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Art  of  Using  Xen  at  Scale  

Pradeep  Vincent  Principal  Engineer,  Amazon  Web  Services    


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•  Amazon  Web  Services  -­‐  Intro  •  Virtualiza@on  in  the  Cloud  •  Scale  Impact  on  Virtualiza@on  •  Xen  Enhancements..  •  Future  Features  –  Some  Thoughts  

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Amazon  Web  Services    

 “..delivers  a  highly  scalable  cloud  compu@ng  

plaIorm  with  high  availability  and  dependability,  and  the  flexibility  to  enable  

customers  to  build  a  wide  range  of  applica@ons.”  

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Amazon  Web  Services    •  Includes  more  than  20  Services  –  Compute  Services  

•  EC2  –  Storage  Services  

•  S3  •  EBS  

– Database  Services  –  Content  Delivery  Services  – Messaging  Services  – And  many  more..  

•  More  Details  :  

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EC2  Instance  Types  

Standard  Instances  

Micro  Instances  

High  Memory  Instances  

High  Compute  Instances  

Cluster  Compute  Instances  

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Virtualiza@on  and  Cloud  

•  Virtualiza@on  a  key  enabler  for  Cloud  Compu@ng  

•  Virtualiza@on  Provides..  – Secure  Control  Plane    – Fine  grained  resource  alloca@on  – Cloud  Specific  Business  Logic  in  Dom-­‐0    

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Virtualiza@on  in  the  Cloud  

•  Guest  OS(Kernel)  chosen  by  customer  – Large  and  ever  changing  set  

•  Aggressive  inges@on  of  Security  fixes  – Security  is  paramount  

•  Unique  Challenges  at  Scale..    


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Scale  Ma_ers..  

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Intra  Host  ‘Scaling’  Mul@-­‐tenancy  


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•  Scaling  Challenges  – Performance  Scaling:  I/O  performance  etc  – Tools  Scaling:  XM  etc  

•  Isola@on  Challenges  – Performance  Isola@on  – VM  Fault  Isola@on  

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Fault  Isola@on  

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VM-­‐level  Fault  Isola@on  

•  Failure  related  to  one  VM  isolated  from  Peer  VMs  

•  Good  Hypervisor  Level  Fault  Isola@on  in  Xen  •  End-­‐to-­‐End  Fault  Isola@on  Important  –  Including  Dom-­‐0  I/O  Stack  –  Including  Control  Plane  (e.g.  Xenwatch)  

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Consistency  of  Performance    

Performance  Isola@on    

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Performance  Scaling  

•  Cri@cal  for  Mul@-­‐tenancy  •  Par@cularly  I/O  Performance  •  Good  in  Xen  •  Deserves  con@nued  Focus..  


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I/O  Performance  


Direct  AHached  Device  Performance  Good  But..    

Loss  of  Control  and  Flexibility  Not  Great  

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Para-­‐virtualized  I/O  Performance  Important  


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Reduce  Cost  

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Hardware  Enablement  

•  Xen  Enablement  bit  ‘Slow’  for  some  hardware  

•  Faster  ‘Produc@on’  quality  enablement  in  Xen  – Help  Cloud  adopt  new  hardware  faster  


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   Upstream  Linux  IntegraOon  GREAT  !!  

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Interface  Compa@bility  

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Interface  Compa@bility  

•  Applies  to  Many  Types  of  Interfaces  – Paravirtualized  Driver  Interface    •  Blkfront  –  Blkback  •  NeIront  –  Netbk  

– Hypercall  Interface  – Control  Plane  Interface  (XM  vs  XL)  

•  Has  Been  Good  in  Xen    – Deserves  con@nued  focus  

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Serve  Spiky  Workloads  For  Less  

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Micro  instance  in  EC2  

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Micro  Instance  and  CPU  Hogs  

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Large  ‘CPU  Time’  Bucket  

10s  of    milliseconds  

Bigger  than  10s  of  millisecs  

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FUTURE  FEATURES    Some  Thoughts  on  

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Mul@-­‐@er  Scheduling  ?  

•  Lots  of  use  cases  in  the  Cloud  •  Classes  with  priori@za@on  – Beyond  ‘CPU  Pools’  – Similar  to  Linux  Scheduler  ?  – Real  Time  Scheduling/Advanced  Func@onality  

•  Preserve  exis@ng  Scheduler  Seman@cs  to  the  extent  possible  

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Dom-­‐0  Resource  Accoun@ng  

•  CPU  consumed  in  Dom-­‐0  for  each  VM  –  Isn’t  accounted  against  the  VM  per  se  – Fairness  Issues  – Priori@za@on  Issues    

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Dom-­‐0  Resource  Accoun@ng  

•  Possible  Solu@ons  – Group  Scheduling  in  Dom-­‐0  –  Par@al  Solu@on  – Xen  and  Dom-­‐0  Scheduler  Coopera@on  ??  •  Hypervisor  –  Dom-­‐0  Interface  Blurred..  

– Something  else  ??  

•  Scheduler  deals  with  Threads..  – One  Thread  serving  Mul@ple  VMs  not  great  –  ‘Thread  Aligned’  VM  Resource  Consump@on  Good  

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Key  Takeaways  

•  Virtualiza@on  Key  For  Cloud  •  End-­‐to-­‐End  Fault  Isola@on  Important  •  Performance  Isola@on  And  Performance  Consistency  Important  

•  Para-­‐virtualized  I/O  Performance  Important  •  Faster  ‘Produc@on’  Quality  Hardware  Enablement    

•  Interface  Compa@bility  Cri@cal  

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We  are  Hiring  !  

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We  are  Hiring  !  

We  are  Hiring  !  

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We  are  Hiring  !  

We  are  Hiring  !  

We  are  Hiring  !  We  are  Hirin

g  !  

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•  EMAIL:  [email protected]  

