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Ascend to Success PT Programme

PT Business Manual

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Head office contact details Socialise with us….. Elite Fitness Consultants

Wirral Studio 92 Banks Road

West Kirby Wirral CH48 0RE T: 0151 668 0250 E: [email protected]

For More Information please contact us on 0151 668 0250 or visit our website at

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No part of this workbook, or any training materials received as part of this program, may be duplicated, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted or used in any form by any

means, electronic, mechanical, photocopied, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Lewis Bailey and Bob Evans

Copyright © 2012 Elite Fitness Consultants and Freedom Business Coaching Ltd

Chapter 1.1

Introduction to Business

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Hello my name is Lewis Bailey the founder and owner of Elite Fitness Consultants and the Author of The Elite PT Business Programme – Ascend to Success Before we get into the detail and I show you how you can make a good living from your investment in your Personal Training course, let me tell you a little bit about me and my history as a personal trainer. Many trainers struggle making money from PT for many reasons however, I on the other hand found it easy to make a very good living from it earning an average of £7,000 per month where PT’s around me were struggling to earn £1,500 per month. How did I do it? To become a successful PT there are some common traits you will need as well as advanced PT skills and knowledge together with business skills. This will help you attract and retain quality clients. I have spent many years being trained by some of the world’s top coaches and therapists, Paul Chek, Phil Mansfield, Emma Lane and many others to establish myself as one of the country’s leading Personal Trainers. Following my intense education pathway I left the health club PT circuit and ventured into mobile training, shortly followed by opening up a private personal training studio in Liverpool City Centre. Due to my success I now run a small chain of private PT studios across the North West. I have trained and found placements for over 250 PT’s over the past five years who are all now living their dream of training clients, changing their lives and getting paid handsomely for it. My mission is to help good PT’s like you to become great PT’s who earn 100% more than the average trainers. If this feels right for you, then keep reading.


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I noticed across the industry that very few trainers were enjoying the same success and many trainers where seeking advice from me on how to help them with their PT business which resulted in them asking the same question:

“How do I get as many clients as you”? Due to the demand, this ongoing problem gave birth to the idea of supporting PT’s across the country showing them how to get clients and run a successful PT business and Elite Fitness Consultants was formed.

From the inception of Elite I have created a powerful team whose primary focus is to help PT’s secure many clients and establish a successful PT business. I have helped hundreds of PT’s across the country and collectively Elite PT’s now deliver over 2500 personal training sessions per month.

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Make it Simple Building a PT business is simple when you follow a process. The standard process is below:

So why do so many trainers struggle? The problem is in the understanding of how to operate the process and system, then sticking to it. We find so many trainers know the process, but then go off track because they think there is an easier way. If you stick to the process you will grow a great career and living standard. I have given you a brief introduction to me and have outlined a successful PT business, now let me show you how the Elite PT Business programme – Ascend to Success can help you.

Step 1 • Attract the right people

Step 2 • Show them why they need you

Step 3 • They become your clients

Step 4 • Build the relationship to retain

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The Truth about PT The truth about growing a successful PT business’s all about you! You are the only person who is going make it successful, a struggle or a failure. With this in mind we can get started to ensure you become the former. Rather than give you a fish to eat today to satisfy today’s hunger, we are going to teach you how to catch fish so you will never be hungry again.

Taking Responsibility The first thing we would advise you to do is take responsibility. As we said above you are the only person who can make this happen. Making things happen is about taking action. Take no or little action = no or poor results Take lots of action = great results We can assure you of one thing, if you do not take action, no one else will do it for you, and if they did you wouldn’t be reading this manual.

Industry background – The doom and gloom Now that you have taken responsibility and understand only massive action will create success, we need to prepare you for the PT journey you are now about to embark upon and give you a current and realistic view of the PT industry. The PT industry has gone through dramatic change over the last ten years, with a vast increase of health clubs across the country, health club operators have now started to utilise trainers as a good secondary income stream. This increase in popularity and demand for Personal Training is a step in the right direction however; with this also comes a number of problems. With the high number of personal training education establishments and shorter course periods, the competition has become fierce and the market has reached saturation with an average of 2,000 trainers entering the industry each month. With limited opportunity in health clubs more and more trainers are forced into freelance mobile hence the dramatic rise in fitness boot camps across the country. As a result, competition has become fierce leaving newly qualified trainers at a major disadvantage. Along with competition you also need to consider the current economic climate (not a pretty picture) with Government and personal household’s budgets being squeezed, the cost of training at £140 - £280 per month is extremely difficult to justify as disposable income.

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So now your eyes have been fully opened you are prepared to face the difficulty of the industry. I apologise for the negative picture however I need to provide you with the truth! You can either ignore this information or accept it and learn how to move forward with this knowledge in mind. You now understand the journey that lies ahead of you will not be an easy one but do not worry, this is all a part of the process, just ask any successful trainer or businessman if they found triumph easy! Do not let this deter you as I am here to help you!

Mindset The next part of this manual is about your personality and mindset to ensure you become a successful PT in business. It is important to understand you will need to have certain traits within your personality to become successful, just like a business person or entrepreneur. The traits of a successful PT are very similar to the traits of an entrepreneur.

Employee v PT Mind-set Typically, we are conditioned from an early age to adopt an employee mindset. This is a mindset that follows a path of going to school, getting a higher education qualification and then becoming an employee. Although a good education gives a tremendous advantage in life and is something we believe strongly in, we also believe that it is important to think differently and not get trapped into life as an employee. The employee mindset is one of CVs, job promotions, minimum percentage salary increases, assumed job security and perceived lower risk.

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It is a mindset that allows it to be controlled by others and often settles for a life of 9am to 5pm or, more typically 7am to 7pm when travel time and overtime are incorporated. It is a mindset of working as an employee and reacting to events (such as redundancy, missed promotions) rather than creating your own vision and following your own dreams. The opposite of the employee mindset is the PT mindset. This is a mindset of excellence, one that has a clear vision, follows its passion, and has set goals. Successful people have this mindset in common. As a ready example of this, consider any successful sports person; determination, hard work and self-discipline that drive them to achieve their success. They are following their dream, living their passion and very often, with a good coach behind them, achieve their success status. The PT mindset works in just the same way. However, instead of the passion being sport, it is PT business and the mindset is applied to entrepreneurship. It’s about opportunity, achievement, success and freedom. It’s about having a dream and making it reality. It’s about you, using PT business skills as a vehicle to follow your passion. Those who develop a PT mindset and are prepared to embark on their own adventure have a life of fulfillment and freedom in store for them. Absolutely anybody can take this journey, but only those who are prepared to invest in themselves and make the decision to develop their own PT mindset will actually achieve true success in Personal Training.

I can tell you from my own experience that this is the best job in the world!

Working with clients, changing their lives and getting paid handsomely for it, is one extremely rewarding career!

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This table highlights some of the key differences between the employee and the PT mindset. Look it over and see which you agree with more.

Employee Mind-set PT Mind-set

9-5 = 40hrs/week 24hrs/day 60-100 hrs./week

Salary focused Profit & client value focused

CV, employer Sales, marketing, clients

Inflexible – single source of income Flexible – multi source of income

Dependant Independent

Build CV Build a PT business

Risk adverse Accept risk as part of success

Hide failure Accept failure as part success

Shy away from fear Confront fear head on

Manager Leader

Power politics Build relationships

Employee Mind-set PT Mind-set

Have self-doubt and fail to take action Have self-doubt, but charge ahead

Spend money Invest money in courses & equipment

Live in comfort zone Stretch comfort zones

Unused potential - never tested Unused potential – limits are endless

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Passion before Profit When a PT starts his or her business it is usually out of the desire to satisfy the deep feeling of wanting to help people change their lives through exercise or just through their own passion of fitness training.

It’s all about PASSION -- What does passion feels like?

Remember when you first met someone you really loved? Your girlfriend/boyfriend, husband/wife? You had to move right out of your comfort zone to ask them out on a date. And you did it! You conquered your fears and limiting beliefs all because of love. It can truly create magic in our lives, and that is why the first step is to find PASSION in helping people through exercise. Have you ever won a certificate or a sports trophy? How did that make you feel? Did you do it for the money or did you do it to prove yourself to be the best? It is this feeling of passion in what they are doing that drives successful PT’s.

Passion is more important than money! Passion is at the heart of the PT mindset, so the closer your idea is to your passion, the greater your chance of success. Use the exercise below to brainstorm ideas for your new fitness business or a new opportunity within your existing business. At this stage any idea is a good idea. By writing down possible business propositions, your unconscious mind will automatically think through the various alternatives and over the next four to eight weeks one idea will surface as the stronger. It may take you longer, but the more you tune your mind to PT entrepreneurial success, the easier it will be for you to identify an idea that you are committed to and believe will be a winner. So as well as one to one training what other things could you do with your fitness business? Keep a notebook with you at all times. Write down ideas as they come to you. Be constantly on the lookout for opportunities in areas that interest you. Revisit your notebook and look for connections between your ideas:

List below possible fitness business ideas that you are passionate about:








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Most people would agree that pain and pleasure are two of the strongest motivators; after all they are what many torture regimes are based on! However, did you also know that the strength of feeling in human nature to move away from pain is significantly stronger than the feeling to move toward pleasure?

Motivation drives us, whether it is toward or away from something. So, in PT business it is essential for you to identify what your true motivation is. Answer the questions in the following table to identify your own motivation. Rate your motivations out of five: zero being the lowest and five being the highest. Use your answers to the questions in the table above to build a mental picture of what life would be like in 5 years from now if you achieve all of the above. How would you feel and how would it change your life? Visualise this experience and use this movie in your mind as your motivation to keep pushing forward. Fast forward 10 years and see how life will be, IF YOU DO NOT TAKE ACTION NOW. Start to build up a picture of the pain you will feel when you are another 10 years older and have still not achieved the success you desire.

Motivation Score / 5

Training clients

Change people’s lives

Financial freedom

Being your own boss

Loving what you do

Work never feeling like work

Developing yourself


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Excelling in the 12 qualities of the PT mindset is vital to reach the highest levels of success as a fitness entrepreneur. However, it would be wrong to say that entrepreneurs excel in all of these qualities from the outset. In this exercise, ask a friend or colleague who knows you well to score you out of five in each of the 12 elements of the PT mindset. The questions relate to your current job or position in your business. It is important that somebody else scores you as they will give you an independent and honest answer on how they see you. The key here is not necessarily to get the highest score, but to get the most honest answers and start working on your lowest scores.

Core Qualities Description Other persons score

Your Score

1.Passion To keep going when times are tough

2. Self-belief To carry on against the doubters and cynics

3. Desire, determination and drive Desire to become successful, and drive and determination to achieve your goals

4. Courage To follow your instincts and to take the leap to become a Personal Trainer

5. Vision To have a dream and inspire others to achieve it

6. Focus To achieve goals and not get distracted

7. Hard work and self-discipline To get things done and a willingness to make the necessary sacrifices

8. Persistence To keep going and never give up

9. Optimism To keep yourself and those around you positive and to avoid negativity

10. Wisdom and common sense To learn from your mistakes and to think with a clear head

11. Opportunistic To be alert to new deals and see opportunities that others do not see

12. Judgement and risk To make the right decisions and take calculated risks


The 12 PT Qualities

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Limiting beliefs are the beliefs we carry with us from earlier experiences that hold us back. Up to a staggering 80% of the things we are told by others are not true, our social structure encourages us to believe they are true. This is the core problem facing many personal trainers, believing things based on unqualified information.

How to identify a limiting belief

If you ever catch yourself saying “I can’t do that or we can’t do that or that’s impossible”, you have just identified a limiting belief. For example “I can’t stand up and give a talk to 50 people in a room” This is a limiting belief many us can identify with; it is usually based on the belief developed over years of seeing others struggle and associating that feeling with that situation. The trick is to change the word ‘can’t’ into ‘want’. In other words do you really want to do this task? If the answer is no, then don’t do it.....and you may find your business struggling. If public speaking is a strong avenue to clients then learn how to do this, go through the fear and keep doing it until you start to enjoy speaking in public. If the answer is yes I want to do it, ask these two magic questions:

1. What do I need to learn? 2. Who can help me?

What limiting beliefs are holding you back in your business? List two and work out what you can do to change the situation.

Limiting Beliefs

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Now we have illustrated a brief and honest view of the industry, what to expect and what requirements are needed from you as a person to succeed, let’s now focus on a direction you need to go on. Since the birth of Elite I have helped many trainers in all different aspects of PT. To help you understand why direction is important I will tell you a true story of a trainer I spoke to two years ago that was finding PT very difficult his name is Chris and now works under our brand.

Chris was newly qualified, new to the industry, out of shape and with no direction (other than wanting to be a PT). When sitting down and asking him what he wanted his response was the typical “I want to be a PT”. He had tried the typical Facebook approach to generate clients which resulted in frustration and even more so when the promise of his friends saying “I’d be interested in you training me” were broken. Chris then tried the business card and leaflet approach which again was unsuccessful and then offered free sessions which again he faced disappointment.


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Chris was clearly uninformed of the industry expectations and what the role of a trainer demanded. Not only was he unaware of the industry he was unaware of himself and had no idea of where he was going or what he had to do. After a thorough discussion with him this is what we established:

It became evident that Chris (like many trainers) did not understand the industry or role he had entered and was on course to fail. After 8 months with me this is what he achieved:

Chris followed the Ascend to Success programme learning many new skills about his self, business and the industry. Utilising the skills taught he took action and soon achieved the career he wanted.


•No awareness of PT industry

•No understanding of Personality traits needed

•Unaware of own image

•No desire to learn new skills

Knowledge of PT Business

•No understanding of how to market himself

•No knowledge of target marketing

•No knowledge of sales

•No business acumen


• No clear goal

•No plan of how to achieve it

•No startegies of how to do it

Highly Confident Trainer

Fully converse with PT Business


30 paid PT Sessions per


Income of £4200 per month

Studying under a world leading


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Chris on Elite “I met Lewis two years ago, at the time I was struggling and had no direction. Lewis took me under his wing and spent some time showing me how to make a good living from my education in PT. I can recommend the programme with confidence I am living proof that it works. I run my own business and I am in charge of my own destiny, that may suit you or you may want to work within the Elite team. I have recently returned from Chicago where I completed PICP 1 and 2 under the world elite strength coach Charles Poliquin. I never could have achieved my dreams without following Ascend to Success. I am willing to have a chat and answer any questions just ask one of the Elite team for my details.” Chris By analysing yourself, learning new skills and following a plan with effective strategies you have clear direction on how to establish a successful PT business. Without this, a painful journey lies ahead, so ensure you have direction and start taking action.

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Knowing how to market your business

This subject is greatly misunderstood by personal trainers with many falling for the salesman marketer who can promise you more clients than you can handle if you pay for this amazing website which costs thousands of pounds. The magazine and paper advertisements is another area you need to avoid as they cost a pretty penny for a small advert and for a short period of time. The hook they catch you with is “it takes a person seven times to look at your ad before they take notice of it” by this stage you have spent at least £2000 and the phone hasn’t rung once. Do not be fooled by these salesmen as they are very good at hooking you in. In order to establish what works you firstly must avoid the things that don’t. Many trainers and people in business do not understand what the difference is between a product and a service. How you market a product is completely different than a service. With products there is one fundamental difference, products are tangible items that you take away and know exactly what they do and if there is a problem with it you can always take it back and get a refund. Services are very different, in a sense they are invisible and it is what one expert (you) can offer an individual (potential client). There has to be a great deal of trust before someone is willing to pay for something they don’t know what the outcome is going to be. The individual only has your word for it so trust is a vital part of service. If you have not worked it out already, we are in service! Start thinking how you can market yourself so people can trust you. Will this come from Facebook, a website, leaflets, and business cards.....NO! These methods of passive advertising will not work for you so get active and start engaging with people.

Marketing your Business

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So how do I create a successful business?

Firstly, you need to learn! There is no quick fix or shiny objects that will instantly provide you with a ton of clients while you put your feet up (which many companies and health clubs will offer). Working hard and understanding the information we have already discussed will help you avoid all the pitfalls that the majority of trainers fall into, which, will quickly save you a great deal of time, money and a lot of heart ache. The journey is long and difficult so be prepared for long hours, working weekends and doing many things that you won’t want to do. You must learn about yourself, how you are perceived by others and how to develop yourself to ensure you are a successful PT. Although this may sound quite intimidating please do not worry, as I can help you. This is where I can quickly guide you to success by following my systems and learning a great number of new skills. You will soon have a large client base if you work for it! I have created a world first unique programme for personal trainers, Ascend to Success. This unique industry programme is the first of its kind providing an accredited qualification upon successful completion. I am the only personal trainer in the UK who can provide such an extensive PT business course and qualification based on my experience and success in the PT industry combined with some valuable knowledge from the highly successful entrepreneur Bob Evans. Ok so let’s take a look at the extensive programme I provide and how I develop you to become a powerful personal trainer within the industry beating your competition and building a successful PT Business!

Creating a Successful Business

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Your investment to a great career

Getting off the ground package This has been specially designed to help you get clients quickly without having any experience in the personal training field. We understand how important money is to you when first starting your PT business therefore we have structured this programme to give you maximum results for the cost of less than 2 PT sessions! What the programme entails

You will receive 3 Live Training days (24hours of education)

3 x 30 minute phone calls with Lewis

5 of the Ascend to Success workbooks

Unlimited email access What you will learn

How to attract clients to you using marketing skills that work

How to conduct a consultation and sell personal training packages from £800 to £2000

How to attract clients from within a Health club and Mobile PT or a Private Studio

Strategies that will give you a generous income of at least £3000 per month

You will get your PT business off the ground How much does it cost? The cost of this great package should be £3600 which is 10% of the outcome £36,000 per year income. We are giving this to you for £396 You can pay £396 upfront or 6 monthly installments of £66 per month What you can expect to earn in 6 months

Month Expected minimum income Total income Outlay

1st month 2 clients at 1 session a week = £280 per month £280 £66

2nd month 4 clients at 1 session a week £560 £66

3rd month 6 clients at 1 session a week £840 £66

4th month 8 clients at 1 session a week £1120 £66

5th month 10 clients at 1 session a week £1400 £66

6th month 12 clients at 1 session a week £1680 £66

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Building a career package

This package has been tailored for trainers that want to set up a career for life. The fundamentals of this package will give you all the necessary skills needed to establish a long career within personal training and if you ever relocate you can rest assure you can quickly establish your PT business in your new destination. You are the kind of person that is interested establishing secure career, working the hours you choose and content with training clients for many years to come. What the package entails

You will receive 6 Live Business & Marketing Training days (48 hours of education)

6 phone calls with Lewis

3 complete modules of the Ascend to Success programme including 14 workbooks

Unlimited email access What you will learn

Getting off the ground programme included

How to market yourself and attract clients effortlessly

How to adapt your personality to become an extremely effective personal trainer

How to establish a highly successful strategic business plan

In-depth undisclosed marketing skills for a lucrative personal training career

Create an everlasting PT career How much does it cost? The cost of this substantial package should be £5880 which is 10% of the outcome - £58,800 per year income. We are giving this to you for £1,184 You can pay £1,184 upfront or 8 monthly installments of £148 per month What you can expect to earn in 8 months

Month Expected minimum income Total income Outlay

1st month 2 clients at 1 session a week = £280 per month £280 £148

2nd month 4 clients at 1 session a week £560 £148

3rd month 8 clients at 1 session a week £1120 £148

4th month 12 clients at 1 session a week £1680 £148

5th month 14 clients at 1 session a week £1960 £148

6th month 18 clients at 1 session a week £2520 £148

7th month 18 clients at 1 session a week £2520 £148

8th month 18 clients at 1 session a week £2520 £148

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PT Entrepreneur package The PT Entrepreneur pack is the complete Ascend to Success programme which has been designed for the complete PT. This has been designed to create a top class personal trainer. You will be the kind of person that wants to take the industry by storm, earning an amazing income whilst also delivering an excellent service through some of the best training technical skills known in the PT industry. What the package entails

You will receive 24 Live Training days on PT Business &technical skills (192 hours of education)

12 phone calls with Lewis (1 per month)

12 complete modules of the Ascend to Success programme including over 50 workbooks

Online resources

Done for you templates – Assessment forms, programmes, food plans, coaching forms etc

A full accountancy service

Full public liability insurance cover

Unlimited email access

Elite level 1 certification – Holistic Trainer What you will learn

Includes all getting off the ground & career builder benefits

How to run a first class personal training business

How to set up multiple income streams

Cutting edge assessment skills

Scientific programme design

Scientific nutrition

Life coaching – nervous system dysfunctions (sleep / stress / circadian rhythms / detoxification)

Highly effective coaching How much does it cost? The cost of this top class package should be £12,000. The technical package alone is £12,000 and as an Elite level 1 trainer you are expected to earn £84,000 per annum. We are giving this to you for £4,200 You can pay £4,200 upfront or 12 monthly installments of £350 per month

The Complete Ascend to Success Programme

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What you can expect to earn in 12 months

The Ascend to Success programme will place you as one of the most highly regarded personal trainers in the country. The level of business and technical education will allow you to crush any of your competitors and allow you to live a fruitful and enjoyable life as an Elite Trainer.

Month Expected minimum income Total income Outlay

1st month 2 clients at 1 session a week = £280 per month £280 £315

2nd month 4 clients at 1 session a week £560 £315

3rd month 8 clients at 1 session a week £1120 £315

4th month 12 clients at 1 session a week £1680 £315

5th month 14 clients at 1 session a week £1960 £315

6th month 18 clients at 1 / 2 sessions a week £3500 £315

7th month 22 clients at 1 / 2 session a week £4200 £315

8th month 26 clients at 1 / 2 session a week £4900 £315

12th month 40 121 sessions a week + 1 additional income stream £7200 £315

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Are you still paying attention? If so, then congratulations for reading this manual as you are certainly in the minority of taking your future seriously. I am only interested in the people that are serious about their PT career and are willing to take action to seize success. That means you! Remember earlier in the manual I told you only successful trainers are the ones willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen. So are you an action taker or just a thinker?

What I don’t promise!

I do not believe in any quick fix or easy ride to becoming a great trainer, I do not give you more clients than you can handle or £50k per year for only a few hours work a day. My approach is simple, I teach you success and following my proven systems step by step you will become one of the country’s leading personal trainers...I guarantee it! What else do you get? Along with the workbooks & manuals, online resources and training days you also get your own personal mentor who will assist you whilst you are on the programme. I created this programme to deliver nothing but excellence in our field and as I mentioned earlier this is a world first! No other PT company within the industry dare offer such a package or attempt to deliver the excellence I provide you.

Your Future

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I have kept this to the very last to see if you are really reading every word as this proves to me you are the action taker I want! On completion of any package you choose I will show you how to claim every penny back through our accountancy service. Let me reiterate that point, you will claim back every penny you pay for any of these packages on completion! Do I still have your attention?! Call me on 0151 668 0250 or email [email protected] and I will discuss the Ascend programme with you and put you on the pathway to success Lewis Bailey – Founder and owner of Elite Fitness Consultants & Ascend to Success.

A Final Note

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T: 0151 668 0250 E: [email protected]

Elite Fitness Consultants Wirral Studio 92 Banks Road West Kirby Wirral CH48 0RE

© Elite Fitness Consultants Ltd 2012 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any other means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the permission of the copyright holder.
