  • 8/6/2019 Apollo 16 Scientific Investigation of the Moon


    APOLLO 1*

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    (NASA-TM-X-68709) A P O L L O 16 :

    I N V E S T I G AT I O N OF THE M O O N ( N A S A ) 1972



    Unclas00/99 38600


  • 8/6/2019 Apollo 16 Scientific Investigation of the Moon


    JOHN W. YOUNGCommander

    A veteran astronaut. Young was pilot ofthe Gemini 3 with Astronaut GusGrissom which orbited Earth on March23, 1965. He was also back-up pilot forthe Gemini 6 mission and was commandpilot on the Gemini 10 mission in 1966.Young also served as back-up commandmodule pilot on Apollo 11 in 1969, andhe was the command module pilot on theApollo 10 in 1969 that circled the Moonand returned to Earth in a test of thelunar module. Following that mission hebecame the back-up commander for theApollo 13 mission in 1970.

    Now a captain in the U. S. Navy, Youngbecame a NASA astronaut in 1962. Sincethen he has logged almost 268 -hours inspace; and he has more than 5,400 hoursin aircraft, including more than 4,400hours in jets.

    He was born in San Francisco, California,on September 24, 1930. After graduatingfrom Orlando High School, in Orlando,Florida, Young received a BS degree inaeronautical engineering rom the GeorgiaInstitute of Technology in 1952. He alsoholds an honorary Doctor of Laws degreefrom the Western State University Collegeof Law.

    Young holds the NASA DistinguishedService Medal, two NASA ExceptionalService Medals, the U. S. NavyDistinguished Service Medal, and three U.S. Navy Distinguished Flying Crosses.

    He and his wife Barbara are the parents ofa son, John, 13, and a daughter Sandy,15. They live in Houston, Texas.

    opollo 16 creuuCHARLES M. DUKE, JR.Lunar Module Pilot

    Astronaut Duke like his fellow crewmember Mattingly is making his first tripinto space. He was a member of theastronaut support crew for the Apollo 10mission in 1969, and he was the backuplunar module pilot for the Apollo 13mission 1970.

    Duke was born in Charlotte, NorthCarolina, on October 3, 1935; and heattended Lancaster High School inLancaster, South Carolina. He graduatedfrom the Admiral Farragut Academy inSt. Petersburg, Florida. He holds a BSdegree in naval science from the U. S.Naval Academy and a MS degree inaeronautics and astronautics from theMassachusetts Institute of Technology.

    A lieutenant colonel in the U. S. AirForce, Duke graduated from the U. S. AirForce Aerospace Research Pilot School in1965 and also served as an instructorthere. Duke has logged over 2,900 hoursof aircraft time, including more than2,500 hours of jet time. He was selectedas an astronaut in 1966.

    He and his wife Dorothy are the parentsof two boys Charles, 7, and Thomas, 5.They live in Houston, Texas.

    THOMAS K. MATTINGLYCommand Module Pilot

    Astronaut Mattingly is making his fiventure into space. He served as member of the support crews on thApollo 8 and Apollo 11 missions.Designated command module pilot fthe Apollo 13 mission in 1970, hassignment was cancelled just 72 houbefore liftoff when it was discovered-thhe had been exposed to measles and wnot immune to the disease.

    Born in Chicago, Illinois, on March 17,1936, Mattingly graduated from EdisHigh School, in Miami, Florida, anattended Auburn University, wherereceived a BS degree in aeronauticalengineering in 1958.

    A lieutenant commander in the U. S.Navy, he is also a graduate of the U. Air Force Aerospace Research PiloSchool. Mattingly has logged more than4,000 hours in the air, with more tha2,200 hours in jet aircraft. He becameastronaut in 1966.

    He and his wife Elizabeth live in Houston,Texas.


  • 8/6/2019 Apollo 16 Scientific Investigation of the Moon





    Sun 12:54 p.m. LAUNCHApr. 16 Lift-off from Launch Complex 39A at Kennedy Space Center.1972 Insertion into orbit about Earth occurs 12 minutes later.

    3:27 p.m. TRANSLUNAR INSERTION (TLI)Apollo leaves Earth orbit for Moon

    Wed 3:28 p.m. LUNAR ORBIT INSERTION (LOI)Apr 19 Apollo enters an orbit around the Moon. Orbit is 69.5 miles by

    1972 204 miles (92.6 kilometers by 272 kilometers).

    4:24 p.m. THIRD STAGE IMPACTTh e spent S-IVB stage of the Saturn 5 crashes into the Moonabout 150 miles (240 kilometers) west of Apollo 12 landingsite.

    7:30 p.m. DESCENT ORBIT INSERTION (DOI)Apollo spacecraft with lunar module still attached changesorbit to 13 miles by 69.6 miles (17.3 kilometers by 92.8kilometers).

    Thur 2:36 p.m. CIRCULAR ORBITApr. 20 The spacecraft orbit is circularized at 72 miles (96 kilometers)1972 above the Moon.

    3:41 p.m. LUNAR MODULE LANDINGThe lunar module lands on the Moon.

    7:34 p.m. FIRST EXTRAVEHICULAR ACTIVITY (EVA 1)Lunar rover checked out and loaded with equipment. ApolloLunar Surface Experiments Package set up near lunar module.Astronauts drive west to Flag Crater and return by way ofSpook Crater.

    Fri. 5:34 p.m. SECOND EXTRAVEHICULAR ACTIVITY (EVA 2)Apr. 211972 Astronauts drive south from lunar module to Stone Mountain

    for collection of samples from its lower slope. On the return tothe lunar module they collect samples of material thrown out

    of South Ray Crater.

    Sat. 5:34 p.m. THIRD EXTRAVEHICULAR ACTIVITY (EVA 3)Apr. 22 Astronauts drive norih to North Ray Crater and Smokey1972 Mountain to take photographs and collect geological samples.

    They return to lunar module, stopping at Palmetto Crater foradditional samples of rocks and soil.

    Sun. 4:39 p.m. LUNAR MODULE LIFT-OFFApr. 23 Lunar module lifts off the Moon for rendezvous with the1972 Apollo spacecraft.

    Tues. 4:08 p.m. SUBSATELLITE LAUNCHApr. 25 Apollo 16's scientific subsatellite released from the service1972 module to orbit the Moon at 67.2 miles by 90.5 miles (87.2

    kilometers by 120.6 kilometers).

    7:15 p.m. TRANS-EARTH INJECTION (TEI)Apollo 16 leaves lunar orbit for Earth.

    Weds. 2:51 p.m. Extravehicular Activity (EVA 4)Apr. 26 Astronaut Mattingly leaves the command module to retrieve1972 films from mapping cameras in the scientific instrument

    module of the service module.

    Fri. 3:30 p.m. SPLASH-DOWNApr. 28 Apollo 16 lands in Pacific Ocean 1,182 miles (1,8721972 kilometers) south of Hawaii after a journey taking 290 hours

    and 36 minutes.


  • 8/6/2019 Apollo 16 Scientific Investigation of the Moon



    Apollo 16 continues the program ofmanned lunar exploration begun in 1969with the landing of Astronauts NeilArmstrong and Edwin Aldrin in the MareTranquilatis (Sea of Tranquility). It is thefifth in a planned series of six suchmissions.

    The landing site for the 12-day mission issome 45 miles (75 kilometers) north ofthe ancient Crater Descartes on the hilly,grooved, and furrowed western edge ofthe Kant Plateau in the central lunarhighlands among some of the loftiestparts of the Moon that face Earth. Thecrater was named for the famous 16thCentury French mathematician andphilospher R e n e D e s c a r t e s . Thecoordinates of the landing site are 9 00'01 "South and 15 30' 59" East.

    The area is in the Caley Formation orPlain of the Descartes highlands and isbelieved to be relatively smooth or gentlyrolling and covered with rocks fromancient volcanic flows.

    Bounding the landing site a few miles tothe north and south are hills that risesome 1,300 to 1,600 feet (400 o 500meters) above the place where the lunarmodule rests. A number of craters ofrecent origin abound in the area, somemeasuring as much as 3,300 feet (1kilometer) in diameter.

    This area of the Moon is important togeologists since facts about thecomposition, age, and types of surfacematerial in the lunar highland volcanicarea will greatly increase their knowledgeof volcanic activity on the Moon and therole it played in lunar evolution. Geologicevidence indicates that this material is

    older than the Sea of Tranquility or theSea of Storms sampled on Apollo 11 and12 (about three and one-half billion yearsold) but younger than the Imbrium basinmaterial sampled by Apollo 14. Whencombined with the very old rocks fromApollo 15 at the Hadley- Apennine site,the samples from Apollo 16 should helpscientist develop the story of lunarevolution. Near the landing site are NorthR ay and South Ray, two young, large,

    craters, which have thrown out hugeblocks of the basin fill where theastronauts plan to obtain fresh samples.

    In addition, knowledge of thecomposition and age of the highlandplains material will add greatly tounderstanding of the processes whichmodify large areas of the Moon.

    Plans call for Commander John Youngand Lunar Module Pilot Charles Duke toremain on the lunar surface for anestimated 72 hours and 58 minutes andmake three trips in their lunar rovingvehicle. The three trips will coverapproximately 16 miles (25.6 kilometers)and require about 21 hours.

    Objectives of the Apollo 16 mission areto:

    Perform inspection, survey, andsampling of materials and surface featuresin the Descartes area.

    Emplace and activate scientificinstruments of the Apollo Lunar SurfaceExperiments Package (ALSEP).

    Make in-flight experiments andtake photographs of Moon and spacefrom the command module while in lunarorbit.

    The mission will begin, as did thepreceding ones, from Kennedy SpaceCenter with lift-off from LaunchComplex 39A on April 16, 1972 at 12:54p.m. EST. The first or S-IC stage of theSaturn 5 launch vehicle will burn forabout 2.7 minutes and boost itself andthe spacecraft to approximately 43 miles(68.8 kilometers) and then drop off intothe Atlantic Ocean. The second or S-llstage will burn for 6.5 minutes liftingitself, the third stage, and spacecraft to analtitude of about 114 miles (182.4kilometers) where it, too, will burn outand drop off into the Atlantic Ocean. Thethird or S-IVB stage will ignite and burnfor 2.4 minutes to place itself and thespacecraft into an orbit around the Earthat a height of some 115 miles (184kilometers). Once in Earth orbit.Astronauts Young, Mattingly, and Dukewill checkout their spacecraft to makesure that everything is in order for thejourney to the Moon. The Apollo

    s p a c e c r a f t and lunar module, stiattached to the S-IVB stage, will makbetween 1.8 and 2.8 revolutions of theEarth during the checkout.

    The S-IVB stage will start and burn fosix minutes to place the spacecraft on theproper path for its 71-hour and23-minute trip to the Moon. The S-IVBwill follow it on a different t rajectory sthat the spent stage will crash into th

    Moon about 150 miles (240 kilometers)west of the Apollo 12 landing site. It wiimpact on April 19 with the energy oapproximately 10 tons (11 tons metric)of TNT exploding. The impact at 5,400miles per hour (2,414 meters per secondwill be sensed and measured bseismographs left on the Moon duringprevious Apollo missions. Thinformation telemetered to Earth bthem will help geologists to learn moreabout the internal structure of the Moon.

    On the way to the Moon, AstronautMattingly will perform a demonstrationthat may have great potential in futurepharmaceutical, medical, and biologicalr e s e a r c h and technology. He wiphotograph the results of a small, fluidelectrophoresis unit. In the weightlessneof space, the movement of chargeparticles through a solution under theinfluence of an electrical field(electrophoresis) should be much moreefficient than on Earth, where gravityimpedes the process. The unit weighonly 5 pounds (2.3 kilograms). If thedemonstration lives up to expectations,could produce knowledge useful in thedesign of machines for space stations of

    the future that produce extremely purevirus vaccines, finer blood and otherbodily fluid fractionations, and very pureenzymes.

    For the first time in the Apollo programthe astronauts on the Moon will set up aspecial camera during the first excursionf rom the lunar module that wiphotograph the Earth, the AndromedaGalaxy, the Coma cluster of galaxies, andthe Magellanic Clouds. The pictures wihelp scientists to learn more about thdistribution of interplanetary andintergalactic hydrogen. The FarUltraviolet Camera/Spectrograph will bplaced in the shadow of the lunar moduleand will automatically take pictures othese astronomical objects whileAstronauts Young and Irwin go abouttheir duties. When they leave, they wiunload the camera and take the film witthem. From examining the pictures madwith the camera, scientists also may leamore about the Moon's atmosphere andthe possibility that volcanic gases comfrom the interior of the Moon. Thpictures will also provide furtherinformation on the solar wind.


  • 8/6/2019 Apollo 16 Scientific Investigation of the Moon


    Among the scientific instruments in theApollo Lunar Experiments Package,(ALSEP) powered by a SNAP-27 atomicbattery, are a passive seismometer, amagnetometer, a heat-flow detector, andan active seismometer. The passiveseismometer will permit scientists todetermine if the moonquakes beneath thehighlands are as numerous an d strong asthose beneath the maria or seas, where

    similar instruments left on other Apollomissions are still transmitting data toEarth. This instrument will also permitthe calculation of the density of thehighlands crust by measuring the time ittakes waves from moonquakes to travelthrough it. The magnetometer will collectinformation on the electrical conductivityof the interior of the Moon, from whichcan be determined its temperature.

    The heat-flow detector will measure theflow of heat through the highlands soil.When compared with rates measured bysimilar instruments left on previous

    Apollo missions in the maria or seas,these data will give geologists a betterpicture of the origin of the two majorareas of the Moon. The activeseismometer will be used to helpdetermine the thickness of the lunar soillayer formed by the impact of meteoroidsand the depth of fill material in oldcraters of the upland area.

    A special cosmic ray detector will also beused on the Apollo 16 mission. It will beoperated on the flight to the Moon aswell as on its surface. It is an instrumentthat records the energy, flux, andelemental distribution of primary cosmicray nuclei well outside the disturbingeffects of the Earth's atmosphere andmagnetic field. It is mounted on the sideof the lunar module, and the astronautswill bring back exposed panels from itwhen they return to Earth. The familiar"window shade" solar wind experimentthat was used on previous Apollomissions will also be used on Apollo 16.An aluminum- platinum foil collector ofsolar wind particles, it is unrolled and leftexposed to the solar wind while theastronauts are on the Moon. At the endof their exploration, it is rolled up andreturned to Earth for study.

    Some four hours after landing on April20, at 2:36 p.m. EST, Astronauts Youngand Duke will release the folded-up lu-nar rover from its stowage compartmentin the lunar module and check it out.Aft er setting up the ALSEP about 100yards (90 meters) to the west of the lunarmodule and drilling a core sample of thesoil to a depth of 8.6 feet (2.6 meters),the astronauts will take their first trip inthe lunar rover, covering about 2 miles(3.2 kilometers). The trip will take about

    seven hours. The first stop will be FlagCrater, which is about 990 feet (300meters) in diameter and about 1 mile (1.6kilometers) from the lunar module. Therethe astronauts will collect rock sampleswhich may include material thrown outof the crater from a depth of 200 feet (60meters). Then they will turn back towardthe lunar module, stopping at SpookCrater. There they will take photographs,

    collect rock and soil samples, and take areading of the local magnetic field using aportable magnetometer.

    The last stop on the first trip will be inthe area in which they set up the ALSEP.For about eight minutes the astronautswill engage in the first lunar "GrandPrix." While Astronaut Young puts thelunar rover through its paces, starting,speeding up, and stopping, AstronautDuke will photograph the activity. Thepurpose of the test is to record andevaluate the performance of the rover .After the "Grand Prix," the astronauts

    will arm the mortar of the activeseismograph and take additional coresamples of the soil. The mortar chargeswill be fired after the astronauts leave theMoon.

    A second and 4-hour trip for AstronautsYoung and Duke will begin on April 21 at5:34 p.m. EST. They will again board thelunar rover and head south for the side ofStone Mountain, some 2.5 miles (4.2kilometers) away. At the first stop, theywill drill a double core, performpenetrometer measurements of the soil,collect rocks and soil samples, and take

    photographs. Then they will head therover back down Stone Mountain,stopping along the side and at the base totake photographs and collect additionalsoil and rock samples in order to correlatethe Descartes geology with that of theCay ley Plain. After about two hours, theywill turn west with stops at Stubby andSouth Ray Craters. There they will takephotographs, collect soil and rocksamples, take double cores in an area thatappears to have ejecta or material thrownout of South Ray Crater.

    They will make another stop on the CaleyPlain. There they will take core samplesthat will be stored in a special vacuumcontainer to prevent contamination, andthey will also pick up surface samples ofrocks and soil. After about 25 minutes ofthis activity, the two astronauts willreturn to the ALSEP and lunar modulearea where they will take double cores,dig a trench in the soil and take samplesfrom it, and also take soil measurementswith the penetrometer.

    The third excursion from the lunarmodule will be on April 22 at 5:34 p.m.

    EST. Astronauts Young and Duke willhead the lunar rover toward North RayCrater and Smoky Mountain about 3miles (5 kilometers) to the north. Onceon the rim of North Crater, They willtake photographs of the area, makemeasurements with the portablemagnetometer, and collect geologicalspecimens. After some two hours, theywill board the rover and start for Smoky

    Mountain. There they will take doublecores, make photographs, and collectrock and soil samples. These taskscompleted, they will head south, haltingat Dog Leg and Dot Craters to collectrock and soil samples and to take localmagnetic field measurements. The laststop before returning to the lunar modulewill be at Palmetto Crater. AstronautsYoung and Duke will take morephotographs, make measurements of thelocal magnetic field, and collectadditional rock and soil specimens.

    While Astronauts Young and Duke are

    exploring the Caley Plain and Descartesuplands, their fellow crewman orbiting 60miles (96 kilometers) above them will beequally busy. Astronaut Mattingly willspend 147 hours and 40 minutes circlingthe Moon. During the time he will beoperating a variety of scientificinstruments and taking photographs.

    As did Apollo 15, Apollo 16 carries aspecial group of instruments in thescientific instrument module bay of theservice module. Included among these is agamma-ray spectrometer, which gives anindication of the chemical composition ofthe lunar soil as the spacecraft passes overit. There are also x-ray and alpha-particlespectrometers that do the same thing bydifferent means. In addition, a massspectrometer analyzes the lunaratmosphere to determine what it is madeof and if volcanic gases can be detected init.

    Two special cameras map the lunarsurface as the spacecraft orbits over it.On e is a panoramic camera with a 24-inch(61-centimeter) lens that can resolveobjects as small as 3.3 feet (1 meter). Thiscamera also makes stereo-pairs so thatgeologists can study the Moon's surfacefeatures in three dimensions. Each picturetakes in an area of the Moon's surface 18miles by 216 miles (22 kilometers by 339kilometers). The other is a mappingcamera with a 3-inch (7.6-centimeter)lens which can resolve objects only 66feet (20 meters) or larger. At thespacecraft altitude of 72 miles (115kilometers), each picture from thiscamera includes an area of 110 miles by110 miles (167 kilometers by I67kilometers). At the same time as it isphotographing the lunar surface, it is also


  • 8/6/2019 Apollo 16 Scientific Investigation of the Moon


    taking pictures of the star field. A speciallaser is also used with this camera tomeasure the height, within 6.6 feet (2meters), between the spacecraft and theMoon. The laser fires pulses of light at arate of 3.75 per minute. These twocameras and the laser will provideinformation for a highly accurate map ofabout 8% of the Moon's surface or about1,160,000 square miles (300,440,000


    Apollo 16 also will carry a scientificsubsatellite as did Apollo 15. It is a six-sided box only 31 inches (77.5centimeters) long and weighs 78.5 pounds(I72.7 kilograms). It contains threeinstruments powered by solar cells

    mounted on the outside of the satellite.

    The S-band transponder provides data onthe Moon's gravitational field and perhapswill help explain the mascons that havebeen previously noted during the Apolloexplorations of the Moon. A ParticleShadows/Boundary Layer instrumentprovides data that help clarify theformation and movements of the Earth's

    magnetic field and also provides data onthe interaction of the Moon with floatingclouds of charged particles. In addition, amagnetometer provides information onthe physical and electrical properties ofthe Moon and its interaction with chargedparticle clouds. The subsatellite will belaunched on April 25 at 4:08 p.m. into anorbit of 67.2 miles by 90.5 miles (87.2kilometers by 120.6 kilometers).

    Within the command module. AstronautMattingly will also take a variety ofpictures using a 70-mm and a 35-mmcamera. Photographs made with them will

    study the Earth and lunar atmospheres inthe ultraviolet region. While thespacecraft is in the shadow of the Moonand out of sight of Earth, AstronautMattingly will take pictures of thestill-unexplained gegenshein or faint lightglow on either side of the Earth-Sun lineon the opposite side of the Earth fromthe Sun.

    Mattingly's photographic tasks will not becompleted, however, until the Apollospacecraft is headed back to Earth. OApril 26 at 2:51 p.m. EST, he will leathe command module and walk throughspace back to the scientific instrumentbay of the service module. There, he wremove the film packs from thpanoramic and mapping cameras anreturn them to the command module.

    After a flight of 69 hours and 54 minutes,the Apollo 16 is scheduled to splasdown in the Pacific Ocean at a point1,182 miles (1,872 kilometers) southHawaii on April 28 at 3:30 p.m. EST. Athat time some 290 hours and 36 minuteswill have gone by since it lifted off fromCape Kennedy 12 days earlier.

    lunar roving vehicle

    Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV) is a smalldune-buggy-like car that permits twoApollo astronauts to drive away from theimmediate vicinity of their landing site onthe Moon, make geological andastronomical observations, collect rockand soil samples, deploy scientificinstruments, and return to their lunarmodule base. On Earth the LRV weighssome 480 pounds (216 kilograms);however, on the Moon it weighs about 80pounds (36 kilograms). As light as it is, itcan carry the two astronauts, theirportable life support systems, scientificinstruments, and their collection of lunarmaterial samples. In all, the LRV cancarry about twice its own weight.

    While it may look like a dune-buggy, it isdesigned for low speed and high torque.

    It is limited to a maximum of 8 miles perhour (3.5 meters per second) for safetyreasons. Higher speed could present adanger to the crew due to the rough lunarsurface. But it has power to climb a 25degree slope.

    LRV is slightly over 10 feet (3 meters)long, 6 feet (1.8 meters) wide, and has awheelbase of 7.5 feet (2.3 meters). It hasa ground clearance of 13 inches (33centimeters) on level soil. Since both thefront an d rear wheels steer, the LRV hasa very tight turning radius-no more thanits own length. It is powered by electric

    batteries thatfurnish energy

    to anelectric

    motor in each of four 32-inch (8I.3centimeter) wheels.

    The drive and steering mechanism hasseveral built-in safety devices. If eitherthe rear or front steering mechanism fails,the other will provide full service.Similarly, if a motor on a wheel should goout, it can be decoupled; and theremaining motors can drive the LRV. Inaddition, there are two separate batterysystems to provide power for the wheels-each one with sufficient power to drivethe vehicle through its full mission.

    LRV issteered by a control stick, similarto the lunar module, rather thansteering wheel. It is mounted in thecenter of the vehicle, between the twoastronaut passengers; and it can beoperated by either of them, although thastronaut on the left -is the designateddriver. To start, the driver flips on thepower switch and tilts the stick forward.The LRV then moves in that direction.he wants to turn left or right, he merelytilts the stick in the appropriate direction.To back up, he tilts the stick backward.he wants to apply the four-wheel brakes,he pufls straight back on the stick. It alhas a parking brake which will hold thloaded LRV on a 30-degree slope. ThLRV can cross crevasses 28 inches (45.7centimeters) wide and go over bumpsfoot high and still remain stable.

    Since the Moon is much smallerdiameter than the Earth, the LRV wmove over the horizon more quickly onthe Moon than it would on EarthInasmuch as a compass is of no use on tMoon, which has no north or southmagnetic poles, a special navigationsystem has been devised to continuously


  • 8/6/2019 Apollo 16 Scientific Investigation of the Moon


  • 8/6/2019 Apollo 16 Scientific Investigation of the Moon


    generallunar dataThere are 32 known satellites in the SolarSystem with our Moon ranking fifth insize among them. However, with adiameter about a fourth that of Earth,the Moon is much larger in relation to itsparent planet than any of the othersatellites.

    Most conspicuous of the visible featuresof the Moon are the maria, or-seas, whichare the dark, level plains. Earlyastronomers thought the maria to bewater-filled areas. For the most part, theMoon is mountainous and crater pitted.

    the mountains rising as high as 29,000feet (7,700 meters) and the cratersranging from inches to 180 miles (288kilometers) in diameter. The surface iscovered with a layer of fine grainedmaterial resembling silt or sand, as well assmall rocks and boulders. There is no air,wind, or moisture.

    Among scientists there are three theories

    on the origin of the Moon: (1) it wasonce part of the Earth and split off intoits own orbit, (2) it evolved as a separatebody at the same time as Earth, and (3) itformed elswhere in space and wandereduntil it was captured by Earth'sgravitational field.

    Physical Characteristics

    Diameter - 2,160 miles (3,456 kilometers)(about I/4 that of Earth)

    Distance from Earth - 238,857 miles(382,171 kilometers) mean.

    Surface Temperature - +243 F (Sun atzenith) -279 F (night)

    Surface Gravity -1/6 that of Earth

    Mass -1/100 that of Earth

    Volume -1/50 that of Earth

    Lunar Day and Night - 14 Earth dayseach

    Mean velocity in Orbit - 2,287 milesper-hour (3,659 kilometers per hour)

    Month (Period of rotation around Earth)- 27 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes

  • 8/6/2019 Apollo 16 Scientific Investigation of the Moon


    lunar landing /ite

  • 8/6/2019 Apollo 16 Scientific Investigation of the Moon


    opollo 16 vehicle characteri/ticVEHICLE DATA













    FEET (Meters)













    21 .7 base(6.5)12.8 top(3.8)
























    J-2MIRA-10 K













    Each Pounds(Newtons)








    Total Pounds(Newtons)



    200,130(900,585)* 10,000(45,000)








    2.4 (1st)6.0 (2nd)15.0 (total)

    7.6 (total)

    12.5 (total)

    3.2 (sec)

    "Can be throttled over the range 1,280 -9,870 pounds (5,760 -44,415 Newtons).



    Engine Cut-offEngine Cut-offEarth Orbital InsertionTranslunar InjectionLunar Orbital InsertionLunar TouchdownLunar Lift-offLunar ImpactTrans-Earth InsertionEarth Insertion


    S-ICS-llS-IVBS-IVBCSM/LMLM descentLM ascentLM ascentSMCM


    Miles / Hour





    Kilometers /Hour
















    LUNAR MODULE (LM)"Caiman Aerospace

    Engineering Corp.


    INSTRUMENTUNIT(iu)International Business Machi

    S-IVBSTAGEMcDonnell-DouglasAstronautics Co.

    -J-2 ENGINERocketdyne DivNorth American Rockwell Cor

    -S-ll STAGESpace DivNorth American Rockwell Cor

    ,5 J-2 ENGINESRocketdyne DivNorth American Rockwell Cor

    'S-IC STAGEBoeing Co.

    5F-1 ENGINESRocketdyne DivNorth American Rockwell Cor


  • 8/6/2019 Apollo 16 Scientific Investigation of the Moon


    opollo 16 bocH-up creuuRED W. HAISE, JR.ommander

    stronaut Haise was the lunar modulelot on the Apollo 13 mission in 1970,n d previously served as back-up lunarodule pflot on the Apollo 8 and 9

    missions in 1968 and 1969. A former U.. Naval and U. S. Air Force pilot, he wasso a research pilot with NASA before

    eing selected as an astronaut in 1966.

    aise was born in Biloxi, Mississippi, onovember 14, 1933, and graduated fromiloxi High School. After attendingerkinson Junior College, he received hisS degree in aeronautical engineeringom the University of Oklahoma in959.

    Haise and his wife Mary are the parents ofdaughter, Mary, 16, and three sons,

    rederick, 14, Stephen, 11, and Thomas,They live in Houston, Texas.

    EDGAR D. MITCHELLLunar Module Pilot

    Astronaut Mitchell, U. S. Navy, was thelunar module pilot on the Apollo 14mission in 1971. Previously he served as amember of the astronaut support crewfor the Apollo 9 mission in 1969 and asback-up lunar module pilot on the Apollo10"mission in the same year. He wasselected as an astronaut by NASA in1966.

    Mitchell was born in Hereford/Texas, onSeptember 17, 1930. He graduated fromArtesia High School, in Artesia, NewMexico, and received a BS degree inindustrial management from the CarnegieInstitute of Technology. He also holds aBS degree in aeronautical engineeringfrom the U. S. Naval Postgraduate Schooland a Doctor of Science degree fromMassachusetts Institute of Technology inaeronautics and astronautics.

    He and his wife Louise are the parents oftwo daughters, Karlyn, 19, and Elizabeth,13. They live in Houston, Texas.

    STUART A. ROOSACommand Module Pilot

    Astronaut Roosa, U.S. Air Force,was thecommand module pilot for the Apollo 14mission in 1971. He was also a member ofthe astronaut support crew for the Apollo9 mission in 1969. After serving as a testpilot in the U. S. Air Force, he wasselected as an astronaut by NASA in1966. His total number of flight hours ismore than 4,300, including more than3,900 hours in jet planes.

    Roosa was born in Durango, Colorado, onAugust 16, 1933. He graduated fromClaremore High School, in Claremore,Oklahoma. After studying at both theUniversity of Arizona and OklahomaState University, he graduated from theUniversity of Oklahoma with a BS degreein aeronautical engineering.

    Roosa and his wife Joan are the parentsof three sons, Christopher, 13, John 11,Stuart, Jr., 10, and a daughter, Rosemary,9. The family lives in Houston, Texas.

    opollo mi//ion/APOLLO4/NOVEMBER 9, 1967

    irst unmanned flight of Saturn V;

    eentry test of command moduleAPOLLO5/JANUARY 22, 1968

    aturn 1B , vehicle 204, puts firstnmanned lunar module in Earthrbit

    POLLO 6 / A P R I L4, 1968econd unmanned Earth orbitalight of Saturn V tests Apollopacecraft

    POLLO7/OCTOBER 11-22, 1968irst manned Apollo flight aboardaturn 1B, 205, tests spacecraftommand and service modules inarth orbit

    Schirra, Eisele, Cunningham)

    APOLLO8/DECEMBER 21-27, 1968First manned flight of Saturn V

    that orbited the Moon(Borman, Lovell, Anders)

    APOLLO9 / M A R C H3-13, 1969First manned flight of the lunarmodule in Earth orbit(McDivitt, Scott, Schweickart)

    APOLLO 10/MAY18-26, 1969Dress rehearsal for lunar landing;flying complete spacecraft to lunarorbit(Stafford,Young, Cernan)

    APOLLO 11/JULY 16-24,1969First lunar landing and explorationof Moon's surface(Armstrong,Aldrin, Collins)

    APOLLO 12/NOVEMBER 14-24, 1969Second lunar landing and

    explorationof Moon's surface(Conrad, Gordon, Bean)

    APOLLO 13/APRIL 11-17,1970Circled th e Moon and returned toEarth without landing after troublein the service module(Lovell,Haise, Swigert)

    APOLLO14/JAN.31-FEB. 9, 1971Third lunar landing and explorationof Moon's surface(Shepard, Mitchell, Roosa)

    APOLLO157 JUL. 26 AUG. 7, 1971Fourth lunar landing andexploration of Moon's surface(Scott, Worden, Irwin)


  • 8/6/2019 Apollo 16 Scientific Investigation of the Moon



    MANNED FLIGHT AWARENESSMarshall Space Flight Center, PM-SS / Huntsville, Alabama
