
How will quantum computers provide an industrially relevant computationaladvantage in quantum chemistry?

Vincent E. Elfving,1, ∗ Benno W. Broer,1 Mark Webber,2 Jacob Gavartin,3

Mathew D. Halls,4 K. Patrick Lorton,5 and Art D. Bochevarov5, †

1Qu & Co B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands2IQT, University of Sussex, United Kingdom

3Schrodinger Inc., 20 Station Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB1 2JD, United Kingdom4Schrodinger Inc., 10201 Wateridge Circle, Suite 220 San Diego, CA 92121, United States

5Schrodinger Inc., 120 West 45th St, 17th Fl., New York, NY 10036, United States(Dated: September 18, 2020)

Numerous reports claim that quantum advantage, which should emerge as a direct consequence ofthe advent of quantum computers, will herald a new era of chemical research because it will enablescientists to perform the kinds of quantum chemical simulations that have not been possible before.Such simulations on quantum computers, promising a significantly greater accuracy and speed, areprojected to exert a great impact on the way we can probe reality, predict the outcomes of chemicalexperiments, and even drive design of drugs, catalysts, and materials. In this work we review thecurrent status of quantum hardware and algorithm theory and examine whether such popular claimsabout quantum advantage are really going to be transformative. We go over subtle complicationsof quantum chemical research that tend to be overlooked in discussions involving quantum com-puters. We estimate quantum computer resources that will be required for performing calculationson quantum computers with chemical accuracy for several types of molecules. In particular, wedirectly compare the resources and timings associated with classical and quantum computers forthe molecules H2 for increasing basis set sizes, and Cr2 for a variety of complete active spaces (CAS)within the scope of the CASCI and CASSCF methods. The results obtained for the chromium dimerenable us to estimate the size of the active space at which computations of non-dynamic correlationon a quantum computer should take less time than analogous computations on a classical computer.The transition point should occur at around 19 ≤ N ≤ 34, for CAS of the type (N,N), underthe assumption of the much-researched surface code. This is significantly smaller than the activespaces discussed in the context of quantum advantage in prior publications. Using this result, wespeculate on the types of chemical applications for which the use of quantum computers would beboth beneficial and relevant to industrial applications in the short term.


It has often been predicted that quantum chemistrywill greatly benefit from the use of future quantum com-puters, and therefore multiple quantum computationalalgorithms have been discussed in the context of chem-ical applications.1–6 A driving force behind attemptingto do electronic structure theory on quantum comput-ers is a reduction of the exponential scaling of some ofthe theory’s methods to a polynomial one.1,6,7 Of specialinterest are applications which would not only enjoy thesignificant speedup provided by quantum computers, butwould be propelled from the category of computationally“impossible” to that of feasible.4

Multiple surveys discuss how to implement electronstructure theory on quantum computers,6,8,9 while othersurveys have provided some overview of chemistry-related applications, which are expected to benefitfrom quantum advantage.10,11 Some papers have focusedon the quantum resources required for solving a spe-cific chemical problem4,12–14 and others have proposed

[email protected][email protected]

novel quantum algorithms to improve those resourcerequirements.5,7,15,16 While the mentioned reviews arevery informative, we nevertheless feel that there still ex-ists a disconnect between the quantum chemistry andquantum computing communities in the way they usetheir terminology, set goals for demonstrating quantumadvantage, or choose potential practical applications.The present work is intended to bridge this gap.

In order to put quantum computing algorithms ona well-charted map of classical computational chem-istry algorithms we first quantify the limits of conven-tional state-of-the-art molecular chemistry simulations.We provide insight into the requirements for meaning-ful quantum advantage, and investigate the quantum re-sources and estimated runtime needed to realize suchquantum advantage. As part of our investigation, werevisit an often cited reference problem for early quan-tum advantage, a nitrogen fixation catalyzed by FeMo-co (short for FeMo-cofactor),4 and argue that a break-through in FeMo-co research promises to be more com-plicated than perhaps anticipated. We investigate theparticular strengths and weaknesses of quantum compu-tational chemistry to provide direction for research to-wards early relevant quantum advantage and propose cri-teria for, and dimensions of, molecular systems on whichthis advantage can be exercised.





















0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350




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Spin-orbitals required for chemical accuracy







H6 H2N2H8



FIG. 1. A comparison between the number of spin-orbitalsrequired for achieving chemical accuracy on the ground stateand the number of spin-orbitals mapped to qubits in a fewactual quantum computing calculations conducted to date.Here it is assumed that the cc-pVTZ basis set will be sufficientto achieve chemical accuracy, if used as the largest basis setin an extrapolation scheme. For the details on the quantumcomputing data see Table I. The conversion 1 qubit = 1 spin-orbital17,18 was used for all molecular systems except for H6,H8, H10, H12, and H2N2 for which the conversion 1 qubit = 2spin-orbitals was applied in accordance with Ref. 19. The redline y = x shows what the number of spin-orbitals mapped toqubits needs to be in order to satisfy the demand for chemicalaccuracy.


The most useful measure of accuracy for applicationsinvolving chemical reactions is chemical accuracy, i.e. anerror of less than 1 kcal/mol with respect to the hypo-thetical “exact” energy or an experimental measurementfully devoid of error. Chemical accuracy is a desirabletarget because calculations capable of achieving it wouldrival the accuracy of measurements attainable in a chem-ical laboratory.

It is important, when talking about calculations ona quantum computer, to distinguish accuracy (compu-tational error with respect to an experimental measure-ment) from precision (computational error with respectto a computational reference, for example, a sufficientlyaccurate result obtained with a large basis set). The mix-ing up of these terms is still widespread in the quantumcomputational community.

Thus, over the last few years several papers,3,19–25 (in-cluding one by one of the authors of the present work)described quantum computing experiments that, accord-ing to the authors, reached chemical accuracy. In reality,they reached chemical precision: an error of at most 1kcal/mol compared to the exact solution typically pro-vided by the combination of the full configuration in-teraction (FCI) method and a very small basis set thatwas used as a reference. It is important that in the fu-

ture the quantum computational community use theseterms correctly, because an answer computed with a 1kcal/mol precision may be useless for explaining or pre-dicting chemical reactivity if the level of theory used asa reference does not allow a similar level of accuracy.

Of course, matching an FCI energy value is not neces-sarily a practically useful achievement. It means attain-ing a good precision but not necessarily a high accuracy.In this work we will argue that while developing quantumcomputing algorithms it would be more useful to targetchemical accuracy obtained with an appropriate combi-nation of the method (not necessarily FCI) and the basisset that are capable of yielding such accuracy.

Let us consider the relationship between the energyand the basis set size, as it is intimately linked with theproblem of achieving chemical accuracy. It is well knownthat configuration interaction (including FCI) energiesobtained with Gaussian basis sets converge to the “ex-act” energy very slowly.26,27 Therefore one needs Gaus-sian basis sets of at least quadruple-ζ quality (where ζ isthe number of contracted functions per atomic orbital)to achieve chemical accuracy with pure, non-extrapolatedFCI calculations.26 For the H2 and He molecules, for ex-ample, one does not achieve chemical accuracy at theFCI level with the cc-pVTZ basis set (28 basis functionsor 56 spin-orbitals).28 One has to use either cc-pVQZ orboth cc-pVDZ and cc-pVTZ in an extrapolation schemefor H2, whereas for He at least the cc-pVTZ (14 func-tions or 28 spin-orbitals) and cc-pVQZ (30 functions or60 spin-orbitals) basis set energies are required as inputsto an extrapolation scheme.28

Figure 1 presents a comparison between the numberof spin-orbitals required for achieving chemical accuracyfor the ground state and the equivalent number of spin-orbitals used to date in representative, actual quantumcomputer calculations (for a more complete summary seeTable I). The diagram makes it clear that the number ofqubits that have been used in quantum chemical compu-tations to date is significantly smaller than that necessaryto achieve chemical accuracy, for all molecules studied.


By quantum advantage one normally means a solu-tion of a certain computational problem using a quantumcomputer that would be impossible in a reasonable timeusing any classical computer, including supercomputers.In this work we will restrict the discussion of quantumadvantages to molecular chemistry problems only. Quan-tum advantage in molecular chemistry can be sought in aspace of three dimensions: speed, accuracy, and moleculesize. In order to demonstrate quantum advantage quan-tum computers must prove to be significantly more pro-ficient than classical computers at handling any of thesethree dimensions.

If achieved in application to any molecular problem,quantum advantage would be an impressive accomplish-


Reference Year Max # qubits Systems Platform Methods

Peruzzo et al.20 2013 2 HeH+ Silicon Photonic VQE-UCC

Shen et al.29 2015 2 HeH+ Trapped ion VQE-UCC

Google21 2015 2 H2 Superconducting VQE-UCC

Santagati et al.30 2016 2 H2, H3, H+3 , H4 Silicon photonic IPEA, VQE-UCC

IBM3 2017 6H2, LiH, BeH2,

Heisenberg modelSuperconducting



Berkeley22 2017 2 H2 (excited states) SuperconductingHardware-specific


Hempel et al.31 2018 3 H2, LiH Trapped-ion VQE-UCC

IBM32 2018 4Quantum magnetism

H2, LiHSuperconducting



OTI Lumionics23 2018 4 H2, LiH Superconducting Qubit CC

Li et al.33 2019 2 H2O NMR QPE

IonQ/JQI34 2019 4 H2O Trapped-ion VQE-UCC

Oak Ridge35 2019 4 NaH, RbH, KH SuperconductingHardware-efficient


Mitsubishi/IBM36 2019 2 Lithium superoxide dimer Superconducting VQE-UCC

Smart & Mazziotti37 2019 3 H3 Superconducting VQE-UCC

Google19 2020 12H6, H8, H10, H12

HNNHSuperconducting VQE-HF

IBM38 2020 2PSPCz, 2F-PSPCz,




TABLE I. Experiments with quantum computing hardware applied to simulating molecular- and material chemistry (thisselection covers many, but not all results). Years and top-to-bottom order, in order of appearance on pre-publication servicearXiv. Maximum qubit number denotes the number of qubits actually used in the simulation, potentially on sub-lattices oflarger chips. All systems were discretized into near-minimal basis sets, i.e. STO-3G or similar, or utilized severe approximationsto reduce the number of qubits in other ways. The “superconducting” platform denotes any variant of superconductingplatform where microwave pulses are used to control qubits defined by flux or charge quanta on superconducting islands.VQE-UCC stands for any strategy combining the Variational Quantum Eigensolver algorithm with the chemistry-inspiredUnitary Coupled Cluster ansatz approach. VQE-HF performs the Hartree-Fock procedure on-chip using VQE. IPEA andQPE are forms of quantum phase estimation implementations. The Quantum Equation-of-Motion VQE (qEOM-VQE)39 andVariational Quantum Deflation (VQD)40 methods are used to compute excited state energies.

ment on its own, but we must be aware that not everyquantum advantage will be useful in practical or indus-trial applications. In order to seek transformative quan-tum advantages, we first need to indicate the types ofadvantages that will be of little value in practice.

1. Irrelevance due to availability of accurateexperimental results. The first type of irrele-vant quantum advantage is where quantum com-puters would have to compete with experimentalmeasurements that are accurate, fast, inexpensive,and straightforward. Some types of simulations ri-val experiment in how accurately they can probereality (see examples of brilliant theoretical predic-tions in Refs. 41, 42), but in presence of readilyavailable, reliable experimental data there is littleneed for simulated results.

2. Irrelevance due to availability of conven-tional computational results. The second typeof irrelevant quantum advantages pertains to chem-

ical systems or problems for which quantum chemi-cal calculations on classical computers can producechemical accuracy results in little time – seconds,minutes, or even a few hours. These are exactlythe types of applications on which quantum com-puting algorithms have been routinely validatedso far. They target gas phase energetics of small(diatomic or triatomic) molecules.2,6,23,43 Reason-ably fast conventional ab initio quantum chemicalcalculations are in their turn in competition withsemi-empirical,44 force field,45, machine learning46

and composite47 solutions, which, as research pro-gresses, converge toward chemical accuracy. Sucheconomical approaches would also challenge quan-tum computers and weaken the value of any quan-tum advantage that may be achieved. For sometypes of property predictions, there is even no needfor direct involvement of quantum chemical meth-ods. In the pharmaceutical industry, for instance,binding affinities and solubilities can be predicted


with adequate accuracy by molecular dynamics ap-proaches which are based on force fields.48,49

3. Irrelevance due to real world complexity:One can imagine a quantum advantage to beeclipsed by the vast chemical and conformationalcomplexity that often underlies real world chem-istry. Often the biggest problem in simulation re-search is not simply to complete single computa-tions in reasonable time with sufficient accuracy.When simulated chemical processes are very com-plicated and involve potentially hundreds of inter-mediates, conformations, or reaction paths, as incatalytic and metabolic pathways, the real researchbottleneck lies in a combinatorial explosion of pos-sibilities to probe with simulation. In such projects,even if the calculations themselves became ordersof magnitude faster or more accurate (for exam-ple, through the exploitation of quantum comput-ing), the whole project might enjoy only a mod-est speedup. A common way to reduce real worldcomplexity of physico-chemical processes involvingconformational, solvation, and thermal effects is theuse of empirical methods. In practice, for examplein the prediction of ADME/Tox properties in thepharmaceutical industry, such heuristics are oftenaccurate enough to drive the discovery process.50

4. Irrelevance to industrial applications. Finally,there are molecular systems that do not fall un-der any of the three irrelevance categories exposedabove, and yet they may be still irrelevant to quan-tum computing because they lack a direct connec-tion with industrial applications. As such, thesesystems, even if described accurately on a quantumcomputer, are likely to remain academic curiositiesand fail to lead to transformative changes in chem-istry.


One way to search for quantum advantage is to estab-lish the limits of computational power of classical com-puters, which will set the bar for quantum computers. Ifthat bar presents a trivial problem for a quantum algo-rithm, we have found a quantum advantage and we willonly have to check if the advantage is not irrelevant (videsupra).

A good starting point for investigating the limits ofquantum chemistry on conventional computers is to firstassume that we are targeting chemical accuracy whileusing conventional basis sets and to establish the barfor systematically improvable quantum chemical meth-ods such as configuration interaction51 (CI) and coupledcluster52 (CC).

The largest conventional CI calculations which, to ourknowledge, have been reported in the literature are proof-

of-principle studies.53 They include: (i) a calculationinvolving a complete active space (CAS) with 20 elec-trons in 20 spatial orbitals, realized within the frame-work of the MCSCF method on a chromium trimer (cor-responding to approximately 4.2 ·109 single determinants(SDs)); (ii) a single point CASSCF calculation on apentacene molecule with 22 electrons in 22 spatial or-bitals (corresponding to approximately 5.0 · 1011 SDs);(iii) a single iteration of the iterative CI algorithm fora chromium tetramer with 24 electrons in 24 spatial or-bitals (∼ 7.3 · 1012 SDs).54 All these CI calculations uti-lized the 6-31G* basis set. To put the number of the SDsin chemical context, a FCI calculation on the propenemolecule in the minimal STO-3G and the larger but stillvery small 6-31G basis set would correspond to 24 elec-trons in 21 and 39 spatial orbitals, respectively. Thefrequently used frozen core (FC) approximation wouldreduce the number of “active” electrons in propene to18, but already the next homolog, 2-butene, will have24 active electrons in the FC approximation, and pushagainst the limits of the feasible FCI calculations.

Among the largest CC calculations reported in theliterature is a CCSDT(Q)/cc-pVTZ single point en-ergy calculation on benzene in the FC approxima-tion (30 electrons, 264 basis functions) which corre-sponds to ∼ 3.1 · 109 single, double, and triple, as wellas ∼ 2.2 · 1012 perturbative quadruple t-amplitudes.55

The computational scaling of CCSDT(Q) is very steep,namely the ninth power of the system size, but chemi-cal accuracy can be achieved with significantly less ex-pensive computational approaches. There is a multitudeof composite methods that target chemical accuracy,56

but perhaps the best known, simplest, and most popularapproach that satisfies many demands of the computa-tional chemist for accuracy, including chemical accuracyfor multiple types of systems, is the CCSD(T) methodcombined with a complete basis set (CBS) extrapolation.The CCSD(T) method is known to treat dynamic corre-lation accurately, but is generally inapplicable to molecu-lar problems dominated by non-dynamic correlation. Formore information on dynamic and non-dynamic correla-tion see Ref. 57.

Likely, the largest conventional CCSD(T) calculationever performed is that by Yoo and co-workers on a(H2O)17 cluster in the aug-cc-pVTZ basis set,58 whichcorresponds to 128 electrons in the FC approximationand 1564 orbitals. A similar (H2O)16 calculation had tobe executed on 120000 computer cores and took morethan 3 hours in year 2010. Another notable CCSD(T)effort is that of Gyevi-Nagy and co-workers reportedin 2020,59 in which the energy of 2-aminobenzophenone(ABP, C13H11NO) was computed in the large def2-QZVPPD basis set. That calculation, utilizing thedensity-fitting approximation, correlated 90 non-FC elec-trons among 1569 orbitals and was completed on 224computer cores in 68 hours. The size of ABP makes itan attractive “minimum viable” system in “real world”practical applications. Systems of this size are regularly


used for parameterizing force fields in areas of researchlike computational drug design.45 A recent work by Kruseand co-workers60 reports sub-chemical accuracy, large ba-sis set calculations using CCSD(T) on stacked DNA basepairs, which are even larger molecular systems.

Despite the general impracticality of the largest cal-culations mentioned above, just the sheer fact that theyhave been accomplished on classical computers sets thebar very high for quantum computers. Here we aim todefine this bar in precise terms. For this, it will be con-venient to assume that CCSD(T) with a large basis setis still the most trustworthy quantum chemical energyprediction method (at least for certain types of molec-ular systems), and neglect the small errors introducedby the density-fitting approximation, as in an applica-tion mentioned earlier in the text. In order to show arelevant quantum advantage in energy calculations tar-geting chemical accuracy, quantum computers must beable to dramatically outperform classical computers ona solution of, let us say for certainty, a 90 electron, non-relativistic electronic structure problem for an organicmolecule at its near-equilibrium geometry. ConventionalGaussian basis set expansions, which have been so farconsidered for quantum computers, require about 1570orbitals for such a calculation. A basis set of such a sizeappears insurmountable for the earliest available quan-tum computers.

Conventional Gaussian basis set expansions providea very slow convergence to the exact energy with thesize of the basis set.61 Chemical and sub-chemical ac-curacy is achievable with explicitly correlated basissets.61 Combined with density fitting techniques, theydeliver an accurate result at a fraction of the cost ofCCSD(T)/CBS.62,63 Recent works64,65 have consideredthe use of explicitly correlated F12 methods in near-term quantum computing applications and noted thatthese methods may lead to using less quantum resources.Given the potential reduction of required resources itseems like a more realistic approach than targeting chem-ical accuracy with conventional basis sets.

Few researchers are eager to perform conventional,large-scale quantum chemical computations on classicalcomputers due to their prohibitive cost. Recently thereappeared CI- and CC-like methods that strive to approx-imate the results of very large and therefore unfeasible,proper CI and CC calculations, at low cost. For theCI-like methods see the recent report66 on the groundstate of benzene and references therein. Among the CC-like methods especially noticeable is the domain-basedlocal pair natural orbital (DLPNO) method.67,68 Thesenew approaches achieve chemical accuracy on small or-ganic molecules such as 1,3,5-hexatriene (for incremen-tal FCI69) or even small proteins (for LNO-CCSD(T))70

within hours or days of computational time. Still otherattractive approximate methods striving at chemical ac-curacy include quantum Monte-Carlo71–73, some recentDFT functionals74 and neural networks.46

At first glance, it seems that the methods mentioned

in the previous paragraph render quantum advantagethat might be achieved on computation of energies ofsmall, medium-sized, and even large organic moleculesirrelevant. However, the applicability and accuracy ofthese approximate methods becomes less certain vis-a-vis systems with a strong multireference character (non-equilibrium geometries, radicals, presence of transitionmetal atoms), apart from other limitations.


Multiple publications intended for the general audi-ence as well as several research publications4,75 reflect onthe potential application of quantum computers to theparticularly challenging and, to some degree, mysteriousnatural catalytic complex known as FeMo-co. The coreof this catalytic protein system, which reduces the atmo-spheric N2 to biologically processable forms of nitrogen,is comprised of eight transition metal atoms (seven ironatoms and one molybdenum atom) interlinked by sul-fur and carbon atoms. Numerous experimental76 andtheoretical77 studies have been attempting to decipherthe catalytic mechanism through which FeMo-co utilizesthe nearly inert N2. So far, classical computers werelargely incapable of treating this system with accuracyand computational efficiency necessary for cracking themechanism.78,79

Being a system that contains multiple transition metalatoms, FeMo-co is expected to present a strong corre-lation problem, and therefore both dynamic and non-dynamic correlation57 need to be recovered for its ac-curate solution. The minimal, 39-atom model of oneof its protonation states has the stoichiometric formula[C7H9Fe7MoN2O3S10]−3, which yields 254 active elec-trons in the FC approximation. What is the minimal(N,N) CAS needed to describe the non-dynamic correla-tion in this system with chemical accuracy?

In year 2017 Reiher and co-workers4 estimated that aCAS of the size (54, 54), which is far larger than whatCASCI or CASSCF can address on a classical computer,should be within our computational means to treat on aquantum computer. Would such a CAS be sufficient foran accurate, converged description of non-dynamic corre-lation in the FeMo-co system? In 2018 Montgomery andMazziotti actually conducted CASSCF and V2RDM cal-culations for a FeMo-co model with increasing, but stillvery small basis sets (STO-3G, 3-21G, DZP) and increas-ing CASs, with up to (30, 30) in case of V2RDM.80 Theresults of these authors indicate that their most accurateenergy calculation at the V2RDM/DZP/(30, 30) level isnowhere near being converged. The difference in energiesbetween the V2RDM/X/(26, 26) and V2RDM/X/(30,30) levels of theory is 50.6 kcal/mol, 36.6 kcal/mol, and106.1 kcal/mol for X = STO-3G, 3-21G, DZP, respec-tively. Not only is the energy far from being convergentwith respect to the size of CAS but it is also far from be-


ing converged with respect to the size of the basis set. In2018 Tubman and co-workers performed a (54, 54) CAScalculation with the approximate ASCI method appliedto FeMo-co.81 The convergence of the FeMo-co energywith the size of the CAS needs to be studied further,but given the gigantic energy variations with the CASaround (30, 30) seen in the work of Montgomery andMazziotti it is unlikely that a (54, 54) CAS is close tobeing sufficient for convergence of non-dynamic correla-tion in the FeMo-co system. Indeed, a recent work by Liand co-workers estimates that a (54, 54) CAS for FeMo-co is expected to yield a qualitatively incorrect, singlereference wave function.75 These authors propose a (113,76) CAS for this system instead and use it in a prelim-inary DMRG82 calculation with bond dimension 2000.This calculation was followed by an analogous (113, 76)CAS but more accurate DMRG calculation with bond di-mension 6000, which was completed on a supercomputercontaining 2480 cores.83

Dynamic correlation effects would have to be ac-counted for separately. Reiher and co-workers pro-pose to recover the missing dynamic correlation througha method like DFT on a classical computer.4 How-ever, the accuracy of such a combined treatment wouldbe quite uncertain due to uncontrolled errors of DFT.Levine and co-workers resort to corrections throughthe second-order Epstein–Nesbet perturbation theory(PT2).84 Their promising claim that PT2 gives “ex-tremely accurate results, often within a kcal/mol of theabsolute FCI energy”84 must be, however, tested on asystem of the size and complexity of FeMo-co.

We must also not forget that the FeMo-co molecularsystem contains an atom of the element molybdenum,which is heavy enough to merit treatment with rela-tivistic methods or pseudopotentials in studies of inor-ganic complexes85–87 and enzymes.88 In particular, rela-tivistic calculations have been already used in FeMo-coresearch.89–91

Extending non-relativistic quantum chemistry to a rel-ativistic variant, on quantum computers, has been inves-tigated in Refs. 92, 93 where it was shown that, in thedirect mapping in second quantization, the scaling of therelativistic form of the non-relativistic counterpart algo-rithm was identical, assuming the no-pair approximation.Relativistic calculations on classical computers have beenshown to require large basis sets in combination with ex-trapolation schemes for convergent energies, not unlikein non-relativistic calculations.94

Even if van der Waals interactions and other typesof important effects, no doubt imposed by the proteinmatrix, could be ignored, to properly model a minimalsize, 254-electron, strongly correlated system, the quan-tum computer algorithm would have to show a quantumadvantage on what would be equivalent to a multirefer-ence, relativistic calculation with a CAS being presum-ably much larger than (54, 54). We believe that Reiherand co-workers’ attempt to work with the CAS of thissize4 was a step in the right direction, but it is likely to

prove only the first step. In future research on attemptingto predict the electronic structure of FeMo-co on quan-tum computers it will be important to incorporate knowl-edge about the convergence of the non-dynamic correla-tion energy with respect to the size of the active space.We also need to make sure that we can recover the re-maining, dynamic correlation accurately.

An attempt to accurately compute the dynamic cor-relation of the minimal FeMo-co model with a quantumcomputing algorithm runs into the problem of the largebasis set, and, as a consequence, into the present un-availability of the equivalent number of logical, coher-ent qubits. For guaranteed chemical accuracy we haveto assume the need for at least a triple-zeta basis set.Such a minimal basis set might be cc-pVTZ applied toall atoms except Mo (where it is appropriate to use thepseudopotential cc-pVTZ-CC), bringing the total num-ber of spatial orbitals to 1365, or better cc-pVQZ andcc-pVQZ-CC, respectively, resulting in 2367 orbitals. Inorder to reduce the number of basis functions, an F12-adapted basis set such as def2-TZVPP on the metals anddef2-TZVP on the lighter elements, as recommended byKesharwani and Martin,95 could be used, resulting in1398 basis functions. So, dynamic correlation, recover-able with systematically improvable accuracy, presents aproblem for quantum computers because it requires ba-sis sets that are too large for any quantum computerin the near future. Therefore, there is need for moreresearch into constructing and validating methods thatwould combine non-dynamic correlation obtainable on aquantum computer with dynamic correlation obtainablewith methods like DFT or PT2 on a classical computer.


A. Potential of quantum computational chemistry:an introduction

A quantum computer can in principle prepare andstore richer many-body wave function representationsthan classical computers. There are highly efficientnumerically exact quantum-computational algorithms,96

executable in polynomial time, for simulating time evo-lution under both time-independent and time-dependentmany-body Hamiltonians such as those used in quantumchemistry models. Conversely, in classical computers thenumerically exact diagonalization and CI methods oper-ate in the space of determinants of large matrices whichrequires an exponentially scaling number of operations.

At first glance, these fundamental differences give someindication that quantum computers may be perfectlysuited for simulating chemistry. There are, however,some caveats and significant challenges when implement-ing quantum computational methods in practice; in Ta-ble I we show progress in quantum computational chem-istry experiments in recent years. In the following sec-


tions we detail some of the challenges in the short andlong term specifically for molecular quantum chemistry.We refer the interested reader to review papers6,8,9 formore details. Next, we consider several examples of end-to-end quantum resource and time estimates for calcu-lating ground state energies with a CAS approach on atheoretical fault-tolerant quantum computer (FTQC).

Broadly speaking, there are two widely discussedregimes in the quantum computing community, “nearterm” and “long term” methods and hardware. We stressthat it is currently uncertain in how many years from to-day, “near term” changes to “long term”. Rather, in thecontext of quantum chemistry algorithms, these termsare often loosely distinguished by the different ways inwhich Hamiltonian expectation values are measured onthe quantum computer, and whether fault-tolerant errorcorrection is applied. In this work we focus on calcu-lations of ground state energies, as excited states anddynamical properties can be accessed with similar tech-niques and with similar complexity arguments.

There are two main paradigms orchestrating quan-tum Hamiltonian simulation algorithms. In Hamilto-nian averaging,20 Hamiltonian expectation values are ex-tracted by performing partial tomography on a preparedquantum state of the qubit register, which in turn modelsthe chemical system’s many-body quantum wave func-tion. The number of repetitions (samples) in this tomog-raphy scales as O(1/ε2) to reach an energy estimationerror ε. For each repetition the same superposition stateneeds to be prepared again. In Hamiltonian phase esti-mation, an approximate eigenstate of a Hamiltonian isprepared once and a series of O(1/ε) phase estimationcircuits are applied to the qubit register in order to esti-mate the eigenstate’s energy to accuracy ε.97,98

In terms of scaling of the quantum computationalruntime with accuracy, the phase estimation methodis clearly superior. However, in the current generationand near-term quantum computing devices, maintainingqubit coherence, performing measurements, gate opera-tions and state preparations with high fidelity is still verychallenging (see, for example, references from Table I).This does not allow for the phase estimation circuit withgate depth O(1/ε) (with a large pre-factor) to be exe-cuted faithfully in the near term. Fault-tolerant circuitexecution is required, and its practical implementation atthe scale required for quantum advantage is not expecteduntil longer term. In the next section we use Hamilto-nian averaging for illustrating the potential of quantumcomputational chemistry in the short term as well as itsassociated challenges.

B. Potential of quantum computational chemistry:short term

One popular algorithm for simulating quantum chem-istry on currently available quantum devices is the vari-ational quantum eigensolver (VQE).20 The algorithm

works by first mapping the quantum chemistry modelHamiltonian to a qubit Hamiltonian. Subsequently, atrial quantum state is prepared using a so-called Ansatzcircuit. Next, one may measure any operator expectationvalues, such as the Hamiltonian energy, over this state. Avariational optimization of this energy may converge toa good approximation of the ground state energy as longas the Ansatz circuit has sufficient expressability and theoptimizer finds a good local or global minimum. Themeasurement circuit, and therefore the overall circuit, isrelatively short, which is favourable to near-term noisyintermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices.99 Addition-ally, the variational aspect may allow for partial com-pensation of gate errors. Fundamentally, for perfectlynoise-free execution, the accuracy of the VQE method islimited by the expressability of the Ansatz circuit. Thisaspect is similar to the limitations of classical (truncated)coupled cluster methods, or any methods which do notinclude all possible electronic excitations, or all configu-ration state functions, as FCI does.

It is difficult to estimate an exact runtime of the VQEmethod due to its variational nature.100 However, a ball-park estimate of the runtime of each iteration step maybe calculated, based on the details of the algorithm andestimates of hardware parameters such as quantum gatetimes and measurement and reset time. This allows oneto at least perform a sanity-check on the feasibility withrespect to the runtime for a given application.

With such an estimation we investigate the feasibilityof NISQ-VQE to simulate specifically dynamical corre-lations of molecular systems, which are just in reach forsimulation on classical (high-performance) computers. Inthe ABP molecule discussed earlier, 1569 orbitals and 90non-frozen core electrons were considered, a calculationwhich took 68 hours to complete on a large computercluster. We estimate that a state-of-the-art quantum al-gorithm strategy like k-UpCCGSD101 in a VQE approachfor the same situation with chemical precision in the samebasis would require over 3000 physical qubits and takecompletely prohibitive time, i.e. centuries per single iter-ation of the optimizer, even with severe approximationslike the paired-electron assumption, pUCCD.25 We usehardware parameters typical to superconducting qubitdevices and ignore the overhead of connectivity. We alsoassume full circuit parallelizability and zero latencies.

It is still unknown how NISQ-VQE approaches per-form for simulating molecular systems dominated by non-dynamic correlations. If we assume that one could reachCASCI/CASSCF levels of precision in a given basis set,by using a NISQ-VQE methods with a mere linear cir-cuit depth, one can estimate with similar assumptions asabove, that tackling a (26,26) CAS problem would takeabout 1 hour per VQE iteration. Although this runtimedoes not seem completely prohibitive, the range of as-sumptions made, prevents us from drawing strong conclu-sions for practical and industrially relevant application.In second quantization, the number of electrons scales lin-early with the basis set size, N, and therefore the number


of two-qubit gates for any relevant ansatz should be atleast of size N, resulting in at least a depth-N circuit whennearest-neighbour qubit connectivity is combined with aswap-network approach.5. Using first quantization meth-ods could improve the scaling in time and space in termsof the basis set size, but likely still require larger logicalqubit counts for reaching chemical accuracy.102 Regard-less of the specifics of currently-known methods, eitherorders of magnitude improvements in gate, control andmeasurement speed may be required or massive clustersof distinct quantum computers working in parallel,103–105

to keep the runtimes practical.Besides a solution to the runtime complications, ma-

jor hardware and algorithmic progress is required in orderfor NISQ-VQE to attain these theoretically predicted ac-curacies; even the relatively shallow quantum circuits inVQE implicate significant impact of (in)coherent noiseprocesses on the estimation of energy accuracies.106 Par-tial error mitigation techniques exist, but all incur signif-icant additional quantum or classical/runtime overheads,exacerbating the runtime challenge.9

We stress that above estimations and challenges ofNISQ-VQE were only considered in the context of molec-ular chemistry simulations with mostly dynamical cor-relations, which may potentially turn out to be rela-tively less promising as compared to other applications.Outside the focus of this work, there are many strate-gies for applying NISQ-compatible algorithms to simulat-ing material chemistry, solid-state physics, field theoriesand more.107–114 It is important to estimate the resourcerequirements, including pre-factors, for their respectiveapplications and gauge them against the correspondingclassical computational limits.

C. Potential of quantum computational chemistry:longer term

Longer-term, fault-tolerant quantum computers115

promise to solve both the problems associated with noiseand the runtime issues. Error-correction schemes116 sup-press circuit errors, allowing faithful execution of quan-tum computational chemistry algorithms at practicallyunlimited circuit depth. Higher individual gate errorrates imply larger overheads in terms of physical qubitsper logical qubit. Also, larger error correcting codeshave longer clock-cycle times, which increases overall run-times. It is therefore only feasible to construct large-scalefault-tolerant architectures when hardware error rates arelow enough to implement reasonably sized codes whileadhering to the error threshold.115

Fault-tolerant execution unlocks the use of the deepcircuits commonly associated with quantum phase es-timation (QPE).97,117,118 In QPE for quantum chem-istry, Hamiltonian phase estimation is used to extractthe eigenenergies associated with prepared eigenstates ofa Hamiltonian. Besides the favourable scaling with en-ergy estimation accuracy ε (runtime scaling with O(1/ε)

and polynomial in system size),97,98 the energy can befound to arbitrary accuracy (within the basis set used), incontrast to the VQE technique. This is because the mea-surement collapses the prepared approximate eigenstateto an exact eigenstate of the Hamiltonian, with proba-bility equal to the overlap between these states (whichcan be achieved with at most a polynomial depth ansatzcircuit)81. Its associated eigenenergy is then found, toa precision equal to the number of measurement bitsused. This makes QPE also suitable for simulating non-dynamic correlation, which is extremely advantageous inview of the steep scaling of classical CI techniques.

Viewing these observations as promising, we move onto calculate the runtime and resource estimates of theQPE algorithm for relevant applications in chemistry.This includes a calculation of error-correction overheadwhich we also perform in the following sections. For sim-ilar calculation methods see Refs. 4, 12–14.

D. Resource estimates: Number of gates

For the resource estimates, we consider two applica-tions, the hydrogen molecule and the chromium dimer.We consider the resource estimates for simulating theground state energy of the hydrogen molecule, H2, tochemical accuracy at equilibrium bond length, 0.707 A.This is a system of just 2 electrons which possesses mostlydynamical correlation. In order to reach true chemical ac-curacy (and not just precision), one would need to makean extrapolation over a series of basis sets of increasingsizes in order to approximate the complete basis set. Thereason we focus on this very basic example is because sofar most quantum computational research has focused onsimulating the hydrogen molecule in tiny basis sets (STO-3G or 6-31G, see Table I), and claimed chemical accuracywhere chemical precision within a limited basis set shouldhave been referred to. Here we show expected resourceestimates for obtaining chemical accuracy with respectto experimentally obtained values. We do this by takinga progressively larger basis set from the list {STO-3G, 3-21G, 6-31G, cc-pVTZ, cc-pVQZ}, which corresponds tousing 2, 4, 10, 28, 60 spatial orbitals, respectively.

We also consider the ground state energy of thechromium dimer, Cr2, at its equilibrium bond distance,1.68 A. This molecule, with its very short, formally sex-tuple bond, and a peculiarly shaped dissociation curve,has been viewed as a critical test for electronic structuremethods.119–121 Our focus is not specifically the singlepoint energy or the potential energy curve but the po-tential of quantum algorithms for studying the chromiumdimer at a higher accuracy than has been possible withclassical computers algorithms.

For the study of the significant non-dynamic correla-tion of the chromium dimer we choose the complete ac-tive space (CAS) approach, where we select an increasingnumber of active orbitals and active electrons. The or-bitals were computed with the RHF/cc-pVTZ level of


theory and the frozen core approximation was not acti-vated. In what follows we perform resource estimationon ground state energy estimation within the chosen ac-tive space on the quantum computer. In this way, we cancompare the obtained energies with classical CASCI en-ergies. For further comparison, we conducted CASSCFcalculations and used the final rotated basis to constructthe input second-quantized Hamiltonian to the quantumoracle constructor. This typically yields a denser (lesssparse) Hamiltonian. This is a good indicator of the fi-nal CI steps of a CASSCF calculation when performed ona quantum computer, as opposed to the initial CI stepsstarting from a single-reference like (R)HF. There aremany different schemes for the Hamiltonian-simulationpart of QPE; two important classes are Trotterizationand qubitization, which we consider here.

1. Trotterization

In this section we provide resource estimates for theiterative QPE algorithm with oracles based on a Trotter-Suzuki decomposition123 of the direct Hamiltonian sim-

ulation operator U = e−iHt. We aim to find the optimalresource estimates for ground state energy simulation tochemical precision within the chosen basis set. As we con-sider the class of iterative phase estimation techniques,a single ancilla logical qubit is added to the 2N spin-orbital-representing qubits for a total of 2N + 1 logicalqubits. We are interested in minimizing the total T gateresource cost. This is also approximately equivalent tominimizing the wall-clock runtime due to the dominatingfault-tolerant implementation cost of T gates in popu-lar fault-tolerant implementations.124 We use the samederivation for the Trotter resource costs as in Ref. 4.Here, for simplicity, for the Trotter number we assumethe same shifted scaling in terms of the system size (interms of the number of orbitals) as in Fig. 4 of the Sup-plementary material of Ref. 4. We strongly emphasizethat this assumption is merely an approximation thatshould generally be investigated case-specifically to guar-antee any resource estimation bounds.

In Figure 2 we plot the T gate cost, for a simulationthat reaches chemical precision within the respective ba-sis set, as a function of the number of orbitals. We findas expected a clear polynomial scaling in the system size,to less than seventh order. Besides a CASSCF (N,N)calculation, we also consider a CASCI(12,N) case wherethe number of electrons are fixed to 12 and we adjust thenumber of spatial orbitals N . We find very similar appar-ent scaling and pre-factors for all three cases considered,although this could be primarily due to the assumptionof similar scaling in the required Trotter number. It isclear that the CASSCF-optimized basis set, comparedat N = 12, requires a larger number of gate operationsthan a CASCI-step which has a single-reference charac-ter. This is due to the larger number of non-zero termsin the Hamiltonian in the rotated basis, leading to a

FIG. 2. (Top) number of T gates for a Trotterization im-plementation. (Center) number of Toffoli gates for a qubiti-zation implementation. We assume a spacetime complexityof 24 qubitseconds per-Toffoli gate, and 14 qubitseconds per-T gate using a ‘C2T’ factory, both from Ref. 122 (Bottom)The total number of logical qubits for the qubitization andTrotterization protocols used here.

larger number of terms in the Trotter expansion. We canroughly estimate the spacetime complexity of the error-correction overhead and find that millions to billions ofqubitseconds are required for such simulations.


2. Qubitization

In Ref. 125, an efficient molecular chemistry simulationmethod was proposed, combining elements of, and im-proving on, a large body of prior work.126–129 The paperdiscusses several different techniques, including one lever-aging an efficient low-rank representation of the Coulomboperator. However, we found the sparse method to workthe best in our examples, as well as for simulating thereference molecule FeMo-co. With the sparse method,there is a relatively large overhead in the number of logi-cal qubits but it is optimized in terms of the non-cliffordgate complexity. The algorithm relies mostly on Toffoligates and therefore we express resources in terms of Tof-folis. We refer the interested reader to Ref. 125 for detailson how one may calculate these resource estimates.

In Figure 2 we plot the gate cost of the qubitizationmethod as a function of number of orbitals. We see sig-nificant differences in scaling with respect to the numberof spatial orbitals which are included, which indicates agreater difficulty in calculating CASSCF (N,N) energiesfor the chromium dimer than for hydrogen with basisset size N using qubitization. Both the scaling and pre-factors of the fitted curves are better than in the providedTrotterization example. The estimated spacetime com-plexity is reduced by about 4 orders of magnitude acrossthe board. In the bottom diagram from Figure 2 we plotthe number of logical qubits required for qubitization,and we may compare this to the number required by theTrotterization scheme. The latter is independent of thesystem specifics and depends only on the characteristicsystem size N because of the direct spin-orbital to qubitmapping. The qubitization scheme requires the availabil-ity of additional logical qubits depending on the numberof non-zero terms in the system Hamiltonian. The trade-off between Trotterization and qubitization is then thecircuit depth versus number of logical qubits.

E. Resource Estimates: Error-correction overhead

The quantum algorithms discussed above havefavourable scaling with the size of the chemical system(polynomial time for arbitrary accuracy energy estima-tion). However, there is still a significant pre-factormaking the total gate count large even for threshold-advantage systems. Furthermore, an even greater over-head comes from the need for error correction. A largebody of work covers competing fault-tolerant strate-gies existing today; here we implemented two particu-lar state-of-the-art techniques for executing fault-tolerantnon-Clifford gates on the surface code,124 detailed inRefs. 122, 130.

Note that for the purpose of this resource estima-tion we have narrowed our hardware related assumptionsto superconducting qubit quantum-processors with 2Dnearest-neighbour qubit connectivity, which is a type ofquantum-processor that is among those which became

historically commercially available first. However, super-conducting qubits are only one of many different types ofqubit architectures. Given that the current and expectedoperating parameters of quantum processors based on su-perconducting qubits, trapped ions, neutral atoms, pho-tonics, quantum-dots, topological qubits, or other types,can differ significantly, it is not at all clear at this timewhich of these architectures will be first to enable suchrelevant quantum-advantage. In particular, the connec-tivity will greatly affect the error-correction overhead,whether that is nearest-neighbour, intermediate, or all-to-all connectivity.131–133 The interplay between a givenconnectivity-level and error-correction overhead is an ac-tive field of research.

FIG. 3. Wallclock time scaling (top) and total physical qubitrequirements (bottom) for the chromium dimer Cr2 CASCI(N, N) simulation, for sparse qubitization and Trotterizationalgorithms running on a fault-tolerant quantum computer,optimized for less physical qubits, and comparing to a desk-top PC simulation (full red line, corresponding to Intel i9-10980XE, with ∼ 1.2 TFLOPS)134 or a 105x faster extrapola-tion (dashed red line, corresponding to a top-5 HPC, at ∼ 125PFLOPS)135. Curves represent curve-fitting while markersrepresent numerical instance-specific data.

In Figure 3 we plot an example wallclock time es-timate for performing a CASCI (N,N) simulation ofthe chromium dimer at equilibrium bond distance, us-ing either a standard desktop PC, a Trotterization ap-proach using a single Toffoli factory from Ref. 122, or aqubitization approach using single distillation block fromRef. 130.

The figure shows that the approximate size wherea quantum computer solves the problem faster than aclassical computer is for a (N,N) CAS size of aroundN = 19 − 34. For N > 34 any of the assessed quan-tum algorithms should be faster than any available clas-sical computer. N = 19 implies a physical qubit count of∼ 105 for Trotterization and ∼ 3 ·106 for sparse qubitiza-


tion. However, in the case of Trotterization, the crossoverpoint happens at a total runtime approaching a thou-sand years, which even with some optimization opera-tions seems infeasible. The crossover for qubitization ap-pears to happen at approximately the same point as themaximum size which is still feasible at all on a classical(super)computer. We stress here that the large numberof assumptions which went into these calculations makeit hard to pin the exact N for the crossover.



Number of

physical qubits




p = 10−3

space 3.8 × 105 1485 years

time 1.6 × 106 161 years


p = 10−6

space 2.0 × 104 343 years

time 8.6 × 104 37 years


p = 10−3

space 4.6 × 106 43 days

time 7.1 × 106 110 hours


p = 10−6

space 2.7 × 105 11 days

time 4.2 × 105 27 hours

TABLE II. Total resource estimates for simulating thechromium dimer at equilibrium bond distance (1.68 A) with aCAS space of (26, 26) within a cc-pVTZ basis set. The num-ber of logical qubits for the actual problem computation is 53for the Trotterization strategy and 1366 for the qubitizationstrategy. We compare the results at two different levels oferror rates, p = 10−3 and p = 10−6. The number of physi-cal qubits includes both those required to store the data andthose for the state distillation protocol.

Next, we make a more detailed estimate for a Cr2CASCI (26,26) calculation, as such a computation seemson the threshold of staying infeasible even for the comingyears on classical supercomputers. We now also includethe possibility of parallel distillation of non-Clifford gateoperations; for this reason, we focus on the methods pre-sented in Ref. 130 which takes this factor into account.Here we neglect effects of routing and memory buffers,and direct the reader to Ref. 130 for more details on thatmatter.

We compare a single-distillation block optimized strat-egy and speed-optimized block strategy, both fromRef. 130, for both Trotterization and qubitization, inTable II. We consider error rates p = 10−3 (which has al-ready been achieved in experiment)136,137 and p = 10−6

(‘(very) long-term’ hardware ambitions), and one mayinterpolate between the results. We find among these re-sults several orders of magnitude in variations dependingon the strategies employed. Although sparse qubitizationrequires about 10 times more physical qubits, the totalruntime is 104 times shorter than when using Trotteriza-tion. This suggests that early practice with fault-tolerantsystems may use Trotterization approaches but fail to de-liver early quantum advantages, while the qubitization-type approaches may yield the best results longer term.We note that the Trotterization vs qubitization discus-sion is ongoing and more research is required to draw

concrete conclusions. For example, further research is re-quired in order to check whether the Trotter number, andTrotter order, is sufficient or can be reduced further. Itmay be that these parameters are often overestimated,138

but they certainly are hard to bound tightly for spe-cific cases. We found that using the sparse Hamiltonianfrom sparse qubitization for the Trotterization protocolreduces the overall runtime by less than 30%, which maystill be an approach to consider although the gain is notattractive compared to the sacrifice in Hamiltonian rep-resentation accuracy. One may also consider employingstrategies to reduce the sub-components of the Trotterstep oracle costs, like in Refs. 139, 140.

Here we considered only the surface code with param-eter regimes typical of blueprints for future large-scalesuperconducting qubits based FTQC devices, which hasnearest-neighbour interactions. It could be of great in-terest to explore other error correction paradigms andhow they would impact the overhead, and in what kindof hardware these could be implemented.

Although our resource estimates give an indication ofthe current state of the art in algorithms, these are notnecessarily lower bounds and simulation algorithms mayimprove by orders of magnitude both in terms of com-plexity and pre-factor (overhead). With improvementsin Hamiltonian simulation algorithms, reducing overheadwith improved fault-tolerant quantum error correctingcodes, and lower error rates in hardware with faster gatespeeds, additional orders of magnitude improvements areexpected over the next decade. Additionally, we stressthat the real challenge is going from 10 to a million phys-ical qubits, i.e. building a scalable platform.133,141,142

Going from a million to a billion qubits is then a differ-ent challenge in that the scaling method has at that pointbeen developed. All in all, it can be considered likely thatthese improvements will make both the scaling and theactual runtimes feasible for relevant chemistry problems.


What are the types of quantum chemical applicationsfor which quantum computers might have a clear practi-cal advantage over classical computers in the short term?The use of quantum computers for small molecules con-taining only light atoms (which have been an object ofstudy and research direction in most of the quantum com-puting literature so far) does not appear to be promising.Small and uncomplicated molecules like H2 or LiH canin many cases be accurately treated on classical comput-ers. Then, the processes involving only small moleculesdo not have a strong significance for industrial applica-tions. Finally, the correlation energy of such molecules(the difficult part of the quantum chemistry problem) isdominated by the dynamic correlation. The only rea-sonable use of quantum computers for such molecules,even if the irrelevance of such calculations were ignored,


Light atom diatomics Cr2 Homogeneous catalysts FeMo-co model

Chemical complexity Minimal Medium High Very high

Dynamic correlation Medium Medium Difficult Difficult

Non-dynamic correlation Easy Medium Difficult Very difficult

Industrial relevance Irrelevant Irrelevant Highly relevant Highly relevant

Relativistic effects Non-existent Not likely Not likely Likely

Protein matrix No No No Yes

Molecular geometry Accurate Accurate Likely accurate Unclear

Description on classical computer Accurate Sufficiently accurate Not sufficiently accurate Not sufficiently accurate

TABLE III. A comparison of molecular features relevant for possible short term quantum computer applications and a schematicplacement of their CASs estimated to be necessary for achieving chemical accuracy. Light atom diatomics are not put on theCAS axis because of the unclear boundaries between the dynamic and non-dynamic correlation in these molecules.

is to compute their properties with at least chemical ac-curacy. This requires large basis sets, which in turn re-quire a number of coherent qubits that seems impossiblein the near future. The only meaningful purpose thatsmall, light atom molecules can serve in quantum com-puter research is to provide a development platform, astepping-stone toward relevant applications.

On the other side of the spectrum of possible ap-plications of quantum computers are large and compli-cated molecules, the properties and chemistry of whichstand little chance of being accurately described by clas-sical computers. An example of such a molecular sys-tem is the FeMo-co protein system. Although veryrelevant for possible industrial applications, FeMo-copresents an overwhelming complexity for a short-termquantum computer. The smallest model of FeMo-co com-prises 39 atoms, but even if that is not daunting, thelarge number of intermediates in the catalytic cycle toconsider,79,143,144 the indubitable influence of the pro-tein matrix145–147 that needs to be taken into account,the large size of minimal CAS that is expected to re-quire 100 spatial orbitals or more, and the need to takerelativistic and solvation147–149 effects into consideration

make it an uphill struggle for the near term. On top ofthis, there is no chance to describe dynamical correlationof this system on a quantum computer in the near term.So the high accuracy of description of non-dynamical cor-relation possibly achievable on a quantum computer isat risk of being mixed with a low accuracy descriptionof dynamic correlation on a classical computer, makingthe combined result possibly untrustworthy. Finally, it isnot clear whether molecular geometries of the catalyticcore provided by a DFT method would be sufficientlyaccurate to not compromise the presumed high accuracyof the final single point energy calculations. Discussing away to obtain energy gradients of the combined quantum-classical method seems to be premature at this point.

We believe that for a relevant, successful applica-tion of quantum computer computations, a “sweet spot”lies somewhere in the middle between tiny, light atommolecules and large, staggeringly complex multi-metalactive sites of protein complexes. For the middle groundwe seek an application that is still relatively inaccessibleto quantum computers, but not so complex as to make atour de force, one day achievable on a quantum computer,almost irrelevant due to the multitude of gross approx-


imations that would have to be taken. The successfulapplication must have relevance to real world industrialresearch. For this reason the chromium dimer molecule,lacking industrial applications, cannot be regarded as agood “ultimate” target for quantum computers. But itcan be used as model or rather as a testing ground on away to the middle ground system that we are seeking.

One type of chemistry for such a middle ground can befound among medium-sized inorganic catalyst moleculeswhich are a subject of homogeneous catalysis research.A very recent report14 investigates the applicability ofquantum algorithms to the quantum chemical descriptionof a ruthenium-containing catalyst designed to convertCO2 into methanol. The authors propose the treatmentof active spaces that span 48-76 electrons and 52-65 or-bitals. An attractive subclass of homogeneous catalystson which early quantum advantage studies can be focusedare biomimetics.150,151 These normally di- and tri-metalcomplexes borrow chemical insight from natural, metal-containing enzymes and are designed for tackling indus-trially important chemical transformations such as C-Hbond activation or the N2 bond cleavage.152,153 Highly ef-ficient C-H bond activation, for example, is at the heartof the idea of “methanol economy”,154,155 which seeks toreplace petroleum and coal by cleaner sources of energyand synthetic materials.

Just like in the case of FeMo-co, currently feasible com-putations can guide the design and contribute to the un-derstanding of the mechanisms of metal-containing inor-ganic catalysts, but they cannot replace or even eclipsea real experiment yet. However, it can be argued thatquantum computers can provide a decisive advantage formodeling biomimetics and other homogeneous catalystsby helping deliver significantly more accurate computa-tional predictions for these systems than currently possi-ble. Importantly, these molecules are not associated witha protein matrix, which in turn tremendously reduces thecomplexity of the underlying chemical problem.

In addition to containing several transition metalatoms, biomimetic catalysts usually feature a numberof bulky inorganic ligands. The size and chemical com-plexity of these systems puts them on the verge of thecapabilities of the existing quantum chemical methods.Taking Cr2 for the simplest model for such dimetallicreactive centers, and considering the previous estimatesfor a single-metal homogeneous catalysts,14 we presumethat the CASs sufficient for targeting chemical accuracyof small biomimetics would involve about 60 orbitals andelectrons. This CAS size should be sufficient for an accu-rate description of their non-dynamic correlation, thoughtheir dynamical correlation would have to be dealt withseparately. For a comparison of pros and cons of treatingvarious types of chemical systems on a quantum com-puter see Table III.

The homogeneous catalyst molecules considered in theprevious paragraphs can seem like the smallest and sim-plest industrially relevant targets for early quantum ad-vantage. However, our estimates as well as those by von

Burg and co-workers14 indicate that their treatment willrequire at least thousands of logical qubits, which is a farcry from what is achievable in the nearest future. There-fore, it would be worthwhile to find still simpler targets.

Our timing estimates for the chromium dimer (seeFig. 3) places quantum advantage for CASs of the struc-ture (N, N) in the region after about N ≈ 26. If we gen-eralize this result to other types of molecules, peculiarly,and perhaps coincidentally, quantum advantage shouldbegin after the classical quantum chemical limit whichcorresponds to CAS (24, 24).54 So there is a gap be-tween N ≈ 26 after which the quantum advantage canbe expected and N ≈ 60 which is required for the accu-rate treatment of the non-dynamic correlation of homoge-neous catalysts. Quantum advantage should play a criti-cal role for dealing with CASs which are larger than whatcan be handled on a classical computer. Importantly, byvirtue of their much better scaling, quantum algorithmswould permit calculations on ever greater CAS sizes tomake sure that the calculation will achieve a convergedresult.

Are there industrially relevant chemical systems orprocesses, for which at least the non-dynamic correla-tion can be described by CAS of the type (N, N), where26 ≤ N ≤ 60? One area which may be suitable for beingtreated with such CAS sizes is benchmarking of efficientbut approximate DFT calculations for relatively sim-ple chemistries: calculating the error bars produced bysuch DFT calculations (particularly on transition states,where the stretched bonds are challenging for DFT) aswell as developing corrections to account for these er-rors. Such a quantum-enhanced benchmarking approachmay allow for more accurate prediction of reaction rates,which could have some, albeit limited, industrial rele-vance. Another idea for searching impactful applicationsthat fit within the CAS range 26 ≤ N ≤ 60 is a system-atic processing (screening) of a comprehensive list of in-dustrially or synthetically important chemical reactions.Selecting the minimal CAS size, sufficient for chemicalaccuracy, in a given structure or rate-determining stepof a catalytic cycle is a difficult problem.156–158 How-ever, promising159 automated algorithms for CAS selec-tion have started to appear,160–162 and they could beused in an automated mining process of the industriallyrelevant applications, which fall within our search space(CAS with 26 ≤ N ≤ 60) and are thus likely to benefitfrom early quantum advantage.


In this paper we focused on the application of quan-tum computational chemistry to ab initio molecular en-ergy simulations. We found that evaluating the oppor-tunities for noisy intermediate scale quantum devices toreach a relevant quantum advantage is not straightfor-ward due to the difficulties associated with putting hardbounds on the performance of the variational algorithms


typically employed on such devices in the presence ofnoise and combined with (partial) error-mitigation tech-niques. The first generations of fault-tolerant devicesmay be suitable for simulating systems with a high degreeof non-dynamic correlation, as they require fewer logicalqubits for quantum advantage (102 − 103) than systemswith a focus on dynamic correlations (3 · 103 and above).Although there may be ways to bring that latter num-ber down, e.g. through the use of explicitly correlatedmethods.61–64,163–165

Even though an exponential speedup of quantumchemical calculations is theoretically expected on quan-tum hardware, a significant obstacle to consider is theenormous prefactor to the polynomial runtime of quan-tum computational algorithms. This prefactor is par-tially due to the desired chemical accuracy requiring along circuit decomposition in the gate-based model, butprimarily it is due to the enormous overhead that fault-tolerant error correcting codes require. Future improvedschemes, for example those exploiting better hardwareconnectivity or faster gates, than the superconductingqubit platform we considered here, may drastically re-duce that overhead as compared to our findings.

Another important, but so-far neglected or forgot-ten, factor to consider is the practicality associatedwith routinely running quantum-chemistry simulationson quantum-processors. For instance, when discussingfuture applications on quantum computers, we shouldnot discount such “mundane” problems as having to dealwith ∼ N4/8 two-electron integrals. While the numberof the integrals scales “merely” as the fourth power ofmolecular size, this number is nevertheless very large,amounting to ∼ 1 terabyte of data for only 1000 or-bitals. Quantum advantage might well disappear if thebandwidth for moving such amounts of data betweenthe classical and quantum components of the quantumcomputer or recomputing these integrals on the fly on aclassical computer becomes a computational bottleneck.This problem has recently been discussed in Ref. 14, butfurther research is necessary in order to understand howloading such massive data may work in practice and whatcan be done to improve these circumstances.

Here it appears useful to draw a parallel with the lackof widespread GPU adoption in quantum chemistry. Adecade ago, GPU-enabled codes in application to quan-tum chemistry were regarded as a very promising166,167

or even revolutionary168 technology. However, despitethe fact that many quantum chemical methods havebeen ported to GPU,169–174 with significant speedups re-ported, quantum chemistry production level and large

scale calculations are still routinely performed on CPUs.For example, GPUs have not yet made a difference indeciphering the mechanism of FeMo-co action or in de-signing effective homogeneous catalysts with transitionmetal atoms. And GPUs were curiously absent from theaccount of a recent competition to produce the most ac-curate energy of benzene by CI-like methods.66

The similarities between the advantages expected to bebrought about by the algorithmic and hardware advancesassociated with GPUs and quantum computers tell usto pay close attention to the lessons learned from thelack of widespread GPU adoption in quantum-chemistry.For instance, efficient implementation of quantum chem-istry algorithms on GPU required a total redesign of theconventional quantum chemistry codes.172,175 Thereforeefficient GPU codes were not as widely available as ef-ficient CPU codes. The speedups for GPU calculationsusing basis sets with larger angular momenta and in othertypes of calculation were quite modest.176–178 Also, com-petition for GPU resources from other application fields,like molecular mechanics methods (a field in which GPUuse proved to be truly transformative) was likely a strongfactor. And even the higher dollar cost of specializedGPU hardware in comparison with more versatile CPUhardware played a role.

We surveyed the types of molecular systems and quan-tum chemical applications that are likely to display arelevant quantum advantage, when quantum computerhardware comes of age. Our discussion was partly stim-ulated by the intention to review and reformulate thepopular belief that quantum chemistry calculations con-stitute a “low-hanging fruit” for quantum computers.The molecular systems often mentioned in the quantumcomputing literature range from diatomics to biologi-cal molecules.179 Because of the indiscriminate natureof these chemical systems thus discussed, it is perhapsassumed that any kind of molecular system could be ofinterest to quantum computer calculations, as there mustbe a limit to how fast and how accurately any of them canbe described on a classical computer. However, our anal-ysis shows that only certain types of quantum chemistryproblems are projected to benefit from quantum advan-tage. For targets of near term quantum computations wepropose molecular systems of intermediate complexity.Ideally, they would have a significant non-dynamic com-ponent in their correlation energy, and would be treatableaccurately with CAS (N,N) where 26 ≤ N ≤ 60. Thesetargets should offer a sufficient challenge and an amplevista of real world systems that should be aimed at in amore distant future.

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