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Hoppers Crossing resident Khurram Khan has yet another accolade to add to his already extensive resume, after being named Wyndham’s Young Achiever of the Year at a ceremony late last month.

The 20 year old, who arrived in Wyndham from Pakistan only two years ago, was recognised with a Mayoral Youth Award in the Community Service, Volunteering and Leadership category in 2014 for

his work volunteering in the Sudanese Community, tutoring science students, at Hoppers Crossing Rotary Club, Amnesty International and St Vincent De Paul in Werribee.

The award is in addition to the Victorian Premier’s New Resident Volunteer of the Year Award, which Khurram received late last year.


Issue 28, June 2015


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Advertising enquiries: Daniel 0408 659 940

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FROM THE EDITORWhat an outstanding collection of articles we have in the paper this month!

Right at this point when I am in the midst of finalising the articles it never ceases to astonish me just how talented and dedicated our volunteer writers are.

I often find myself wanting to thank specific writers and end up doing a general thanks, because I think well the rest of them may get offended.

I think that sending them a big public thank you is important. So may I raise my glass to Melissa Longo, Kyla-Jayne Rajah, Melissa Haber, Helene Wild, Mimi Laurilla. Frank O’Shea, Deborah Drew, Greg Milne and a big welcome back to Jenny Bates who has had a break for a few months. My partner Petronella Boonen, who has been there from the very start having edited the Around Altona for over six years and contributed articles for the duration of the paper's existence. We also have Bailey, Brandon, Asher, Devika, Candice, Mikki, Mellad, Fabienne, Eric, Cynthia, Nicole, Kristy, and thank you to every other contributor, of which there are many!

A big thank you also to our supporters and advertisers, without you we have no paper to actually deliver. Please consider your ongoing support to ensure that excellent community papers such as this, remain around to give voice to our local community.

And another big thankyou to a person who is often out of the spotlight, but does everything to get this paper hitting the street every month, a very thankless task! Will, on behalf of everyone enjoying this paper, you are doing a great job mate!

Lastly to Bill, the papers creator, inventor, investor, my inspiration and mentor. A big thankyou, for both the papers and your ongoing friendship.

Please enjoy the paper this month everyone.

Until next time,

Daniel Allen

PUDDLING WITH THE PUBLISHEROnce again the end of the financial year rolls around only this year there’s a difference!

If I read Joe Hockey right, small businesses can spend $20,000 in June for something that helps them get more business and this will be 100% fully tax deductible. So in a couple of months those that take advantage of the offer can get some of their money back – yes, some of their money back! And use some to pay for all their advertising for a year and yet get it at a big discount!

You would want to check the Budget papers or check with your accountant or ring the Tax office even to make sure that it’s true but listening to Joe it sounds like if the $20,000 is used to stimulate sales and if it fits the package, you’ll reap the benefits. As I read it, it seems that stimulating our sluggish economy is the

real target and I guess it all starts with advertising the product. I’ve often heard ‘Nothing happens until somebody sells something’ so perhaps community papers may reap the wind this year.

Remember you’ve got to spend it in June!! A chance like this may never happen again. Don’t forget to tell your sales force.

I think you know by now I like dreaming.

Happier New Financial Year!

Bill McPherson

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Will 0449 834 359 [email protected]

Daniel 0408 659 940 [email protected]

Louise 0403 191 084

Chaffey Ward Councillor and Youth Portfolio Holder Marie Brittan attended the ceremony where seventy young volunteers were awarded with certificates.

“Wyndham is extremely fortunate to be home to so many outstanding young people who volunteer their time across a number of causes and organisations to make Wyndham a better place,” Cr Brittan said.

“Almost 20 per cent of Wyndham’s population is aged between 13 and 24 and it’s so pleasing to see that part of our community so well represented.”

“Khurram really demonstrates what our young people are capable of, regardless of their circumstances.

Before leaving Pakistan for Australia about two years ago, he volunteered at a school for children with additional needs and was president of the Outreach Society where he helped set up eight projects, including a scholarship program which still runs today.

This year he was selected as a student representative for the departments of genetics, mathematics and statistics and is currently assistant chair at the Australian World Health Organisation conference.

“When he’s not volunteering or tutoring young people, Khurram is studying Biomedicine at Melbourne University.

He aims to complete a Doctor of Medicine degree specialising in immunology, and to enter the rural health sector and join missions to third world countries, which will ensure he continues making a difference for many years to come.”

“I would like to congratulate Khurram on this outstanding achievement and wish him luck in his future endeavours.

I would also like to congratulate and acknowledge the exceptional contribution of all finalists in this Award as well as the seventy young volunteers who also received awards on the night.”

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The Australian bush after rain gives so much more than the heightened aroma of eucalypts, it displays a visual delight of colours.

While Mount Baw Baw may be well known for its Alpine Resort, with its proximity to Melbourne, (being the closest downhill ski resort), it is also a perfect example of our wondrous Australian native bush. While gum trees don’t go through the colourful autumn changes that leave their deciduous cousins leaveless, their colours can be just as spectacular.

The Mountain Ash (world’s tallest flowering tree) with their lack of branches right up to their crowns, create a world of mystery as the mists settles low through layers of these trees.

The best way to appreciate this natural masterpiece is by walking through it.

Luckily there are walking tracks in the Baw Baw National Park to suit all shape and sizes.

The Beech Gully track is a mere 400 metres, the Mushroom Rocks walk is 3k’s, (leading to a maze of giant granites tors), while the Mt St Gwinear Track is 6k’s, and travels through heathland and majestic, gnarled snow gums. As the skies chose to, on this day in May, toss down ice, with a flurry of snow, the bush transformed into something even more magical. We were soon admiring ice shrubs, logs with an icing sugar coating, and flowers, whose life cycle was coming to an end, were experiencing one last spell of beauty, as a sprinkling of white snow nestled amongst their petals. Walkers have been spoilt by the beauty of the Baw Baws since a track from Warburton to Walhalla was officially opened in 1907, and it quickly became one of the most popular in Victoria for both walkers and horse riders, it’s very easy to see why.

Baw Baw National Park, two hours from Melbourne, tracks to walk, gum trees to hug, what more could you ask for?

Check our more photographs at:

Jenny Bates

photos: Jenny Bates

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There’s an illustration that resonates with me in Paws for Thought, a book created by local writer and illustrator, Bev Aisbett. It’s a cartoon of a cockatoo with an injured beak, and the words: “Try silence, it’s full of information”.

The constant buzz of a busy schedule is common to us all - family, work, home, community, transport, paper and digital calendars, appointments, ‘information overload’, news headlines and somewhere in there, permission to rest.

I recently came across the Mindful in May online mindfulness meditation challenge on Facebook. Having practiced meditation in one form or another over the years, I thought the Challenge might settle down some of the ‘noisiness’ and motivate a habit to form.

The Mindful in May website explains that regular practice of mindfulness can lead to ‘structural changes in the brain associated with enhanced mental performance, reduced stress and its negative impact on the body and mind, improved physical and mental well being, reduced genetic ageing (through it’s protective impact on gene expression and degeneration), increased happiness and enhanced immune function’.

Research in schools is also forming similar results. A 2012 study of the experience of 522 students, aged 12-16 across 12 secondary schools in the United Kingdom, concluded the students reported better well-being and fewer depressive symptoms.

Closer to home, Mount St Joseph Girls’ College introduced a daily ‘two mindful minutes of silence and stillness’, because, as the school describes it, ‘in a world of increasing speed and time pressure, the benefits of stillness and contemplation to our health, learning focus and wellbeing are increasingly vital.”

My daughter Mia said the school has practiced mindfulness since the beginning of the year.

"We receive a warning three minutes before twelve,” she said. “At twelve we practice mindfulness for two minutes. Most of us put our heads on our desks and try and concentrate on our breathing. We try to sit in silence - sometimes there are giggles but most people are comfortable and accept it now as a way of life."

Dariush Friend, robotics engineer and father of two, explored the possibilities of mindfulness some years ago after visiting a hypnotist to tackle depression.

“I was always worried about what would happen if I lost my job – anxious about the past and the future. You can’t sleep.”

"We did some meditation that he described as mindfulness and suggested I take up something similar that suits me," he said.

Around four years later, his brother who had visited a Vipassana centre in India, recommended Dariush give it a try. The meditation technique originated over 2,500 years ago with centres all over the globe offering courses in the form of retreats free from distraction.

Dariush noticed the experience had changed his brother's life; he'd given up smoking and seemed happy.

“In 2003, I enrolled in a ten day course at Vipassana Centre in Woori Yallock. There is no conversion or religion. You get up before sunrise and go to bed at sunset. You eat two meals a day at sunrise and 11 am. You don’t talk unless you have a question – you can ask questions after sessions and at the end of the day there is a discussion.”

With each day there were new instructions and people around to assist you. Dariush said he found his body ‘jumping’ on the third or fourth day, as his mind settled into a state where it reveals things to you, and you start to remember things from the past and face those memories with a clearer mind.

“You remember and then you let go,” he said.

"In the early days, there are a lot of distractions – back pain, an itchy nose. You must observe the pain and not react to it. Stay calm and allow it to pass – that’s the power. It’s observation time and your mind gets uncomfortable as you pass through what’s bothering you. You think, ‘why don’t I just get up and go’.

By day seven or eight, Dariush could completely ‘switch off’ for a few seconds and he describes the experience as bliss.

“I got rid of all the layers, issues with my Dad… something I didn’t even know in my normal consciousness but it affects you in your actions.”

As a result of daily meditation, Dariush said he has a better awareness of life in general and conflicts don’t affect him in the same way that they would have before.

“These days I do a shorter version of it,” he added. “about ten minutes a day at least.”

I am now three weeks into the Mindful in May challenge and I’m feeling more clarity in my experiences of the day. As MIM Founder Dr Bailyew describes it, “practising mindfulness of thoughts enables us to observe thoughts rather than be completely pulled into their story line.”

Mindful in May is a Melbourne based project with a global vision. The Challenge also raises funds for clean water wells in developing countries around the world. So far, the initiative has raised $259,119.90. While registrations for Mindful in May are now closed, you can visit the site for plenty of inspiration at or look them up on Facebook.

- Petronella Boonen

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HARRISON WARD COUNCILLOR NEWS REPORTA strong advocacy campaign by the “Get Wyndham Moving” committee, our resident supporters and the Harrison ward councillors has finally paid off with the announcement by the State Government to allocate $3.75 million from this year's budget for the creation of a lane for buses and multi-occupancy vehicles on Palmers Road northbound between Dunning's Road and Skeleton Creek. This project will allow a rapid transit lane to be introduced for buses and cars with 2 or more passengers. The transit lane will be in operation on weekdays from 6.30 to 9.00am and will include indented bays for bus stops.

The project will provide relief for Point Cook residents who experience heavy traffic congestion on satellite roads entering and leaving Point Cook at peak times. Funding for this project will include a $3 million allocation from Wyndham City Council. Furthermore, the “Get Wyndham Moving” campaign will commit $100,000 to address the need for a safe pedestrian access from Point Cook to Williams Landing railway station.

The Harrison ward councillors were also delighted to receive advice that the State government would be setting aside some $2 million to improve the intersection of Leakes and Palmers Roads. An extra $200,000 would be provided by the “Get Wyndham Moving” campaign. This project will provide for much safer travel for Tarneit and Truganina residents by providing an extra lane on the eastern and western approaches to the intersection along Leakes Road. These works will result in an improved traffic flow. This project is due to be completed by early 2016.

The construction of the $44 million Sneydes Road bridge across the Princes Freeway is now well underway with major work being undertaken on the access roads and the commencement of the bridge. This intersection will be a full diamond with entry and exit points to both Melbourne and Geelong. This major project is due for completion in early 2016.

However despite these successes we need to continue our advocacy for the much needed duplication of a number of overcrowded satellite roads including sections of Sayers, Leakes, Derrimut, Point Cook, Ballan and Palmers Roads. You can assist by locating and completing some form letters on the council website

The Wyndham City Council is asking all residents to share their story with us as part of the 2040 Wyndham project. For this project residents are encouraged to offer suggestions on how we can continue to make Wyndham a great place to work, play and learn in the coming years. In particular we are asking for comments on what council can do over the next 4 years. See our website on

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wyndham2040 for more information and how you can get involved or even just to discover our stories

Remember to keep up to date with all of the latest Wyndham events, The Wyndham Events app is available free from iTunes store – and for myWyndham live go to: Information for other events is available on our website which has a What’s On Calendar for attractions and events in Wyndham and its surrounds.

For further details contact:

Cr Bob Fairclough Email: [email protected]

Cr Glenn Goodfellow Email: [email protected]

Cr Adele Hegedich Email: [email protected]

Cr Intaj Khan Email: [email protected]

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DOMESTIC VIOLENCEThe topic of domestic violence has dominated the headlines over the past month and for good reason, the statistics really are shocking. 24 Australian women have lost their lives this year alone to either a current or former partner; this is more than one woman a week. 1 in 3 Australian women have experienced some form of physical violence since the age of 15, with 62% happening in their own home and over half have their children in their care at the time of the violence.

Some of the most confronting statistics come from those women seeking help, last year more than 18,500 phone calls for help to 1800 RESPECT went unanswered and each night homeless shelters are turning away more than 400 people including women fleeing violence.

At the time of writing this article Prime Minister Tony Abbott announced new GPS ankle bracelets will be considered by the state and federal government to monitor domestic violence repeat offenders. The Federal Government also confirmed $4 million dollars

of funding to the 1800 RESPECT hotline.

But what can we do? What can you or I do to stamp out domestic violence in our community. Over half those effected from domestic violence never contact police and 24% never seek advice or support.

If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence please seek support, do not try to handle the situation yourself. Domestic violence is not always physical it can also be emotional, sexual, financial or social abuse. Do not feel you are alone; there are many organisations in Victoria to help victims of domestic violence. There is also plenty of support material for those concerned about a friend or relative. It is important to remember that if there is an immediate physical danger, do no hesitate to contact police on 000.

For further information please visit

Kristy Clucas

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Keeping warm in winter is difficult at the best of times; keeping warm in winter on the streets of Melbourne is a near impossible task. That is the challenge currently faced by over 6000 homeless young people struggling to survive on any given night.

Hoping to raise some much-needed funds for this worthy cause are Wyndham locals, Alexandra, Jess, Nikki and Adrian. They will participate in Melbourne

City Mission’s, Sleep at the ‘G on Thursday May 21st. The event is in its third year and allows over 1500 people to experience what it is like to attempt sleep with nothing more than a cardboard mattress.

Point Cook resident, Alexandra is 21 and understandably disturbed by the thought of people her age and younger having no place to call home, “Due to unforeseen circumstances youths end up on the streets or couch surfing, it’s a problem everywhere . . . what if it was your best friend or sibling? We wanted to do this to make a change, and to show these kids that people do care and want to help them."

Hoping to raise $600, the Snuggle Buddies are happy to rough it for a good cause, but need help to make a real difference. Looking out for each other is the most important thing that we can do as human beings.

If you wish to donate head to:

Melissa Longo.

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UPDATE FROM CARRANBALLAC COLLEGEThe Soundhouse Singers from Jamieson Way School, Carranballac College entertained students and families at their weekly Monday morning assembly this week.

Carranballac College Rock Band, Minor Sensation, performed to a huge crowd in their Performing Arts Centre on Friday 8th May. This group performs at many local and regional events throughout the

year including the highlight act at the annual Kids Teaching Kids dinner at Etihad stadium.

Carranballac College hosted the Songmakers program last week. Two industry musicians, Rai Thistlethwayte (Thirsty Merc) and producer Grant Windsor worked with the PCSS year 11, Cert III Music students for this two-day workshop. Students spent the first day writing originals compositions then refined and recorded these on day two.

JW Swingers

Minor Sensation

Student Nadia Burke and mentor Rai Thistlethwayte

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Each year the Wyndham Relay for Life gets bigger and better. The overall feeling of hope and camaraderie generated by the ever-growing number of participants is truly inspirational to be a part of. The 2015 event in April looked set to top all previous efforts when it was unfortunately called off due to

dangerous weather conditions.

A solemn feeling settled over the track as people packed up and headed home, but Mother Nature could not break the spirits of this community. Organizers promised to regroup and finish what was started and on Saturday May 16th that promise was kept.

The Werribee Italian Social Club played host to hundreds of people who turned out to honour their loved ones in the always-moving Candle-lighting Ceremony. The paper bag lanterns that would normally line the track at the VU athletic field filled the space with a warm glow, serving as a powerful reminder that cancer touches far too many lives.

Tears were shed, as always, as we remembered why we Relay. $311,000 was raised from this year’s incomplete event, which just goes to show just how much can be achieved in the name of Hope – hope that one day we can live in a world free of cancer.

Melissa Longo

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The Altona Beach Film Festival is a short film competition.

The competition, the first of it’s kind in Hobsons Bay, is a short film competition.

Films can be shorter, but, no longer than 7 minutes and incorporate the theme of “Flight”

Films can be entered in categories, under 13 years old, under 21 years old and over 21 years old.

Winning entries will receive; monetary prizes, an Alpel Trophy and a certificate of achievement.

A certificate that will indicate the first award recipients of the perpetual Altona Beach Film Festival.

Film entries are open now.

More information and Film competition entries can be submitted via our web site.

Entries close July 30th 2015.

We all watch films, we all have a favourite film.

We all film on our phones, iPads, camera’s and drones.

So... Everyone and anyone can make a film.

“Flight” is open to your creative interpretation.

The Altona Beach Film Festival would love to see your entry.

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Meet Archie. He’s a Pomeranian / Shih Tzu cross who is happiest when he’s roaming free in local off-leash areas.

Those of us with dogs know that, like kids, our furry friends need to get out to socialize, play, and experience new sights and sounds – or they get anxious and act up.

RSPCA estimates there are 19 dogs for every 100 people (Nov 2014). Imagine how one-fifth of the total population would feel confined within the same space every day!

What makes a good off-leash area?

Research by The University of Adelaide (July 2013) identified that the best dog parks are large, have seats, shelter, plenty of parking, and a suitable surface for dogs to run.

Archie’s favourite spot is Altona Beach. “It’s the best, especially when the tide is out because you can go for miles and he just loves running in and out of water and across the sand,” explains Archie’s owner, April Williams.

“Lots of exciting stimulation going on and most of the time there are lots of nice, well-behaved dogs they can interact with.”

Can I really let my dogs go?

Although dogs are free to roam, they – and their owners – need to be considerate of others enjoying the same freedom in off-leash areas.

A few tips to avoid on the spot fines: Keep dogs on leashes outside leash-free zones; keep an eye on your wandering dog; and pick up after your dog!

3 local leash-free areas

• Altona beach (between Romawi and Mount Streets)

• Werribee South beach (eastern side of the marina to the start of Cunninghams Road)

• Presidents park (in Werribee - east of the Obedience pavilion).

Visit the Hobsons Bay and Wyndham council websites for more locations and guidelines.

Life is short. Play with your dog.

Cynthia Marinakos

Archie Source: April Williams

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THIS MONTH IN 1927The main reason I love looking through old newspapers is to see just how much has changed over the years.

The articles below from 1927 prove just how much has changed. What would be the most serious offence in 2015, choosing from - (1) driving at 48kph down Watton Street, (2) threatening a policeman, or (3) having an unregistered pistol?


Thursday 2nd June 1927


Monday next, June 6 (King's Birthday.) will be observed as a public holiday. At Werribee the banks, municipal offices, and all business establishments will be closed. The post office will be open for the transaction of ordinary business from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.

The morning delivery of mails will be effected. For the convenience of local residents who spend the day in the metropolis the railway authorities have arranged for passengers for Werribee to travel on the 11.30 p.m. Spencer Street-Geelong train on Monday.


At the Werribee police court on Monday, before Mr. Clarke, Presiding Magistrate, and councillors Gavin and Comben, Justices of the Peace, Clarence M. Foss,

of Rutland Court, St. Kilda Road, Melbourne, manager of General Motors (Australia) Ltd., was fined £5 and had his licence suspended for two months, for having driven a motor car on the Melbourne-Geelong Road in a dangerous manner. Constable A. S. McDonald, of the police road patrol, said he followed Foss's car by motor cycle. McDonald's cycle registered up to 48 miles an hour on the open road and 30 miles an hour (48 kph) through Watton Street, Werribee. Foss pleaded not guilty. He said his speed on the open road would be between 40 and 43 miles an hour, and from 20 to 30 miles an hour through Werribee. He had been driving for over 20 years and had never been convicted This was a re-hearing of the case heard last February when Foss was fined £5 and had his license suspended for three months.

For having used threatening words to a constable, Michael Dillon, farm hand, of Werribee, was fined £1, and for having an unregistered pistol in his possession he was fined £1.

Greg Milne

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In a world absolutely obsessed with self-image, the health and beauty industry is thriving, but with so many options and so much conflicting information about what we need to look and feel good, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and confused.

Altona locals, Joanna Glazebrook and Gilda Incigneri are keen to simplify things with their 100% natural skin care range, The Raw Philosophy.

With Joanna’s vast experience in the beauty industry and Gilda’s natural aptitude for business and marketing their partnership is thriving. A strong work ethic and a willingness to invest in their dreams have seen these young women take their products

far and wide with one humble goal in mind, “to help people feel good about themselves!”

Joanna, having dealt with skin issues as a teen, has always been fascinated by skin - “Being in the beauty industry for my whole working career, I’ve used many different brands and often been disappointed. Making my own skincare range has always been a dream of mine, so I finally put it into practice!”

After a year of experiments with recipes and formulas, the Coconut & Lime Sugar Scrub was born, and with it, The Raw Philosophy.

The company’s mission statement is a basic one: 100% Pure, Safe and Honest. The women know exactly what goes into most of the products in the marketplace today and it frightens them, “Our philosophy is simple … why would we apply chemicals to our skin that we wouldn’t feel right about ingesting?”

Their range of products has expanded considerably, with body whips, lip butters and the fabulous Miracle Oil all made free from synthetic preservatives and chemicals that cause harm and toxicity in the body.

Hoping to share the knowledge they have and to create an easy and affordable way for people to employ a quality skin care regime, Joanna and Gilda are working towards one day opening up their own store.

Until then their full range is available through their website,

Melissa Longo

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Flick Chic Reviews

MAD MAX: FURY ROADThe original Mad Max was released over 35 years ago; I have never seen it, but am familiar with its premise and popularity.

The movie made Mel Gibson a star and put Australian cinema on the map.

Once again, after many years of production, George Miller has revisited his dystopian universe with his latest effort, Mad Max: Fury Road.

A reboot, rather than a remake, Fury Road is a visual feast.

Filmed on location in Namibia, the sweeping sand-scapes serve to highlight the harshness of this new world, where water is everything and greenery is a dream worth dying for.

Tom Hardy plays Max as intensely and aggressively as he can, whilst still managing to keep the audience firmly on his side.

Charlize Theron matches his intensity blow for blow and quite rightly commands attention.

This film is disturbing and beautiful at the same time.

With action at every turn, the film is relentless. The stunts are 80% real, with CGI being used as sparingly as possible.

This production is second to none and the reward for not looking away is well worth the effort.

Melissa Longo

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Laugh Out Loud

1. Johnny 's mother had three children. The first child was named April The second child was named May. What was the third child 's name?

Answer: Johnny of course

2. There is a clerk at the butcher shop, he is five feet ten inches tall, and he wears size 13 sneakers. What does he weigh?

Answer: Meat.

3. Before Mt. Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain in the world?

Answer: Mt. Everest; it just wasn 't discovered yet.

...You're not very good at this, are you?

A woman walks into the Centrelink office, trailed by 15 kids...

'WOW,' the social worker exclaims, 'Are they ALL yours?

'Yeah they are all mine,' the flustered mother sighs, having heard that question a thousand times before.

She says, 'Sit down Terry.' All the children rush to find seats.

'Well,' says the social worker, 'then you must be here to sign up. I'll need all your children's names.'

'This one's my oldest - he is Terry.'

'OK, and who's next?'

'Well, this one he is Terry, also.'

The social worker raises an eyebrow but continues. One by one, through the oldest four, all boys, all named Terry.

Then she is introduced to the eldest girl, named Terri.

'All right,' says the caseworker. 'I'm seeing a pattern here. Are they ALL named Terri?'

Their Mother replied, 'Well, yes - it makes it easier. When it is time to get them out of bed and ready for school, I yell, 'Terry!' An' when it's time for dinner, I just yell 'Terry!' an' they all come runnin.' An' if I need to stop the kid who's running into the street, I just yell 'Terry' and all of them stop. It's the smartest idea I ever had, namin' them all Terry.'

The social worker thinks this over for a bit, then wrinkles her forehead and says tentatively, 'But what if you just want ONE kid to come, and not the whole bunch?

'I call them by their surnames!'

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BLUEYI had written him by snail-mail

At his last recorded address,But to reach him my letter did fail;

So I sent him an Ess Em Ess.

A reply came almost at once;And it was most articulate,

For Bluey, my mate, is no dunce:I am, said he, a victim of Fate.

I’ll send you, for sure, an E MailExplaining the facts of the case.I’m presently banged up in jail,But I’ll soon be out of this place.

His message arrived as expected,(Cyberspace being faster than rail),

The tone of it quite dejected,In recounting his sorry tale.

I am charged with robbing a bankIn this one-horse town Innisfail;

But it wasn’t me; ‘twas some Yank:The old Beak here won’t grant me bail.

I have for this my good looks to thank:‘Twas mistaken identity.

As it happens, that Septic TankIs a handsome redhead like me.

But I’ll get out of this calaboose:All I need is a file and a nail.

Once I am free, I shall cut loose;Then we’ll meet somewhere for an ale.

My old Mum has sent me a cake,Of which I’ll partake tomorrow.

Then out of this tin can I’ll break,And depart this place of sorrow.

They’ll all see how fast I can run;For South America I’ll set sail:

Heading towards the rising Sun,I’ll leave behind a very cold trail.

But I know Bluey; I know him well:He’s a rogue, but a funny bloke.

Next morning I answered my doorbell:There he stood laughing at his joke.

By Jack Nystrom, 2.6.14

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Hoppers Xing kids

Calling on Hoppers Crossing Schools and Parents to share photos, art, stories, writing for this page.Email your contributions to [email protected] or post to the PO Box 1145 Altona Meadows 3028

Hi Kids

I hope you did something extra special for your Mum or Motherly Guardian this Mothers Day.

DID YOU KNOW: Mothers were first honoured by the ancient civilisations of the Romans and Greeks. Both cultures presented gifts and flowers to their Mother of the gods at an annual spring carnival.

And what about the Early Christians? They honoured the Virgin Mary on the fourth Sunday of Lent. Then in the 1600s this festival extended to honour the mothers of England and was given the title, Mothering Sunday. On this day servant children were given a day off to return home and spend it with their Mothers. They often took with them a fruit cake, or mothering cake, as it was called.

Ever heard of Julia Ward Howe or Anna Jarvis? They were two American women who separately

championed for Mothers Day to be officially recognised. Several years after the initial thought and after much lobbying and lettering writing to political leaders, their efforts finally paid off. In 1914, the second Sunday in May was designated as Mothers Day by the President of the U.S.A.

And Nowadays? Well, Mothers Day is celebrated across 46 countries. In some countries special TV programmes are aired and the Government organise national celebrations. In other countries, children simply thank their mum with homemade cards and breakfast in bed.

What did you get up to on Mothers Day? Write in and tell us.

KJ Rajah :)

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