
Astoria Riverfront Vision Code Astoria Riverfront Vision Code AssistanceAssistanceThe City

of Astoria, Oregon

Town Hall Meeting August 20, 2015

Astoria Riverfront Vision Code Astoria Riverfront Vision Code AssistanceAssistanceThe City

of Astoria, Oregon

● Review Riverfront Vision Plan goal for Neighborhood Greenway Area

● Describe process for code amendments

● Public comments and discussion on goal implementation

Meeting Objectives

Astoria Riverfront Vision Code Astoria Riverfront Vision Code AssistanceAssistanceThe City

of Astoria, Oregon

Astoria Riverfront Vision Code Astoria Riverfront Vision Code AssistanceAssistanceThe City

of Astoria, Oregon

Neighborhood Greenway Area - Vision Plan Land Use Assumptions and Objectives● Highlight the river’s natural edge by framing views and

creating path/trail systems that reflect the river’s movement.

● Emphasize natural features and beauty along the edge of the river and lagoon.

● Use plantings and landscaping that provide riverbank restoration and increase habitat.

Astoria Riverfront Vision Code Astoria Riverfront Vision Code AssistanceAssistanceThe City

of Astoria, Oregon

Neighborhood Greenway Area - Vision Plan Land Use Assumptions and Objectives● Respect and protect the visual character of the Alderbrook


● Minimize impacts of pedestrians on neighborhood residents.

● Protect river vistas to maintain physical and visual connection to the Columbia River.

Astoria Riverfront Vision Code Astoria Riverfront Vision Code AssistanceAssistanceThe City

of Astoria, Oregon

Neighborhood Greenway Area - Vision Plan Land Use Assumptions and Objectives● Create and maintain a sense of openness to enhance

connections to the Columbia River and the Neighborhood Greenway area and improve the quality of residential areas. Open spaces should range from smaller, more intimate spaces to larger gathering places.

Astoria Riverfront Vision Code Astoria Riverfront Vision Code AssistanceAssistanceThe City

of Astoria, Oregon

Neighborhood Greenway Area - Vision Plan Land Use Assumptions and Objectives● Encourage maritime related uses consistent with Astoria’s

working riverfront such as docks, piers, marinas, and associated uses that provide jobs and maintain a historic connection to the river.

Astoria Riverfront Vision Code Astoria Riverfront Vision Code AssistanceAssistanceThe City

of Astoria, Oregon

Neighborhood Greenway Land Use Code Issues

● Comprehensive Plan policies

● Permitted uses (on land and over water)

● Overwater development standards

● Physical access to the water

● On-land building height, set-backs and location

● Design standards and guidelines

● Landscaping

Astoria Riverfront Vision Code Astoria Riverfront Vision Code AssistanceAssistanceThe City

of Astoria, Oregon

Next Steps

● Continue to solicit public input

● Draft code amendments based on public and Planning Commission guidance

● Conduct additional Planning Commission work session

● Conduct Planning Commission and City Council briefings and/or hearings in October and November

Astoria Riverfront Vision Code Astoria Riverfront Vision Code AssistanceAssistanceThe City

of Astoria, Oregon

Public Discussion
