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Audience Research

When looking into my audience research I had to make sure everything was done systematically. This was to make sure that I had the clearest most accurate results possible.

The first thing I looked into was age. I already work in a place where make up was sold on a day to day basis. This was mainly from ages 16 and older, so therefore children in their late teens. Obviously I related back to the fact that they were MUA products and because of this that meant that the products were at a low price. This made it harder to make my advert obviously as children were buying the makeup from younger ages. Yet I compared other makeup adverts such as L’Oreal and Rimmel London with help to see what age range I should target my products at.

As you can see below I looked at the ‘make up Debate’ This basically tells mums to start their kids off on make up in their late teens . Which I agree that most parents would find acceptable.

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I then looked into further detail into other makeup that’s out there and how they advertise online to their audiences.

Firstly L’Oreal:

As you can see their website has a very professional feel to it whereby a lot of thought and care has gone into their presentation.

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Then Maxfactor:

This again has a very professional feel to the website giving customers an insight tutorial. Therefore more customers are more likely to purchase the product.

Then Miss Sporty

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Straight away with Miss Sporty you see a huge change. Due to them using cartoon characters it shows that they are aimed at the younger generation.

Finally looking at MUAs Website

Here you can see with MUA how they show off their colour rages. They have good offers so that you don’t have to be from a certain age or class to get a hold of this make up.

From viewing the MUA I think that 16+ does definitely suit my age category just from the way in which the website is set out. The choice of colour and text does definitely draw attention into the website. Also by the way they highlight there promotions so customers are able to get 25 pounds off when they spend on the website is another great way of getting people’s attention.

Overall I am happy with viewing these websites and looking at how I can expand on my advert to make it work the age of my target audience.

Obviously due to gender I don’t have to look that much into. Due to the fact that generally, only women would watch my advert and want to purchase the products.

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The definition of demographics is the characteristics of the human population. This therefore gives an insight into age, income, education, where you live. This gives you an insight into who exactly your customers are.

I therefore have to look into depth to determine my target audience for my makeup advert.

Using my chosen topic it was quite easy for me to identify exactly who my target audience were. This was because with a budget of 1 pound on essential makeup such as mascara, lipgloss, lipstick.

Therefore I have no real need to look into this element apart from age. Also as my advert is located in natural habitats such as Braywick Nature Center I don’t have to worry about making my overall advert look too upper class.

When looking into social economics I think this research best suits my advert as you are targeting mass audiences. Therefore when looking into an advert containing alcohol, and it’s going to be worldwide, you need to look into religons and cultures. This is due to the fact it goes against some religions and therefore by even advertising this it won’t increase your sales, it will just lower your profit by putting it on air. As you know I have questioned my peers and done audience research into who I am aiming my product at. I know my target audience is my own age group. Therefore by being able to watch hands on exactly what target audience my Advert has to be shown to it helps me to finalise who exactly my target audience are.