
August 10, 2015

Federal Bureau of Investigation Public Corruption Unit 1 Justice Park Drive Houston, Texas 77092

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Office for Civil Rights 200 Independence A venue, SW Suite 515F, HHH Building Washington, DC 2020 I

U.S. Department of Education Family Policy Compliance Office 400 Maryland A venue, SW Washington, DC 20202-8520

Texas Department of Public Safety Texas Rangers Division PO Box4087 Austin, Texas 78773-0600

Via: CMRRR # 7014 3490 0001 3851 8264 (FBI) CMRRR # 7014 3490 0001 3851 8295 (DHHS) CMRRR # 7014 3490 0001 3851 8301 (DE) CMRRR # 7014 3490 0001 3851 8288 (DPS)

Re: Government Corruption- Harris County (Texas) District Attorney's Office.

Respective Agencies:

I am renewing a variety of complaints concerning corruption within the District Attorney's Office in Harris County Texas. Most of the copied state and local government recipients of this letter know me and have openly refused to address this corruption because of my current status as a defendant in the criminal courts.

In the past 1,069-days I have been criminally charged 14-times for the same offenses and jailed; I have received nine dismissals and one acquittal; I have been forced to appear at court more than 60-times; and, I'm under threat of actual imprisonment and disability as a felon. In court record I have been accused by the District Attorney's Office of being "crazy" and a dangerous threat to the public. In this time I have endured deprivation of liberty, property, and privacy in conflict with my legal rights and I have suffered irreparable reputation damage from lies published by the District Attorney's Office.

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I have been publicly labeled by the District Attorney's Office as a liar and heinous criminal. I have been denied fundamental rights within the criminal courts and I have been denied common rights with regards to public information about those who have accused me. This treatment is beneath that of a second class citizen, as undocumented immigrants enjoy government transparency better than I have during the past two and a half years. Assuming that I am crazy and that I am a dangerous threat to the public .. .I still have rights as a citizen of this community and as a human being in existence.

Prior to the onslaught of criminal prosecutions that I have suffered, I was a Master Texas peace officer, an Honorably discharged military veteran, and former senior criminal investigator with the Public Defender's Office for Harris County Texas. I have a doctorate in law and numerous other professional certifications. I have devoted my life to public service. After twenty years of public service I have now been labeled a public enemy by the District Attorney's Office. I agree with the adage "where there's smoke, there's fire" and the fire is the corruption rampant within the District Attorney's Office for Harris County Texas.

In my career I have spent many years working defense investigations that often focused on government corruption. Certain government officials routinely came up, which included Clinton Francis Greenwood who is presently a political appointee at the Sheriffs Office for Harris County Texas. In June 2012 a federal complaint was filed against Greenwood charging him with official misconduct and unconstitutional trade restraint. This case is pending, but under abatement, in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas under Cause Number 4: 12-CV-1898.

At the time this federal complaint was filed Greenwood was division chief of the Police Integrity Unit at the District Attorney's Office. Using the powers and resources of the District Attorney's Office, Greenwood arrested the person who filed the complaint, the person who wrote the complaint, and the person who served the complaint. I was the person who wrote the complaint and all of us were peace officers in good standing at the time of arrest. The conduct of Greenwood in this matter was blatant retaliation and official misconduct. Greenwood arrogantly bragged in grand jury and court that he arrested everyone involved in the complaint.

In December 2012 Greenwood left the District Attorney's Office and received a political appointment at the local Sheriffs Office. The numerous criminal cases that Greenwood filed against us were carried on by interim District Attorney Devon Diane Anderson who was appointed in September 2013 by the Governor to fill a vacancy. Junior Assistant District Attorney Thomas Heyward Carter III then advocated Greenwood's original cases and he did so with the open support of the Anderson administration. All of these government officials were close friends and they conspired to punish us for our involvement in the federal complaint.

I want you to think about how you would react if you become the target of a malicious criminal investigation and prosecution. Consider that a criminal prosecutor personally disliked you and that prosecutor used the power and resources of the District Attorney's Office to destroy your life. Would your reputation be tainted when your employer, family, friends, and neighbors are visited by peace officers and prosecutors who say they are criminally investigating you? How about when grand jury subpoenas are served on your employer, family, friends, and neighbors

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talking about a secret criminal investigation?

And, how about when you are then arrested on multiple criminal charges based solely on a secret presentation to a grand jury made by the very prosecutor who targeted you? Then what happens to you when this prosecutor keeps dismissing and re-filing the criminal charges against you solely to destroy your finances? Now consider your situation after you have been forced to appear in court more than 60 times in a 24-month period and the prosecutor with the vendetta against you brags in open court that the criminal charges will be repeatedly dismissed and re­filed until a guilty verdict is had.

How much money would you have for an attorney and legal expenses? How many times are you prepared to be jailed? How much time can you get off of work for court? Then consider the outcome of your jury trial when this prosecutor obstructs your discovery, confuses the jury with unpled issues, lies to the jury, and the judge gag orders you in presenting a defense. In the end the jury convicts you based on the exaggerations and lies of the prosecutor and you are forced to appeal your multiple cases, but now you are in poverty and your fate rests with a court­appointed attorney who refuses to raise every point of error.

Finally, consider the impact on your life when this prosecutor releases news reports that publish internationally that you are a heinous convicted criminal before your convictions are final. And, in addition to these news reports the prosecutor continues to privately report to people who know you that you are a convicted criminal even though your cases are on appeal and subject to reversal. In March 2015 I posed this to Dede Keith who is a senior aid to Texas Governor Greg Abbott. Repeated complaints have been made about corruption within the District Attorney's Office for Harris County Texas only to be ignored.

Numerous complaints about this corruption have been filed with various local and state government agencies only for us to be told to make new complaints when we are no longer criminal defendants. In the meantime we have been impoverished, statutes of limitations jeopardize our complaints, and evidence has spoiled. These results were deliberately caused by Greenwood and the Anderson administration to destroy our credibility, our finances, our legal recourse, and our resolve. Greenwood and the Anderson administration know that discrediting a person who complains of corruption insulates their corrupt practices.

It's easy for the government to get a common citizen arrested, prosecuted, and convicted when the accused has no money for a legal defense and when a legal defense is denied by the court. It's easy for the government to make its case behind closed doors with fabricated evidence when the accused is denied the ability to challenge the accusations. Justice in the criminal courts of Harris County Texas is rare and arguably accidental when it happens. Transparency within the Anderson administration is also a fictional concept, as the District Attorney's Office controls the flow of information to the public and news media.

These District Attorney officials have conducted illegal investigations and abused confidential government databases; they have conducted illegal surveillance; they have abused the grand jury and courts to execute illegal criminal prosecutions; they have committed perjury in the courts and suborned aggravated perjury; and, they have obstructed exculpatory evidence

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from the grand and petite juries. These acts were deliberate and malicious. These acts wasted taxpayer money and detracted from legitimate criminal investigations. These acts constitute official misconduct and organized crime.

Certain organized crime is governed by Title 18 Chapter 96 of the United States Code, which is more commonly referred to as the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act. This body of laws was enacted in 1970 to address syndicate crime that generally related to Mafia families. Section 196l(l)(A) of the RICO Act defines "racketeering activity", in relevant part, to include any act or threat involving murder, kidnapping, robbery, or extortion. Section 1961 (1 )(B) of the same Act further includes obstruction of justice; tampering with a witness; retaliation against a witness; and interference with commerce.

Under the RICO Act any "pattern of racketeering activity" is subject to criminal and civil penalties. Section 1961(5) of the RICO Act defines a "pattern of racketeering activity" as at least two acts of racketeering activity, one of which occurred after the effective date of the Act and the last of which occurred within ten years after the commission of a prior act of racketeering activity. Under Section 1962 of the same Act, "any person who has received any income derived, directly or indirectly, from a pattern of racketeering activity" is subject to criminal penalty. The District Attorney's Office for Harris County Texas is guilty of RICO Act violations.

In my case, Clinton Francis Greenwood and the Anderson administration have committed racketeering activity and they each received income derived from this illegal activity that included the public and private money they received while abusing their public authority. Sections 20.02 and 20.04 of the Texas Penal Code, respectively, define the crimes of Unlawful Restraint and Aggravated Kidnapping. In the early morning of Saturday-November 17, 2012 Greenwood sent a tactical squad to arrest me at gun point while I was lawfully working as a peace officer on an interstate highway.

My arrest was documented by Fox News and in this particular arrest Greenwood had me jailed in full police uniform to jeopardize my safety. During my book-in at jail the District Attorney investigators told jailers that I was a "special project". Greenwood personally confiscated personal items of mine that included a computer and box containing about 2,000 pages of confidential and legally protected documents related to hundreds of cases and other sensitive matters. This seizure was without legal authority. When the District Court ordered its release, Greenwood simply said that he was "protecting" it for me.

At no time does a District Attorney in Texas hold personal property for a person arrested. That is the responsibility of the County Jail. Two and half years later, the other personal property that was illegally seized from me has never been accounted for or returned to me despite my demand for the property. At one point, the Anderson administration said in open court that they intended to melt some of my property. During this same period of time the Anderson administration also bragged that none of my complaints against Greenwood or the District Attorney's Office would ever be officially acted on.

This November 2012 criminal charge filed against me was twice dismissed by the Court only to be refiled a third time by the Anderson administration. On Tuesday-June 30, 2015 I

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received an acquittal by the Texas Fourteenth Court of Appeals, which means that I was subjected to official misconduct, unlawful restraint, aggravated assault, aggravated robbery, and aggravated kidnapping. I was arrested against my will at gun point, I was handcuffed against my will, I was subjected to pain against my will, I was deprived of personal property against my will, I was taken against my will, and I was confined in jail against my will.

The District Attorney officials known to have criminally conspired in this event were Clinton Francis Greenwood, Kirk Wayne Bonsal, and Thomas Lee Strange, Jr. Other peace officers with the Harris County (TX) Sheriffs Office participated in the event, but I believe they acted in good faith because they were told lies by the District Attorney officials. Discovery in this matter may reveal otherwise. Bonsal and Strange both later testified in my criminal case and they both blamed Greenwood for the event. Most notable was that Bonsal claimed no prior involvement with me, but evidence showed otherwise. Bonsal committed aggravated perjury.

This is organized crime. Greenwood and those who conspired with him corruptly influenced the grand and petit juries in my criminal cases, as well as, the judge of the United States District Court with regards to the federal complaint filed against Greenwood. This corrupt influence violated Title 18 Section 1503(a) of the United States Code. In my case, indictments and verdicts were given based on lies presented by Greenwood and the Anderson administration. This same corrupt influence was the sole basis of the pending federal complaint being stayed due to our convenient defendant status.

Greenwood openly bragged in my criminal cases that Federal Judge Melinda S. Harmon (who presided over the federal complaint) was angry that I helped write the complaint. Greenwood's statement left no doubt that he was having ex parte communications with the federal judge presiding over the case he was a defendant in and that he felt so confident about his relationship with this judge that he could brag about it during my criminal cases. If this relationship did exist between Greenwood and Judge Harmon it was criminal. Of note is that Judge Harmon is married to a prominent Harris County official acquainted to Greenwood.

With regards to the organized criminal activity governed by the RICO Act, Greenwood and those who conspired with him corruptly influenced the federal court in causing an abatement of the federal complaint filed against Greenwood. This violated Title 18 Section 1503(a) of the United States Code. In these criminal acts, Greenwood and the Anderson administration imposed the power of the government to destroy the ability and desire of common citizens to seek redress of grievances through the federal courts and other avenues. These corrupt government officials simply arrest and persecute anyone who threatens to expose their corruption.

Greenwood and the Anderson administration further violated Title 18 Section 1512(a) of the United States Code by creating situations that put my life in peril, which included pitting me against six arresting peace officers who tactically ascended on, subdued, and arrested me on a public highway while I was in full police uniform. An illegal arrest orchestrated by Greenwood that was dismissed by the trial court twice and later ordered an acquittal by the Texas Fourteenth Court of Appeals. In the event a gunfight happened, it would have been Greenwood, as Chief of the Police Integrity Unit, who shaped the facts to conceal the pretext for the gunfight.

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Four weeks earlier Greenwood announced in open court that he would "shoot" me if he saw me in public and one of my attorneys witnessed an area in the District Attorney's Office that was literally labeled "ERIC BAUMGART WAR ROOM". During my criminal cases the Anderson administration refused to comply with discovery subpoenas and they obstructed exculpatory evidence showing my innocence. This misconduct is a matter of court record. Complaints about this misconduct were made to the Anderson administration, to include General Counsel Richard C. 'Dick' Bax and Staff Attorney Scott Anthony Durfee.

Greenwood and the Anderson administration also violated Title 18 Section 1512(b) of the United States Code by conspiring to corruptly influence witnesses, jurors, and judges involved in both the numerous criminal cases that I have been subjected to and the federal complaint that led to my arrests. The federal complaint that sparked retaliation from the District Attorney's Office was filed by William Shelton Marks, who was labeled as a co-defendant with me and the other peace officer who served the complaint on Greenwood. The only connection between the three of was this federal complaint.

The purpose of this federal complaint was to seek redress and protection from government officials who were abusing public power and public resources to eliminate competition in private sector work. For decades, affluent police agencies in Texas have pushed to dominate off-duty private security and traffic control work; and, these efforts have successfully eliminated competition from peace officers of small less affluent police agencies. This trade restraint has also driven up the cost of private security and traffic control services to all-time highs. This trade restraint has not only injured families, but it has cost the community.

The principal vehicle being used to eliminate competition is the Texas Private Security Act which is codified in Chapter 1702 of the Texas Occupations Code. The relevant provisions of this Act being abused are in Section 1702.322. In essence the Act governs who can provide private security services and it exempts certain people from criminal prosecution. This Act does not regulate traffic control services provided by off-duty peace officers. In Texas, peace officers may be full-time, part-time, or reserve and they may be paid or volunteer. The status of the peace officer is the central focus of Section 1702.322.

The Texas Private Security Act is a strategically written piece of legislation and the provisions of Section 1702.322 were deliberately structured for affluent police agencies to dominate off-duty private security and traffic control work for their peace officers. This ill­conceived legislation came about through payoffs by large police organizations like the Houston Police Officers Union and the Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas ( commonly known as "CLEAT") who likewise influence its enforcement. The District Attorney's Office for Harris County Texas has led the way in disparately applying the Texas Private Security Act.

On Friday-March 1, 2013 I filed a constitutional challenge on these certain provisions of the Texas Private Security Act. This challenge was filed in the County Criminal Court at Law Number Six for Harris County Texas under Cause Number 1867047 (later assigned Cause Number 1909495). A year later the Judge summarily denied my challenge and ruled that all provisions of the Texas Private Security Act were constitutional. This ruling was without notice

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to or involvement of the Texas Attorney General. Section 402.0IO(a) of the Texas Government Code required notice to the Attorney General before a ruling could be made.

I fully understand that bad legislation is a matter to be resolved by the Legislature or the Courts; but, its bad faith enforcement is criminal. In my case, Clinton Francis Greenwood exercised the powers of the District Attorney's Office to arrest, jail, and prosecute me for violating the Texas Private Security Act because I was performing traffic control as a peace officer on a public interstate highway. What I was doing that day was not illegal nor was traffic control governed by the Texas Private Security Act. This fact was known by Greenwood since Harris County employs volunteer peace officers who work traffic control off-duty.

I complained about being unlawfully arrested, but my complaints fell on deaf ears. My case was twice dismissed only for me to be charged a third time. I was later acquitted of this charge. During my trial the Director of the Texas Department of Public Safety-Private Security Bureau, Renearl Bowie, testified that the Texas Private Security Act was so vague that it was possible to have 254 different interpretations of the Act - one interpretation by each county in the State of Texas. Director Bowie's testimony supported my constitutional challenge that certain provisions of the Act were unconstitutional.

Greenwood and the other senior officials with the District Attorney's Office knew full well that I was not violating the law, yet they subjected me to criminal prosecution anyway. They did so because they truly believe they are insulated from liability. And, so far their confidence is based in truth because nobody will hold them accountable. I was literally assaulted, robbed, kidnapped, and falsely imprisoned by these corrupt government officials and no other government agency has taken action for this. The protection of government corruption is why our community no longer trusts the government.

Throughout this ordeal my basic civil liberties and civil rights have been trampled. On Thursday-May 2, 2013 the Anderson administration filed in public court records unredacted confidential information concerning me. This confidential information was obtained from the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement and it included, in part, personal identifying information, student records, and protected health information on me. This information consisted of 77-pages of records, SO-pages of which contained confidential information protected by Federal and State laws from public disclosure.

Section 552.101 of the Texas Government Code prohibited the public disclosure of "information considered to be confidential by law, either constitutional, statutory, or by judicial decision". The records put into public domain included SO-pages of documents that contained personal identifying information and other confidential information about me, none of which I gave consent to publish. Section 552.114(a) of the Texas Government Code prohibited the public disclosure of academic student information, which is defined by that statute as "information in a student record at an educational institution funded wholly or partly by state revenue".

The records put into public domain by the District Attorney's Office included 9-pages of college transcripts relating to my academic background from publicly funded educational institutions. Section 552.117(a)(l) of the Texas Government Code prohibited the public

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disclosure of "information that relates to the home address, home telephone number, emergency contact information, or social security number" of a "current or former official or employee of a governmental body". I was a former employee of a governmental body and records put in public domain contained much of this confidential information.

Twenty-six of the records included my date of birth; twenty-four records contained my taxpayer identification number; ten records contained my current home address; and two records contained my current telephone number. Certain email addresses were also prohibited from public disclosure. Section 552.137(a) of the Texas Government Code prohibited "an email address of a member of the public that is provided for the purpose of communicating electronically with a governmental body". An e-mail address that I used for the purpose of communicating electronically with a governmental body was in three records.

Section 552.147 of the Texas Government Code prohibited the public disclosure of "the social security number of a living person". The records put into public domain by the District Attorney's Office included my taxpayer identification number in twenty-four records. Section 181.006 of the Texas Health and Safety Code prohibited the public disclosure of "an individual's protected health information". Section 181.006 expressly states that such information "is not public information and is not subject to disclosure under Chapter 552, [Texas] Government Code". Despite this, four records containing protected health information were published.

Three of these records had printed in conspicuous bold print "BY TEXAS LAW, THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION". Pursuant to Section 552.352(a) of the Texas Government Code a person commits a criminal offense if the person distributes information considered confidential under Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code. An offense is punishable as a Class B misdemeanor and it constitutes official misconduct under Chapter 39 of the Texas Penal Code. Here, the District Attorney's Office committed at least fifty separate criminal violations of these laws.

The disclosure of this confidential information criminally violated the law and it violated my expectation of privacy. My right to privacy is guaranteed under the First, Fourth, and Ninth Amendments to The United States Constitution and Article 1 Sections 3 and 9 of The Texas Constitution. My right to privacy is also protected by various other laws enacted by the Texas Legislature and the United States Congress. I complained about my privacy rights being violated and the District Attorney's Office responded literally that it could do anything it wanted to. This response is a matter of court record.

In September 2013 the personal attorney for the County Judge of Harris County Texas, William R. 'Bill' Henderson, recommended to my father that I use the political process to address the corruption within the District Attorney's Office. In March 2014 another local government official suggested this too. Given the apathy and inaction of our local government officials I followed this advice and created the Internet domain This domain was designed for public awareness about the corruption and incompetence within the District Attorney's Office for Harris County Texas.

On Tuesday-September 23, 2014 I was ordered to appear in criminal court to answer for

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publishing the domain At the time I was represented by four different attorneys and none of them received notice of this hearing. The court contacted me personally and the clerks that I spoke with claimed they didn't know the reason for the hearing. Under threat of jail, I was forced to appear in criminal court for a secret hearing. At this hearing the District Attorney's Office asked the judge to jail me indefinitely because I had published the domain This entire incident reeked of official oppression and abuse of office.

In the end, the Court affirmed that my domain was protected free speech and I avoided jail. During the past year government officials with Harris County Texas have regularly visited the domain Devon 123 .org from government computer systems during their official work hours. Visits are often more than a hundred times a day. This is an abuse of government resources and a waste of public money. The campaign manager for District Attorney Devon Diane Anderson has also been recorded making frequent visits to the domain. What I am publishing is clearly a concern to these government officials.

In addition to having been illegally arrested, jailed, and prosecuted for crimes I never committed, I have also been selectively denied public information about my accusers. The Texas Public Information Act is codified under Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code and its purpose is to ensure transparency in our government. This transparency is to protect our community from government corruption. During the course of my numerous criminal cases, I had requested a copy of Clinton Francis Greenwood's employment application for the Sheriff's Office and I asked for his pay records for a particular two week period.

I have been denied this basic public information on the grounds that I am a defendant to multiple criminal cases. According to the government, the release of this innocuous information would somehow create a danger for Greenwood and invade his personal privacy. In my original requests I expected all information excepted from public disclosure to be redacted. The information I requested was simply to verify if Greenwood lied in his employment application with the Sheriff's Office about being a defendant to the pending federal complaint and to confirm whether he lied on certain pay records.

Generally, a police agency will not hire a person who is a defendant to pending litigation that alleges official misconduct. Greenwood is presently a defendant in federal court accused of official misconduct and his appointment with the Sheriffs Office for Harris County Texas begs the question of whether he disclosed his defendant status or if he was given political favoritism. Greenwood voluntarily applied for and accepted government work knowing that his official acts would be under public scrutiny. His basic government employment records cannot and should not be secreted for the very reason I made the request. To verify his truthfulness.

I later requested a copy of Greenwood's payroll records because evidence existed that he was falsifying his timesheets. I was also denied this information, this time, on the grounds that my knowledge of the times of day that Greenwood worked in the past would invade his "zones of privacy" as described in the federal case Roe v. Wade and it would create "an imminent threat of physical danger" to him. As in true form, secret affidavits from the District Attorney's Office were submitted in support of these arguments. Secret affidavits that I could not challenge. The most absurd argument was applying Roe v. Wade as legal authority.

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The times of day that Greenwood reported to have worked at a government agency are not secret nor would they invade his privacy of intimate personal decisions nor would they create an imminent threat of physical danger. The Assistant County Attorney who authored these arguments should be disbarred as an attorney and banned from public service for making such ridicules arguments. These arguments were shameful. Ironically, government officials with Harris County Texas have went to great lengths to secret public information about Greenwood while in contrast they arrogantly published confidential information about me.

This is a prime example of how these government officials pick and choose which laws to enforce. Local government officials in Texas clearly cannot or will not take action to protect the community from government corruption. Clinton Francis Greenwood and the corrupt government officials in his circle have put me and others on a path that ends with their exposure, arrest, prosecution, and imprisonment for the corrupt and malicious acts they have committed. I renew every criminal complaint that I have made in the past and I lodge new criminal complaints for everything that has happened since.

As a member of the community and a victim, I expect criminal charges to be aggressively prosecuted against every government official involved in my illegal arrest, imprisonment, and prosecution. On a daily basis common people are jailed by the Anderson administration based on emotional arguments and unsubstantiated accusations and these people are pressed under duress to take unjust plea deals. Common people with common problems. In stark contrast, the Anderson administration deliberately abuses authority and public resources to protect government corruption.

In total, the two peace officers and I who were involved in the federal complaint filed against Clinton Francis Greenwood have been criminally charged 22-times, we have collectively had to appear in court more than 110-times, we have collectively had 15-dismissals only to be repeatedly re-filed on by Greenwood and the Anderson administration, and we have been in government custody on bond for 35-months. During this time our ability to financially support our families has been destroyed and our futures have been jeopardized. I accept fault for mistakes in my life; but, I will not accept unjust consequences when I am innocent.

Corrupt government officials avoid punishment the majority of time and when punished it's usually a joke. My path does not end until meaningful criminal action is taken against these corrupt government officials and meaningful prison time is imposed on them. I have been demonized by the government in order to discredit me and despite this I have still followed the law because, unlike Clinton Francis Greenwood and the Anderson administration, I do believe that justice can exist within the courts of our community. I have faced everything that the government has subjected me to and I have never left the bounds of the law.

The complaints described in this letter are just a small sample of the corruption that can be documented within the District Attorney's Office for Harris County Texas. Witness testimony and evidence is available to any police investigator who has ambition to conduct a legitimate investigation, as the same witness testimony and evidence will soon be made known in new civil federal complaints that are in progress to be filed. In the event an investigator takes interest in my complaints, I ask for understanding for any mistrust I give as to the genuineness of the

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investigator's involvement and intent.

This letter is being provided to interested parties, which includes the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit pursuant to the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980 (28 U.S.C. §§ 351-364) and the Rules for Judicial-Conduct and Judicial-Disability Proceedings (248 F.R.D. 674 (2008). I ask that each recipient identify relevant subject matter that falls within the recipient's jurisdiction; and, that the recipient exercise its jurisdiction in enforcement of all applicable criminal and civil laws. I expect criminal complaints filed against every liable government official that result in severe punishments imposed for their crimes.

My contact information is provided and I request to be contacted.

Respectfully submitted,

? ? /,..--.--1--Eric Lynn Baumgart PO Box 613 Nome, Texas 77629

C: 409-338-1661 C: 832-273-1291 W: 281-457-9999

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Devon Diane Anderson Harris County District Attorney's Office 1201 Franklin Street, Suite 600 Houston, Texas 77002

Edward M. Emmett Harris County Judge 1001 Preston Street, Suite 911 Houston, Texas 77002

Texas Attorney General Criminal Investigations Division PO Box 12548 Austin, Texas 78711

Honorable Sylvia R. Garcia Texas Senate PO Box 12068 Austin, Texas 78711

Honorable David P. Simpson Texas House of Representatives PO Box2910 Austin, Texas 78768

United States Court of Appeals For the Fifth Circuit 600 S. Maestri Place New Orleans, Louisiana 70130-3408

United States Attorney General 950 Pennsylvania A venue, NW Washington, DC 20530-0001

State Bar of Texas Chief of Disciplinary Counsel's Office PO Box 13287 Austin, Texas 78711

Office of Disciplinary Counsel State of South Carolina PO Box 12159 Columbia, South Carolina 29211

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