
Aileen Buckley, Esri

[email protected]


Greg Allord

[email protected]

• A human-technology civilization.

• Technologies merge with each other and humans merge with technology.

• Technology will shape us as muchas we shape it.


• “Technology futurists Ayesha and Parag Khanna declare that we are rapidly moving from a point of co-existence with technology to a phase of co-evolution with it.”

• “Technology no longer just processes our instruction; it has its own agency, and we respond to it as much as it responds to us.”

• The Khannas took their cue from Alvin and Heidi Toffler and their book Future Shock, published at the dawn of the information age in 1970, which has proven to be accurate on a number of counts.

Stone Age(250,000 BP)• Nomadic bands• Hunting and gathering• Simple stone tools

Agrarian Age(10,000 BP)• Sedentary farmers• Cultivating crops• Plow, wheel

Industrial Age(18th & 19th centuries)• Factory workers• Large-scale manufacturing• Printing-press, mechanical clock

Information Age(1970s)• Knowledge workers• Data creation and communication• Personal computer, and later the

WWW and mobile phones

• Ubiquitous computing (with trillions of sensors covering our environment)

• Intelligent machines (devices communicating with each other as well as with us)

• Social technologies (encouraging us to develop emotional relationships with them)

• Integrated scientific fields (such as information technology, biotechnology, pervasive computing, robotics, neuroscience and nanotechnology hybridization of the “Bio Age”, the “Nano Age”, and the “Neuro Age”)

• Rapidly-adaptive development strategies (with the ability quickly read and act on signals of change)

• It is worldwide; collective; politically-, economically-, religiously-, and socially-agnostic

1. Ubiquitous

2. Intelligent

3. Social

4. Integrated

5. Disruptive

• Computers PCs smart devices molecular computers

• Small computing machines will evolve to be in every object in our lives, including our bodies

• By 2020, we will live “in technology”

• No longer deaf, dumb, and blind

• Intelligent, multisensory, intuitive, autonomous, collective

• E.g., Watson beat two human competitors on Jeopardy in February 2011 using language comprehension, the highest marker of human intelligence

• Anthropomorphic

• More natural interaction (language, no keyboard)

• Voice and gesture-based commands

• Responsive (like humans) and reactive

• We’ll form emotional ties t the technologies

• Neuroscience, nanoscience, bioscience, and more will be integrated

• E.g., biomechanicotronics = biology + mechanical engineering + electronics

• Bring products and services to the masses very rapidly

• Disrupt older models of thought, business, action, politics, economics, science, etc.

• Force us to adapt quickly

• It will become global quickly

• Therefore, the poor and underprivileged with access to technology will create opportunities and disruptions

• A fundamental change—human nature ceases to be a discrete or immutable truth.

• Evolution doesn’t have to be accidental and contingent, it can be directed and technologically assisted.

• Uniting genetics, neuroscience, synthetic biology and other fields, a systematic effort is under way to break the codes of gene-behavior relations and accelerate our ability to augment ourselves.

Information Age

Hybrid Age


ComputersDigital media





Runaway technological growth

The Hybrid Age is the transition period between the Information Age and the moment of technological singularity (when machines surpass human intelligence) that inventor Ray Kurzweil, author of The Singularity is Near, estimates we may reach by 2040, if not sooner.

• Technology provides intelligent feedback

• Technologies are not just lighter and smaller, but invisible and integrated

• Technologies are physically integrated with humans

• Technologies allow us to augment ourselves

• The “computer” as an object will physically disappear from our view and will instead be invisibly integrated into ourselves and our built environment

• A person’s technology quotient (TQ) becomes more important thantheir intelligence quotient (IQ) or emotional quotient (EQ)

• Opportunity

• Prosperity

• Chaos

• Uncertainty

• …

Not unlike other ages

• Ride the wave

• Prepare yourself and your organization (raise your TQ)

• Anticipate and mitigate the implications for:

- Geoscience (geopolitics, geoeconomics, geophysics, geoecology, …)

• And, for us, embrace the new age of mapping (the creation, dissemination, and use of maps)

Learn Assimilate





• Integrated into our foundational knowledge

• Easily searchable and queryable

• Presented in ways that are intuitive to understand and integrated into our existing knowledge base

• The need for spatial knowledge is anticipated

• Responsive to changes in or additions to our knowledge base

• Spatial information will allow individuals to connect to each other directly and indirectly

• Spatial information will allow services to be provided for quickly and easily

• Ubiquitous

• Intelligent

• Social

• Integrated

• Rapidly-adaptive

• Ubiquitous: Web services provide easy access to the atlas content through ubiquitous computing on a wide range and large number of devices connected via the Internet.

• Intelligent: The user experience supports intelligent exploration through contextual understanding, intuitive findability, and desirable comparison.

• Integrated: The user interface seamlessly integrates the maps and supporting content.

• Social: The atlases are social, providing useful opportunities to communicate and collaborate with others.

• Adaptable: The atlas can be integrated with external data to provide responsive query and exploration.

• No access restrictions or limitations

• No linguistic limitations (in your language; at your language level)

• No cognitive limitations (at your level of understanding; spatial cognition limitations are overcome -- color deficiency, map reading ability, etc.)

• Complete and correct (no more “bad maps”; the problems of uncertainty are solved)

• Complete data currency (present, past, and future)

• Completely responsive and even anticipatory (new maps based on

real-time data or projections)

• Easy to access, search, and query

• Easy to understand and assimilate

• Personal and individual (on-demand knowledge based on your

needs, e.g., coffee versus world security)

• Safe (the problems of privacy are solved)

• More???

We are at the beginning of a new agea new way of thinking

a new way of living…

How will we respond?





Aileen Buckley, Esri

[email protected]


Greg Allord

[email protected]
