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Page 1: August Epistle

The Epistle

From St. Paul’s United Methodist Church

August 2011

Fall Classes at St. Paul’s

Listed below are classes being offered this fall. Sign-up

sheets will be posted in the Narthex and Fellowship Hall in

mid-August. Childcare will be provided.

People Called Methodists – Who Are We and What

Do We Believe? Dr. Robert Burgess will lead this 6-week

study. This class will be held from 6:30-8:00pm on Monday

evenings beginning September 12 and ending on October 17.

Stepping Up – A Journey Through the Psalms of As-

cent by Beth Moore Jill Mouk will facilitate this study on

Wednesdays from 11:30 – 1:00 for 7 weeks beginning

Wednesday, September 7 through October 19.

God Saves a People Chad Brooks will lead this study

discovering God’s saving grace throughout the Bible.

This class will be held on Monday nights from 6:30-

8:oopm beginning Sept. 12.

Financial Peace is an 11-week course created by Dave

Ramsey to help people of all ages manage their finances.

This group will meet on Monday evenings beginning Sep-

tember 12.

Youth Bible Study – Wednesday nights 6:00-7:00pm.

Leaders: Chad Brooks, Ben Nicholson and Margo Morgan

Club 56 Bible Study – Wednesday nights 6:00-6:30.

Leader: TBA

Bible 101 for Kids – This class is for children entering 2nd

– 4th grade. Jill Mouk leads this group on Wednesday nights

from 6:00-6:30pm. During this class students learn the books

of the Bible, how to locate Scriptures, the stories of the Bible,

and other information about the Bible in a fun, exciting way.

Hell-o St. Paul’s! I greet you in the pow-

erful name and Spirit of Jesus the Christ!

After 43 years of full time/active minis-

try within the United Methodist Church

in Louisiana, I retired at the Annual Con-

ference in June. While I have retired

from full time ministry I have not retired

from doing ministry and being engaged

in ministry through the church. J. Roddy

and I have talked for several years about

what I would do after retirement and he

consistently presented the thought of

serving here at St. Paul’s. Well, here I

am on staff at this great church of Louisi-

ana Methodism. Thank you for your

very kind and gracious welcome, espe-

cially the gathering and catfish dinner

Sunday, July 10. I am excited about

joining with you, the St. Paul’s family, in

the journey of faith, making a difference

in the world. I am looking forward to

journeying with one congregation again

through the “seasons of the year” – an

aspect I missed while serving as the

Monroe District Superintendent the past

6 years. You see, God called me to be a

“preacher/pastor” and I have discovered

for me that is best done in the life of one


In consultation with the SPR, J. Roddy

has asked me to specifically work with

two areas of ministry: our Senior Adult

ministries and the Congregational Care

ministry team, which includes pastoral

visitation. For the first several weeks I

have been getting a “lay of the land,”

observing, listening, and gaining an

awareness of what has been done, is al-

ready in place, and what may need to be

considered, as well as meeting you and

attempting to learn your name. Begin-

ning Monday, Sept. 12, I will teach a 6

week class on United Methodism entitled

“People Called Methodists”, which will

look at who we are and what we believe.

I also will lead/coordinate the Wednes-

day evening MVP experience which be-

gins Sept 7. This fall and possibly

throughout the year our theme/focus for

MVP will be the “Turning Points” in our

lives. You will hear more about this in

the weeks to come.

I am a native of Arkansas, a graduate of

Northeast Louisiana State College

(ULM) and Asbury Theological Semi-

nary, married to Peggy Cromwell (45

years in August) who is a native of Mon-

roe and who with her family were charter

members of Southside Methodist (Lea

Joyner Memorial UMC), and we are the

parents of two daughters, Christy Kelly

and Karen Wise, who each have two

children. They are living in north Lou-

isiana. Peggy’s 96 year old mother is

still living in Monroe. Having family

here had a lot to do with our decision to

retire here and to buy our home at

3204 Cuba Blvd.

A new chapter begins for the Bur-

gess family and I believe also for

the St. Paul’s family as we discern

God’s direction for our lives and


Bob Burgess joins the St. Paul’s Staff

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The Pastor’s Page St. Paul’s Facelift?

Does the idea of a facelift for St. Paul’s appeal to you? Some of our original facilities still have the look of the 1950’s. Families visiting notice this dated look and many within the St. Paul’s family have suggested we improve the ambiance of our facilities with a facelift.

The initial refurbishing has begun with restrooms in the children’s educational space. You will not be surprised to learn we discovered termite damage when the original walls and floors were removed. These repairs are now complete and the restrooms are beautiful contemporary – a great improve-ment. Many, many thanks go to Bob Burns, our trustee chairman, for overseeing this first phase of the project.

The entire facelift is estimated to cost approximately $180,000.00 and includes a circular drive with sixteen parking spaces to improve our appearance on Lexington and improvements in our hallways and classrooms. Our Administrative Council has wisely decided not to borrow funds for this but rather to seek financial gifts for this purpose. If this tugs at the strings of your heart, I invite you to consider a special gift at this time to keep us moving forward. Our next phase will include the Cross Room entrance to the building next to the Sanctuary and some enhancements for this entrance.

We are especially grateful to Joe Hoover and his committee for their hours of research and planning. With phase one complete, (refurbishing the restrooms in the children’s educational facilities) we are now ready to move forward. If you would like to make a commitment over twelve or eighteen months for this cause, you are invited to do so by contacting Pat Hoover in the St. Paul’s office and she will be delighted to help. St. Paul’s has so much to offer and our facilities give a visual witness seven days a week, three hun-dred and sixty-five days a year. With your help, we can make this witness even more appealing.

Thanks for all you do! You have responded graciously to every invitation, and Linda and I give thanks for the opportunity to be in ministry with you through St. Paul’s.

With faith, J. Roddy

Christian Community Ministry

CCM serves people in need in our community. They have been in operation for 29 years. St. Paul’s was one of

the first churches to support them. They supply clothes and sometimes food to the needy. There are about 50

churches that help them financially as well as with volunteers to work and help families get what they need.

They are in need of additional volunteers and would appreciate your help. You can work as little as 3 hours a

week. Hours are 9-12 Monday through Friday.

Right now they are in need of canned soup, canned meats ,4 lb. sugar, 4lb. corn, 4 lb. flour, beanie weenies, flip

-top cans of pudding, fruit cups, tuna, spam, peanut butter and jelly. They are also in desperate need of men’s

underwear, men’s socks, men’s work pants size 32, 34, 36 and 38 and large women’s clothes.

You may take your donations by 322 Harrison St. across the street from the city bus station on 4th Street be-

tween the hours of 9 and 12am weekdays.

facebook: twitter@ stpaulsmonroe

Find us online:

Page 3: August Epistle

Confirmation Classes Begin

Parents of students entering the 6th grade are invited to enroll their children in confirmation classes that will begin

next month. In addition to 6th graders, any youth or adults who would like to complete this course are also wel-

come to enroll. Confirmation is a 32-week course that teaches about the Methodist faith and its heritage. Students

will learn about John Wesley, Baptism, Communion, grace, the Social Principles of the Methodist Church, the Ar-

ticles of Religion, and much more.

Parents are asked to attend the orientation meeting. The meeting is scheduled for Sunday, August 28 from 4:00-

4:30 in the Fellowship Area.

Confirmation classes will be held on Sunday evenings from 4:00-5:00pm. In addition to confirmation classes,

Club 56 Fellowship will be held on or around the first Sunday of each month from 4:00-5:30pm. These meetings

are for fellowship with games, snacks, and devotion. A complete calendar will be distributed at the parent meet-

ing. If you have any questions about confirmation, contact Jill Mouk at [email protected] or 322.4454.

STP Day of Missions

On Wednesday, June 8, following Vacation Bible

School, the 3rd and 4th graders participated in a

day of mission activities. This group of very ea-

ger 3rd and 4th graders stayed at St. Paul’s follow-

ing VBS for a quick lunch of pizza, and then

loaded the bus with Jill Mouk and Christy

Cuthbert. The group of 19 went to the Food

Bank of Northeast Louisiana and packed over 100

boxes for senior citizens in Monroe. Then they

went to McDonald’s for a quick ice cream treat

and time to cool off. After the ice cream stop the

group went to the Ronald McDonald House and

toured the facility to learn about the ministry it

provides. Following the tour the group came

back to St. Paul’s and packed bags for the Meals

on Wheels delivery in July. Everyone had a great

day of missions and fellowship!

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A New Song 9:45am

In August at A New Song we will be studying The Green-house Effect. How do our own faith lives resemble the pattern of gardening, and why does the Bible use this metaphor so often? Each of our hearts and lives are formed by Jesus Christ. The salvation life dwells with us as a day to day journey. We will spend the month talking about this journey and where we each fit. August 7th The New Birth: 1 Peter 1:3-9 August 14th The First Fruit: James 1: 12-18 August 21st The People of Light: 1 John 1:5-10 August 28th Growing into God’s House: 1 Peter 2:2-5

August Traditional Worship 8:30am and 11:00am

With pleasant demeanor, charming per-sonality and a contagious smile he asked, “Do you believe in life after death?” “Yes,” I respond, “Do you believe in life before death?” How do we get to the heart of a life well-lived? During the month of Au-gust, I invite you to join me on a journey through Hebrew scripture – Genesis, The Book of Beginnings -- as we seek to re-view and renew our life on earth! I pray this journey will be provocative and chal-lenging for each of us! I am entitling this four week series, “PRIME TIME: Do You Believe In Life Before Death?”

Sunday, August 7 Holy Communion

“The Hope of God” Genesis 1:1-5

“To see the world through the eyes of wonder is to see God’s presence in every-

thing” (Abraham Joshua Heschel).

Sunday, August 14 “What Matters Most”

Genesis 1:31 Discovering what matters to you enables

you to live a life that matters.

Sunday, August 21 “Living To Do” Genesis 2:15-17

When you do the big and small things that only you, uniquely, can do, you become

one of God’s angels on earth.

Sunday, August 28, “Perfecting You”

Genesis 2:2-3 You are created to be an image of God. Be an original! Are you the best you you

can be?

Here … in this world … you can make a difference! Do you believe in life before death?

Coming in September:

Turning Points

Mid-Week Vesper Prayer Service Led by

Bob Burgess 6:00pm

Traditional Sanctuary

Services begin September 7


Joy Circle meets Tuesday, August 9th

at 6:00pm at the home of Linda Tay-

lor. We will continue our lessons from

Max Lucado’s Fearless.

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Join the St. Paul’s Team for Race for the Cure!

Team Leaders: Jill Mouk and Meredith Brooks All of us know someone who has been affected by breast cancer. Be-

cause this has become a very personal issue for so many of us, we have

a desire to help fight for the cure! The Susan G. Komen Race for the

Cure will be held at Forsythe Park on Saturday, September 24, 2011

and we would like to invite you to join the St. Paul’s Team! You can either run the 5K (3.1 miles), walk the 5K,

walk the 1 mile fun walk, or just make a donation! Jill and Meredith will host group training walks/runs on Satur-

day mornings beginning in August for those who are interested in training together.

We will also have a contest to see how many of us can gather $100 or more in donations from family, friends, and

co-workers for the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure Northeast-Central Louisiana Chapter. If every participant

collected $10 from 10 people, an additional $300,000 would be raised for our area!

We hope to have a great group from St. Paul's participate in this year's Race for the Cure! Please contact Jill Mouk

at [email protected] or 322.4454 at the church office, or contact Meredith Brooks at

[email protected] or 278.4186. Also, you can register on the St. Paul’s United Methodist Church Face-

book page!

Friday, August 26


Cost $5

Deadline: Wednesday, Aug. 24*

(Return permission form and $5 per person

by Aug 24.)

St. Paul’s Youth Room

Club 56 is a ministry for students in 5th and

6th grade and their friends (the same age).

We will have a Lock-In on Friday, August

26 from 5:30 – 10:30pm at St. Paul’s. Pick

up a permission form at Sunday School or

from the church office and return it with

$5 per person by the deadline. Come to

Club 56 Sunday school to get additional

permission forms and more information.

The deadline to sign up is Wednesday, Au-

gust 24. It’s going to be a BLAST!!!

*The purpose of the deadline is to be sure we

have enough supplies for games, prizes, snacks,

drinks, and food…plus enough chaperones! So

please return the form by August 24.

Thank you


Olivia Cuthbert Donates to Locks of Love

Missionaries come in all sizes and ages. We are never too old

or too young to find a way to serve the Lord.

Olivia grew her hair for 18 months to donate 12 inches to the

Locks of Love program which provides wigs for children who

have lost their hair during chemotherapy. It is her intention to

grow her hair for another donation.

Olivia, St. Paul’s is

proud of you!

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St. Paul’s Youth Work at the Food Bank

UMW Entertains at Swanson

Many do not know that one of United Methodist Women’s missions is to Swanson Correction Center for Young Men.

Four times a year, our UMW gives a birthday party for the boys who have a birthday in that month. Susan Rob-

inson has chaired this important ministry for many years. In June, Betty Ann Nolan, Kathy Wells and Carolyn

Trawick joined Susan in providing the young men of Evergreen Cottage with pizza and birthday cake. Birthday

cards small cash gifts were given to those with birthdays that month. The gift goes into their store accounts to

spend as they choose. The group visits with them, prays with them and allows them to see that they can have fun

with Christians with the hope that it will encourage them to seek church homes when they are released.

In one of the activities this time, they were divided into groups and asked to create a picture using all kinds of

materials found in Ms. Jill’s supply closet. After they were finished, one on each team told about their picture.

On all of the posters, Christ was established as the center, with a cross or picture representing Him. All were

impressed with what the boys pictured and how well they could express themselves.

Our UMW team welcomes guests to help with these parties. If you are interested, please call Susan Robinson. A

great time is always had by all!

Carolyn Trawick

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Habitat for Humanity Update

Habitat for Humanity of Ouachita ended another suc-cessful year on June 30. They have been able to fur-ther their mission thanks to your support for Habitat and their partner families. They continue to build during the very hot summer months. Nail by nail and board by board they will have completed 10 houses this year. In the next year they have plans to complete another 10 houses which will provide safe and affordable housing for those in need. Please hold Habitat, the families who need housing and all the volunteers in your prayers.

Willie Berman to visit St. Paul’s

Come join us for dessert on Monday evening August 1 at 6:30pm and listen as Willie Berman

from the Reynosa Mission tells us about his work.

We also would like to help Willie get school supplies for the children the mission serves. If you

are able to contribute check the list below and bring your items to the church by August 1.

Needed supplies: Pack of 10 pencils, plastic pencil sharpener, 2 One subject notebooks, 8 oz

bottle of glue, eraser, backpack, basic calculator, 12 pack colored pencils, 2 ballpoint pens and

a plastic METRIC ruler.

SPS (St. Paul’s Singles)

St. Paul’s Singles will hold their First Friday

get together on August 5 at 6:00 at the home of

Sherry Free, 2105 University Ave. in Monroe.

There will be pizza and a movie and plans will

be made for future First Friday’s.

Please RSVP at 355-2761.

Congregational Care

Congregational Care Ministry

Team will meet Sunday, August 7

at 5:00pm in the Library.

Keep informed about what’s happening at St. Paul’s. Check us out online.

facebook: twitter@ stpaulsmonroe

Advent Booklet

Carolyn Trawick is asking

for devotions for the 2011

St. Paul’s Advent Devo-

tional. Write a short devo-

tion, about 300 words,

choose a scripture and a

prayer. The format is

much like the Upper

Room. You can bring your

submission to the church

office or mail it to Carolyn

at 166 Trawick Road or

email it to her at

[email protected].

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Lunch With Chad

Every Tuesday at Jade Garden


Come and Go as You Need

Chad Brooks is starting an informal Dutch Treat “Come and Go” lunch fellowship on Tuesdays at Jade Garden

on Forsythe Avenue. This is designed for our members who work and are on a lunch schedule to come and

spend time with fellow church members in a relaxed setting. Chad will be at Jade Garden from 11:30 to 1:30

each Tuesday so feel free to drop by at your convenience and enjoy others in your church family.

Book Club

Book Club will start up again in October. Our first read will be Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo. Read the book and join us on Wednesday, October 12, 6:30pm right after MVP for a discussion of this popular book.

UMM Serves at DeSiard Street Mission United Methodist Men served 105 plates of food to the homeless at the DeSiard Street Mission on

July 21. Pictured below are some of those who showed up to help serve. As you can see not all are

members of UMM. You too can help served the hungry and homeless in our area. Contact Mike Gib-

bens(322.8340 or Bill Funderburk(322.6245) if you would like to take a turn to serve lunch. The men

do all the cooking. All you have to do is show up and dish out the food.

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St. Paul’s United Methodist Church

1901 Lexington Ave.

Monroe, La 71201