
Arctic Web Maps and PolarMap.js Dr. Steve Liang and James Badger GeoSensorWeb Lab University of Calgary Where are wildfire? What was wrong with the map? Area distorted (density is wrong) distance exaggerated leads to poor decision making Web Mercator Projection served 80% of world population well however, there are still people living in high latitude regionssuch as CanadiansScandinaviansRussians polar bears. served 80% of world population well however, there are still people living in high latitude regionssuch as CanadiansScandinaviansRussians polar bears. Why there are still many organizations using Web Mercator-based maps? Web Mercator-based systems provide great User (Developer) Experiences!! many easy to use APIs/SDKs, such as BingMaps, OpenStreetMaps, GoogleMaps, Leaflet, OpenLayers 3, etc. many tiles available with minimum response time data available across pan-arctic regions Arctic Web Maps Based on OpenStreetMap data Using OpenStreetMap stacks Sync with OSM (cover pan- Arctic regions) pre-rendered to Level 10 after Level 10, rendered on the fly Rotating the map is basically changing to a new projection system Available Projections Currently available in six different Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area (LAEA) projections. EPSG:3571 EPSG:3572 EPSG:3573 EPSG:3574 EPSG:3575 EPSG:3576 We plan to organize mapping parties in northern communities Client: PolarMap.js A Leaflet Plugin PolarMap.js is easy to use Questions? Contacts Dr. Steve Laing: James Badger: