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AUSTRALIAC l a s s 8 A


The content:

• Life in a big city (Sidney, Canberra and


• Life on a cattle station

• Ayers Rock and The Great Barrier Reef

• Geography and climate 

• Food, sports and culture

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CULTUREAustralian Culture**********************Traditional music

We all know this song who calls ”Waltzing Matilda” A popular folksong in Australia. Written by Andrew ‘Banjo’ Paterson. The most people thought that this song was a song of freedom.,r:0,s:0,i:77&tx=139&ty=53

AC/DC is a rock band from the capital of Australia, Sydney. ”Back in Black, Highway to Hell, Hells Bell.. and so on” These songs are very popular songs, who AC/DC has create. AC/DC means ”Alternate current/direct current” In sweden we call it ”Växelström/Likström” The australian people called AC/DC for Acca/dacca. I don’t actually really know why they call them that. But it must be a reason behind it.Alexandra

Traditional art

Australian indigenous(Australian Aboriginal) art is the oldest traditional living art in the whole world. Rock carvings, body painting and ground designs (included in the art) is art who are made by the indigenous people of Australia. In the Aboriginal life, art has always been a very.. very important thing. Some of this rock shelters paintings is over 20,000 years old, which means that they’re very old! Alexandra

Famous movie star in australia(Actors)




One of the most famous actors in Australia is Nicole Kidman. She has been in a lot of movies like: Australia, Batman Forever, Eyes wide shut and so on. Here is a link where you can look what the movies are about





Hugh Jackman is famous in Australia for de movies he has done. Hugh was in the movie Australia too and X-men and many more. But he is also kind of

famous for his musical talents, like ”the boy from OZ” and here in this video link you can see that one:



Kym Johnson is a ballroom dancer, model and telivision preformer. She lives in Sydney, Australia. In 2004 to 2005 she danced in ”dancing with the stars” But know 2012 she is placed in Calefornia for ”dancing with the stars” she has been in . Kym is also dancing in the film ”strictly ballroom”

When Robbie Kmetoni was 18 year old he fought hard to win ”so you think you can dance”. He was the only boy around his friends that was interested in dance. Sometimes he thought about giving up and go back to soccer. But he didn't. Robbie was the winner of the last season of So you think you can dance 21 april 2010 in Australian. He proved that you never should give up on your dream.


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What type of sport activities is popular here?

Some of the sports inMelbourne are: Soccer, Australian football, Rugby and cricket.

Life in MelbourneWhere is the city?

The city Melbourne is down in the south inthe coast above the island Tasmania.

How many people live in Melbourne?

Research have said that it lives about 8 million people in Melbourne 2012

What do most of the people in Melbourne work with?

Like other big cities there are many working places to choose from here.

What climate has the city?

In Melbourne it the weather changes a lot. If you are visiting Melbourne I recommend to take an umbrella because all of a sudden it can start raining. In the summer it can be hot. It can be up to 25°C. In Autumn

its similar to the summer because it can be 20°. In winter it’s Not as warm but still warm. It can be up to 14°C. In Spring it can be really hot too. It can be 20°C.

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M E L B O U R N EWhat kind of events and

festivals can you attend?

Australia's largest keel boat regatta is Festival of Sails. The first held in 1844. It's also the oldest sporting event in Victoria. The event make up to 450 yachts and over 4,500 competitors, with thousands of spectators coming to enjoy the festivals.

What is it like to live in this city?

Melbourne is according to a study is the world’s best city to live in. It has very good stability, healthcare, culture & environment, education and infrastructure

Interesting facts

48% who lives there is under 35 years old.

There are many dogs in Melbourne. Every day 90 tons of dog poo is picked up from the streets.

Untill 1966 in melbourne closed the pubs at 6.00

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What climate has canberra

canberra has 4 season of year summer is hot and dry and winter is cold with a thick mist sometimes it can come a little snow.

What to do ?

if you don’t know what to do incanberra you can always visit this places

-Animal attractions -Art galleries-Fun attractions -Historic buildings-Museums

-Park and gardens wkipedia,,

Life in CanberraWhere in Australia is the city

The city Canberra is 150 km from Australian’s East Coast

Canberra is in the state New South Wales

How many people live here

2008 had canberra 345 257 locals the city has a local population on 428 locals per square kilometre

What do the most people work white

The most people in canberra works whit it network and Registered nurse

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Sydney Opera houseLifestyle in Sydney:Sidney has a warm climate and

there are many, many things to

do. For example: arts/culture,

shopping, events, beaches etc.

In Sidney you also find good

education, high levels of

safety and health care.

What kind of attractions are there?

You can find a very famous

opera house/building with a

special design in Sydney. You

can see theatres, operas and

concerts in there.

You can also visit Bondi Beach,

if you want some time to relax

and take a bath.

Links: http://




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• What climate has the city?

Sydney have warm summers an cool winters. the warmest month is january and the coldest is july. In january the temperature is about 26 celsius. In july is the temperature about 16 celsius. • What kind of events and festivals can you attend?

Every year sydney have a festivals with many events.the festival is january 5-27 2013

• What types of sports activities are popular here?

Base boll is a very popular sport in sydney. Links:


Where in Australia is the city?

Sidney is on the east coast in New South Wales. it is 15963 km between

Stockholm and Sidney. it takes at least 23 hours to fly from Arlanda to sidney

• How many people live here?

4.5 miljoner people live in the city. more than 190 nationalities live here

• What do most people in this city work with?

Most of the jobs in Sidney are like the jobs in other big cities..



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A special animal in Australia is the kangaroo. You may have seen them in some movie, book or maybe at a zoo.

Another special animal is the platypus. It looks very strange with a body like a beaver, a tail like an otter and a beak just like a duck. The platypus can swin, but it has its eyes open. It seeks its quarry at the bottom of the rivers with its beak.An animal they also have is the dangerous crocodiles. The Movie ”Crocodile DunDee” is set here.

Australia is the lowest continent in the world. Most of the land is at least 180 meters over the ocean. Three huge oceans surround the continent, the Indian Ocean, the Antarctic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.

Australian Geography

There are 22 620 600 people in Australian and it’s one of the smallest continents. Because of the desert climate, not many people live here.

Australia has got some lakes too. The biggest of them is lake Eyre.

Australia has got wet and dry periods instead of summer, winter, autumn and spring. When it’s the dry period, some lakes become white because there’s so much salt in them. During this period, some lakes don’t have any water at all. One of the lakes that always has got water is called Murray. It’s about 1700 km long.

A mountain range in the north of Australia is called the Australian Alps. It’s pretty much like the Lappland Alps in Sweden. They also got a mountain in the south that is their highest mountain and it’s called ”Mount Kosciusk”. This mountain is about 2000 meters high and has got snow on the top all the year around.

Australian ClimateIn Australia there are many sorts of climates because Australia is a huge country. In some parts of Australia there is hot all the year round and in some parts there is climate like it is in the south part of Sweden. The most part of the country is desert climate and dry but there are a few more climates, tropical, subtropical and temperate climate. In the north part there is tropical climate. In the middle of Australia there is a big area of desert climate. Around the desert climate is the dry area. To the left and the right of the dry area there is subtropical climate. In the east of the south there is temperate climate.

In the tropical climate there is hot, it depend on that the equator is so near. The earth axis bend make the sun shining right on the equator and till the tropic. The temperature is about thirty degrees. If you want to visit a country where it is tropical climate you should go there in may, june, july, august, september or october. If you don’t like rain you shouldn’t visit the country in december or february.

In the desert climate is it also hot. A normal summer day can the temperature reach forty degrees. It is very dry because it doesn’t rain so often, sometimes it can delay years before it rain next time.

Can you guess what the weathers like in the dry climate? Dry of course, it is hot like it is in the desert and tropical climate.

The subtropical have long, warm summers and short, mitigate winters.

The temperate climate has the same weather as those who live in the south part of Sweden.

- Lovisa

- Emilia

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Ayers Rock and The Great Barrier Reef

The places is

The Great Barrier Reef is located 10-200 kilometres from the main land. The Great Barrier Reef is located in the north east Australia.

What you can do and see.

What you can see in the Great Barrie Reef is different fish speeches, corals, octopuses and much more.

How to get there.

Along Queensland’s coast it’s offered daly boat trips to get out and see the Great Barrier Reef.

It cost.

The tour price for a child is 101$ and for a adult it cost 202$ and for a family 505$.

Interesting facts.

One interesting fact is 63000 jobs around the Great Barrie Reef. And the Aborigine’s have lived in this area about 40 000 years!


Ayers Rock

Facts:The ayers rock are called Uluru and it’s 600 million years old sandstone monolith.Uluru is a holy place for the Aboriginal people that livesin the area. The first european that discovered Uluru wasErnest Giles and the one thatgave the name was William Gosse.

The destination of Uluru:

The Ayers rock is in the middleof Australia and it’s located inthe southern part of the northernterritory. The top of the big rock is around 869 Meters over the sea.

What you can do there and see:

There’s a lot of different tours andActivities. You can go Hot air ballooningor you can also watch the sunset at the

Alice springs restaurant. There’s also camel riding tour and you can also take an helicopterflight. If you go there you can see Aboriginalpaintings on the rock and animals.If you are going to use an helicopteryou can see a lot of beautiful thingsand you can see the rock from above.

How to get there:

You can go there by plane and youcan also rent a car so you can drivethere by yourself and enjoy thewildlife. There’s several different

ways to get to the Uluru.

How much does it cost to go there?

It’s really expensive if you want togo to Uluru. It can cost around $500per pax to fly there. There’s a 3-daytour from Alice Spring to WestMC,Kings Canyon and Uluru costs $750per head.

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Where in Australia are most stations placed?They are placed in the north and the central regions of the Australian Outback.

What is school like in the outback?Some people who lives in a cattle station has a long way to school. For some people it can be 35 miles. 70 miles to go to school and back each and every day. So instead of actually go to school they have school on the internet. The teachers sends homework and other data that they will do home. You can call it homeschool. The others who has a shorter way to school go to school just school like normal people, only that you are a lot in the nature and go on day trips at least two times a week.

Why the huge size? It’s huge because Australia is very dry and the vegetation is very sparse so if the family’s gonna make a living you have to have a big cattle station so they get enough vegetation. You bigger, you more vegetation.




Australian cattle stations are

the biggest cattle stations in

the world. Some cattle

stations are even bigger

than some European

countries. The biggest

Australian cattle sation is

the Anna Creek Station.

Anna Creek Station covers

34,000 km2.

The days begins early in the

morning. They get breakfast and a

quick packed lunch. The lunch

consist of fresh baked cakes,

corned beef sandwiches, fruits and

so on. It depends of how much you

think you need to ge through the

long day.

After that, the men are going to

choose their horse to ride for the

rest of the day. When they have

select their horses the men feed the

horses with a nose bag. Then they

saddle up and get the horse on the

horse truck.

The rest who stays at the cattle

station get the mob yarded and

watered for processing. A long,

repetive and important job is to

separating, earmark, brand,

castrate and vaccinate the animals

who live there. Bulls need to be

vaccinated. One of the most

important task is the tally book.

It is the manager’s job, it’s a

register of how many cattle are in

Australian Cattle StationsCattle Station

A normal day at an Australian cattle station.


Text by: Matilda Eriksson Kock.



FOOD AND SPORTSFood in AustraliaKevin

The food made by host families in Australia is very similar to the food we eat here, cereal, toast or eggs for breakfast and for dinner is a lot about meat, potatoes and maybe vegetables of some sort.

They eat lots of Vegemite in Australia. Vegemite is a kind of ”jam” you put on toast.

Kangaroo meat can be bought in Australian grocery stores. It is low in fat, its healthy and its full of protein.

The Ozzie BBQ, or as they call it in Australia, The Barbie is used to barbecue stuff like the sausage sizzle, a sausage with baked onions on a slice of bread usually topped with either tomato sauce or barbecue sauce, or the Australian meat pie.Australians are the best in the world at barbecueing.

The Australian meat pie is a traditional food in Australia. its made of mostly diced meat and gravy, but it can also contain onion, mushrooms or cheese.

Popular sportsDanielRugby

Rugby is the most popular sport in Australia. There are three different rugby divisions: Super rugby, Australian Rules and Rugby league. One rugby team is 13 players. The best league is NRL.


Cricket is the second most popular sport. Most of the australians love cricket. Cricket was formed in 1905. Cricket resembles about baseball.
