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Page 1: Arab uprising

Presented By:Asmit [email protected]/ashmit kunwar

Group IIPresenting

Page 2: Arab uprising

What Is Arab?

What Arab Spring Is?

Arab League

Nation Arab

Language spoken Nation

The Arab spring/Uprising is a term given to Revolutionary wave of riots, protests and civil wars, that is taking place in the Arab world which begun in December, 2010.

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& Economic Freedom

Regime Change

&Free Election


&Human Right

Page 4: Arab uprising


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Arab Uprising

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December 17th 2010, Tunisia - The Start of Uprising

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Yemen15th Jan, 2011

Egypt25th Jan, 2011

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Protest Camp

Silent Protest

Urban Warfare

Strike Action

InsurgencyInternet Activism

Civil Resistance


Self-Immolation Sit-Ins



Civil Disobedient

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Arab Uprising In 2 Minutes

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TunisiaOnce ruled by the Ottoman Empire before the French took in 1881

First President Baurguiba established one party state & ruled country for 31 years.

1987, prime minister Ben Ali Assume the presidency

Embattled Leader: President Zine Al Abdine Ben Ali

Longevity of his reign: 1987-2011 (24 Years)

Start Date Of the Uprising: December 17, 2010

The beginning of Arab Uprising

President Zine Al Abdine Ben Ali, aged 80, 24 years in Regim

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17 dec• Mohamed Bouazizi, a 26 Year old

fruit Vendor Set Himself on fire in the marginalized town of Sidi Bouzid in Front of City headquarter

10 Dec- Jan 11 •Public outrage quickly grew over the incident to protests and riots – 219 people killed

2 Jan •International Cyber activist collective anonymous lunched ‘operation Tuneisia’ . The operation got the world media attention

14 Jan •Ben Ali dismissed the government and fled the Country. By January 2011 a national unity government was formed

20 june •Ben Ali and his wife ordered sentence for 35 years in prison

October 2011 •Election for constituent assembly held

Tunisia: The 2010-2011 Uprising

17 Dec 2010: Start protest by Mohamed Bouaziz, Where he ignite Himself in flames

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EgyptDeclared as Republic Country 1953

Rulers: 1952 – Muhammad Naguib, 1956 – Gamal Abdel Nasser, 1970 - Anwar Sadat, 1981 – Muhammad Hosni El Sayed Mubarak

Mubarak National Democractic Party (NDS) Government maintained one-party rule under a continuous state of emergency

Mubarak earned the support of the west and a continuation of aid from the US by maintaining policies of supression towards Islamic militants and peace with Israel

Embattled Leader: President Zine Husini Mubarak

Longevity of his reign: 1981-2011 (30 Years)

Start Date Of the Uprising: Jan 25, 2011

Revolution Extends into Egypt

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0 • Egyptian Youth and opposition

group organized a ‘Day of Rage Campaign’

4 •Mubarak announces that he has sacked the cabinet, but himself refuses to step down. Announces VP for the first time , Mr. Oar Sueliman, Country’s former Spy Chief

6 •Mubarak names his new cabinet on state television, protestor continues to defy the military imposed Curfew, about 2 ,50 ,000 people gather in Cario’s Tahrir Square.

7 •Mubarak announces in a televised address that he will not run for re-election but refuses to step down office

14 •Egypt’s Government approve a 15% raise in salaries and pensions in a bid to appease the angry masses

17 •Mubarak repeats his promise not to run in next presidential elections and to ‘continue to shoulder’ responsiblities in peaceful transition that will take place in September

18 •Mubarak resigns as President and handover power to Army

Egypt Uprising : The January 25, 2011- February 11, 2011

Casualties:Death: 846Injuries: 6,467Arrested: 12,000

Results: Overthrow of Mubarak GovernmentDemocratic Election HeldWriting of New Constitution

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LibyaUnder the monarchy of king Idris before Gaddafi over thrown the king, forming the Libya Arab Republic.

Embattled Leader: President Moamar Al-Qaddafi

Population: 6.202 million (2013) World Bank

Official Language: Arabic

February 15, 2011

Civil War

The UN & NATO Reaction – Libya ‘Civil War’

Mumar Gadaffi Age 68, Killed After 42 years in Regime

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15 Feb• Uprising Began after the security

force put firing on protest. Organized in Benghazi due to delays in housing units related with political corruption.

` feb - • The official “Day of Revolt” , thousand protestor joined on multiple cities. Gaddafi force response firing live. The anti- government demonstrator swiftly evolved into an armed revolt seeking to topple to Gadaffi – Civil War Broke

19 Mar •Un Security council voted to impose No- Fly Zone over Libya by 10- 0 voting- China, Russia, Germany, India & Brazil abstained. Nato started Air Strike as soon resolution passed.

Aug • With Military assistant from the west and Several Arab state , Rebel force took Tripoli after six months of Fighting on account of several thousand people killed.

Aug • After 4 decades in power, Gaddafi went on the run.

20 Oct • Gaddaffi was captured and killed outside Sirte.

The 2011- Libyan Civil War

Libyan Flag while Gaddafi had control of

libya (1977-2011)

The Current Libyan Flag after the rebels took


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• 2012 : Government struggles to control local militias

• 2012 September - Benghazi attack - US ambassador and three other Americans are killed

• 2013 : 2nd phase of Civil War

• 2014 : Rise of Islamic State

• 2015 December : Government of National Accord was formed of 17 minister lead by prime minister Fayez_al-Sarraj

• 2016 April - UN staff return to Tripoli after absence of nearly two years.

Aftermaths of Gadaffi

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YemenYemen President Abdul Saleh was the forth Arab To be forced out of power.

Inspired by Successful uprising in Tunisia & Egypt, Demonstration calling the end of Saleh’s 33 year began in January 2011.

President Saleh pledges not to extend his presidency in 2013 or to hand over to his son.

2011 June - After months of mounting protests, President Saleh seriously injured in rocket attack and flown to Saudi Arabia, returning home in September.

2011 November - President Saleh agrees to hand over power to his deputy, Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi. Unity government including prime minister from opposition formed.

2012 February - Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi inaugurated as president after uncontested elections.

The UN & NATO Reaction – Yemen ‘Civil War’

Ali Abdul Saleh Age 70, Disposed After 33 years In Regime

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• Since Taking power , president Hadi struggled to tackle widespread Poverty and malnutration, an islamist insurgency lead by al-qaeda, a secessionist movement in south and Zaidi Shia(Houthi) rebel in North.

• Presidential panel gives approval for Yemen to become a federation of six regions as part of its political transition.

• Houthi rebels take control of Sanaa so called capital by the constitution. Houthis reject draft constitution proposed by government. President Hadi flees to Aden southern stronghold.

• Saudi-led coalition of Gulf Arab states launches air strikes against Houthi targets and imposes naval blockade.

• 2015 September - President Hadi returns to Aden after Saudi-backed government forces recapture the port city from Houthi forces.

• 2016 April - Start of UN-sponsored talks between the government on one side and Houthis and former President Saleh's General People's Congress (GPC)Bomb Blast observed at

Sanaa During an air strike

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King Hamad Al-Khalifa Aged 63 in power since 1999

Embattled Leader: King Hamad Al-Khalifa

Longevity of his reign: Since 1999

Start Date of the uprising: March 18, 2011

The country has been ruled by the Al Khalifa dynasty since 1783

On the death of his father Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa, Hamad became Emir of Bahrain on 6 March 1999.

On 14 February 2011, the ninth anniversary of the writing of the Constitution of 2002, Bahrain was rocked by protests inspired by the Arab Spring and co-ordinated by a Facebook page named "Day of Rage in Bahrain", a page that was liked by tens of thousands just one week after its creation.

“The End of discrimination against majority Shia Muslim community by Sunni royal family”

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The protestors were driven by security forces. King declared the state of emergency and brought in troops from neighboring Sunni-led Gulf states to restore order and crush dissent.

Focal point of demonstrations - the Pearl monument - is demolished.

2011 April - Government moves to ban two main political parties which represent the Shia majority. 2012 May - Leading opposition activist Abdulhadi al-Khawaja ends a three-month hunger strike. A military court jailed him for life in June 2011 for "plotting against the state".

2013 February - National dialogue talks begin in effort to end unrest.

2014 May - Leading rights activist Nabeel Rajab is released after two years in prison; he urges the government and the opposition to engage in dialogue.

2015 March - Bahrain and four other GCC states take part in Saudi-led air strikes on Houthi rebels in Yemen.

2016 August - A UN-appointed panel accused the authorities of carrying out a systematic campaign of harassment against the country's Shia Muslim population.

The unrest left at least 30 civilians and 5 policemen dead. All most 3,000 people were arrested and sentenced long term prison by military court.

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MoroccoEmbattled Leader: King Mohammed VI

Longevity of regime: 17 years

Official Language: Arabic

Start Date of uprising

Constitution reforms implemented in response to protest

The protest in morocco

King Mohammed VI , Age 53

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2011 February - Thousands of people rally in Rabat and other cities calling for political reform and a new constitution

2011 April - 17 people - mainly foreigners - are killed in a bomb attack on a Marrakech cafe. The al-Qaeda denies the involvement.

2011 July - King Mohammed scores a landslide victory in a referendum on a reformed constitution he proposed to placate "Arab Spring" protests. Demonstrators continue to call for deeper reforms.

2011 November - Parliamentary elections won by moderate Islamist Justice and Development Party (PJD).

2012 May - Tens of thousands take part in Casablanca trade union rally, the largest since the new government took office in January.

2013 October - King appoints new government following a power-sharing deal forged by Prime Minister Abdelila Benkirane

2016 March - Morocco expels more than 80 UN staff in Western Sahara, reacting angrily to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's use of the word "occupation" to describe Rabat's 1975 annexation of the area.

The unrest left at least 30 civilians and 5 policemen dead. All most 3,000 people were arrested and sentenced long term prison by military court.

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King King Abdullah II Aged 54 in power since 1999

Embattled Leader: King Hamad Al-Khalifa

Longevity of his reign: Since 1999

Start Date of the uprising: January, 2011

Constitution Reforms implemented in response to protest

The Modern King in Arab Uprising

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2011 January - Tunisian street protests which unseat the president encourage similar demonstrations in other countries, including Jordan.

2011 February - Against a background of large-scale street protests, King Abdullah appoints a new prime minister, former army general Marouf Bakhit, and charges him with carrying out political reforms.

2012 April - Prime Minister Awn al-Khasawneh resigns abruptly. King Abdullah appoints former prime minister Fayez al-Tarawneh to succeed him.

2012 October - King Abdullah calls early parliamentary elections for January.

2012 November - Clashes between protesters and supporters of the king follow mass demonstrations in Amman against the lifting of fuel subsidies, at which calls for the end of the monarchy are heard. Three people are killed.

2014 September - Jordan is one of four Arab states to take part, together with the US, in air strikes on Islamic State militants in Syria.

European Union says it is providing 100 million euros ($113 million) in loans to Jordan to help it deal with the fallout from crises in Syria and Iraq.

2016 February - King Abdullah says Jordan has reached saturation point in its ability to take in more Syrian refugees.

Jordanian protesters hold a giant national flag, as they march during a protest demanding the resignation of the prime minister

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President Bashar Al- Assad Aged 48, in power Since 2000

Embattled Leader: President Bashae al-Asad

Longevity of his reign: Since 2000 –

Start Date of the uprising: March 18, 2011

Protests demanding greater freedom and an end to corruption began in southern city of Deraa in March 2011. After The security force fire on Demonstrators, more took to the streets.

By July 2011, hundreds of thousands of people across the country were attending protests demanding president Bashar al-Assad’s resignation.

45+ years of Assad Family Rule

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Opposition Supporter begun to take up arms forming a armed militia group and soon started fighting back the loyalist.

The uprising against President Assad gradually turned into a full-scale civil war

2011 November - Arab League votes to suspend Syria, accusing it of failing to implement an Arab peace plan, and imposes sanctions.

2012 February - Government steps up the bombardment of Homs and other cities.

2012 December - US, Britain, France, Turkey and Gulf states formally recognize opposition National Coalition as "legitimate representative" of Syrian people.

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2013- Raise of Islamic State

2013 September - UN weapons inspectors conclude that chemical weapons were used in an attack on the GhoutaAssad allowed all his Un inspector to destroy chemical weapon.

2014- Islamic State of Iraq and Syria militants declare "caliphate" in territory from Aleppo to eastern Iraqi province of Diyala.

2014 September - US and five Arab countries launch air strikes against Islamic State around Aleppo and Raqqa.

Russian intervention2015 September - Russia carries out its first air strikes in Syria, saying they target the Islamic State group, but the West and Syrian opposition say it overwhelmingly targets anti-Assad rebels.

2016 February - A US-Russian-brokered partial ceasefire is agreed but fails to stick, as do repeated subsequent attempts.

2016 September - The UN suspends all aid convoys after an air strike on its lorries kills 20 civilians near Aleppo.

Death Count in Syria: 450,000 - Children: 50,000

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5 Years of Arab Uprising

Tunisia itself remains, precariously, as the country that has achieved most

political change since the Arab spring at the lowest human cost.

“Civil resistance can force out dictators but isn’t enough to bring people power”

Four autocrats gone in just over a year.

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