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Rethinking the Aligned and Misaligned Features in One-stage Object Detection

Yang Yang1,2, Min Li1,2, Bo Meng3, Junxing Ren1,2, Degang Sun1,2, Zihao Huang1,2,1Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

2School of Cyber Security, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China3Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China

{yangyang1995, limin, renjunxing, sundegang}


One-stage object detectors rely on a point feature to pre-dict the detection results. However, the point feature oftenlacks the information of the whole object, thereby leadingto a misalignment between the object and the point feature.Meanwhile, the classification and regression tasks are sensi-tive to different object regions, but their features are spatiallyaligned. Both of these two problems hinder the detection per-formance. In order to solve these two problems, we propose asimple and plug-in operator that can generate aligned and dis-entangled features for each task, respectively, without break-ing the fully convolutional manner. By predicting two task-aware point sets that are located in each sensitive region, theproposed operator can align the point feature with the objectand disentangle the two tasks from the spatial dimension. Wealso reveal an interesting finding of the opposite effect of thelong-range skip connection for classification and regression.On the basis of the Object-Aligned and Task-disentangledoperator (OAT), we propose OAT-Net, which explicitly ex-ploits point-set features for accurate detection results. Exten-sive experiments on the MS-COCO dataset show that OATcan consistently boost different state-of-the-art one-stage de-tectors by ∼2 AP. Notably, OAT-Net with Res2Net-101-DCNbackbone achieves 53.7 AP on the COCO test-dev.

Object detection is one of the fundamental tasks in the com-puter vision field, which can be divided into one-stage (Red-mon et al. 2016; Law and Deng 2018; Tian et al. 2019) andtwo-stage ones (Ren et al. 2015; Lin et al. 2017a; Cai andVasconcelos 2018; Zhang et al. 2020a). The two-stage de-tector predicts several regions of interest (RoIs) in the firststage. Then aligned RoI features are fed into the region con-volutional network for classification and bounding box (i.e.,bbox) regression. This operation can alleviate the featuremisalignment problem and improve the detection accuracyat the cost of lower inference speed and more memory foot-print. To obtain faster speed, the one-stage detector removesthe RoI pooling process and directly gets the detection re-sults. Therefore, the features it utilizes are misaligned withthe matched object.

The main goal of object detection contains two tasks, oneis to give the accurate location of the object on an image,and the other is to predict the category of the object. A re-cent academic study (Song, Liu, and Wang 2020) has shownthat these two tasks require features from different locations.

Output Feature Maps

Input Feature Maps

Figure 1: Illustration of the misalignment problem. Thegreen box is the ground truth bbox, and the orange box isthe prediction bbox. The yellow region is the coverage areawhere the nine points of the input feature maps are mappedto the image plane.

However, most detectors do not have solutions to disentan-gle both tasks spatially. These two tasks commonly share acoupled head or the same receptive field. Consequently, theinput features for them are spatially aligned, thereby hinder-ing the detection accuracy.

Misalignment. One-stage detectors, such as RetinaNet(Lin et al. 2017b) and FCOS (Tian et al. 2019) detect theobject with a point-based feature. As shown in Figure 1, thepredicted bbox is obtained by the orange point feature of theoutput feature maps, and this point feature is the convolu-tion result of the nine-point features from the input featuremaps (i.e., 3× 3 convolution). If these points are mapped tothe input image, then the yellow region is obtained. One cansee that the mapping region does not cover the whole object.Thus, the point feature is misaligned with the object.

Guided Anchoring (Wang et al. 2019) is one of the earli-est explorations to solve this problem. Instead of using pre-set anchors, it utilizes an anchor generation module to pre-dict anchor shapes and then feeds them to a feature adaptionmodule to extract aligned features. However, adjusting thepreset anchors is a compromise because the misalignmentwith the object is the receptive field of the feature point.








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(a) (b) invariance (c) equivariance

Figure 2: (a) is the control group. The input images of (b)and (c) have the location and size transformations.

Alignment. As illustrated in Figure 2, the first and secondrows are the input images and their output features, respec-tively. Classification has translation and scale invariance,that is, the location and size transformations of the object donot affect the classification result (i.e., Figure 2 (b)). Nev-ertheless, regression has translation and scale equivariance,that is, the location and size transformations of the objecthave the same effect on the regression result (i.e., Figure 2(c)). Their nature is so different that the features they utilizeshould be quite distinct.

Most detectors produce many redundant results. There-fore, non-maximum suppression (NMS) is usually applied tofilter out poor detection results with the classification scoreas the ranking keyword. However, as illustrated by the sec-ond row of Figure 3, the prediction scores of these two tasksfrom the same location can be quite different. Therefore,if taking classification score as the only criterion in rank-ing, the best detection result (i.e., green box) will be fil-tered out by the NMS. The philosophy behind this problemis that the two tasks share an identical receptive field, or wecan say they are spatially aligned (please refer to the ap-pendix for details). IoU-net (Jiang et al. 2018) utilizes anextra head to predict the IoU between the regression resultand the matched ground truth. Then, the IoU score is takenas the NMS ranking keyword. This approach does alleviatethe alignment problem, but the features are still entangledbecause the regression and classification still share the cou-pled head and aligned receptive field.

In this paper, we revisit the aligned and misaligned fea-tures in object detection and propose a plug-in operator,namely, the object-aligned and task-disentangled operator(OTA). First, OTA can align the input features with the ob-ject following the propose-and-align mechanism. Instead ofthe bbox, we use the point set as the proposal to representthe object. OTA can sample features from the point set lo-cations through bilinear interpolation to align them with theobject. Second, to disentangle the regression and classifica-tion features, OTA adaptively learns to generate two sets oftask-aware points. The features for the classification and re-gression heads are spatially disentangled by extending theirconvolution receptive fields to the locations of the matchedtask-aware points, respectively.

In summary, the key contributions of our work can besummarized as follows:

1. We propose an operator that can generate two task-awaresemantic point sets, which represent the object to be lo-calized and classified, respectively. Then aligned pointfeatures are extracted for each task. The proposed opera-tor contains three modules: regression feature alignment(RFA), classification feature alignment (CFA), and spa-

Cls:0.52 IoU:0.27 Cls:0.13 IoU:0.87





















Figure 3: Illustration of the alignment problem. The bluebox denotes the ground truth, and the other boxes are the de-tection results of ATSS (Zhang et al. 2020b). The two pointsare the locations where the detection results are predicted.“Cls” denotes the classification score, and “IoU” denotes theintersection over union between the predicted box and theground truth. The second row is the distribution of classifi-cation and IoU scores.

tial disentanglement (SD).2. The proposed operator can be easily plugged into most

one-stage object detectors and bring a considerable im-provement of ∼2 AP.

3. Without bells and whistles, our best single-scale model(Res2Net-101-DCN) yields 51.4 AP on the COCO test-dev set and 53.7 AP with test-time augmentations, whichare very competitive results among dense object detec-tors.

Related WorkMisalignment. Guided Anchoring (Wang et al. 2019), Re-fineDet (Zhang et al. 2018), and SRN (Chi et al. 2019) learnan offset field for the preset anchor and then utilize a fea-ture adaption module to extract features from the refined an-chors. Following a similar paradigm, AlignDet proposes anRoI convolution to extract aligned features. All these workscan achieve feature alignment but in a compromised man-ner because the misalignment is between the object and thecorresponding feature point, not with the anchor. Instead ofpredicting a better anchor, RepPoints (Yang et al. 2019) andVFNet (Zhang et al. 2021) directly predict a coarse regres-sion result in the first stage, and then the initial regressionresults are fed into the deformable convolution (Dai et al.2017) to extract accurate point features. However, all theaforementioned methods share the same offset for regres-sion and classification. Thus, the features for these tasks arespatially aligned, which leads to inferior performance.

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P5P6 P7












RFA Module

SD Module & CFA Module





Figure 4: Architecture of OAT-Net. Our proposed architecture consists of a backbone, an FPN (P3-P7), and two heads forclassification and regression, respectively. The first three layers of these two heads are both standard convolutional layers.The regression head consists of an RFA module for predicting coarse bbox, regression-aware points, and extracting alignedregression features. “ϕ” and “γ” denote Equations (2) and (6), respectively. “/” denotes the gradient flow detachment. Theclassification head consists of an SD module and a CFA module. One for predicting vectors that can map the regression-awarepoints to different locations, the other for generating classification-aware points and extracting aligned classification features.

Alignment. The decoupled parallel head framework is in-troduced into various one-stage detectors (Lin et al. 2017b;Tian et al. 2019) to disentangle the two tasks. However, theparallel heads share the same receptive field, which makesthe two subnetworks still spatially aligned. In addition toIoU-Net, one-stage detectors, such as IoU-aware (Wu, Li,and Wang 2020) and PAA (Kim and Lee 2020) also applyan extra branch to predict the localization confidence andcombine it with the classification confidence as the detec-tion score. Different from previous methods, GFL (Li et al.2020) and VFNet (Zhang et al. 2021) propose a joint rep-resentation format by merging the localization confidenceand classification result to eliminate the inconsistency be-tween training and inference. These approaches disentanglethese two tasks by scoring both tasks. However, the featuresfor these two tasks are still spatially aligned. To disentanglethese two tasks, TSD (Song, Liu, and Wang 2020) generatestwo proposals for them, respectively. This approach can im-prove two-stage detectors by a large margin. However, it isincompatible with one-stage detectors because they do nothave proposals and the RoI pooling process.

Proposed ApproachIn this section, we first detail the proposed three modules.Then, we compare our approach with other feature extrac-tion strategies and illustrate our advantages. Finally, we in-troduce the network (Figure 4) and the loss function of OAT-Net.

RFA ModuleMotivated by the propose-and-align mechanism of the two-stage detection paradigm, we propose the RFA module. Asshown in Figure 5, the subnetwork predicts a coarse bbox(i.e., the distance between the location and the four boundsof the object (l, t, r, b)). This vector can be transformed intothe top-left corner point and the size of the coarse bbox

Points Sampler: 𝑆

Coarse BBox: 𝐶



Figure 5: Illustration of the RFA module. “ϕ” and thewhite box denotes Equation (2) and the coarse bbox pre-diction, respectively.

C (xmin, ymin,w, h). Then nine semantic points locatedwithin the coarse bbox are sampled by predicting normal-ized distances between the points and the top-left corner.

Given the feature map F r from the last layer of the re-gression towers (i.e., the 3× convolutions shown in Figure4), points sampler S and bbox C are both obtained by twoconvolution layers, i.e.:{

C = δ(convcδ(conv0(F r)))S = σ(convsδ(conv0(F r)))


where σ and δ are Sigmoid and ReLU, respectively. C ∈RH×W×4 and S ∈ RH×W×14. With C and S, the i-thregression-aware point ∆pi can be obtained with Equation(2): {

xi = xmin + w ∗ Six

yi = ymin + h ∗ Siy(2)

Therefore, the object can be represented by a points setPr, i.e.:

Pr = {∆pri }ni=1, n = 9 (3)

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PredictedVectors: 𝐷

Classification-awarePoints : 𝑃#



Figure 6: Illustration of the SD and CFA. “γ” denotesEquation (6).

Note that the channels of S and Pr are 14 and 18, respec-tively. The reason for this inconstancy is that we want toensure that the sampled semantic points contain the four ex-treme points, which encode the location of the object. Onthis account, four points are sampled on the four boundsof the coarse bbox, respectively, as represented by the bluepoints in Figure 5. Therefore, four axial coordinates are pre-set and do not need to be learned.

For a standard convolution with kernel size 3×3, its sam-pling offset R is (−1,−1), (−1, 0), ..., (1, 1). By feedingthe learned semantic points into the deformable convolution,the aligned regression features at location p on the featuremap can be obtained with Equation (4).

yr(p) =∑



w (pri ) · x (p + pr

i + ∆pri ) (4)

where x and yr are the input and output of the deformableconvolution layer, respectively. The aligned regression fea-tures are then fed into a subnetwork for regression refine-ment, and the final output is supervised by the ground truthbboxes as in GFLv2 (Li et al. 2021). The gradient flow ofthe points sampler is originally generated by the regressionloss. Therefore, the learned semantic points are regression-aware and should be located on the essential areas for theregression task.

The proposed RFA module can adaptively learn the loca-tions of the semantic points that represent the location andsize of the object, and extract aligned regression features toobtain fine-grained localization results.

SD and CFA ModulesRegression and classification are sensitive to different ar-eas of the object. For this reason, extracting features fromthe regression-interested-locations, as in (Yang et al. 2019),hinders the detection performance. Thus, we propose the SDmodule to disentangle features of the regression and the clas-sification tasks spatially. Similar to the points sampler, thismodule also consists of two convolution layers.

In the SD module, the regression-aware points act as theshape hypothesis of the object to be classified. To disentan-gle the gradient flows of the two tasks, the input boundarypoints are detached from the current graph, which means the

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) ours

Figure 7: Different feature extraction strategies. (a): Thestandard convolution. The white point denotes the locationthat predicts the detection result. (b): RoI pooling/align (Renet al. 2015). (c): Anchor alignment (Wang et al. 2019; Chenet al. 2019b; Zhang et al. 2018; Chi et al. 2019) and De-formable Convolutional Networks (i.e., DCN) (Dai et al.2017). (d): Star Dconv (Zhang et al. 2021). (e): Our disen-tangled feature extraction approach.

supervision of the classification task will not affect the learn-ing of regression-aware points. As shown in Figure 6, giventhe feature map F c from the last layer of the classificationtowers (i.e., the 3× convolutions shown in Figure 4), the dis-entanglement vectors D are obtained by two convolutionallayers:

D = δ(convDδ(conv1(F c))) (5)

With the regression-aware points Pr and D, the CFAmodule outputs the classification-aware points using Equa-tion (6). Following a similar paradigm of the RFA module,the classification-aware points are also fed into a deformableconvolution layer to extract aligned features for the classifi-cation task.

Pc = eD · Pr (6)

Difference from Other ApproachesFigure 7 (a) shows the standard convolution, which cancause the misalignment between the point feature and theobject, and the entanglement between classification andregression. Figure 7 (b) illustrates the feature alignmentapproach of two-stage detectors (i.e., RoI pooling/align),which requires the NMS process, thus increasing the com-putation. As shown in Figure 7 (c), some works (Wang et al.2019; Chen et al. 2019b; Zhang et al. 2018) take anchor asthe alignment target, and the way they generate offsets is asimplicit as DCN. Without explicit constraints, some pointsare scattered in the background area and outside the bbox.As shown in Figure 7 (d), VFNet utilizes nine fixed sam-pling points to represent the object, which is explicit butlacks adaptability. As shown in Figure 7 (e), our featuresextraction module represents the object by two task-aware

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point sets. Unlike previous approaches, we take the recep-tive field of the convolutional kernel as the alignment targetinstead of an anchor. Not only can our strategy adaptivelysample spatially disentangle locations for the two tasks butalso can give the learning process clear interpretability.

Network ArchitectureFigure 4 presents the network of our proposed OAT-Net. Wetake state-of-the-art one-stage detector GFLv2 as our base-line. The backbone and feature pyramid network (FPN) (Linet al. 2017a) in our model are the same as in GFLv2.

The input features from FPN are then fed into two par-allel heads for the regression and classification tasks. Wealso apply a skip connection on the classification towers(i.e., the red line shown in Figure 4) because we find thatit can improve the accuracy, and details will be explained inSection “Skip Connection”. First, the RAF module predictsthe coarse bbox and the regression-aware points with Equa-tions (1) and (2). Then, the aligned regression features areextracted from the regression-sensitive regions with the de-formable convolution. With the aligned regression features,the regression head outputs the refined localization result.

The classification features are fed into the SD module togenerate a vector set. With Equation (6), the CAF moduleoutputs the classification-aware points. After extracting thealigned classification features, the classification head out-puts the final detection quality score as in (Li et al. 2020).Note that the gradient flow of the input regression-awarepoints for the SD module is detached to ensure that the twotasks are completely disentangled.

Loss FunctionThe proposed OAT-Net is optimized in an end-to-end fash-ion, and both the first and the second detection stages utilizeATSS (Zhang et al. 2020b) as the positive and negative tar-gets assignment strategy. The training loss of OAT-Net isdefined as follows:

L =1







1{c∗z>0} (λ1LC + λ2LR + λ3LD)


where LQ is the Quality Focal loss (Li et al. 2020) forthe classification task. LC and LR are both GIoU loss(Rezatofighi et al. 2019), one for the coarse bbox predic-tion and the other for the refined regression result. LD isthe Distribution Focal Loss (Li et al. 2020) for optimizingthe general distribution representation of the bbox. λ0 ∼ λ3

are the hyperparameters used to balance different losses, andthey are set as 1, 1, 2, and 0.5, respectively.Npos denotes thenumber of selected positive samples, and z denotes all thelocations on the pyramid feature maps. 1{c∗z>0} is the indi-cator function, being 1 if c∗z > 0 and 0 otherwise.

ExperimentsOur OAT-Net is evaluated on the challenging MS-COCObenchmark (Lin et al. 2014). Following the common prac-tice, we use the COCO train2017 split (115K images) as the

training set and the COCO val2017 split (5K images) for theablation study. To compare with state-of-the-art detectors,we report the COCO AP on the test-dev split (20K images)by uploading the detection result to the MS-COCO server.

ImplementationOAT-Net is implemented with MMDetection (Chen et al.2019a) and Pytorch 1.7. If not specified, we take ResNet-50(He et al. 2016) with the FPN as the basic network. The ini-tial weights of different backbones are from the pre-trainedmodels on ImageNet (Deng et al. 2009). All models aretrained with stochastic gradient descent over 8 GPUs withthe minibatch set as 16. The learning rate is initialized as0.01, and the momentum and the weight decay are set as0.9 and 0.0001, respectively. For the ablation study, the to-tal training epoch number is 12, and the learning rate is de-creased by 10 at epochs 8 and 11. Input images are resizedsuch that the shorter edge being 800 and the longer edge be-ing less than 1333.

Ablation StudyTo validate the effectiveness of different counterparts of ourproposed approach, we gradually add the proposed modulesto the baseline (i.e., GFLV2). As shown in Table 1, the firstrow is the baseline performance, and 40.9 AP is acquired.

As presented in the second row, the first experiment is toinvestigate the effect of feature alignment without task dis-entanglement. Therefore, we only let the RFA module gener-ates the regression-aware points, and both the RFA and CFAmodules extract aligned features from the regression-awarepoints. The AP is improved to 41.3, which indicates that thealigned features do improve the detection accuracy.

As shown in the third row, to test the effect of spatial dis-entanglement, we utilize a set of adaptively learned pointsas the offset in the CFA module. Note that these pointsare learned without the regression-aware points acting asthe shape hypothesis, yet the AP is still boosted to 41.6.These class-aware points are located in different positionsfrom the regression-aware points, and higher accuracy is ob-tained (41.6 vs. 41.3). Therefore, sharing the same locationson both tasks as in RepPoints and VFNet will hinder the de-tection performance.

The fourth row shows the performance when applying theproposed SD module on the classification task. It can be ob-served that a significant performance gain is achieved (i.e.,1.2 AP absolute improvement). That thereby proves the ef-fectiveness of utilizing the regression-aware points as theshape hypothesis and the importance of task disentangle-ment. Figure 8 is the visualization of task-aware points andtheir sensitive regions. This figure indicates that classifica-tion and regression are sensitive to different locations of theobject, which also gives the interpretability of the SD mod-ule.

Finally, as shown in the last row, the long-range skip con-nection of the regression towers can also bring a consider-able performance boost and lead to a gain of 0.4 AP. Notethat the overall performance has been improved by 1.6 APand 2.9 APL compared with the strong baseline.

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baseline 40.9 58.3 44.4 23.9 44.7 53.5ours X r 41.3 58.7 44.9 23.3 45.0 54.2ours X d d 41.6 59.1 45.6 23.7 45.4 54.7ours X X X 42.1 59.6 45.6 24.8 45.4 55.5ours X X X X 42.5 60.1 46.2 25.1 45.9 56.4

Table 1: Individual contributions. Performance of different counterparts of OAT-Net on the COCO 2017val split. “skip”denotes the skip connection of the regression towers. “r” indicates that the CFA module utilizes the regression-aware points togenerate aligned features. “d” indicates that the classification-aware points are directly predicted without the regression-awarepoints acting as the shape hypothesis.

Figure 8: Qualitative results on the val2017 split. Visualization of the regression-aware (upper row) and classification-awarepoints (lower row). Different task-aware points are located on the different areas of the object, and their sensitive regions aredistinct.


w/ + 42.3 60.1 46.1 24.7 46.0 56.1w/ exp 42.5 60.1 46.2 25.1 45.9 56.4

Table 2: Spatial disentanglement strategies. “+” indicatesthat the classification-aware points are obtained by addingthe output disentanglement vectors and the regression-awarepoints. “exp” denotes utilizing Equation (6) to generate theclassification-aware points.

Spatial Disentanglement StrategiesIn Equation (6), the output vectorsD appear as the exponentto generate the classification-aware points. We also investi-gate the influence of another disentanglement strategy thatD is directly aggregated with the regression-aware points(Pc = D+Pr). As illustrated in Table 2, the “exp” strategyperforms better than that of “+.” The reason is that D in theproposed strategy has a smaller variance and codomain thanthe other one, making it easier to be learned.

Skip ConnectionAs previously discussed, classification has translation andscale invariance, whereas regression is quite the opposite.The “stride” and “zero-padding” of the convolution opera-tion can also affect the invariance property. However, the


42.1 59.6 45.6 24.8 45.4 55.5X 41.8 59.4 45.6 23.6 45.6 55.6

X 42.5 60.1 46.2 25.1 45.9 56.4

Table 3: Different skip connection strategies. “C” and “R”denote classification and regression, respectively. We havetried three kinds of strategies: applying the long-range skipconnection on the regression and the classification towers,respectively, and without the skip connection in both heads.

cumulative number of stride and padding times varied in fea-ture maps with different depths of the CNNs. Therefore, wewant to explore how the feature fusion would affect the twotasks, respectively. The long-range skip connection (i.e., LS)is used in our investigation to fuse different feature maps. Asshown in Table 3, the implementation of the LS on the clas-sification towers can improve the AP by 0.4. Nevertheless,applying LS on the regression towers decreases the AP by0.3. That indicates that the effect of the LS on these twotasks is quite the opposite.

GeneralityOur proposed OAT can act as a plug-in operator for one-stage detectors. Therefore, we plug OAT into popular de-

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Method Backbone Epoch AP AP50 AP75 APS APM APL

multi-stageGuidedAnchor(Wang et al. 2019) R-50 12 39.8 59.2 43.5 21.8 42.6 50.7DCNV2 (Zhu et al. 2019) X-101-32x8d-DCN 24 44.5 65.8 48.4 27.0 48.5 58.9RepPointsV2(Chen et al. 2020) X-101-64x4d-DCN 24 49.4 68.9 53.4 30.3 52.1 62.3TSD†(Song, Liu, and Wang 2020) SE154-DCN 24 51.2 71.9 56.0 33.8 54.8 64.2VFNet(Zhang et al. 2021) X-101-32x8d-DCN 24 50.0 68.5 54.4 30.4 53.2 62.9LSNet(Duan et al. 2021) R2-101-DCNp 24 51.1 70.3 55.2 31.2 54.3 65.1BorderDet(Duan et al. 2021) X-101-64x4d-DCN 24 48.0 67.1 52.1 29.4 50.7 60.5one-stageCornerNet (Law and Deng 2018) HG-104 200 40.5 59.1 42.3 21.8 42.7 50.2SAPD(Zhu et al. 2020) X-101-32x8d-DCN 24 46.6 66.6 50.0 27.3 49.7 60.7ATSS(Zhang et al. 2020b) X-101-32x8d-DCN 24 47.7 66.5 51.9 29.7 50.8 59.4GFL(Li et al. 2020) X-101-32x8d-DCN 24 48.2 67.4 52.6 29.2 51.7 60.2FCOS-imprv (Tian et al. 2020) X-101-32x8d-DCN 24 44.1 63.7 47.9 27.4 46.8 53.7PAA (Kim and Lee 2020) X-101-64x4d-DCN 24 49.0 67.8 53.3 30.2 52.8 62.2baselineGFLV2 (Li et al. 2021) R-50 24 44.3 62.3 48.5 26.8 47.7 54.1GFLV2 (Li et al. 2021) X-101-32x8d-DCN2 24 49.0 67.6 53.5 29.7 52.4 61.4GFLV2 (Li et al. 2021) R2-101-DCN2 24 50.6 69.0 55.3 31.3 54.3 63.5OAT-Net R-50 24 46.0 64.0 50.3 28.0 49.3 56.9OAT-Net X-101-32x8d-DCN2 24 49.8 68.5 54.2 30.6 53.2 62.6OAT-Net X-101-32x8d-DCN 24 50.2 68.8 54.9 31.2 53.4 63.1OAT-Net R2-101-DCN2 24 51.1 69.7 55.7 32.3 54.5 64.0OAT-Net R2-101-DCN 24 51.4 70.0 56.2 32.1 55.1 64.6OAT-Net† R2-101-DCN 24 53.7 71.1 59.9 36.3 56.9 65.0

Table 4: OAT-Net vs. State-of-the-art Detectors. All test results are reported on the COCO test-dev set. “R”-ResNet (He et al.2016). “SE”-SENet (Hu, Shen, and Sun 2018). “X”-ResNeXt (Xie et al. 2017). “HG”-Hourglass (Newell, Yang, and Deng2016). “R2”-Res2Net (Gao et al. 2019). “DCN2, DCN”-applying Deformable Convolutional Network (Zhu et al. 2019) onthe last two and three stages of the backbone, respectively. “DCNp”-applying DCN on both the backbone and the FPN. “†”indicates test-time augmentations, including horizontal flip and multi-scale testing.

Method AP AP50 AP75

FCOS 38.6 57.2 41.7OAT-FCOS 40.9 (+2.3) 59.3 44.2RepPoints w/ GridF 37.4 58.9 39.7RepPoints w/ RepF 38.1 (+0.7) 58.7 40.8OAT-RepPoints 39.0 (+1.6) 60.5 41.6

Table 5: Performance of implementing our proposed ap-proach in popular one-stage detectors. “GridF” and “RepF”denote the grid sampling and representative-points featureextraction strategies (Yang et al. 2019), respectively.

tectors FCOS and RepPoints, to validate its generality. Asshown in Table 5, the performance gain is 2.3 AP on FCOS,which is a considerable improvement. For RepPoints, thebaseline utilizes the GridF strategy to extract aligned fea-tures. Compared with RepF, our OAT-RepPoints performsbetter than it and gains 1.6 AP. One can see that OAT can sig-nificantly improve the accuracy of different detectors, whichdemonstrates the generality of proposed modules.

Comparisons with State-of-the-artsThe multi-scale training strategy (i.e., input images are re-sized from [400, 1333] to [960, 1333]) and the 2× schedule(Chen et al. 2019a) are adopted as they are commonly used

strategies in state-of-the-art methods. Our baseline modelGFLV2 only applies DCN on the last two stages of thebackbone, whereas the common practices (Tian et al. 2020;Zhang et al. 2021) usually apply it on the last three stages.Therefore, for a fair comparison, the results of the proposedmethod with both settings are reported. As Table 4 shows,our model achieves a 46.0 AP with Resnet-50, which out-performs other state-of-the-art methods with heavier back-bones (e.g., FCOS with X-101-32x8d-DCN). With test-timeaugmentations and R2-101-DCN as the backbone, our bestmodel achieves a 53.7 AP, which is a very competitive resultamong dense object detectors.

ConclusionIn this work, we presented OAT, a simple yet effectiveplug-in operator which consists of three modules: regres-sion feature alignment (RFA), classification feature align-ment (CFA), and spatial disentanglement (SD). With OAT,we proposed a new-fashioned framework for object detec-tion that can adaptively learn to extract aligned and disentan-gled features for each task, without breaking the fully con-volutional manner. Extensive experiments showed that OATcan considerably raise the performance of various one-stagedetectors, and OAT-Net showed promising results among thestate-of-the-art detectors.

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