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Are Critics good for us

By: Juan Felipe GonzalezAnd

David Gil

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Introduction:How can social judgement affect peoples health?Have you asked your self how beautiful you are?, well, the 68% of the people in south america are with you. Have you asked yourself if you have a good health?, well, only 46% of the people in south america are with you. If you find it curious just look this presentation to know why this happen.

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WHAT ARE?A critic is a comment made by someone that is directed to some one else, some times they have a good purpose and want that the other person inprove in a certain way, but other times the comment have bad intentions and want to damage the other person.

TYPES OF CRITICS:Professional: founded in the work and are the most hated.Constructive: are the most accepted and are the ones that have a good purpose.Personal: could be offensive, fine, or neutral and are opinions from a person to another.Self-critic: are thinkings that want to reflect about our aspects.

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Health:Everybody knows what is health, but not every body knows what is the relation between health, beauty and critics. If we think, all this concepts are very related (especialy health and beauty). If you are a very beautiful person but your mental health is worst, you will not get friends but if you are horrible but you are a good person maybe you will not get a girlfriend or a boyfriend but you will have many friends.

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The beauty is the counterpart of the health, without one the other will not be the same.The concept of beauty is very extensive and it have a lot to talk, but if we have to talk about only one thing will be the fashion industry, literally there are people that are rich and famous only because he create a dress that a famous model, that industry is very polemic.

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Answering the question:Are citics goood for us?I think that it depend in the person that send the critic and the way in which the other person recieve the critic, i think that there are more probability that the critic have a bad purpose than the critic have good purpose, and i am right because arround the world the 58% of the critics had bad purpose, and a big percent of those one are in the internet and in the fashion industry, and the other 42% are critics with a good purpose, maybe that good critics are in the personal, constructive and auto critic. If we have to answer the question i think that yes, because they can show us in what we are falling and in what we have to improve, but also to do that we have to descartar the bad critics

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Conclusion:Having into account all what we have seen (the 3 concepts) they are related in many ways, as we say before with out the beauty, the health is not the same, because many people want to be cute but if they are not, thy begin to make any thing to became into that, as you now there are not a method that is 100% effective, so when you notice that this didn´t work he or she will desesperate itself. By other side you can be beautiful but if your mental health is worst you wil ard off the people you like.To conclude be balance in those aspects to have a good life