Page 1: At · 3) Recite Surah Mulk and Surah Alif lãm meem Sajdah any time after the maghrib salãh before retiring to bed. Jãbir t narrates that the Holy Prophet s would not retire to

At - Taqwā April - June 2015

Page 2: At · 3) Recite Surah Mulk and Surah Alif lãm meem Sajdah any time after the maghrib salãh before retiring to bed. Jãbir t narrates that the Holy Prophet s would not retire to


At - Taqwā April - June 2015


We will once again witness, with the will of Almighty

Allãh S, the blessed month of Ramadhãn. This month

has a strong connection with the Qur‟ãn,

"The month of Ramadhãn [is that] in which was revealed

the Qur'ãn, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of

guidance and criterion." (2:183)

As Ramadhãn draws closer I would like us to ponder

over our commitment to the Qur‟ãn. We cannot flick a

switch when Ramadhãn begins and expect to achieve full

spiritual force. We will quickly lose the steam and

stamina to carry on after a mere few days. Let us ready

ourselves for Ramadhãn by fully establishing and

strengthening our relationship with the Qur‟ãn.

The Qur‟ãn is for us a Divine blessing and miracle of

Allãh S. Allãh S has protected the language, text,

meanings and the commentary of the Qur‟ãn as


“We have, without doubt, sent down the Reminder (i.e., the

Qur‟ãn); and We will assuredly guard it [from

corruption].” (15:9)

From the beginning until the end, every word in the

Qur‟ãn tells the reader that it is the word of Allãh S.

Those who ignore it do so at their own peril:

"And if you are in doubt as to what We have revealed to

Our servant, then produce a Surah like thereunto; and call

your witnesses or helpers (if there are any) besides Allãh, if

your (doubts) are true. But if you cannot - and of a surety

you cannot - then fear the Fire whose fuel is men and stones

which is prepared for those who reject Faith." (2:23-24)

The „Ulamã have mentioned that there are three rights of

the Qur‟ãn that we must fulfil,

1) Reciting the Qur‟ãn

2) Understanding the Qur‟ãn

3) Practicing upon the message of the Qur‟ãn

Reciting the Qur‟ãn

We should endeavour to start the day with spiritual

nourishment by reading the Qur‟ãn. The Mashãikh

recommend the following:

1) Recite a set portion daily. Non-huffãz should recite

one juz and huffãz should recite three juz daily.

2) Recite Surah Yãsĩn every morning.

It has been attributed that the Prophet s

said, “Whosoever recites Surah Yãsĩn in the early part of

the day his needs will be fulfilled.” (Dãrumĩ)

It is stated in Mirqãt under the commentary of the above

Hadĩth that one‟s worldly needs and the needs pertaining

to the Dĩn and the Hereafter will be fulfilled. (Vol. 4,

Page 681)

3) Recite Surah Mulk and Surah Alif lãm meem Sajdah

any time after the maghrib salãh before retiring to bed.

Jãbir t narrates that the Holy Prophet s would not

retire to bed until he had read Alif Lãm Tanzĩl and Surah

Tabãrak. (Tirmĩzĩ)

4) Recite Surah Kahaf every Friday.

Rasũlullãh s said “Whoever recites the opening ten

verses of Surah kahf will be protected from the fitnah of

Dajjãl” (Muslim)

5) Recite Surah Dukhãn on the night of Friday.

The Messenger of Allãh s said, “Whoever recites

(Surah) Hã Meem, which mentions the smoke (al-

dukhãn) within it, on the night of Friday [between

Thursday Maghrib and Friday Fajr] will enter the

morning forgiven.” (Abũ Ya`lã)

Understanding the Qur‟ãn

1) Many local masãjid have durũs (lessons) of the

Qur‟ãn. Participate in the durũs on a regular basis.

2) Enrol in Islãmic courses and classes provided by

authentic local institutions and masãjid to develop a

greater understanding of Dĩn.

(Continued on page 4)

Page 3: At · 3) Recite Surah Mulk and Surah Alif lãm meem Sajdah any time after the maghrib salãh before retiring to bed. Jãbir t narrates that the Holy Prophet s would not retire to


At - Taqwā April - June 2015

In Shaykh’s CompanyIn Shaykh’s Company is a blog maintained by the students of Shaykh Mawlānā Muhammad Saleem Dhorat (may Allāh S

preserve him). It aspires to meticulously record the eminent Shaykh’s teachings, discourses, and advices in the

light of the Sharī’ah.

Lectures of Shaykh Mawlānā Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullāh to listen out for at:

1) Urdu: Da’wat awr Tabligh (20/03/2015)

2) English: The Harms and Dangers of Usury (03/04/2012)

Reasons to be Thankful “Whenever we are faced with a difficulty, we should tell ourselves that the reasons for exercising ṣabr (patience) are few, and the reasons for

shukr (being grateful to Allāh S) are many because the Favours of Allāh S are far more in number than the few difficulties we are en-


For example if we have a head ache, then we should remind ourselves that only one part of the body is in pain, while the rest of the body is

well and healthy. Thus there is only one reason to be patient and many reasons for being thankful.”

Strengthen your Power “Without the usage of will power, there is no remedy for those sins which are related to passion and desire. The respected Shaykh Ashraf

„Alī Thānwī rahmatullĩhi alayh would say that if a person is not willing to utilise his will power then not even a Prophet can save him

from committing sin.

Through the usage of will power one can achieve great things. Take the example of a smoker who stops smoking from morning till evening

in Ramadhān. How? By utilising the willpower which is inherent within him! Similarly, every person has the ability to abstain from sins,

if he would only use his will power.

By affiliating with a Shaykh and consulting with him one is able to develop and rejuvenate his will power so that he is able to use this

great capacity and thus refrain from sin.”

Build for the Hereafter “The house of the hereafter is constructed in this world. If we construct it with bricks of good, a house will await us in Jannah; if we con-

struct it with bricks of evil, a house will await us in Jahannam.”

Best Place, Best Time “The most blessed place for a believer is that place where he repents to Allāh S and the most blessed time for a believer is that moment

when he repents and becomes the special friend of Allāh S.”

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At - Taqwā April - June 2015

(Continued from page 2)

3) Study authentic commentaries of the Qur‟ãn under the guidance of authentic Ulamã. Seek clarification from the

Ulamã where needed to avoid misunderstanding and confusion.

Practicing on the message of the Qur‟ãn

Allãh S says,

“So announce the good news to My servants. Those who listen to the Word and follow the best thereof, those are (the ones) whom Allãh

has guided and those are men of understanding.” (39.17-18)

Rasũlullãh s said “Whoever read the Qur‟ãn and memorized it and believed its' halãl to be halãl and its harãm to be harãm (i.e.,

accepted it commandments of halãl and harãm), Allãh will accept the intercession for such 10 people on from him whom Hell had already

become Wãjib.” (Tirmĩzĩ, Ibn-e-Mãjah)

Abdullãh Ibn Masũd t said “When one of us would learn 10 verses (of the Qur‟ãn), he would not exceed them until

he understood their meaning and had bought them (their message) into practice.” (At-Tabari)

Understand and learn with intention of bringing into practice whatever you learn. Stay in the company of those

people in whose lives the teachings of the Qur‟ãn are manifest, i.e. the pious. Piety and practice will rub off onto you

through their company.

Let us start work on bringing into practice the aforementioned points so that our relationship with the Qur‟ãn is fully

established by the arrival of Ramadhãn allowing is to fully reap the benefits throughout the blessed month.

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Duā For Ramadhān

The Prophet s has mentioned four things that we must do in the month of Ramadhān, two for the pleasure of Allāh

S and two items we cannot do without.

1. Recite in abundance the Kalimah لا إلها إلا اهلل .

2. Seek His forgiveness through Istighfār.

3. Ask for His Jannah.

4. Ask His refuge from the Fire of Jahannam.

(Sahīh Ibn Khuzaimah)

The honourable Shaykh Mawlānā Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullāh mentions “My late father, Hāfidh Ibrahim

Dhorat v taught me a prayer during my childhood which I suppose he instructed it to me keeping in mind the aforementioned hadīth of

the Prophet s. He taught me to recite abundantly during the month of Ramadhān:”

ناةا وا أاعوذ بكا منا الناار لكا الجا غفر اهللا أاسئ ا لا إلها إلا اهلل أاست ا

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At - Taqwā April - June 2015

Wishes or Intentions By Mawlãnã Zayd Gajia

Thawbãn t narrates that the Prophet s said, "Soon

nations will summon each other against you just as a

group of diners usher each other towards their meal."

Somebody asked, "Because we will be few in number at

the time?" The Messenger s replied, "No, you will be

numerous, but you will be foam like that carried by a

torrent. And Allãh will remove from the hearts of your

enemies their awe of you and place weakness into your

hearts." The person asked, "What will this weakness be?"

He replied, "Love of the world and dislike of

death." (Abũ Dãwũd)

Love of the world and the dislike of death

The causes of the degeneration and the decline of the

ummah is a subject upon which different people will give

different views. Many a times, unfortunately, it is the hot

topic of debate at gatherings of family and friends.

Unfortunate because more often than not these

discussions and debates are there to while away the

hours without any true concern for the ummah. In the

narration above, our beloved Prophet s himself very

precisely outlined the state of degeneration the Muslim

ummah will face in the future and, being a mercy for the

universes, he also highlighted the causes which, if any

truly concerned Muslim would pay attention to and act

accordingly, will find the tides begin to turn.

Love of the world and the dislike of death have been

referred to as the two root causes by our beloved

Prophet s. These are those subjects that we are

constantly reminded of. Our Ulamã and Mashãikh

propagate through speeches, individual guidance and by

the means of the pen. It is a very well covered aspect of

our Dĩn. Allãh S in the Glorious Qur‟ãn gives different

examples diverting our attention to the reality of this

worldly life.

'And give them the example of the worldly life; it is like

water we sent down from the sky, then the vegetation of the

earth was mingled with it, and then turned into chaff that is

blown by the winds, and Allãh is powerful over everything.

Wealth and children are the embellishment of the worldly

life and the everlasting virtues are better with your lord both

in rewards and in creating good hopes.' (18:45-46)

In another verse Allãh S says regarding the Idolaters of


'In fact these people love that which is immediate, and

neglect a heavy day ahead of them' (76:28)

And in very clear terms Allãh S warns,

'O mankind, Allãh's promise is definately true, therefore,

the worldly life must not decieve you, nor should you be

decieved about Allãh by the big deciever' (35:5)

Once the Prophet s, on seeing the companion‟s

anticipation of the arrival of the Jizya from Bahrain,


'I do not fear that poverty may befall you. Rather, I fear that the

riches of the world be spread out before you as it had been for those

before you. And that you may compete in it just as they had

competed in it. Thus it will destroy you just as it destroyed

them.' (Al Bukhãrĩ)

Regarding death, the Prophet s said,

'If the animals were to know about death that which you all know,

you would not have the luxury of eating a fat animal' (Bayhaqĩ)

The great companion of the Prophet s, Hadhrat Abũ

Dardã t would say,

'Death is always better for a believer. If anyone does not believe me,

Allãh says 'And that which is by Allãh is better for the righteous'

and 'those who disbelieve should not think that the respite we give

them is good for them. We give them respite only that they may

increase in sin, and for them is a humiliating punishment'

A very pious servent of Allãh S very aptly remarked,

'Death is a bridge which transports the lover to the beloved'

The above is just a drop of water in the ocean of

guidance left for us to nourish ourselves from. Yet,

despite all of this the ummah is becoming even more

engrossed in the love of the world and negligence of


(Continued on page 9)

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At - Taqwā April - June 2015

Preparations for Ramadhãn By Mawlãnã Hamza Adam

Whilst introducing this month to the Islamic calendar,

Allãh S very lovingly addressed us with the great

attribute of belief

"O you who believe, the fasts have been enjoined upon you

as they were enjoined upon those before you, so that you may

become God-fearing.” (2:183)

The fact that an unlettered person was able to inform us

of the rituals (fasting) of the people of the past shows the

divinity of this message. Hence in order to create

awareness of this divine message, the day prior to

Ramadhãn the Prophet of Allãh s assembled the Sahãbã

t and uniquely highlighted and summarised its

prominence with a few words,

"A magnificent month dawns upon you. Upon the arrival of

Ramadhãn the gates of heaven are flung open and the doors of hell

are shut and the shayãtĩn are shackled/chained/imprisoned

decreasing the chances to sin. Like a metal rod removed from the

fire, the effect of the fire only allows it to lose its heat

gradually.” (Ibn Khuzaimah, Muslim & Nasaĩ)

Allãmah Qurtubĩ rahimahullãh mentions, “Although the

shayatĩnul jinn are locked up the reason we still sin is

because the satanic humans (misguiding humans) as well

as bad habits and the nafs are still free to lure us towards

sin. Although the avenues of sin are not completely

removed they are significantly minimised. Hence if one

recognises and works on his weak points and at the same

time targets the virtuous acts connected to this month he

will be able to minimise possible setbacks and maximise

profit from Ramadhãn even before the advent of


Below are a few target areas one should work on before


Reciting Qur‟ãn

Recite the Qur‟ãn as much as possible. In the Qur‟ãn,

Allãh S unveils the connection Ramadhãn has with the


“The month of Ramadhãn is the one in which the Qur‟ãn

was revealed.” (2:185)

This month was the month chosen to reveal all His

divine books in general and the Qur‟ãn specifically.

Recognising the magnitude of this connection between

this great month and the greatest book, the God fearing

people would dedicate all their precious time towards the


When Ramadhãn came, Sufyãn Ath-Thawrĩ rahimahullãh

would give up all acts of (voluntary) worship and devote

himself to the recitation of the Qur‟ãn. The Prophet s

and Jibrãĩl alaihis salãm would revise the Qur‟ãn together

in Ramadhãn.

Therefore we too should set goals according to our

ability. According to Imãm Abũ Hanĩfah rahimahullãh it is

neccasary to complete the recitation of the Qur‟ãn twice

in a year. Targeting to read large portions of the Qur‟ãn

on a daily basis during Ramadhãn will be a failure if one

has not built the stamina of recitation prior to

Ramadhãn. As Ramadhãn is fast approaching we ought

to blow off the dust and mend the rusty relationship we

have with the Qur‟ãn since upon this very Qur‟ãn do we

rely on interceding on our behalf on the day of


Making Dua

As for our relationship with Allãh S, that is determined

through how long we can last when making duã. Is our

measuring stick in the strength of our relationship? If we

feel tired after a while this is a sign of a weak connection.

Hence, if we regularly train and gradually increase this

time we will be able to take advantage of the times in

Ramadhãn in which Allãh S‟s special attention is

directed towards those who engage in duã.

Not a single duã made at the time of breaking the fast is

rejected. In one narration we find that, in Ramadhãn

Allãh S commands the angels who are appointed to lift

the throne of Allãh S, to disengage in their appointed

worships and say Ãmĩn to the duã made by fasting ones.


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At - Taqwā April - June 2015

Unfortunately this is one type of worship which we do

not regard as worship whereas the Prophet s has said,

"The most excellent worship is duã.” (Bukhãrĩ)

Many make duã so hurriedly or absentminded not

realising that duã is a conversation between creation and

creator which means duã is to be made not to be recited.

One should shed tears or impersonate shedding tears in

an attempt to attract the mercy of Allãh S with full

conviction that Allãh S will accept his duã. Sincere

repentance from our rebellious display in the past

months will help pave the way to a fresh start and bring

us back on good terms with Allãh S before the actual

arrival of Ramadhãn. As for which duã is to be made,

this is to be learned from those who are closer to Allãh

S, the mashãikh and ulamã.

Controlling the tongue

The Prophet s mentions,

“Many people are such that they do not get anything from their fast

but hunger.” (Bukhãrĩ)

Think before speaking since each word can potentially

spoil ones fast if not bringing greater devastating


The Prophet s mentions, “Sometimes a person utters a word,

in which he sees no harm, yet because of it, he continues to fall

seventy years deep in to Jahannam.” (Tirmĩzĩ)

The loose tongue is one of the most common reasons a

person's fast will end in vain. The tongue which is

habituated to be out of control for most of the year will

not come under control overnight. One will need to

practice and train it.

Voluntary Fasts

Ãishah t narrates, “That besides the month of

Ramadhãn I never saw the Prophet s fast more

excessively in a month then the month of

Sha‟bãn.” (Abũ Dãwũd)

Whilst other narrators mention he would fast the entire

month we should also start to fast in moderation. One

extreme would be not to fast at all and the other extreme

would be to fast so excessively that we become

exhausted before the advent of Ramadhãn. The objective

of Ramadhãn is to supress ones desires to help adopt

taqwã. Fasting prior to Ramadhãn will help gaining the

upper hand on one‟s self and edge one closer to his


Implementing Sunan into Daily life

The thermometer for any action to be meritorious is

whether the Prophet s did that act. The father of

Hadhrat Shaykh rahimahullãh would say, “To enter the

lavatory in the sunnah way is more meritorious then to

pray salãh against the sunnah manner.” Alĩ t once

reprimanded a Bedouin for praying optional salãh before

the ĩd salãh. The bedouin reacted, “I know Allãh will not

punish me for praying salãh.” Alĩ t replied, “I know that

that which the Prophet s has not done or hasn't

encouraged to do, Allah does not reward such people.

Besides, you may be punished due to opposing the


We may deduce from this that measuring stick for the

reward of any action is for it to be in accordance to the

way of the Prophet s. One should endeavour to

impersonate the Prophet s, his actions his character his

worship, his fasting and most significantly, the way he

spent the days before Ramadhãn.

The practice of reading the following duã before

Ramadhãn has been attributed to the Prophet s,

“O Allãh, grant us blessings in Rajab and Sha‟bãn and keep us

alive to Ramadhãn.” (Bayhaqĩ)

A point to reflect on is, how difficult the Prophet s

found it to remain in the world after witnessing his

promised abode in Jannah with the naked eye. Every

second to come would bring fresh agitation caused by

the clash between the mind‟s eye which has set its sight

on the bliss of Jannah and the ascetic eye of the body

taking heavy glances at the prison like world. The above

duã shows anticipation and longing to reach Ramadhãn

despite despising the life of the world and constant

anticipation for the witnessed bliss of the hereafter.

From this one can imagine how fruitful Ramadhãn can

be. The more Ramadhãn comes close the more we

should increase our good deeds. The pious predecessors

would ask Allãh S six months prior to Ramadhãn that

Allãh S keep them alive until Ramadhãn.

(Continued on page 9)

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At - Taqwā April - June 2015

The Month of Ramadhãn By Mawlãnã Muhammad Ali Mankda

Let us imagine the extent of the desire of the Prophet s to meet Allāh S and also the great insight the Prophet s

had regarding the bounties of the Hereafter; He had already seen Jannah and was bestowed with the honour of seeing

and communicating with Allāh S. Yet, despite this great longing and desire, upon the advent of Rajab the Prophet s

would make the following duā desiring to remain in this world until Ramadhān:

انا عباانا وا ب الغناا راماضا با وا شا اللهما باارك لاناا في راجاO Allāh, make the month of Rajab and Sha‟bān blessed for us, and let us reach the month of Ramadhān. (At Tabrānī)

From this we understand the extraordinary nature of Ramadhān, for it is so great that the Prophet s would

supplicate for the prolongation of his worldly life so that he could take advantage of this great month and all its


The great scholar and reformer Shaykh Ahmad Farūqi v (Mujaddid Alf Thāni) said,

“If we combine all the blessings of the other eleven months, they would not add up to the blessings of Ramadhān.”

Ahādith on the merits and virtues of this month are well known. For example,

“The month of Ramadhān, the month of blessing has come to you, wherein Allāh turns towards you and sends down on you His special

Mercy, forgives your faults, accepts prayers, observes your competition for doing good deeds and boasts to the angels about you. So show to

Allāh your righteousness; for verily, the most pitiable and unfortunate is he who is deprived of Allāh„s Mercy in this month” (At Tabrānī)

Along with the possibility of a great reward, there is the risk of a terrible loss. If we let any other month pass by

carelessly, we just lost a month. If we do the same during Ramadhān we have lost a great deal. Of the three persons

the Prophet s cursed, one is the unfortunate Muslim who finds Ramadhān in good health but does not use the

opportunity to seek Allāh S„s forgiveness. (Hākim) Those who understand this, for them Ramadhān is indeed a very

special month.

In order to fully benefit from this month, the following is recommended:

1) Abstain from every disobedience to Allāh S. Protect your eyes, ears, tongue and even the mind. We should

minimize interaction with people as this is a cause of many sins.

2) Prepare a timetable and keep yourselves occupied at all times in good activities.

3) Spend as much time as possible reciting the Qur‟ān. Set a daily target for yourself.

4) Do abundance of zikr e.g. salāh alan nabi, the kalimah tayyibah, the third kalimah, istighfar etc.

5) Make lots of duā, asking Allāh for all the needs of this world and the Hereafter, after the performance of good

deeds, before iftār and at the time of tahajjud.

6) Increase charity during this month.

7) Following the sunnah of the Prophet s spend the last ten days in I‟tikāf, for these are the very cream of


Inshā‟allāh, if we keep the above few points in mind, we will be able to benefit from this priceless month and benefit

from the showers of Mercy of Allāh S. May Allāh S grant us all the tawfīq. Ãmīn.

d d d

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At - Taqwā April - June 2015

(Continued from previous 5)

Families are breaking apart due to the fighting over

inheritance. Uncles and nephews are at loggerheads over

claims of land back home. Children are left neglected

because parents; both fathers and mothers, are more

interested in climbing the social status ladder of this

temporal world. Even at funerals, death is the last thing

on people‟s minds. Why the apathy? Why have we

become so desensitized to the things that actually matter;

the reality of this world and the certainty of our demise?

Intentions, not wishes

Hakĩmul Ummah Mawlãnã Ashraf Alĩ Thãnwĩ

rahimahullãh has pinpointed the problem. He says,

'If someone says to me that I have tried very hard to

accomplish such and such a thing but I can't reach my

goal, then I will not accept that. I will say to him that you

wished to accomplish it but you never actually intended

it.' This is the reality of our problem. We all know of this

world and its reality and that we will all be leaving it

sooner rather than later. We have built wishes, wishes of

how we would like to be spiritually. But unfortunately

that is the end of it. The practical steps needed to

accomplish them are never taken.

Hadhrat Thãnwĩ rahimahullãh further on gives an

example, 'Take for instance a man who is thirsty, but it is

freezing cold outside and he does not want to leave his

home due to the extreme cold. He will go thirsty but he

won't leave his home. This very same man, if he is told

that the king will have a public audience on the outskirts

of the city where he will have a chance to meet the king

and speak to him, then despite the freezing temperature,

he will now leave the confines of his home and brave the

elements. The difference in the two is that when it came

to quenching his thirst he didn't really intend to go out,

and in the second scenario he really did intend.'

Another example closer to home is Fajr salãh. Today the

state of the masãjid in Fajr salãh is a sorry state. It would

be safe to say that only the minority of the ummah are

those who are performing salãh with congregation in the

masaajid. One general excuse is that 'I can't wake up' or

'I don't hear my alarm'. Yet, what about the time we have

to catch a flight at 4 30am? How many would miss the

flight with those same excuses? Rather people make sure

they are at the airport two to three hours earlier.

The truth is that with regards to Dĩn, as Hadhrat Thãnwĩ

rahimahullãh has very rightly summarised, we have not

really made true intentions. Whereas Allãh S has made

the basis of our success on the intentions and the

subsequent actions we carry out. Allãh S says,

'And whoever opts for the hereafter and makes effort for it

as due, while he is a believer, then, the effort of such people

is appreciated' (17:19)

After Imãn, two things are needed to ensure success in

the court of Allãh S; intention and action. Any evil deed

we find ourselves doing we must accept that we intended

it and whatever good deeds we are not doing and which

we feel a lack of in our lives is down to the fact that in

reality we have not truly intended to do it, rather we are

only wishing for it. And just wishing for something will

never achieve anything. As the poet points out,

'If 'ilm was to be aquired through wishful thinking, then there

would not be an ignorant person left on the face of the earth'

It is time we moved on from merely wishing to actual

intentions, which are then followed by actions, intentions

that decrease the love of the world from our hearts and

increase the desire to meet Allãh S. This will be the first

step on our path of reaching the pleasure of Allãh S and

eternal success.

(Continued from page 7)

Then they would spend the six months after Ramadhãn

that Allãh S accept what they had done during

Ramadhãn. The Prophet s mentioned,

“Shabãn is a month which people are neglectful towards. Whereas

this month is a month in which the deeds are presented before

Allãh.” (Nasaĩ & Ahmed)

Shaykh Mawlãnã Saleem Dhorat hafizahullãh mentions, If

one was to increase in devotion after the arrival of

Ramadhãn it would take time to adjust since the sudden

change would make it difficult to adapt to. Therefore,

we need to gradually increase the speed of our car of

worship well before Ramadhãn so that when the month

of Ramadhãn comes our car is already in top gear.

May Allãh S grant us the tawfĩq to prepare for and reap

the maximum rewards from the blessed month of

Ramadhãn. Ãmĩn.

Page 10: At · 3) Recite Surah Mulk and Surah Alif lãm meem Sajdah any time after the maghrib salãh before retiring to bed. Jãbir t narrates that the Holy Prophet s would not retire to


At - Taqwā April - June 2015

What jealousy can make you do


Prophet Ãdam alaihis salãm and Hawwã were

the first people on this earth. They had two

sons who were called Hãbĩl and Qãbĩl. Qãbĩl

was a farmer whilst Hãbĩl, the younger son, was

a shepherd.

One day, Qãbĩl disagreed with Hãbĩl and to

solve the issue it was decided that both

brothers should make some sacrifice

(offerings) to Allãh S, and whoever's sacrifice

would be accepted the dispute would be solved

in his favour. Both brothers made offerings to

Allãh S. It so happened, that Allãh S accepted

Qãbĩl's offerings but rejected Hãbĩl 's,

because he was a proud and selfish person, and

he did not fear Allãh S. This made him jealous

and instead of taking a lesson from this, he

felt hatred for his brother whose offerings

were accepted. He felt so much anger, that he

threatened to kill Hãbĩl.

Hãbĩl was just as strong as his brother, rather

even stronger, but he refused to fight back

because he feared Allãh S. He was innocent

and selfless. He explained to his brother Hãbĩl

that these threats make him sinful and

because of this, he would have to suffer in

Jahannam. He reminded him that Allãh S only

accepts the deeds of the pious people,

therefore he should also adopt piety.

Qãbĩl could not take the fact that Hãbĩl's

sacrifice had been accepted and the dispute

went in his favour. He was overtaken with so

much pride, jealousy and anger that he

murdered his own younger brother. Qãbĩl was

the first ever person in humanity to carry out a

murder. Due to starting off starting this evil

trend he has been punished so severely that he

will get a share from the sin of every single



We should all take a lesson from this story.

Strive to please Allãh S and do not let your

pride or jealousy lead you to commit disastrous

sins. Be pleased and content with what Allãh S

has given you. A jealous person burns from

inside because he wants the bounty that

another person possesses, whereas the other

person cannot help it if Allah has blessed him

with it!

Have faith in Allãh S. Whatever Allãh S does

is for a good reason. If He has given us

something, it is because having it is good for

us. And if He hasn't given us something, it is

because that thing can be evil for us.

Page 11: At · 3) Recite Surah Mulk and Surah Alif lãm meem Sajdah any time after the maghrib salãh before retiring to bed. Jãbir t narrates that the Holy Prophet s would not retire to


At - Taqwā April - June 2015

The number four is quite a common number in Islam. Let's see how well you know your FOURS!

1) After bringing faith in Islam which FOUR actions are necessary to carry out?

2) Which FOUR main books did Allah reveal?

3) What are the FOUR fardh of wudhu?

4) Mention the names of the surahs known as "the FOUR quls".

5) Who were the first FOUR Khalifas of Islam?

6) Which are the FOUR sacred months of the Islamic calendar?

7) Name the FOUR daughters of the Prophet s.

8) Who are the main FOUR Imams of Islam?

Activity - The Famous Four - Activity


1) Alhamdulillah, from April 2015 At Taqwã Academy started it‟s first Hifz Class.

2) Alhamdulillãh, At Taqwã Academy is pleased to announce that application forms for

our Hifz Class are now available from our website:

If interested then please print and fill in the form then send it to the following address:

At Taqwã Academy Hifz Department, 104 - 106 Ley Street,

Ilford, IG1 4BX

3) Alhamdulillãh, we are also currently registering interest regarding Ãlim classes. Please

register your interest via e-mail and keep an eye on our website for any further


[email protected]

Page 12: At · 3) Recite Surah Mulk and Surah Alif lãm meem Sajdah any time after the maghrib salãh before retiring to bed. Jãbir t narrates that the Holy Prophet s would not retire to


At - Taqwā April - June 2015
