Page 1: APRIL 2017 St Luke's By-the Sea - · St. Luke’s by-the-sea Vicar Peter Fones Deacon Senitila McKinley Bishop Michael Hanley Presiding Bishop Michael Curry

St. Luke's By-the Sea

St. Luke’s by-the-sea

Vicar Peter Fones

Deacon Senitila McKinley

Bishop Michael Hanley

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry

Ministers All the people of St. Luke’s

APRIL 2017 Waldport, Oregon 541-563-4812

The Jesus Movement: Change the world from the nightmare it often is to the dream that God intends.

Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry in 2015


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Teresa of Avila (1515–1582)

Christ Has No Body

Christ has no body but yours,No hands, no feet on earth but yours,Yours are the eyes with which he looksCompassion on this world,Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good,Yours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world.Yours are the hands, yours are the feet,Yours are the eyes, you are his body.Christ has no body now but yours,No hands, no feet on earth but yours,Yours are the eyes with which he lookscompassion on this world.Christ has no body now on earth but yours.Dear Friends in Christ.

This poem from St. Teresa's writing describes how I see the work of the Church, and it is in that work that I see the life and ministry of our churches here. You are the "church" and you each represent Christ in the world. Tha is the blessing you give to your coastal communities.

I am thankful for the opportunity to be called here as your interim vicar for these past 18 months; thankful for your generosity of spirit, and thankful for your willingness to open your hearts and lives to Leah and I as we became part of your faith communities.

A primary ministry of using your 'hands' to do the work of feeding hungry people gives you the opportunity to witness to the love of God in Christ through your commitment and presence. Your willingness to help meet the needs of others, both near and far, is an added blessing because you are the body of Christ in the world. And I am blessed to have been a part of these Episcopal churches.

You will be in our thoughts and prayers for the coming months as you continue to be the 'hands and feet of Christ' on the central coast and beyond. May God bless you.

Peter+ and Leah

The Rev. Peter Fones, Vicar (Interim)St. Luke by the Sea Episcopal Church - WaldportSt. Stephen's Episcopal Church - Newport

Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry in 2015

Vicar's letter

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ended, the church will look and feel stronger, safer, and better about its new


Sunshine Committee

Please call the members listed below about any needs for cards.

Birthdays: Caroline Miller


Get Well: Karin Bigler 5421-563-7642

Moving: Kempton Hewitt


Thinking of You: Fawn Hewitt541-563-6649

Special Occasions: Bunny Wright 541-528-3271

Deaths & Memorial Gifts: Julie Pearce


The St. Luke's family was amazingly--but not surprisingly--generous in their response to our appeal for help for one of our own parish. Kempton and Senitila delivered a cash gift, four bags of food, and firewood to the family. The cardboard box on the hearth at St. Luke's will be there for items to be donated over the next few weeks as well. The family receiving our gifts sent a note via Senitila thanking all for their kindness. Thank you, St. Luke's friends, for being there, listening, and responding so generously!

Betty Richard wants to remind us that students from Angell Job Corps are available for hire for jobs around the home and yard. At least two must be hired at a time, and be paid at least minimum wage. Betty has been very happy with their work, as have many of us. When calling the Job Corps the phone menu can be confusing, with no place suggested for hiring. Betty suggests entering “0” on phone on the menu when it's offered to get the operator and make your request.

Fellowship & camaraderie flowed freely among the 18 St. Luke’s hosts and 35 community guests at our monthly “Tater Tuesday” supper on Tuesday, March 28th. We prepped, cooked, greeted, served, ate, conversed, did dishes, purveyed brownies & ice cream, & packed up food for 8 families to take home, all to the accompaniment of Caroline Miller’s divine dinner music! Thanks to all who helped and, especially, thank you, Senitila & Seashore’s Center for Learning, for opening your doors & your hearts to provide this wonderful time & space for us all to come together! Love, Thais & Marcia

Long time parishioners Jim and Joanne Mounce will join us Easter weekend to celebrate their 30th Anniversary with their St. Luke's family.

Michelle Hogan has journeyed to Haiti and returned with moving stories of the wonderful impact our contributions have made. The small supplies she carried with her were appreciated, but there are hardly words to express the gratitude felt for the house we sponsored.The two women living there feel secure for the first time in their lives. They are sheltered not only from the weather, but also from the dangers of having to use an outdoor common toilet during the night.We will have more stories, and will publish photos when we get them.

St. Luke's in the Community

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March 18th Madyson and Olivia participated in the Oregon Music Teachers Association Ribbon Festival at Oregon Coast Community College. They played a duet and Madyson played a solo and entered an art piece.  Between them they took home 6 ribbons and Madyson also won first place in the Practice-a-Thon for raising the most money!  Thanks to the many folks at St. Luke’s who contributed to helping her raise a total of $1105. The OMTA presented the college with just under $5000 total to repair and maintain the Steinway piano that was donated and will be used by all the students.

Vera also participated - here with proud grandma, Karin BiglerMadyson & Olivia, with teacher Jessie Treon.

We believe in God, in Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit, and in you and in me.We believe the Holy Spirit works through—ministers of every kind, clanging cymbals and silence, noisy children and loud music, choirs and banners, touching and praying, spontaneity and planning, faith and doubt, tears and laughter, hugging and kneeling, dancing and stillness, creativity and giving, words and listening, holding and letting go, thank you and help me, Scripture and alleluias, agonizing and celebrating, accepting and caring, through you and through me, through Love.We believe God's Holy Spirit lives in this community of dancing, hand-holding people where lines of age and politics and life-styles are crossed.We believe in praising God for life.We believe in the poetry within each of us.We believe in dreams and visions.We believe in old people running and children leading.We believe in letting go and new beginnings.We believe in the Kingdom of God within us.We believe in rested souls.We believe in love.

Adapted from Ann Weems' Reaching for Rainbows  (submitted by Jeanne St. John)

Dawn Pavitt is back home and tending her chickens again. If you would like to buy eggs she will be bringing several dozen to church most Sundays. The colors are so beautiful you may not want to color them for Easter. And they taste great! If you have egg cartons, clean and unbroken she can reuse them to package those treasures.

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St. Luke’s

2017 Bishop’s Advisory Committee







For Planning Your Calendar...

Wednesday, April 5, 12:00 - Annual pot-luck lunch and palm cross making .Friday, April 7, 4:00 - Stations of the Cross at St. Luke's

12:00 - Stations of the Cross at St. Stephen'sSunday, April 9, 9:00 - Palm Sunday Service at St. Luke's

11:00 - Palm Sunday Service at St. Stephen's

Easter Week Services Schedule

Thursday, April 13, 5:00 - Maundy Thursday Service at St. Luke's7:00 - Maundy Thursday at St. Stephen's

Friday, April 14, 5:00 - Good Friday Service at St. Luke's 7:00 - Good Friday Service at St. Stephen's

Saturday, April 15, 8:00 pm - Easter Vigil at St. Stephen'sSunday, April 16, 9:00 - Easter Service at St. Luke's

11:00 - Easter Service at St. Stephen's

Coming Up:

Saturday, May 20 - ECW Spirituality Day 2017 Seeking Wellness: Keep it Simple Sister. St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Salem. Cost is $25. Pre-registration is required. For more information please call Elizabeth Loring at 503-364-4379

June 5-10 - Iconography: The Word Comes AliveFor more information or to register please visit

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Newsletter Team

Jackie Wolfe

Jeanne St.John Ray Winward

Notes from the March, 2017 BAC Meeting

Ruth Werner (Sr. Warden), Doug Yunker, Mary Montanye, Sue Niddrie, Brian Hanna, Peter+ were in attendance. Minutes from Feb. 15, 2017 (with amendment to add Sue Niddrie to the list of those present)and from Feb. 26, 2017 were approved.

Treasurer reported a time needs to be set for Ruth, Sue and Sherrie to go to the bank.Treasurer's report will be posted when cork boards are mounted at St. Luke's.

The Finance Committee still needs another member to work with Sherri Fortmeyer and Mary Montanye. Mary offered to work with Sherri on finding a person to fill that spot. Mary and Sherri will work on a version of a simple financial snapshot that is clear and accurate to include with each monthly newsletter. They will bring a sample draft to the next BAC meeting.

Outreach Committee has received 4 applications for St. Luke’s Outreach grants, which have been reviewed and funded so far; at least 1 more is pending.Ruth’s Letter of Support from the St. Luke’s BAC, in support of a grant from the Bishop’s Endowment Fund is attached to the minutes.

Junior Warden Report/ Church FacilitySt. Luke’s Toolbox: Ruth will ask Dutch, Doug, and Curt to make a wish list for tools that have not yet been donated, as well as a chore list of to-dos.

We will move to place a Deacon’s desk in the Clergy office ASAP.

Senior Warden states we still have some vacancies that must be filled:- Scribe- Finance Committee- Stewardship Committee

Senior Warden has plans to meet with Lory Bauer (Sr. Warden at St. Stephen’s) for an informal chat, but also to share some of Judith+’s requests and to consider a joint BAC retreat in the near future.

Communications: we want to include a simple outcomes-oriented version of the BAC meeting minutes in the monthly newsletter, in addition to posting them for public view.

Vicar - Peter+ has been mindfully preparing for Judith’s arrival by not taking on new obligations, and by storing up the Vicar’s Discretionary Fund so she has some money in her early time with us.

Action Items from March 11:Sue will draft a letter of understanding with the Office Assistant (in process)Peter+ will designate Marcia Newberry to act as signer for the South Lincoln Resource vouchers in his absence Sherri, Ruth and Sue need to make a time to go to the bank and do the paperwork of becoming signers on our accountsDutch will get bids on the gutter repair work (in process)Dutch will look into thermostats with timers—do we already have these?Dutch will write a letter to Copeland’s, authorizing himself, Curt Werner, and the Vicar as authorized signers. Peter+ will get bathroom signs at StaplesDutch will designate the creation of a list of things that need to be done around the church that people can help with, i.e., painting the Vicar’s office.Dutch, Doug, and Curt will make a wish list for the St. Luke’s ToolboxMary and Sherri will recruit a third member for the Finance CommitteeMary and Sherri will draft a monthly finance report to be a part of the newsletterALL OF US will look for the next leader of the Stewardship Committee and campaign

Marcia Newberry

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I love movies. In my teens I was thought to have a photographic memory because I could tell you, if you were interested (better still if you weren’t), the details of every B movie made in Hollywood in the 40’s and 50’s.

I took pleasure in reminding my devout Anglican mother that I had a serious side just as she, with her crush on Gregory Peck, had a frivolous one. Eventually my taste in movies improved and I took up dancing, becoming a devotee of American musicals. My favorite being Vincente Minnelli’s “American in Paris” with Gene Kelly and Leslie Caron .

This aggrandizing preamble explains why “La La Land,” which had many Minnelli-esque ingredients, was my favorite movie in years. For about a minute and a half I was able to boast to my Serbian spouse that my judgment had been supported by the Academy before the Oscar statue was snatched back from a dazed Warren Beatty and given to someone else while I screeched ineffectually at the television.

Why did I love that movie so much? Ryan Gosling is a Canadian with great charm. He is not, however, as one nincompoop claimed, Gene Kelly. Emma Stone was gorgeous etc, but she’s not Cyd Charisse. I thought this person was missing the point entirely. The movie was not about stardom; it was about the yearning for a stardom that could not quite be reached. But because they were pure in heart, and this was Hollywood, something bittersweet but better came along. Real life.

I saw many parallels with our lives in St Luke’s.

Gosling and Stone discovered what some of us have found out: Real life and real relationships beat a lonely obsessive search for fame every time. Also, the level of success you think you want may not be easy to deal with. I personally found that a limo home from the airport did not compensate for missing my daughter in her first prom dress, or my son wobbly on skates at the ice rink. Who on their deathbed wishes they had spent more time working or outrunning paparazzi?

Some relationships, like Gosling and Stone’s, and Peter’s with all of us, are interim relationships, created to further a transition from one thing to another, a new beginning. They are designed to last until the job is done and the future arrives.

What we have all witnessed here is what can happen when the role is played out with goodwill and integrity on both sides. Peter+ has helped prepare us to face and embrace what the future holds. His commitment to helping this bunch of “pilgrims” make “progress” has been no easy task, but we have seen Peter+ attend to the project with clarity, purpose and grace. A special liturgical tap dance goes out to him for his efforts.

In the movie, Gosling and Stone go their separate ways, as in real life will Peter+ and all of us, but love and gratitude remain, along with the memory of a job well done.

Brian's Musings

Brian Hanna

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What’s Happening at St. Luke’s in April

Regular Weekly Schedule

Sunday 9 AM

Tuesday 10:00 AM

1:30 PM

12:00 PM

6:00 PM


Thursda y 10:00 AM

Holy Communion Sunday School

Grist for the Mill Discussion Holy Communion

Tuesday Writer’s Group Community Dinner (4th Tues.) at Shelter Me BuildingEnneagram Study Group (1st & 3rd Thurs.-usually)

EFM (Education for Ministry) Class - ongoing

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9 - Derek Prince11 - Ruth Werner17 - Liam Wierenga20 - Ryan Miner20 - Azura Stuart20 - Jamie Auborn22 - Sue Niddrie22 - Caroline Miller29 - Eric Bigler30 - Avril Johnson

11- Jackie Wolfe&

Ray Winward

26 - Melaia & Morgan McKinley Kilduff

Stations of the Cross

Saturday Breakfast at Waldport Presbyterian Church

Men's Breakfast at Hilltop Bistro

Enneagram Study Group

BAC Meeting

04/ 17 - 4:00 PM

04/ 8, 15, 22, 29 - 9:30 AM

04/ 11, 27 - 8:00 AM

04/ 6, 20 - 10:00 AM


04/ 25 - 6:00 PM 'Tater Tuesday - Community Dinner at Shelter Me Building

20- Joanne & JimMounce

04/5 - 12:00 Lunching & Making Palm Crosses

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St. Luke’s-by-the-Sea

Christ is the center of this community which welcomes all

to worship, to serve, and to share.

St. Luke ’s Church PO Box 422 1353 Hw y 101 So.

Waldport, OR 97394

Phone: 541-563 -4812

St. Luke’ s Church [email protected]

Ne wsletter: [email protected] [email protected]

APRIL 2017

Want to Make a Difference? What do you enjoy? What would you like to learn?

Commit to the team that presents Tuesday Community Dinnerson 4th Tuesdays.

-Contact Thais Graham.

Join the team attempting to reestablish our Sunday School.-Contact Julie Pearce

Become a committed member of the Altar Guild.-Contact Carol Strauss.

Take a shift at the Yachats Food Pantry.-Contact Doug Yunker.

Take a part on the Communications Team - Newsletter, weeklyinfo blast, etc.

-Contact Jackie Wolfe

St. Luke's ChurchPO Box 422Waldport, Oregon

