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Awaran Earthquake Update

Awaran Earthquake Update – Construction of HF’s Seismic-Resistant Zero/Low Carbon Footprint Shelters

On evening of 19th December 2013, Heritage Foundation team lead by Naheem Shah Project Coordinator Hu-manitarian Assistance and Ar. Waseem arrived in Awaran to begin construction of prototype seismic-resistant shelters. The preparatory initiative has been provided support by Swiss Development Corporation (SDC). The team comprises several masons and carpenters who carried with them sufficient material including prefabri-cated multiple bamboo KaravanJoists in order to complete 10 prototype shelters immediately. The assignment is to gauge the difficulties on site and to work out ways to deal with field challenges. A review will take place at the completion of the assignment by the end of December 2013 and a strategy for implementation will be devel-oped. It is expected that with the experience gained, a speedy program will be developed and a training program for implementing organizations, artisans and professional architects and engineers will be taken up by Heritage Foundation for scaling up the program on the same lines as has been carried out for IOM in Sindh.

Work is in progress on the shelters for vulnerable group e.g. widows/female head of household, orphans un-der 15 years of age, elderly over 60 years of age, disabled, or those belonging to low poverty level. Although the assignment was to build 10 shelters, however, in view of the extreme conditions, 12 persons belonging to the vulnerable group are being provided shelters: Bibi Malok, Ghulam Faruque, Bashir Ahmed, Hameed, Abdullah, Dost Muhammad, Durs w/o Hussain, Khair bibi w/o Usman, Muhammad Bux, Nawaz, Bibi Hanifa w/o Khuda Bux and Nawaz s/o Abdullah are being provided shelters immediately. Another 8 families have begun excava-tions and they will also be provided assistance in getting roofs over their heads.

This is the first seismic-resistant shelter program undertaken for reconstruction in Awaran and is in conformity with HF’s resolve to keep Pakistan in the lead for zero-carbon footprint shelter program in the World.

Since HF’s seismic-resistant shelters can be built speedily, and are permanent in nature, it is no longer necessary to provide transitional shelters or temporary arrangements. Work on the first shelter was initiated on 22nd and was completed by 27th including mobilization of the households, retrieving soil and mud bricks from collapsed houses etc. Work on other shelters is also in progress and other shelters in hand are expected to be completed by the middle of January 2014.

The construction is based on the use of unfired clay bricks, available in abundance in the form of earth as well as mud bricks from the debris. The walls have been constructed according to laid down procedure to achieve seismic resistance, which consists of strengthening corners with insertion of bamboo splints and placement of bamboo lattice in the corners as well as along internal and external surfaces of all walls. The use of light prefab-ricated multiple bamboo KaravanJoists and slaked lime in drums that were prepared in HF’s base-camp in HF’s Eco-Village Sindh, Tando Allahyar, has helped in speedy construction in spite of the setting in of cold weather.

The community has been remarkable in its cooperation and hospitality provided to our teams and in under-standing the guidelines necessary to build safe abodes. The interest of DFID Shelter Advisor, Mr. Magnus Wolfe-Murray in seismic-resistant vernacular shelter construction, and assistance provided by HANDS at their Awaran camp is appreciated.


31st Dec 2013

Destruction caused by Awaran Earthquake.

Woman collecting material from the debris for re-use.View of devastated area where HF is constructing prototype shelters.

People living in make-shift shelters post-earthquake.

Naheem Shah surveying the collapsed structures in Awaran. Collapse of RSJ girders is among the causes of destruction and casalties during earthquake.

HF team completing the layout to begin excavation.HF team removing debris to start construction of HF’s Seismic-Resistant Zero/Low Carbon Footprint Shelters.

Corner lattice for Seismic resistant structure is placed at plinth, sill, lintol and ring beam levels.

Family members participating with the HF team for speedy comple-tion of their shelter unit.

Incorporating traditional bukhari (fireplace/chimney) in wall construction.

First seismic-resistant vernacular shelter built in Awaran. The methodology allows retrofit-ting and stabilization of existing walls, and re-use of mud brick.

HF team artisan and beneficiary constructing the layered mud and lime plinth.
