

App Inventor Tutorial 5 –ShapeSort

This is an app which will demonstrate the use of the image sprites used for drag and

drop objects on the screen.

What you will develop is a simple app where you must sort the shapes into the correct


Step 1: Open App Inventor

Once you have the App Inventor running type into your browser http://localhost:8888

Like the previous tutorials, create a new project.

Give the project the name – ShapeSort and click OK.


Step 2: Build the Interface of Shape Sort

The Shape Sort app needs many components. These include:

• A drawing canvas

• 5 image sprites

• A label

• A button

Let’s start by naming our application.

In the properties panel change the Title field of the screen to ShapeSort.

The Drawing Canvas component will allow us to identify locations around the screen for

‘dragging’. Place a drawing canvas component on the screen and change its properties

as follows:

Width – 300 pixels

Height – 350 pixels

Background Image – Browse and Select the image shape.png

Any object you want to drag around the screen must be held within this drawing canvas.

Objects that can be moved (dragged around) by the user are image sprites or a ball. The

ball can only be changed through its colour and radius properties. The image sprite

allows us to use our own image as the object. Both these animation objects are found

under the animation palette.


Select an image sprite and drag it onto the canvas along the top. We are adding five

objects so repeat this 4 more times. You will have 5 Image sprites, one for each object

we wish to sort (2 triangles, a circle, a square and a rectangle). Take each image sprite in

turn and change its properties as follows:

imagesprite 1 – Rename to shape1C (add C to allow us to identify the circle)

Picture – c1.png

imagesprite 2 – Rename to shape2S (add S to allow us to identify the square)

Picture – s1.png

imagesprite 3 – Rename to shape3T (T for triangle)

Picture – t1.png

imagesprite 4 – Rename to shape4T (triangle also)

Picture – t2.png

imagesprite 5 – Rename to shape5R (Rectangle)

Picture – tri.png

Your Shapes Sort display screen should now look like this....

One the user drags the objects into the boxes; we want to check to see if the location is

correct and also give feedback to the user. Let’s add a label and a button below our


Drag over a label component – rename it to feedbackLbl

and change its text property to “Drag the shapes to the

correct box”

(From the properties you can change the width of the

label to ‘fill parent’ and centre the text if you wish)

Drag a button component below the label and rename

this checkBtn. (Again you may change the width to ‘fill

parent’ and can centre the button text.)


Step 3: Add the functionality to the Interface

Once the interface is ready we can set the functionality of the components. What we

want to happen can be described in the following steps:

1. The user touches any of the 5 objects along the top and can drag the object

around the screen

2. We check to see if the shapes are in the correct location.

3. The user clicks on ‘check shapes’ and

If they are in the correct box – we tell the user ‘well done’

If they are not in the correct box – we tell the user it is incorrect

The functionality of the program (step 3) is added by using the Blocks Editor - Open the

Blocks Editor to start adding code blocks.

This process may take a few minutes so please be patient ☺

Once the Blocks editor has loaded we want to add the code blocks for:

1. The user touches any of the 5 objects along the top and can drag the object

around the screen

Like the canvas component from the ‘PaintApp’ tutorial, an image sprite also has a block

for a dragged event, where it will move the object to the current location defined by the

user. From the ‘MyBlocks’ tab select the ‘shape1C’ option and drag over to the canvas

the ‘shape1C.Dragged’ code block. Again you will notice there are properties already

filled in. In our space we want to add the code block to move the object. Piece in the call

‘shape1C.MoveTo’ code block found under the ‘MyBlocks’ tab – ‘shape1C’.

This code block allows the ‘dragging’ of the image sprites. Repeat this code block for

shape2S, shape3T, shape4T and shape5R using the appropriate properties generated.

(Shape2S will need ‘currentX1’, ‘currentY1’ etc...).

Once you have these components completed – your blocks editor should look similar to


The location of where we want the piece

to move to is defined by the current X/Y

location from the predefined properties.

We can access these properties by

selecting the ‘currentX’ property from the

‘My Definitions’. Similarly select the

‘currentY’ location and plug into the

shape1C.MoveTo block.


2. We check to see if the shapes are in the correct location.

In order to check to see if the shapes are in the correct location, we need to consider the

co-ordinates of the screen.

- Imagine our screen as a grid with co-ordinates like below...

This location would be (0, 0)

meaning its x value is 0 and its y

value is 0.

This location would be (7, 5)

meaning its x value is 7 and its y

value is 5.




Similar to this we must think of our drawing canvas interface as a coordinate system of

size 300 pixels by 350 pixels.

If we draw this out – we can identify the centre point of our

canvas is at location (150, 175)

Knowing this we can split our screen into the 4 locations (one

for circle, one for triangle, one for square and one for

rectangle). We can then make statements to identify the


Example.. If ‘objectA’ is somewhere in here we can say that the

‘ObjectA.X’ value is greater than (>) 150 and less than

(<) 300

‘ObjectA.Y’ value is greater than (>) 0 and less than

(<) 175

In our example for the Shape Sort app we also have an

image size to consider..

This image we put on the drawing canvas background

(shape.png) is 250 pixels by 250 pixels and is centred.

Considering the image (shape.png) on our drawing canvas we can now see a clear picture of the

location where each shape should be.


We can therefore also say that the xvalue > 25 and y value >50.

We have our coordinates for our triangle pieces.

Triangle piece x>25 and y >50 and x<150 and y <175.

Take the triangle (piece named shape3T and shape4T.

We can find its co-ordinates:

It is in the left side therefore xvalue < 150. It is in the upper half

therefore yvalue < 175.

The distance between the canvas and image (shape.png) is x(25)-

because the canvas width = 300 minus the image size = 250 then as

its centred we half that value. 300-250 = 50 and 50/2 = 25. The y

distance is y(50) as canvas length (350) minus image length (250) =

100 the divide by 2 giving 50 on each side.

This can be implemented in out blocks by using an If then else


Under the ‘BuiltIn’ tab select ‘control’ then select the ‘ifelse’

block with the elements then-do/else-do parts.

Drag this to the canvas (anywhere for the minute we will

position it once we have the logic completed.)

As we have 4 conditions (4 values to test x), we need an ‘and’


This is found under ‘logic’ - drag the ‘and’ piece out and place it

on the ‘if then else’ block on the ‘test’ piece edge.

One the first edge of the ‘and’ block we can put our first

condition – X >25

Drag a ‘>’ piece out from the ‘math’ section under the ‘Built-In’


Drag a ‘number 123’ piece out from the ‘math’ section and attach

it to the second join. Change its ‘123’ value to 25.

This is a triangle piece so from the ‘MyBlocks’ tab select shape3T

and drag over the property (light blue) ‘shape3T.x’ – put this in

the first join.


You can now see this piece forms our condition to test and see if the x value > 25. We

need to now do this for the other condition. (y>50)

- Drag a ‘>’ piece out from the ‘math’ section under the ‘Built-In’ tab.

- Drag a ‘number 123’ piece out from the ‘math’ section and attach it to the second

join. Change its ‘123’ value to 50.

- From the ‘MyBlocks’ tab select shape3T and drag over the property (light blue)

‘shape3T.y’ – put this in the first join.

Repeat this for (x <150 and y < 175) – Remember select the shape3T.Y value for Y co-

ordinates and .X value for X co-ordinates.

If you have completed this your screen should look like this...

If all the conditions we set are true. This means that the piece is in the correct area. We

can set a variable to mark the piece as true if it’s in the correct area and false if it is not.

To initialise this variable we Select a ‘ variable’ component found under the ‘Built-in’

Tab – ‘Definitions’ and drag it to our canvas. Change its text to ‘shape3’.


Select a ‘false’ piece from the ‘logic’ section and join these pieces. This means we are

initialising our variable ‘shape3’ as false.

If the test conditions are true we set this variable to true - therefore drag out a ‘set

shape3 to’ piece found under the ‘MyBlocks’ tab – ‘My definitions’ and attach to the if

else piece at the ‘then-do’ join.

Drag out a ‘true’ piece from the logic section under the ‘Built-In’ tab and attach it to this

piece. Do the same things again for the ‘else-do’ join however take the ‘false’ piece

instead of ‘true’.

This piece can now attach into the block we made earlier – The ‘when shape3T dragged’


Your screen should look like this....


This is the logic needed for each piece therefore there is a lot of repetition. The steps

you have just completed need to be repeated for the remaining 4 pieces.

The logic of each piece is as follows:

Rectangle piece – shape5R

shape5R.X > 150 shape5R.Y <175 shape5R.X <275 shape5R.Y>50

Follow the diagram – and the steps you have taken and try to complete this piece. You

should end up with this...

Triangle piece – shape4T

shape4T.X > 25 shape4T.Y >50 shape4T.X <150 shape4T.Y<175

Follow the diagram – and the steps you have taken and try to complete this piece. You

should end up with this...


Square piece – shape2S

shape2S.X > 150 shape2S.Y >175 shape2S.X <275 shape2S.Y<300

Follow the diagram – and the steps you have taken and try to complete this piece. You

should end up with this...


Circle piece – shape1C

shape1C.X > 25 shape1C.Y >175 shape1C.X <150 shape1C.Y<300

Follow the diagram – and the steps you have taken and try to complete this piece. You

should end up with this...

Nearly there!!

3. The user clicks on ‘check shapes’ and

If they are in the correct box – we tell the user ‘well done’

If they are not in the correct box – we tell the user it is incorrect

When the user clicks on the ‘check shapes’ button we want to change the label for our


We do this by checking to see if our shape variables are all true.

Drag out the following components and arrange as below..

- ‘MyBlocks’ tab – ‘checkBtn’ – ‘’ piece

- ‘Built-in’ tab – ‘control’ – ‘ifelse/then-do/else-do’ piece

- ‘Built-in’ tab – ‘logic’ – ‘and’ piece

- ‘Built-in’ tab – ‘math’ – ‘ = ’ piece

- ‘My Blocks’ – ‘My definitions’ – ‘global shape1’ piece

- ‘Built-in’ tab – ‘logic’ – ‘true’ piece

- ‘Built-in’ tab – ‘math’ – ‘ = ’ piece


- ‘My Blocks’ – ‘My definitions’ – ‘global shape2’ piece

- ‘Built-in’ tab – ‘logic’ – ‘true’ piece

- ‘Built-in’ tab – ‘math’ – ‘ = ’ piece

- ‘My Blocks’ – ‘My definitions’ – ‘global shape3’ piece

- ‘Built-in’ tab – ‘logic’ – ‘true’ piece

- ‘Built-in’ tab – ‘math’ – ‘ = ’ piece

- ‘My Blocks’ – ‘My definitions’ – ‘global shape4’ piece

- ‘Built-in’ tab – ‘logic’ – ‘true’ piece

- ‘Built-in’ tab – ‘math’ – ‘ = ’ piece

- ‘My Blocks’ – ‘My definitions’ – ‘global shape5’ piece

- ‘Built-in’ tab – ‘logic’ – ‘true’ piece

- ‘My Blocks’ – ‘feedbackLbl’ – ‘feedbackLbl.text’ piece

- ‘Built-in’ tab – ‘text’ – ‘text’ piece – change text to feedback message

- ‘My Blocks’ – ‘feedbackLbl’ – ‘feedbackLbl.textColor’ piece

- ‘Built-in’ tab – ‘colour’ – ‘green’ piece

- ‘My Blocks’ – ‘feedbackLbl’ – ‘feedbackLbl.text’ piece

- Built-in’ tab – ‘text’ – ‘text’ piece – change text to feedback message

- ‘My Blocks’ – ‘feedbackLbl’ – ‘feedbackLbl.textColor’ piece

- ‘Built-in’ tab – ‘colour’ – ‘red’ piece

That’s It – Try it out!!!


Step 4: Try it out – Connect to the device and test the program

Create a new emulator by clicking on the ‘New emulator’ button at the top of our blocks


You must wait for the emulator to load fully before you test your app.

Once the emulator is ready - connect and send your app. Select the device from the

device list. This process may take a few minutes. Please be Patient.

Your initial screen will have the 5 draggable

objects along the top. Drag one to its proper


*Unfortunately, App Inventor is still an

experimental version and there appears to be

a small bug when using multiple image


If any two objects cross paths they will

disappear… This can be overcome by changing

the enable property of the other image sprites.

Otherwise – try not to drag any object over a

previous one.

You have just created a functional Shape Sort

App, Well Done ☺

End Note: For the ShapeSort App we changed

the text/colour property of a label, we used

the drawing canvas component with image

sprites to create draggable objects.

We used Logic to test the location of our

dragged pieces and based on this logic gave

two different feedback output.
