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  • 7/23/2019 Assignment 2 Staffing


    BSMH 3023 STAFFINGFirst Semester Session 2015/2016 (A151)

    Group C

    Individual Assignment: Newspaper cutting (10%)

    1. Get any recent job advertisement in a local newspaper either in Bahasa Malaysia or English.

    2. Analyze the advertisement careflly and decide whether the advertisement comes nder

    traditional or realistic recritment based on concepts and ideas as discssed dring the lectres.

    !. "rovide THREE (3)jstifications to spport yor opinions.

    #. $dentify NE (1)major strength and NE (1)major wea%ness of the advertisement

    &. "rovide NE (1)recommendation on how to improve the e'isting advertisement.

    (. )he report mst be in either BM or English inclding references *proper referencing is re+ired,.

    -. )he report mst be in a presentable manner*e.g. ct the paper clipping and gle it on a page

    followed by yor comments on another page,.
