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Leadership Strategies and ToolsA Webinar Presented by NYS ARTS Craig Dreeszen, Ph.D., 2009

This program is made possible with support from National Endowment for the Arts, American Express Foundation and the New York State Council on the Arts, a State Agency

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Your instructor, Dr. Craig Dreeszen

Leadership experience President of boards Chair of committees Directed university department Leads consulting teams Facilitates community task forces Father of an independent-minded


Education M.ED. Organizational

Development Ph.D. Regional Planning

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“Leadership is much more an art, a belief, a condition of the heart, than a set of things to do.

The visible signs of artful leadership are expressed, ultimately, in its practice.”

Max DePree , Leadership is an Art

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In this session we will:

Consider the changing context of leadership

Explore how we learn about leadership

Start to discuss prevailing leadership theories

Identify leaders, mentors, books

We hope you will: Keep a journal of your

notes and observations Reflect on your

experience with leadership

Post reflections on our blog

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• Do you have leadership experience?

• Do you have a formal leadership role?

• Are you part of an organization?• Is your organization in

crisis?• Will your organization face

leadership transition?

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Please introduce yourself

Why are you interested in leadership?

Your instructor imagines an attentive group of adult learners.

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Here’s some of what I hope you may learn from this webinar.

Learn principles of effective leadership

Examine the basis of your own leadership

Make a plan to enhance your own leadership effectiveness

What do you hope to learn?

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Nearly everyone experiences leadership, but leadership itself is elusive.

“Leadership is like beauty; it's hard to define, but you know it when you see it.” Warren Bennis

Leadership is enigmatic and arts leadership is even more so.

“The only real training for leadership is leadership.” Anthony Jay

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Leadership theories come and go Each offers

wisdom But, no magic

bullet No perfect

theory No single path to


We’ll consider many theories and suggest how you might learn

Then you may decide what you wish to learn and how to improve your own leadership

“Leadership cannot really be taught. It can only be learned.” Harold S. Geneen

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Observe leaders

Follow leaders & mentors



Reflective practice

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What leaders do you admire? In your organization

or community? From news coverage? Mythic heroes?

What have you learned from them?

The Dalai Lama

“Patience…a resolute response against adversity stemming from a settled temperament unperturbed by either external or

internal disturbance.” H.H. The Dali Lama

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Think of a leader you have willingly followed What about the leader

inspired you? How does this person’s

leadership compare with your own?

What can you learn?

Think of a leader you could not follow What went wrong? What can you learn?

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We’ll consider a few texts and online resources

Courses and workshops

Self-assessment instruments

Independent study

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Study of leadership is incomplete without consideration of followers

A leader, by definition, has followers

“The only test of leadership is that somebody follows.” Robert K. Greenleaf

“He who thinketh he leadeth and hath no one following him is only taking a walk.” Anonymous

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Bob Terry analyzed leadership literature and summarized six schools of thought. From Terry I first learned formal leadership theory, and this strongly influenced my thinking on leadership.

Terry’s Arts Leadership Institute influenced a generation of arts leaders.

Leadership: From Skills to Authentic Engagement, Arts Leadership Institute, University of Minnesota (1989)

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“Exclusive theories say that leaders are born, not made and define inherent characteristics…”

“Inclusive theories believe that everyone can be leaders by developing their strengths, minimizing weaknesses,…finding opportunities…”

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Informal theories, such as…small group process, hold that leadership is dynamic and flows from one person to another…

Formal: Hersey and Blanchard, Situational Leadership…match leadership styles to followers’ needs in each situation

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Position theory concentrates on the head of bureaucratic organizations

Organic theory proposes that leadership emerges as a function of the organization’s changing environment – differs during growth, retrenchment, etc.

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Content theory promotes a leader as a futurist who predicts/defines the future based on trends

Process theory defines a leader as one who can be creative, inspire, and communicate about the future

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“Power over” theories focus on building influence and support to make something happen

“Power with” theories – empower followers, using participatory management, community building as a collective effort

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Intrinsic theory suggests that leadership is inherently ethical, its opposite is tyranny

Extrinsic theory suggests that real leadership is rooted in integrity

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“All views have merit and leadership requires:

Knowledge of self and others (trait) Sensitivity to shifting contexts (situational) Organizational astuteness (organizational) Political savvy (power) Clear sense of direction and innovation (vision) Ethical clarity and commitment (ethical)”

Yet leadership is more than the sum of the six theories:

“Leadership is the courage to bring forth and let come forth authentic action in the commons.”

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Which of these ways of framing leadership seem helpful to you?

Can an understanding of leadership theory improve practice?

Questions? Observations?

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We explore more leadership principles. We consider differing leadership contexts:

with and without formal roles, in organizations, in partnerships, in communities.

We discuss leaderless organizations bad leadership.

You may self-assess your leadership.

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Recall a situation in which your leadership was effective or you were confident in your leadership. What can you observe about

your approach, skill, situation, relationship with followers?

Recall a contrasting situation. What differs from your

successful and unsuccessful leadership?

What does this teach you about leadership? Post an observation on our blog.
