ll B.

'~a~f' ':~~~;na \:~:<{~l:~~~gl~::h::~(':;:~I~!!_:~~~bll:~II'r_,,~. __---l-, ,~'as S lUI, a papicr-madu! nw."k orl * *

.. inco n math' from, $10,OO(J worth I n~JJ .J.I/J. B 'WdJ,.f go d 1\mprir:ln gr('('~ l1:1rko;, a, '1If/1'UVt '1 tlU ""I

lor-tn i! by Pullel'son, full ."hpl'lsf lor Lincoln slamps :lutograph('d

by t > famous of IhQ world, Bnduozen' or other arli('ll~s or ('qualvalue It's nut a pleasant victure to con·

'I'll ~ old ~ntl{"man'~ nlllll(' is t('mplnte, but War calls for "bloodHerb rt \\'pJl$ Fay. II.' ha.. b.·t>n land sweat rind tears." And the ArmyI~OJl(" HIlI{ Lineolniann- for 80 yeltrS I Medical Corps, with its efficientand as a 1',Olll~t,t.ion "'UhINI in tht' I nurses and its volunteer Red Crossn("il{ borhood or a million dolhtrlo>. "Ang<:>]s of Mercy," needs thousandsTh(~ I:nnpf saol'tum of thf' mf'mo- of beds for field and buserial I'" piled hi"rh with I.rpdnll~ on every front.

~Il~(' tn,~h('I,~:i~'fr~~()I~i: ~:~~~ln~~I el-CSfic·e. \\llwn Lum and Ahnl'r rp-

;~n:~~s\'~~~~;I :::; t~::;::, ~~lI~OI:"(~ ~--- "'I~T:I-='I; ;",:::" '''''' ",,,,,,,thaC,ltUnJ.:" In it lr\'nuld hH41Jirl' hlm'j ----~ t:::1.:ttj i In ill'- lll'ind"But LUln," ~J10kf~ UI. Ah'lf'r, ".von . Thp 11 look I1lnl;j wholl' yl'1lfgelJe ally Ktlf. YOUT In",plrallon frUln U Ithe 'hl"J' I~nd," Ttw facts that hr Il!<If,npd Will>

M Fav also hAS A Grant C01rPC-1 ('normou..,tion Ulat· is s('conn to non(' in ,1ho 111cse beds cost <lpproximat~lY~ \VPfe all on ttl(' ~hl'lv(',; ()world. Through his hobhy he has :ach. They.are the 1at.est thmg, In ('ommence. Irun .it shoe-string intp H ,fOflune.1 mo~crn hospltal bed~, wlth elevatmg Alas [or our h('rn tnn busy If] rp~dSo i~ the nex.,!Yotl'r(' down-, In som~ Instances surg~ H(, \'v'I-l,S also 100 bu.,,~ II pro\,pc! ~Il10wn you lice ~om('on(' pick up a cal cots are used m .tempora,ry fieI succ('pd. IIrust collar-button and put it in hospitals and there IS a foldmg bed Just take it from nw iI." i1 \'('1)'hi:-; p rse-- don't call lh(' pollef', ~~~crh ~::h~:eu~~d~~ra~:~~n~ci sflff' hint,It 'Ill probafJly be me, Stamps can buy many of the$e A eidlizpd man (',H1not liv(' witho:, t

I beds for the Army. You'll slefp prlllt. l'


This Is ()ur \\.'.<Ir L/,t\; Rf', 1better if you know our boys have Allotlt 11 ~ J!1l\'(' you fl'iHI tlw fl)-~:~r:s ~~s;J;a~nc;":t~,o;,t. 1~\~~t \~:~ lOWing magiilziJ1(' ,ll'lielcs? i

'rhl" b Fort MOf('shy. Jol1r1\Vaynp, ;'\;I'hl'. percent of YOu~.i~,c;:a~~~l' D"f>D~lmf'" Lardnf'r, Sa1 urd<lY 1-:\'l~nJnq J'(),~I

1~~;~~~~~~~!!~!!~!!~!!f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~§~llfor {k1ohpr 17.I Hpard lh(' R\I"~ian,,, SighinJ,Irina Skanatina, Collil'rs, ()<:tob;t·

I,' 31.Whose War Aims,


1 son, Life, November',e S arts The -:\'cgro's Great Gains, O:'l-, , ' wald Villalx!, Chri."Uan CeTItur\l,

November t '.( We Can oM' t!w \Var'in \\'ashf-. .. ,;,,~;"'='i!1~~I:,

ur war effort re uir 8 a good eal of leather an~ aB the safety of ~~~t.o~o~'~%~~rS6. Truman, Anlt'd- I .,;~>~~~';::"ou men often dep' ds 0 the qua.tty of this material, it is fitting that Have you [iNll! I h('s(' hooks? : " ..--'th y should use only the est. I, Thc Moon Is Down. Steinbeck.

Two Way Pas.",ag{', LOUl!' t

I n rder to diarup ou civilian 'Ilife J' ust as little as Dossible some Adllmic.

1- India Without Fahle,

gr d A leather has ee set a:idel~or our civilian needs. We have been Milch<'11.

ab e 0 Sfi!'c.ure some arn ss repairs f~'om this stock and now have: The Great OH{'n~i\'l', Max Wef\-nero \

I T Harness $69 t5 Th(' 'S(>\,C'nth Cross, Anha S('gh~3-4 trace, 1 1.. in. hy 20 ft, lines .... _. .' • ers, I

rn~~hWf'('-ti-:;l~ !

I ' $5 5 Bob Dunn has b('en in bed fori T a~ Linea .:....-.. Severa] day!:; with infection in bot~

$18.-50 [eel

$1.15 i

i I








.3 Pkga•.


PIG SO ,:23c


Oralges r;;,:..Grapefruit I

Cran berrilSiOnionsLeUuce 1."fes ~l'~e~~:Cabuge Cnl~"'d"


55e23e1ge i OXYDQ70e -+-:t_..------1+._


1ge .~r,ap;i~il,150 ~:~, ..~....


3ge2.Jb. 23eCllddy. 15eCan.

I-gal. $149Jar!,., •

97e'1.-..1'1.Jar_! .




I -lb.. Can

2 10-oz .., Pkg••




$2250 to $3250

FIf'I'f'f'!'O. ('ahardlnp:>;, ('oH"rt .. in tan.hrown. him', ,l{r"J, tf"al. "'arm butnot \HI,I{ht}·.

Who want quality more th.never before •.. We- have anoutstanding line of

Suitsjund TopcoatsiTailorf'd by skillf'd (·raftsmeo.. ~uwdol U·ol1'tf"ds. Smart :""pw Patter"!t.

For You Men

:::~nd 35e::~~nd 25e::~~nd 23c::~~md 23c::~~nd 251~~~md 2~

::~~nd 430

Grape-Nul FlakesC~eerioals ,O'I I Jack Sinal , .a mea Quick or Regular


DI Jack Sprata es Pitied Dromedary

Cherries ~:=~dte

Crackers f:da~'

Soup Jack SpratBrand

Jell-o Genuine

Fruil Coeklail

flat::' n vtew _the", surroumJ.illt. ,we? a.s.'t'Oing:into'~. and the Sa Clara IV". m tati nl' .e saw many f Hoover' . s yons visited

souvenirs and mom~os 01 .thj va~L. ase hangar,World war durlRg t~t~ime he,ha m~~B8OQ',fe'et Jong,acharge of overseas relief. We di ill-fated iAkron andnot have time to go ipto the J1ead- hies: The Libby MeJOg morns or see tfl!.e countless factpry <t.'nd the Handbook~. 'n_'cords and things of itlter- <lrc ~ocat('d in Sunnl~st on dj.~play. This i a great as:- ter how" being under<.:('! to the student b y and many sionJof the govcrnmcnwere taking advant ge of it, as w<lr: supplies.





Thursday. Friday and




Larson's ~ooddArday\.-Noyember, I

2 :\n."( all"-

PUMP. I.2 ~a"~,2" 23c

Graham Crackers Monterey

CranberrySauoe ~;riayn

H. Cui Lunch

effing 6 I/.,lb. Nel Fish

H . Cut LuncherrlOg J'),-Ib. Net Fish

FI JII Johnson'soor\nax Pa,le

P f ex 20 Gallon.

Swerl For FineWashing

CriscoB Hallmarkeans Precooked

P Kittyopeorn Clover

Sal Jack Spratmon Alaska Red Sockeye

!!IiiiiPork ChopsGround BeefBologOl ~,,;~,,,oc"

Minced Ham ,\er""""


Ol'EMBE& 12, 1942

LOCAL NEWSWayne Cleanprs. Phone 41. n12tfMr. and Mrs. H, E. Ley were in

Omaha Tuesday (or bankers'convention.

R. W. Ley went to Omaha Mon­day to bring home F. S. Berry whohad recovered from an operation.

Nancy Mines and Patty Thomp­son wer£" in Lincoln from Fndayto Sunday Visiting relatives andfriends.

Mrs. Frank Baker, Mrs. GilbertMau and children, Mr~. Joe Cor­bit and sons Were at HerbertPerry's Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Cavanaughwent to Rapid City, S. D., Sundayto sec Lt. Torn Cavanaugh, ThQYreturned Wednesday.

Miss Dorothea Reibold of Fre­mont, and Darrel Sodcn of ()ma+ha; spent the week-end ./0 theGeorge Reibold-home.

Mrs. Gertrude Sonner, Mrs.Louis Holmes and Larry of GrandIsland. called Sunday in the JudgeJ. M. Cherry. Mrs. Mary Sellersand Clifford Johnson homes.

Mr. anq. Mrs. Dave Theophiluswere jn Dakota City Monday to at­tend funeral rites for Mrs. GeorgeMiJler, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sam­uelson went there Sunday and thelatter remained for the rites, re·turning WIth the first two.

'Mrs_ N. H. Brugger was in Sioux ICity from Sunday to Wednesdaylast week. Mrs. Adolph Jotzke re­turned with her and visited untilSunday when her parents, Mr. andMrs. J. M. Budraka. carne to spendthe day and to take her home:



"It.tJP -$1.00~I abe ......

\\\\ '


.;"f1JdM'$WV['~. I ,




"ere: Jerome rearson Samuelsoniattended he funeraI,of trip t? Califurnia, .f01!OWi".g. aj,sum-Mahebson of Swedebu the late Mts. Georg Miller, 74, at mer spent here Wllh fe]allvP and'Yel!ia Park, the~erna I ...,. , Dakota Cit,y, Monda . Wal~er .mil- friends. She took the: ChalJ ngerPark family and r. and cay ,Mrs. nlIls Johnso ) ler of Dakota City i a son of: the to the coast land It was,very c owd-sell P(irk and· dau hter. deeeased. 1M ed· and generally hphind srhqduI('.

anMdrH'raunede aMrers'stOayrIVnlgUej the P', John: arrisan was a Su da.y Mr." and rs. Mar in Holmber~, Once the train was held. up for

dinner gUest or: his si$te. rs: M~. an~ ~rs. He an· Anderso~1 some tlIT1~ while a phy.sJqanl WaSA. Suber home irldefinit ly. Mt.': iJane Mit¢hell. Hilda, Bengts n and Mrs. summoned to carc, for Hie ~Ick

Rhoades is picking corn I or Wal- Mistuone iAnderson of Elk Stma. Johnson .of Po ca, were en- child of a soldier who' was on thetaee Ring. Mr. and Mrs. ave An- Point, . D., spent the: ee -end tertam~ at dmner and luncheon train. At Ogdcn a ~Jvr·(,oAch Jroop4ersen' and Peter of PUg r, Were with h me folks. Sunday In the Elmer'Nels?n home. train and extra dinf'r wetf' Pi't on.Sunday afternoon visitors. Glen and JeaJnine Lund hi Mr. and Mt-:'.. Arthu~ ~l~nne Were MISS Lyons spenl scv('raJ dRyS

Mr. and Mrs. Walter aglund. Sunda afternoon visitor in afterMon Ylsltors an(l. lomed them wlth ,friends in Sunnyvale, ICal.,¥r. and Mrs. Melvin La en and Ellis J'bhmson home. at lunch. ! during WhlC.h tlm(, she Old muchs;~rrd0ls Hloarnsaon eWoemremW'.ttiethe t, eeCet',.nAg' Mr. land Mrs. L. C. rd and sight-'<'l'cing. She W;J:i C''''W'l!lalJy"" iF, Dale whre Monday evening vis tors I,..-------+----.1 thrilled wIth 11ll' H-mile Oakland-Friday evening as the gro p made in the George B. Aistrope 0 c. San Francisco H;ty hridg¢ and thearrangements to serve refresh- Mr. ~nd Mrs, Earl Kie a of Golden Gate bndgl'.ments at ~utheran Bro~herhood Alton, IIa., were Sattirda di ner Considerahle lIme was spe~l nlMonday evening. guestS'lin. the Cart' L. Ad 'on Stanford uni .... erslly in Pflln Alto.Richa~d Lund'S' ~.rt.hda~ of Sat- homeI' of which Mi..,s Lyrms hali this t(J

urday was observ that :evenin~ Mi~s Marilyn Harrison w s a Richard Martensen f Swede· say. "I! is my gUI'ss there arte ':6when a surprise p ty which had Thursd~y overnight visitor of iss burg, was a sundaYi!tvning visi- lar'gc buildings on Ilw campus, W('h I . h· Z J oh~ . h La tor at-Clarence Hoi' I h,een panned In IS 0l1orl Was at- e rna tnompson In t e ry 01· on y went trough 1he most hectu-tended. by 20 of his frlends. The der horne. Mrs. George Borg a a sons and Uful chapel I was e\ cr in, A largetime was spent in games ~d visli- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pie Bill Benson spent Sunday after- Biblical scene in bnllJallt',colars isiog and two-course lunch~on wBis Dean V(elf Sunday dinne noon visiting at Emerson. on the entm' front outtide en-served, Pvt. Harley Bl:ljrd was last welj'k in the Roy Piers Mrs. Delmer Carlson and Jolcen tranel' and the dome hhs Inlaidamong those prescnt. \ near Wayne. spent Tuesday afternoon visiting golrJ. Much mlcwJ gold d!('Cnrale-;

Mrs. Lawrence Ring \~,'as guest Gordon, Dale and l{ele rs~ with Mrs. Reuben Johnson. the m1l'ri(Jr. ThiS enUre buildingspeaker on the temperance pro- berg assisted with corn pic jn at Mrs. Fred Muller and CpJ. Mar- IS a rnemorJ<J1 lu LC'land Blanford,gram of the Allen Methodist W. S. the Carl L, Anderson farm du ing wVilnthMruellaletrl.vesspeanttscFrlrbi~<e"rY. visitIng jr.. ;:Jnrl SOO1l' oj lh(' ('(Jt~mns arrC. S. Thursday afternoon.! Mrs. (:. their vaJcation. ~ n mernOT'm]s 10 othf'r ml'~lhITh ofF. Sandahl, Mrs. W, L. Byers a.lld Th~ Nels Bjork.lund famil ere Elsie Muller of Yankton, spent the family. :vIany IW;lUllfrjl stainedPaul accompanied hcr ant! all vis~ entertained a.t dinner in he Ja- the week-Nld at home. She return- gla ...,s wlndo......." Ihn'(' l~ajcnnl{?",

ited in the Fred Mathies~n home cob VanderheIden horne ne r . u· ed there Sunday afternoon. Bihllcal scC'n('s on ['\ery wall, aslater. They were happy to find rei, Sunday last week. t Mr. and Mr~. Russell Wenslrand well as gems or llteralurc.' hl'I""'cenBetty recovering nicely from her Mr. and Mrs. Nels Bjo kl nd, and Ronnie were Sund<lY dinner ~pa('es. a wonderful l'lpe·nrgiln In

reC€nt serious illness. Euni:e and.Dwaine were Th rs <ly ~~~\~;;;~:~~;i t..,er~ ;J~~s:l!~~~~['~~~tc;;o~}:(~~o~~'~ri~~ r;~~:~ FALL AND WINTER SHOES

X2~l~I~~la:~~~e:E~~b·t~~i~:~~~~;~~~~~L~~:~~t~~~~:F~:~~~s~~fat a:~~rn';';~rb:~~ J~~~~~~ ~':~h;,;r;~~;c~u~~;a~~;,en~~;:~;~~:: All .olid leather .hoe. made by famous mqolf Kay home, enroute to thejr Harrison assisted Mrs. al er hO;h('~ Herman Muller a.nd Albert of Ihe "tructure. AJJ thl'"e add such as Flonheim, Jarman, Peters. All de's

:i~~~:~:~l{:~~~:¥~~~~~~iru~:~r;~~~:::,iY~~i"~~~~~i~d:~;~~~::;:~rel;~~~~~a7tne~noo~~~~ :~"t~:'i~~,en';I~;nd"n~:1'~::t~II~~ :',~ .tyle. and wipth ••

~~:f~~~~o~:~sit3rsdn~:~ saa~~ :~~;'~~{h,Z~:;I~~~~ot:i~nd~g ~ ::~:,a~Ys~~;;~~~~~~~:.~~~:~~~ ~,7;~;~',1 '~;::~£~tl :'f:,~:crint:I,:::co,~ $3.95 and u~~~~~~~~~e~~dR~~:~y.Theil, also M!.'i5 Matilyn Harrison f· a1 a and family and Velda Park were an ltll!Jostng ,,!rU('!Ilrp, <11/-[1 on Ihp BARNEY ITAR

Cpt Ralph Ring sends word that ~i~~n~~e~~ldeo~e~~ig~dagc~ ~ ~~ ;~:.~.ay dinncr guests at Elves 01- iC;i,m~I~"iIS~.:,,:n':I:f!"!"':'i0:":ISi


'!.:o:n":CO:U:':d~=!~!~~!~~!!~:!:!!!!I!~iihe .Was with the Harold Killions Olcd her to school Thurs aY'lto Mr. and Mr.s. Carl Fran~cn of ridl' on Hu' elcvator to Ihr__l_6l_h _ait Portland for supper the C've- VISIt. Omah<l, werp Frid<lY f'vcning andnang of the first and enjoyed the Mr. and Mrs..Roy Picrso atd ow'rnight gUfists <It thf' home ofhome cooking and a fine visit. The Staff Sgt. Kennf'lh Pierson w re their daughter. Mr~. Bernard Parl<.s~me day Pv1. and Mrs. Allan San- C'~tert~inf'd at dintw: Tuesda (' l'- anrl family,dahl who arc liVin~in Wichita nlng, October '1.7, In the ,Chas. Mr. and Mrs. Anrl('r~ JorgensrnFalls,. Texas, .celcbrat d, th~ir first Piprs(m home. <Inri Neva w('rp Sunr'lay dinnprweddIng annIversary vlsitlOg the Mis~ Eunice Bjorklund: \\~IS gUf'sb ClI PI'le .Jorgrn:-;f'n·s. TheHarvey Neelys at J wdley, ncar among tHe group of frif'nds ¢n!dr- Emil MulJpr family \'lsi!ed at Jor-Fort Worth. tainf'rl at H dinn.eJ:' and HaJllh\'''f'n gf'nsf'n's Sunday p\·pning.

Mr. <lnd Mr~. Lawlt'ncp Ring and party by Miss Norma .J(>an Chl~n Mr. Hnd Mrs. Virgil Ekhf'rg <lndLarry JOr>, Mr. :md Mrs. C. F San- al /1f'r home Frrday e\'cning, iOc~o- children. MI'S, Lawrcnce- Rlatlf'rtdahl Were in Omaha Sunday as bf'f 3() 1 and R<lndalJ, Mr. and Mrs. L('odinner guests of Beda Englund ilnd Erwin Mortpnson, Mr<..;, :\1an'in Schullz anrl d<lughtor \'if;itedher father. Mary Elinor Ring join- Mnrtooson, l'v,'IardC'l!e ;Inrl Marrn. frH'nds Cit ;-.Jorfolk Sundaycd them at.. ~Upp('r. Mr'i. ,\. T. aml Mi"s Marjorie Holi"rls rlro~'c Mrs. VIrgil EkhC'rg. Mrs. Pf-lul.IlIolmherg rode to the' city with 10 Oakland, Sunday <-lnrl wert' din- BI'ng!son and Mr.<;. J{rnnrth W('n­lihem to visit Mr. IIolml"Jf'rg who ncr and hupper gUl'.'ij..., in the 1).1- ~trnnd Wl'rl' ilo.'i.!.PSSf'S 1o a groupl~\'('s with his nipce~, Mlldre(] and Vln Nelson home. I of young folks at thC' WenslrandAgnes Ruth Anderson, as h~ has Mrs. JO.<;c'phJnc Gus!;tfs0n +-"asl a home Tursday evcning for Marvinemployment in the Brandeis Sunday dinner guest in lhr> ·NJill6n Muller and Ephraim Johnson homestore. GustRfson home. Ed. GUi-i~Rfs~n on furlough,

Mr. and Mrs. C L Bard, Gordon and family were afternoon vi~Jtors, Mrs. Alherl Tell and RusspJ] ofand Dalf' droY(' to SiOH,.... City FrI- pV1. Jamcs Gu.<;tafson WilS hortle R('d O<lk, IR., c;lmp Sund<ly (,\'l'­

Uay evening Wh('ll' thc~ivisitl'd Ih(' from ca~p OYCr t,.1C week-eJ'/d. nlng to spcnrl a coupl(' of dfJ.,}'sprville Ericksons ;miJ met Pv1. Mrs. Gayle 11. Childs, Mrs. lLut,lJ- ..... ith thl'lr daughter and sister,

rr~~··s~~:~~~Y~r:'~;J;~()~ HW\:;?r~~~~~;; ~ I~l~;: (~~~ls. ~~;:~~~~)~';i~#(' 7~\~ i1;s;r~~'~:\ ~~~\~::Jl=\r~~~l~:~n;;J,~~tt7:~b~r1~~h;e'[::: ~~:~k ~~:dl~~();r;;l~~~ ~~~e h;I:~S ~~rd~~~d~;:n~V~~i~~Q~~ ar~~n~~~n. <-lflernoon viSItors ill,hoon. Myron Olson RcC'ompaniC'd sor an entertainment in tHe fu- Hcrm<ln 5101l("s, h('lping Mr. anditheOl, and all were cofke gU~L'j tun' :vIrs. Stolle relphratl' their hirth-

[ M Er r R Tl (lilY anniversilries, wpre Mr. and~arg~r~,t /{~~IUn~n~;nd (':~~rcci"a,~ Dorothy Sundell, Milrilyn,IIar- :vIr.s. Frank Holm and the Will

Ithc Rolland Cochran homl'. ~~(~nilel;~~~,u~e:~, ~~lr~~~h 3;~~~~ g%~~~ f~t~li:~~Jm, and Clan'nce

<Ind Melvin UtN'ht of Waynf', 3t- SundrlY riinnt"r and sup[lf'r gueststpnded the Nebraskil-Mi~sot1lri ;ll Kpnncth Bak('f'!; w('1'p Mr_ i1nd

Mr. ami Mrs. Wayne Thnm;ll, and foolhllll game al Lincoln, SatkJrday :\ll's. Will TI'St, Mari<l Hnd Ew)yn.'Rohbip werl" Sunday SUpplT g\1I'~ts and vihited friendk.; at the uhiver- ~lr. and Mrs, Will HRkf'r anrlat Edward Fork's. sity. 11"1'np. Mr. and Mn;. Clarence Ba-

Mr. Hnd Mrs. f:dward Fork srwnl Mr.· and Mrs, n.. A. Nlmro(i, Mr. kn and chlldrpn. Mr. and Mrs.'Sunday pvening in th,.. A. Brug~r- ,[}Od Mrs. CRrl L. Andrrsot). Mr, I':mil Muller and daughtoN.

Illm~"n;;;;"h;.;o;;;rn;;;e,;.';;;'I;;;l~';;(~~;;~k,;:in;;;s:;;.;.;.;_;;_::.;;~~;;:_:;;;-:;;_';;;'n~rl;;;M;;;;;;rs:;;·_.;;\I:;;e:;;c;;;n;;;(:;;'";;;r;;;1 s:;;.o:;;n:;;,,;;;n:;;d;;;(;;;'~A.·1 na~~n~:~k~:e n~~o~ev~s~o~~ <I ~ i~::;Hoyt and Glen Blake of A1kinson,Mr. and Mrs. Ru~scJl PlJrk andJanice, Mr. and Mrfi. Elves Olson,Vl"lda Park and Jerome Pearsonand Dick Martensen of Sv;edehurg.

Vida Anderbery of Sioux City,spent from Saturday night untilMonday at the parental Anton An·derbery horne. The Clair~ Ander­~on and .John Bergr>son families,Mr, and Mrs. Harold Anrl('rson andMr. and Mr~. MelVin And('r~on

were Sund<lY nftf'rnoon and supper

Iguest.s _~l__An~~r~.:~·s_·.__



Visits Palo AltoMemorial Chapel

Returfling WestA letter to the He@ld,from Miss

~~]~~1~~i!i~~~~r~~~r:;~~;;~;;;;~m"rt-r-:-l~T1~~ILauraLyons te~~: :O! her return


all p'op'ulillr sizes

tnd alyles

, 51 in ~t'e n'y RobertsIlbme., J'u~ Rob rts' If. Diily were$.fterri.'oon .~j.Sitors n ill. J. M. Rob·,rt~:; horil~ . ':-

~-,+..-.t::j-";"--,.---.j.;j.. .....""iI'I; Mrs. :H~ns Lub stectt and chil­l11ren are i in the ' rt Borg hemewhile Mrsf Borg is, recovering nice-

~o:r;:p~~i.appendectomyat I.the

Mr. and Mrs. has. Scott aUdNell and Mrs. Pearl Scott, all of$iOUX.City, were dJnner guests and$pent SuJliday in the Lawrence

Ca~~~n~OM~~.E~. Sandahl, Mar-ian and Morris took Virginia toher schooi a t Pier~, Sunday eve­ning at the conclusion of her twoweeks' vacation,

Mr. and Mrs. Walter! Herman,M,rs. Charlette Lundahl ~nd ·"~r.

:~~ ~~~c;'g~it~S~U;;d:;g:n~e:and Mrs. Hans Rosen in Sioux City.

Mr. arnd Mrs. Lawrence Ring andLarry Joe were supper guests inthe Joseph C. Johnson home Mon­-day eveniflg. The men 'Of the groupattended the Brotherhood meetinglater.

Kermit! Mildred, and Alden John­son &tteryd~d the choir party at

~7~g~~~~lr~~~Ot~~:Cth~Y~~:{n~:~ed, also Cpl. MarVin Muller, bothformer members of the group.

an..<; n Aug. Kay's birthday of Fridayerno n 1was celebrated when the Rudolf~. _, and Johnnie Kay families enjoyed

an o¥ster supper at his horne. Mr.hildr n and MI~. Ro~lie Longe joined them

ne r Ifor the t e CpJ. Hnr:old Kermit Johnson ar-

RUdo f Kay hOme. rived Saturday evening from Sa-Mr. ! Joe Beckcnhau r w s ~ina~, CaL, having ~ecn granted a

am.. 0 ~grol:Jp. of ladies ho'h dI,.15-day. fU~lough, .H1S p.a. ren.ts, the

<lone ednesday with M '. Joe ,Johnsons, Mildr..ed and AldenRalp B ckenhau·cr. met tum at Norfolk. '.

: Th Ei W. Lundahl fami SPC' t Mr~. Henry Rubeck w~s a Sun-Surid y vening in t,hc Mel in La :~ 'day din. ncr guest J.n the Emli Lundsen h m celebrating Mr. arse s ,home. Mr. and Mns. Art Longe andbirth ay:of Saturday. Mary Beth ~~d Mr. and Mrs. Fred

Da ~d 'Lee Cbnmbers hf Thur'- R Utecht Jomed the group for atOll,b ought his mechaniea pick r cooperati\-,(' luncheon. .~o th Jas. €hambers far whe e Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Weborg, Cur-he is otking this week. ltis and Roy of Fender, Mr. and

Th -JQe Johnson fami we e- 'Mrs. ,J. C, Bressler. Warren and~inne guests Sunday of M . J. . .Gordon an~ MrS. J. W. Fredrick­ISu. nd. II and Helen. Myrtle unde I ~on wen: d'in.f1er and supper guestspf 0 aha' was also presen . 10 the I'.d. S-andahl home Sunday.

~Mt. and, Mrs. c. -A. oIIJ3a a d Mr. and Mrs. F]rank LOr'!gel andtty Jane were 'Sunday supp r I~elvln. Longe wqrl' Tuesday dve­

_ . est of Miss Anna Ring. r. a~d nmg VJ~\tors lOll' .Rudolf Kay

~~. . B: Ware were oth s pret I~~.C·E~~I~dGlr. ('~en~~frl ~~I'lrl~~~


Mr and 1\1r.s. Albert Lon C' we e of Sioux City, <l11.Cd on their wayS n y dinner gUC'.<;ls at Roll e to Wayne. i

ng 'so Dicky and Dobby ceo _ Mr. :wd Mrs. 1\11)('1'1 Sunrlell,panie thfOl home to sp d t e Lawrence q.nd Alvln drovc to Oma­ni~ht . i ha Sunday and spl'nt 1he day in

Mr and Mr", Edgar Lar. n we e t.he Harry, Anrier~on homp. The E.,dil1ne guests Sunday of t Ke _ C. McElhaneyl famJly o[ Omaha,nath amsey, far:lily. Mr. a d, Mr'. ,":cre also. present. The three Is·,0, I. Ram3ey jomed the oup t ~iles arc slster.s.JUIn~ e~n. I Sunday_ dinner ann supper~ W yne Randol was a Und y guests in ~l~~~~~

Zencli(c Ir)~ulation anBaloam Wool ..• StoWindows and De;tarl ••Weather StriPPU.1lGood Coal and the Rill tKind of Coal.

Fullert:on Lumber do.


All these playa part in keeping your ho:n~warm_and comfortable all winter ... Call on uao<


Make sure that your car i,S ready for I~b-Z 0

temperatures. See that you have a Ioc:#

tery and proper winter oil. tDIAMOND 760 OILS AND GR£.AS




Phone 78




Su(ff'fS Burnl"l! lIanft",H:-trold DinkIH~E' hilrl hI" h;lOus

bumNi ann'S150 dl1mflge Wi-l.." dnnp •to a rorn pickC'r when lhr> mac-hlneigniten itt thp Gpo, MC'ypr farmnpar Wisnrr. A m'ff'll Wi-lS !J~htrd

to warm lh~ plPf'line when tht'blazC' stilrlf'n. '

,Patrolman 11('", Toda:'t'·, I

Onp of IIlI"' hlgtlWrJy pCllrolml'n I ,, --....__-~....- __....__~~~~

l~ at the cour! !louse tl1l-" Thursday 1 ••••-.-.;-••• ..:••••••••-••••••••••••••-•••••

to pas~~_O~·_I~· 5 Don't Be an Ostrich About CHas Be.en \"ery Ill. I. , ,

Merle, htlle son of ~I,. and ~!rs : Jreather Dnnng!Wm. ,J. Ely of Turlock, C'il,. for-Imerly of Concord \"JC101l v, hCiSbeen very III In a hospital. The I<HIis ImprOVing now and I." home. I

~~a~i-~-,-n-W~yn('. I

Walter P. Feyerhf'rm i-Ind ;\-Ir<;Kathryn Fairall, both of Yankton,werp married NOYl'm!Jf'r S hyJudgC' J. M, C'hf'rry Mr, Fryn­herm is commiSSioner <lnd hiS wlfrlS supeT\·I.C;Ol" <ll the .,,1;111' hospItal.

IThe f1("(' department rl'spnndpr!!

lasl Thursnay Whl'n ;{ hLu.l' broke Iout in thp yards near A. (;. Adams· Ishop. No damagr rr;,u!tl'u. i

----- ~ IIMlss M:-tbpl C'hrI_~~' :-Jnrl!

Dwight \·an Slykp, ho~ll fnrnwrly Iof Randolph. were m<lrrwrl CJctn-l.her :22 at Soulh Mllb, :-;_ r. Thl'}" \.II\'{' at :-.Iorfolk. Va, wlWrt, ttlt' :youth IS \\-'Ilh thp ni-l\'\', VHn SI\"kp •st>rvpd 10 lIa .....ati b('I~JI·{, glllng 10 I: Phone 99V I rgl n l:-l. • "-+~=f::E'3::E'E

.;;.;;.II.-. iII••••II ~ .••··Ii




Bring it to us for

proper winter oil.

Do You Have to. Push Your Car?


1936 CHEVROLET COUp.~ . i

Far••n I C:entral Garag, I I. ~er••••ts Oil Co. , • MILLER & STRICKLAND tArN£' ·1<1......... &III Wuaa. N.... 1= PHONE 220 r • '=.:11, _-+__ : .;..••3 ••••••••_ ••_._ •••• ••• -. ,"-'ci',,·"

" .I l, ---- :I ..:~~l~/I,i~ ":i;i~;~JI~

Mama Doll


$169Beautiful Atholware. Unbreak­able haodle:'!. Mirror, brUlhlind comb. All in beautiful giftbox.

SMARTOCCASIONAL CHAIRA gift (or the home. 645Soft padded seat. Dur- $able tapestry cover,Hardwood frAme.

I'......,. In C,ootwa"'r. far it tends to make US feel ~upe- w----n f t d IW A Ni>. d dMis~ Emma Mc<i:;ee, 60, gra rior. But if many follow such prac- ayne e ea e I. omen. re Te e

ate of Wayne normal; in 1905. di tiees, our amusement may turn to B K H For Sewing HeOctohpr ~9 at Clf'unvater foBo hate. Of course it would be incor- V' earney erQ . -rlng a stroke. She ,hild taught 22 -- J reet to contend that conflicts al- ... -- ~ Iwl~11°~er~~~~ as~~~~fd::~: ~:years. lIer invalicl Imot~er, i or Dr. . R~ Johnaoi-. Speak to ways bring destructive effects It Final Game ofSeaaon Counts, I hall ('3ch TuJsday :::,dd'Thwhom ~h(' earen, two bl."Others nd W m n About Suc~e I IS only when our emotional systf'm I. ITO f Ch f 'f I ~ .. U gets out of goa' and out'ldac our L.'OCa eam ut 0 ance a tcrnoons. Mrs. F'~ Heine r _our sistpr~ ~urvi\"e. I L • • LoO I h

_____~ ~ I I Wrrld Cooperation. I ~ reason that we behave like \'dld For State Title. port:; t 'It men's shi s.and w ~

Food StamP'S Del<Une. ~ Ii' D J I R Johnson, Wayne sjta an.I,~ls" The Kearnpy teachers dC'fea!crl !~~~ 6b~~~:;rt:~C( ~~~ e;~ m d:1\ rf'rluction of $81.877.50 i~ r~~ Tea erfi college Instructor, I a e totahtanan way IS that of the Wayne tE'1l.chers in the fin'll i cd for pajam- s

enJl expf>nditure fOl' operati{tmlof. dres ed IWayne Woman's clUb Frl- exterrmnatlOn or SUppresSion HIt- game -of the season at the Way~e I Thr~ \\-'om('~' p;:Ickcd ,;and shithp food st'lmp program in! Ne"- day on~rnmg natIOnal preJUd~~e ler and hiS gang seem to be bent field Frida).-· night. ThIS \'Ictory for I:200 Red ero:.\,; kits l110nday,hra~ka for Srptf'mhf'r this" Year He eg n by stahng, "the tr er on using the former method. But Kearney clnched the !"ebraska 200 olhl.'TS Wefr filled Tue

d . h c' h thr- t 0 American un,ty tod IS more can be achieved by the 'in- "11 f h th I A I'd 1compare WIt t'ru€, r;arne mIt a L T h 1_ e , or t .em as f' on !' game. I ny group:;; or mdllo-'l ua syC'lr ago w~s rrportC'd by . H. fear Je lousy and 19norance By ~~~ngB~it~~ tOcod~~~(':~t~~th~~r~; remaIning IS wnh the Ch,qdron: Wish to pay $1 or morc toPptlit, sll-ltf! markpting: sUIX' Vi:SO~. ~~~ ~~~J~ n~l~eme~~efl~7t~raco:, ~~~ tried once with thp Irish, But re- teach<:.>rs who <.IrrC<:lr tn be un- ,these are urged to do! so.

~hr~s,r~~?;l.t:tt;:;~~lr(:~o~oi:e:Hif~d~f rat er ithe lack of und.erstatcin.g sentment continued to smoulder." ~~::Jb;':~kr;];;I~r~~(,~"lr;;'\'~_'~~r~'~ II ce~~·pl~t~~\~~ ~J~1~~o~;~ t~pmr'>!oyahJps fror:" rublic aid tr?l1s whi h We so often have of the oth- ce~:r:...~~r~c~~~~~~~~enr~~~~s;~~~ flrom!'!n offl'n,,]\p poIn1 of VIf'W Robert B. Acree Off€P W y10 rmploym!'nt In "'-'<-Ir induftt'les, er ~n's goo:! qualities <.In hiS l' - 11. Was Kearn(,y;'lll the way, f.or It HII.L.Paramu~,.N.. J.. is is as f. _

, con ri tions to the American ,way rea lzed in the fac(' of a rommon II "I . dagricullure I-l.nrl othO('1" priva~e cm- foC'. ConsioC'r how the unit('£! na- piled up m,lny yard~ from ;"(Ttm- ()V.~_ rCCPIle very I ~ _

ploymcnt. '~cfn.icred·,:ft:-thll,., rba:se'SaWlloa~lodunbde AnmIP~~= tions are growing closcr together," m"g'e whilE' lhl' \V;;lvnP trrJrhcr"i :;wp;].tpr from y·our' IRed r:;_I <:; .... • .... ' • d wcle 'held to.on.l Y t.W.'(;.flr~t ..dn.wn._". I.Cha.Plcr am.l. I su.~.) app.rc. i ~.iC::l.~S ere to be chosen, contmue Dr. Johnson. I I d h tspent the "Wh t' th f{c;:Irncy ~('orrrl parly In thf' flr",t t,ll". 1 rpCC1\0 t e ea er IQ. t·

he !speaker stated -that "~om(' hI a IS C flnswpr to our quarter. whpn' Ii hlockpd Bpst'~ <:It- I Shpndan. 111, and t ere are efor 5 lof race prejudice have'had ~~uc:~o~fiSn~~i~n:~s~~~~~U~~Ct('\~ tenipt to qUlck-klf'k and thf' halLl ~ fr.......' of us boys W 0 have. t eanJ:lrrlOst continuous existcncQ, fo.r mu:-;t be more than aCa(!pmlc rolled into lhc cnd Z()fH'. whf're I fl1l'y sUl"ely come In, ndy I~ ..,-./

~~~:~~~et"'re~~t~IO~~ t~~'i~~':.~;~ ;:c~ schooling. E\'cn the school." hll \·c Rumhaugh rpCTJ\'prpr! for <l louch-1 J('I ~r:'y ~\'hl'rc the weath~r IS C )1tl·~· If I too much of a C8r,;te »y:;tf'm. 'fhl:' down. At thc npf'nlfl~ (Jf th .. -"f',.. ..:i ;J.t 11~1~'" l,,~ ~r~gl~IJY fro

sC'ltm ItSI.' up as a se ect group." so-called ('ducator~ are loa oftC'n onrl hellf r"('(J\'pr"r! it -; 1 Litl. r. nn ... \.. )j( rc "" also hjS ial antagonisms are not hlO- own kICk-off on \Vaynf' :".111 ._ n,·rj 1..1"0'5 chapter. ThaIO~i~allY innatc.' but "cquireq hy ~ontrOJled by prejudice "nd bIas. y"rd llOf'_ From 1I;",r I1;ilfh,I('k 1 }UL! CJ.E:";>m, 1tr dlt~on," contmu('d Dr. Johnson. oveea:co(,~~~;1~7~h~~~~i~~~1~1:ta~~;'vllh Sharla In rl -I'nl'" JI,I Ilnl~ I,,~w ~nd G~ntile children play to- thing alien can be h\lmhlr" sma"hp", rlrnH lhrou~h lih I,'ft I (,olr1l'nrof! ("I ~Ieets.~ ~etyh:~:~ol~~tl~;:_ ~~~~~f[';~~ "In !he ('nd," c0ncIllrlpr! Dr ~Irl(' for!fI y;:mh anr] ;\ tnlld1d0\\"tl." cr;I;'l;:~'·~~.l;~J;ll ~il~~ ~ ~a~dri~i : ~~w itel children do likewisr. The Johnson, "there is no WClY In whwh fn~;I)~'nr~'U:lr~{~I~r"f~;::~~'l\:~t(' Itl tll'" H' '1r1('S j() n:l'mhcr' guests . re

h re~ of orient!'!ls for the ..Jhite ~~7~~~ (~~l;h 1J~'~rl:~~~~lrrorlrr(;I~t~~; at!!lrk h;lr] !>rl'n d"flnl1f'h I ~:;',"'J~:~l ~):~~S;~:'Irt~~~~~d I-ra e it due largely to economic ex- rf'C1lizes th:-ll the whole truth rtnd by 011' [;1;-'\ ("h:lrgr,n~ KF''l-rnr'y .Pa' miteat,s'ocnng·cTrheOfmmiS:ir,:nyaCaYnctwetnotlnar~ virtue is no! exclusi\'rly In It" pos- B·ohll'r ;-.trPrwd lJr-wk on hI..... [J\\n C::n(·nl'" CarL....nn alnd mrs.

I' , L <:; , ..... ,-'.'·on \Vh th II ~O-;'arrl Jm(- and threw a ]fJ_\. arrl Pr:;'Jr won pnLl'S ~n progreafe, Ibut he was followed too soon .w.~.~ . rn mg." go wrong lC Ib fhr merchant and soldier, Even public demand» 11 'sra~goal,' It IS ~~I;S('I~tl~;fl~7'::r~:,~,h who 0'11 r;:~ IJI1c \

to ay China and India are Uncer- ~~~v:;i~e~.: ~~~~~~o~~ tl~~"I~~~~r;~~ "corr' W"ynp'c; flnly lall;. fl \''-,'nblJurnc r: 1 E.t ·n1S to the rf'al Objflcti\'('s of thr the triumphant majority today <illf'mpl for \\,1~ \\ Ill" ;ilHI1n\? I r\kliO' rg-U Ite natIOns. Thp UnItf'rt S(ate~ rAm.. ". 1.1. ""·I:.Tl" 6.1 \\·(."ll'h;ll rlS('I'm. to 1);1\'(' slorpf! up marc good milY become the op[!n'~~f'd minor· n

W II '~~n mosl ot hC'r nat ion". Th.. ity tomorrow, I lopr'fuI 1flht rllilkl'C; T~~'~~:~;U/~l\' iI'; ;1 ~;;~~I~.~\, (I:{ \ i ·i~,.'I!,',~,~(JrJ r~ ~srlpn(lirl fightin,G qualities of thf' ~~:ru~:~~d~~(~~~~i~~~I~I.I~".~;~y~P{I,(;17Ir:,~ St()\'f'l' 1,' 1:t!rrll."I'I;h 1),-'-1 I h D. Pf't~~ 1~~~Ot~~~~t,j,fy to ollr educational lion h:-:tsf'rl on idf'als :lrJrI hl.l:h prtn- (llsl'n It "\('\\,,11 Bnplr:1 I t'h_ P.

ciplf's of conduct i:; bpt!rr th<ln frJI- Kr:-Jll"p lL: l"'lrll"), (";l1n:II::IUI!II (bofl';lr~i;.o~fis~~;}:°i-lnf~O~~I~nll~t~\I~:~~]owmg a If'r.ldl'r. A rnmmnn Ir;lrl- 1-,;;----------.;--....--------.;~;;;;;;;;;;;4~arl1rlt1s of pprsccutlOn of minority tf'n]-~;~1 .~~m~i~li{~:I~~"II~~:·i;~~ 11'

~;~~l,S. li:~r;·('fy~ttl~7u~~e~:rI~~ thr loss of Indf'prnden! judL:nwlll' Is }"ourM\-lor$ and Jf'WS 'in Spain, Jf'\I,ls in pr~~r thlC\~rl;fl)~~r ~I;:~~~:~ 1r;~'("\H.:~;;~J~ H OnlC U~arm?~~~~A~~O~;f't~~~~;~l~~;n\.~'('1~;~Pp;~ ILs 11IStury h;l.'i h,lr! 1fll' rPIO\'lg-

~:;;;; I; h;~1W;~e" 'c~,,~" h;~~ :~~'at~~ ~,~~~~~1 ,~'~:~,~~::"I~~~"d~:~,I:;'i~I,l,(~'i:~;s\tt~~~JOhnSnncontinued by ~aying, a"'''f'mbly of minority grrlups. ha""W'p have, we belJ('vE', a clear idea becn created a strong nation .,of' what w("' Rrf' fightmg for. Cer- M~~.r·E~~~~~s;as Inlroduced hy

;1;~i;~lro~~r;;y:l~~;~~:~:~~f'~h~nr~~I~~ Leonard Paulson, arcompaniedtOj live as frE'P men. We like to pre. by Mi!'>s Hazel Reeve. sang a

.te~d that we believc alt men to be French Canadian lumber song andif e and eQual, but we do not treat old Italian 10\'e song,th as such. We don't ha\·e to Mrs. D. S, Wightman, Mr<::. Mae

hill,,!:, nazi ag('nt~ 10 make us sus- ~u';f~s~t~~dTM~~. J~~~>~~;"l;;Spa;;;piCiou.<; of citizens more or less re- served. 'certly arrived from .other coun-tdes. 111e word 'immig'rant' is of1- ai~~~;Jd ~~'a~rl~ne~k:t~e~,i~\ ~~))::~to~:~"rt~~~t:~;t~, '~~~t~~~ryO~a~~C~~I~ vembt>r 20 meetin~.of: Wi IS drscpnded from immI­gtiInt s ."'

"It IS common knowlC'dge th<ttour nntlon IS made up of no oneraCe. falth or cultural hC'ritagc. Itis groupmg of some 30 peoples ofdifferent ideas, Thh. are! bound to­gC'ther by our conflderrce m ourdemocratic hackgrourids," thespeaker contmued.

"It is easy to find examples ofprf'judlces 'ano bIgotry, such aspersecution of Quakers and follow­ers of Anne Hutchinson and RogerWilliams in Masfiachusetts, treat­ment of the Indians, persecution ofthe Mormons. Following ttlp 1stWorld war th('re wa" a 'Red'scare. Wh('n we are boasting :-Jhoutfighting for the rights of minbriliesw(' can hardly forget our trC'at­ment or the colored race," f';tatedthe speaker.

"Prejudices tuke many Conns.They are the r('sult of tradition,direct teaching, dp!ihC'rat(' incitp­ment and group contagion and ina "ense arc in('vitable unless welearn how to cont rol their cau~r.

We {pnd to shrink from t hp un­familiar, Manners, customs. speeC'h,gestures (100. dress in ~ome mdi­viduals or groups m:-ty irritate u».We may be tolerant of a few, infact we may enjoy the experience,

X-t-1." 'II'; i !. I . ! I.: I

T'· .. W··I.. j\.!.', ,. ......,... HE 1 .j'


Plan (or Boy Scouts.Prof, K. N, Parke was in Wf'st

Point f'riday evening to ~tt('nrl ameeting of a SpdCi41 committeE' tostUdy poy .scout problems in theCovered Wagon area,



A $1,00Volue

Children'. game! plannedfor every day in the week.Complete with inlltruction~,

Every child will love thisgame,




Plan (ol! Short oune.agricultural sh rt course at

~i~~~~~l~n ~iJe~I~ :iil~~

, IThe course stl!l.rts Novem·fmr young mPH and women

ant to secure training duringwi e tr'Ionthf. AnY0'1e who is 16. ~d CrO!Js ill ~ervi(".e.

wh er" a graduate ot hig:h school In the three years since the out·Clil, may ¢nroll. break of the War in Eurgpe, Ihe

"'";;+;;.;;;;~++;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;H;j;;;.;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;-,;;-,;;-~\,jAmcflcan Red Cross has fur~,",Cd:'~ I relief to more than 20 nil II 10 war

\ IC'lJms About $110,000,000 orl hof supplJl>s h,lVP !J(-'('n dlstn teV

<----- - ----,- ~

Urged to Or",anh',p.

Dixon county 4-H eluhs arp urg-ed by Agent I-Inward .Gill.a,'ipic\ 10re-enroll and get organIznflOn rom­plet.f'd for ]943. Thl' war effortmakes it imporlilnt for youngfolks 10 rlo their share in variousactivities. A full ]~-month actlvi1yIS I esspntial, and :'organizationshould,l;>o slart("d so that plans canbe mark to save trav('J.



iae onpaired

ueard a.ingle pair until wave ex­amined them. You'l be .ur·priled how many d I an youCUI save by letting a ~'doc·tor up" your old Ih I.

Lerner's Shoe & Harness

. '111~J

The Best in Fresh Meat. lor L~ss! ,I I '


ohnson's Fr zen Fo* M rkt

~,.'l,~·..;....L _..-~ _ _,..I,.... ~"., '1-1'," 1i , 'i· , ' 1, ,d'-ilm,lid',I".

Goe~ to Ea."lt Coalit.Pfe, Melvin D. Jl'nkins, who had

been at Carrol! on furJough whiletransferring from California toVirginia, appreciates the Herald.His address is Hlj. Co., 23rd Eng.Bn., A. P. 0.,253, care of postmas­ter, CaITiP Pickett, Va.

Comes for 1"'urlouRh.Pvt. Kenneth Johnson. s1atiOl!led

art Key Field, Meridian, Miss., ar­rived last Wednesday evening tospend a 10-day furlough with hiswife, who is a patient 10 a localhospital. He also visited his pal"'­enls, the Gilbert Johnson~ at Ran­dolph,

Appredates Paper.Pf¢. Ronald Grunke writes from

Washington expressing apprecia­tion for keeping in touch' "1Hhhome fo}ks thr.o~gh the Herald.His address is: ~36th Bomb Sqdn..95th Bomb ,Group, Ephrata aIrbase, Ephrata, Wash.


(loes to Oregon {;amp.

in:V~i ~~%~~jt~,roS~e.i,S~ha~~~his l address is: 37264137, Co. ,A,50th Engl'. (C), t,}, S. army.

Earoll lUg-her Rank.Arnold Reeg, who is station('d lat

the army air base in Florence, S.C., has been: promoted to sergeamt.

:Qr. L F. Perry, dentist, phone88-W. n17tf

Mrs. Ed. Sala and Rex ~p('nt theweek-end in the Ray Sala homeat Atlantic, Ia.

Miss Minnie WIll, who teachesin Sioux City. spent tht-' wP!'k·endwith her broth(>'r, R. L. Will.

Mr, and Mrs. E\'C'rC'tl H.('(,s, MISSLucille Rees aniJ Miss Margut'rlteRees spent Saturday JO LIncolnattending the foot hall gan1l'.


~or"""'lIIlllPhone 84 Wa,yne, e.

~. '," , -=;'1~'~!Il!~~I,1't<rm", ~ ~ r

• 1·" -

\ ,',,',

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~=.~§:::====!=~~~='-"==E-±f.=f~E.=E--~~--~ I II''f·~:':-6~~ . St. Mary's ~lege, CalIfornla,1 to guardian of the estates of Leonard. Nebra ¥. a the house in tt~e

I f tram fo.r,the nfiNal air corps. I Roberts, Leona Roberts, El~on CitYlot''Y"a'Ee, ..Ne r ka,on.De--f-.-.- Roberts. Darleen Roberts. and cember 8, 1 2~J~- 0-: o'clock a.

Leave. for 'tralnlol" Raymond Roberts, jr., minors, dul)' m., 'tf>!show cause,_ "., Y there be,.8. Frank Carlisle, Jr, of N¢)rf~lk, flied herein for lIcense to sell each why lif:'ense shouJ!!. ,be ~nted

m'I ~Ice who enlisted 10 the 8nny au' COtfpS, of the mmors' undivided 1-45 in- to sai~ Ra):mofid "Roberts asleft Friday for Santa Ana, qal, terest m and to the following de- guard4an tq s-e-l!-:s id real estat~where he r~ported for a~tlve d~ty.. sCribed real estate, to-wit: 'for_ th~ PlfTPoses a . e set forth.

J • I ~ -- ~ Tdct No. 1. Commencmg at a It l.Si fUr1£r 0 .. t-a .copyof foJ'l'lterly of Wakdleld, dInA In Pvt GW1~lnt"A_~rOGmatTheJ~aS'llkes~o pomt on the South side of the rail. of thl~ ord _ ub IS ed once

p.t "'-'" 1 "'-'" road right of way of the C. S1. P. each week or" th successiveo Blue Earth, MInn, November 6, hear about hbme folks through he I M. & U_ railroad, four rods east ,weeks In t Wa ~ Hefa}~, a

1926. .. Herald HlS new address I!; th of the West hne of the Northeast legal ne\',~sp per, 'p U), ed, pUbhsh-Early Wayne IEvents. chemical depot company, Ca p I quarter of section eighteen f un (I~ and of general c eulation 10 !

From Wayne He~ld for Decem- Bowie, Texas. ~ Township twenty-;.;ix (26) Ra!lli"B \\-ayne counJty. Ne ra ka:

~r~~~~~nM;:Vh/r~rY'wn;~:~:~ Youtl. I, In ','erv,','e, I four 14) East of the 6th P. M., In Dat~d thl~ 4th da ~(Jv('mber," AN R~W Wayne coun'y, Nebraska; thence 194~.died in becl.'mber, 1906 . Adam Pvt, Lester H. P. Koepke of _ 7: H ON South and parallel WIth the West LYLE' ',..A~SON.Nuernberger of Wakefiel~, plan;.; Hoskins, who is JO st'n ICI', lhb"O , line of .saId :\"orthea.,;t quarter ten Judgp ,ot 1h,' D st ~ct ( OUI·: ufa Shorthorn sale in Dt'cember ... dddrl'ss: 37267053, A. P. 0, fjY~1(j, rrTH,PRESDENTOFTtfe' 5.,' ro&;, eight fl'l't and ten JOches'lnst3 \\'oI:fn,' Cu n.t ,;'>.;dH"aska.E. M. Peterson pi" Creighton, c,an,:~ of pos.:tm.ustls.'l.lfl r'ran.·I:;I·O, COUlO OT WR.fTE Abought the 1team' laundry in CHl., U, S. aImy. l : WOQ,O ~NT(i HE. w S thence East parallel WIth thf' - - .--Wayne ... Mrt;. Elb:abpf'h Lute' '2. ARS OLO IISOUlh 1mI' of lhf' ~()rthwt'st qUCir- -:"lOTU·t: 0'· Rt~l' : f:":'~ SALE


2. Y . ,/ tl'r of the' :-'<ortr)('i:!>t quarter ahout I );(Jtlcl' i~ hl'J'('b g 'I'n th,11 oydie at her home nfJl" of Home on.•' rllURh.Wayne, in !?eccmber, 19(J(j, agetJ ,Alex Slarnm, .Jr., who IS sta(idn- sl'\"('nty-slx rod:- ~nd until It intf'r- \"lrlUI' uf an order {J !-><lle i,,:;twd

70 .. ' Prof' J M Pill' spoke to ed 'il Fl Sill Ol<la 'H'flVl'rl thl' : ~:~~':~ (t,~~r~:;t ;:~'-'~,~):~I sa~?o;~~.~~~~ bc:outnh,.y, D,.I.~"br~I,":k~_, ui ~~ ~,',~t',unneteachf.'~ in a· rn~t'li~g In (~rawford firB~ of the w~('k fo~: ~ S110t't fUr- I ." , ~ ~ ..... ,Mr.andMrs.J,E.Sneathmov- laugh in Ins lJarentai Ail'x Stunun 'fJll<lrt,,'r. 1

rhenC'j',:Ot",th ,J,long the p('ndJOtg In 1,jld ,u t, l..... ht'T~'m

C d ,,·;! t JOr () f'al[ ,,,,orr l\\--·"~ quar~'r Otto.:\- aa.-: and Joy 1\1 as, lis.Wlft',~~e~~ thhee;O~~ghltl~~~ t~rri~f:'~ home ut RJ'ndoJph. I"f ;jJ(J ~orth('a-';I (juarlf'rflftY-1\to are pl,~ln~f-; ~d n'e MailS andMintie Girten and Frank Coyle Gnes to Ulah ('urn". )""d~ eight ft:'t't and t('n lnchp, ilnri othf'N an' rldl'nd' nt, dln'cllng

... i Ill,l Ii It Jnlf'r....prt" thp nght of \\il;' 'II rIll' t() ;-"'11 1)1." ff)!!( wi b. d, ...." ...lbt.'dwe:r;-emarrit'dDecembpr12,1906. Pvt. Lloyd F Uh.'il, who.Just rf'- !'Jf thl' C St. P.:\I. & U. radrocHj rE'aJ ~Ial(', to-\\.lt:·Mr.s. Mary MUlrchbank and Ja- cently ('ntl'rl,d S('I'V)('l" has lhis <~d- ,right of ;.nd thpnce 10 a TIw \\"P~t Hal! f the' \Vl'<:t

cob Longnecker were rnarrif'd De- dress: lm4 T(·eh. Sch. Sqcl. (Sp.l, J 1cember 1. 1906. . Mrs. H. H. U. S. A. A. F., Fit. t)'1, Bk:-i i ,h,' SOlJlh 'Il:~'ct~~~dan( I ~,I.'~lfi~~~~ ~4 (':;~fQ~:~~:Moses died November :26, 1906, :2436, Kearn:;, Utah. I I r b ID. C. Mail) went to Iowa to ~ee hiS nght of way to pace (j cgJnnJng. tum FuurtN'n J ~) and., thebrother before the latter kft for Tract ~o. L. BegJnnmg at thl2"l :i\"Ur1fu'iJ,t Qua f' (NEJ..4 Jmissionaty work In China ... Ed, Pvt. 1~~~it~n~,~I.n T;h~a~'PS()n is :-'<ortheast corner of the :'-iortheast and: tM.: Sout' QuarterKnippels, who edited the Concord traimng in Moon' FieJd, MIssion, Iljuarter of tht, :-';orthwpst quarter (Sr: Iii, I of Sf'C 10 !"Ift~nWorld for a year, turned the paper [Df sectIOn aforesaId, running thence I (13 J. <-:III In To\\, hI) Twenty-back to the owner, Clyde Ecker +~~as, S:~::~lf; 1~~u:~~~~~:::;~S l.~~,;'~);' West eight chain" and :;('ven links. SII{ f:iti), A:.lnj.W )n (ll East... Frank Bronzyoski of near Wm- Field, MiSSIon. ']'l'X<lS. th('nce South PIg-htPI'n chams. and of thp Ijlh P:\ In \'h~nl'

side, suffered cuts wh~n hIS team, ~~I~:~h\I\~('f ~~~~O~()l~~:'('~~~~~).ll~~ ~:I)\:~~;':I'I:-i~~:~,~,~' ~~'~ /7)';frightened blboyS skating. ra~ }::arlls Sll",~r "'jogs. & (), rajlroad to an Iron -:lake as Section T\\"nt pi hI 1:.!81,away ... t, . Sherwood who has John D. Hask(·J1 of Laurd, f'arn- n. hbeen man~gi g the Boyd hotel, eel his ~ilveI" wings and (;OmmIS:-iIOn localpd Lampher', Su,,·ry. ,for a Tow "hlp 'fwl'nt -( g t (:.!}l) ,

plans 10 Ie'ave and F:llis Gitton will as second lleutenanl ill thl' ad- ;:~;,nt ~fu~~~.lf~n\n~n~~~·~~': ~~~~ ~~nt: :\'I~\:n( 1~ ;. /~::n\~:take cha1ge . , " Harv('y Chilcott, vanced flying- lichool <-l1 WJJlwms t kson of J./J. Chilcott of Leslie pre~ F]('ld, Chandler, An:t. . WNU Se (T~4'To JutuIW 8.00"" ~~l"tn~~ t~~s~~~'~ 1~~Cn~~I~\\--~~~~ I ~~t71:1I ;'~il1d \v q Half of thro!cinct, is'thoughl to be the c~am- Ipion boy huskelr of this viCinity. , (lomes for Furlou"h. 1of \\ay, thenCt In a south..... t ... tt'rJj \\("t Half of 1101('. r \\cst Quar-He husked 169 bushels in 9 hours, ' I dlrectlOn along the ~or1h Jlne of ter 1\\\~\\~:\Wl) of S('ction50 minutes or 34 ears a minute. Tec. Cpl. Granald G. Wlschhof, Thl' young man. ;l gradual I' {jf 1he Chrlsfmas IIp was graduated and Ior subs \\-- hlch "f'nt t hf !orrl('does the nght of ..... aj to the place of Fourtl (n r] ~ 1 in t e :';orthC'ast

son of Mr. and Mrs. Will WI!.;chhof. t:hIVl'I'SI1V uf :--Jl'llra."ka, was for- earnpd hIS ('ommIS~lOn In MUlml, IOta thp \~ss{'l \\,tre sunk b('g-lOnJng contammg 3055 of an Quartar r:\EI~1 n the South~From Dixon County. arrived Monday last w~ek to spen.d m('!'ly a guard 1M Easl Baj utili- Fla, s('\pral w('c}ts ago The Byt>rgo saId <lJmo~t il'l loss of acrp east Q)Jar1, r I ~F.l ) of S('ction

From Ponca Journal for De- a furlough at homc).He leav('s tillS (11''; a.t (Jukland, Cal. Waynp youth f( f I~ -:un' thdl ,IlJ Illfe o(('urrf>c! on, th,' ... hlf) from .the I Tract ~o..1, Commencing at a fo~lf1f'l"r~ 1111. ,ill I Townshipcember 18,' 1890: Citizens of 10n18 FrIday on h'is I'l'tu west. Waynl' ('ounty hoy!:> an' jU't as <lp- 'I ('Xpl()'lO~'" 1O .... tl'ad of h;. dro.... nlng. pomt on the \Vf'st Ilnp of the 1V,·ent-y':-iI' 1--'11 I. ;{'p ()np (1)have- donated corn, '\.vhf'at and Lf"an" ((.Ir 'ffOxaS. preclatl\"l' as he for gf'ttlng m'ws Almo'-l --'Ij of Ill'; Twar""t dnd rno."t :\orthea ... t quartf-'t" of SH:lwn IH.I f-:a:-.t ()f lhe l;th p .. , lO Waynpflour to he~ relieve distress in \\-'rite" from reRon. p\'.1. ;jnd :\-Tr> 1\11~:' ~.'<JI"\'I Idt of home folks and of tho.... t" In st.'r\'- inurn.atl' hlH.Jdll· .... \\'I'nt (j"\\11 with Itnwn:;hlp :26, rangp I Ea.,.. t uf Ihe c(·~unt~ :":t'I.Jlll"kJ'(, t Ill' n"ldpn<'l'

western Neb-ras~a . ' . Nc>w>; comes Cpl. Emil Kol!, hn l'xprrssrs fIJI' Sh. pf!!Janl r. IE'Jd, I ~'xas, \\ l1f'l'e I1('1' through Ihe HeraJd. the ship, rh" .fOffill'r I~dndolph 6t h P. ~r . where Ii Intlc'rso..cts. 'h".'llO<.~d1l:" on ...<-t. If! W st Half of th,>that old Sitting Bull was killed and appreciatIon for 0(' s from honfH' thl' forn1l'r n'porh Fnuay aft!'r]l)- , ----. - youth Inq r\('I"y PO~Sf''i.''I(,n, Inctud- South line of lhl' C SI l' ;\t & \\"e ... r fair nf :; lei :"-!orthWt"~tthis will probab~y end the Indian through the Herald, hfls thiS ad- day furlough. Thl'y \Jsltpd Mrs. Sends AppN"Ciation. Ing pr!"Sonal l'[[f'{'t~ l.lnrl rllJlhmg 10 . railroad. thpnce South 1.1 roe\-.; IQ1Jar~r I\\·~::\\·l::! "\ 14 1 of S(,'c-troubles ... From all appearancps c1rE'ss: 667th OnJ. ('0. (MJ\1) AVN Karrl'~ p<ln'nts, Mr. lind M.t":;. lkr~, "Many t~ank.s for t he Wayne He rpport,; hI-'. \\ Cl.S <'0\ el"f'd from 13 fpet and 9 Inches. thenr'"e Lh! _I IJOn urt",'.n I I-t I" q' rnentlOn-weather at Christmas and Npw (Q), Pendleton Field, Ore. nard M.'yPIl". ht'J'(' and p\·t Kan'l's 1lI'rald." wrltf'S CpI. Er\'.'1n E. Hat~ hrad 10 funt With ()II Clnd gTl'ase !l,rI Y !o a pomt on the ~nrlh ;Jnu f'd. at puhlw auc on on the 1."tYear's promises to be more like> fol.ksy.t P~Ig;('r. Thp Karr!.s IJ\~ rnlfwld of Camp Kahh>r. Saeramen- Hnd was lndlstmgul ....habll' from a South quartl'r lin!' of :-.,11(\ :--':orlh- day I)l'Ctlmlwr,. ,1.:.!, at 11~ourth of July than anything elsr, Trainlpg In Texa~. WIChl1a bl1ls, only a fl'w mIll':; Ito, Cal. "It IS just like a rdre»hmg colored p('l~()n. P<l ... t quarkr ~JR rod" :2 (pl'1 and ~J f)'cloc :J. m.. on I day. ThpThe holiday fowl will be eaten AIC DudJpy Gray has this ad- ~T'om tht' ,w' fll'lu. Thl'Y enJoy ~l't.p- Jdtl.'r from home. We all look for- s"am;.ln ByPI'go \\111 he ... tatlOn- !n(.'hl'S s\Jllth uf lhl' ."0.ulh Iln(' ll.r 1\\"(,:-'1. H:df or tht-} t':-I Half oj thE>with doors open, women fanning to dress: Cadet squadron 106, flight 109 JlI touch \Vllh horn!' folks andf\\"ard to tht, Waynt. HfTald. I'd on ,I nl'\\ "hlp a~ -.ton·kel·]lt'r.ISflld railroad nght of W<I)". lhpncl" ;'\orlh\\,·~t Qu,nfe ('v'I;tWI:;N\Vkeep cool and men running around A, army all' forcE'S claSSlfic;-Jtlofl ollwr ~l'l'\'i(,l' T1l1'n through the] "At Camp KahJer we ,He start. thlt"d CIHS:-. j{l' h,HI bl'pn on thl' !:--';ortl1 In thf' South line uf thp 1") I~) rif ~1'l"II'ln Fo· I n 11--tf anLiwith shirt sleeve$ rolled up. Santa center, San AntOniO avia 1Ion cau,'t }If'raili. lng a npw SIgnal corp,:,; rt'placpnwnt Wasp SlnCI' Nlrly In 1!f4 1 Thl-' Iacn.' t rae! 1hl'lng Tract ont' "bo\ 1'- 1hf' ~ort h,';\;1 Qua t 1~E 14 ) ofClau will have to come in a wagon cenh'r, San AnlonlO. Tl'xas. --- I traIning centl'r, to be named for \\'<l"p Ih')!vert'd pl;\nrs til Ihl' 1,,11' dpSlTlhl'dl. thpncc wI.,,1('I"I)" alon;.: s,'ctlbn 1"1[1, I'n 115 a ove d('scnb-instead of with reindeer crnd Earns Sf'('I~nd ,\ward. '.1)11' flr'st signal offic.:er to tl(' killed of \laltd Jmtl' 1-). h,lI! !J""n iJt ."e<l ISouth lin!' tn a POint 4 rCl(b I'a:-t I I'd l~'rnr'urrh{'r('-d b mortgage In

sleigh, and he'lll!tave to replacC' hiS To Randolph Fil'Jd, Fil''lt I.t, .'\1t'l\ In Pfunrl of ;-.Jnr- lin thl' W;'\L It IS rl';l1ly a strangp 112 drly' whl'n sunk Sq)tl'tlllwr ,1.!Of the \\·f'St line of sajd ;":nr1ll!'a~t lhp appro"m<Jrp m unt of $6.-fur coat. with a linen duster, Yf>t. Cpl. PauJ F. Schrad, \\ hn was folk. ml'phc'\\' of :vI1·S. Jack Dawson Icilmatl' an.d 1 \\ ould SUn'.'IY ltke tu 'nIl' yoUI h has hl"',n \ 1"11 JIll-; fflpnds quarter, -thflncl' ~orth to the :)uuth 111)11 do nn.rl \\ 111 be old .sub~tthis is a country of surprisf's, and f'mployed at Henry KH'I)('I"S hf'l'f' oj \\-'a)nI'. ha" l'arnr'd the ~1l\l'r St.p :-'UT1W "now. ;!t RatHJolphla ft'\\ drl;'-:. Ime of saId railroad nght uf \\3.;', lh('r~lo. th.' purc-h . r assummg

,perhaps all this may change untIl for some time. IS now lraming Jll slnr flJr "gallantry JO action o~l'r "\V\' arp bt'gJl1nJl1g 10 m<ike -- thence \\C'sterly along ",outh Ime till' sanw :,,, a. Ill-lrt f thp pure-hasea man's- breath will fre('z(' solid as Randolph FIPld, Texas, whpre hI' IS Rab<lUll." EarlH'l' he earned ~!H' ground In ttll .... war now. WIth God'." RECRUITS MAY ENTER of ;.;aId rallroad right of way to prier. I \\, III s.,11 th a O\(' df'''cnb-it leaves the mouth. Likely the with thE' mf'dicill (h'lachlkwnt, sl<-l- purplE', h";n'l awarrl for "gnllarllr;.·1 gnH'l' dmj lht· :-'Wl'11 boys llkt· tho."I' SERVICE WITH NAVY jplacc' of hegmnIng conlFlJOlng 3 I'd Northf'3::.t ~u~ te fNE I4) ofelement~ wlll chankl? and the' tion hospItal. in aC(lon JO ,l;Jva." The PUl]!ll' 'I from V\'aynl', \\"l-' ha\t' no Ill'l'd to :'\"uml.rous rumn!'S ('lrcuIAtm' to <.iCI·es be thi' same mort' or Jc,~. ISl'dlon T\\t"nt,\-t'l It (;JRI, Town·balmy air we enjoy will bl' on~y <1 heart IS In lho~l' who (in" kar," the e[[('('t that tht' L"rlltt'd Sl:'l''' Tract :"\0.4. All that part ~f thl' ~hlpJ~f'nl)'I'lg'!1 f • Rang~ Onedream. EarnsPromoUoo. woun(I,'d. }liUlh I..... \\Ith 'till' I T)w\"outh \\hosendsIH".;lwi"h- III :\(}rlhj"I~t quart,'r 1'( th,' :\nrth- 111},.I!-t"fthl'hth .M.. mCpdar

Arnold Lagl'. who hilS !;('('n blJmh~'!' {'ollml,lnd ilnd ha ... bl'I'ry Ul: ('.., II! ail k-ls'ttl!.'i addn:"s ('pI. Er- ~l~~~SWlh I lS~:~~ut~\l;~~' .on:::1\~~~~;~'; ~\'l',t q~,!rll'r of "'('cllun 1:-1 ~I)\\ n- Il'"Ullty ~ph~l,ka,: I hi' ~":"'Idl'net~transferred frnm IH'n\'{'t" 10 Camp Au:-.tmlul :l1\[l \Wmll)" :-,uH'l'rtll-I' \\U) I<. I fa II H'Jd, ('0. (', l-:t Sig. were s U;Sht.'d h }n dnTlllUncp. ~hlp":6 range'·1 Ea .... ! Clf th,' b!h P.I,jtl 011' J!p.tnl",'s al ~j bile ,1-lUctl~nHarkeky, Tl'xa.,>, hOI.'; !l.·I'1l PI"'0010t- flrq oj tlH~ y(':lr. I I'ng Bn, CamlJ Krlhh'l", S,lcra- ment ~'Jl'i-1,"I' hv jlbl' na\\ ..... 1"1'- ;\1. I;'Jng \\e"t of Ih(' l:lnd ,~h,,~~~;(Jn ,lh",.t~.~ oI,t,:- .of I~" mbl.r. 194~.L'd 10 corporal. Hl:;ad(\n'ssls: ('pJ. - -- ,nwnto,C:d. crtlltrn st'dlnn";lltJnl'lh' [t H dl':->cnhl'danc!,;oulh'l(ltJC(.sr.iat.1o~ln(Kpm .. o Sldd,l).SaldArnold Lag-p, 34th I·\ac HoS!) Ap,IH·t~datf ... llol)H' ~f"\\ ..... 1 , _ __ J. :'v1a~(;nl"" 11f11l"1'r-I;1-I:;1;lr~;' of 1'.:\-1. & O. r<lliroad, . jJ't'1l1 e.,t:l,l" .:s .~'nc , red by.~Mtz., Camp Hark£'!('y, 'r1'X,a:;. , P~I'. f]w(l.',lr'rl' JOlll'-:, \~h(} 11. l~ I t:urn~ J'r,mwtlnn. tIll' l:. S. n~I\.\ n'l'r1lltlfl h ~1:1'IO'n It froV1. said pt'lI~IO~ ~~J;iJ~CJ~~d(J'Wil', 1P

bx.~ l~tel:Uh~~'t

I SIIII J,tnn. (.J!.. . h'!'dI- (ill'nn Harry TholllJl;.;on. :-,on of "latl'd that 11ll' jlt"' 'nl Il1t'Ihod ,,1 [that thf>rl:" IS no {Jtrsonal proplrt) ,. "" 0'

Stanl~~;II;~~~.~;rl~~:~~I\JII,Irn~;l(;I~n, ;dHJ\~;ll~;)~(";'~'nlJ' 1\:~r~:l;~,;!1 ~:l:: \1~" ,:!nd !\1.r;.;. C B. Thompson. ~"I"l'llng 1I11'n 1'.1' )\ j(',. \\llh Ih,. I~ :,hp ,h~On~~\~fo;<~(~ldg~l~~~ a~d ~~~r~~(7~1~1!'..:", I~~~h sr O[~h~;~r':wood, la., formerly of \\'ayrl!', /las! J f ) 1 11

j \\.I~III'. has h('l'n promoll'd 10 thl' Will h(· d,·IIIlIlt-lv CIlnl11l11,'1! I In..,lng . 'f d I cha"'(' pn(,' Tl'rms f sale are 15enli,,,h'd In tlH' \'olunl"I'r uffl('I'l"S' :1 1t;'f)'::~l;ll l~~' "l'n'l("f' 1'1,).,:~l:l 1\'/')'~~I 't,lnk of s;·rgt.'Hnt ~n tlll' l:2th tr,II,I1: I~ ;dl ... O)rll1,'I~ 'n'l I!;I"'I' fllr I t~ar th~ ~~~~~~CIE"~(:~O ~~In~n lJ~r- C'pnt cd"h on j, f sale, ·bal-

d t II' I r j H1J..; !"I·gunl.'nt. Camp J(.ISl.'[lh 1 :l ...... lHlllng Illat i-l r'.\l ....llln ".1 polICy 1".13t(' I d ' . r 'WCI' on confUTnatl f s.ale.corpsan ('xpc('!sto 1('1'<1 P( soon ,Old th,' two nut tlll'! II' ;),[{"tlln"on, Ark. \\llh tll \rJ!unt,ll"\' "nll:-.I- ande-ducat('~al mmorsoran) 0 ,- ·II IMA:'-lfor 11'Hl11lng fII" IJrothl'r, ArVid, 1:-' Y":l!". The ylillng man \\ouJd aJl)I'~" I SI'rgl'ant Thorn'f)!:>on h::l.s bl.'I'n at ml'nt tlll'n ~\lll lw Inlll:ilf'oI. LI.!them and to pay the debts a~d ('x~ ," R~f~'rPe.~:~~~YI'd at thl' dl'fensl' pJ;lllt at Cfill!' II'Itl'I" lr(l~l hI..... 1J"J(:r,lds, too. (·.Imp n.ollln~on since April :23. A-: .\-tahonE'\" ;\\,,IT'''!. ".!lld l!J tTl!'n p('n,,('s of .admlnlstenng th£' estate:- 0221.")"

1:1", ,ad l.;!"!'"'' 1', I'k. //H'O Ofi' I ,I rn('ml-wr of the permanent cadre hl'1\\"I'('n" lh,' ag,." I,f 17 ;1I1d )1) \\"110 of :sald ~~~~c~~da t~:n~~t~'l7d<;~'~~.J 1m 'i. "h Trar"p'<tl.dti,,,,rn p :1n}, It] th,· branch Immatenal replacl'- ,-in' In ph\"']("dl {'(Jl1l!l;IIlfl. ;Indlthl encu . hg 1 th

('rossI's I'J(luator. Old. '\lotlll --s(' ooi.: rJ1Pnt training center, It IS hls Job can ' 111 "'d to ('state. th(' taxes t prf'Qn, an( e

Ar1hur Ward, of :\'orfoJk, SlocktlJf1, Cd. I r l" JO .... truct and train men ln ::iuch n'!J0rt for 1'1 1111'~Il!'F1t".I'h".par,'_::'t'hhe"',r,.,a' n,.dr

,'hhe·l.c,'."'I"m()u,nl(~in S(TVIC(' With rnarlnp corps, IC , ,~

spnt 10 his pa!'(>llls a ('(·'rliflctlll' I-RUH'S fprSen·in'. I :,~ub.Jl'(I'i a::; ba)onct. dnll, rlfl71 and c ... \td\Y T"t'Cflllllflh" 'l:ltl'm I ors 'lnd eaeh of lh"01 If 'did t"l'alshowing that h<> hCid ('ro~sl.'d the machJn(' gun flrmg, camou Clgl'. ,I'll \\tlO h:I\I' 1l1"'fl !1lJtdl('1 to s· c <" shoulll Ill' 'old, It furtherequator and had arrived safely P,lI SWHln('y Iidl TlJursd<.Jy for and defrn;.;C' agaJn~1 chemIca!. all :tp)H'ar lor mdlll'tilin \lnd,'!" ,,,If'('- c. tdtl , th t th '\ lue of ('iich ofoverseas. The- Wards u~ed to Jive tramlng In till' /laVal rl'~ervc. Mr. and nH'chanlzpl! atlack. . 11\'(\ "l'nll'p :11'0' .... till ,'IIf-:lhlp .In l~i;Ir:;~~II~(~r':;~ntl'r~~\aln Slilt! p"'\:lh'

anrlMrs,Harry,;-)wmnl'ytookhlrn Ai the l'nd of an f'lghl-wt.'flk dlO!l~ptlH'nd\) :\,,JIfW;ltl,,n"(ln.


d h fS'(1(X)at CarroJl. .0 Norfolk and Crum there he (tnt t;ainlng pflrlod .thl.' .sold!pr\a Sgl. l!lwl]{'n j~ no J,,,rrl"r 10 l1(~'; 1~lltth~:;;~'N' ~;~:I~~~. 'o~rd('r~

to Omaha for ~lnal .'xaminat ODS. lhornpson has mslruc1l'd. JeH\e th('lr making f"l· sr]"\- ('d. ad ud ed :lnrl d('('l'(-'M bv theIn honor of 1/).(' youth. Mr. and Camp Robmson for permanpnt as- 11.'1' WIth 1111' n;J\ \, ;Ind ;lpplw;lllOns /' .J g h f k i .\Mrs. Harry SwmnE'¥ l'nter-t· ined slgnment.s, whlie he staj's on to will contlnup t,,'ll(' [JCC{'plpd from ~~l~~trsth:~dla~1 ne~~ns II~h~rt';~~llat c4inn('r Sllnd~y la,l;t wcpk 'hen t!"Hln another. group. men so notlflE'd <IS lnng 8.-: thl'Y In sald estates ~ ('ar bfofore thegues1s WI'rl' Mf. ancJ Mrs. ster Camp ·RolHnson IS one of two glYI' ttl(' recrUltl'r am,plp time tOl' rt fPPWBoyce. Mr. and Mr!'>. Les.lie wln-, hranch . immatl>rial replacement clrar th('lr p<'lpers pYlor 10 their d_l.~_~~U_~o_"_. ~~u~~~ __ney and da(jgh~('rs. Ikverly ~nd I II'alning cpn. '.e'rs in th(" l'mlC'd fmal date of Inducl)On, 'BPlty, ;Ind MI'S, J. U. Boycp. r.vt>- Slat!'s. Th('se cenler;.; gin' soldIers Sa"e .,Jloney'nmg g;uC'sts were the (' J. I oyce ,iI ba-.;IC tramlng which prepare's F.,.-_', ~.'efJ ~famIly. i thl'm for duty with any om' of the • ~V".6fil1 0 Sh

----- 'I many branches of the armed ."l'['\"- n oeS . ..IN Ht'lp to !\-Iorale. leI'.

"I w,ml 10 t)Hlnk you for '('od- Prior to his induction at Chey-ing t 11(' Wayn£' HE'rald to m h('re I ('nne', Wyo., April 13, Sgt. Thornp­In' Camp," wriU's Chaplain obert "on was employed by the ColsonR. Wylle of Cump Claiborn. La. IHatchery of Wayne. ."Only one WhD has been away Sgt. and Mrs. Thompson arrivedfrom home ca~ ~ppreeiate g tting ~o\"ember 4 from Little Rock tonews from home. I he-lie\' that spend a few days' furlough here,sending the Herald to the en In

tbO' camp' is doing more ro thei. Has Narrow Escape:~~~I~o\hh~nn~~~uc~~r ~~a~ ebOY~ From Sunken Ship\\1ho get thp paprr," con IUde,d I Sparnsn Bob Byergo, formerly ofdhaplain WyUe whosf' add €'~.s. ~s Randolph, clung to a kapok rnat­410th lnf. Regt., lmlrd Inf. Dl\'I- trrsoS two and one-half hoUrs In thesion, Camp ClaibornC'. La. SCil after the crew of the !'ilncken

!------------ Wasp took to the water after theTo POJOt In Texa.~. 113-\-'e CI~rl("-a,l Openin Shl[) had been racked With explo-

The navy r~~rUlting !iervi c an- sions three Jap torpedoes inPvt. David C. Theophilus, ~ho nbunce!'l a limited number 0 open- the region of the Solomons.

Will Be Navy Flier. h\ad been ill a hospital! at Fort ings in the clerical flPld f r the With the hfe preser\'er in theR.obert.'CarlisJe ?f Norfolk, fQf- ~bmson, Ark· l ~bout SIK weeJl;s, fatings of ye~man and sto keep- forward compartments where t]e

1==~~~==':;~:lcJ~ll=if~e;r=W~a~yn~e~s~tu~d,:en~t:..~h~a~s..'g~o~n:".e!It~oIh s been transfened to Fort Bliss, d·. Lt. R. J. Mahoney. off cer in torpedoes struck, Byergo decid.d-: xas, where he 15 domg office charge at Omaha, states t at in on the mattr'ess which was about

••••••••11:•••••••••••• ~ ork. HIS address IS: Pvt. Dayld this instanae ~he quaHficati ns fciT six by tllree feet and supposed to

C I- ,Theophilus, 37123061, Hq. De1't. the rating of !yeomen does ot re- float for 36 hours. Most of the

!: 1 'IZ,,:':.'l,' .b,t = l~t cavalry diviSion, Fort BI ss, Q~ire shor;tha(ld. Any man 2 years time be was in thel wltiter he was:: lexas. of age or ov~r,i in good p ysjcal near the ship and .bout the time• I -- c~mditil1m, and who can ot erwise the rescuing lifebotit picked him


.u", 'a'.''~' .= Set.d. AppreclatJ\'e Note. I qpalifyj is UltgM t6 take dvan- up, the flames on the water werePvt. Elmer A. Hintz wntes Ian tage of these! dpenings. TIl Sf.' jn- creeping close to hi;.a_.,:... ! = preclativ~ note to the Herald for terested should!1 report im diate- The sllip was 0 erhung with

I !', "1'" .', J" _ ome news "W~ kee~ UPith)J'~S ly to tll£'ir ne~~st navy uiting heaVY bI8ck smoke and was rack-'4 W. iD N b :I t home and hke t.l)e serv ne'-Vs. &tation_: ed with abnost onstant explo-

:1 ~ -ii;,"'· ,n~F:', ; e r. • e hope you Can keep up he gobd I~ SlonS HW'dreds of en were SW1rn-

I , , ~Ie., ial'I~.1j ~ account = ark:' writes tile youth hoset- lis Hoole on JI'urloug mmg anplessly in he mtdst of a0, ." ...., I ,..~ ~ p..... to' • ress is: Pvt. Elmer A, Hmtz, 0 ,Lt, WaynelA; Mcljlaster, l"ro is lsea covefed WIth 0 I and gasoline-,.., I b. Sq4JI., 86' Born!). Group) Y With t~e air QOrps at aromg Most of the men ill he water were

Z ~d""iD t e IlCtiClll bllli. '. teld, Mendian, MISS, F'leld, ~to~~uge. La" mv~ calm and the Ra Il?h youth de,"I'~t'yoll ~l'lt for your ,I I' -+---'-- I Jiiriday and ' ted ...,t11 unday 'scribed the water as "RIce nnd

, , '. I 1 , • 1'IllIIlIN Baale F1i1ht. Y,'lth h span .' D~. and rs. C. ,wann:'I,' ,'I ~ i ') T I I AViation Ca~t Leroy R. ~a". ~. Mt ter III CQtwo, Vi..... Llfebolats sent 0 by deatroyers

. .J.... , !1.aiO.d : • e\-. son of CasllOr walke~Of~q. §ma cNu t whll t IR pIljked qP the • von and they..-' .. =: Mns was ~dtec:lfrom ~~e ba " m~h~ also nt Sat ~and were gone from the sce~ewhen the• ~YJ';g coq.rse a the iMarana I cia here~. t Lt. as· Wasp'1'4s sent to th~ bottom at=,~lIChool, a~r' . e t r's f rst v' t horn SInce en- mght by an Arne can destroyer.

.. .., s hool Is 'ao miles rom ~ q; listed' the ~'rP1' sIIort ~ iner It is. nft known. ether the sub14 I,.... ~ J " 1 I' > it II I I I I':' l!~ i'


Be thackHospi.. Phon" 106

\1..M.Pe rl St. W.yne, N bll'i!.i,.""T"'·==~==~==j;;~t~ j Office I'D HOlipltal. t: Dr. S. A. Lutgen has his 'Offi

In the Wayne hospital. Phone 6 ,

New Bus Servic. Established

WAYNEtoOMAHDaily Service

Lv. Wayne 8:00Ar. Fremont 10:28Ar. Omaha I,Ar. Lincoln



Lv. OmabaLv. LincolnLv. Fremon~ 6:00 fL


Ar. Wayne 8:25 .ID.

A rrow Stage Li e.l ml41f


thi." month

nh.trid J4.(FrJeda Lu"chf'n. lc;Jchf'rl

An anlhmplic ~hip rlrcoral('sthe c(}\"er of I1w l\1onlhly JClur­nal, ne ...·5 hulletlO ls"ueo by thes,hon!. All gri-lde", an' cnmpC'11ngin ,qn i'lrJlhml'll(, contl',t anrl <t

prJ/I' wlll hp flwfjrd,'r1. PU[llbn1ll"t kef'p tllt'lT' ,,<tilt'r'- hll'y on11)(' llig :-.hlp, l'llr 1',\('11 I-:r,HIo' Il- .. "l!l'ln ll)(). Ih(' ~I\I'knl s C;;llll1r I"In...,1 ;:jnri musl ll(' fO\lnrl h('[nn'conllnulng on I,) \lCtpT;>·. MarlitnH~ker hR.s not 1,,:-.1 hpr sailor.'-In("e Ihr ('onll'~1 slarl('o, Charlf'sPplf'rs. M,nnl'lk Larsen. E;;;thpr}<;:orn and C',tnrdon Helgren lo;.;tthpirs oncc. Y\ennf'Ih Pet('rs losthiS two timt;'.s, and Joan Grimm,MJldred Korn, Larsen.DOriS Mac Meypr anrl HaroldKom thref' Ilmp_"

"Keep Thl'm Flying" i:,; Ih"slog;:jn of I hl' rr'aolng ,on!f'~L

EHch pupil Is.pilot nf it planp f'X­1f'ndprl from· thp ('p!lln!=; hy it

string. Thd ..sandbOX~' the landmg field. If one fails 0 get "AIn readmg, hiS plane i groundeand he must get an A" betathe plane nses again. As yet n

pl~ns~~~a:fo~~e~e~D t~d~~t~::vIardelie Larsen, Cli les Peteand Joan Grimm wah prizes ithi:> spelling contest ~ith p€:rfecrecords. Esther Kor~ and Marielle Larsen ha....e ad perfIf'ssons since the st rt of lhterm.

Doris ::\1ae Meyer fl:'ported tnews. 1 r

"neal 'Em All" is the name f

:~~n~~U~e~~~~ hr:..~~~~tJsK~~ ~~e ~id('nt and ~lardelle ;Larsenrctary. Politeness isl the speci 1aIm for thIS wC('k. '~America!' sthe club song. thc red rose t eclub flower and red the club c Jor. "~e\·er accuse dthers to e fcuse' yourself" L<; the motto. B sa re sawing and painting wh egIrls Hrt' s~wjng.

The haseball team defeat ddistrict 10 hy score' of 6 to 2.\\ iener roast fOllO$'d.

Esther Korn. arold Ko •Kpnoeth Pf'ler$, D ris Mae M _

Di.;tr-kt 31. er. C'har!('s pete:} Janet r·(Graycr' FI/'tch'T. "',lch,'rl ~"n . .Joan r::nmm, ildred K

Perfen ill1l'nddnn' /T,'lrrh ilnd ~l;jri;:jn Hake had perfwprc mad!' liy Leonilnl Jankt,. Hltrnd<lnc" for the year.Huhf'ft l\1 r (. I ij r y. ~: \' (' I' p I l in~~:~r~I;;'(;YS" is read for 0

~<;Chl~~~~l~i~m~ );~:~~~lP~~~(,~~(:~.~ ~11 Idrrod Knm hrought a bir h-.Rf'\'('fly !Ja\ I". Kalhalf'f'n :Ok- <i' dily cake- [IS it treat October 6.

Clnry. Virgil SdlUl'lz. LHVnn IB,qrner. Shlrlf'y Barn0r. PatriCia\\'ltmpr, :\1arCla \\'ltmcr and I •

G~~;~~7~:U~'(1):~_ l'I'ln~ dl,ml<;~ed 111~~::I~~rc:~I~~~\~~e~~:~1 f:for ju»t ,q half hour <II nr}l)n \·ember 2t.

"Hlddr'n IfHrhr!r .\1y~If'r)·' ;\-elghhor'i picked com last eckbC1ng n'ad for ('rwnlOg cxr·rcl~r>. for A!\-In HHhnt', Coleridge, W ose

Tht:' 3rd and -Hh ;llT dIet! In (}ctt>ber.mR.klng hiI'd ttl [;-jn- :\11'<;'.<; lIT'nl' Kolte~n and c.guage cla_"" I'lf'tun' .. nf hlnl.... Ch ..... :-.lpr n",'d ~\C'r-e married at~:~hc~111~~I~t~)~~nd pa .. tC'd 10 W11 h I I'I(>["C(' last \\·ednesday.

A HaIIO\"-Pt'n wa~ 1H'lrl ifa~ ~i~~~ho/~f k~~~~r::~: sey~C)ctohf'r 3

11I ('d by flrl? last we~'Mcmt:la1'- ·ve.

~~~er~;~~Ugt;II:I.n;llill/~;.j(·(:~~_I:l!~~)~~ I slock wa~ :-.avcd.

V-1IChl's dr,('()'r;ll('(l lhp rnnm.-i :"teq::;hbor;.; pIcked 80 ,a(;am('>; and r'l)nl('~ts \\-I'rp hpkl i cnrn for l[pnry Wacker ofand rdrc~hnl('nh w('rr "er\'eo. I Lwrel, Mr. \Yacker, 37, has

VI",llnrs Ihl' monlh \,-prf' i I~ SiOUX City where he unde ent

~~~~;l ;~a~~('Jr. Sand~.~lr~~.\\~~,r~ ianc7/~r~'~~~~n hy Robert B hde.and Dorothy I l;j v t!', j Wakdlcld. and ~ohn Gotch, Em­

f'~n. Wf'rc damaged Sunda lastI wrof'k when Owv rollided near Em., erson. :-;0 one ';"as hurt.

ENTITLED TO THE BEST... and gets it!

Natural Gao Ia cookiftQ til. 'm..... ill IIIIIIIeM01 Am.riccm hom•• , , • ~d In _ matcamp. ao ...ll. Am.rica'. armed 10..... aNnol oaly the bat fed In til. wor1l:l ~. '.~food i. the moot carefully cooke<\.~lolumy Dou9hhoy com.. hom. on iarIolIPcmd IIlb down 10 Mother'. cooldj>q-M qetjIth~ ..ary bat at each end of th~ u-. nit\a CIa it ob01lld be. Ia poactieally .......,-~of the_ar .Uort. Natural Gao Ia aolDg a ..


* , I

Pvt. Conrad R Hille and AnnMarie Heybroek.

Bonds ~d ,;tamp:-; purchasedamount to $44.90 to date.

Teachcr ami pupil~ were t reat­ed to apples and popcorn hollsby Kenneth Hamm and to prach·e~ and eakr by Lorie Benmng forHfpr birthdays.

Uistrkt 2t.(E1\·rI Fa.rra.n, tr:3chep}

Nine wceks pxaminatlons hR.veheen comp[ctf'd ,qnd Mary AnnEvans·reccl\'er! 1f){j per ccnt onall subjeC\>

Olga Jtan Brugger vlslteo~chool this month and Gf'raldBrugger hrought a snake cactusfor th£' school.

Df'l1b Frr'se hadspelling k:-,.-:ons l'\rorymonth.

The 7th ;Inrl ~th gritrll'~ m<:ldcI1allowel'n hqr(jl'rs (jnd postf'rs10 dl'coralf' th" rJpm. Thl' flr~tlhree gradf'_" marie owls andblack cats to l-:N~ put amAe 1h('bla.ckhoarrl and Ih" ;jth g,rddcmade dl.'fen~p

:-;I'WS wasby ~1ar\"in Jen"l'n.

~:J:t~Rural Stlloo1 Ne·.....-,

Dl~trkt <t6.IMrs. C)ra Wax. 1t'achpf)

All pupils excf'pt one had Pt'r­fect attendance for the monlh.

The 5th grade hIstory classfinds thc study of early Nebras­ka people very interesting. The2nd graders ar~ haVing a con­test in reading,' Each pupil hasan envelope and every word thatis missed Ls w~'tten on a cardand put III the nvelope.

Kenneth Ha m receIVed 100in arithmetic rqr the month.

The Citizens ip club has beennamed "True ,ericans" and;the club song IS "God Bless'America." Red white and blueare Ihe club co 0... and the gold­enrod is the n wer.

A costume Hlilloween partywas enjoyed la t Friday, Gamesand contests rt> played.

Visitors the st month havebeen Mrs. J. . Benning, Mrs.John Hanun, 1'5. Mabel\Lorenz,

I :,

Db.trkl H.fl-ll1da Strelow, 1l'a,hn)

Those wilh pnfl'ct allcnr!ann'for 1h" month ari;>: Hobhy r'ran­zen, KHren Anrl['r~nn, JernnpAnrlf'rson and Jo Ann Andc~on.

The cltizC'n"hl[l rerorr! showsmuch improyement o\'er ,thal oflast month,

Evcryonc hR.s had a p('rf('ctscore In the spelling and readingcontest,

Hobby cluh mrt Ocloher Hiwhen all jOlOf'd the pupll.s of di~­

Irict 60. PIerce, lJ}-~.a wienerroast. \

A Hallml,..'e('n p,qrty was h(>ldOctober :!R In connf'clion \l,;ithPatmm' day. A.<; many of thpparpnts a.s could /'ndf'd. At theclose of t he Afternoon luneheonwas sPfn'd. J('rnnp Andprsonalso ohser\'{'d Iwr hlrthdilY onlhHI c!rly Shp hmught treats foreveryonp

MIss S!rf'low altr'nd"d !Pitch-prs' ('on\'pnlion HI :Sorfolk,Thursday Hnd Frioay.

Jf'rrinC' Anderson wrote theschool news.

Distrid :!'!.(:'vlarjorlc Fleer, tl'<J.('her}

EIght pupils who had p('rf~('t

attf'ndancL' so far thIS )P!tr arcMary Ann, Gl('nrwd!nc and Ken­neth Roland. Ilene Bauer. I{on­'lId Baupr and Darn'll. Eldonand Marl1n Wurdlnger

LOIS Bauer andl MiUY Ann R04Ii-Ind celebrated their bIrthdayshy treating all to cil.ndy Theyha\'p colorNI thl'ir ,akps andtheir namp", ha\'(' heen added totill' Birthday cluh.

The Sth and 6th grR.d(,l~ ha\('h('f'n collecting Jllcturf's andstorle~ of pioneer:" for "crap­books which they hayc startedin hi",tory class.

A Halloween program WiiS gl\'­en Uctober 30, Proceeds amount­ed to $30.50.

Register at Sthool8For Gas Rationing

Rural school teachers will reg­ister car owners for gasoline ra­tioning Friday next week, No­vember 20, at the schools be­tween 8:30 a. m. and 5 p. m.Each car owner should have ablank from his f>er..... icc station orgarage and have thi.c.; filled outbefore laking it to school.

'GillespieWallne, Nebr.

II 'j I,I j\ "1" 1111."'" I


Phon!, 30 .J relr Appoinlment

The.\" help d fe ,tlve \'iSIOIl speed

production! ~ QUi' peadachcs l nerv-,

ous tension al d ~tiigue may be due

to t'\ (' ~trclln ... ,~rICSlght ~<lIls grad­

ualJ\' to IJelo\ n Irma!. U~cl prp(',lU­

bOil.. ha\ a I ICtlllbu,l1 ckamlllu­"'Uon!

I ,

ial,'Hannen'ings of Week ~~ arale,:e~~Jtl;'e~~ ~~~re sed,.,,.,' , S ith spoke ~o- t~e membe of

AII.lIIar I Meets. '$' th Young Women's Missio arymeri an Le~ion AUXiliary.4_ i t' p' , I I S iety. 'I .

me Imet Monday afternoon in LJ. rm 8 lICe rogram Christian Chur~~h.

a ,ula session. Is/Jel,d Wednesday (Alvin Giese, pa~torJ I WAJ{EFI1:J::T LOCA. Rev. Albert Mfygatt 101 CF~lral I~LI)&

Iia 0 QI~~lting l~:-rty, dJUdge A: E, WenKe, newly elect- C"cie1Ya.(W)I(')') aeomnd.uCoctmPmreuafhl'olnn,gl):.e:r4v5~ Mrr.;. Hans :rLubb rstedt\ is ay~h~t-~b-('vC'r rp(>mhers harl an c supreme court Judge, spoke _ n u_" m the Artftur org h6me uro.

all ay Iquilting, with Mrs, at a Wakefield Armistice day pro- Sunday school, 11. I i Corn picki-Tjlg.C, cn Ij>avi:; Tuesday, gram Wednesday.' Wakefield high -' Darlene Baker: went to th

, s<1:hool hand w1ayed. St.ores~w~re Presb:tterlan (~"'Irch I lolp~ Bergt Ihome near Wi ner,py I~ollr Pro-;(~t Club: closed from 1-0 a. m. until 1 rtl. (Rev, Allan McColl,; pastbr) t assIst for a !tima.

M [nad~~~ wHIOthurMP~.oiecBtrYOenIUhTomhent Qct'ober Is Warme \ af~~~~~~ Ai~ ~~~ts ~~t~r~~~r~;~ f rL·r-~·IINfoUrenrnl'a.~,'erHgeCrelxepftectTsUet d_.1 AboU~nltu~~~JI~O~C~~:::hlldr,enso . I;S'I'e had' t'h"'e' ·Ie•.·•.·on ',ohou-t Clark Wilson, Mrs. Jhe J~hnSOn, "- __ n. _'iI

II .,., " Th 0 Y A r g nc about 10: day.s. are expected, to enroll m juniorh Ith I. on the home fran tn, , an ne ear go Mrs. Fl'ank Watson art' ho tesses. Miss Faith !NuCTnbergC'r 0 Co~ Red Cross thIS month.

L cheo/n was served. m~n~~ W~t~~~o~~~or~a:~~;s~~~ W~~.,~~~y~erei~~d:;l;~1hOOI ;at 10, 1 mhus, Slpent:the'week-cnd i the DiHtrh't 4,

II p, ~Irthllay Dinnf'f With Ids precipitatiom than ~he Missionary society ~ct lat the . C. Nuernborger home. (Wilma Kai. tcachcr)'lgh~n1('n w('re Frlqay ('vpnm~ samf' nl0nth last year, according church, parsonage Tuqsda~ after- Mr. andt:~s~ Iver Carlson and - Shirley Mac Alhers had [Jf'r-

d nf'r Uf'!-;ts 10 lhe V 1I R Han- to thp government gauge at Long's noon with Mrs. Gporge l-Iranger f 7:t~leYRWOeY~Ss.,~?gagYai~isn~eormge ests feet attendance for Oclohf'r.S til h(me for Mr Hdnson's and chug sl<pre. assisting hosteqs. Mt'!-;. 1/'homas Anita Jane Bressler was anI tj c: Henton's hlrthddY annl- ' ]941 1942 Busby had the 5lble stUdyrn the The 1-:. S. Kiernans or lton. overnight guest of ShIrley MacV tsarlrs 1-', S Klern,ln of Alton, IM('rln Mdxlmum li4,7969.40 Book of Ads. Mrs. G. B. Childs I ., were Friday dyer-night g ests Alben; October:n. The latlerl ' w~s an out-of-town gw-'st Me-an Minimum 12.29 39,RO gave a report about Tha~la d and I the Dr. G. W. Henton hom, was an overnight gUf'st of MI»S~idgel was fllvcrslon of the evc-

jMpan 53.54 ;>4.60 southcrn mountains. Mrs. J. E. Berg<>rson and chil- Kai the first of the monl h.

ing MaXimum 79 H7 i pn visited, jn the Anton A del" Hallow('C'n decorations wcre

~ve ~h()lr Purt; ~:;(~~~~tion 1 1~.rn 1~ (R~'~~'~~Ii~~ ~1;~~~u~~~~h~1 ~~~r) ~~s.h~:;f'~Cun~:~~:f~e~~ m'::~~lofro~ht:;tsr~~e: studied anrl

c.~c, .ml'c'l"lbPrs of Salem Luth- pree.iPitUiion JHMary l\11{}-w{'C'k services tilts Thurs· 0 Mason City, l<-l., came M many designs and patterns \....p.reran hureh had a pHrly Sunday to Novcmher 2:t~2 22.17 day ewning at R 'i I e ening to spend a short Ii used to dIstinguish the colors.veni g for Kerrnli Johnson and Clear DRyS R 14 Sunday, Sunday schddl at ]0. t e H. B. \Varc home. The Honey Bunch scries of~rvi Muller, who are home Partly cluudy Hi f) Swpdish morning worship la! 11. Mr. ami Mrs. Carlin Pe rson books has been pUl"ehased.

rom the anny on furlough, and ClOUdy 7 10 Sund;~y ('v('ning at 8 thl..n: will be1 'l dNhcatJOn program ~hfln t1}rc(' !1 d family were in Sioux City Dbtrkt $2,

~~~S I~~~~0gt~~2\:t~:~ ~'~t~~S "~i~~t~ i Lions -~~~~I~ Mp('tlt. ~lags. the American, i cr' r1stia-n ' nday visiting Mr. Pete - on's (Mrs. Vcnnond N{'~{)n, If'HCh('r)I h.- d P rent,;, the L. H. Pctcrsons

iog, l!efreshmentFi w~.rc·scrvCd. Li()n~ club mf'mh,('rs met 'it the and Servicf' flag- wil b('_l~f,sen.te . t~vcryonc had perfect attend·I 1 hall Tuesday evenmg In rcgular,RC'v. C. P. Hall will sp!;"k 1f1Od Mr. and Mrs. L10yrl Cong [" and ante for the month:illlL\-'f', [fonslls Remov~d., other number)oi have hCLfliarrang- d ughters, ML (lnd Mr.s.. anlcy Joyce VolWllef \\Ion lhe arith~

,Roger, CharJrs, Raymond Han~1 I -- ('(I. : ('ag1e, iill of Sioux Cily, were melle contest agaln !hl~ month~ n, ~ons bf Mr. and Mrs. Pa.ul lTfdflrgOf'S i\Plu~ndf'domy. Young Peoples' mcctin~' ='lovcm- S nnay g'Uf'5ts m the Mr.o; Maty WIth an averagc of 9:i.} flnsen of Concord, Imd lonslls Mrs. Arlhur Borg unrlf'rw('nl I1n her 1~. ' { I"('('n home. I Mable Frpcirickc;on \'1:-'ltf.'dr mrivccl at a local hospital Satur- ::Jppr'n ('ctomy last wl'f'k Tuesday Mary Martha ctrek tIll m~('t Mr, and Mrs. Herman IBakl;'r Mondayaflf'rnoon.

ay. at th(! local hospit:ll. the aflernoon of Novcmh r 19 With a d family \.n're rll Rudolph Pupds tlli-lde Jack-o'-IHnlerns--- i -- - Mrs.' Lawrence JOhnson·

1L ng("s Sunday afternoon. Mts. for the sand table. 'A party was

i U~flm~~ lUep,t1nf{ lIf~ld. i DauJ{ht,l'r Is Rorn_ -, ngr' llnrl LowC'll \,~.:cr(' at A. W. enjoyed Octohcr 31).All alr-,r<\._~p ~'<lrdC'ns mel TUPs4 A d~lllghl{'r was horn S'1rday Sll!pm Luthpran Ch,Ir(:h ol[1h'<.; in lale aftf'rnoon. ! I On the hul101in board arf' pl;lc-

1-1y,p\'{'nlng" 10 th(' Lcgl,on hall tn Mn (lnd Mrs, Elmer Vo.s of iRe\'. (' P.II!!II, rm,'\tor l 1\11', and !\lrs. Roh"rl Arl{if'rs+n ed pictures whl\h pupiL" hruught,no. I' g,flVC' .a rroport ~f Ih.f'lr wor~ Waterhury, ill iI .\\..'akcfiCld spi- Larllr.,s' Ai(,l will ml'f't a d :-.on", ,Jim Hanson, ILi-Iye\n from home and mvunted on con-hU.~ tar. They are making pla~s tal. aft('rnOfm In the E. J. Encson C n~, W('f" in Lineoln Salttrday 0 structlon paper,or I t·he ,;tate hlack-out whIch IS ~__ _ home. R tronrl Ihf' f()()lbnll gamf'. Thlechd'duled [or the near future. \\'ill (.0 to W!~"hln~t()n, ConfirmatIOn cl,\ss will rf'SUtl)e rII'r"nns- spf'nt thf' wCf'k-cnrl In--~--------"_.~ Mis~ Edna ()lwr~. w~ has hpf'n work, Salurday forcnoon al ~j,:\O. lfl~ R L Frf'f'dstrom homC\ )'

niny arC' Ilsing workhooks in cor- 0mpJ(jYf'd at Ponca, plans to It If-; Important that all members ]Mr<; Lorl'tta Cw,'s!. who h sd;tlion s with uI·jthmptic and leaq'Ls()on for \'-Vashlngton, U. c., lin' pn·~('nt. h¢('n ~'isiting h('r dAughlpr. MI('akllnli:'. to 1)('111mPIOY('(! in Ihe war dppart- Sunday. Sunc!;IY ~chool Hnd Frank Wi-Ilson. <-inti family. If'1

.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;j;;;f~;";;-;;;-:;;:;;;;;-;:;";:;-~;:;;:;;:;-:;;:;;:"~;:;-;:;-;:;-;:;-' iment, ifS SL'ni()~ ~:~_i:t. I~il/~:' :~'~il;.~~,S\\~;: h1::. sc~~~~~lnl~y »t~~~ lalsl \\'f'ek Wf'(incsdrly for' Sacr -

~-ronln. Calif.. to sppnn the' winl I'

! {in Away for Wintpr. ! paslor. M r Ii .Mn and Mr.s. W. J. Johnson left I Sunday evening the pas10r will ~~ '~t ~~:.~.I;~~w~n~<;G~~l~;,ey . am s

Sa1utday for Glenwoorl, Ifl_. whf're takl' p,nt in the flag dN!i,(-I110n l;\-lrs. Louis IIolmf's 'Inri tWn-

: :~~:r~,rl;l:l1t~hr;;,~k:'n\~(;~~12;~~;~,\'-~; S('~~~~~'~~,~l,~ tll~1 ~~~~~71~el1u~~~i('ty ('I)lldr('n, Llrry 'Inri Sonttldl L01},,Ind i Mrc;, CI,Hf'of'f' Thomas, dur- wll1 m('('1 ThlJr~day, No\,('ml)(,1" 19. J\~rs. Gf'rtrurk ~nnner Hnd! ()s,~ring ,!IIl(' \\-'inlf'1' months. Mr. anrl Nolro ,this nwe,tJOg IS rt. \\'epk Irblmps of (,mnr! Island. srrn l tHe

- I -d 1 w!,pk-enri in 01(' A. w.1 Dolph~\~c;·J/}~I~).~~~: ~';~n;?lr~~~:.((;:I)~.IO lake ;:;;~~7,,~t::~~g (~~~l; nUll t 1C !lrpme. Lnuis Holmes was i~ South

I Prof_ Donivar Lund, vicro-prC'si- IJ!tkntil. hunlinj:';.I Is AJ;'("nt In \\'Inshlp. dent ,l\ Lulhf'r collpgf'. at Wahoo. :vIr, anri Mr"" Arthur Kohlmeil'T.

ILi.T. Lpnz('n \\'I'nl Monday!o .spokr' at Sa!pm ehurc:h Sunday Phyll1s, Donald, ,Joannf', of Oma­Win, ide. whf'T'r t)(' will he prr- morning whilr' Rev, H;-dl spoki' at' h~, Mr. and. Mrs, ('hitI'll'S pile ofmHn nOy employrrl <\s r1epo'l agf'nt Ihf' FIt'",I Luthrran ('hllrci!l in Lln- ~lq::;n('t. VISI!N! In the M~: AnnaMr, rinl<1;-lw, former d"pot flgl'nl coIn Il('v. Hall has lll'en exll'nrl- K hln1l'tcr hom(' a :-.hor1t timether , n'."ign('1! to ;J('("epl a simil?1r ed ,I r',1l1 to ."t'l"\"e the Lincoln S nday e\'f'ning wh('n the group

tl(:)I~.I. iO\~ill i:~()~:t~;l~:;m~O ~~':11~f' 1~1~,7~ Ch~~~\.I~, and Mrc;. Philemon Stnllh ~. s ;;71~:U;1:r;o :;:;~\h'l·s·~~~a~)m=; Book.<t Arf> fu-porfftl.

horn lTl \\';J!«('[1(11d. 1\-11". Ll'nzpn of \V Illsa. IlI'V, and Mrs. Wm. l\ 'lgrwt viSiting thr ()ltf'~, who ha~~a~~~r1 ('~~n~.~ ~~~~I,,~urtJ:~(~('om Jll'lt'd his work at \Vausa Sat- (·Iwllor Concord. Wt'rf' Mond,ly I' tllrn('(! 10 Ihe cIty w11h them for pHst w('l.'k liS fnllnw:-. I~rnl'st

uI'd' y. ,,__ . _,____ ('v('nln~__~!innt'r g\lp.~)~I~~:~ +--- Na"Tkal, rllstrict 1~, TI1I' 11obh-

I' ~roy Twin." al th(' Ranch: CharlC's

IThl' ilnntlal ml'l'tlnJ.:,' II nil ,'1,"'1'''0 "~I~ 1I''I"gl. '1"'01 [r"m 1'-c~IIIY to Rohe" W,I'le," ~'I. The Ik't

LESI.JIE ~('~)[~::::~1'~1{}~~:1l IlL' ill tiler. w. ~rll/}:;t ;1~'rl~lr:,~',l.'/n~:<;1~~;sM~I~7r;r~ ~1:~~toI~Ol;I ~~~l~\~I,,~m~'a~~;R~~~(By Mrs. Grace Buskirk) Till' Fi!l"lllpr" t:IlHlH m('t <II A, ilrJd IIlf' Iloys \·lslled Ihl'll" ICOUSln, Wayne I3('nning, 46, The Saddle

'-+- --"1 W,' ]Jl)lllh'", Th\ll"srLIY l'vI'nlng. The 1)In ~l11dl('r. All at1pndEld, the' Boys on the Plains: Lorie Ben-n(>x! rTlf'('tlllg w111 hI' Ht Cllr"!!'r l"snurJ-Nrhra"ki-l gamC'. ning. 46, Little .Men and The

C;n'\'l' crll'llrakr!,' her JIHn~f'n'" II \\."111 Ill' 1.h(' anml;l! ,Mr<:;. JlrltoJrl Bay. of Dctrtllt. ar- Saddle Roys on Ihe ;\-If'xicanhll' IlI!;]y Thlll'~d;IY ('\·t'ntog. hUSIOPS", 1l1l'/'11ng ilnrl all ml'm- ri ·r'd S<:ltunla\-' and VISIted until Trails; Bevf'rly Ann Andpr.o;on.


lIrlt,nf' Hill~pr I,S :LC;Si.:I, in .thl' he!'.c; <It"!' urged 1(J at knd. \- ednf'sdClY wli h Iwr parents, Mr. 1~, Honey Bunch, Her Firsti\. ~Pt'gl home npar Wlsnl'r. Mr. ilnd Mrs. Lester Korth. 1\11-. a d J\lrs. Fred Fervert. ~lrs, Clar~ Auto Tour; Esthel· Map Fuoss.

ISS Wilma Kill <lttl'nrlr'd Ihc ami Mrs. Walter Burhoor, Mr. p c(' Carlson anr! hahy WNe also 1;'), Jacklf'boy in Rainbow Land;lea 'llI'rk'l'oov('ol'oo 10 Omaha. and M.r.s"_WiJI Korlh and farTlJllf'S'1 i the !,'rc\'l'ft home thOSe days. Delpha Grunk(', 1;:', Sue Barlon,

t:lOlpy HR.glund of SIOUX Clly. Mr.s. Eric,h Albers and Shlrlf'Y IIi sides Mrs. R<-iY, the Frevf>rts Student Nurse; :">'ff'rlyn Kay, 42,

spent Ihe wrek-end with horne ~nd Charl~tl{'t ~ar-an~we; Sun-I~. d a,:; l~ch{'~n ,{W('~IS Su~ay ~~~ ~oe~b~~th ~~,\~~~ ~,h~I~~<;~~~foll~l'. _ cay vlsllors a cnry ort s. 111V r_ and r:". uss(' ryor. rs..

r. and Mrs, \-\i'i11 Korlh wcrc Mr. and Mrs . .Jobn Grcw' andl V alfn'd Carlson and En'lyn, Mr. School Boy: Gordon I IelgrC'n, !-l,Su d(ly evening ViSItOrs al Louis famJly, Mr_ anri Mrs. Henry Gr('v€, R ,1 Mr~, Clarl'ncl' Carlson ann Clew in.. the Patchwork QuilLlIa sen's. and Dploris Wf'rl' Sunday dinnl'rl n ughll'r. Evening gues.ts were

m"W porch and;:( hHlhroom arf' \'islIors Rt th!' Bernard KOChl r. anri Mr". Paul Spllttgf'rher

:~,':: J'e:~~rleo to th" H,'nry Korth ~~~l<~;;:~:)cn(;~~fO~;;'I:~~ :~~" ~~;;~ "~~v:~~':lg:~I,~7;~;v";:'~ ~~ ~%Irs. Ray TOlljf's nnn brolllf'r. ernoo.n VISItors. _ Ichard Hanscn' and Clarence

W orlclJ KOl'th, visilf'd Wakt'fleld -----~-- (arlsoll.fri nds Sunday.

r. and Mrs, Dwight McVickpr ALTON I DlllI~htpr I!'O BaIJU'U\(1.incoln, wen' rr'('pnt visilOl·S at 'A Th(' Infant daugh!pr of Mr. iDdC. W. _McGuin' hnnlr'. by' I ,IIX ClarpnCl' CHrlson was tl<tp-IHn' Buskirk was lilf'd('(j. as- Staff c6rrcspondf.>,nt II'I.I.C.".I Sunday artcrnnnn at S~.·or in Lngan pn'clncl: and COl'- T aul LuthC'rlln church by Rl'V_ (J_

Nw'rnlwrget' in Lpsljp I('sellen and she was chrJ~ten('d

1rs. C W. McGuire was a TIl!'.,'d SYri, ow..-:, ,called o,n, udlt)h Ann. ]\'Irs. Rusapll _ pryor.. ITI IO'day dinnPI· visitcjr al Mrs R!-Jlph Austin WedllPf;tlay last 1"",_ 'iinroid 'Ray of Ddroll. andGe Whipp('rman'~ in Wakf'ficld. week i I -Evelyn Carlson are sponsors

rs. F F Fish('r <:lnr! Harril'lt r M<:lrJorJl' Caauwc' S!lf'lTlI Thur~- ~__. _A n 0f \-VAkefil'ld. were Ht Ted dHY night with \Vllma $unklau In I__-----.------.!Vt '("hl's a couple of 'days last Wayne.' Iweek The E. P. Caau"," l'l'en' last BRENNA

Mis.s Mary Helrn BrnsslC'r was Wf'l'~ S<-lturday ewnmd In the ~riday ovef nig"hl vis~ilor at the H. Spahr hon1('. (By Staff Correspondent)M'llon Sacke-rson homr in Wakc- The I--rank PfJUl"gefs Wf'r(' Sun-fi Id. flay rve-ning dinn('r gU~~b at TIl('.I. C Woods famJly nf CHI"

Irs. Clwstcr Hanspn.,: MabJp ilnd Hpnry Hrundirck'!-1. 1'011. had Sunday (hnne!' at Fredn. bert, Mr_ Rnn Mrsl GC'o. Fox Mr. Hnd Mrs_ John Re3ck of Baird's.w re 'SunoRY visilors ~ at Herhy Hoskins, Wf'l'(> III Alhert Grl'en-H. nsen'~. }' wald's Sunday last w!!'ek. Hugo SpIIllgl'rbl'f of ViwTRssf'l1.

r, and Mrs. Bcrm'lr BarC'lman. Leon MC'Yf'r w:\s a S\Mld;t)' din- ~~~7"s~it~t~~(":h~r....~~e~ein the Er-M\ . nnd Mrs', HHrvC'y an;cn fUln oer gu~t at Alhprt Greernwa[d·s.fa ilic3 visited Sunda at Henry Phillip Creenwald spent the e\"('4 Mr. and Mrs. AlbC'rl, Kai of Pen-B'relman's. " ning thf'rc. ' der. w"rf' Sunday ninner gupsts

rs. A, W. Dolph a d Mrs. Gco. Mr. and Mrs, Ferrif 5ennctt and last wcck in the Fn:'d Hurd home.

B skirk were Th.urSd y gm',sts at IChlldren, of P~ndC'r. Sf)('ntlasl wf'ek The Frpd Bairds spent Sundayt. e W. C. M. S. at th Mrs. Ben Sunday e\'enlng With Mr. and Mrs. Ia."t wCl'k 10 the R. F. Park homeCase home, Earl Bennett. at Orchard. The 'Women are sIsters.

rs. Fred Jahcte inC'd with Mr. and Mrs. H(jrbcrt Pctpn; P\'t. Arnold Gerleman of Rice,ot ers Friday aflerno n in helping and chIldren and Mrs. Martha Cal., was Monriay last we~k supper

s. Will Kay celebra e her birth- tutt spent Thursda~ even~ng with guest in the Louis Schulte' and Vic-d y in Wakefield. ~r. and Mrs. Gearg~ Peters, tor Kniesche home.

Arnold Gerleman ~o is being I Mr, jand Mrs. J. !I., Sp~hr. Mr. Mr. and MrS. W. L, ~athisenm vcd from Califor la to Vlr- and Mrs1 E. P. Caaure and Miss and son of Lander, Wyo.~ Mr. andgi ia was, a supper visitor at Fannie >Selders C~I~.d on Roy Mrs, A. W. Ross were Saturday,

H ~~~ ~:Y%r::n~tlas. Chinn and ~~~aI:Jt ~~~kN~ISn~a;;.der~~~~~;· ~~t~rrt~;' supper gues'f at Mel-

s ns, Mrs. Susi@ R ~hards and Ann and Leona ofl Wen~r,.an Mr. and Mrs. Chas. CrJ,>enberry,f mily were 'Sunday , Idinher visi- IMiss :Betty Lou Fk'drickson 0 Mrs. F. D. Rodwell, D ckie andt rs at Walter Chinn' . 'Marbli~, Md., \VeIl ,Sunday sup Sandra, and Woo. Coley ere Sun­, ~r. and'1IIIrs. Emil Greve took !pcr gUlISts lit Walfe/- $plittgor day [asl week guasts in he F. L.

iSS Delilah Fehn ~e to her ber's, , " Hawkins home at Rando ph:

hl\le S~Qday.SlJ~ h~~ spent Mr:,~nd Mrs· 4U~ ~dow ~n i Ih r vac~tion at the G ve home. tet;tamed SUnday at dinner lo Mr. and Mrs. D. J. ~razda 01

. , Mr. and Mrs. A~t ,Longe and M,tls. Rebecca Sydoand WeM)er Wisnet, observj,d their >llh wed-I R'Y' : d ughter were at Lund's for Mr. ahd Mrs. 'Irv i Dormg. Mr ding anniversa& Octobe 28.

i • nday sUPMr in, membrance and Mrs. Carl Da me and ~ar ~_+-_

Wa::rne. Neb. • 0 Richard's birth,daiY f Saturday. ,reno aqd Doqs s¥ . 'I!' L "Mr. and Mrs.1 Ben Di~~ of Cole-.. ,~ .••. The Pleasah~ Valle ,Aid' met at Miss, Flor,a f:l:nd he Iridge, !Observed] their :xii Wedding1-·· •.•~;_ ',~,_ElL·._ tw:~_~S~y. .rep~ews., G,er!ald nels,and Ifb Octoir 30.

·",:I,"i(:.i1"!,,,k'il};,:,I;l:~,:ei£i1;lii::jiflk;;,lltiILd!.\';~:~;~II:.'::,:'!!I!! ",Ii!! 1. 1 '. '-, - ," -"1 I


uests .inhome at

tertainednday aft­1', MYlet.birthday




Brooder Stal'e, a.~ good asSmoke HoufeIncubator .Clipper Fanning Mill

IFeed BunksOther articles too 1lllmerOl.

to mention.

500 Bushels Of Oats15U Bushels of Barleg2200 Bushels of Corn100 Bales of Straw


11 Iwad III i Idh ('0\\ ~

1 ~hOl·t hOl'~ hull

:~ nillc'-1ll011Jh ('aIH'"

L _

4 15

Brooder House, nell'

McCormick-Deeri,,!! 6·f t ..l/ower

Hal} Sweep

Hay StackerTwo Wagons\Steel Running Gear, ·auto tl/l'1I,

nearly neu'Manl/re SprmdlTHay RackListerLand Roller

Two PlowsBob Sled

TERMS:-Cash 01' f'ighl mOil tl1~ ti'~Je 011 apprDH'd nolt's.

ari, Hansen, owraerI State National lI.1lk, "faJ '



1 hay l('am;~(']d·n~~.6 alld 7 yr~ .• ,\t. 3,] 00

] hay ge](]ilfl~,n~T~ •• wt. 1,500

1 g,-ay gdcl. Ill!:, ( ~. r~., ,\ t. 1,.');)0

'~y RARM MACHINERY, El:c.__~:~1>eere Glai" B~nder

, >,:r::;;n Deere C rn Bmder

John Deere C 1"Tl PlanterJohn Deere E d,qate SeederJohn Deere G "ail! l.;levator,

completeThree 'CuMiv

Two-r~w Cui10.ft., Disc an 8-ft. Disc

4.seCitTn Hal' ow

2-row ?ta(k C.'tterWeed~r .Two Hay rak s, 10-ft and 12·ft.

I ' i •

As II Clim diconN11lling farm ng I will sell at Public Auction ;p~ mile,~ wl?st of WaYlle Of! Higliw.1 miles JOllth bml .~l /, miles east of Carroll and .J ,mil es north and 21/ 4 mile,~ east of WinMde, known

Ch'i~ri;ia;J;;;P'"N°~vember2Sale Slarts al 12 Noon FREE. LU

11 Id~ JohnnlP spen Thur:d;y- (,\enmg !' wl:¥'k Sunday1afternodn WIth MI'~Fleer weer at the John utt horne and Mrs PaUl Spltttgerber near ner gues'

Mr and M s Ed GathJP called Altona Fleeron Mrs Chn tina Gdlhll SUncll) Mr and Mrs John Heuennann Mr an rs. Elmeafternoon of st 'f'E'lk of P('nr!( r, cdlled In the f mIl Bar- Iand :\115 arJorle W

Mr and M L"s1er Korth sppnt elm'111 home la, 1 \\Ltk Sunday I afternoon a d suppe~st .... pf:>k Sill d<lY afl('J.'noon WJlh I \f nmg' • the Roh ri Hanson

I Sunday ('\'('~jn,g- of I' t \\'C'{'k at ... ~('~~~c~r~ ~~~~~~ F ~;. E:. '. :'Ill', amI ':\1 rs , Hf'rTnan OherTne}'·1 \Vake[iel . ~ayne I-fprhJ(',Han:--t.'n s. IhI ff' , j ;.cotls er and chddren of ColerJllgl', Wl'T{' Mrs. r: jJ BarelmaJli -' Tllf' ! Lawn'nc( L"t .<:)11S spent in Uth'~ s~~~~U .~~u;~~Yh~~~ Sunday Irt~,1 wpek S~n.~aj"" umn,'r g-u('sts !f,lj eight gir· ast week

(By Staff Corres nrent~ SllnddY {{J Jd~l \'I-e( k i:-;JI lnr.;- rl'iiJ- :\ ' thl J.fJtl!1 HI nJ.ilmm. homf', ,prnoon f.*r hpr daugIn, <.; Jll Anthon, Ia I ,,1r. and M s Rollw Lungf> Hnd ?'oil' and ~Irs. Yrflc! Anding, ;'o.o~r'l who wasl observing h

I :\11 nnJ MIS Bpr Ie JIln"fnlfamIlJ "Wilt Ja"t \\l't·k ~undl:'- and ?'oIr~. WJII Tf'..,l and daughll'_h anniversa)ry~Mr and Mrs F lr] tPf Ii Pi( n callf'{j tn 1he (;porgp F x hom/' J j"t /.:\('nmg- <it R blrt ~elsun ~ spl'nt \\·I.'dnv"dn.y (·\·{'ning wllh "1r . _-+~--+-_, _

spcntThursdayc\(nlng tHolJ(I\ Wfdll('hd'Wr'\(nl}7' Mr andMs WiltlrSlun(klnI?;Janrl:\Ir,- JtJh.nI',cnjamin. 1.. 1 c:: \\'~'>1' 8 died atNelsons \11 tnt! Mrs ohn [Uft "plnl spC'nl Sundd dltrnl)()n ut list Jamt's·J{ansl'n. :'11'. ilntl :'IT*s :'('(;i:'nd~ a:vi~s~a¥ar ' hompson

Mr dnd Mrs, all MJ I.l'f r I II( rI I J 1,-1 \\ (dnpQ1.IY (' pnl g \\ til 1\1 r I\\- ('I'k dl t hI' • dilin H 1~II'.ln hnlOl' OS{.. u.,..( )J....,IJ.t1 and Glen, .\11'. ;lod! ,Ind. d,lU .htQrS' Pf"arl .d Beulah.In thf' Art Longe ho et1,1:-I1 \\, k JIll 1 :\Its Hdl\() LUll Mr. dnd :\-rs. r.mJl Vv~'~lrrman :\11''' Aho! I)bnn and family, \\'ll-'()f \\·a:.-nr, W('re amo g the rela-Sunday ('veOlnrt j \11 Indl Mrs.. Rus<; !l rind and family,]\. r. ,Iml Mr;.;, Ld. ]fa~('- Ils Lar"orl, I'('ilrl an£! I1t'll'n of 111\'l'S att~'fl(J1Ing the f raj Tues-

:vir, ,md Mrs, \,('() f~(~~ "1)( J.t 1~I~nl 1\]1' mrl Mrs J lid ,inti I man ,lIH! EI 11 !~~~_~~~,_ J1:lrtln:~~ \-!~~!lrs. Utto,d_a~~__+f- _

Pegaway Club Meets.Pegaway club met last Tuesday

afternoon with Mrs, Louis Kah~.

~~~es~mGU~~~fC'~~r;;~':.SS~:i~f.Ditman, Mr~. Harry Rhudy, Mr{F. 1. Moses, Mrs. Neal Grubb :ln~

Mrs. H. L. Neely. It was decldl'(lto send Christmas packages toboys in the ~ervic('s whose mOlher~

belong to the cluh. Priz€'~ wereawarded to Mrs. Kent. J<lcksorl,Mrs. HRrry Rhudy, Mrs. Np,~'

Grubb, Mrs. F. 1. Mo~es and Mr$,Herman Steube. Mrs, ";r\Vin u1~

rich will· entertain the club ~ttheir next meeting.

Loyal N elgbbon' Meet.

Mrs. Viggo ,1'nsen E'.ritertainedth~ Loya] ~g bors at her hollieThUltlday. itlre oon with Mr!;.ChriS Petersen and Miss Margarl!tPetersen assisting hostJ!sses. Thir·

~:. F!:::::S N:t~tl~~ese~~s a1~ll~.~,ttll "'1'lI.. H... (i:..1;1.a.n.s.e.n, Mrs.. • c.Jr~lWl{\!"ull, Mr.!!, .,'Y ..0., Smi\hreceived prizes 'in"·"ciJnte:s!s ~thatwere held. A two-course luncheonwas serv.e,d. The C14.b will hold tht·rne"t meeting Mrs. H. C. He ­se~: Ion December' 3. This will ethel club's Christmas meeting and a1 o',clock no~host luncheon will bese""ed.

of W,lyn,',

ts\uf M'fI'lder Sf en! W('~-

w~th Mrs i1pred Wn Ie and Mrs (,:lidHy afternoon In! 11..' LOll'nOtto Graef ul charge of refresh- eckner home ~ments and Qntertamment I Mrs Wm SWdnson, lOla nnd

I __. f~alr spent Tuesdny (-'\(' mg at Hw

I Sodal. r () SmIth homt' • ~Entetlolns 11 Card". Mr dnd M~ H ( r anSf'n at-

Mr and sWIm I l('oded the funeral of \ m Rho{jeterta;ned a ~~b(ray~~ gue:ts {'~~ ~n Randolph SljInday Ltllelr home Sat lJrtfu Y t'venmg LMr ?nd "!\lr!i DWlne Il'hnmpson

Cards were P1ayed l~h~r~1;~n~~aXCd:\~~~7, Icall/Ofs In

Entertaln~ O. T.~lub. Mr and Mr!' W(l;YnC'~And('rS(nMrs. G A Mlttelshdt ('ntertdln~ and Nels Ander<;en wn In Nor­

ed the G r! club rlt ~f'l Ilomp Fl J- jfolk Sat~rd<lY dftprnoondayaftcrnoon All m{m!J('ls \\-l're Mrs (hC'sfer W)II( ~mrl chJl­present Mrs Ch<t$ Unger reCl'I\- dien \\-ere SunddY dln~('r gUl'slsed the pnze Mrs. Carl Nwmann In til(' p( t(,1 JcnSln llor1ewIll enlcrtum the cluu !\o\embu Lt AnIon H. Jensen nJ Llmlly20 of Mead, \\-ere wcck~('nc guests 1n

the Waldon BrUgger h meI ve New 'fearlher. MrH. Kahl Entertains. Jeanne Brugger spe. t Frl_ddY

Mrs. G orge Farra~, wh as Mrs..Louis Klihl' pntcrtained after~oon afJd ,.mght. It'! the Carlbeen tea hing in di'strict ,~4~ about 20 g4csts at her home' Jensen, home IAlth Mildred. .resigned er positibn and go Thursday evening in honor of h('r!. FlO., rJnC' Graef. ret•..n.C'd FndayOklah~m C+ty, to be with Ile~ 'birthday anniversary. The time eV('nlng from SIOUX (I~Y,. w)wrc i!band.~M Farran is m tht Was spent in playing card!; at she spent the ~'eek \\:!thl fr1l'nd .....

I Mrs. ea Grubb has b~en ,fie which Mrs. Harry Rhudy, Mrs.! Mr. and Mrs. L. C. ~~od(' andas tea he for the ~lStr1Ct. Otto Stender and Mrs. H. L. Neell son of .~andolph, were F!rlday ('\'['-

I I ------------r J I Won 'prizes. Mrl5. Kahl ,,served nlOg VJf;ltOrs at 1£. c. :fam~en's.I eads Light Plant.] I luncheon. Mrs. Jennie SChrum~f'OfWayn£",

Fred Ittler, Wh], has tiee su- spent thc wC('k-l'nd w Mrs. Ettap:rint~n nt ~f.the ight.p"a~, ire- On birthday i\r';;\'erHaTY. Perrin and Miss Gcrtru e h posItion I st wettk.,nll Mr. and Mrs. W. U. Smith, Mr :\-1r. ami Mrs. WP:ner ankp and1)lon of' ndolph, as been . ur· and Mrs. Oscar Swanson an Byron Ll'C werc ::5und y dmnl'r~ to ta his place. Mr. .l)io as daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Edga gues1s In. lhe ~Icrman F: ese h()~nc.~n ass tant In !the . Ria,n lph Swan~on and chilctren and Mr. an ~rs. (,·porgl! Gabler, ,Mrs. I· r.'.'dlight pia ~ for t~e l¥ist elgJi!.t e .rs. ,Mrs. Olaf Swan~on of Carroll Witt and 1.-felen and Md.'. Jay 'f/I!­Be and IS famIly tnoved tol 1Il- spent Sunday aftdrnoon in the Wmj son were lo Frilday morn-side the 4rst of the wee~~aJ1 are SWanson home Mr Swanson wa~ ing. i~uWi.n the Mrs. ~nnal ~,e~- ;observing his!' 'bihhday ;nniwl'1 Mr, hnd Mrs. HnroldiQu,inn landson. r~sl nee. Mr. DlOn b¢g nilhls !aary. Luncheon was served. 1 d,wghtiC'rs and Mrs. ~., r.. B'.'I1-dutIes 0 Thursday. : I _ II shoaf were In SIOUX Ulfy Thul'S-

'Hold Regular Meeting. ~ day. . !i Coterie club met Thursday aftl ,Mr. and Mrs. Arnold! HilpC'rt, ~flernoon with Mrs. L('() Jen. sen C.h~d~on, SP,C.~t. Thurs~~y and }o n­Guests were Mrjs. E. T. Warne' da} \Hth Rn. ;lnd Mrs., II. 2\1. lJl!­munde, Mrs. H. G, Knaub, Mrs. N pert.L. Ditman, Mrs. B..alph PrincC', Mrs ,MIx Marvl,,!- Dunklau and Phyl­Ra~mus Rasmussen, Mrs. Har;1 lIS sp{j'nt Sunday :.lfte~'T1~)0n wllhRhudy and Mrs. 1. F. Gaeblc~. Mr.. ,amd Mrs. Herman 1- rese andMembers receivIng prizes w!='r& famJiy.Mrs. H. L. NeelV and Mrs. Bud Mr.,and Mrs. Will N~l('rnb('rg ofLewIs. Gum.t went lu Mr~ nould~'r, ~lo.. sp0nl ,:Wcdn,l:sd'IYHa'rry Rhudy and Mrs. E. T. Wart and Tf\ursd~y In till' Carl ]\;w:rn-nemunde. Mrs. Gurney RI,nshoor b('r~ h~~('..:-.i , .,' >

will entertain in two wl'cks. . (alhut SyyWf'f' <lml, Roh( r1 ofSlocklnn, Ill.\;: o-pl'nl \\'{'dnl>:--d<Jyand Thursda:.-1.~\·ith H('~'. ,lnd .::\-In;II. M. Hilpert.'¥'

Mr. and ;'\lr\i :!\.fau~ic" lIitns('n

~~~d~l~~in~~;Jo~,~~>,~t:--(l';~l' (:~.~;:~:Jorgcns{'n home.

Mr. and Mr:-.: Marion I1al\(,1"o-onof Vulin, S. 1-", Wl'l'l' Sll1lt!;lY ;ltHlMonday gursls Jtl th(' ] lU;ltlt'Thompson homl'

Mr. and Mrs, .T. M. ,f;tr;lh;ln ;lndRar:bara of Wayne', ~'en' ~und,IYl'vcning suppC'r g-u('sls in'tll(' G. A.Mill('lstadt home,

Mr, anrl MrS. Wa](~n Brugg(lr.Ida Jt'nsen ~nd Mr. aq,d ~Irs. Hus­sell Pryor and SharolYn ~p('nt Sun­day evening at T. J. E'1'yor's,

Mr. and Mrs. John unklau andAldan, Mr. and Mrs. loyd IJtlnk­lau and Loren were 13unday e\'e­ning visitors at Henn~n- Frese's.

Mr!'!. B. M. McIntyre and MissRose Lound spent the week-cnd inMilford with John McIntyre whois employed in defense work there.

Dr. and' MrS. A. P. Herbst andMr, and Mrs. Leonard Gowley andda~.U?Jl\tet',9( NOrfolk, '\!.·C're Sum!flYdinner guests in the Ulto Grn'efhome.

Mr. and Mrs. Jamas Trolltmoncntertained for Sunday dinner Mr,and Mrs. Clint Troutman and Mr.and Mrs. Verne Troutman <lndVance Gordon.

Mrs. Dean Baird went to Mead,Monday to be employed in the o1'd-

~a~~:y~~ag"~:~~; ~~~~~;isNhaon~~for the present.

w~;~r~~r~~~·~: ~~~;r~~r;;~~~Rosemary Neely were Sa1urdayevening dinner guests of Mr. andMrs. Harold Neely,

Mr. and Mrs. Waldon Brugger,Lt. and Mrs. Anton Jensen ofMead. and Walter Jensen of Oma­ha, were Sunday afternoon callersin the P('ter Jensen home.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kalstromspent Thursday and Friday in theElmer Radford home. Mr. l\jal~

strom is in defense work and is be-

~~g1iJ~~.::;'~':';~~.(rom Philadelphia

M.r. and Mrs. Otto K~nt, Mr, dndMr1. Alfred Miller and ~amily, \'dr.an4 Mrs. Albert Jaeger and SClns,Datlene Graef and, Julius Eqk/ertwere Sunday evciling s~pPerguests in the Carl Etllers hom~.


r, and Mrs. RObert Bllultjrlgwe t to Sioux City. Thursday wlt.eenM Boulting ente",d a hosPitalfor medical treatntent. Mr. I "nd

: '~~~~I:Ct~C: i~hst~~~~~~a~' url!~. n. J

,ntl III:r. and Mrs. E. T. Warnemund. i r. and Mrs. Pet~J. Jensen, Mrs.tion an .D.avid were. in Jli\>rfolk Wed.- ter Wylie andl"".I.hjJdn!n~1"'.. r..

ne y, , I an Mrs. Laurltz 'nsen an" JIll'lten Nielson enterta ned an Mrs. Chris Je 'n and f ily

~r. an.d.i M.. rs.. ,:WiIl Cary at di.cnerIi nt .sunilay inah j\n­

!;III)'. I w Anelenol> ho' Leo IM"'JtIn. II. .c. Ha. n de on waa obae·· hJs bl day

cI8.r in RandO)ph~ on aJ>11ive" ~

~~l=~:r·~~di~~:~~:~, of Ma' at,~:!tlf"<'-i'!*i'!'Y ,.i" ';:: ! .', . I, 1'1 ':1' I'hi~IU4d~I'II,,"'jl,~"":.'.'.i.'""i i· I", ,. i "







Sunda ~~~:8~tC~;r:,h~.tMorm g services at II.

'l St. ~ nt's Lutheran Cbu

j ~~~~;J H~e~,c~~I~rtiop~~ 0 ) an, servl'Ces t 11. Sunday school a 11.

Satur ay school at 1 0 cl .

Ilnm~nUel Re;nued Chu l'mev d H Reldesel, pas 0 )Sund&, mornmg serviceS t 30Sunda school at 10 30.Youn People's League eets

Friday vtnmg a t chi S r te's,Emma, alter and Erncst ('lOgin ehar . I

."1 I

~~~R~)~~d1\e.: E

('on('ord PhO~" 43

Live Stock

Wak~fi.ld National

CATILE: I9 m;lk cow.; 7 Hohle;n•• I sirthO ',.'11 Guernaey i 1 fresl- now. 3 in ...ber and 4 to freshen in the ap DC, 1 inlFebruary. 3 heifer calves, 3 It er:calves. S bucket calve!.. ,



Carl Walter,TERMS: Cash or see your banl.:er. No property to be remoyed until

Roy Johnaon. Auctioneer.

Team Sorrells, 7 yrs. old, wt. 1500 Ibs.

Team Geldings, blue-roans, 3 and 4

yrs. old, wt. about 1500 IbB.

w."'••~=~~,~~e~r.~w~~~~.~~de,~~W~~~ctMassey-Harris, 16-in. trac· 13-aeetion Buzzl.saw

tor plow McCormick-Deering end- Walkin&, plowJohn Deere binder. 8~ft. in &,ate seeder. 3 seta harne~s !

good condition Grain elevator, _With pow- 2 &eta hay SIIn&I

JMoline corn planter, 120 er and hoist,.complete 1 s,ta&.k strawrods wire Deering corn binder 2 1/ 2 stacQ of alf If. h

McCormick-Deering 2-row Dain hay atacker 22 doz. White R1k ch' 10-cultivator Hay sweep ens

New Century s~1e row D-;ering hay rake,. 81116.ft. brooder aucultivator \ Mmnesota graas mower Eleetric brooder'

Great Western manure Horae l'&n8 plow DeLaval electric lenaspreader Horse sulky plow t'

McCormick-Deerini 10-'t. Roll Hammer mill aepara or .disc Hay rack, steel truck Some woven wu"

Many other articlea too numerous to mention

As I am quitting farming. I will sell at Public Auction at the fann, 3 miles w

".,,mT~~~d~'~;"wN~Lrutn~c:hw.allo1n 0711 G' J


' n'::d~ .~Commencing at 12 :30 p: m. ~ r

:'-11'<':. (It!,'!1 :"v11'Yl'r ofat Ed I!oknmp':-;

Fi'rri,,' brOlh(l-r-in-law,l)('{'ll h,'re. mO\','d to


S5 PLAYFriday, ~~v. 13

Bringin' Ho ~ ihe Bacon

CARRO':: li;~O~IUM('omedy rn Three A y Bruce 81'1\"(10"

~~:~~I:'~::::~' \ Do:::~YH~C:::~C rlolta Meadow _ j ~ Bernice lIampton

~ :~~o~e~~~: 11 JU,:tWhr:::;B InbrldKe Ounth r 1 • 80b JohnfJtonM . OunthfJf I lORe JoneAD ster Gunthor , h Si\;Qle~ Morris

~Ev:~tc:r:::r...:. ·4········_··~: :::::M .jNettl~ Splngl. ..._y ..._:..Cleo Mae DavlHM ry Ann 'Pall'fax j.Dooo& Stoltenool'KM rtha Biddie __ ,. . .-_Betty Winterstein

yem Pede....n. *'o JIe, ", ;1_.. JIeJ",+-~"


, i p,.1e"ll1,.G~"

.J..rved 86....' lh~xtI'i!': ',,",'rr''''''~''''. :- ) '. :',~;> L·'! d ',~J '_ .,1, '

~' . W' i' I noon and !Uncheo,n, g~ests ~unda. y Ifamily, Mr. and ~~OLtto ;a~erIand ,M~S-. ~:~harc!l, Wack~ ,a__ tn1" n't f . 'y at Edwin rBrogren's at Wmslde. and daughters, W. W. GalWood, Geo. Wacker's. 1e'.' .,.' ·r· . ·e·'.!' - -.1. . a" n. Mrs. Hollis W<I"ams and Mar"s, Mrs . .\'lary Lessman and Mrs. Ar·· GUe'" at 'I. J~gense'sat in

and Pfc. Leo,~arrl ,~unda, hi. Of.c,'amp nold "Reeg were SUnd~Y dinner iSid",'; sundaY, aft rrmo.n were M.Stoneman, Cal., \\ ere at George Igue~ts at Wm. Wagner's m Laurel.! and Mrs. -Carl ulsen. Mr. an

BY DdROTH.i HUSE NYB$,R.Q ,! Wacker"g WE'dnesday last w":k, IMrs, Mary Lessman is spending Mrs1

Roy Landa ger a d fa ilMrs, GUst.Jo~nsonwas In \\ayne Iseq'tal da~'s at W. H. wagner's.,' ~lr. flnd Mrs." eh 's Jor E'nsen an' I' " " ~aturday to SP(> Mrs. Herman I /\nton ;..laget of Omaha. and family, Mr andlMrs. as. or

• lJ..-J. n' S.nlt'J 1 ,,'~ AC~Pt8 P(J~iti~n I (~('ewe and Infant daughter, ::'Jlerna '\\ aynl' Straight, who too~ Pllot Igen,*,n ,H'Hl fami y, Mr andcia nunno lng UI, t't'eeft,. J had MHe, who WHs hoen ,"ol'ember 4. Ilrajnin~ at.Wayne, are st.ytng al r;eo, Jm,",'nsen, 'fro n<1, I'P'" oS> ' , G.rOl:ery F~rf" e on f~:r:]oU~h ",he en- 1\lr. and )irs, L('.~tl'r Bfl.:demt'.H'r i T. .A. Stralght'~ untll they get a .\-lauricC' 1I<.In"('n and f mily,

Sociall Forec"''jt~ . , ISnlael Hughes ha,; acceptfd l a riute f m Ca~J~orn~a to a~p "'!ere here from C'()lumbu:i for Ihc ICall ~(J gu 'PIsewhf're for furthpr Annfl Jorg"nl't"n '\\"ho as omr. T, J, Hughes entertams We- ~rfY JDhnsDn iwere guests of Mt's. positibn wilh, the Co:uncil,' l'Olc1k P ckett, Va" left: Frl~a>" ev nm~ wCl'k-l'ncl: Mrs, \V. H. Thoma" I'l',- : lraJnmg. _The two' W",rp ;..Jonday from umah,.t S+day t Mo uU:r/,is Thursdiay. Tom, Roberts Friday. Prizes InIcomp,llly.'h-Ie is in the Coundil Ojak f r .the ast. Mrs. ,lIe9kms, Mr and turncu \nlh thelll lu -,pt'nU 1111"! ('\'Iomln>.; dlnrwr ~u~ts of Lynn ::\lr. and ::-'11"";. A~t Bru mond antJ. Lev~ .Roberts enteV'~ained cardk wenl to Mrs. Ed. ~rlilutwe,n, store, at ~ayne f,or a time Ibf. fc~re M-r~. G.I nn Jenk~s and Mr. Clnd week. _ i Rnbl'rt." In the Lf:'\'1 Roh(orts h{JOh' family an(j :tIl". (Brum ond'~ lJ

altAuxllJary November ~4 Mrg Perry Jo\-jlnson Mrs Charles beingj assigned to one of th¢ t~. ~rs. PI ree ~one~ tooI·t\ hI _to . MISS ?,prnJ('(' \ll l Yl'r, tr':lchpr In' :Mr. and Mrs. Da'."e Thomas Clnd l'nt'i. All ttl!;' L*ndang

r chi dre91 Nejghbor!-: mel'! Nov~m* Whi't ey and Mr;. H: L. B:.edemey- pany,b stores, Mr, Hug-tiles h~s ad ,'oux ~ty. :Mrs.: MelvHi Je ~I~.S dl:-.tflCt. XU,_ Wa" :J "fUl",r!cJy "UjnJ<'r "f~~dY of \'ulentJw', ."pent .f':OIl1 \\lTt. in l.h(' grrll ) pxce tinl:! ou-"

ba'r wilh Mrs_ Ma.rtha Mills er. ~.s. T. P. Roueris. ('ntertains 17 yeJJ,rs of experumct', in tht',.• !: .- :oj ent t at nJght ~ In the lIT~ and ol.'t'rnlght l<:U,·~t In th,: Ed_lr rH.!;.)" to SUn,da y In, 'h,P::\1. J. S\'"!- whl) 1" In lht,~ If. waiian iShln '. i.

Mis. Iannah Mills. In tWb Wf.'C~":i. ery business, The past fewl e rs Jont's h me. I I : Rl'lhwls('h hum" foJ' HJtq.'s l;th: hart home. Ulhpr Sunday (l1nnn _ . _~ ~ I

f'un,s club meC'ts this Thurs- i - ~~ he has published the CarroW ('~. ' Pr moti(~ EaJ'ned. , blr.;I~~,~<.I~;_._"", J 'u'l"y c,' .'1,.,,1"1,',',. 'I ~~J;~".lsR- ;1"I,c;tw~ual~~·.~, ;r;en~~r;~~j, EX(~II N E~ ;day ith Mrs. H. L. Brctlkmeyer. Honor Jamf""s Stephen!!. whicm he has sU$pendt'd ftnl he i ~ "f ,-, r,-,- , t

Mrs Joy Tucker IS Il'ader on. JellTIl.'S Stephens' blrthd Df duration. Chad s Garwo d an~ .;Jay ~~;! Mmn,. eanw'Tuf'"ilay b"t wt·,·k 10! Evan Hamer and family. ?1r, :.Jfld I ~11"-'; 8\"I\n . {'\l'r 'mi",(II' fortl'''A ricans from Here and Tlwn·." Tuesday was observed Sunda e\l1l\'- -_,: 'I wl)uU. b others of,. r!L ~ ~dn~ ~: ."pen.d a ('oupk of W"!'k.",Wi1h n'lil,-. I Mr<.;. GI('nn Jl'nkln_" and fCimlly <Inu Pl'H'J"."J'n \\,-:r,' ;n;'lrri<: Ue obcrNo. s of famous immigrullls will ning. y.,ht·n guests in his home ere PURCHASES·fA.~M t', '.' 1~;1\I' ea npd proJTlotJOns In s{' I. '-, lIn's. SIll' \'.'r·nt tl) CI't) Il:1n""/I'" IjJi\'" Jvnklns. ')4

be i £'ll for 1'01.'_ca.l1. ,""mC',,4y'.",'t,M.. "rSn·(J~IY,.~.,(.ml, ..Lual rOseb~.. t aa.ndd IN. THIS !VIC NITY Sharles who ,iiI; In th.e ,infant ~: a: Sunday fOI' a \ I."ir, . i :\Ir'-'. EuniCe Jonr"", of Om;lh:1. ~ ~tj."s Arl('rw naCkt an 'Pv1t.un" '" .~ (il

ampucker.,AI~., h~s be~n a~t'. Tlw II:.JroJu Wf'r('- In 1 and \Ir-;. Lnur-ii t"ndl'rwood of :\1,.h-ln GI'oh,lJll uf ftc! olph, \\(,:t('

J' SocIal. I.<l\·t·ru, M~. and Mr~. ~rt~ur ~8Jr- a ~:~~ s~~;~e ~t~.r~~ °1 h/:X~~ ~h\ctnlc' ~ ser~earyt. ~a.;, d"'" hi ~~~ t h,' Tom Bow('rs honw aft- "h:ans<1"; ('II y, h:-l\-r> hE'f'n ,,~'n(l1ng Ima,rH'd t In(JIIl'I·:.\1 'nd Ie t f<!Jr'

BaIt Rots (:onvelle, St,'n and Ddrrp]J. Mrs. Lars Larsell1, boPu "ht [ Ihe M,'lr~p"','t "t"" I os nge es, '. en lS e e ('rn()()n. .\1r anri :\1.r~ t'lar<'ncl." "('\,'rH., I In 1hp J[t'nry H. Jonp:- y l'>. 11 \ h th I tl, r IS I tunI F , L M d M K g, "'I n<.Jl.'y a d w~.'s s,nt to Se,ab('l'n B(Jvd'r~, :vIr'. ;.wil ~lrs.- :Jo/' BO\\{'r's I hrlnW ( Sunday dmnp,r gUP>;b "1a IT ;1, \- t'r" . I' a .. :-. I -list womeJ:l Wl're guests 0 "rlJf'.":i,' ~rs('n, r. an r~. en~ Insurance coml"n th,' 1 (].aT(' h t h h l

M, . ~l'n.rY.'Eksm,anW(,'clTH'SdaY, nct.h,I,I'..,'ddH"M<Jl'It'neandDelmar, [ . 'h~""I'" ,YI~' r"I" •."""" uamp, . I."wpre ll' as. ('l'n of:--;orfolk.\\t'r,·alsntht'rl'. '~f'r(·.\1I".,!nd:'l1rs_r);l\E'.J()n(·s'Jnd '!'. ~'r- Vv'Uhur VanFos...;('n. Dan Jorgen1>t'n ~rm sou nt"~ (~ \ ,Ir~, rimdl' s coml Glass petty officer. "\lr 'Ind l\.lr<.; BI,Jini> (;l'ltm'ln j'l"JIJ"hll'!' 'Ir Clnd '\-1rs ArtlJlJr ~. ( RD..., .... ,', (~(>uar C unty gpol,

PledbYHowa]"dr.Ilenbl'rg"~ 1 ' nfIJI\(n \11 Inti \1,,, (,1;2 \lr and \1,-.., D J IJCI r"lrp-ugnl'dll'JII',"QlllPma ag(\r [ttl!';WI Mrs, Rube,(.'k. an,t! $pt'ncl'l' Stl'[Jhl'n", 1he last of I __~ ~_ _. t'I LOCALS 1 H t Itt I \\h h,r endly Neighbors nw! Weu- W<lItllllJ. JOHN 0 GRlrn BUY i C RRrLt and I)tJII., (f \\f 1" 'hf rf for "upper <IIrtlng lHl I \d ur IC Vll.\'i

." ., M W I HI k . L.n Wm. II. MorrIs was in Waune Il ... t \~f>rl It \11'''' rlm.'r Ijllingarn\('r} from Ib,OU""'kll by \ttl '\n'n from JOI;llln~ 'y ""'It l r~ l'S ('y U )e(' '1 :\otr".I!Flnn. Jlost~.' FARM NEAR CA Ri L ?\1onda J '-;und Iy lor !linn, r Llllfqrnl;{ fhut"'da" 10 \ j"'lt hf'r 1 I l'r 1 n

En ta.lnH. Saturday,. 1-:. p. T nwmbl'rs, u~'o Mrs, Levi John D, Grier vought 1 C' :.!()~ Vll'gl ia Slraill:ht has bc(!n ilj ;,\11'". '\1'111.' r·l ... h,'r ;llld (;orr]on ~Ir. and :VIr,,_ H<lrry Grrf- II_at lb t lite I.' F I'"i in Jones enlt>rtainet! 1:.! young Rohl1rls and Mrs. AI. Jugel WE're acre farm occupil1'd 'lJy En s Wil- \\-'lth to silitis I ;Ind \lr_ ;\nt! \Irs_ I!lJI"ld fl:dl:,,, <)f 'lnd h,?r "lo.;l'·r, \1r"-.:. rJh/'riJn OU _ .~.

fol "I' Saturday ('Vl'nlng ,t! gaml's gu('"t,.",Of 1\1I's. John Finn Thursday Iiams from,thC' Equitahll~, Ij,ift> ks. Wm. Mdls:is painting Ih(' E. L W1O"I(II· ;lIHJ .\11''''. IJalp Ha,h of \lorn'-. Leltlng, who IS }x.:ng ! When they're .., tive ~ean uncheon. \\'Iwn Mr:s. Roberts conducted en- suranel' ~ompany ,lntl dlllhSf to P("lr"o l"l'si<i!('n('(' \loInl· ... , \\-l'rl' rlln- frnm Rw('. Cod"~ to \ lr- ~d ~U~ of copsupatio &IUlO th4m'- tl'rtwnm('nt and Iht, wom('n also mo\"(~ to {hI" place W('"l Of!CH '011 :I't t 'c w· II hmily ~l){ nl rn HlI' If.'ni'\ \\'111 }-pend a furlough' hprp ! with~eas. be;Utb ilL a-

Le ke-HWi Party. did 4luilling. Ml"s, Alvin Pf'tcl"St?n in thf' spring. Con"ldflrat on 'as Hl1nr~~;y "i~n~ri...,J1~~illf:' .' " ];1-1 of, ]\,;(,\('~h<.r_.Hf' will al.~o ;:0t::~~ir:(jthodist L.t.agu," n,.Wl in tlw was :Il'ader. ~hf' group m('t:t,s I~ $70 an acrt'. Mr. Gript· has H'I' on :\-1<-1I'\--n Dl;aghu spent Si1t.unI<Jy \11". ,Jnd ?\-Trc:. I'(J:' '1~t1 hI> fmrr'nT,- HI HCl:lI! userS! far

Ja qs Hamp(on home Sund:l)' l'\'('- two \\"l'.('ks .wltl1 MI·S .. Wm. F.vans. the C. M. Craven pla('{.' leas uf 1~lght ; t Chas. Junek':..:. It h,· (;al/' fa.fllJi), _ ::\1r_ :,Jnfl .\If"': ~- .L.- ,( r<-l\\ [':Id, of Your dru&gist ~s ADI \1 I- j I n Jl h I <1dpr f (Jr\'il I; Ha,nspn W<l." at Larfi 01- \j('\\-, Ij(:r-r' \\It:l :\Ir". r.llml,:-l n w~,k-f'nd g1.H .... ~" Fplh~'r;'", 11larmac', "'a ne I

ni g fol' a soc,a'..'."I1(,. :1'I~,~',g~,Up--;;'~eis ,:' IW~ ~eek~ town or many yea",. I 1 ,"n'; , Jnday al"'cnoon. ,",,11 "c' :-;u,'" ""ucg" .. I L f. Link, "c ,nd M" Lloyd Lon '." IJru Sto,e W.k

H \-'t(;hur('h Party. with! Ml'S. \\/m. E\'1-ms. Mrs. Ed. Li(ms lIaH'l ]\J('If'Una:-, Tlw orle.p" Rf'nshnofs \"isi'ted al \\'Ilr) had IWI'I] hen' a \\I'I'k. l"l"urn- :Vl()lrl~ <Inti .r'~lllil~ :\Ir..... Sldna Ii:: t •o gregational church had a KPn p•. y will be leader. LIons club nwt 'r-uesd'ly,I~,vf.'rLng (" F '-h f"1 WinsHj(. 'sun_ll'd \\ltl1 lh"nJ ,Jnn"" ilnd ~.\d dnr! .\11"" Ann I~~~~~~!!!~~~~~.

H II We<.'tl costumf' party (1l'lo1h-'1' fOJ' dmnl'r <lnd hlJ:,l11('-';S, {Lv" ,tn,-.; {lO ,"i d ", Hl'\'. and .\ilr";, (' }-:_ Fr('dr~'k"pn. 111Jgh,'" \\-('1'1' il! ...n Sund,~Y 'Jftl'r- I:30 ih IIw chul'ch parIOl'" Wllh IFnrt,patrkia. Tu(·ker. \-ir1nd MI"~ RilY Kl'J)py l;Pf'nl :'-11"" \'(-1.1 :lnd \':111'11:1 F]"('dl'1l'K";I'11 nnnn I..: 1lI'''.'-''. ~Ir, and :'Ilrs. A.rrhur

J J I ·fl"u,·'.· ,'"' ''In,'' c'c',',loy 'n ,",',U>; of ~)()IJ.\ ('11.\, \11'_ ,lnd \lr"._ r\ (' Link, ..\lr"'. Gn.ffll..h E,dwa.nb 'Jndga q.s followt·d hy IUIlClll'otl. ,;\1. ' <lnd Mr_..;. ,oy Tue, (£'1' en fir- Board in Sf>s~loD.1 I ., r" ,.., h-- I't;~in'd :II dmner Sundily for Pa- Town hoard tr<.ln"a{'I/,t!i I't)U!inr. el1!v. ' S,dl" ,In,l :\11' ;111'1 \!I''' \\~II 111,- ),11"'-' Sarah, rJ!\\.lnh ~Pf:'nt 1 ('

81 tlday Surprise. t nell'S GUl'Sts wpre Mr. qU,-.;inl'ss ThlJrs(],IY p\'elllOg-. () Tj Chrb!pn<.,pn wpnt to Ml'ad kilmp W('I"f' In 1h(' .IIJhn '-;I'hr;llll l;'\ I'nrng H.t Lmk .~.IS. I). J. Davis was sllrprispd and ,'Mrs. John .Johnson, Mr. and 10 I~l' ..mlJl<lJY.'l'd at th.e ddC'n_q" l)l)n1(' ;rl DI'ld,'1l :-ildJdrtY [or dln- I'fr'_ Ll'(m~rrl SundCihl of ,('a.m. p

T .C:" lay e"\'t.'n,ing last Wf'ek on h~'1' Mrs! \ValtPl' ,Johnson, Mr, land Employf'<tlln Banlt plant. nl'l'. (~!.. and \lr". 1:<Jr-hi t\1l<.lY when a grouJl 01 wonll'n Mrc:, Lawrcn,(' ,Johnson, Mr. and Becausf' of th£' in<rl'a~r', in ~usi- ':'\11'''; A. C Sah" \'isltpd TIlllr,,- :\Tt' anr! \f,,_ ,\. C S;lh,-, anr! ry (lh],'r San ,(Jhl:-.l>0. ("Isp'n <J stwial time WIth hn, MrsL C!<.\-fPnc(' Johnson an~'RO. nesf;, 11lt' C::trrllll C(}()p/\ratl\'f~ 1~,lnk d:IY PI. 'nmg' In tIll' \\'<1yn(> Th(JOl<ls Jnhn ('\·" dln- lind :'Ill"" \lill'J3n \\uckbr \\"l'\'

, morlo . Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Jo son has ~p(,lIrf'd thl' s('r\kr~ of r!.;IJ]'-!l1(lml" . ' fliT gU"'-h III lh, \\·/'.chh()f SunridY aftt'rnonn ',tnd "uppel"p se~.e Birthday. • . andl halln, Mr. and Mrs. W trr m:ln Clark jn ,Iwl p \\." n, 'Serilpnl'r T'WI- C \Vood~ f:lml1y htHI Sun- 1wnw nl'dr \\',I\'tW I'lr T,'eh. <'pi rn the Alfrr'd (I)ok ~lJnw InI ' and Mrs. Elm('r LY(Jn~ antl Fr(>~rl~'k<.,on and Doris- M of in tht' Im'eil l'll"inl's:,,: . d~I\-' dl lTwr ;J1 VITti BaIrd'" n",lr <Inri :'Ilr,-" (;r;rn';tld \\"r~('hhf)f who Th;:ll ,,\-pnll1g Pk SundahlID ro hy, and Frank Ly()n~ h;'Ld Wak/\fIPld, MI'. !lnd Mrs. A ert I\\";::<on{' \\'('1"1' m:lrl'1l'd Thl' hrlde :'>.T.r, (>nd .\Ir> \l,~nln \·~(,lrlr rlnu!

a 't r supper in the Wal'n'n -V./~n, ISlpUbl' (d' Win"idt>. Mr_ and rs. {'orn lIar\,'('~1 1.'roJ.;"rt'....~~.... 1 Th('... lenrY HOkan,".,Jf.<Jn:i1Y ~r)l'.n,t 1;- lh(' fIJrtTIfT Helen \ drm·r of \\ d:<om, \lr. f mrf ~Ir", Ig tt ,home ThursdaY ('\"('nmg jor' lPt>rry Johnson <:lnd sons. Corn' p1cking i..; ptflg1f'('c]c,lni-: :-:lund:l' ;lf1nnn{)n <.II E:d. II()- \II'. find \-Ir"'_ W, H \\':-l~npr anr! Holll."; \\.'dl1am~ and ~rrlr:IL" _~~~ ~__

M~. ,s'I\IW...ingLadtn'dSab;-igCe'brd, ay. Ii mO-R''CFf"g3 much h("ttl'r lhan il flr"t' ,rn- k!arJlp ------,~-----

~tiC'ipatl'd. ilnd many Pun thy nl'y.. I!'1" \\;1." al ;\1. J(JI-

, th£' h.arvpst tillS w(·(·k. . 1:' Ig,'n ... I.n1s. nl'Hl' \VlnS](!t'. Sunddy~s. J, N. L:-mdangC'r's hirlhdtly , larg(' and trw ('orn ()f ('find ljlt<llilj.. l'~I'nlllg

w s ?b~(,l'v('d F,ridHY wlwn 1'\'I'lJltlg I ~ I ::\1rs fkrnard Ihllong es~s In hC'r homt' w('h_' 011' 1:1)111- , I P _.t yt("rian C'hurdl I .. IIN'f' -;~()rn \\'l'~t. Gl'U. \\·;Jckl.'r· ...., Thundny

EflIglish ('lef,:";."; hald II lest on "Tl:tle Ii s pf Chas. Jorg('nslfn and I{uy , . r,es_ ~ . 1 ..' h- C'Pl. Jam/'s Tlfltg('n o[ _~ICf'. Cd_'1of Two Cl1 ll'_'l." ftudpnt:..; are IOQ.k- L' n~ang('r, al.sol Sh~jr()r:m Fuf' ~Un(.I;jY.,s(.hool, :1, \'-(~r~~ t p{e~~.\ arl'lved to \'I_"it hl~ Iin4 for f.l'og.-.; ant toad~ fOl' a stUdy IJ nd and RaC'hpl Snowd(·n. ~, j.\ {nlflg . t r I ,'. t hI" Walte-r of Ull-in ,uiology. i ' __ has charge, til Fridav or thiS ~\"l'/'k

From t"rc~hrnan (~Iass., Ii J-rllkrAAt Club. whl'n tw' 1r~a\'I''i hit' \':1.Algebra ClllSS \" st\ldYin~ division Hljlcrest cluh mel with Mrs. W. Hf' <lnr! j\It'i-'; lrt'nf' :\'I(':,>"I'!"

of I'mononwrls. fhe Engllsh class H Rlees Tuesday w!wn Mrs_ T 1'. folk, W('f(' lf1 tIll' K(,nt1l'lh EddH!is studying 11w hundred spelling R bL~rts and Mrs. h'or Morn" I home SlllunL.lY. \lr~_ .John Da\'L" anddpmtmS:. CIvic:..; ·training class has t e lrsson on "heal1h on tIll' \11,';:"; "I)(!nl Salunl,ry ('wning:l rp\'il'\\' ll 's1, Transportation 'and f nt," this being givcn IW.;1 TI1flt's- ('(lnw for rllrloll~h_ II,ncommuhic<Jlion_-.; anI! topic!'; Jar dlY ~t 11ll' It·tlmrng 111(·,'llng III Pfe'_ Lpnn;lrd Sunr]:<hl o( C"mp, :\1isr In'nf' H1<tck c:<n1(' frnm

1 ' 1'1 Jh I ('uIIKrt'J:;ll.t1unal ('hur('h, St,o.n,e,mHn, Pl1tS.h\ln.~,. C:l:",:"lrrh-('d~'\\"aYn,~ to s".'(',nd Ihp \\,'l'('k-{'lld H.t.I Ul'lPn ~.,;~~~ (;ranuuar.Room.: aye. _ I(R,'v. ('. G. Stn'('ns, pa};tor) Tupq];IY 1:1,,1 \',",,,l'k 1(11' 1.Hby fur- )1!o ~!<l.("k.<;.1- I Pt'dl'ct .~p_ellhlg scores were 0 serve Birthday. I. Pre[lching at :):-1:> <lnd Suntiay lough ITt' If'a\'('s Satflt·day. ; Mi VII'glnl;l Jonp...; of ~orfolk., carnel,l l<l:..;t wl"t.'('k by Dwayne Suhday afternoon ;.md.lllnCh00nj ;It 11):.1.-). Y()ung !Jf'opl(' and Hr" brollwr, Cpl. (ll1ll'r and ~i)('njlll(' \\"('pk-('nd In thl" LI'\l

B M b D m('f't ,It I.:~I) ~ , II Granflt'ld, cIty Jpan a e, oro. g es~s at Wm, swanS(,m'S lor .\1r. WIfe uf San LUIS (JllJ<';po, il <, :Jr- Hobe Is home.thy Hurlbert, Mary Ann OIl'1on, Sanson's birlhday w('n' .'\11'. ,lnd , ri\w:l Friday far F).day f r!ough'l H.f'. Caldwell of LilUrf>l, was aLois Quast, Ina and N~fl!a Shufelt, rs. Olaf Swanson, Mr. Cind l\11'~. :.'\ll',thOdl,lit (h~r('h .. , . !This is tIll' fin,;! 11"1\'1' t~c nWIJ Sund \' ,rlinnpr guv."1 at tht· EdwIn,Veletta SWar1z, DOriS, BowEjrs, Jlj'e:,Smith and W8Idt'n. :\lr, :ll1d (Rt·\·. (. G. Sh'I.'('ns, pa~l()r) Ihi1YP hHd ln a y0'lr. "]')-H1Y '-I"ltjRH'h<;·th home, 'Glenn Loberg, Gpne Repel and l\1el~ n;.' Oscar Swan~on ,lOd t!;l\Jgh- , lU, nd'.IY school at IlJ a.n.d Sl'I'VIC.C tht'ir p8rcnh, Mr_ ,'ltft"! :\H._'i' WllJ. :\1q ,.and :\-lr-.;. \.VJlfOrd Lahn.1ann, Ibu Tuckt·r. t rs :Mr and Mrs Edg-,Ir S\\-an"un ',It 111.,' Sundilhl, ,lnd nth('r" flPrt'. I. IGlflr'll alll.l AJdy('{' \\('re, at }rallk,The 6th grade completed a unit "f "1 ". \VonH'n's :';(lelely mr-l'ls n('xl _ 1.(1)("g'..; Sun.d,!y !

,un Ihe PanHma canal and lakes a H dam, y. W,'<in,'sday wlwn plans rur Ih(' Buar" l'ru"",'dln"'1 (;," "ullman. ",.,'''a .. nli '1."", i' 1('sl Thursday. ()y~1 NelJ;"hbors :\1f'(,t. !)('Cpmhl'r haza'8r and ehll'kli'O pll' Carroll, ~('lJrncll\a (Jf W,rVI1l'. \\'l'rp 11t Ceo W;jekel'"

The tilh English class is_learn- sll.II,PI',".WIli !Je. m, a,.',' ,', '., !'\o\-"rnlwt :)'1 1:1.1.': SUll( a~' ,lllf'rlll)On ILdyal Neighbors \.... (']"(, glll'o.;ls (Jf Ih I' I h " planned I 0 .ing about nuuns, The 71h graders l cl_ -C1UlC SOC. La s '_ 1'11(> board or tnJ$!I'('-'; of thl' \-11- ~Il 's \·era and "\Iiss Va!l'lla~Jrl' gl'tting f1ctjuflintcd with tran- ~~;$~~~~:";:(~~~~~d'~~~~"~~\~'~g;l11:~; for NowlTlber Ilj. r"ach faf\1lly I:'; luge of Carroll )])1'1 III ]"('giJIlar .<,,(,~, Fn'{ 'leks('n were herp from SIOUX

~i1i\'c and intransitive.,verbs. Ieterscn u$,Sisted, ~11~. Nl'ltll'ton ;lskjeu 10 bnng adozt~n salldWj('he~: SlOn on flho\'f' dat,· wllh all Oll'm-I for 1h(' \\"pek-f'nd.The 7th ami 8th graders have a as fl guest. Hed CrosS S('wlng W:.JS E\'~'ryon(' I." In\'l1(>d and no curds bprs pr(,...;pnl Thl' tlll'l'/itlg'1 \\':1," (. Arthur Lage ann John Gri-

.up-it on geometric cunstructlon. istr1ibull'd, Mr~, H. C Hans..'n 1'11- wll] be s('nt ou1. eallpd to order by V (;. S'\('qh('n~. , fami!ks were at Robert Ed-'Design'l' W("'l' m'adl' 'and painted t ,rt*iOS Dect::rr'Jl)('r :'! whl'n a OCALS chaIrman. 1\'1lnu!/'<.; of I;lst mtwtlnf-i . Sunuay afternoon.

'I'uesduy, rhcse have bN.<n -used for CARROLL L rf'ati and approwd, Thl' folltP\\'lIlg :\1 und Mr..;. II. L. !\."('{'ly of1.1 room bonier, hri ·tmas program <~nd pol IrIck ~' Thomas who t('aches bills were n'ad; \'I'm -IUP, were in t ht' Lco Jensen

Buli llampton~- LeRoy Granfield nc e0u..are arrangc(. in PIlger, IS hom£> for two weeks' Oeneral Fund ho Sunda.yafternoon.

~"::~i~;;~;'~~ c~;~"fi"d have been ;;;j:I~:~,:=;;~c aho MC'. :'~:~£y~~;,~:E~~~~~nt~~n<i:';.~~~~ va:U~~'~~d~;Rem,nilon on·S !n51i '''~ ,'~~A'~i~n;,;~: S\~~;yS~:::,~~:~'~han~:'~~\~~~d~~'~~r~~i~'~~ ,~~:! ~~~~~~d¥~~p~'n;'R~~Ug~~~: Burton hom(' at Hartington. ~~~I71~~~~'~'f'E~:~~'edl11gS 112:t,~ <Ind ,~.l~~~I~t~~.l~.\~;~};~:~:dril'kspn

made'in art. Mr, anri Mrs. Fref'man Rouse W. R. Scribner. salaryal1d Wl' Monday evening dmnerLuis Stevens, Rohprl Mahe find ~-----_.._.- -- and son of BurwelL were Satur- expel1s('s guC'·ts at H. L. Bn.dl'mpyer's.

Ch~n Whitnpy' uarned hlgryest onJs sdRg before lunch~on, day gue~ts in the lrven Graves Lyl(' Vnnfosspn, labor he' Pierce Jones famIly, \ lsi led'~r<Jdes In language tests. u~ts weI'C Mrs. N, A. Warth, horne. Wm. Otlf', labor _ Su day in the Ludwifi. Kuhl and

LeRoy Stevens visited Wednes- EvanFOiSen arid Dennis, Mrs. Miss MarjoI!ie and Ml,;s LueHa Lil;h.t l'unll I Ja Dwy('r homes at a~ son, Mrs. Harry Ferris and French \\,pr~' at Clarence Gran- Perry Jar\'is, hHuling 86.1,"3 I ,lrold Morri~ goes to SC'flhner

Perfcct f;!Jf-:lling scores were a' in, Mrs. Otto' Wllgner and quist's ~t1 Waynl', Friday night ",n,d Texley Snll's and ~('n'it'(', thi w('pk to he C'JTIployed on theearnf'd last w('('k by Billie Ahern, a' .Matie, Mrs. Harold SloJ!en- SH.turcltty. y tractor hire l:i50 co structionff a new air port.:r:van Hughl'S, Lois SlOvens, Roger e . Mrs. E. H. Quast,~rs. C G, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Jones and Marln1 Pt.ters, <Jshl'."los rs. Paul roeker, Marlpne andVanFosJ>en, Franklin Black, Daryl t ens, LeRoy and Vera, Mrs. f:mlily <.lnd Irwin Jonps were Sun- ~hing-Il''<; 1.7:3 Do n;{ wpr(' . I Jos£'ph Wurdingcr's

GI;anfield, Bplly James, Harold I n Swartz, and Gary, Mr~. day dmnt'r guP"ts in ttw T. p, Rnb- So.r{'n~pn Radi;.'.I,or &,' \.\'J!lcl- I.t. Randolph sundaY'aftern.o.on.Klingt'l', Mary Lou Stallbaum and d]~baum, Mrs, Jorgpnsf'n, (;('n(' prls hom£'. 109 Co., rf>{J,llr lamp post ]~.()() I,lrry Nelson arnwd from a<;'l)an 'Whitney. nd IDickie, Mrs. Tpxlpy, Mrs, Vir- Mr, and Mrs. Jen,; Chri.<>tensen Fairbank" Mor~c Co, re- M ssachusetts camp to \'15It hls

In Primary Roolu. j) J1talston and Lois and Mr;.;. Ilar- W('!-'(' in Kparney Monday_ Dave pall'S 2.03 WI (' and l1is father, Albert. ;-';elson.PUpils enff'rtamt'd their moth- eli~r. IGriffith look charge of :vIr, Chris· Warren ElectrIC Cn, l;-lmp 11.". and. Mr,;. Ray Kellf'y, Mr.

('hi at a Halloween party Octo- P pHs made a bOI'der decorRtion tt'ns/'n's business, contract 5_U Ia d :\lrs. F. E_ Beye!f'r, Dorothy" bel' ~8 and Wl'H' glad so many at~ o~ Armistice d.a y .~nd als(j' Pil· Mis~ Cleo Mac Da\:i.s was a Sun- H. H. Honey, !':alary 100.00 a d Robert ~pcnt Sunday £it ~ew-

1:~~~~~~~I~~ pl~yed- ,and rl s for~~~~ .__ *~~:~~n~~ml~u~~e~~. ~eTh~~~~ i:~~ ~~:i~~~~'n~a~~~;'ry ~g~;; c ~~~' <lnd Mrs, John Junck. Mr.

family of Wayne, spent the after- Road Fund a d ;'\1rs_ JRY Hin('s of C'okriclgp,noon there. James Shufelt. labor ,,__ 14.40 \\, re <it Chas. Junek's Sunday for

Miss Marguerite Rees r('turm;d Moved by Johnson arid ge¢onded d her schoo'l at Lawton, Ia., Sun~ by Eddie that the bills' be a~lowed Rev. and Mrs. C'. E. Fredricksenday ~flt'r a week's corn husking as read and the clerk instru¢ted to t>rf' .in PieN'f' Tuesday t(.l at .. ('ndvacation. Mr, and Mn>. DaVid ReE's draw warrants for 1.)<Q!mrnt .of a SOCIal confl'rt"'nce With Rt'\. II.and John took her there, same, Roll ('all, 1Ta~tweln, Hilpert.

Mr. and Mrs. lrven Graves and Hughes, Johnson, Jf.t.ldie and The Aug. FrRnzens were atKenneth were at Burwel1 Sunday Steph"ns voting yea; hune Ivoting dolph Dorman's at Waynp. Sun-with Mr. Graves' parents. Mr. and nay, 'l,h1e motion carrill'd, r _~ , ay for ditmer. They call~ In theMrs. W. 0, Graves. Mr. and Mrs. The' clerk presented an {~der of fternoon at ChaoS. Junek's.Mtl'h'in Grav~s, Mr. and M~. Wal- purch,se on the Logqn' prpIJerty, Mrs. Anderson who sta~ at GeD.ter GravC's and Charlene of Bur~ but, nq action was takt'n" I inn's, spent Sunday With Mrs.weH, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Grave.s of -'l1here be~'n.g 110 furth.eIf b~siness hris H.ans.•.n near Wayn~. HerCHambers, were also thete. the meeting adjourned. I other wa.r- th£'H' from BlaIr.

)j:nsign David Garwood. who had W. R. S<1'RlB ER. The families of Herman Thunbeen here last week on fllrJpugh, nl~tl ' VIU<u;e Clerk. nd ''Clifford Parker wefe after~alSO' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rees,~nd

family" W. W. Garwood and Mrs.Lizzie Rees were Tuesday eveningdinner guests last week ,at OUoW1agner's. Ensign Ga~.,whohad beep in New York; left thelast of tJ;ie week for San Frciscowhere he gets assignnWflt fot ac­tive duty,

nl~i~r~:::U~~~E~r:\~~::i;Wayne', to Lincoln saturdJlY. She

j'''1tU'1'ed t~t day 'lfiijj ¥r, andMirs. W. H. Reeli who ho.d pte to

l~e:cfty Th\lrsday III II 'If Mrs,Jl!,es"brotht\ro, Orvlll, NtdCl\arietWheeler Q{ IUnCQln, ;..llll he~~~'ter, 1\Irs. RUlldqtlist, wllQ _ refrom Denver, The W.Yl1e folks ....

tihed un~ S~ 'wiUl Mr.


. .8" silSiter.nd husbaMi: Mr. and=F==¥=====r===:=:::!l: I l'S. E. L. ileox.

·.i., .' i· !

31 Head of Hogs


Thank You


12 Do~n White Ro<'k rutleh - 500 Su..10 Bus.t>18 'Qf I.Qpbbler PotahM'!8

service 3A county assessor.

My sincerc thank~ to thr 'Vclcf'S of Wayn

County for their support In the election.

1Ihall endeavor to justify their ,confiden

in me by giving courteQus and efficie



Farm Machinery . Household

LlIn('h "·a~on un Grounds

2 'j-lf'ar-nJd :\1l1rh emu, I frf'"b or"" othf'M to 'rrjljbf'.daft': ;') .J-yf'ar-old ~lIch ro\\'~, -all frT'!'ib; I 2-yf'ar-old·lJfTf'sh; J IR-m~nlh-old Hf'lfl"r. rrf'.IIoh In Ff'hnmry; I ~

roan l"ihorthorit hull; 14. ht'ad yl"arlinK !'ow(,1"S on ,red5 6-month-old ('ah~!IO; "! hah.,. hull C'ah·("~.

1 BI\)' marf'. tt'n }'P&rs old; 1 hay marl', nlnf' )'f"8n 01mar", fnur ~'I"an old; I hay marf1, thrf'f' l"srs old: I §Q

InlC. thn+ ""Pln"l old; thp la"t h\u aff' l::"l"Ppn hrokf',

.\to; I am 1,,8\'ln( thA fann, [ \\111, '"f'1J lhf' followlnK II IIK"rilM"dprolW'rt)' al IJlIhik am'tlon to thl" hh:"hN'tt hhldf'r at the r. (thf'old Rlakf' plat'f') 3 mJlei'O north nf Rill Chaml"M"n; nmn« latinn;or 611~ mil,.~ north of [)hon; or K mllf'!I ..a.",1 of Laurel n hlj;'h­\\tI}' ~O and I miJe north; or 9 mllf"'i rl\... t of ('olf'rldJ;"E' 0

15 hf'a.f1 of (}urO(' KIII",,- Thf'M' Kilt.. arr lhl" rf'fiult 0

hrf"~lInlit' lind H.rf' lin f"u'f'ptlonall.\"· f1nf' 101 fhnHil:ho"of frwdf'r IIIK". 1 Imrf'brf'rl OurOf' bm.r.

I!)~ Modf'1 0 .John IlN"rf' Trarlor on 1If'\\ f.-I)ly Ftfttlt 8@ tires:Ihl"" lraC'lor IS In pop.rff>d ('ohdlflon John t lor tirepump. Sf't of \\·h('l·1 w('l""hb.•J. n. tnu:lor l'ulth·ator. N .52". D,lrat·lor plo". 10-(1. ,J. D. diM'. 1 is-ft. f'lIhl\UY di!K'.) 4-IeCUonf1f'x1blf' hlumw. :"if'\\' .J. D. :!-rm'r rollul ho('. ,J. D, No. 0'99 complantf'r \\lth SO rod!4 nf "lrl"'. TraC'tflr hih'h ror J. 0 planter.Tractor s\"\f'f'P tn f1t.J. IJ. r\ or B.,l"!-ft. ha:'.. ralf.o M onnkk­D('('rin(, 6-ft. Dt'f>linr (lanC m01\f'r. :"if'\\' ('('ntul")' 10 wheeledf'ultl\'ator. J. D. !'I<pr~adf'r. D~mprt('r !'itat'krr. larlle ; 6-tn.lA":! mill. I ~-in. So. 220 viZ mill" Hh "aeon ~Ievator n .kids,1-&-(1. hay rack. WaK0I'I. "-"h~1 frailer \\ith GOOd6 irft; 4­"'h,'("1 traHflr nith 3O.'(S~l tlre!'O. '.! ulll:0n Imx('~ Roscoe ts huU­fOr. J. 0, rndptl" ~edu. 11-fl. down _cdpr. t5·blL eel hoglrou~hs. '! !'IoPt.l" of harnf"§..~. ont' ~f"1 nf'\\' S<'pt. 1. ~l-b, Brtc&sStratton ("nKint'. PO!'lt drill. 6-10. •..i«;e. 300-lh. sePd ml r. lIud-sari wct>d humer. lIudl'ooP prf'$.o;ure spra.Yf'r. S 50- bamoJs..CadllllW' (f'f'd trailf'r, IOxH~ broo(lpr hou"iIf'.. Simple rooder.2 6-ft. stfi'l chkkrn fet·.(h'r'i._.~o. 12 DeLaval lie" r. Sllp!Ocraper. Sfi'dtr OO\: and fon~. llarroW" rart. Cord ......

iw:I~~::I;'~:t:~i~o;l:~~~~~1~~~-t~~7~~.:::::t~~,.~.: 2 ~~sOn tank heatfor. 6-ft slf"d tank. Sumerous other art


I .~.

Leo· R O'Flaherly, 43, Elgin.OCll.. hf'!Jc\'l's in splling i-l good ex­/impll:. (),Flahprty, chairmi-ln of~clcttJv(' SlT\'ICC board No. l,~I/aived a ;l-A classificatIOn as aImarned man. s('1 his own number

laside, and pl.ans to enlist In thealjrny as a prtvat('.

were S~naay dinner guests in the Leonard DersCt home in ol)ser~ MrS. orris Gu, alson :b TO~1Hans TJet<Y<>D home. W d d f ~~'"

b"- vance of Mrs. crsch's birthday m11 w",re ens ay ,ern......,._Cpl. James Tletgcn came from of ~onday. 'Mr. and Mrs. H~rry vlSitOrl in the A ~oll t'; home.

Rice. Cal., early FrIday morning. Bartels, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Bar. targant Rag rs~ E~; ObergHe has a furlough and is VisIting I I d hid M d M 0;;.'1, d d' gu 1<;1: In thehis parents, Mr. alld M~. Walter ;r;rl ~ct~r Ia~;tdaug~t:~ l~ ~Ym:1un ~~I!J~n he~me 1;).1 r Con~Tietgen, and other relatives here. and, Mrs Marvin Victor and so cord, 1 hOl1Or 0 YV/iln e blrth-

Gail MiIJer left Wayne Satur- JOined the group In the afternoon ay II ~ay morning for his army exam- and f M N P Ch H I Ii ~ f d Ob M

OU~ Tra;-Riirs'in. Fife~ mation in Omaha. He l""'as accom- tPnse~ra~j~~to;J~rgenson S;I~~ garcCt Crtfl~~ ...... ~e ;;trrOt 6 IIJ:~~i' Enable. Man to Sleep , panied to Wayne by Bob Bum- Monday evemng In the Dersch ..... ho allen co lhichOlr arty Slln~

I ham, Don Kuhl, Wayne, and L<:e home 1 th b' An Extra Hour. Tietgen Fnday evening. ~_ -------r------- __ ~1~~~~1]Fu~I~~gonor 0 ~e oys

Rum· _L lh l~' I I b Saturday and Sunday gurst..s In 1\1 rrd \1 JD , d ambersOr~ a ~an a was 00 usy th M I' of"n~"ra fhllrs

r,,) ~,','r onday

I0 preparo fol' the, youngsters this e artin Mad5en home were .rv1r. ,.'" ""

. ear were spi'~ed when manufac- and Mrs. Chas. Mac!:-;en of Fort {VortheastWakefield ld,nn('r~l('sls In Ihe J(' el KIliJ6nl.J d th l'ttl f lk h Dooge, la., Mr. and Mr,<;. ll~lrry I rv Ch b 'h k:

1 c:r: :"'~Il'ha~e ~o~ efo~ ~~e~~ Madsen and son, Martin, of "Slifer. (By Mrs Jewell KllllOn) , ~~('Tll; rre onrl. 1 c('I;:'1('n 0 Ion arm

aking of Ithese is progressing t1e coffee situati~n isn't both,- la .. and Mr. and Mrs. f;verett Rob- I :;'\.11<;s ~.dnCl. () erg Ie t Mondayl\an4s0mely, er n~ ~eorg~ Paris at Hollywood. ins and children of near' ColcTldge. Mrs Stma Johnson \.Vas a Sun' l,<::'nmg for ashmg 11[. DC,

- I In h 1 Ul t· ,l~ h h t Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Madsen and day o\e.rnlght guest In the George I \\ III re sl)e ha<; cepted a (.lO::;ltlon,I A mouse t~ap gives Joe Allbcrt- u al~.i~n,: ~'~el~:~~~I~n~y OafS ~~_ Harry Madsen will leave next week Jensen home. \\ it h th~ go\ ernfnent d lllg CI\ 11lson, Orrick,ll'4o., owner of a small Ife " FIrst cup, 5 cents. Second cup, for California. Mrs. Harry Madsen Helen Oberg \'/as among the I"l!r\lce 'fork a::; 'a scnlO t~PISt.coal mine fl~r. rlanother hour' ,a e hundicd dollars." I I and son, Martm Will remain 10 Sunday dinner gUl'StS In the Fred I :vIr aId i\.lrs Moore L ndahl en-sle~p each tn rning. A string run IWho's Who lamon s udents in Americ~n urilv~r~ltIeR a d colleges for 1942- . to their home at Slifer untJl Chnst~ :\1ueller home !('rtame for D~mald s gl" blrth~

. from an ala;,r clock to the~ous the Pray triplets of Seattle, be publIshed In February. will contain the raJrn s of 8 Wayne State Teach'ers mas Vacation Mr and Mrs Harr) Johnson da.y Sun a) (J~t.s we e !Ylr and. trap, When t~ alann goes 0 f, th C nrad, CI.ement an~. Clarence, 20 College :-;tudents, chosen for the honor On lUte ba. loS of I adership In extra curricular -. ....ere Sunday afternoon \ ISltors m :'o1rs C1M1r1, \\. t1eclcr of Allen, Mr.

Vtr'.'obpra.tT;ohneo,~ra' e,shlrroJWng's' SParin WS.,t'ch y ar sold, reported as a trIO for I adlvltIeK, scholarship, characYef and potential 4folefuln ss to bUSiness and HO(Uety. October Weddtng the Bartling home il.nd ;\lrs, Rulland Cha::;c Ray Ton-a y servIce the last of October. JUniOrs, Hemors and graduate student8 ar~ ¢ll~lblle for electIOn. The Wayne ..... roup A d H \.1r and Mrs Leonard Ohon rdreau

. !that starts1la electrIC pum . B ~ . I I d 15 rl th I h f t:i _ nno.unce ere I..... ere Sunday dlnn('r gueo,b m thc I '.lr ,hll \1, C· ,\Ib"rl $'1"-00I ' - i me ues , senIOr:; an tee llUnlOts. nt Q. rOf row, eft to nght are' Genevieve M CI 1 .~ , ,~ ",·the time ~Jbtrtson and his hel asolinc-pov.;crcd vehicles arc 1 d k P Sh I H k lSS ;:ure Imlm, daughter of Harold Olson home and oaughlr r<.; v,cr(l Sat r as' e\e-

jers arrive, aW:thc water whi h ha b nned from the annlUal homccom- JlJn a ,Renlot', IefCe;. ll' ey ahRen, Remor,. att]~ ree ; ~argle Morgan, ~en- ~r and Mrs J P Tlmlm of Helen and Glenn Johnson v.('rc nJng' \1-;l1f)1" Hi the V I er An~

. seeped in o~e'rinight ha~ been ump In parade at .Terre Haute. Only lOr, "\yaync, ~arJon V~th, senIOr, Waype; Man Tle Gn sc, senIOr, Nickerson; Nor- Sholes Clnd Staff Sgt D C Pattli· Sunnay dlOncr guc"ts In the Ar- d 1* \Y) d M R h. led out of thel mine-and th y ea h rsc-drawn or manpowl\'r propel- rna Gean Tr~ster, scnw:, Altamont, Kan, , Kath yn Sc elly, semol'!, Norfolk; Mary Ir~, Jr., of CUllr;:t~n, AI<I, were mar~ thur Hollman home. I!~r~t;.~n i-l~rT'r hll~~~:; we ~ S~~d:n

'start work:lirr,m_ediatelY. led vehicles aljc alloWed And cost L Beck, senIor, SIOUX CIty. MIddle row; Franc s Ble ek, HenlOr, Pl.amvieMl: Rus- Tied ()~toher :2:2 m Cullman. The Mr. and Mrs. Herm.'in Anderson lafternoO'n callers Y

of each float'is limit¢d t~ $5. . sell McManigal, HenIOr, Orchard; Onn Cu rne, JU lor, 19~n; Dean Jem-lcn, Junior, bnde IS a graduflte nurse and IS WCfe Sunday dmner guests m the . . ..A paCkakC~' labeled ·'p.eristtable' - CblcrIdg-e: Arthur Thomsen, senior, WakefIeld: Bet y Nelson, senIOr, Wayne. sfationed. m Df'n\'er where. the Elmer Nelson home. I C('da~u~LC' IOn mn met

arrived at Tt carmy flymglOho I 1Mayor, Riley of Portland has Back row, Robert Westl?hal, JUnior, Tilden; era g ~Ia wne, selllor, Battle Creek; ~oo~le WF}"~!ldl.,\'e. Sgt. Pattillo 13 at .. ::Ytrs .. George Jensen. 1-1rs. Don-, Ial Laurel Arml~tlcegdRY .forf:a ban.'! at Bainbriq:g , Ga., but th a - ~rtle to the aid of Max Isenstem Lynn Paege, senIor, Wisner; 1Mdo Blech a, Hen] r, Cia kson, ry '- aid Reith called on Mrs. Ed. Tern I quct and program. Walt r'Roberls,I dressec had~'ft the day bef re f I' a has :'iold newspapers at the pie Saturday cvenmg. ! formcr ..,tdte clJm·man cr, v.ashome on fyrl ugh. The bOYSiOUI - S' me spot in' the city for:2:2 years. :Ii'if-~~~~~~~~~~~II Th f II ~ I , I Margar:t attended the I ~p('akerJn't sit idly' y and see som thi g I.enstein IS called mto :'ie.rvlee. He year. .. 0 owmg weI', .. ('('t.. CI...n Magnuson will l('iHi on the Osburn-Wlschhof wedding hcld In

perishable ~1to wa.ste,soth y se I h led to lose hIS localion so lhc CONCORD ~~n~a~ee"Ch;:(:nC~ •.;-;,r~)I~;,td:~~'~' ~':;~~"Of~;:;~,~;c~:~,;yw:;;'v~;c;n,;~ Nor~:'~~Ss~~aR~nefg) iel Wayne Sunday ('\rnmg-.· ,(;f'()r~('.\ \"<Jehle-; - t~lll",d In

, °inegOI~~~~\~s~ ~aTo~~ph~~ hi~~;~~ ~ ~.,at~~~g~~~~:dw~or.savc It,Jor ~lm by Nygr0n and KC'nndth O/son. the same time under the dJrcctlOn da~~lt~~dv:~~. s~()lay I~r/~~n~~~! Pl'nd"r ~undil)t last \":(' k. Ilr ::lnrlvc 4' thl~ mC'f'!{jng Clifforrd Frtdnckso of Mrs. Ivar Anderson and Mrs. . '.) : hi" hrotllO'l" Ih,? 1;;11' Joh \Vachtl'r,

hours later a wire came bacf fro ltd S d h _I \lsltors In the Hprm,in Stolle I' \\('n' R'f.<;()C1i1,.;rj In the hardwareI his mothcr

l.Frank not yet ani _ ,Pains of conscience slruck some Mrs. E, J. Hughes was c ec c . un ays~ 00 trcasu - Voller:'i. Remember to hring the The Paul Dahlgren family spr'nt home

'Ii:> er to serve In pla('{j" M MIss Helc chIldren for the JunJOr Mission Wf'rlnesrlB.y afternoon In S'·oux .\1r.· And .\1~ noh Hall <Ind Enh-, hu,,,,n:,,: f'Jr ~l~~'.:~~~ __, ,I ~r~ ~~~i~IZ ~~~:~:~; ;h~~~'ar ~ hh;:(~:n~e~~deC~.:·tc;V~~(:~~r~)~l~ Il!l~~~~~~~~~~~~ ICarlson Who will he '!caVing. t hand. City. hy of Allrn. W0re S<iturd;lY f'\l'-: ••••• , •••••••••••••••••

79 cents. 1 c~t sharply, numerous customers lhrold Johnson ~pent I' st w k WflS al,..;o c!cclC'!ccl to 'order FI co - Confirmal]()n class meels C\'cry Br'n ann Vr'rrlf'1 Lund drove to nlng \·ISllors In the Morns (;u"taf-I = l~".. ~ L~ I:'J, I - ' c4dkd up the water departmcnt. In the ('has J;Jhn;ufl hO~~ ee r~kt[' FanncJgraph lb be llS(,rj I Saturday a.t ~ :15 p, m SlOUX CIty Monday aftnno(Jn on :-on home • ar~ns I' or a e •

'c ' I ! d'ct 11 'd b . h d Sunday school Hnd JlunJ°r \11s:-'lr The L!-idlr'.s Aid Will m('(~t nrxt husJne~.s. Alhert Peter<; and Paulin£'. :-.rr:-:... -. -,\T LO"' PRIC .S-' ••ou~.sellolr Geo. Ziller is, 10 k- Be sal ley .e In t C next ay Mrs l\d.r Andclson called In the Ibdnd \\ork \\·(,.. k Thursday . I'.

1 ing out fo tiS. cI.ient physictlly as t pay up back bills. Pnoaounl lidnson home Fnday dltcr- Ila'" "rlfare (!Ilh. Hilda LU,'nrlsl·rom. Minni.. C':1rl- Mr. and Mrs. Lnuls Elly and ;,\i:tChCIl andd\llelvlnh wrre Sund<'ly I: J5;;" to ~5% down. alance:well as otht' tse. The eounS

f1 a k- _ " son. Mr~. Lh.. 11 and othf'r members chlldren spent Thursd<lY cvenlOg a 0r~oon an unc f'on gursts lO • Qn easy term. _

I ced that eaU t 1nal be held in an A South Carolina regislrant ask- I Mrs George Vollers and Chdrm 1\11S (.Iofge Cjlsnn of tlw ]){Jrca<.; s(l('iet ' h:1\e chi-l.r ~ at Leo Schultz·s. Ithe r,mil Rogers. home, I: CA,'AS'ACGH - \ AYSE :i elevator-equipped codrt. hou ·e. -Ie efl hiS dra.ft ~)Qard for a d('fctment \J~slted III Uw UJal Ncl::;on hume IM IrtJn (J1.,qn \\el""(' f Ch '1 1 ~ g :vIr. anrl Mrs. C A. Lunohcrg _ ~:r;. F:~_nz. __~.lea~~~Gllst~f~on. _•••••~.~.~•••_~••~••'!'!!

contends that climhlOg th cc h~'callse oj hts "mt('ntJ()n 10 rA<-ir.ry ~Unday., 3 tilr \\'nman's ~l:tna ~l~~O~<-i(~)~(~C~;~, ;~~ r(,~IU'~~~ We're Sunday dlnn.. r guc"ts In the'.flights 'of st~irs Is ~ phYS1C~.1 h z- allH'autiful lillll' girl WJth whom Mrs. (.arfJl'ld Johnson called m Milrtln O]..,o:n hom!.' pbquC'''. g Wtlhur Ppterson hume T. J. HUGHES, A Un.nO'N~E~rd to rei mar of Zlllcr's wt,1gh - I am \'l'ry muc~ In ]0\·('." He's In the Geofge Magnuson h me TUCS-I noon. 1\/1 a 'It ,E,

i 538 pqjlmds.Ii' the army. qay aftprnoon. - ~ ~ ~ ~ __ ~__ . sp~v~~",; Th~~~~~~ L~7~en~;; ~~~~-'1 -: ' MISS lklor('s T('st W:JS a Salur- [A'IL\~" for Cllllfortlia. I'~-~~ ~ JI "" C.,,,,,., "",. UV' 'TDCK ••, ""'" 'ALB

I: After Mrsl Hclt'n Bass, fall 1.\11'S. Betty Johnson, Indianapn- ~ay on:rnl,l.;ht gUl'.'>l In the Anton H.('\·. 1'. I.',f'ilrson Idt Tljf'si!;I} (]f SIIOLES :vrf. <'Inrl :vrr~. Axel Fr(>r1rl.akson CARROLL and w.\\·~t; (l,..\RROI.L PlioS

bloild had d\crghted s Id y,'th liI~, relurn('d from a ~h()ppJng tour Gr;lOqulsl hom( jTllrlO('k (·11 \\"hl'I'I(' Ill' 1\\111 h ~(' I I S 'I ~~E~~~~~~~~E::~~:f:f'~~~!~~~" ','her s'jngin'g,!o~e of i·~C' I~~'- ~x- Ul find Jwr liVing room "~agglng Mr nnd Mrs I riC !'<llson ilnd of fbi' Sl~NII"tJ I IJthrJ In by ~~~,rf'r;.~.U~'(ll~~h;frgt.erhnO~~. guc"t-, In. Ulnc1r'r 4() Illickagcs w('lghing',rlJout f I S d 11 , I I ', claimed, "Thrt dame oughtt b ih dml y sp('nt . un dy e\(nlng 10 I, pin" n H ~(jnl l-I Mr' Mit ;'If I :.rr and Mrs Erne<;! Andf'fsnn ~~ --~--~~

the movIes." Mrs. Bass In pu Jte 70 pounds apie('(' ,II 1/111(" mort' the Georgc Vullers home l'l'ldl month" I'I ln . .,](sen LC'on i-lnrl J0ancttr- s ..... nt Sllnrli-l\:H thana ton. Hl'T<lddrl'ss: 610 Not'lh '''I 1'1 A h I·n 0 SOlife is elfn Traubel ff:! ous NI H r i1n( .n rs rt ur Jolln"on - -- -~~--- ('w'nlng ill AXf'1 Ff('drll1"k.<;nn· ....

rpetropolitnn: star. ' . fj~; <;~~r;:~~~·: l;l~:<l~~r~~tl~~~g.J;~~~ dnd Llmrly sp< nl Sunddy aft( TnlJfJn (;II~hr.llf' Hlrthda, ~-- --~- :'1r<.; Wi-I11;l('(' fllng srwnl Thur,-I s,'y. ;\ truckman rrturned, rclo<1d- In thl' Anld l'lterson homl. 1),1 :',1r dr;I11~1r . ( . .r. \lig-n\l fin V (, :\ll r.lrlrlf n \\0nt tn SIJlJng-1 ;Ift('rnoon v.Jth :'o.1r, :'llnnl{' YEARS

SO hard fl~d a :2-Yr'ar~o!d ~at S,lS Mrs. Frank L;lrson, !\ll"s. (~Ienn • f' \ 111, n I, lind Mrs.. (;unnar .Jf fJr Iii I u( sdlY on llu"Jnf s.... I ano :\lr's Thf'rnn Culton, boy cry thatla. n('C'dle loclg('~ I hiS ~bl~~~~ blanks ancl !leaded a block (;mnquL-..t and haren sl)('nL F1Jlby, 'inti "nrl (·aml. .\lr :Inil ::'11'.. J< (In Lrn(.,t LJlSf n {lllrd S tllJrdlly l'lrCl~ilnt lllli club will nlf'ct

throat was dl..,lodged \vltht!lut an 'In lhe AnIon Cl'ilnrjUl"t home. Pf If'r''lln sono.; "r.d 11.<I\Jn 1(0 In 111(' I'illli (lh'it hOnlc \\Ilh 1\.1r>; ,Joseph En('k"on \\'pd- 81 eX-CITYopetation. : Thr !C)('I)l1onr comnan" <It KllTl' Ml'. and Mr". 11an'cy RasJl'rk \\'('1'(' SIJncby r11 lJan H;I" ... Thursday 1ll'."rl;ly i1.[tl'rnOOIl, :"."(J\emlwr lH. ~ ~~ ~_ __ ~__

! J I' .J and I'i1tnclil WeT(' Sunday rilnrlf'r (}"r~;jr .J()hn~(ln III o\prnrght glw"l In lhe l';lul ()usl :'\Ir. i-Illd .'\1r>; .Josf>ph Enck'ion l ••••••••••••••••••••••••_ •• _ ••••• iir•••••__ ••••_.Jo:e V. GO~fre;radiOlllan,!se(Ond ..ti;~~:I~~l'b~)(~';:~~~:1 ~~~~~I~~~~[)gIil~~~~ guesls In the Ifcnry Iti,.stNI!' !WIlW. h('nnr,th ~)I<.;()n /1r1 !Jllmp IInrl children cllJoycrl Sunday (IJn- : .

I I ' MISS Fktly ('rillt 01 1;1., \\';lllda v.qrr ;I[t{'rnnon \1."11 lie. ~r. ;JnrI :\lr~. (;l."n B\lrnhann !1('r \\'1Ih hf'r fHthrr, C A SHnrlpl1. ••c ass, camej home 10 Sl~ok ne, telePhone numbers, IS gOlng 10 do TI IWash., from the Solomon lisl ndfi .omething about It ilS ~o()n 8S one spent the wl'ek-end \\llh :vII"" 1" (Jcr·;!." on \\;I~ lfl ('1'I&hr;IlI' 11)(' \\f'nl In ()m,,!J:l \\edl1('"day on :vIr anrl Mrs. f\·an .John<;on "nd •

It i;lastl'de 1Il the lknry It;j~!('de bll'llJr!:ly dr \11'''. J',}H1S(.J1J "111'11 I)U~1l1'·~". I WI'f(' Sunrlay dinner guP",ts •with a storY.of a marine W~10 fol'- f ItS executives. can thmk of a fl \\ I Tu ,.,d· }' :\1 I )\ •got the pa.4word. lIe wa~. hal- ,good word beginning WIth til(' 11'\- onH'. '.' I .1. , r ;Inl 11 '. (j'.{'.lr ('drl"on r)f In Joy Tucker home at ('<11-- •

~ . Mr. ,",rid Mr', . '.., I rl" ('rn,ont. \ ISltcd 1\110,. Anna Carl- mil. I••-~- - ters AX. The squaWks arc coming ( 11 1 , , 'I , r I " (I h. . :iI.l f' ;l.IH i~ r"., 11):1l' ( I('\,c· '~~1I1 ":~·a ..:r,~I", 111 fl' . ,.'}un.Sund.-iY., ,:\-lr. and :'>lrs..To;:1 J);lhlgrPn and _

~~~~R~g~~ (~~"t~~~~,~~~r'(':1~1%f'A1~~ .Ir!nd \~(,ll' .':i 10 Jl 1''1. (Ily \l."IlOI'''! .(.H(\,,( \, .c..;\\;j.II.lrk.Jl;j<;t1l1 1 i l'\(H'm,m {!ink \\(,J11 to (arrdll .,OllS Wl'rf' Sunday dll1nl~r gU{'~tsIhursd<J Y.. I' Ill{' .11: 11.1.\ "('l'\W('~ twirl I;l'~t l\1'J1lrl.l;' lIl()rnI rn..: I'.) be crllploy¢d In th{' ;V{nl'ns l't'lcr"{Jn !loml'ln

~?mpHny !wcded th~' AX cornhma- 1'\·t. M;.Jf\lll rn'dlwk"on flf Ll11. Sllnrla.\ J!r;'f)\,'rI 10 lw fI tlJnlP of lor;11 1111111' hank II1('rl' I SIOUX Cily.bon for use on dll-d ·phones. eoln, ,,[wnl S\lIld:l} rl1 lhc iJollle Ilf hlf'''''lnL:: l~illl.whn"jlli'nflf'r1 r-: ;\n-, :'>11-. "nd 1\1r<.; I;HUI ()bst ,lOt! Jl;1- Mr. anrt MN. Ene .J(Jhn."on .1nll

hiS pan'n!.s, :'1r. ilnd Mr.". ,\xel ./ ( Hlllmfll'lrl ~j)()kl' Jr111 "'1,[ sjll'nt TUf'"rlay c\"l'nlllg In t~('l Arlelln Rnd Hlldolph LllndbngF"l'edn('kson. !T1r'",,;\I.':P" \\-lll~ II'ill. 'J\'I' 1',llt11 Skphl'll" 11IJ1TH'. i Wpr0 Sunriay rllnlWl' guP"L-, at

Mr. and :Vlr~, Chit.., ,John."()!l ilnd lTlllo'lnlJ,r (];i 011 l\11 ilnd I\lt". LI'f!r1iJrd :'loc/rp r.... \'1 Dahlgrpn·.e.(ittllily W{'l'(' Sund;Jy .tltl'IIlI)(J!1 \\"1'(' Sunday f'\t'nlng \I'illors 1m Mr. and Mrs l'i1ul f);lhlgTf'nluneh('on glW .... b, lJ1 til,.' (l. I' Lund, tllr' .I(l<' Allnr' hO!llf'. I anrl chJldrcn W0rp Sunrlay <lflf'r-strom hnrlll' :'\lr-.. K('nl}('lh !':dd,{~. ;\1<IrI4I1l' noon !-ind "lIpp.. r guests in 1he I

:vIr. ilnd MI'~. fbdl;lnl ,!lIhll."rlll llJlg Illd !l"IlT1dr (,i!lI,,11 SlJr;dilY 11ll1rn, Dilgrr Pphrson horne. Al J ff '(If Ponca, ~p("nt lil:->t \\('I'k III Ill(' Pr'rJjJh'" nll'vtlll/-:, 7 l<v~flln.t-; ('n, In the' Palll (Jh"t t11.ll1ll'. I Mrs. Ami1.nda Ltndhcrg. 1\1r::;. ex eerylwnw 01 111" piIH'T1ls, Mr. HIHI i\11". H' I ilnd Mr's, Chilrlf}s M:.trSlhll Jess Brownell and Jimmie helpedHoy E .Johnson. 1\11'1'1111;":; \~III b,' 11I'd III i.llHI Lundy W('rt' Sunll;ly stl!~)er IJttlf' Jean.f'tte AnrlcTSon celebrate . J T_IJO.(:AL NEWS Hl'\" I' I'I'i-ll'son and d.WglJtf't'." " ;I( Ill(',on;lg" \·cd· IJ.;l!I'''t'' In the .trw l\II;jl" home. h('r ~nd birthday Thursday i

Mr'. and Mrs. ]·;lmPI' B<'I'gl Ir'fl n.u!11 and Mill', 01 W;lynl·, ;Illrl 11.1' i ;\11''' llrtfOld ThonJp"on of Ifou - Mr. and 1\1rs. Emll MIl!0r spr'nt I '·i·.·.·.·.'·.·i·.· ·.·.-·.'~.·.·.·.~.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.'.·.·IIIi·ii·ii·i ·•·•·•·ISun~a¥ for a In[l through MpxJ('o. zl'l NyglTn \\('rf' ,<";unrlay dlrHH'1 i!n~ lt1\·itf'd I ill, ((1)1, T('x<-i~ ...... <1." ;t \\·('rfnl' .... (li-lY h'e- Frlrlrl.Y r'velling With ~1r anr! Mrs II

i Mis~ B('ul.ah Bornhofl was home guc..,ts JlI the h,II' Andcr"OIl hon1l'. I tf'nd tJlf'~f' .>;,'r\·I(TS 111 .>;l'(·n." ilS I glJe.~1 In the L. E. ('nlpy hdme. \\'. J. Johnson who lrft SiJ1Urrli-l.Yfrom Meadow Grove for lhc wcck- Mrs. Ed. Allr'll. Mrs C('org(' (>1- though \VI' nf'\I'J' ilprJr~'('la!C thPI Nadme Billrr! <lnd ~llss for Glcnwood, Iowa. to ~penrl theend. !'on and Mrs.llar\!('y Ra.sledc,and prJ\·II,'J..:l's we hi-l.vr unll! thC' arci-"Iaflon ,In Burnh::lm ;lttl'nde1 gas \\:lnter. , ,

~r.s., H. E. R,adaker of wi.sner,1 Patty VIs/led "choul where MISS takl'n <'IWay from us. Lc~ us a tcnd. ratlOnmg mcet.lOg '-1t Wayne Sat.ur'l Mr. an.d Mrs (Ia:.pncc \\. ollerspent Friday with Mrs. Mae Phyl.lls Allen teaches ncar church as oftpn as po~sjble as long day. and Robert were r ~Iday :\('nlOgYoung. '"I dolph. as we have the Ilb('l-ty Ito do '0. Mr. and Mrs. !larry Samlllc!Qm h.u('sts at Wilhur Glpchl S findMr~~ Forre:~t In'gwersen and Mr. and Mrs. Gcorg~ AndC'fson and famdy W('T!' gu~~(S Ir thc sun~a~ .supper gucsts at Ul"renCe

daughter, Judy, kft Sunday for and Mr. and Mrs. Albin Peterson Com'ordla Lllthf'ran ,Chur .John Lenzen horne sund1C\,C- Ut('( I1t s. _" 'Inglewood, Cal., where Mr. Ing- an~ sons .were Sunday aftt'rnoon (Rev. 'Wm. T. Chell,: pasto) nmg. Mr. 'Inri Mrs K:nnpth Slutzwersen went about a month ago to VISitOrs In the C. J. l'elerson SlImii-l),\ school anrl B~hle cltss('s Mr. and Mrs. AIlJ('rt Nels n and Hn~' (':lllrlfPn wpre SunrlllY rll)~~:r

be employed. home, ml'('1 PVPt"Y Sunday at ~O il. n. Let chJldn'n of WISntT, wert' .' nday gill "I.-.. of i'.lr Rnd :v1rs. (~ar

Pvt. Dirk LuC'ders, who IS sla~ Mr. and Mrs. Glcnn Ma,l.;nuson us all a~{('nd j-illnrlay Schoo and rllOn('r guests In the Ray f'J{'l.son BloomqUist Ho~ h fRmtlll'" "~nt Itione~ al tpc Lincoln air base, and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wal- '2 rin g th(l dllltlr1f'n. <Ililssl's for horne. ~ the_ {'\'l'nlng at ! Hul ~)'n ~ I

I spent Friday here in the Chns d~) Johnson and son \\'('I'e Sunday ('wryagG. Mr. lind Mrl' .. Lcster' noddnstf'dl . :,llon Mlllc.r aoci ~J~~('s HypsC'Luede'r~ home. He returned Satur- dmner guestii in the Th~".. E:Wlll SundHY morning wo~shlp 1111 and ~(ms of \Vm~Ie!l' were Sunday "(nt In. Omaha rrldHy Hnd tp

I day morning home. TIll' gC'nd"i-\!lh('ml' for thiS S day \'Lsllors III the V. G. Mcfadden Lincoln SalunjH~' 10 a1tcnd thr- I. A gtroup of ElapHst women m('('f I Mrs. Roy E..Johnson. rs. Rich~ is "Tho Uif<' Thal Np\'et Dirs.· 'TIl(' homp. foolhal.r gam{'. fh0Y. ~x[X'r1~~cf'('j

Iwith Mrs'. A. D. LtI!wis this Thurs~ ard John.son, Mrs. Waldo John~on junior chOir willi: Sing : by slcel<l.I Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Colty and their flr~t blackout v.hl1c In ma-day tl/) pack cookies and c'lndy for land son callpd Jll til{' (' J. I'l'!t'I·- arrangr'ni<'nl. "F'¢lr Gotl So vpd children wen.' \\'pdnesnav supper ha.. I d

r BaptiSt boys. in sCt~vice w'ho ha\(' ,s~n and G. O. Johnson hornes Fri- IIw \\'orl(l " Welqorne lo nur gUl'SIs in the Hdl Wylie· home In a~rs. a~·mtt~0MI~~~rg~ttc~~:~ror:

!'1~ii~iiiiiiii;liiiinjotiPieiviioiUiiSliy.ibieien~sciinii'.ibioiXi"i··.ldaYafternoon. I('I'S. Let Us all camp anrl he c honor of Mrs. llarold Thompson of p y. S' r'Mr. and Mrs. An!on Granquist cd by the blessings of dur ins llouston, Texas. h~me Sun~a~ arl('r~oo(~I~:(': ::~~and Dons, MISs Delores 1'('st and worship s#icd. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Tlclgcn and ..... ('H for .Irs. Rlr hMr. and Mrs. Blaine Gettman Hnd v..'omHn's MlsslOnary, ....ocil,t snn. Larry, of Spnngfleld. and Mr. !ra\'e.s for California 10 t e n('ar

son wcre S~nday dmner gue~ts In mc-cl. Saturday at L J. m. and Mrs. Emtl TiC'tgen of ('arroll, fU~~~e'and :'\frs krcrl Church from

~:y~~ A. Straight home west of SIOUX City. and Ih01r granddaugh-

Mrs.' I\'ar Anderson was in tpr. MISS SU.<;IC LIbby fron: Rlt-Wayne Thursday afternoon for h('r chiC. Mont. \'Isltcd ~d th: ?,.rnest

fat~er, Rev. I~. P('3Non's ~irlhdAY. ~(7~~e~n~~m~~~~~VSf~)lr~~~;nafter-Re\,. and Mrs'J Wm. T. (h('ll and Mr and Mrs. Throron CultonSamuel called !.'n the Pearson home drove to Lincoln SatllrdFl}' pV('-

Thursday eve~mg, . nmg to \'ISlt Ml·.s Culton'<; npph,Sunday dinner guest.s In the Carl 0WS MC'!\'ln Rnrl Cen("' Sah" Sun-


I Gu~narson home 'were Mr, and dRY' thl'Y \ISltprl <It tho Hoyrl!VII'S, Harold Gunnarson and fa.m- Rohrer hom(' In ()mahH Hnd callNl

: IJy, Mr. .and Mrs. Tee! Gu~narson on other rebdl\.C'sI and faf!llly, Mr. an~ Mrs. Clarence :\'fr ann Mr". Ruo;spl Schw<lrtl

DahlqUis.t. and family and Mr. and ) ann Russpll L.9.rry of Wor];lnd.1 Mrs. Albm ea.rIson. : I Wyo., Mr. Rne! M~ Emil Mdl('rJ Sunday dmnor and supper • ann Elton WC'rC Thursday <;UPPC'I'guests In the Wymore Wllllm : guests In the Mrs. Minnie MlIler

home were: Mr. and l\!.I rs. II. K I:"VEDYB~DY LI ES MEAT AND EVERY •• home Mr.s. Schwarlz will hC' rc-Johnson and daugh~er of Maskell, ~.~ " • I • memher('d flS MISS VlOlf't RJ s.<.;C' lie.Misses Emmalyn and Harriet Mc- BODY NE DS M AT FOR HEALTH. . . : Mr Rnd :'v1rs. Lt'lann JflcohsKinley of Ponca, Evelyn and LotUs ".HOP AT, OUR A.RKET FOR QUALITY!: • "nrl ,leery Lee of S,oux C,ly, were.Christoph{\l'Son of AlLen, Margaret r ., Tuesday dtnnpr guests lO theRodgers and Edna Oberg of Wake, MEATS Nr ECO OMICAL PRICES, : Clacence Wolter homr All werefield, and Geneva Nygren. ! I i I : !'upper guests in the Elmer FIsher_I home at Carroll. The' .Jacohs

Christmas Tq,bleau Froze, Fru ts and Vegetables • i~:n;;,:~ o:~bl;a~;e~oe Cahfomia

Will Be ('resented Me. and Mrs. Laweence BlattedSunday school t~a'chers of the anti Randall. Mr."::lnd Mrs. VirgIl

Concordia Lutheran church m€'t Orde Early for Prompt Delivery Eckb<-rg and children w("re Sun-last Sunday e'ien~ng-tomake plans day dmner guests in the Lawrencefor the 'c"ildr'en~s Ic~rlstmas pro- I i Blattert home In the afternoongrat;n. A tableau thriS~aS pro. all visited at th(' Vincent Vaught

I gram e~UtJed !fth, !Ch st ~hiltt" IC I I M k home at Norfolk, 1I1so at the H. ~1::~~S:n-U~~::=~f~:':~)'..::J:::/::;0.i ML..OI..., :~::~ec:~:~."h ~l :sn J~rJt: I,en~r are ~it~~u;~~~:~ra~~m;~:~~~a:'~: .'11 err .. ce I son Berg of the,AgWllanosyn't" trr are v;siting. Mr. Fuhrman IS CHAS..... BLA ,,'4to' N b I' This program Wantthe ,most to, rfbr ~ 1 31

n"1 . "ationed in Utah. 15 F ..... Jarvl... Aurtloneer, r.:t:u....y Nat" BaDk,' ..~~~_...."':::~_~H~+--Jo.-t'_ .........;,_.;...·_y-+-e_._..e_.~,~1.'=:;:, /:~t~co k~~t ~~ t~ .' • ='r' ,!_' ••••~_ ••~_••__• ••_~:~:••_ wer.::·s~~;ili~e~e~r:sts~rtthe11--!IIII I11.. .......B

I . ~ . I~ ,I ,I I, I' I·, : I !
