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Early Roman Christian ArtMedieval Period – 550-1400Middle Ages – between Classical and Renaissance periods; name is not appropriate anymore because of Baroque, Classical, Romantic, etc

Dark Ages – writers felt destruction here after the classical period because art and achievements were lost. Probably inappropriate because of its other achievements like music

Age of Faith – strong institution of faith ; most art are religious and Christian art

Western history and art

Christianity – one of the mysterious cults that promised a better life beyond the grave – eventually was the only one to surviveEarly converts were mainly from dispossessed and downtrodden masses, some from patrician and educated classes

Chi-rho – heavenly divine symbolXP – first 2 capital letters of the Greek word of Christ – symbolizes Jesus’ statues as ChristConstantine’s dream – write this on the shields of his soldiers. On that day he fought and won the battle against Maxentius outside Rome, thus conquering the landChristianity became very abstract and symbolic, conceptual

Cross – something negative, associated with the lowliest, criminalsBut later on became a talisman against the demon

Latin cross

World of symbols

Immortality frequently represented by the image of a serpent biting its tail – living creature whose end was joined to its beginning

Monogram that was very popular – sign of identity usually formed of the combined initials of a name

Alpha and Omega (Greek: Αλφα and Ω) is an appellation of God in the Book of Revelation (verses 1:8, 21:6, and 22:13). Its meaning is found in the fact that Alpha (Α) and Omega (Ω) are respectively the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. Twice when the phrase appears, it is clarified with the additional title "the beginning and the end" (21:6, 22:13).Some thus see the term "Alpha and Omega" as a paraphrase of Isaiah 44:6: "I am the first and I am the last; apart from me there is no God." While the context in the Book of Revelation is clearly related to this, Jewish scholarship shows that the Alpha and Omega is also a Hellenized form of the rabbinical dictum: "The seal of God is Emet (Truth)," the word Emet (אמת) being derived the first, middle, and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet.In the early church, the Alpha-and-Omega symbol became Christ's monogram and is still used in Christian art, often in combination with the Greek letters Chi and Rho, the first two letters of the word for Christ in Greek. Traditionally, the phrase is used in Christianity as evidence for Jesus' divinity and unity with God the Father. An alternative interpretation is that Christ, as the "last Adam" (1 Corinthians

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15:45), represents the fulfillment of God's ideal relationship with humanity, rather than being God Himself.

ΙΧΘΥΣ (Ichthys) is an acronym for "Ίησοῦς Χριστός, Θεοῦ Υἱός, Σωτήρ", (Iēsous Christos, Theou Yios, Sōtēr), which translates into English as "Jesus Christ, God's Son, Savior".

Iota (i) is the first letter of Iēsous (Ἰησοῦς), Greek for "Jesus".Chi (ch) is the first letter of Christos (Χριστός), Greek for "anointed".Theta (th) is the first letter of Theou (Θεου), Greek for "God's", the genitive case of Θεóς, Theos, Greek for "God".Ypsilon (y) is the first letter of (h)yios[4] (Υἱός), Greek for "Son".Sigma (s) is the first letter of sōtēr (Σωτήρ), Greek for "Savior".

In Christian iconography, the vine also frequently appears. It is mentioned several times in the New Testament. We have the parable of the kingdom of heaven likened to the father starting to engage laborers for his vineyard. The vine is used as symbol of Jesus Christ based on his own statement, “I am the vine.” In that sense, a vine is placed as sole symbol on the tomb of Constantia, the sister of Constantine the Great, and elsewhere. In Byzantine art, the vine and grapes figure in early mosaics, and on the throne of Maximianus of Ravenna it is used as a decoration.

Vineyard, wine, blood

Flesh of peafowl/peacock did not decay – symbol of immortality

Ancient people believed that the flesh of a peafowl did not decay after death, and it so became a symbol of immortality. This symbolism was adopted by early Christianity, and thus many early Christian paintings and mosaics show the peacock. The peacock is still used in the Easter season especially in the east.[21]

Sarcophagus – for burial purposes designed with symbols – after christianity became legal

Earlier symbols were semantic rather than representational – giving meaning rather than representingSarcophagus of Archbishop TheodoreChrimson symbols with last letters of greek alphabetEnd of earthly life and begnning of the heavenly one2 peacocks – paradiseVine and birds feeding on grapes – communion

Earliest christian symbols were in the CATACOMBS, for burials only. Christians have to bury dead, not cremateObjection to cremation because of the belief in resurrectionFree sketchy manner, drastically simplified – following the roman/pagan architectural schemeLink between pagan Roman and early Christian artChrimson symbol rather than the cross

Lamb of god “jesus I am the shepherd”-ancient sacrificial animal, Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross as the lamb of god, its pouring blood redeeming the sins of the world

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Shepherd carrying sheep 4 ADDeer – faithful, the churchAPPEAL IS THE IDEA EMBEDDED IN THE FORMS

Throne or chair – repository of powerMaximian’s Cathedra – Ex cathedra – “from the chair”Coming from the idea when jewish and rabbis and greek philosophers and teachers taught from a seated position; as a symbol of teaching throne and governing authorityThe Throne of Maximian (or Maximianus) is a throne that was made for Archbishop Maximianus of Ravenna and is now on display at the Archiepiscopal Museum, Ravenna. It is generally agreed that the throne was carved in the Greek East of the Byzantine Empire and shipped to Ravenna, but there has long been scholarly debate over whether it was made in Constantinople or Alexandria.[1][2][3]The style of the throne is a mixture of Early Christian art and that of the First Golden Age of Byzantine art. It is made of carved ivory panels, with frames of winding vines and grapevines, on a wooden frame.[4] The throne itself is large with a high semi-circular back and may have held a jewelled cross or Gospel book for some of the time.[5] The ivory carvings are done in relief and the panels depict important biblical figures. The back of the throne shows scenes of the Life of Christ, the sides include scenes of the Story of Joseph from the Book of Genesis, and on the front of the throne are the Four evangelists around John the Baptist, who is holding a medallion with the Lamb of God and Maximian’s name above him.[6]

303 – final suppression under Diocletian306 – Constantine became the emperor313 edict of milan was issued making Christianity as one of the official state religions making Christians worship openly, create extensive building program325 council of nicaea – basic tenets of christian faith were debated and coordinatedBuilding of edifices and large churches to accommodate growing religion;To impress on people the strong and might of religion

Ravenna – most impt. City in Italy from 402 to mid 8th cent.Seat of the last Roman emperor in the westBecame the capital of the barbarian Ostrogothic kingdomBecame Western center of the East Roman empire

St. Peter – prototype, largest of its timeGiving names to various parts – architecture’s identifying of parts

Basilica – old churches calledType of building derived from the Roman times – not used for religion but for civicParthenon – rituals done outside temple – this architecture won’t be useful for Christians for their purposes – Christian basilica turned Greek temple outside in

1. Gate2. Atrium – open courtyard3. Narthex – main entrance or frontispiece to church proper4. Aisle – sides

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5. Nave – where you march6. Transept – “arms” bisectinglooks like a cross7. Apse – semi-circular that encapsulates the altar

Rectangular Plan Example

Interior is more important; exterior is humble-lookingLow, flat ceilingKeeping with the sheltered and inward orientation of early basilicas, no windows gave view to the outside world

Sabina in Rome – oldest extant Roman basilica preserving the colonnaded rectangular and architectural style422-432 AD


Honorius – court from Rome to Ravenna due to barbariansRavenna as capital of Western Roman Empire until 476Ravenna capital of barbarian rulerCapital of Ostrogothic king until 540Port of entry for Eastern Byzantine Empire

In ad 402 the danger of barbarian invasions compelled the Western Roman emperor Honorius to move his court from Rome to Ravenna. Ravenna was henceforth the capital of the Western Roman Empire until its dissolution in 476. As such, Ravenna was embellished with magnificent monuments. The city was also raised to the status of an archbishopric in 438. With the fall of the Western Empire in 476, it became the capital of the first barbarian ruler of Italy, Odoacer (reigned 476–493), who in turn surrendered it to the Ostrogothic king Theuderic (reigned 493–526) in 493. Theuderic made Ravenna the capital of the Ostrogothic kingdom, but in 540 Ravenna was occupied by the great Byzantine general Belisarius and was subsequently made an imperial exarchate.

As the capital city of the Western Roman Empire for 250 years and a major port of entry for the Eastern (Byzantine) Empire, Ravenna reflects in its art and architecture a fusion of Roman architectural forms with Byzantine mosaics and other decoration.

MOSAICSTexture – not flat, much more durableDisadvantagesHard to become detailedVery abrupt pixelations, hard to create emotions and gesturesNo shading, 3D, hard to achieve the illusion of depthMosaic Floor by Arturo Luz – Rivers of Life

The Parish of the Holy Sacrifice is the landmark Catholic chapel in the University of the Philippines, Diliman. Known for its architectural design, the church is recognized as a National Historical Landmark and a Cultural Treasure by the National Historical Institute and the National Museum respectively.

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The structure was designed by the late National Artist for Architecture, Leandro Locsin, which was only one of the five national artists who collaborated on the project. Alfredo Juinio served as the structural engineer for the project.

The Church of Holy Sacrifice is the first round chapel in the Philippines with the altar in the middle, and the first to have a thin shell concrete dome. The floor of the church was designed by Arturo Luz, the Stations of the Cross by Vicente Manansala and Ang Kiukok, and the double-sided crucifix and altar base by Napoleon Abueva, all of whom are now National Artists.

ArchitectureThe dome of the church is supported by pillars located at the sides of the church, so that there are no supports to block the space inside. The unique design of the dome allows natural lighting and ventilation. At the middle of the dome is a circular skylight, which supports the triangular bell tower. The bell tower, then extends to the interior, supporting the crucifix. The arrangement of the interior of the church is concentric, with the altar in the middle.

*Central Type churchesSan Vitale in Ravenna

ByzantineEarly Christian Art – before becoming legal, early christians met in catacombs for secret communal meals and early celebrations of massSome slave converts had certain skills, were allowed to paint the walls with Christian symbols and visual versions of the Old and New Testament stories – for those who could not read

The Good Shepherd – 4th cent ADPainted ceiling, catacomb of Saints Pietro and Marcellino in RomeMain concern in early roman christian – burial rite and safeguarding of tomb; faith rested in hope and eternity in paradiseThe great circle suggesting the dome of heavenLarger circle inscribed with a cross – basic symbol of faithSketchy styleThemes of redemption through suffering and deliverance by the power of faith:Vineyard scenes referring to the communion wineIsaac being sacrificed by AbrahamTale of Jonah being thrown overboard, spending 3 days in the belly of the great fishDaniel’s rescue from the lion’s den

Because of diverse historical traditions as well as wide geographical distances separated Rome in the West, Byzantium in the east and the nomadic Ostrogoths in the north

After making Christianity as the state religion, emperor Constantine moved his court to Byzantium, christening the city the “new Rome”

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Later, this second capital was called Constantinople in his honor and soon the East and the West Roman empires were going their separate coursesNorth – territory of the barbarians under TheodoricWest – PopeEast – Justinian (after Constantine)

Constantinople – usual place of residence of emperor; center of artistic patronageCapital city of Eastern Byzantine EmpireFounded in 330 ADAt ancient Byzantium as the new capital empire by Constantine the GreatOne of the greatest civilizations of world historyOne of the greatest cities

Constantine’s Colossus (giant, hulk, titan) – 12 meters; head is 2 ½ meters long; each foot is 2 meters – originally found in Rome

Large bust – elicits power, to be more noticed – inscription below stating that he rescued the city, freed it from the tyrant’s yoke, restored the senate and the people of Rome to their ancient renown and splendor

Column of Constantine – to commemorate the declaration of Byzantium as the new capital of the Roman Empire – 330 AD

O-shaped churchesSymbolism – immortality, origin from ancient circular tombsUsual features of basilica: narthex entrance, circular nave, surrounding side aislesDifference from the basilica – direction of the axisBasilica – eyes are led toward the apse – horizontal lineCentral-type church – eye is led upward from the central floor space to the dome – vertical axis

The structural and psychological effects of the dome in central-type churches is to bring the separate parts into a unified whole

*2 main systems of how to create a dome or a circular shaped ceiling:

Pendentives – placing a circular dome on a rectangular room; triangular segments of a sphere taper/narrow to points at the bottom and spread to the top

Hagia Sophia, Instanbul

Squinch – construction filling the upper angles of a square room to form a base to receive an octagonal or spherical dome

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Odzun basilica in Armenia, early 8th century

Notes – comparison of singing styles between the western and roman empires

Eastern – more contemplative, Singing without voice, mind resounding inwardly, for we sing not to men but to God…Western – active “If you praise the Lord and do not sing, you do not utter a hymn. A hymn has 3 things: song, praise, the Lord

Santa Hagia SophiaCounterpart of St. Peter in the Eastern empireBig enormous nave, grandeur of Christianity – commands attentionWhen the Turks ruled over Constantinople in the 1400s, this Church was turned into a Mosque – the mixture of various artwork

Muslim Art – more windows, frown upon figurative images, more of abstract

Now a museum, not any kind of church

Nave – 100ft wide and 200 ft long

Theodoric (429) – commissioned mosaics in Sant’ Apolinare Nuovo and are of Early Roman Christian craftsmanship – private chapel of Theodoric’s palace Mostly portraits of theodoric – Ostrogothic king

After Justinian’s conquest, this church was rededicated and all of Theodoric’s reign were removed; half a century later, the nave arcade was replaced by mosaics in Byzantine style

Covering the walls of the nave, divided into 3Panels depict life of Christ

Art of mosaic – must take into account both the natural source of light from windows and artificial sources from lamps and candles

Sant Apollinare Nuovo - interior

1st row – small mosaics depicting Jesus’ miracles and parables; other side depicting passion and resurrection; with canopy-like niches over the figures standing below – early Roman Christian art craftsmanship2nd row – scheme of halooed saints that apparently may have had inscriptions over their heads – also executed during the time of Theodoric

- removal of these names suggest that they may have been prophets and saints revered by the Arian Christians3rd row – large mosaics in Byzantine style, lacking individuality, having all identical expressions

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- left: procession of virgin martyrs, with Saint Agnes different by having a lamb as her symbol below

- followed by magis- towards the group of madonna and the Child with the angels

On the opposite side – Ravenna with Theodoric’s palace, and there was once a portrait of Theodoric on horseback

- under the arches you would find traces of heads and hands that might be the members of his court

- replaced by simulated Byzantine textile curtains

On the opposite side – Ravenna with Theodoric’s palace, and there was once a portrait of Theodoric on horseback

- under the arches you would find traces of heads and hands that might be the members of his court

- replaced by simulated Byzantine textile curtains

Artworks in Justinian’s time – after Theodoric

Reign - 527

Emperor Justinian and the Courtiers – finest existing portrait of an emperor must be a mosaic rather then a sculptureJustinian as the symbol of unity between the spiritual force of the church and then temporal power of the state – church and stateCarrying the semi-divine status of early roman empire

Married to Theodora who reigned after her husband died

Appears more royal than the king;Motif on her robe – 3 wise men, like Justinian, came from the EastSymbolism that the source of wisdom and power lay in that direction

All heads appear in one planeBoth justinian and theodora are with halos to carry awesome power but also as a carry-over of the semi-divine status of early Roman emperors

AD 330 - constantinople founded1100 - city as the wealthiest and largest1453 - fall of constantinople to the muslims (ottoman turks)

Iconoclasm – “image-breaking” theological dbate involving the Byzantine church and state- Adopting Islamic traditions

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In the Western churches, icons were very much supported Imperial legislation barred the use and production of figural imagesCross became accepted as the the widely used symbol in church

2 iconoclasms: 726-787 and 814-842

Reintroduction of icons in 843


Music of the universe – harmonious motion of the planets is musicHuman music – the attunement of the mind and the body, the organs of the body being so orderly, in the manner of a Greek harmony of opposites

Syllabic, melismatic

Gregorian chant – Western – 9th and 10th centuries


Embodiment of Mysticism

Removed from its primary religious association and seen in a more detached aesthetic light, the liturgy as a work of art embodies a profound and dramatic insight into the deepest longings and highest aspirations of the human spiritContemplative singing in the east; the more active worship in the west;The thought, action, sequence of rites of Constantinople, Ravenna, Roma and other centers determined the architectural plans of churches, the symbolism of the mosaics the forms of sculpture and music

Ecclesiastical Architecture – dome-shaped churches

Use of deep niches to conceal or mask the structureManifold symbol of the cosmos, heaven, death resurrectionProvided capitals of columns – new and carved

Romanesque (1000-1150)Gothic (1150-1400)

*Why romanesque?In the Roman manner – appearance of 11th-12th cent churches

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Roman Colliseum with shear number of portals, having many arches, capacity of 50,000ancient Roman structural devices, utilizing arches, barrel vaults, and groin vaults in their massive, solid stone edificesmassive quality, thick walls, round arches, sturdy piers, groin vaults, large towers and decorative arcading. Each building has clearly defined forms and they are frequently of very regular, symmetrical plan so that the overall appearance is one of simplicity when compared

The Romanesque period is marked by:- Immense relief the world hadn’t ended at the turn of the millenium- The resurgence of cities and trade- The emergence of Europe as we know it- Strengthened Papal authority- The emergence of a middle class and merchant class- Evolution of the Romance languages- The peak in feudalism as a political system

*From Greek to Roman StylePantheon of the gods (post and lintel) to the DOMEHeavy stone hedgesProblem of the Post and Lintel - If you add posts, you would be using up too much spaceThrust – weight is on the posts down; with arches, your thrust/weight are on the archesNow this problem was solved by the romans

*What Vault?ROMANESQUEForce pushes out from the arch, weakening the outside wallsTo strengthen the walls: you put in the buttressesHowever, because of these thick walls, you can’t put windows down there – no sun Windows will only be seen on topLooks like a fortress

Tuscan Style – Piazza dei Miracoli/Field of MiraclesPisa Cathedral – dome, rounded archesTaller than early christian churches because of archesExteriors change – eye-catching and extravagant unlike early christian churches – relatively humble, simpler exteriorLeaning Tower of Pisa – no firm foundation, with round arches

- took over 800 years to finish “completed” in 1350, but since had modifications and adjustments; the decision of where to build the tower resulted to the slight tilt

- 55 meters, lowest tower to achieve such high recognition- 294 steps, tower almost torn down by wars

*Important EventsContinual movement of people, rulers, nobles, bishops, craftsmen, peasants – creating homogeneityRomanesque is more scattered in Europe, not centralized to a single source – Mediterranean trade – led to the rise of an increasingly urban society

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Monasticism carried over to the romanesque period – pilgrimage and crusades – upsurge in religious fervorPilgrimage – binding force of medieval life; Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church (Patriarch of Constantinople)Feudalism – peasant uprising; based on the possession of land; everyone was a vassal or a lesser nobleman of a lordChivalry

St. Sernin in Toulouse, FranceLargest Romanesque church in Europe, known for its imposing architecture, important medieval structures and frescoes

A great barrel vault runs the length of the nave and round Roman arches and simple columns articulate the side aisles. The interior appears rather dark and forbidding. Clerestory windows for illumination were not included because the thrust of the barrel vault had to be contained by the counter-thrusts of small vaulted spaces on the upper level of the elevation. If windows had been opened up on the second story, the vaulting system would have collapsed.

*Norman architects (French)The more splendid the architecture, the more the church believed it was praising God

St. Etienne, FranceHas most advanced style of the periodWell-proportioned west façadeWindows are just mere openingsRibbed-groin vaulting, band of clerestory windows along upper part – this diagonal part help In concealing erratic intersections of the courses – intersection of 2 right angles at 2 barrel vaultsDisplay composite column design Towers are square and in 3 designs

*Italy San AmbrogioSant’ AmbrogioMostly in brickwork, with stone and white plasteringCurrent Romanesque church was begun in 1080Consecrated in 379, completed in 1099Conservative exteriors, but with groin-vaulted but dark interiorsGreater illumination could be found in this system

*Bayeux Tapestry - BritainEmbroidery medium- Created by William for his half-brother, Odo, Bishop of Bayeux in Normandy- Events of the Norman conquest of England in 1066Battle of William the Conqueror vs. Harold – rare example of secular work- Major political document – celebrating William’s victory, validating his claim to the English throne- Presents life and attitudes of this periodVery long, 231 ft long, 70 episodes, very long narrative sequential artBecame indirectly a historical document culminating into the Battle of Hastings

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*Romanesque vs GothicGothic Arhitecture- You still have the buttresses there but you’re going to move them outWalls weak againArches are inserted to connect – FLYING BUTTRESSESForce is pushed downwards, not sidewaysSun! Roman Arch to Gothic ArchFlying buttresses, Pointed Arch, Large windows with stained glass art, Ribbed Groin VaultIn effect: much taller nave

*Gothic-falsely associated with barbarians- emphasis on height more than widthNot proportional1150-1400 – overlapping with Romanesque style at the beginning and the Renaissance style at the end“modern art’ or “French style”Disparaging term – barbarious Goths, Germanic peoples who had destroyed the classical civilization - Vasari

*The Pointed Arch - Chartres CathedralChartres Cathedral at Notre DameConstructed in several stagesbeginning in mid 12th cent – mid 13th cent – both the early and mature Gothic styleBuilt by masonsTypical Gothic structural device: pointed arches and ribbed groin vaulting rising from compound piers over rectangular bays, supported by flying buttresses, permitting masons to introduce huge windows into upper walls

2 contrasting spires – one from 12th cent – pyramid-like and one from 16th centMore efficient distribution of weightCreate an illusion of height and verticalityElaborate but pointed, details, figures on columns

*Tympanum3 doors – the Royal Portal – show Christ enthroned in majesty on the central tympanum supported by his Old Testament precursors (PHOTO)Tympanum – semi-circular decorative wall on the entrance of a church

*Flying ButtressesHeavy buttresses that allowed to increase the window size

*Ribbed Groin vaultsMost important structural device – made designs more stable; increased structural integrityBone round archesFor aesthetically unified interior spaces

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*Stained GlassPossibility of having glass windows in the church because of the verticality of structuresLancets – arched windows- unique: At Chartres, the stained-glass windows have survived- This cathedral was famous for its glassmaking workshops which by 1260 had installed about 22,000 square feet of stained glassReplaced the mosaic and mural paintings of the early christian and romanesque churchesGave form and meaning to lightArchitect and icononographer gained complete control over interior lightingMore lightThe Bible in glass and stoneUse of optical mixingNew interior, did away with the walls

Donors of the windows can be seen on the lowest part of the windows – change in social conditionsLarge rose window – royal purse;Lancet windows of nave – members of aristocracy and church hierarchyLancets of the apse – guilds of craftsmen and merchantsHigh Altar - bakersGlorifies the Virgin Mary

Rose Windows

*The English CathedralLate 13th century, France began to suffer from overpopulation and economic decline, plague followed in 14th centConflict with England known as the Hundred Years’ WarIn England, builders were less concerned with height than were their French counterpartsFocused their decorative efforts on the cathedral walls which retained a Romanesque solidityTypically English – parklike setting and attached cloister and chapter house for the cathedral clergyThe Salisbury Cathedral1220

*French CathedralNotre DameEast End528 but was demolished in 1160 after being the parish of the kings, it was deemed by Bishop Maurice de Sully unworthy of its lofty roleConstruction of this current cathedral began in 1163Cathedral fell victim to the French Revolution1991 major restoration program

Notre Dame of ParisHeight of 115 ft which was surpassed by the cathedrals in Chartres (120ft) and Reims (125ft) – all dedicated to “Our Lady” the Virgin MaryBarely survived French Revolution, it was turned into a “Temple of Reason”, but soon returned to Christian use

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Napoleon crowned himself emperor here in 1804; liberation of France from the Nazis was held here in August 1944More than a house of worship and a work of art; it is a symbol of Paris and part of the shared culture of humankind

*The Art of MinstrelsyTroubadour – lyric poet of noble rankJongleur – street musician, chants verses of poetry, a popular art, accompanied by a viol or lyre; told tales and fables, performed dances, delighted audience with juggling and hand tricksMet together during Lent when Church forbade their public performancesUsed simple repetitive melodies; melodies weren’t written downChanson de geste – song of deeds of narrative heroes, epic narrative

Carolingian Period

Emperor Charlemagne (742-814)Consequences of Charlemagne’s coronationTheoretical power of Byzantine emperor over the west was finally endedWestern rulers could now claim their right to rule involved a descent of sovereignty from the emperor Augustus CaesarThe popes could act independently of the eastern emperor

Quest for knowledge and love for education, court of scholars

Was king of the franks, lombards, considered generally as the first holy roman emperorCarolingian Dynasty as the origin of France and GermanyEarly kingdom of France or Holy Roman Empire

Revival of the Roman Empire – to recreate power, prestige and culture of the Western Roman Empire- established his capital at Aachen- constructed a palace much on the model of the Roman palaces- built his palace church, the chapel on the model of the Church of St. Vitale in Ravenna, the

imperial church when the Roman capital was located in that city, even imported Roman columns and marbles

Wasn’t able to master writing and reading – could read but could not write wellRestoration of LatinCopying of many old manuscripts from the late empire

Quest for knowledge and love for education, court of scholarsHe accordingly issued instructions to the bishops and abbots of his empire that they improve and expand their schools and libraries, and that they keep these schools not entirely to themselves but open them to the sons of the laity who had no intention of becoming monks. And "let them learn psalms, notes, signing, computus, grammar, and let the religious books that are given them be free of faults because often some desire to pray to God properly, but they pray badly because of faulty books."

*Carolingian Miniscule

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Based from the roman scriptSo latin will be understood and recognized by the literate. Used from 800-1200 in texts, codices, and educational material

*ManuscriptBy monksSimple to fancifulReligious-related and colors are extremely brilliantAbstract works, images embedded withinChristian imagery used wider strokes, had a more fragile material

Monks were known for their beauty of lettering and accuracy of textsMiniator – painter of small illuminated scenesRubricator – one who did initial lettersThese became models for the large murals on walls and sculptures

Scriptorium- large communal room where parchment pages of books and monumental murals in the apses were madeCopy, binding, illustration of books

*Monastery in ClunyGrandest and largest of allCommunities of monks, city life is not condusive to a religious life, a cloistered placeMonk – life of poverty, chastity and obedienceSt. Benedict – founder of Western European monasticismBenedictine Rule – a monk should have absolutely not anything; neither a book, nor tablets, nor a pen – nothing at all.. It is not allowed to the monks to have their own bodies or wills in their power

Rich in relics, many pilgrims during feastdays of saintsAbbey church – constant devotional activities are heldCloister – for contemplation, typically found at the center of the abbey and south of the nave of the church; usually an open quadrangle garden plot enclosed by a covered arcade on all four sides Refectory, kitchens, bakeries, storage spaceChapter hall – for communal businessHospice – guesthouseHighly complex and logical plan for a complete community

Neumes and melismasPop song na melismaticOdo of Cluny – actively fostered choral music having more than a hundred psalms being sung at Cluny daily at his timeDevelopment of notationGuido of Arezzo – invented the basics for modern musical notationSolmization – ut re mi fa sol la si – derived from a hymn to St. John “St John – Sacnte Ibannes”

Kodaly activity

*Palatine Chapel (inside alace of Aachen)

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Central interior, only great Carolingian building – Palace of Aachen – center of power for the Carolingian empireCharlemagne asked permission from Pope Leo to use columns of a churchArchitecture Symmetrically balanced2 towers, more incorporated in the main buildingBecame the international symbol of the church especially in the west Combines elements of Classical, Byzantine and pre-Romanesque styles

*Genealogy of the Ottonians (936)Ottonian art and architecture

Dynasty of German Kings – Germany as major royal powerUnifying German tribes into a single kingdom961 conquered the kingdom of Italy

*Westwork of St. Pantaleon, Cologne, GermanyFormer monastery in 10th centuryWestworks are monumental, west-facing entrance section of a Carolingian, Ottonian, or Romanesque church.A very symmetrical building, and along the walls would be scenes, and there is new boldness to it even if it was influenced by Carolingian styles

*Gospel Book of Otto produced in Reichnau AbbeyContains four gospels in Latin and canon tablesIlluminated gospel book

*Gero Crucifix c. 970Not only the first monumental sculpture dating from this period still in existence, it is also the earliest monumental representation of crucified Christ on the cross Influence of Roman art and the art from Charlemagne’s court