
Are you there, God?

It’s me, Katniss.

Beth Maddigan [email protected]

Are you hiding a YA Novel behind

that Pulitzer prize winner?

The writing on the wall:

YA moves to the A Stage

New genre – New Adult Canada Reads

So, what’s the problem?

Journalist Ruth Graham voiced an opinion held by some in her article in The Slate entitled “Against YA”. In it she implores, “Fellow grown-ups, at the risk of sounding snobbish and joyless and old, we are better than this.”

Reading Research

Ross, C. (1997). Reading the covers off Nancy Drew: What readers say about series books. Emergency Librarian, 24(5), 19.

Paris, S. G. (2005). Reinterpreting the development of reading skills. Reading Research Quarterly, 40(2), 184-202.

Looking for suggestions?

YA Literature blogger Lisa Parkin has predicted 4 trends for YA literature in 2015:Crimes & cons, retellings, quirky & moving novels, & dealing with loss


Who Am I?

Fred L. Worth

Worth wrote Super Trivia and other trivia books in the 1970s and inserted a single false fact to protect himself from copyright infringement.

Chris Haney & Scott Abbott

These two gentleman from Quebec designed the game Trivial Pursuit and used Mr. Worth’s books “for reference”.

Copyright &Cartography

To protect against forgeries & fakes, map makers use red herrings, fictions & “paper towns”.


Myrna Mountweazel (the dog) refrences Lillian Virginia Mountweazel from the 1975 New Columbia Encyclopedia
