Page 1: “Artful Leadership: Walking The Talk” Richard Benjamin Kennesaw State University April 15 – 17, 2005 Fit the parts together, one into the other, and build

“Artful Leadership: Walking The Talk”

Richard BenjaminKennesaw State University

April 15 – 17, 2005

Fit the parts together, one into the other, and build your figure like a carpenter builds a house. Everything must be constructed, composed of parts that make a whole... (Henri Matisse)

Page 2: “Artful Leadership: Walking The Talk” Richard Benjamin Kennesaw State University April 15 – 17, 2005 Fit the parts together, one into the other, and build

Walking The Talk

“If I could tell you,

I wouldn’t need to dance”

Isadora Duncan

Page 3: “Artful Leadership: Walking The Talk” Richard Benjamin Kennesaw State University April 15 – 17, 2005 Fit the parts together, one into the other, and build

LBC Leadership Institute

What are the Artful Leadership tools which would might support Artful Learning and the Bernstein School Design initiatives Sustainability?

Significant Questions: Who Am I? What gives the most meaning to

me? “Artful Leadership – Your Voice as a Leadership Tool”

“What Am I doing?” What am I creating? Artful Leadership – Walking The Talk” Churchill

Page 4: “Artful Leadership: Walking The Talk” Richard Benjamin Kennesaw State University April 15 – 17, 2005 Fit the parts together, one into the other, and build

Pre-Leadership Institute Assignments

Teaching Perspectives 1 2 3 4 5

Mission Builder 1 2 3 4 5

Covey Website

Page 5: “Artful Leadership: Walking The Talk” Richard Benjamin Kennesaw State University April 15 – 17, 2005 Fit the parts together, one into the other, and build

Democracy’s Poet Edwin Markham (1852–1940)

We all are blind until we seeThat in the human planNothing is worth the making ifIt does not make the man.

Why build these cities gloriousIf man unbuilded goes?In vain we build the world,

unlessThe builder also grows.

Page 6: “Artful Leadership: Walking The Talk” Richard Benjamin Kennesaw State University April 15 – 17, 2005 Fit the parts together, one into the other, and build

Artful Leadership Tools

Tools for Experience Raphael Leger Louis Armstrong

Tools for Inquiry Who Am I?

Who Am I? activity Leadership Rubrics

What Am I doing? Building a Cathedral

Tools for Creating Senge - Systems

Thinking Mental Models http://www.teacherle

Maxwell - Teamwork Tools for

Reflecting “Your Voice as a

Leadership Tool” Susan Hanson &

Richard Benjamin

Page 7: “Artful Leadership: Walking The Talk” Richard Benjamin Kennesaw State University April 15 – 17, 2005 Fit the parts together, one into the other, and build

Terry Deal & Peter SengeThe Tools of

Perspective Reframing

Organizations Terry Deal

Jungle Factory Family Cathedral

5th Discipline – Tools of a Learning Organization

Peter Senge

1 – Personal Mastery 2 – Team Learning 3 – Shared

Vision/Values 4 – Mental Models 5 – Systems Thinking

Page 8: “Artful Leadership: Walking The Talk” Richard Benjamin Kennesaw State University April 15 – 17, 2005 Fit the parts together, one into the other, and build

Systems Thinking - Learning

Building Shared Vision

Personal Mastery Voice?

Team Learning Professional Learning

Communities Mental Models Systems Thinking

Causal Loops What causes high

levels of student achievement?

Page 9: “Artful Leadership: Walking The Talk” Richard Benjamin Kennesaw State University April 15 – 17, 2005 Fit the parts together, one into the other, and build

Stephen Covey Mission Builder

Covey Mission Activity

Try not to become a (person) of success

but rather to become a (person) of value…Albert Einstein

Page 10: “Artful Leadership: Walking The Talk” Richard Benjamin Kennesaw State University April 15 – 17, 2005 Fit the parts together, one into the other, and build


First Identify Your Strengths -

The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork

Key Laws - Lessons

Let’s look at each of these six fundamental values – Value of Life, World Peace, Justice and Equality, Education, Family, and Social Responsibility


Leadership Development

Page 11: “Artful Leadership: Walking The Talk” Richard Benjamin Kennesaw State University April 15 – 17, 2005 Fit the parts together, one into the other, and build

School Design

Artful Leadership Like the conductor of an orchestra, a Bernstein

school leader artfully uses multiple skills to build the creativity of the school community. Thoughtful coaching by Bernstein facilitators encourages leaders, Leadership Teams, and all members of the school community to assume increasing responsibility for leadership as the program grows. A self-sustaining learning culture where leadership is shared through the whole community is the final stage.

A culture of continuous learning for all Bernstein schools implement best teaching practices

validated by established researchers and their own school-based research. A culture of continuous school improvement, aligned with the components of Comprehensive School Reform, is embedded in all school processes.

p. 18

Page 12: “Artful Leadership: Walking The Talk” Richard Benjamin Kennesaw State University April 15 – 17, 2005 Fit the parts together, one into the other, and build

Artful Leadership Rubrics

Vision Current Reality

Inquire – Indicate your current reality on the elements of Artful Leadership, using the rubric provided for each element.

Elements of Artful Leadership:

Transformational / Servant

Level 5 Invitational Moral Constructivist

Page 13: “Artful Leadership: Walking The Talk” Richard Benjamin Kennesaw State University April 15 – 17, 2005 Fit the parts together, one into the other, and build

Tools of Inquiry

Effective Schools Research LBC Notebook

Fishbone (see diagram)

National Board Certification LBC Notebook

Graphic Organizers (see data)

Page 14: “Artful Leadership: Walking The Talk” Richard Benjamin Kennesaw State University April 15 – 17, 2005 Fit the parts together, one into the other, and build

Artful Leadership

Vision / Ideal Plato

Current Reality Aristotle

Experience / VAK Empiricism /

Parmenides Reflection

Rationalism / Heraclitis & Pythagoras

Raphael – The School of Athens

Page 15: “Artful Leadership: Walking The Talk” Richard Benjamin Kennesaw State University April 15 – 17, 2005 Fit the parts together, one into the other, and build

SAT – Question of the Day

The following sentence contains either a single error or no error

at all. If the sentence contains an error, select the one underlined part that must be changed to make the sentence correct. If the sentence contains no error, select choice E.

One of Francisco Goya's portraits of (9A) Carlos II show (B) the king in hunting attire, with (C) a rifle in his left hand,

gloves in his right, and a hunting  dog asleep at (D) his feet. No error E

Page 16: “Artful Leadership: Walking The Talk” Richard Benjamin Kennesaw State University April 15 – 17, 2005 Fit the parts together, one into the other, and build

System Thinking Tools Big picture thinker Peter

Senge has applied his Laws of Systems Thinking to education in books like Schools That Learn.

In this article, consultant William O'Callaghan Jr. gives examples of Senge's laws in education settings. Here's one: "The easy way out usually leads back in – When we stick to what we know best and apply familiar or textbook solutions, we find comfort. Relying on familiar solutions even while problems persist indicates nonsystemic thinking, or the 'what we need here is a bigger hammer' syndrome.

For instance, when student performance is static or declining, the typical reaction is to tighten the screws by raising the threshold for meeting educational standards. However, in doing so, the unintended consequences are to mask incremental improvements in student achievement, frustrate the teachers and principals and further increase demands for more stringent standards."

Read about Senge's laws and "wicked problems" in the November 2004 School Administrator magazine. O'Callaghan is the author of Thinking Outside the Box: How Educational Leaders Can Safely Navigate the Rough Waters of Change.

Page 17: “Artful Leadership: Walking The Talk” Richard Benjamin Kennesaw State University April 15 – 17, 2005 Fit the parts together, one into the other, and build

Mental Models

Why is “because” such an important word? P 106 Philosophy for Kids

Indicators Leading Intermediate Trailing


Bernstein Model works, because……

Theory of Action (Eva Baker UCLA)

The underlying theory motivating the Artful Learning model is that the joy, discipline, and commitment required by the arts will provide a useful framework for the overall improvement of education and for individual growth

Page 18: “Artful Leadership: Walking The Talk” Richard Benjamin Kennesaw State University April 15 – 17, 2005 Fit the parts together, one into the other, and build

Philosophy For Kids (Leaders?)

Epistemology Empiricism Rationalism

Ethics Leadership, Ethics

& Character

Who is right about the only way to learn, through the senses or through reason?

Do you perceive things as they are or only as they seem to be? P 61 Appearance Reality

Page 19: “Artful Leadership: Walking The Talk” Richard Benjamin Kennesaw State University April 15 – 17, 2005 Fit the parts together, one into the other, and build
Page 20: “Artful Leadership: Walking The Talk” Richard Benjamin Kennesaw State University April 15 – 17, 2005 Fit the parts together, one into the other, and build

Leadership Development Inside Out………Outside In

Mobius August Ferdinand


The famous artist, M.C. Escher, used mathematical themes in some of his work, including a Möbius parade of ants. His flight of swans looks like it might be a Möbius Strip, but it's not. Can you see why not?

Page 21: “Artful Leadership: Walking The Talk” Richard Benjamin Kennesaw State University April 15 – 17, 2005 Fit the parts together, one into the other, and build

Philosophy for Leaders

Inquiry – Significant Question

“Is it ethical for teachers to refuse to teach in high-poverty schools?”


“Under what conditions might expert teachers be encouraged to teach in high-poverty or low-performing schools?”

Tools for considering ethical questions

Utilitarianism – Bentham Categorical Imperative - Kant Golden Rule - All Veil of Ignorance – Rawls

Tools for considering systems questions

Artful Leadership Transformational / Servant –

Greenleaf / Senge (5 Why’s) Constructivist - Lambert Professional Learning Community

/ Collaboration - DuFour& Eaker Teamwork - Maxwell

Page 22: “Artful Leadership: Walking The Talk” Richard Benjamin Kennesaw State University April 15 – 17, 2005 Fit the parts together, one into the other, and build

Constructivist Leadership

"In the race to prepare for high-stakes state assessments, students are losing out on instructional practices that foster meaningful learning."

Constructivism, as most subscribers will know, is a theory of learning "that describes the central role that learners' ever-transforming mental schemes play in their cognitive growth."

Page 23: “Artful Leadership: Walking The Talk” Richard Benjamin Kennesaw State University April 15 – 17, 2005 Fit the parts together, one into the other, and build

Inquiry Tool: Action Research Advance / Graphic Organizer Question: What might we learn from this data?Control – 8250 9th graders10 % LD

Experimental – 827510 % LD

Pre-test 49 %LD 3 %

Pre-test 48 %LD 5 %

Post Test 65 %LD 8 %

Post Test 88 %LD 70 %

10 days later = 56 % 10 days later = 82 %

20 days later = 19 % 20 days later = 65 %

Page 24: “Artful Leadership: Walking The Talk” Richard Benjamin Kennesaw State University April 15 – 17, 2005 Fit the parts together, one into the other, and build

Learning Pyramid

Page 25: “Artful Leadership: Walking The Talk” Richard Benjamin Kennesaw State University April 15 – 17, 2005 Fit the parts together, one into the other, and build

To Do

Add Master & Commander - video

Page 26: “Artful Leadership: Walking The Talk” Richard Benjamin Kennesaw State University April 15 – 17, 2005 Fit the parts together, one into the other, and build


Page 27: “Artful Leadership: Walking The Talk” Richard Benjamin Kennesaw State University April 15 – 17, 2005 Fit the parts together, one into the other, and build

School Design Book

Senge “Task is to redesign,

and re-build, the boat, or plane, while continuing the journey.”

Design Construction

Page 28: “Artful Leadership: Walking The Talk” Richard Benjamin Kennesaw State University April 15 – 17, 2005 Fit the parts together, one into the other, and build

Leadership Decisions

More than at any time in history mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness, the other to total extinction. Let us pray that we have the wisdom to choose correctly.

Woody Allen