Page 1: AUG. 30, 1917 CARMEL-BY-THE-SEA. CAL. VOL. Ill, NO. 31S&e Year. $1.56 ISSUED EQERY THURSDAY clje Copy,5cenrsAUG. 30, 1917 CARMEL-BY-THE-SEA. CAL. VOL. Ill, NO. 31 Carmel Summer School

S&e Year. $ 1 .5 6 ISSUED EQERY THURSDAY clje Copy,5cenrs

AUG. 3 0 , 1917 C A R M E L -B Y -T H E -S E A . CAL . VOL. I l l , NO. 31

Carmel Summer School o f Music

Friday E ve., A ug. 3 1 H O W ARD H A RO LD H A N S O N

C omposer-Pianist W A R R E N D. A L L E N

P ianist

in Joint Recital

Admission F ifty Gents

9 ' i n e ^ N e e d l e #

D a y - l ig h t digh and L o wT id es at C arm el

Low Ft.. 1 Hioh Ft.Aug30 2:28 p 2 7! 9 :30 H 5.3

HI 3 :24 P 2. i 1)0:05 H 5.6Sep. 1 4:19 p 1 6,10:40 a 5.9

2 5:15 P 1.1 111 :18 a 6.13 6:10 p 0.8 '11 :54 a 6 34 6:07 a 1.7 112:34 P 6 35 6:50 a 2 .3 1 1 :18 P 6.2

Owing to im portant engage- ' m ents in southern California, i Miss Olga Steebe will be un- j able to give her recital here to- | iporrow night, as announced.

Miss Anna Behrens, who has i been a guest a t El Nido, Car-j mel Highlands, deparied for New York last week.

Jeannette Hoagland, E 1 1 y jshavilch , and others of the I Woodland Dancers, are to per- l form at Del Monte tonight.

Three hundred feet of pro-

The annual a r t s tuden ts’ ex-j hibition a t A rts and C rafts Hall begins tomorrow, and will be open to the public every j afternoon up to and including next Saturday.

Miss Charlotte Kel t and Miss j Grace Hamilton, regular Car­melites. departed for Berkeley on Sunday. They may spend the vear-end holidays here.

The Carmel city trustees will held their monthly meet­ing at the City'- Hall next Tuesday night.

To date the Monterey Co.


I E X H I B I T I O N I5 . S

of Work Done in| C arm el S u m m e r |

S c h o o l of A rtSeason 1917

1 A rts and C rafts Hall 11 Friday, Aug. 30, to Satur- § | day, Sept. 8 . 3 to 5 p.m. =

Free to th e P u b lic \jTiitHinntnntmtiiHinnHinnmniHnmmiDHHHminaimmiiiHC

:05 a r,.« chased bv the city trustees, 10 aare T.t! "o rn e re y wo has arrived here, and will be Exemption Board h a s e x

10 it be nroner-lem pted from service the fol-

W i t h A g e

C o m e s

1 K n o w l e d g e2; T h is bank is 11 yearsS

old, during each suc­

cessive year it has

learned the needs of

the people of this city

and vicinity, and ca­

tered to them , thus be­

coming m o 'e useful

to F irm s, M erchants,

and Farm ers yearly.

Your A ccou n t In v ited

ly cared for. .Llovd Osborne, the novelis

lowing Carmel men: John A. j Bowen, W alter M. Basham.

’ I H arris D. Comings, Roy E.« „ d l i i s w i f e r a j d o w n - f r o ™ 3 ^ ' E a

s i — l i "has a s tring on these men.The regular monthly meet-| per home.

! The local chapter of the R ed '. , P „Cross desires to make public ,n̂ ^ Farm c Red Crossacknowledgem ent o f M r s . er w ' 1 be h d d a t he

= | Conwav E vans’ contribution to 1^ Hall a 3 ° luesdaythe organization. afternoom The officers would

Luduvic B reniner is about bke a full attendance, town greeting his nnmerous - Lewie Lewis is batching friends. He has been aw ay ! J«*t now. his wife and child




for about a year. He lias been traveling extensively.

Mr. and Mrs. Wade S tew art and the family of L. E. Payne leave next week on a ten days’ camping trip in the nearby mountains.

Carm el’s sum m er population l i i s reduced by five with the I 1 departure th is week of the f Hooper family. Notw ithstand- i | i n g th a t they spent a month 7 longer than usual here, they j |le f t reluctantly.

Hy order of the postmaster gen­eral, letters, postcards and printed •natter mailed in the United States for transmission to the United States expeditionary forces in E u ­rope will be accepted a t ordinary domestic postage ra te s .

Mrs. J. V. C hristy’s harp recital, on Tuesday evening, was enjoyed by many. Other instrum ents we have always with us, so th a t this was a novelty,

A Carmel man, name un- I i known was marooned on a

I rock near Pebble Beach for- :----- --------- several hours Monday after-

riie Pine Cone has a well I noon. He was rescued by theeq u ip p ed job printing plant, ^lass-bottom boatman. Mus-

nees are fair. j sejs j N ever again!

FirstN ational


Under U . S. G o v e r n ­ment S upervision

having left last week for a month’s visit at her home in Utah.

The Harthorne family and Mr. D. C. A. Putney departed for Long Beach, via the Yo- semite, by motor last Satur­day. The Harthornes expect to be back here before the Christmas holidays.

Mrs. Phil S. Brown and daughter, Bernice of Visalia, are visiting Mrs. George F. Marion and Mrs. A. C. Daly, at Gordon cottage.

Visalia is also represented by the presence of Mrs. Ben­jamin Parker and daughter

and. Mrs. William TiptonFor summer visitors, The

Pine Cone three months for 40 cents.

The Supervisors are to be commended for their action in reappointing to the position as countv Librarian Miss An­na Hadd'en. Miss Hadden is on of the best librarians in the

" H arry Kogle has arr' ve^ safely at Batavia, N. Y , where he is at present making his home with his sister.

Miss Ruth Laird Kimball, vice principal of Castilleja School at Palo Alto, who had many friends here, died at her home at 200 Kingsley avenue early Thursday afternoon after an illiness of about six months. Miss Kimball is survived hy her mother, Mrs. Emma L. Kimball and two sisters, Miss Alice Kimball and Mrs. Lois K. Mathews.

Don t ForgetThat the Monterey Savings Bank is the on ly Savings Bank on Monterey Peninsula, and it pays 4 P^r cent interest on savings accounts.

i f ' " V

— Mil

B a n k of M o n te r e y j M o n ter e y S a v . B a n k jS a m e H ld’g S a m e M a n a g e n i’t (

Page 2: AUG. 30, 1917 CARMEL-BY-THE-SEA. CAL. VOL. Ill, NO. 31S&e Year. $1.56 ISSUED EQERY THURSDAY clje Copy,5cenrsAUG. 30, 1917 CARMEL-BY-THE-SEA. CAL. VOL. Ill, NO. 31 Carmel Summer School

T H E S T E T S O N R O A DI t ’s a ro a d w e w o u l d h a v e y o u t a k e ,In a S T E T S O N m a k e t o m a k e y o u r s t a k e .It l e a d s t o h o n o r , s u c c e s s a n d f a m e .B e T a i l o r e d a n d y o u w o n t b e a s h a m e .

I t ’s a g o o d r o a d f o r y o u r y o u t h f u l f e e t ,I t ’s a t r i f l e s t e e p f o r a l i v e l y g a t e .A n d i t ’s r o u g h In s p o t s w i t h a h e a v y g r a d e In a S T E T S O N m a d e y o u l l f i n d i t s t r a i g h t .

I t ’ s w a r t h t h e p r i c e w h i c h y o u w i l l p a y .F o r E m p e r o r s a n d K i n g s a r e 0 1 1 t h e i r w a y . C o m e i n t o s e e u s , a n d y o u w i l l b u y t o d a y , F o r S T E T S O N T H E T A I L O R i s h e r e t o s t a y .


4V.5 Alvarado St., Monterey

Brought Downlo Mother ifarth

La Playa News Notes

B E N ’S Home Goods and Hardware Store

P r o p e r ty T r a n s a c t io n sDeed: Elizabeth Keeler to

. Agnes E. Marion. South half ' ----------- j TTT I ’ ’ No. 3,Lot 7. Block HIT Add. Carrnel-by-tne-Sea.

Deed: M. Louise Hutchin to Agues E. Marion. Lot 5, Blk HH, Add. No. 3, Carmel-by- the-Sea.

Deed: Carmel Dev. Co. toAgnes E. Marion. Lot 6 and

| south half Lot 8 , Block HH,! Add. No. 3, Carmel-by-the- Sea,

E nam el and T in JlgiSSL 5Cooking Utensils Ica^eU.jTi 12'

C o m p l e t e l i n e

K itchen Needs

\ing Utensils

O il and Electric Stoves

Ammunition and Fishing Tackle

Block 54,

L iltlo dill S ir Jnm es M. Barrie d ream , when he w rote aiid staged “ I’e te r P a n ,” th a t some tim e, away ou t in C aliforn ia , a little g roup of ta len ted child ren would cap tu re his beloved P e te r aud b rin g him down to earth .

T h a t is ju s t w hat th e m em bers of Carmel--by the-S ea’s S ta r Thea tre C I 1 1 I) d id before a large crowd a t th e F orest T heatre last F riday n ig h t.

T he revised story goes some th in g like t h i s :

A stree t ch ild , oue S m ith , is taken to the th ea tre by a benevo- leu t lady and w itnesses " P e te r P a n . ’ T he boy re tu rn s to his com panions, te lls them th e story of Peter, and tills them all w ith a g rea t desire for the coun try , where are th e b irds aud the fioners, audjoy.

In the second act we see the sam e child ren in th e country , real­izing aud en joy ing 1 0 th e full the clean open Melds and the wonders of nature.

T h is sim ple little ta le , as p re ­sented by our ch ild ren , cerlaiu ly “ go t over,*' not only to th e little ones in the audience b u t to the ir elders as well.

O ther num bers on th e p rogram included uovel dances, recitations, and a burlesque on th is sum m er's plays.

T he large a tten d an ce aud light expenses enab led th e c lu b to tu ru over to th e Red Cross a goodly sum .

i iimiiimciuiiiiiiiiinuiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiimiiiuiiiii.Miiiciiiiiiimiiit


S T U D I O jI Ocean Avenue next I.ib ary §

j= Open to visitors on Sabir- =1 1 day afternoons or by n p p ’t §' | Phone 602 J -1 |: im iiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiim iiiiciiiiirittiinmiiiiiiiiiatiiiiiiim it


Doro, int ( Sept. 1—Marie “ Diplomacy.”

Sept. 4—Constance Collins, in “The Code of Marcia Gray.”

Sept. 8—John Barrymore, in “The Lost Bridegroom.”

Sept.- 11—Hazel Dawn, in “The Saleswoman.”

Sept. 15—Fannie W ard, in “For the Defense.”

Sept. 18—Blanche Sweet, in “The Sowers.”

Sept. 22—Marguerite Clarke, in “Molly Make-Believe.”

Sept. 25—“The Love M a s k . ” Sept. 29—Pauline Frederick,

in “'Audrey.”

I h in co ck -E ich ro d tMany of Miss Caroline H an­

cock’s friends here will be sur­prised to learn that she was married last week in San Eran-Francisco to Mr. Max Eich- rodt. Only a few intim ate friends were present. Judge Johnson perform ed the cere­mony. The bride wore a gown of heavy gray silk, vvith silver trim m ings and white roses. She cut the cake and obtained the ring.

Mr. and Mrs. Eichrodt will for the present reside a t 311 P erria street, San Francisco, where they will be pleased to m eet their friends.

N e w A u t o B u sA u to S e r v ic e 17-iV\i!e

D rive a n d a l l p o in t s o f i n t e r e s t

R eg u lar l im e T ableM o n t e r e y L e a v e M o n t e r e )

S : I 5 ii 111.

1 2 :(> > p ill.3 :li> p.m .5 :53 n 1 1 1 .

7 :30 a 1 1 1 . S :;>0 ,1 1 1 1 . 9 :‘I0 i i . 1 1 1 . 2 :30 p ni. 5 :00 p in.

L ea v e O rders a t CANDY S T O R E or a tGoold’s Garage

Dr mid Mrs. R ichards and \ i -s. S ignor motored to P osts re c e n tly , fo rd ing the Big Sur. S cen e ic a llc it was 1 1 w oudertu l tr ip , lin t a th rille r as to steep grades.

M rs. M aude A rndt e n te r ta in e d Mrs. Godwin M ueth. M rs. S ig n o r , and M rs. Collis a t a d e lig h tfu l and perfectly served tea S a tu rd a y aft-ruoon a t tiie b lue B ird

La P laya was largely re p re se n te d a t th e “ P e te r P an S m ith ” p e r ­form ance, and th e guests m arvel leil at the versa ta lity of th e c h ild re n .

T he sou of Mrs. M ary A. Y o u n g , who is a prom inent new sp ap erm an , has been m ade 1 1 1 1 officer of a B os­ton reg im eiit, g iv ing u p a lu c r a ­tive position to serve his c o u n try .

T here is g rea t rivalry as to w ho is to who is to win the a n g le r 's medal. Mr. L aack, H arrison an I Frederick G odwiu, w ith D o u g la s P arshall, are still in the lead.

Mr. and M rs. L aack e n te r ta in e d a t a P o in t Lobos lunch p a rty la s t S unday . Those in th e p arty w e re :

Mrs. H elen G. M uetn , M rs. L ancing , Miss G reen , Miss O ’S u l­livan. Miss B oland, and H arriso u and Frederick G odw iu, a n d M iss Patricia.

M rs. T hayer and M rs. V arre l- inan, leav ing T uesday for th e i r New Jersey home, en te r ta in e d a t d inner Mr. aud Mrs. W. P . S ilv a . Mr. aud Mrs. W . C. W a lts , M iss Cora B urns, aud M iss K re iu in . Mrs. T h ay er has pu rch ased piaint- iugs by Mr. W atts, Mr. S ilva , a n d Miss K . H errick.

R ecent arrivals:Sail Francisco— Mrs. L. J. W ,l-

son, Dr Alice Rohdes, Mrs. G . L. Lancing, Dr. A. L. G ates, M rs. John M cKeou, Miss Foster, J . J . Anderson.

Palo A lio—Mr. and Mrs. F red e i- ick R. W heeler, Ann B. W heeler, Mile. Siebenthal, Mrs. Charles Van Norden, Landa and M argaret V an Norden.

Berkeley —Mr and Mrs. B lack- hail, Master Blackhall, G reta Pack .

New York —Mrs. R ohde, M rs D. Van Slyke.

Los Angeles —E. L S to ltenberg . Pasadena — Alice W alker, Miss

Emily M. Pryor, E J. Gates.Little Rock, A rk .—E. C hastine

Gillett. Lotta Provonche, Mrs. Ju lia D. Snodgrass.

Stanford U niv—C. S. S to ltenberg Santa Maria — Mr. and M t s . P au l

W. Prutman.Oakland— Mr. and M rs. Jo sep h

Lacey.Hollister— Mr. and Mrs. W . B.

Kanchard.D enver—Mrs. C. D. W righ t.

Subscribe for the Pine Cone. Patronize the home s to re s . ’

POINT LOBOSa b a i .o n e

D e lic io u s a n d A p p e t iz in g A sk Y our G rocer for It

Page 3: AUG. 30, 1917 CARMEL-BY-THE-SEA. CAL. VOL. Ill, NO. 31S&e Year. $1.56 ISSUED EQERY THURSDAY clje Copy,5cenrsAUG. 30, 1917 CARMEL-BY-THE-SEA. CAL. VOL. Ill, NO. 31 Carmel Summer School

Carmel Pine ConePU B L ISH E D W E E K L Y

E ST A B L ISH E D FEB R U A R Y , 1915 E n te red a s seaond-c lass m u tte r F eb ­ru a ry 10, 1915, a t th e po st office a t Carm el, C alifornia , under th e A ct of 'la rch 3, 1879.

W. L. O V E R ST R E E T ,E d ito r and P ub lish er

CA R M EL-BY -TH E-SEA , CAL. A U G U S T 3 0 , 1 9 1 7

Official P ap er of th e C ity

WEEKLY ( iR E E L IN GTo do anything because others do it,

and not because the thing is goodf or kind, or honest in its o<wn right, is to resign ail moral control a n d captaincy upon yourself, a n d go post-haste to the devil <with the greater num ber.— l iob- e r t Louis Stevenson.

H ELP YOUR TO W NEverybody can do some­

thing- for his town. His capi till may be limited—in fact he may have no capital at all, and yet be a strong factor in the production of bustle, and “git up and git.” W hat is to hind­er you from offering a word of encouragement to every un­dertaking? W hat is to hinder you from speaking well of your own town on all occa- ssion? W hat will it cost you? ft is the manners of the people that make them loved and re­spected. W hat trouble can there be in meeting a stranger kindly and extending to him a warm hand of cordiality, and informing him that the doors of the city are thrown open to him, with an invitation to abide within? It is just easy enough to tell all strangers i ivt you have the best people in the world, and prove it by carrying them around and giv­ing them an introduction. It is not the most wealthy that do the most for the town or city in which they dwell.




See “Pine Cone” A bout TheseSan Francisco—S ix-room house in

Mission d is tr ic t, n ea r side s t r e e t ; s to res and m a rk e t; $3250.

B urlingam e C ountry C lub; also g a r ­age lo t; ru n s th ro u g h to rea r

s tr e e t ; $10,000.P alo A lto -Lot on one of p rincipal

s tr e e ts ; $1250. --

rr ° r * moths from a rug, beat it well with a two bv four scantling. When the moth is hit a couple of tunes on the n o se it

remove hostile to another

Children's Box Goes to Belgium

T he ch ild ren of Carm el were fo rtuna te last F riday in hav ing Miss B lanche C ahen of San F ra n ­cisco address them a t th e pub lic school.

Miss C ahen’s ideal is oue of set vice to the needy of all nations. F or th e p as t th ree years she has ded ica ted herself to the work of relief, and has received a m edal from th e F rench governm ent for her services.

T his lady kuows how to p resen t her sub jec t sim plv anti convincing­ly. She told the ch ild ren of the m anner in w hich Q ueen E lizabeth of B elgium cares for 80,000 men, co rnea and child ren crowded to­ge th e r in to seventeen square miles in free B elgium .

Miss C ahen is th e official rep re ­sen tative of th e Q ueen, am col­lecting supp lies and clo th ing, e s­pecially for ch ild ren in th e w arring countries, m any of whom have only uew spapeis to cover them .

T h e ch ild ren decided to send th e ir C hris tm as box to B elgium , and Miss C ahen superin tended its p ack ing on S a tu rday . T he child ren also selected one of the ir num ­ber to w rite to th e Q ueen.

T he box, to which young and old con tribu ted , contained rice, beaus, chocolate, n inety - six stockings filled w ith to is , c lo th ing , etc.

T hanks to the kindness of Rev. S. C. T hom as, Miss C ahen spoke also a t the M ethodist C hurch on oil S u nday , describ ing her work for France, and read ing letters from gratefu l m others and cliild ien

These sh ipm en ts go th rough d i­rect by American tran spo rts to so cieties and ind iv iduals w ith whom Miss Cahen is in touch. She ap peals especially for m ilk, clo th ing , sum s of money, however sm all.

T hose desiring to co n trib u te may do so a t th e Ju n io r R elief w ork­room on O cean aveuue, Tuesday and F riday afternoons.

Let Us KnowIf anyone has— „

Died Eloped M arried Left town H ad a fire H ad a baby B ought a lot Come to town Sold a p ic tu re W ritten a book Jo ined the Army or Navy Solved th e h igh cost of living

T h a t’s u. ivs— L et the P ine Cone know.


Christian Science Services

Sunday, / / A .M .Sunday School, 9 :4 5 A . .

W ednesday Eve. Service, 8 o ’clock A R T S A N D C R A F T S H A LL

f \ li S a i n t s [;p is< ;o p a l

S E R V I C E S A T 8 A . M . A N D 4 P . M .

E V E R Y S U N D A Y , E X C E P T S E C O N D

S U N D A Y I N M O N T H . W I I E N O N E

S E R V I C E I S H E L D , A T I I A . M .

Sunday School 10 A .M . W A L T E R G . M O F F A T , Rector

L io y a l tyT his is no tim e to quibble or to fool;

To a rg u e over w ho w as w rong, or w ho r ig h t ;

T o m easu re fe a lty w ith a w orn foot- ru le ; *

T o a s k : “ S hall w e keep s til l or sha ll we fig h t?”

T he clock of fa te has s tru c k ; th e h o u r is h e re ;

W ar is upon us now , n o t f a r a w a y ;One question on ly rises , clarion c lea r;

“H ow m ay I serve m y co u n try , day by d ay ?”

N o t a ll o f u s m ay join th e k hak ied th ro n g

Of th o se who an sw er and go fo rth to stem

T he tid e o f w ar. B u t we can a ll be s tro n g

And s te ad y in one lo y a lty to them !N o t w ith u n fe tte re d th o u g h t, o r

tongue le t looseIn b itte rn e ss o r pain— a childish

gam e!B u t w ith a fa ith , u n tro u b led by

abuse,T h a t honors those who p u t th e re s t

to sham e!

T here is no m iddle ground on which to s ta n d ;

W e’ve done w ith useless pro-and- con d e b a te s ;

The one-tim e friend , so w elcom e in th is land,

H as tu rn e d upon us a t o u r very gates .

T here is no w ay , w ith honor, to stand back—

l'e a l p a tr io tism isn ’t cool— th en h o t;

You can n o t tr im th e flag to fit y ou r lack ;

You are A m ericans—or else y o u ’re n o t! —C incinnati E nquirer.

J. R. BEC K, M. D.Office a t Carmel - by - the - Sea

Pharmacy’, Carmel, Cal.

B y o rder of th e p o stm as te r g en ­eral. le tte rs , p ostcards and p rin ted m a tte r m ailed in th e U n ited S ta te s fo r tran sm iss io n to th e U n ited S ta te s ex p ed itio n ary forces in E u ­rope w ill be accepted a t o rd in ary dom estic p ostage ra tes .


1 For Information JE =| As to Property j

1 In and About j

[ C A R M E L ja d d u i w

C arm el | Developm ent j

Com panyL a— a w .

M A IL FOR U. S . ARM Y IN EU RO PE A ll such m a tte r shou ld b ear th e

com plete d es ignation o f th e division reg im en t, com pany an d o rgan isa tion to w hich th e addressee belongs, as well a s th e nam e and ad d ress of th e sender.

P a tro n s should u n d er no c ircum ­stan ces a t te m p t to d es ig n a te on th e envelope th e place w here th e tro o p s a re located.

The correc t m an n er o f add ressing such a le t te r is show n below :

Jo h n S m ith J r . ,Co. X , In fa n try

A m erican E x p e d itio n a ry Forces P o s tm a s te rs will fo rw ard to N ew

Y ork all m ail addressed “A m erican E xped itio n ary Forces.”



Carmel Highlands and re­turn, 50c. each

Point Lobos and return, 75c. each

Big Sur and return, $5 each

Palo Colorado and return, $1.50 each

Order a t t l t h a n d C asanova or F in e Cone o ffice

K nil ! K n it ! K nit !T o th e Carm el Red Cross c h a p ­

te r has been assigned th e d u ty of su p p ly in g th e following. T w enty- five sets, eaeh con ta in ing o n e sleeveless sw eater, oue pair socks, one pair w ristlets, one muffler.

M ateria l is 0 1 1 hand , and in or­d e r to tu rn ou t th e work qu ick ly , workers are w anted.

M ajor G raysou M. P. M urphy w rites from F ra n c e :

‘ 'They m ust come before cold w eather, aud in view of shortage of fuel aud o ther d is­com forts, thev will b e of in ­cred ib le value in both m ilitary aud civilian w ork .”

Carmel Highlands Stage

Loaves H ighlands—8:00 a.m. for r armel

11:00 a.m. for Carmel and Monterey

5:00 p.m. for Carmel and Monterey

Leave Carmel for H igh­lands—9:00 a. in

Leave Monterev 12:00 m. and 6:00 p.m. stopping a t Carmel

Fare: Carmel io Highlands, 25c.Highlands to Monterey, 50c.

Packages called for and delivered.10c.

Special Day and Night Trips by Arrangement.

Carmel Booking Office at Devel­opment Co. Office

For Sale tw° lots-r u i l g a n d 2 0 _ _

Block MM, N. Carnielo A ve.. Carmel-by-the-Sea. Inquire Mrs. T. C. While, 2716 Ben-venue Ave., Berkeley. Cal.

Page 4: AUG. 30, 1917 CARMEL-BY-THE-SEA. CAL. VOL. Ill, NO. 31S&e Year. $1.56 ISSUED EQERY THURSDAY clje Copy,5cenrsAUG. 30, 1917 CARMEL-BY-THE-SEA. CAL. VOL. Ill, NO. 31 Carmel Summer School

C arm el H igh lands G uestsAmong those registering at the

H ighlands Inn , since the opening, on July 28, are the following:

Mrs A. B. Speer, Denver; Mrs. Mary Eyre, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Roth, Mr and Mrs. M. V. Politio, San Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Taggard, Dr Mary Barmby, Miss Barmby, Mrs Duncan McDuffiie. Berkeley; Mr and Mrs. William K. Beans, Judge and Mrs. William Beasley, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Water- , house. San Jose; Mr. and Mrs. j Perry Eyre, Miss Elenor Eyre* Miss Kate Crocker, Menlo; Mr. J. Mau- sar and family, Altadena; Mrs. M. N. Williamson, Priscilla Williamson, Sacramento; Mr. and Mrs. John Burke, Mr. P. R. Mabury, Miss B. Mabury, Mrs. Perry Eisen, Los An­geles; A. Vachell, Carmel; Mrs. C. N. Gavette, New York; Mrs. Wiliis Polk, San Francisco.

If you read it in the Pine Cone you may safely repeat it.

Musicians Going Away

The colony of em inent musical artists and their families, which lias been in Carmel for several months, residing in cottages in the neighbor­hood of The Norwood, will begin to disperse this week. Some go to San Francisco, others to southern California, and several travel to New York.

All has not been play during the musicians’ vacation here. Much time has been spent in rehearsal. R ight now the San Francisco Cham­ber Music Society is ready to begin its concert season of classical and modem programs. The members of this organization are: LouisPersinger. first violin; Louis W. Ford, second violin; Nathan Fire­stone, viola; Horace Britt, cello; Gyula Oimay, piano; Elias M. H echt, flutist.

On Septem ber 26 the organiza­tion plays at San Jose under the di­rection of Warren D. Allen.

No One Saw the Green Stockings

“ M arried at. L a s t ,” “ O rder Out of C hoas,” “ M ysterious S m ith .” Auy of the foregoing w ould have been ad eq u a te titles for M asou’s E n g lish c.nnedy, p resen ted a t Arls and C rafts H all las t T hursday evening. F o r all th a t was seen of g reen stock ings, th e play m ight have been advertised as “ Link S lippers ”

H owever, th e above has noth ing to do w il l the excellence of the perform ance produced by Mrs. O. 11. W a ttru i 'in . T he m aim er iu w hich she placed tw elve persons oil th e sm all s tage a t oue tim e aud have them appear a t ease aud uuerow ded. was a m arvel of stage m anagem ent. Aud, too, she m ust have adm in istered to her actors some sort of a mem ory pow der, for, it is said, not a sing le line was om itted .

T he P ine Cone is com m issioned by m any to request M rs. W ater mau to p u t ou ano ther com edy be­fore leaving here.

T iie en tire even ing’s en te rta in ­m ent, w hich included it dance by th e little T aneyh ill g ir l an d a

| J “C halk T a lk ” by H am ilton Wolf, was fu ll> worth the price of a d ­m ission. and th e R ed Cross will

l"ln|"|'|'»u|D""|"||i|if]""m||ii|o„„„nii.ic0 ]niiimniia„„l„„iiic;„„„„„l,a „„„„l|„n|„„|.„„|n„„|„„|t̂ j »>ake K<x*l use of the m oney.

iryimimmioi .

j The Little Hardware 5tore IT h e T h in g s T h a t You W a n t W h e n You W a n t T h e m in t h e

l P a in t a n d H a r d w a r e L in e s

j D o g e o l la n s , S eu een -L u iu e , N a i ls I

Wyatt’s Little hardware Store

Joint Piano Recital


| M. D eN ea le M organ 1

s t u d i o

g L inco ln St., near Oct an aave. =

| O P E N T O V I S I T O R S |

| I t ie sd a ) & S a tu rd a y af te r i iou11* I

f T e l e p h o n e : 6 o r J 3 Y



Sheriff Wm. Nesbitt return­ed recently from a trj d the coast. He and h i s deputies are having quite a time seek­ing military slackers. A lot of chaps from the cities have made up their minds to avoid service in the army at all costs, and have taken to the tall tim-

L a h.'fjh brush.The wild and almost inac-

cessable recesses of the Santa Lucia mountains, some miles south of Carmel, offer excel­lent retreats for these fellows, hut they are finding it difficult to avoid the sheriff and his men.

Our W e e k ly R ecipe

R IC E CROQUETTES.One pound of rice, one quart of

cold water, one-half pint of milk, diree teasponfuls of salt, voulk of two eyes, flue bread crumbs. Wash the rice thoroughly, put in a sauce­pan with the water, milk and salt; let boil until the water and milk ire absorbed; then set aside to cool; vrate or roll the bread (should be as fine as com meal); beat the yolks; have the lard heating. Then make the rice into small croquettes, with smooth surface, roll them in the egg and then in the bread crumbs Lay in the frying basket and plunge into the hot lard, having first tested the heat with a bit of bread. When the croquettes are a golden brown, li.t the basket, let it drain about a minute, then serve on a platter or in a vegetable dish.


i l S H A M P O O I N G 5 M A N I C U R I N G

| Facial and Scalp Treat- [j m ents, etc.

1 M rs . A. Bickford |1 i 321 Van Buren S t . , M onterey I

Phone 255 M iiiiiiiimiiciiiimiiiiiitiiiniiiiiiiiu ..

Tomorrow evening the weekly recital at the Carmel Schoo of M usic will feature work for two pianos, and a program of rare beauty and nov­elty is announced.

Howard H . Hanson, head of toe Theory Departm ent iu the College of the Pacific Conservatory of M u. ic, wiil be associated with W arren D. Alien, Dean of the Conservatory, in a program, half of which will be de­voted to original works by the former.

Mr. Hanson will play his Concerto in C minor, which m et with such instant approval at the annual May Festival in San Jose, and his Sym­phonic Legend will be played for the first time in public.

In addition, the artists will play two dainty num bers from “ The Cnildreu’s Corner,” by Debussey, and four fascinating selections from Arensky’s Silhouettes and Suite for two pianos, entitled “ T he Savant,” “ Rom ance,” “ W altz,’’ and “ The Ciow n.”

T he fifth concert will be given on Friday evening of next week by Mr. Alexander Saslavsky, C oncert m as­ter of the New York Symphony Orchestra, and M r. Alien. The Vitaii Chaeonne and two immortal sonatas by Grieg and Cesar F ranck are in preparation.

Carmel Drag StoreHtis a fine line of

B L Ben

U nw rapped and un&ddresscd m a g ­azines, when in tended for th e U. S. E xped itio n ary forces in in Europe w ill he accepted for m ailing a t th e ra te of 1 cen t per copy regard less of w eight, w hen m ailed by o th e rs th a n th e publishers.

|S c h w e n i n k e r ’sj BAKERY and GROCERY

I B e s t G o o d s

= F r e s h G o o d s I

R ig h t P r ic e sP r o m p t A u to D elivery

A n n u a l R eport ofC a rm el L ibrary

Library statistics, tor 1915 - 17, compiled tor the Pine Cone by Mrs. Sydney Yard, Librarian, are here presented :

Books entered. 304—by gift 176, by purchase 128; volumes in library 3S04.

Cardholders added, 288.Circulation— Fiction 6189, non

fiction 1253, juvenile 1223, maga­zines 1517; total 10,182.

C L O C K SAlso S t a t io n e r y , T o i l e t A r t ic le s , a 11 i f R u b b e r

S u n d r ie sC olu m b ia G rap h op lion e an d

R eco rd s for Sale

The Pine Cone has a well equipped job printing plant. Prices are fair.


Saturday, Sept. 1 MARIE LORO in

“Diplomacy”Tuesday. Sept. 4


The Code of Marcia Gray


The attention of the dairy and stock men of this section is called to the new legislation passed by the last legislature, which carries with it the pos­sibility of annulment of e x ­isting cattle brands if not properly observed within the next eight months.

The new laws specify that the owner of any mark or brand must notify' the county recorder of his ' intention to continue the use of such mark or brand. Any person failing to do so shall lose all right and title to any distinguishing mark heretofore used by them .

The reason for this leg isla ­tion is due to the similarity o f brands, which have in the past caused many cases of l i t i g a ­tion.

I f your business is in Carm el have your P rin ting done a t th e Pine Cone Press.
