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Evaluation of Learning Levels of Standard II children (Kannada)

Acknowledgment This evaluation material has been derived from material prepared by National Institute of

Advanced Studies (NIAS) for their DQEP baseline study. We thank Ms. Padma Sarangapany in extending her assistance and providing all the necessary materials to Asha.

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Instructions • This evaluation is for children who have either completed second standard or are

about to complete second standard. The questions have been prepared taking the Karnataka state syllabus into consideration.

• This evaluation is not to be conducted like an examination. It is a one-on-one interaction between the child and the evaluator.

• The evaluator has to remember that this is not an evaluation of child per say but more an evaluation of the impact of Asha’s involvement with the school in which the child is studying. So adequate care has to be taken so that the child is not intimidated.

• All the necessary picture cards for the evaluation are included as appendices. The evaluator is required to print these and take it with them for evaluation.

• This evaluation instruction sheet has been prepared to assist evaluators who don’t know Kannada. The corresponding sounds have been entered in devnagari script so that the evaluators can read them out where necessary and also to check if what the child says is correct or wrong.

• For question III physical material is required for the evaluation. You can collect objects like glass bottles, plastic bottles, nails/pins, wooden scale, wooden pencil, pebbles, mirrors, plastic combs etc.

• For questions XVIII a basket or box or any container is required and also either marbles, pebbles or beads (something to count) is required. You require at least 30 of them.

• A spread-sheet accompanies this booklet. That sheet helps to capture the marks of the children. The evaluator can either take the laptop to the school and directly capture in the sheet (one worksheet per child) or print the sheet (copies for as many children) and fill it in manually at the school.

• This evaluation is expected to take X hours per child.

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EVS Selection

I. Identification of animals. Show children the picture cards of animals and see if they can name them. For each correct answer give one point. (10 x 1 = 10 marks) [Appendix I]

What are the names of these animals? ����������� ������ ������������������� �������������Ant ���� � ���� � Crow ��� � ����� �Elephant �� � ���� � Goat � ��� ������ ���� ��������Dog ��� �� ������� Cow ���� ������Deer ��� � ����� �� Cockroach � �� � ��� !� �Fox ��� ��" � Tiger ���� ���!��a. Which is the smallest animal? (2 marks)

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b. Which is the largest animal? (2 marks) ��������� ��!!���������"��# �& '�(&�� �������������!!�����������������#��$%��(� �)��(�

II. Classifications of animals as herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. Mark three distinct areas on the floor with chalk for herbivores, carnivores and omnivores and ask the children to place the animal picture cards in the appropriate places. (2 x 10 = 20 marks)

Herbivores – Carnivores – Omnivores –

III. Classification of simple objects as glass, iron, plastic, wood. Place the objects together and ask the children to group them as below. (2 x 10 = 20 marks). Give 10 objects. Collect objects like glass bottle, marble, nail, pencil, wooden scale/ruler, pebble, clip, plastic comb, plastic bottle, chair/table

Glass – ��)��*��������Iron – �+,��*���%%%����Plastic –��� -.�/�*��!����#����Wood – 0�&�&����1������(�(���Any other - a. Ask them the question “Why is the nail made of iron? Why can’t we make the

nail from plastic?” – (3 marks) You can give marks ranging from 0 to 3 depending on the validity of the answer

IV. Classification of vegetables. Present the children with picture cards of vegetables and ask them to group them in any way they want (it could be by colour, shape, size, taste etc.). (5 marks) You can give marks ranging from 0 to 5 depending on the innovativeness of their grouping. [Appendix II]

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Kannada (Language) Section

V. Identification of alphabets, alphabet reading. Show them the cards for the alphabets and ask them read it aloud. (15 x 1 = 15 marks) [Appendix III]

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2� �� � 8� ,� � �!�� ��� � �� ���9� -�� � :� .�� � ;� /� � &9� 0���� ��� � <� *�� � ��� ���� � &�� (�0� ���� � � � � �� � ='� !�1� � � �

VI. Alphabet dictation. Read out the following alphabets and ask the children to write these alphabets. (15 x 1 = 15 marks)

������ ����2�3����� ��5�#��7 �������������������'*� ������+����%�" �%������

2� �� � ��� ���� � �� ��� � �� ���� ��� � �!�� ���� � >� 2� � ?'� &�1�� �� � @� ,� � )� ��� � � �� ����A�� ��+� � �� 0�� � �� ��� � � �

VII. Word reading. Show the word cards to the children and ask them to read out the words. (10 x 2 = 20 marks) [Appendix IV]

�����" '���B���&���� ��5�6&��7 �����������#������3�����(������+�������(�%������

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VIII. Word dictation. Read out the following words and ask the children to write these words. (2 x 10 = 20 marks)

������ �����&���� ��5�#��7 ��������������������(������+����%�" �%�����

��� � ���� � E��� ���������=� ����!��� �=&���� ��!�(�� ��7�0=�� %�����!��� ��F� ���5��

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IX. Match the words with the pictures. Present the children with the picture cards and the word cards [Appendix X] and ask them to arrange the right word against the right picture. (6 x 2 = 12 marks).

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Spectacles ��H��� ��7������Kite �I � ��6���

Money ����� �������Lizard �� � ���!!��

Necklace ��� �� ��Pot +�K� � �%�$�(�� �

X. Listening comprehension. Read out the following passage in Kannada to the children and make sure that they pay attention to what you are reading. Check their comprehension of the passage with the questions given below. (2 x 5 = 10 marks)

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In the village one mango plant sprouted. It grew and became a mango tree. There was a big shadow under that tree. It had a lot of fruits. The fruits were very tasty, so everyone wanted that fruit. There were lot of animals and birds that had made their home in that tree.

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a) Where did the mango tree grow? ��!�P������@� �7 � �"����������������� ��,�!!��%� ����#����

b) Why did everyone want the fruit only of that tree? �

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c) Why do the animals and birds live in the tree? �����&� �����������"�O��D%���8� ���-��"O� ����� (�!!����������������'������,�� �����������;#��� ��

d) What season (what time of the year) do you get mango fruit?���!�P�����Q��!!�����=&� �-��"O& �����������������������������!�(�!!��������;�( ��

e) Do you like mango fruit?��4�� ��!�P�����Q��R.����������� ������������������*6������

XI. Reading aloud. Please give the passage [Appendix V] to the children to read out loud. Observe the ability to read (letter by letter, word by word, punctuation etc.). (10 marks) You can give marks ranging from 0 to 10 depending on the time taken, form of reading (letter by letter or word by word) and accuracy.

Kamala is Rama’s daughter. Her village is Ramanagara. She has bangles and necklace. Kamala’s dog is Bela. She likes it very much to roam the streets with her dog Bela. The garden in the village is very pretty. There there are flowers and plants. One day it rained heavily. So Kamala and Bela walked fast and reached home quickly.

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XII. Ask the following questions for the above (2 x 3 = 6 marks)

a. Whose daughter is Kamala? ���=��!!�������?

����!������ ������9�� b. With whom does Kamala like to roam the streets?

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XIII. Write the names of the object found in the picture cards. (3 x 6 = 18 marks) [Appendix VI] a. House - ��� - ����

b. Elephant – �� �*����� c. Scissors – �"O��1����;�" d. Rat – ���*���!� e. Leaf – @� �*�,!� f. Frog – �� S�1������

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Mathematics Section XIV. Number reading. Show them the number cards and ask them to read out the numbers

aloud. (1x6 marks) [Appendix VII] ����T U�� ������ �������$.�� �� ������������7 8�� ,���21 ��S" 'O�&�� ����;�� $(�15 �K� V&�� ���(��>(�36 � '��"�O��� ��1��;����12 �� H���� ��7� ���40 �=�"�O� ��!����;���

a. Which is the smallest number? (2 marks) @&��"��# �$�%&�����,(�#��$%����&�'��(�

b. Which is the largest number? (2 marks) @&��"��# �& '�(&����,(�#��$%���(� �)��(�

c. Sort the numbers from smallest to largest. (5 marks) ???

XV. Number writing. Read out the following numbers and ask them to write it down. (1 mark each – total 5 marks)

����T U���#��������$.�� ����%�" " :

8 @��.� ,�6��11 �K� '��M� ��7�� �(�43 �=�"�O��� ��!���;����19 �" 'O�#"�O� ��;�� $%�;���60 2��"�O� � ���;����

XVI. Ask the child to write the next five numbers after 6. (6, 7, 8, 9, 10). (5 marks)

���� �2"U�"�W&����T U���#�N�������� ��#��$#��, (���$.�� ����%�" :

XVII. Ask the child to write the next five numbers after 28 (28, 29, 30, 31, 32). (5 marks)

��S" O���� �2"U�"�W&����T U���#�N������;�� $(�� ��#��$#��, (���$.�� ����%�" :

XVIII. Counting.

a. Ask the child to put 17 marbles into the basket. (2 marks)

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�'� �L �� ��K� ���� '�� �����D���1� ���� ���� �����(����������!������������

b. How many more marbles would you add to the basket to make the total 20 marbles? (4 marks) (Answer - 3 marbles).

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c. How many more marbles (on top of 20) would you add to the basket to make the total 26 marbles? (4 marks) (Answer - 6 marbles).

�'� � ���S"�O���� '�� ������7 ����2� MX����H�@R�.�� '��������%7 �������1� �!�����;���������!�������%��������(? ��7���,@�6�������!�����������%������

XIX. Ask them to write the even number series, start of by writing 2, 4, 6 and ask them to write the next 5 numbers. (6 marks).

XX. Oral addition

a. What is 3 + 5? (2 marks).


�1������(����1��, (�,*6��

b. What is 8 + 4? (3 marks).



XXI. Oral subtraction

a. What is 7 – 3? (3 marks).

���!�&���8��� �V��/���'���@R�.����


b. What is 12 – 7? (4 marks).

���!�&����� H����� �V��/�8��@R�.����

������(����7� ������>�����,���,*6��

XXII. Identification of symbols +, – and =. (1 x 5 = 5 marks).[Appendix VIII]

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XXIII. Identification of shapes. (1 x 6 marks) [Appendix IX]

��� '���� � �� ������ ����A �����!��� �� ������������


Triangle C�� '���

Square ?����&



XXIV. Written down addition. Write down the following sums on the paper and ask them to solve them.

a. 12 + 9 (2 marks)

b. 13 + 4 + 22 (3 marks)

XXV. Written down substraction. Write down the following sums on the paper and ask them to solve them.

a. 24 – 16 (2 marks)

b. 32 – 8 (3 marks)

XXVI. Counting change.

a. The price of a banana is 1 rupee. If you give the shop owner a 5 rupee coin and buy one banana how much change should he give you back? (3 marks)

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b. The price of a soap bar is 6 rupees. If you give the shop owner a 10 rupee note and buy one soap bar how much change should he give you back? (3 marks)

� '��5�7 � ������'��� �N��4��5�2��J�!���� ��"�O��'��� ��� 'Y.& ��4��� �@R�.�$= � �����/�2���� '���7 �����

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Appendix I – Pictures of animals (Cut them into cards)

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Appendix II – Pictures of vegetables (cut them into cards)

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Appendix III – Letters for reading

2� 8� �!�� ��

�9� :� ;� &9�

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0� � � � ��� ='�

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Appendix IV – Words for reading

&�� ���

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��� �� �

��H��� +�K� �

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Appendix V – Passage for reading



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L�&��K��I�I���� �#�"�N���� �

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Appendix VI – Pictures for writing

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Appendix VII – Numbers for reading

7 21 15 36 12 40

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Appendix VIII – Symbols Recognition





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Appendix IX – Shape Recognition

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Appendix X – Matching Words with pictures (cut into cards)





