Page 1: Apocalypse posters and titles

Apocalypse Titles/Posters

Posters made on

By Owen Maers

Page 2: Apocalypse posters and titles

Research into other apocalypse posters and titles

As you can see from these posters, apocalypse films often like to play on the scale of their film as they have a far bigger budget than other films. The connection between these 3 posters is a lone character who is either observing the apocalypse (2012) or walking away from destruction. We cannot replicate this sense of scale in our film so we would be better of making the earth seem smaller and how the apocalypse has pulled everyone closer together than ever before. I can do this by using the photos of the setting that another member of our group took before and I will add text and maybe other sample images to create a movie poster. I also need to consider what we will do for our titles, I think that we should us a bold text, all uppercase and either use black and white font depending on what background the text is against, I think our background should be video of our setting.

Page 3: Apocalypse posters and titles

Out of the 3 posters I have made this is my favourite as I like the title as it plays on the narrative hook that time is running out for humanity to save it’s world and is also short and to the point. I also like the tag line I have put with it as it plays on the viewers thoughts as the poster questions whether you could survive, this is also why I made survive red. This entices the viewer to think about the film, thus making them more likely to want to go and see the film.

However, evaluating this I think that I should have filled the gap in-between survive and our production name. I should have included a release date or maybe a few made up actor names to make it seem more professional. I also could have used a tag line more relevant to the theme of time so there would have been a link between title and tag line.

Page 4: Apocalypse posters and titles

This is my least favourite poster as I believe the title is very weak. It doesn’t excite the viewer enough or really reveal anything about the film, however I did try to play on the theme of time again and unfortunately this idea just wasn’t very good.

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Reflecting on my posters• I think that I could have made my posters more professional by including a

release date, actor names (I could have made these names up) and picture effects to make the photos more dramatic. However, I was happy with how the posters came out for my first attempt. I thought that including the crows in the background was good as it made the sky more dramatic and it looked very impressive when combined with the moon.

Page 6: Apocalypse posters and titles

I like this poster as I feel that I got the right fonts, angles of text and placement all correct. However, I feel that I should have swapped the taglines of the first poster and second. So I went back and edited the poster and made some improvements such as including actor names and changing the tagline. This shows my reflection process and how I look to improve my work.