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Assignment 1

1. Perform a visit to any place of your computer lab that has been equipped with the Internet environment

a. List of all the equipment that has been used in order to ensure the Internet could be used properly.

b. Sketch a diagram that shows the Internet system configuration in the particular lab.

2. Based in the equipments that have been listed as above, state the used of it and its particular in term of producer, version and capabilities. You are recommended to use a table in order to answer these questions.

3. States also the software that has been used to support this operation of the Internet environment in the lab. Discuss the purpose of this software and its particular in detail.

4. Prepare a working paper that has discussing in detail about the particular information as listed below.

a. Browsersb. Search Engine c. Free Email and Web Sited. FTP and Telnet Softwaree. Internet Relay Chattingf. Newsgroup, e-groupg. Freewareh. Blogsi. Common Gateway Interactionj. Protocol, IP, and DNSk. Extension file such as .com, .edu, .au, .ml etc.

5. By using the UPM home page, list all the instructions that have

been used in order to publish the information via the WWW. Discuss in the form of tabulations for all the instruction that have been used in the home page.

6. Create your own home page by embedding the following information;

a. Personal Informationb. Academic Backgroundc. Graphic such as your picture, animation, music, clock and etc. d. Web Log (Counter of Visitor)e. E-mail