Page 1: Australopithecus By Jade Brown. Australopithecus remains were first found in1928 by Professor Raymond Dart


By Jade Brown

Page 2: Australopithecus By Jade Brown. Australopithecus remains were first found in1928 by Professor Raymond Dart

Australopithecus remains were first found in1928 by

Professor Raymond Dart.

Page 3: Australopithecus By Jade Brown. Australopithecus remains were first found in1928 by Professor Raymond Dart

The remains were found in a limestone

quarry in Tuang,South


Page 4: Australopithecus By Jade Brown. Australopithecus remains were first found in1928 by Professor Raymond Dart

Professor Dart discovered the skull of a child.

Page 5: Australopithecus By Jade Brown. Australopithecus remains were first found in1928 by Professor Raymond Dart

Professor Dart called the find

Australopithecus Africanus

Page 6: Australopithecus By Jade Brown. Australopithecus remains were first found in1928 by Professor Raymond Dart

Australopithecus Africanus means ‘Southern Ape of


Page 7: Australopithecus By Jade Brown. Australopithecus remains were first found in1928 by Professor Raymond Dart

Austalopitecus made tools simple tools.

Page 8: Australopithecus By Jade Brown. Australopithecus remains were first found in1928 by Professor Raymond Dart

Are there any Questions?

Page 9: Australopithecus By Jade Brown. Australopithecus remains were first found in1928 by Professor Raymond Dart

1.) In what year were the first remains of Australopithecus found?

a.) 1908b.) 1918c.) 1928d.) 1938

Page 10: Australopithecus By Jade Brown. Australopithecus remains were first found in1928 by Professor Raymond Dart

2.) Who was the person who found Australopithecus?

a.) Professor Patrick Markvart

b.) Professor Raymond Checkers

c.) Professor Erwin Corey

d.) Professor Raymond Dart

Page 11: Australopithecus By Jade Brown. Australopithecus remains were first found in1928 by Professor Raymond Dart

3.) In what country were the first remains found?

a.) North Americab.) Somaliac.) South Americad.) South Africa

Page 12: Australopithecus By Jade Brown. Australopithecus remains were first found in1928 by Professor Raymond Dart

4.) On what continent is the country of South Africa located?

a.) Asiab.) Australiac.) Austriad.) Africa

Page 13: Australopithecus By Jade Brown. Australopithecus remains were first found in1928 by Professor Raymond Dart

5.) What part of Australopithecus did Professor Dart find first?

a.) Kneeb.) Skullc.) Legd.) Rib Cage

Page 14: Australopithecus By Jade Brown. Australopithecus remains were first found in1928 by Professor Raymond Dart

6.)What did Professor Dart call his find?

a.) Australopithecus Africanusb.) North Americanus Extinctusc.) Austriapithecus Mexicanusd.) Asiapithecus Idontknowus

Page 15: Australopithecus By Jade Brown. Australopithecus remains were first found in1928 by Professor Raymond Dart

7.) What does “Australopithecus Africanus” mean?

a.) Southern Ape of Alabamab.) Southern Ape of Asiac.) Southern Ape of Africad.) Southern Ape of Australia

Page 16: Australopithecus By Jade Brown. Australopithecus remains were first found in1928 by Professor Raymond Dart

8.) What two type of items did Australopithecus make simple tools

out of?

a.) Metalb.) Rocksc.) Fishd.) Sticks
