  • 8/3/2019 Assigment 3 - Fik3042 - Interview




    NAME :



    English For Communication 2

    GROUP EL S07





  • 8/3/2019 Assigment 3 - Fik3042 - Interview


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    1. Inroduction

    2. Biography of Interview

    3. Career

    4. Challange of life

    5. Achievements

    6. Hope and advices

    7. Conclusions8. Appendices

    a. Appendix 1Interview questions

    b. Appendix 2Photographe

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    Latterly, country is getting more improved stepping forward to the world of cyber and

    technology . All group work very hard for muddle work hard and hoping of the nation in

    realising vision 2020. This role are played together by an educators group in teaching the

    nation which will be forming country leadership in the future. This is because, education is

    major media determined progress development and prosperity of the nation. Education

    becomes a lead for a human being as a modal to be more knowledgeable, skilled and

    personality noble. A history had proved that education had built a civilization of society and

    ensuring strength to any empire. Roman empire age pomp, Abbasiyah's Islamic supremacy of

    government and fame Dinasty Ming in China reached through rapidity various field of

    knowledge, including area of science and technology. Who can deny that indeed major root

    in educational development no other and not educators.

    On the shoulder of teacher placed a trust to ensure fluency and education policies

    effectiveness Contribution that unremitting scattering by educators in make human capital

    pupil that excellent from physical side, emotion, spiritual and personality should be proud.

    Teacher have to act as trigger and mover to national education system transformation process

    in effort producing generation future that intellect, competitive, real strong self and adheres to

    teachings of the religion and universal values.

    Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah (KSSR), the policy of to uphold Malay

    Language and strengthen English Language (MBMMBI), the policy of 1 student 1 sport

    (1M1S) and with Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Menengah (KSSM) and various other policies

    that will be transformed from time to time. All policies and this educational reform will not

    give any meaning without educators as group that were in front line in spur education current

    to be always dynamic and progressive

    On the effort, an interview was being conducted to evaluate contribution and effort

    that perpetrated in implementing nation's policies in education. This interview intend to study

    how far contribution and teacher effort in rank highly education system in Malaysia and

    especially stabilize process and learning operation and lesson (P&P) in school. Objective

    finally surely to generate protege that able to give donation to religion, race and country. This

    report hoped that can be made indication and noble example of effort a teacher in educating

    Malaysians until become Malaysian citizen that knowledgeable, competitive,

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    adheres to religion, real self and intellect which consistent with the Philosophy of National

    Education producing a model of human that balanced from physical side, emotion, spiritual

    and intellect. With existing experienced , this figure can be used as model consistent with the

    teachers theme of the year, Teacher education transformation generator .

    Friendly attitude and easily invited to discuss any problems make teachers more

    interested to approach Tuan Haji Samsudin bin Kastari. During his services he is the one who

    are very approachable. No wonder, when I approached him for interview session , he was

    very grateful and very unquestioningly willing to share all the information that could make

    my questions completely answered. The Interview session with the Headmaster of Sekolah

    Kebangsaan Umas-umas Tawau took around 50 minutes which started from 9.55 am and

    being held in his main office.


    Tuan Haji Samsudin bin Kastari born on 15th of

    November 1959 and brought up in Bongawan, Sabah.

    He is a descendant Jawa had start education in SRK.

    Viging Bongawan Sabah from Primary 1 to primary 6which on year 1966 until 1971. He ended his primary 6

    and passed 59% marks. In year 1972 to 1976, he

    continued his education to Peninsular Malaysia, in SMK

    Nasiruddin Shah, Besut, Terengganu from Form 1 to

    Form 5. He got offered from Maktab Perguruan

    Sandakan, Sabah for 2 years (1978 to 1979) with

    Pendidikan Awal Kanak-kanak (PAKK) opsyen and

    awarded Malaysian certificate of teacher with honours. He thereafter further study to

    Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) for 3 years from 2006 until 2008 through the Program

    Khas Pensiswazahan Guru Besar Kohort 1 (Special programme for primary school

    headmaster) organised and sponsored by Institusi Aminudin Baki and sponsorship with

    Bahagian Pendidikan Guru, Education Ministry Malaysia in education management field and

    graduated with distinction 2.

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    He have started career as teacher in Ministry of Education Malaysia in 07 January

    1980 when he posted in Sekolah Balimbang, Semporna. Within 4 years, he assigned as class

    teacher, teaching Bahasa Malaysia and Mathematics. He also in-charged the school library,

    sports and RMT coordinator(supplement plan). In the middle of the year 1984, he offered as

    School supervisor ( Penyelia Sekolah) to Semporna District Education Offices till the end of

    1997 which took 1 years half. In early year 1998 he further promoted as headmaster in

    Sekolah Kebangsaan Umas-umas, Tawau and work till this date. Experiences in education

    field often being shared together with teachers under his care. The experience of decades in

    the field of education as a guide for fellow teachers.

    He also one of the Headmasters Council Exco Tawau District and member of

    Headmasters Council Sabah state (MGB). Apart from that he also play a role as Teacher

    Foundation Malaysia member and Teachers Union Support Staff for Sabah state. He was also

    the Branch head for UMNO in Kampung Simunul Chief, Ice Box Semporna started from

    year 1992 until 2008. He finally relinquished theposition of Head UMNO after he was

    appointed as school PIBG Advisor. Apart from that he was also appointed as the Gugusan

    Felda Umas Health's panel, Tawau in year 2001 until 2005.


    It was almost 32 years he works in education field, the experiences he got during

    handling his job as a teacher are sad and bitter event, filled with fear and anxiety . The

    experiences he got making him became indomitable spirit , uneasy to admit defeat in his

    working life and having an optimistic style in implementing an actions and always ready to

    learn from mistakes and weakness as well. The frightened moment was when he worked in

    SK. Balimbang , where he was surrounded by parents and pupils family because of

    dissatisfied on his action as a teacher, however the problem finally being settled by the

    school headmaster at the same time. Apart from that, another problem arised when he was in

    SK. Egang-Egang, during the mutual cooperation activity (gotong royong) the parents

    suddenly found a real gun on the rock crevice. The parents then asked him to just throw away

    the weapon into the deep ocean. However with the nature professional that possessed by he

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    finally submit it to Semporna District Police Station and the police wished his gratitude and

    being honesty.

    Challenge by challenge tested him as a teacher. Then, the next issued was when he

    and the schools guard found that the year 6 pupils who did gatecrashed and scribbled with

    colourful colours on several tables in the classes of SK. Umas-Umas. Considering that the

    school was under his liability that time, finally he made a decision to made a report about the

    pupils case to Kalabakan Police Station. After the investigation carried out, they found that

    the pupils involved with drugs which called as the syabu (one of the drugs type). Such

    experiences and challenges were not discourage him to continue his career as a teacher

    otherwise become more strictly and disciplined.


    Every human wanted to be succeed and respectively have

    principles and distinctive formula to stay successful in

    those fields being plunged. When asked on personal

    success formula Tuan Haji Samsudin, with his smile

    replying, 'being discipline and confidence with what

    being worked will be successful if it implemented

    enthusiastically and believe that Allah will always

    watching us. He said about the school formula is

    must know how to implement and succeed anything that

    planned and decided by school leadership beside teamwork become practice regardless of

    race, religion and belief.

    Apart from that never be stingy to give an effort to others, even though having

    expertise also need own financial. Carry out responsibility that is entrusted and have never

    considered responsibility that should as a burden. Believe success that achieved as a result

    from collaboration and cooperation that high from all quarters and school citizen including

    employee, teachers and students. Supportive attitude also between good value that practised

    dikalangan educators. All works and business related to school would be made together

    without expecting reward. In accordance therefore, he determined the school vision SK.

    Umas-Umas to become excellent schools towards year 2015 and school mission strive

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    towards excellence in curriculum field, co-curriculum, schoolchildren affairs, administrative

    management, and environmental conservation.

    He always sparks spirit and motivate teachers under his care. Observing that all

    teachers and staffs always get involve in briefing, meeting, course, cooperation activity,

    school sports day, religious celebration, teacher's day and so on. He will ensure that all the

    teachers and staffs who are under his care will be always be involve in community activity

    whether school level, or external school. Encourage teachers to become an organization

    member related to the special education and always strive further education to higher level.

    Appreciation become his principle of self, teachers and staff who often shows a good

    work and result , excellent award certificate shall be given for appreciation. Those who are

    succesfully excellently would get the Excellent Award (Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang)

    and promotion. Beside that he also encourages teachers to attend such courses related to their

    task in keeping with first class culture namely increase lectureship professionalism .

    Effort makes school as mover to transform education, role played by members very

    high and need insight, contribution and new strategy to increase students achievement and

    school achievement. Based on experiences during his service, various strategies that used to

    increase school achievement and the most important is identifying issue that particularycritical. He always made SWOT analysis with colleagues and ensure strength, weaknesses,

    challenge and an opportunity listed. By using a method or expert theories experienced make

    their success as example for him to succeed. Always made short-term and long-term strategic

    planning , make checklist, observing and assessment for activities that going to be

    implemented to make sure the target achieved. If any of the activities fail next he will make

    an action research. He assume his self as a role model to the teachers, staffs and pupils.

    In implementing education leadership duty, Mr. Haji Samsudin constantly improving his

    management skill in various fields, including areas of financial, human resource

    management, building management, office management, beautification management, co-

    curriculum management, management of the resource center and various more that related to

    school. The contribution he gave is very uncountable. During his services in SK. Umas-

    Umas, Tawau which started since year 1998 to 2011 and which it almost 22 years ago, he

    tried to raise the school's name in academic field or non-academic. In academic field for

    example, he contributed his ideas and his energy to built the Drugs Prevention Education

    corner (PPDa). That corner being completed with various about drug prevention informations

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    although it was only placed at the school canteen area. This PPDa corner has been officially

    won at the first place in Sabah State level competition in rural category in year 2009 and the

    next competition in year 2010 as a second runner up which also Sabah state level

    competition in rural category.

    He also had contributed some to repair the schools Surau (a place of worship for

    muslims) as well as the space to take an ablution for pupils and teachers convenient facility.

    He and colleagues volunteered together contributed some financial and energy in year 2009

    without expecting support from District Education department (Pejabat Pelajaran Daerah).

    The Surau repairs and ablutions space construction going on according to phases and will

    always be upgrading according to the cash amount contributed that received from teachers,

    Felda office, pupils parent and single person. The School's surau also equipped with learning

    corner, pupil reading corner and teachers corner. With an earnestly effort, finally in year

    2011, the school's Surau became as the winner of the best Surau management in rural

    category announced during the Teachers day celebration Tawau District level in year

    2010. The repaired Surau and the present ablutions space being use by pupils, teachers and

    local community for any religious activities. Teaching and learning process also may carry

    out in the ablutions area. His ideas of sophisticated and contributions for all place in schools

    area able to give benefit to teachers and pupils.

    To consolidate or strenghten English Language and encourage English Language

    usage among pupils he had constituted an English Language room which is known as Self

    Access Center (SAC) because it is a core subject that compulsory to pupils especially in

    Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR). English language subject also known as a subject

    killer among pupils nowadays. So, Self Access Center may help them to improves their

    English language which by teachers guidance. This room made to learn and to enrich

    English Language among teachers and pupils as well. All English activities sponsored by

    English Language panels which also will be conducted in this room.The activities held such

    as English week, Teaching and learning activities and others activities related to English

    Language. The room has wide, comfortable and very convenient. This concrete room could

    place until 100 pupils at the same time.

    His effort never stop. To make an assembly court he had choose the suitable location

    for all pupils and teachers to carry out school's activities, he also built a perfect stage for any

    big celebration or official ceremonies facility. Every day pupils will be gathering on assembly

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    court to have an official assembly morning or to received any important announcements that

    would be conveyed not only by the teachers but also advise from the headmaster. Sports and

    games are the school strength until capable to bring the school's name to the national level.

    Several events was being conducted to achieve that desire among school's annual sports,

    activity cycle (Run and Cycling) and cross country event. These activities finally improved

    the school's name when each year pupils represent to zone level, district level, state level and

    until national level. Pupils achievement in co-curriculum field make him very proud. Every

    year pupils will be representing school to state level and national level to participate in field

    event and track fields organised by Majlis Sukan Sekolah Malaysia. Pupils who participated

    in the sports event often break the record zone, district, and state as well. Pupils from S.K.

    Umas-Umas had ever be as a winner in Joghaton Tawau District level. For this year 2011 the

    school had became as the whole winner in Majlis Sukan Sekolah Malaysia Kalabakan Zone

    level and a few pupils represented to participate Majlis Sukan Sekolah Malaysia Tawau

    District Level and Southeast Zone. A few pupils have been offerred to further their education

    in Sekolah Sukan Bukit Jalil. However no agreement from those parents.

    He continued on the other hand on school success, effort blessing and his contribution and

    school citizen. He said that Majlis Tilawah Al-Quran (MTQ) that each year will be held by

    phased zone, district, state and national level. For this year only, the school has became the

    winner of Majlis Tilawah Al-Quran Kalabakabn Zone level which pupils involved had

    participate the nasyid and tilawah competition and next presented for the Majlis Tilawah Al-

    Quran Tawau District level. In female category tilawah got champion medal for primary

    school, second-runner up is male category, and the third place is nasyid category. Again

    female category finally won at the first place during representing Daerah Tawau to MTQ Zon

    South-East. Success by success had achieved.

    The School library (Pusat Sumber Sekolah) issues often touched by him during a

    meeting. He talked about the aspect of Nadi Ilmu Amalan Membaca (NILAM) programme

    to be emphasis, Semai programme and teachers are encourage to maximise the usage of

    school library (Pusat Sumber Sekolah). Finally, he able to give a smile after the school

    library became a winner for rural category school library in Tawau district level and South-

    East zon year 2010 and qualify school contest to rural category state level 2011. Contest

    result would be known end of May 2011.Then, he was also the one who created the porches

    reading corners around the school compound. This reading porches function is for pupils to

    spent their time to do reading during the recess time which the porch being packed with

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    reading viz books and magazines as well. Therefore, Haji Samsudin had created My Wakaf

    Bu programme for morning session, My Wakaf Bu for afternoon session and My Wakaf Bu

    for parents. This programme objective is to cultivate reading habit among pupils, encourage

    by all teachers and pupil's parents. Beside that it could reduce the school cost to provide

    reading material, it also give teacher's and parents an opportunity for contribution toward

    producing society that love knowledge.

    He tried to meet the requirements with pupil facilities and teachers that could be

    enjoyed in long term. Create classroom that convinient and conducive, learning centre and

    lesson such as Access Centre, computer laboratory, j-Qaf room, school's surau, reading hut,

    Self Access Center room (SAC), Kemahiran Hidup room, and Pendidikan Seni Visual room.

    Provide assistance and create facility that can be facilitated managing school capital material

    such as Rancangan Makanan Tambahan room (RMT), milk store room, uniform store room

    and stationery, my management's room Teks (SPBT), Teaching materials room (BBM),

    operations room and school toilet.

    Beside to give a satisfaction for pupil's need, the Headmaster also striving take care of

    teachers interest which many contributed to pupils in school. Upgraded the teachers room

    unbent and comfortable, all head panels room has been created to dfacilitate interaction

    among them. Upgraded administration office by providing private rooms especially for right

    assistants. Haji Samsudin also seeking for material and need utilitarian for school. To ensure

    all teacher obtained teaching record book, provide canteen facility to enjoy food and

    beverage every day. From tag 2011 teachers and staff not teach would be given allowance

    10% namely allowance slums.

    As a leadership Haji Samsudin in SK. Umas-Umas, several aspects be challenges and

    strengthen more his desire to achieve success. Government house that provided the

    accommodation for teachers is not yet enough to accommodate the number of teachers in the

    schools. Still many teachers have to go to and fro from Tawau city to school. This need a

    high commitment because school distance to as the school a bit farther town located in the

    area rural, this is either sacrifice that should be proud. In addition , still many parents did not

    give a cooperation to settle any learning problem and children's discipline. Pupil problem that

    impressionable with entertainment and social problem until they lose focus to learn become

    problem to the school and complicate mission and vision achieved. Pupil mastery deep ICT

    also still in low level. Include clerk field, ICT field and added more when teacher is often

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    called to convene or attend course. He also have to take a disciplinary action to those who

    are having a personal problem such as disturbing duties and not present for duty. This action

    taken for safeguard quality and teaching ethic.

    The National Key Result Area (NKRA) in education field need to be supported,

    implemented, and succeeded by all the special educators in school. As a country which is

    developing Malaysia Education Ministry desire to achieve world-standard education must

    have the strategic planning plan well-defined and achieved. Educators especially should unite

    energy and mind to work together to achieve NKRA. The role of teachers which under the

    process of improvement is very important for future generation. Teachers as educational

    excellence generator country should possess diligence feature to ensure national agenda

    achieve the objective Commented about Education Ministry proposal Malaysia (KPM)

    abolish Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR), which will be abolish soon. UPSR. One

    new assessment need to be used as UPSR system's successor because all this while UPSR

    only stress on to pass exams without involving other fields. Keberangkalian system

    assessment that first introduced in Tahun's pupils 1 (2011) through Kurikulum Standard

    Sekolah Rendah (KSSR) is best formula to take over UPSR because assessment system that

    while being implemented will involves pupil assessed by formative and sumatif and

    involving all matter.


    Hope Haji Samsudin as an educators in implementing task and responsibility never

    rest on its laurels with pupil achievement especially in academic field, and do not despair if

    our protege still cannot know how to write, read and count, because our task as so noble

    teacher. Pupil discipline form and press religious education all the time so that our protege

    become human capital that excellent one time later

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    Overall, the interview with Tuan Haji Samsudin bin Kastari, Headmasters SK. -umas umas

    Tawau can be an example to my friends and teachers. Achievements and contributions to the

    continuous and never give in improving the school's name. Hopefully, the achievements and

    contributions, the community and students can appreciate the services and contributions

    given by a teacher in developing an educated generation who will become leaders in the


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    1. Personal biodata

    2. Early education until now

    3. Service, start work until today

    4. Experiences

    5. Social activity and welfare which followed

    6. What is the school vision and school mission

    7. What element that most emphasized in teaching process and learning in school

    8. What facility that enjoyed pupil and teacher

    9. What personal success major formula

    10. What school success major formula

    11. What effort which made in inflame feels willful and school citizen self motivation

    12. How headmaster manage liaison with community in school and external school

    13. What strategy that used in improving school achievement

    14. What challenges that achieved as long as served in this school

    15. What headmaster contribution in make excellent schools from all aspect

    16. What large teacher's opinion on National Key Result Area (NKRA) in education field

    17. What teacher's responsibility in NKRA

    18. Between academic field, sport and co-curriculum, where become headmaster main choice

    19. What large teachers view with regard to Education Ministry proposal to cancel the UPSR

    20. What headmaster hope to educators in implementing task and their responsibility

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