Page 1: ArganLife Hair Loss Treatment For Men And Women


Hair loss is common in both men and women

... Hair loss can happen as a result of illness, anemia, exposure to certain chemicals, medications, physical and emotional stress or childbirth

... Hair needs oxygen to grow and excessive hair thinning may be due to poor circulation (lack of oxygen) to the affected area

... Pattern baldness accounts for 95% of all hair loss in men and women

... Hair loss can be managed if it is recognized before the hair follicle disappears

HAIR LOSS & THINNING Once you understand the cause of hair loss and thinning, you can manage this condition. ARGANLife Anti-hair Loss Shampoo has studied the scientific causes of hair loss and thinning and developed a herbal system that manages the underlying causes and their symptoms.

Page 2: ArganLife Hair Loss Treatment For Men And Women


Hair loss can happen as a result of many things: illness, anemia, medications, physical and emotional stress or childbirth. Even exposure to certain chemicals including those used to dye and relax hair can cause thinning.

ALOPECIA AREATA An auto-immune disorder of the hair, initially appearing as a rounded bare patch. Alopecia Areata affects both men and women equally and is often experienced first in childhood.

TRACTION ALOPECIA Is usually caused by excessive pulling due to various types of hairstyling; (Ponytails, buns, braiding and cornrows). If this type of stress continues for an excessively long period of time then the hair loss may become permanent.

Page 3: ArganLife Hair Loss Treatment For Men And Women

TELOGEN EFFLUVIUM Is the sudden hair loss, which occurs as a result of chemicals or radiation, such as the hair loss that results during certain types of Chemotherapy or Radiation Treatments. (To prevent skin sensitivities, please wait eight weeks after final treatment before use of the ORS system)

ANDROGENETIC ALOPECIA Pattern baldness is often a misunderstood condition; it simply means that you have a genetic pre-disposition to hair loss, creating a conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT the affects circulation to the follicle, slowing cell metabolism, while denying oxygen-rich blood needed for growth. If left untreated, the follicle will be choked by the DHT and eventually disappear.

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Androgenic Alopecia accounts for 95% of all hair loss in men and women; however, men experience a much greater degree of loss. This form of hair loss begins slowly and affects men in their early 20's. It usually starts with a receding hairline, which then advances to the top of the head.

Although women have significantly lower DHT levels, their hair loss is gradual, normally occurring over most of the scalp as a result of hormonal imbalances. This process frequently begins during the late 30's / early 40's or the onset of menopause.

HAIR NEEDS OXYGEN TO GROW Poor circulation, lack of stimulation, adverse scalp conditions and clogged follicles can all result in less oxygen to the hair follicle. Scientists have found that people with stunted hair growth have up to 38% less oxygen at the hair's root.

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IF YOU HAVE A FOLLICLE, YOU CAN MANAGE YOUR HAIR LOSS You can manage the effects of hair loss and thinning if you recognize the problem early, before your follicle disappears. How? By increasing the circulation and oxygen supply to your hair that was adversely affected by the hormone DHT and other growth-stunting conditions. The follicle must be healthy and functioning to effectively promote healthy hair growth. Like all battles against nature, you have to fight early and consistently with the right tools.

Using natural products to help prevent hair loss is cheaper than trying to replace lost hair once it's already gone. ArganLife can be a fast way to help stop thinning hair, can help stop baldness, and help promote hair growth. Creating a healthy environment on the scalp is key to having thick, full hair growth.
