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Page 1: Artist analysis

All of the Streets’ album covers to the left are set in very urban surroundings. This corresponds with a majority of their music video’s settings, and matches their urban sound.

In music video’s such as “Fit but you know it” and “Dry your eyes”, they are featured in very urban, often quite unattractive areas, which could correspond with the lyrics of their music or help to promote a certain image they wish to portray.

The similar settings and Mike Skinner’s logo for “The Streets” helps to establish himself as a brand and it acts as a trademark, making it instantly recognisable.

Page 2: Artist analysis

Kings of Leon’s album covers are relatively abstract, which could be related to their indie, rock n roll genre.The top album’s design is very intricate, whereas the others are relatively basic which could perhaps be down to each albums musical content or changed to match the bands developing style.

For example, KOL’s older music is more obscure and indie, whereas their newer material could be described as pop- aimed at a more mainstream audience.

KOL don’t have a feature of their albums of which they keep the same, apart from the bands name always being very clear to read. This could perhaps be because they are much more well known worldwide, so perhaps don't have to create a brand of themselves in order of gaining recognition.

Page 3: Artist analysis

Jamie T’s album covers usually have a lot of things going on in them, and the second two incorporate a lot of colour and unusual concepts such as cut outs, ripped paper and fish eye effects.

The concepts for his album covers are relatively simple to set up, in that they don't involve CGI or uncommon locations, and could be imitated in obtainable environments. However, they achieve a great effect and match his genre and style of music very well.

The styles are also very unusual, so it makes his album stand out amongst other albums that may have simpler, less colourful designs. Also, the fish eye effect used in two of his covers to the left help to develop a type of trademark of Jamie T.
