
CCS14 L/600/0659 Assessment Version 1 – November 2015 © BIIAB 1

Assessment Knowledge Module

Unit CCS14 (L/600/0659)

Principles of customer service delivery Version 1 – November 2015

CCS14 L/600/0659 Assessment Version 1 – November 2015 © BIIAB 2

Assessment Feedback Record

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Date Feedback Comments Assessor Signature Learner Signature

CCS14 L/600/0659 Assessment Version 1 – November 2015 © BIIAB 3

Unit – L/600/0659 Principles of customer service delivery

Unit Purpose

This unit is about understanding how customers’ expectations are affected by customer service delivery and legislation.

You will do this by learning about and understanding:

The principles which impact on customer expectations

How behaviour, communication and interpersonal skills affect customer expectations and satisfaction

The solutions to customer service problems and complaints within organisational constraints

How legislation affects the customer service process

What you need to complete

In order to meet the assessment requirements for the unit you will need to complete the module, giving full and detailed answers to each question.

Your assessor will assess the module and give you feedback on how you have achieved, and what you need to do in order to develop further.

After you have completed the module and your assessor has confirmed that it is complete, you will need to sign and date at the bottom of the ongoing assessor feedback record.

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Unit Content

Learning Outcome Assessment Criterion Suggested Assessment Methods Assessment Guidance

1. Describe the principles which impact on customer expectations

1.1 Identify the differences in working in a customer service role within different sectors.

1.2 Explain what is meant by customer expectations and how these are formed.

1.3 Describe how to balance the needs and expectations of the customer with those of the


learner statement against each criterion

questions and answers

professional discussion

For each criterion, the assessor and learner need to ensure that the descriptors (identify, explain, describe) have been fully addressed. 1.3 Two examples are required.

2. Identify how behaviour, communication and interpersonal skills affect customer expectations and satisfaction

2.1 Describe how the individual’s and the customer’s behaviours affect expectations.

2.2 Identify and use different methods of communication to meet a range of customer expectations.

2.3 Identify different types of non- verbal communication and their impact.

2.4 Explain the interpersonal skills which can be used to achieve customer satisfaction.

2.5 Identify possible barriers to effective communication.

learner statement against each criterion

questions and answers

professional discussion

For each criterion, the assessor and learner need to ensure that the descriptors (identify, explain, describe) have been fully addressed. 2.1 Two examples of a customer

service employee’s behaviour and two examples of a customer’s behaviour are required.

2.3 Three examples of non-verbal

communication are required.

2.5 Three examples of barriers are required.

3. Describe solutions to customer service problems and complaints within organisational constraints

3.1 Describe techniques for dealing with customer service problems or complaints.

3.2 Describe the factors that need

learner statement against each criterion

questions and answers

professional discussion

For each criterion, the assessor and learner need to ensure that the descriptors (identify, explain, describe) have been fully addressed.

CCS14 L/600/0659 Assessment Version 1 – November 2015 © BIIAB 5

to be considered when finding a solution to a customer service problem.

3.3 Identify solutions to customer problems and complaints.

3.4 Explain why a complaint should be viewed in a positive manner.

3.5 Describe how the use of record keeping systems help manage and support the customer service process.

3.2 Three examples of factors to consider are required.

3.3 Two examples of solutions are


4. Explain how legislation affects the customer service process

4.1 Identify and explain how relevant legislation affects the customer service process.

4.2 Identify and explain the relevant legislation relating to customer record keeping and its implications.

4.3 Explain the importance of maintaining security and confidentiality of data.

4.4 Define different forms of contracts and describe what makes a contract binding.

4.5 Explain the purpose of codes of practice and describe their relationship to customer service.

learner statement against each criterion

questions and answers

professional discussion

For each criterion, the assessor and learner need to ensure that the descriptors (identify, explain, define) have been fully addressed. The learner is to take part in a discussion with the assessor and it would be of benefit if supporting brought to that discussion; it will help learners to explain.

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Important note: Professional discussion is mentioned in the suggested assessment methods in order to give both learners and assessors choice in how the answers are presented. Whilst it is a recommended method, it is not mandatory and learners/assessors may choose the following approaches: 1. Question and answer: if learners wish to answer the questions as set in the module, they can use the boxes in order to write their answers. If they wish

to use voice recorders to give their answers, this is also permissible as long as there is an indication in the AKM of where the questioning can be found. Learners may choose to answer some questions via written/typed question and answer and still take advantage of professional discussion as set out in the assessment module.

2. Professional discussion solely: if learners wish to present their answers via professional discussion for the whole module, that too is permissible

providing there is an indication in the AKM of where the discussion can be found. Background to achievement of the unit In order to apply the principles of customer service delivery, you will need to understand about customer expectations and how these are formed. You will also need an understanding of how both your own and the customer’s behaviours, communication and interpersonal skills affect the customer’s expectations and satisfaction; this includes finding solutions for your customer’s problems and complaints. To support these principles you will also need to understand how legislation affects the process. Once you feel you have learned as much as you can about the principles of customer service delivery, you need to see how you apply, or can transfer that knowledge in your current work, in the organisation you have researched or perhaps in a job role which you would like, but would demand more of you. Your assessor will give guidance if you need it. You should consider this when answering the questions.

CCS14 L/600/0659 Assessment Version 1 – November 2015 © BIIAB 7

1. There will be differences in the way you work in the customer service role dependent on the sector in which you work. Consider the different sectors

and summarise what you consider the main differences to be. (ac1.1)

Sector Differences



Third sector

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2. Give an explanation of (a) what is meant by the term ‘customer expectations’ and (b) how these expectations are formed. (ac1.2)

What is meant by the term ‘customer expectations’

How are these formed

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3. How do you balance the needs and expectations of the customer with those of the organisation? Give two examples of (a) when you have had to do

this or (b) create two scenarios and explain how you would balance the needs and expectations of the customer with those of the organisation.


Example 1

Example 2

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4. (a) Give two examples of how your behaviour could affect a customer's expectations. (b) Give two examples of how the customer's behaviour could affect their expectations (ac2.1)

Example 1 Your behaviour

Example 2 Your behaviour

Example 1 Customer’s behaviour

Example 2 Customer’s behaviour

CCS14 L/600/0659 Assessment Version 1 – November 2015 © BIIAB 11

5. Consider the following scenarios and identify what communication method could be used to meet the customer's expectations and why you would use that method. (ac2.2)

Communication method Reason why

(a) The customer needs a confirmation of his/her order

(b) You need to confirm a delivery date with the customer

(c) The customer has requested instructions on how to use a product

(d) The customer has returned a product which is faulty

CCS14 L/600/0659 Assessment Version 1 – November 2015 © BIIAB 12

6. Give three examples of non-verbal communication and state what impact these may have on the customer. (ac2.3)

Example of non-verbal communication The impact on the customer




7. Which personal skills can you use to help to achieve customer satisfaction? (ac2.4)

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8. Identify three possible barriers to effective communication. (ac2.5)

Barrier 1

Barrier 2

Barrier 3

9. There are techniques for dealing with customer service problems or complaints. Describe the technique you would use. (ac3.1)

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10. Give three examples of factors you would need to consider when looking for a solution to a customer service problem. (ac3.2)

Factor 1

Factor 2

Factor 3

CCS14 L/600/0659 Assessment Version 1 – November 2015 © BIIAB 15

11. Give two examples of identifying solutions to customer service problems. These can either be situations you have actually dealt with or you can write

the scenarios. Summarise the problem and explain the solution offered. (ac3.3)

Problem 1 and solution

Problem 2 and solution

CCS14 L/600/0659 Assessment Version 1 – November 2015 © BIIAB 16

12. Why should complaints be viewed in a positive manner? (ac3.4)

13. The use of record keeping systems can help to manage and support the customer service process. Give your reasons to support this statement. (ac3.5)

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14. Prepare for a discussion with your assessor. You need to discuss how legislation affects the customer service process. (ac4.1,4.2,4.3,4.4,4.5)

Your assessor will want you to:

Explain how relevant legislation affects the customer service process

Identify the relevant legislation relating to record keeping and its implications

Explain the importance of maintaining security and confidentiality of data

Define different forms of contract and what makes a contract binding

The purpose of codes of practice and their relationship to customer service You should take any notes and supporting evidence or examples to the discussion. Use the space below to make any notes to help you.

Learner notes

CCS14 L/600/0659 Assessment Version 1 – November 2015 © BIIAB 18

Learner notes
