
Follow these instructions to become a peoples saver!

Have you been in a situation were you had to take care of a really injured person, and you didn't know what to do. We'll your in luck. I will teach you the six easy steps to save someone's live. After this you will be a peoples saver!! Yay.

DANGERFirst you need to check for danger, around or near the casualty so you don't trip and fall on the casualty. If it is this big do NOT remove it. But if it is this big go a head and move it

Respond Next you need to check for response. To check for response you want to squeeze his shoulder, and shout his name. If the casualty stilldoes not respond try his ear. If the casualty does not respond its time to go to the next step.

Send for helpTo send for help you need to first put the casualty in the recovery position like this e.g below. Once you've done that then you can call some one to help.

Air way For air way you need to check in their mouth for any blockage if you don't they might be in great danger of dying look in the air way because there might be something stuck. Like gum or vomit. If There is some thing blocking the air way tilt the casualty in the recovery position like this pick on the left.

Breathing Now to check the breathing look at the casualties stomach. If it is going up, and down if it is it looks like the casualty is breathing.

Circulation Now you need to do circulation you need to lift the chin up so it is facing the sky, and put your chek over his mouth just to do a mother check. Now I think you are a people's saver!!!

If you want to see some thing not to do click on Mr Bean