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IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2 Issue 9, September 2015.

ISSN 2348 – 7968

Assessment of Pumice and Scoria Deposits in Dhamar - Rada’ Volcanic Field SW- Yemen, as a Pozzolanic Materials

and Lightweight Aggregates Taha Abdullah Al Naaymi

Geology Department, Faculty of Science .Sana’a University, Yemen


The aim of this study is to assess the suitability of Pumice and Scoria pyroclastics from Dhamar - Rada’ volcanic field as a pozzolanic materials and lightweight aggregates. Tests were conducted as Portland cement was replaced by Pumice powder or Scoria powder within the range of 0 - 25% of standard volume, moreover, the effects of these powders as additives on the physical and mechanical properties of mortar was investigated. Fifteen concrete mixtures were produced in three groups in order to study the effects of the combination of coarse aggregates (Pumice and Scoria) with three types of fine aggregates. These mixtures were designed by replacing coarse Pumice aggregate by coarse Scoria aggregate as (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%) of volume, and replacing of fine Pumice aggregate and fine Scoria aggregate by sand. Pumice powder and Scoria powder were added to replace 25% of the Portland cement as pozzolanic materials to study the effects of additives and the cement volume reduction on the physical, mechanical and thermal properties of the concrete samples.

The results indicated that the use of 25% Pumice powder or 25% Scoria powder as pozzolanic materials satisfies the requirement of Portland pozzolan cement as per ASTM C 595, however, the initial and final concrete setting time increased with the additive dosage increment respectively. Moreover, the AS group of concrete samples can be classified as light weight concrete in terms of unit weight and compressive strength requirements according to ASTM 330, ACI, and RILEM. While the concrete samples in groups BP and CSC, which have 25% pozzolanic materials, can be used for insulation purposes according to ASTM 332 and RILEM classification.

Further symmetrical studies for Pumice and Scoria deposits from other locations in Yemen are recommended due to the predicted promising value of these deposits in feasibilizing many items of developing construction projects.


The use of light construction materials which contribute to feasibility improvement and energy saving has increased in the last decade. The use of lightweight concrete permits greater design flexibility, and substantial cost savings, reduction of dead load, improved cyclic loading structural response, longer spans, better fire rating, thinner sections of smaller size, less reinforcing steel and lower foundation costs,(Short and Kimniburgh,1978),(Topcu,1997),(Satish and Lieif, 2002), in addition to reduce the risk of earthquake damages to structures since the earthquake forces are proportional to the mass of these structures (Yasar et al., 2003).

Manufactured lightweight concrete is classified by the ACI committee 213 into three categories according to its strength and density (ACI 213, 1970). The first category is termed low strength corresponding to low density and is mostly used for isolation purposes. The second category of moderate strength and is used for filling and block concrete, while the third category of structural lightweight concrete is used for reinforced concrete. One of the most conventional ways to manufacture lightweight concrete is the use of lightweight aggregates such as Perlite, Pumice, Scoria, Diatomite, and Vermiculite, as these materials are used to produce mortar and concrete,(Neville, 1995), (Hossain, 1999).

The specific gravity of concrete can be lowered either by creating pores, therefore using lightweight aggregates instead of ordinary ones, or introducing air into the mortar, or removing the fine fractions of aggregate and


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IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2 Issue 9, September 2015.

ISSN 2348 – 7968

compacting concrete only partially. In all cases the main goal is to introduce voids into the aggregate and the mortar (Gunduz and Ugur, 2004).

Pumice and Scoria are an extremely light, porous raw material. They can be found in many parts of the world including various developing countries with areas of past or present volcanic activities, (Grasser and Minke, 1990). While Pumice is used in many applications such as in dental, cosmetic, abrasive, cement, concrete, ceramic, glass, construction industries; both of them are normally used as aggregate in lightweight concrete, building blocks and assorted building products, (Crangle, 2010). Pumice and Scoria aggregates combined with Portland cement and water produce a lightweight , thermal and sound insulating, fire resistant lightweight floor fills, insulating structural floor decks and variety of other permanent insulating applications, (Failla et al., 1997), (Gunduz, 2008).

Pumice is a natural material of volcanic origin produced by the release of gases during the solidification of acidic lavas such as of Rhyolite or Dacite composition (60 -70% SiO2). It is light colored, cellular, almost frothy rock made up of glass-walled bubble casts, as it may occur as coherent massive blocks composed of highly vesicular glassy lava in either a flow or vent filling; or it may be more or less fragmented by violent eruption. The main use for Pumice is as an aggregate in lightweight building blocks and assorted building products, (Founie, 2005). In Europe, Pumice was used in ancient Rome over 2000 years ago and many notable Pumice structures are still standing today ,(Grasser and Minke, 1990). While, Scoria is a vesicular glassy lava rock of Basaltic to Andesitic composition (40 - 60 % SiO2) ejected from a volcanic vent during explosive eruption. The vesicular nature of Scoria is due to the escape of volcanic gases during eruption. Scoria is typically dark gray to black in color, mostly due to its high iron content. It consists of highly vesicular basic material having much higher density than Pumice (Lefond, 1983, Harben, 1995, KiliÇ et al., 2009). The glassy matrix of Scoria fragments and over several million years devitrifies to products, thus the most economically valuable Scoria deposits are late Tertiary or Quaternary in age (Mathers et al., 2000).

Volcanic ash (like fly ash), volcanic Pumice and Scoria are pozzolanic materials because of their reaction with lime liberated during the hydration of cement (Jackson, 1983). Amorphous silica present in the pozzzolanic materials combines with lime and forms cementitious materials. These materials can also improve the durability of concrete and the rate of gain in strength and can reduce the rate of liberation of heat that is beneficial for mass concrete (Hossain, 2003). Lightweight concrete made with Pumice and pozzolanic cement with volcanic ash/lime have survived more than 2000 years and provides an example of low strength concrete with a very long term performance, (Rivera and Cabrera, 1999).

Along the last several decades numerous studies have been carried out on the use of volcanic ash, Pumice, Scoria, fly ash and other natural materials as cement replacement material, such as (Hossain, 2004, 2006, 2007), (Hossain, et al., 2010), (Yasar et al., 2003), (Aydin and Gul, 2006) and (Siddique, 2012).

In Yemen, many geological studies have described the nationwide volcanic fields and volcanic deposits, but only few of them have described Pumice as a construction material and assessed it for manufacturing lightweight concrete and thermal insulators. Moreover, no studies for assessing Pumice and Scoria deposits as a pozzolanic materials have been performed. Schulze, 1978, reconnaissanced the Pumice and pumicite deposits in Dhamar - Rada’ area, and GEOMIN, 1985, studied construction and industrial rocks in Y.A.R. Al-Razihi et al., 2000, described volcanic glass in Yemen, furthermore in 2009, Al-Sabri studied the geology and economic potentiality of Scoria deposits in Dhamar-Rada’ volcanic field. He suggested that the Scoria deposits are suitable as a lightweight aggregate, and cement additive.

The aim of this study is to assess the Pumice and Scoria deposits in Dhamar - Rada’ volcanic field as pozzolanic materials and lightweight aggregates for producing lightweight concrete and insulation concrete.


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IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2 Issue 9, September 2015.

ISSN 2348 – 7968

Geological investigation

Volcanic rocks within the Arabian plate take place throughout the western Arabian peninsula over a south - to - north distance of 3000 km, from Yemen through Saudi Arabia ,Jordan and Syria ( Al-Sabry, 2009 ), together they are one of the world’s largest alkali volcanic provinces , with approximate area of 180,000 Km² (Mattash, 1994). The Cenozoic-Quaternary volcanic rocks of Yemen previously divided into an older “Trap” series and younger “Volcanic “ series (Beydoun et al., 1998) .The Yemen “Trap” series outcrops over a large area of western Yemen on the high plateau to the east of the Red sea with smaller northern area south of Sa`dah center, with total area of 50,000 Km² (Mattash, 1994). The Yemen volcanic series cover a total area of about 9,000 Km² in more restricted and disconnected occurrences on high plateau above the Yemen Trap series, in Marib graben and sporadically, along the Gulf of Aden from Bab Al-Mandab in the west at the entrance of Red sea to Bir Ali area SW of Mukalla, and then again in the east in Qusayar - Sayhut area (Al-Sabry, 2009). The Yemen volcanic series includes two stages of volcanic activity (Late Miocene - Lower Pliocene volcanism) and (Pliocene - Quaternary volcanism ).

The Pliocene - Quaternary volcanism occur in various places in Yemen, that cover a total area of about 9,000 Km². It is divided into deferent fields: (a) Sana’a - Amran, (b) Dhamar area, (c) (Ma’rib area, (d) Shuqrah - Ahwar, (e) Balhaf - Bir Ali, (f) Qusayr - Sayhut, and inland. Also, that volcanism exists in the Red sea (Jabal At-Tair, Al-Zubairi and Honaish Island) (Beydoun et al., 1998). Quaternary volcanism in Yemen have generated and developed through the post rift stage, volcanic cones, domes, sheet and lava flows are the characteristic output features of this volcanism and its related series (Al-Khirbash and El-Anbaawy, 1996). Dhamar - Rada’ volcanic field is located 95Km SE Sana’a city (the capital of Yemen) extends to southeast of Dhamar city, and spread to Rada’ district, it cover an area of approximately 2,500 Km² (Fig. 1 & 2). This field is considered as the newest volcanic field in Yemen, because of the presence of hottest spot areas, such as Hamam Ali, the rises of sulfur materials and hot water from Al-Lisi and Isbil mountains. Structurally, this field is heading to north west, parallel to the structural vectors construction of the Red sea and the East - West direction, which show most of the crater volcanic eruptions . A variety of volcanic rocks occur in this field, such as Rhyolite, Ignimbrit, Obsidian, Bubble and Amygdaloidal basalt as well as various kinds of volcanic Tefra. The study area is characterized by the presence of Scoria Cinder, cones and explosive craters; as many of the cones have horseshoe shaped morphologies reflecting either the predominant wind direction during cone building, or explosive removal of the side of the cones by directed volcanic blast (Chiesa et al.,1983 ). The Scoria cones locally known as ‘Hammat’ are exposed mainly in the middle parts of the studied area; they extend in east - west direction within the Dhamar-Rada’ volcanic field (Beydoun et al., 1998). Scoria in Dhamar –Rada’ volcanic field exists either in the form of cones or as deposits in the vicinity of the cones formed by wind action during an eruption, or by subsequent erosion (Al-Sabry, 2009). The Scoria material is formed of vesicular fragments, reddish or black in color and light in weight. Most of Scoria cones in the field are composed of layers formed by successive showers of fragments thrown up successive explosion (Fig. 3).

The most of Pumice deposits in Dhamar- Rada’ volcanic field are present within the acidic Quaternary volcanic series in Al-Lisi volcano (located about 7 km east of Dhamar city), and Isbil volcano (located about 31 km east of Dhamar city) (Fig.1). The Pumice and Pumicite layers are located in the area around Al-Lisi volcano which cover about 15 Km² (Fig. 4). These pyroclastic layers are generally flat or inclined up to 10° in various directions (Al-Sabry, 2009). The upper part of their section contains pyroclastic Pumice flow and thin Pumice fall layers. In the surge deposits planar and sand wave bed - forms are presented (Chiesa et al.,1983). The Isbil volcano is the most prominent strato - volcano in the Dhamar - Rada’ volcanic field. The Pumice flow deposits occured during the latest stages of the volcanic activity. However a thick succession of Pumice - fall, surge and pyroclastic Pumice - flow deposits is exposed in the upper part of the caldera wall (Al-Sabry, 2009).


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IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2 Issue 9, September 2015.

ISSN 2348 – 7968


Al Mukalla

Al Ghaydhah






LegendRecent DepositsQuaternary Volcanics

Tertiary GranitesTertiary Volcanics


0 100

53 O51O49O47O45 O43 O





March 15, 2004



Tertiary Intrusive

QUATERNARY VOLCANICSSana-Amran ’a, ,Dhamar- Mareb, Rada

FieldsShuqrah & Birr Ali


Al Mukalla

Al Ghaydhah






LegendRecent DepositsQuaternary Volcanics

Tertiary GranitesTertiary Volcanics


0 100

53 O51O49O47O45 O43 O





March 15, 2004



Tertiary Intrusive


Al Mukalla

Al Ghaydhah






LegendRecent DepositsQuaternary Volcanics

Tertiary GranitesTertiary Volcanics


0 100

53 O51O49O47O45 O43 O





March 15, 2004



Al Mukalla

Al Ghaydhah






LegendRecent DepositsQuaternary Volcanics

Tertiary GranitesTertiary Volcanics


0 100

53 O51O49O47O45 O43 O





March 15, 2004


Al Mukalla

Al Ghaydhah






LegendRecent DepositsQuaternary Volcanics

Tertiary GranitesTertiary Volcanics


0 100

53 O51O49O47O45 O43 O





March 15, 2004



Tertiary Intrusive Tertiary Intrusive

QUATERNARY VOLCANICSSana-Amran ’a, ,Dhamar- Mareb, Rada

FieldsShuqrah & Birr Ali

QUATERNARY VOLCANICSSana-Amran ’a, ,Dhamar- Mareb, Rada

FieldsShuqrah & Birr Ali

Fig. 1: Volcanic and Intrusive Rocks Distribution in Yemen (After YGSMRB,2004). Study area

Fig. 2: Geological map of Yemen (After YGSMRB, 2004)

Fig. 3: Scoria cones locally known as ‘Hammat’


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IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2 Issue 9, September 2015.

ISSN 2348 – 7968

Fig. 4: Pumice deposits around Al-Lisi volcano

Experimental study:


Pumice and Scoria deposits in the Dhamar - Rada Volcanic field were used in this investigation, the Portland cement was supplied from Amran cement factory, as they were used in preparing the concrete specimens. Blended cement were prepared by replacing (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%) of the cement with finely ground Pumice and Scoria deposits. Pumice and Scoria were grinded to fine powder as comparable to cement.

The chemical and physical properties of Pumice, Scoria and cement are presented in Table 1 and 2. The used coarse aggregate of Pumice and Scoria deposits were crushed to 20mm to 5mm size, while the used fine aggregate included fine Pumice and Scoria aggregate of size 2.36mm to > 0.075, and local sand river (Fig. 5). Drinking water was used for the preparation of the mixtures. The particle size distribution of aggregate were determined according to ASTM C136 standard, and as shown in Table 3.

Investigation on Pumice and Scoria as a pozzolanic materials.

A total of twelve mixes, having different weight percentage (0%, 5%, 15%, 20%, 25%) of separate Pumice and Scoria powder were used as a pozzolanic materials. The used Pumice and Scoria were pulverized to pass a (45µm) sieve. The graded standard sand and drinking water was used to prepare mortar cubes 50mm × 50mm × 50mm in size. The binder to sand ratio was 1:3 by weight (as: binder = cement + graded Pumice or Scoria). For each mix, three specimens were prepared. During first 24h the specimens were left in the molds and then cured under water until they were tested. The proportions and test results are presented in Table 5.

Concrete mixture composition and samples preparation.

The mixtures were designed to study the effect of the combination of coarse aggregates (Pumice and Scoria). These mixtures were designed by replacement of coarse Scoria aggregate by coarse Pumice aggregate (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%) by volume . These mixtures were categorized into three types (Table 4). Type AS developed by incorporating Portland cement, replacement of coarse Scoria aggregate by coarse Pumice aggregate and sand as a fine aggregate, type BP by replacing of fine Pumice aggregate by sand as a fine aggregate, and the type CSC by the replacement of fine Scoria aggregate by sand as a fine aggregate. Volcanic originated materials (Pumice and Scoria) were added to replace 25% of the Portland cement as a pozzolanic materials to study the effect of the additives and the cement reduction on the physical, mechanical and thermal properties of the concrete specimens. The concrete mixes had the overall volume ratio of 1:2:3 ( cement : fine aggregate : coarse aggregate ). The water to


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IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2 Issue 9, September 2015.

ISSN 2348 – 7968

binder ratio (W/B) was kept constant at 0.5 for all mixes. The coarse aggregate fragments were made saturated surface dry before mixing, as this was very important for Pumice and Scoria aggregates since they have higher absorption rate (Hossain, 2003), (Hossain, 2006).

The test specimens were 10cm × 10cm × 10cm cubes as per BS 1881- part 116 for compressive strength, as total 3 cubes were cast for each mix. Concrete discs of 20mm in thickness and 150mm diameter were prepared from the deferent mixes, in order to be used for measuring the thermal conductivity according to the test method determined by Hossain, 2006.

Fig. 5: A- Pumice aggregate samples; B- black and reddish Scoria aggregate samples

TABLE 1: The chemical composition of the raw materials

Compo- sition

Pumice %

Scoria %

Amran Portland cement%

ASTM type I Portland cement

Sio2 Tio2 Al203 Fe2o3 Mgo Mno Cao Na2o K2o P2o5 L.O.I Total

68.89 0.07 13.17 3.43 1.01 0.06 0.18 3.98 3.21 0,01 4.63 99.24

48.54 1.85 16.51 12.24 5.69 0.16 8.64 3.57 1.01 0.40 1.82

21.8 - - 2.65 2.64 - 65.7 0.65 0.0 - 1.2

21.2 - 5.6 3.4 2.1 - 64.6 0.5 0.0 - 1.1 -



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IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2 Issue 9, September 2015.

ISSN 2348 – 7968

TABLE 2: The physical properties of the raw materials

TABLE 3: Grain size distribution of aggregates

Sieve opening mm

Course aggregate(% finer) Fine aggregate (% finer)

Pumice ASTM C330 Scoria Pumice Scoria ASTM C330 Sand

25 20 12.5 9.5 4.75 2.36 1.18 0.300 0.150

100 95 55 30 5 - - - -

95- 100 - 25-60 - 0- 10 - - - -

100 90 60 25 6 - - - -

- - - 100 100 65 56 10 6

- - - 100 100 70 60 15 9

- - - 100 90-100 - 40-80 10-35 5-25

- - - 100 94 72 66 22 10

TABLE 4: Mixture composition of concrete samples. Each mix have w/c=0.5; cement=500 kg/m3

Properties Pumice aggregate

Pumice powder

Scoria aggregate

Scoria powder


Fineness m²/kg Density kg/m³ Porosity% Water Absorption Passing 45µm sieve

- 780 58.61 31.23 -

290 1840 - 88

- 917 51.3 28.4 -

285 2101 - - 85

309 - - - 95%

Mix No.

Course aggregate: max. size(20mm)

Fine aggregate : max. size 2.36mm Pumice

% by vol. Pumice Kg/ m³

Scoria % by vol.

Scoria Kg/ m³


0 25 50 75 100

0 105 210 315 420

100 75 50 25 0

460 375 255 130 0

Sand 780 Kg/m³


0 25 50 75 100

0 105 210 315 420

100 75 50 25 0

460 375 255 130 0

Pumice 540 Kg/m³


0 25 50 75 100

0 105 210 315 420

100 75 50 25 0

460 375 255 130 0

Scoria 580 Kg/m³


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IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2 Issue 9, September 2015.

ISSN 2348 – 7968

Results and discussion

1-The effect of Pumice powder and Scoria powder as a cement additives:

Setting time

The initial and final setting times measurements performed on mortar samples with volcanic Pumice powder and Scoria powder are presented in Table 5. The trend of variation in setting times shows an increase of initial and final setting time with the increase of Pumice powder and Scoria powder content, (Fig. 6). Initial setting time is increased from 2.50 to 3.50 h. while final setting time is increased from 4.50 to 5.55 h. as the Pumice powder content is increased from 0 to 25%. Respectively, the Scoria powder increase from 0 to 25% have increased the initial setting time from 2.50 to 3.35 h., and the final setting time is increased from 4.50 to 5.30 h. The obvious from the results is the retardation in setting time of mortar samples. It is clear that the increases of additives (Pumice or Scoria powder) cause the increase of the setting time. Increasing the admixture cause an increase in the minerals content, and also reduction in the cement content. These minerals could also contribute to the change in setting time, depending on the onset of the pozzolanic reaction,(Aydin and Gul, 2006). Moreover, the addition of minerals cause a decelerate in the cement hydration process (Niville, 1987 ), thus the hydration process slows down causing setting time to increase ( Hossain, 2004). The results showed that setting time retardation using the volcanic Pumice powder is more than that using Scoria powder. As can be seen in Table 5, the use of 25% Pumice powder have increased the initial setting time by 1 h., and final setting time by 1.05 h. compared with control samples, while the initial setting time increased 0.85 h and final setting time 0.80 h using 25% Scoria powder. According to the mentioned results, it is clear that the increase in setting time when Pumice was added is referred to the increase of its SiO2 content (Gul, 2006). In addition the pours structure of Pumice can help in the diffusion of Pumice powder in the mix comparing with that of Scoria.

-Compressive strength

The cubes compressive strength of mortar samples were tested after 7 days and 28 days sequentially. The results are presented in Table 5, as it showed that the compressive strength is decrease with the increase of volcanic admixture (Pumice powder or Scoria powder) for a content from 0% to 25%. The compressive strength is decreased with the increase of volcanic Pumice powder content from 30.4 Mpa (control sample) to 22.4 Mpa for 7 days curing time, and that is about 26.3% reduction in strength with the increase of volcanic Pumice powder to 25% compared to 0%, while the compressive strength at 28 days decrease from 38.6 Mpa (control sample) to 29.5Mpa, which is about 23.5% reduction in strength with the increase of volcanic Pumice powder to 25%, (Fig.7). Also, the compressive strength decreased with the increase of Scoria powder content from 30.4 Mpa (control sample) to 26.3 Mpa at 7 days curing time, which is about 13.5% reduction in strength with the increase of Scoria powder to 25% while the compressive strength at 28 days curing time decreased from 38.6 Mpa (control sample) to 30.4 Mpa, which is about 21% reduction in strength with the increase of Scoria powder to 25% . This is reasonable due to the reduction of cement content in the mix with the increase of admixture content and can be considered as a result of filler effect of volcanic materials (Pumice and Scoria ) powder and the porous structure of this materials, (Aydin and Gul, 2006). As can be seen in Table 5, the compressive strength of samples which contain Scoria powder is higher than that for the samples having Pumice powder with the same ratio, as the main reason for this finding is referred to the high porosity of the Pumice and its low unit weight compared with Scoria, (Table 1). These results showed that the strength reduction is decreased with the increase of age, as that might be explained due to the silica (in additives powder) combination with the calcium hydroxide (liberated by the hydrating Portland cement ) in the presence of water to form stable compounds, like calcium silicates, which have significant cementitious properties ( Hossain, 1999).


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IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2 Issue 9, September 2015.

ISSN 2348 – 7968

TABLE 5: Effects of additives (Pumice and Scoria powders) on the properties of mortar

*CPP= Cement Pumice powder, CSP= Cement Scoria powder

Fig. 6: Effect of pozzolanic materials (Pumice powder and Scoria powder) on the setting time of mortar

Fig. 7: Effect of pozzolanic materials (Pumice powder and Scoria powder) on the compressive strength of mortar

2- Physical, mechanical and thermal properties of concrete samples

The average dry unit weight, water absorption, compressive strength and thermal conductivity are presented in Table 6 and 7.


0 5 10 15 20 25


e h.

Pumice powder %



0 5 10 15 20 25


e h.

Scoria powder %



0 5 10 15 20 25







Pumice powder %

7 days28 days


0 5 10 15 20 25Com






Scoria powder %

7 days28 days

Mix details* Binder Setting times (hours) Compressive strength (Mpa) Additives%

Cement %

Initial Final 7 days 28 days Pu


e po


r as





0 5 10 15 20 25

100 95 90 85 80 75

2.50 2.55 3.0 3.10 3.30 3.50

4.50 4.50 4.58 5.15 5.25 5.55

30.3 26.6 24.5 23.0 22.3 20.4

38.6 35.3 32.8 31.5 30.6 27.5


ia p


r as





0 5 10 15 20 25

100 95 90 85 80 75

2.50 2.50 3.15 3.15 3.20 3.35

4.50 4.55 5.0 5.05 5.15 5.30

30.4 29.2 27.5 26.7 26.7 24.3

38.6 37.1 34.6 34.0 33.2 30.4


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IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2 Issue 9, September 2015.

ISSN 2348 – 7968

-Dry unit weight:

The dry unit weight of concrete samples after 28 days curing time were given in Tables 6 and 7. As can be seen from Table 6, dry unit weight in series AS are between 1910 to 1810 kg/mP

3P, as the unit weight decreased with the

increase of coarse Pumice aggregates as replacement of Scoria aggregates. The replacement of sand by fine Pumice aggregate in series BP and replacement of sand by fine Scoria aggregate in series CSC showed also lowering in the unit weight with the increase of coarse Pumice aggregate. These replacements ranged the weight from 1730 to 1540 kg/mP

3P in series BP and from 1780 to 1560 kg/mP

3P in series CSC. The unit weight decreased with the replacement of

Portland cement by Pumice powder (CPP) or Scoria powder (CSP). Table 6 showed that the dry unit weight in series AS is from 1770 to 1660 kg/mP

3P when Portland cement was replaced by 25% Pumice powder, from 1820 to 1650


3P when it was replaced by 25% Scoria powder, and a weight increase due to coarse Pumice aggregate

replacement by Scoria aggregate. In series BP, the replacement of sand by fine Pumice aggregate and the replacement of Portland cement by 25% Pumice powder have decreased the unit weight from 1380 to 1230 kg/mP


and from 1430 to 1260 kg/mP

3P, when Portland cement was replaced by 25% Scoria powder. Moreover, the unit

weight in series CSC have decreased from 1410 to 1280 kg/mP

3P, with the replacement of Portland cement by 25%

Pumice powder, and from 1510 to 1280 kg/mP

3P, when Portland cement was replaced by 25% Scoria powder. Results

in Table 6 and 7 indicate that the Pumice aggregate and powder further replacement by Portland cement results more reduction in the unit weight of concrete. This is a direct result due to the lower unit weight of the Pumice aggregate than that of Scoria aggregate and powder Table 1. Therefore, the concrete samples in Tables 6 and 7 can be classified as lightweight concrete in terms of unit weight requirements according to RILEM. The concrete samples in series BP and CSC in Table 7, having Portland cement replacement by Pumice and Scoria powders, can be used for insulation purposes according to RILEM, 1978 because their density is less than 1450 kg/mP


-Water absorption :

Water absorption of the specimens was obtained by immersing it in water until constant weight is reached, then oven dried to obtain the water absorption value. The water absorption of concrete samples were given in Tables 6 and 7. As can be seen from Table 6, water absorption in series AS is from 16.0% - 17.6% as it increases with the increase of coarse Pumice aggregate as replacement of Scoria aggregate (Fig. 8). The replacement of sand by fine Pumice aggregate in series BP, and replacement of sand by fine Scoria aggregate in series CSC also showed much higher water absorption; as from 22.7% to 26.3% in series BP, and from 21.1% to 25.3% in series CSC (Fig 8). In Table 7, results indicated that the water absorption have increased with the replacement of Portland cement by volcanic Pumice or Scoria powders. These results showed that the water absorption in series AS is from 18.0% to 21.3% when replacing Portland cement by 25% Pumice powder, therefore the water absorption increased from 1.9 to 2.7% rather than the previous samples in Table 6. However, when replacing Portland cement by 25% Scoria powder in series AS, the water absorption is from 18.0% to 20.5% as it increased between 2% to 2.9% . In series BP, the replacement of sand by fine Pumice aggregate and the replacement of Portland cement by 25% Pumice powder led to a water absorption from 27.0% to 33.3%, as it increased between 4.3% to 7%; while the water absorption was from 26% to 30.8% when the Portland cement was replaced by 25% Scoria powder, as it increased between 3.3% to 4.5% rather than previous samples in Table 6. In series CSC, the replacement of sand by fine Scoria aggregate and the replacement of Portland cement by 25% Pumice powder resulted a water absorption from 26.6% to 32.5%, as it is increased between 5.5% to 7.2% rather than the previous samples in Table 6 with a water absorption between 25.6% to 30.5%. Though, replacement of Portland cement by 25% Scoria powder have increased the water absorption from 4.5% to 5.2% rather than that for the previous samples. It can be clearly observed from the results in Table 6 and 7 that the more the Pumice aggregate replacement and Pumice powder replacement by Portland cement, the more increase occurred in water absorption of concrete, and this is directly resulted from the high porosity of the Pumice aggregate and Pumice powder (Table 1).


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IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2 Issue 9, September 2015.

ISSN 2348 – 7968

- Compressive strength :

The cube compressive strength of concrete samples tested after 7 and 28 days curing time were presented in Tables 6 and 7, as the average cube compressive strength is reduced substantially with the density of concrete, and it increased with increasing the curing time. As can be seen from Table 6, the average cube compressive strength decreased with the increase of Pumice aggregate from 0% to 100% as replacement of Scoria aggregate for all series (Fig. 8). The compressive strength at 7 and 28 days curing time are from 26 to 20 Mpa and 37 to 29 Mpa respectively. The replacement of sand by fine Pumice aggregate in series BP and replacement of sand by fine Scoria aggregate in series CSC have also showed lower compressive strength with the increase of coarse Pumice aggregate as replacement of Scoria aggregate (Fig. 8). The compressive strength in series BP at 7 and 28 days curing time are from 14 to 9 Mpa, and 23 to 16 Mpa respectively. For series CSC, the compressive strength is between 19 to 14 Mpa, and 30 to 19 Mpa respectively. The results in Table 7 indicated that the compressive strength decreased with the replacement of 25% Portland cement by Pumice powder and replacement of 25% Portland cement by Scoria powder. While results in Table 6 show that the compressive strength in series AS have decreased from 27% to 15% at 7 days curing time, and from 24.3% to 24% at 28 days curing time when Portland cement was replaced by 25% Pumice powder. Also in series AS, the strength decreased from 19.2% to 10% at 7 days curing time and from 19% to 17% at 28 days curing time when Portland cement was replaced by 25% Scoria powder. In series BP, the replacement of sand by fine Pumice aggregate and the replacement of Portland cement by 25% Pumice powder have decreased the compressive strength from 28.5% to 33.3% at 7 days, and between 30.4% to 18.7% at 28 days curing time. When Portland cement was replaced by 25% Scoria powder the compressive strength decreased from 21.4% to 22.2% at 7 days, and between 26% to 18.7% at 28 days curing time. Whereas the replacement of sand by fine Scoria aggregate in series CSC and replacement of Portland cement by 25% Pumice powder decreased the strength from 47.3% to 50% at 7 days, and from 43.3% to 26.3% at 28 days curing time. However, the replacement of Portland cement by 25% Scoria powder led to the reduction of strength from 42% to 50% at 7 days, and from 36.6% to 26.3% at 28 days curing time.

Accordingly, the results in Tables 6 and 7 indicate that the compressive strength depends on the dry unite weight of concrete, as the lower the unit weight of concrete the lower the compressive strength (Fig. 9). While the more Pumice aggregate and powder replacement by Portland cement the more reduction in the compressive strength. This is a direct result due to the unit weight of Pumice aggregate which is lighter than the Scoria aggregate, as that is related to the high porosity of Pumice aggregates. The concrete samples can be classified into different groups based on their compressive strengths according to ASTM 330, ACI 213 and RILEM. ASTM 330 and ACI 213. It consider that the concrete has a minimum 28 days compressive strength of 17 Mpa as a structural lightweight concrete, and according to the classification given by RITEM the structural lightweight has a compressive strength not less than 15 Mpa. Therefore, according to the results in Tables 6 and 7 the studied samples can be classified as the LWC according to ASTM 330, ACI and RILEM, furthermore the concrete samples in series BP and CSC (in Table 7) can be used for insulation purposes depending on ASTM 332 and RILEM classification. -Thermal conductivity :

Eight samples were selected to test their thermal conductivity, as they have been selected depending on their dry unit weight. Results in Table 7 showed that replacing Scoria aggregate by the Pumice aggregate reduced the thermal conductivity, also when Portland cement was replaced by 25% Pumice powder the thermal conductivity was reduced comparing with the replacement of Portland cement by 25% Scoria powder. This is a direct result of the pours structure and the high porosity percentage of Pumice aggregate. It is clear that the thermal conductivity of lightweight concrete changes considerably with porosity percentages, (Bouguerra et al., 1998). The ASTM C332 specification for insulating concrete expects a range of thermal conductivity values from 0.15 to 0.43 w/m.k depending on the density of the concrete (fig. 10). Consequently, all of the obtained values in series BP and series CSC satisfy the requirement of insulating concrete as per ASTM C332.


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ISSN 2348 – 7968

TABLE 6: Physical and mechanical properties of concrete samples without additives

Fig. 8: Relationship of aggregate type % with compressive strength and water absorption of samples types AS, BP and CS (without additives)



100 75 50 25 0

0 25 50 75 100













Pumice aggregate %

AS type

7 days28 daysAbsorption

Scoria aggregate %



100 75 50 25 0

0 25 50 75 100













Pumice aggregate %

BPtype 7 days28 daysAbsorption

Scoria aggregate %



100 75 50 25 0

0 25 50 75 100













Pumice aggregate %

CS type 7 days28 daysAbsorption

Scoria aggregate %

Mix No.

Water Absorption%

Dry unit Weight kg/m³

Average compressive strength cube (Mpa) 7 days 28 days


16.0 16.3 16.6 17.6 17.6

1910 1880 1850 1815 1810

26 23 22 20 20

37 33 32 31 29


22.7 23.4 24.2 26.1 26.1

1730 1690 1600 1570 1540

14 13 12 10 9

23 20 20 18 16


21.1 22.3 24.1 24.0 25.3

1780 1710 1660 1610 1600

19 17 16 16 14

30 26 24 22 19


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ISSN 2348 – 7968

Fig. 9: Relationship of dry unit weight and compressive strength of AS, BP and CS types without additives

Fig. 10: Relationship of thermal conductivity and unit weight of concrete samples






1810 1815 1850 1880 1910Com






Dry unit weight kg/m³

AS type

7 days28 days






1540 1570 1600 1690 1730Com






Dry unit weight kg/m³

BP type

7 days

28 days






1600 1610 1660 1710 1780







Dry unit weight kg/m³

CS type


28 days







1000 1200 1400 1600








Dry unit weight (kg/m³)


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ISSN 2348 – 7968

TABLE 7: Physical, mechanical and thermal properties of concrete samples with additives

Mix N


Binder = 25% Pumice powder + 75% cement Binder = 25% Scoria powder + 75% cement



Dry unit

Weight kg/m


Average compressive strength Mpa







Dry unit

Weight kg/m


Average compressive Strength Mpa





7days 28days 7days 28days AS1 AS2 AS3 AS4 AS5

18.0 18.6 18.6 19.5 21.3

1770 1710 1710 1680 1660

19 19 18 17 17

28 26 25 25 22

- - - - -

18.0 18.0 18.3 19.2 20.5

1820 1780 1720 1700 1650

21 20 19 17 18

30 28 26 25 24

- - - - -


27.0 29.3 30.3 31.0 33.3

1380 1320 1280 1260 1230

10 9 7 7 6

16 15 14 14 13

0.37 - - - 0.32

26.0 26.5 28.6 30.5 30.8

1430 1400 1340 1310 1260

11 10 8 8 7

17 16 15 15 13

0.39 - - - 0.36


26.6 27.5 29.3 31.1 32.5

1410 1400 1360 1280 1280

10 10 9 7 7

17 16 15 15 14

0.41 - - - 0.38

25.6 26.8 28.6 30.0 30.5

1510 1480 1410 1330 1280

11 11 10 8 7

19 17 17 15 14

0.45 - - - 0.41


This study assessed Scoria and Pumice from Dhamar - Rada’ volcanic field as pozzolanic materials and lightweight aggregates for manufacturing lightweight and insulating concrete. The study confirmed the possibility of using these materials as resources in low cost cement manufacturing and concrete production, especially in Yemen, due to the wide volcanic fields extension.

The test results indicated that the initial and final concrete setting time have increased with the additive dosage increase. Adding 0% to 25% Pumice powder of Portland cement increased the initial setting time from 2.50 to 3.50 h, while final setting time increased from 4.50 to 5.55 h. Also, when Scoria powder was used the initial setting time increased from 2.50 to 3.35 h, and final setting time increased from 4.50 to 5.30 h. When 25% Pumice powder was blended with the Portland cement the initial setting time increased 1 h, and final setting time increased 1.05 h; whereas the initial setting time increased 0.85 h and final setting time increased 0.80 h when 25% Scoria powder was used. It is obvious that the increment of setting time is higher when Pumice powder was added compared with using Scoria as additive. The mortar sample cubes compressive strength was decreased with the increase of additives (Pumice or Scoria powder) from 0% to 25%, moreover the compressive strength of samples which have Scoria powder is higher than the samples that contains Pumice powder with the same ratio. The main reason for that is referred to the porosity and unite weight of Pumice comparing with Scoria. The dry unit weight and the cube compressive strength of concrete samples decreased with the increase of coarse Pumice aggregates as replacement of Scoria aggregate, while the dry unite weight and compressive strength are lowered by replacement of sand with fine Pumice aggregate, or replacing sand by fine Scoria aggregate. The dry unit weight and compressive strength of


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IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2 Issue 9, September 2015.

ISSN 2348 – 7968

concrete samples decreased with the replacement Portland cement by 0% to 25% Pumice or Scoria powder. The results showed that the compressive strength depend on the dry unite weight of concrete, as the lower the unit weight of concrete leads to the lower compressive strength; therefore the more Pumice aggregate replacement and Pumice powder replacement by Portland cement the more reduction in the unit weight and compressive strength. The concrete samples can be classified as a light weight concrete in terms of unit weight and compressive strength requirements according to ASTM 330, ACI and RILEM, therefore, the concrete samples in series BP and CSC can be used for insulation purposes depending on ASTM 332 and RILEM classification. The water absorption of concrete samples increases with the increase of Pumice aggregate replacement of Scoria aggregates, and Pumice powder replacement by Portland cement; as this is a direct result due to the high porosity of the Pumice aggregate and powder. The results of thermal conductivity showed that replacing Scoria aggregate by the Pumice aggregate reduced the thermal conductivity, also the replacement of Portland cement by 25% Pumice powder have reduced it compared with the replacement of Portland cement by 25% Scoria powder. The samples in series BP and series CSC satisfy the requirement of insulating concrete as per ASTM C332. The use of 25% Pumice powder or 25% Scoria powder as pozzolanic materials satisfies the requirement of Portland pozzolan cement as per ASTM C 595. The use of Pumice or Scoria as natural retarders in producing concrete in hot weather is highly advised, especially in related Yemen regions, due to its feasible value compared with other high cost chemical retarders.


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