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Understand how media producers think about their


Audience Profiling

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Lecture contents

Psychographics - Interests and lifestyles

Demographics and Generational Markets - Sub-division of people

Social grading – Categorisation and audience profiling

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Study of lifestyles, values, attitudes, interests and personalities

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Media use

Used in media industries to market potential new product or gauge opinion

Often employ ‘VALS’ method

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Values and Lifestyles

Five main categories

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Conformists, mainstream values, reluctant to take risks

Fit ‘Middle Class’ stereotype

Traditional in outlook and habits

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Make their own decisions

A lot of advertising directed to them

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Socially Conscious

Aware of social issues

Politically active

Positive outlook & self-motivated

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Aspire to a better life, but aren’t sure how to achieve it

Aiming for prosperity


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5% of the population

Try new things in their attempts to experience life fully - risk takers

An ‘upscale’ audience with regards to media producers

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‘I-Am-Me’ people

Work hard to set themselves apart

Appeal of products make themselves different

Youthful, energetic & demanding

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Creative and prosperous

Willing to try different products and ways of doing things

Have the financial means to do it

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Characteristics of a population including:




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Demographic Generations

Potential audiences for products can be categorised by era they were born in

This can be referred to as ‘generational market’

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World War 2 Generation

Born between 1928 – 1945

Key characteristics:



Traditional family values

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Baby Boomer 1

Born between 1946 – 1954

Key Characteristics:

ExperimentalFree spiritedSocial cause orientated

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Baby Boomer 2

Born between 1955 – 1965

Key characteristics:

Less optimistic



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Generation X

Born between 1965 – 1980

Key characteristics:

Wanting emotional securityIndependentInformalEntrepreneurial

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Millennial Generation (Generation Y)

Born between 1981 – 2010

Key characteristics:

Wanting physical security and safetyAcceptance of changeTechnically proficientEnvironmentally aware

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Can also include :

Gender and Sexuality

Geographical location


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Categorised by income/status

Broken down into six categories

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A - Upper middle class

Top management, bankers, lawyers, doctors and other professionals

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B - Middle class

Middle management, teachers, 'creatives' e.g. graphic designers, film makers etc.

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C1 - Lower middle class

Office supervisors, junior managers, nurses, specialist clerical staff etc

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C2 - Skilled working class

Skilled workers, tradespersons (white collar)

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D - Working class

Semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers (blue collar)

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E - People at lowest level of income

Unemployed, students, pensioners, casual workers
