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  • Argumentative Introductions and Conclusions
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  • Introduction & Conclusion Do you believe students should wear school uniforms? Uniform policies are beneficial in schools, and should be implemented nationwide. If students wore uniforms, there would be less bullying, students would focus on learning, and families would save money. All students should wear uniforms. In conclusion, over 95% of parents surveyed were in agreement with a school wide uniform policy. Uniform policies are beneficial in schools, and should be implemented nationwide. Its time our schools focus on learning rather than apparel. In addition, families would save money. Its time our nation got back to reading, writing, and arithmeticnot Vans, skinny jeans, and Hollister.
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  • Conclusion: Identify the claim, 2 reasons, and concluding sentence in the following paragraph. The final bell rings. Its the last day of school, and summer has finally come! Students dont have to think about school for at least another 2 1/2 months. That is the way it should always be. Schools should continue using the traditional calendar and not a year-round schedule. It has no positive effects on education, it adds to costs, and it disrupts the long-awaited summer vacation. There are numerous downsides to year-round schooling. It is evident that year-round schooling is not the best option for the school calendar. Year-round schooling requires too much money and it limits a childs time to relax. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the traditional school year. Why change something that works so well? The final bell rings. Lets make sure this bell means that the real summer vacation has come.
