Download docx - Ashlyn's Feedback


Excellent work overall on this assignment!  Your descriptions were very thick and easy to follow as a reader, and your definitions of the terms were spot on (even though you left out one of the required terms); you certainly went above and beyond on this work.  Also, I wanted to mention that with your interview, I really appreciated how you provided context about the interviewee.

I would like to see you add some pictures to help readers identify with what you are describing. Consider using photos of significant characters or events, and you can either embed them in the document or use the slideshow feature on the Wix site.

One piece that you left out of your assignment that was required was your definition for figured world; I would recommend that you add this before your rules and conventions section.  The rules and conventions section directly relate to the figured world in that every figured world have specific rules and conventions for appropriate behavior.

I love that you refer to "Criminal Minds" as a soap opera for you and your mom, but I want to hear a little bit more here.  What I mean is explain how this show is a soap opera for you and your mom.  This particular show doesn't fit the normal make up of what a daytime soap does, so I am wondering why this word choice and what does this mean? Just a sentence or two explaining this would be sufficient.
