Page 1: Apache Solr/Lucene: Looking Ahead

Apache Solr/Lucene: Looking Ahead

Page 2: Apache Solr/Lucene: Looking Ahead

Lucid Imagination, Inc.


Me. You?

Quick Overview of Lucene and SolrSolr demo

Where are we now?What’s in a version number?

Looking AheadApache Lucene 3.1 and beyond

Apache Solr 3.1 and beyond

Page 3: Apache Solr/Lucene: Looking Ahead

Me You?Lucene?


New to Search?

Other Search Engines?




Page 4: Apache Solr/Lucene: Looking Ahead

Lucid Imagination, Inc.

Lucene is a mature, high performance Java API to provide search capabilities to applications

Supports indexing, searching and a number of other commonly used search features (highlighting, spell checking, etc.)

Not a crawler and doesn’t know anything about Adobe PDF, MS Word, etc.

Created in 1997 and now part of the Apache Software Foundation

Important to note that Lucene does not have distributed index (shard) support

Page 5: Apache Solr/Lucene: Looking Ahead

Lucid Imagination, Inc.


Solr is the Lucene based search server providing the infrastructure required for most users to work with Lucene

Without knowing Java!

Also provides:Easy setup and configuration




Lucene Best Practices

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Lucid Imagination, Inc.

Quick Solr DemoPre-reqs:

Apache Ant 1.7.x


svn co solr-trunk

cd solr-trunk/solr/

ant example

cd example

java –jar start.jar

cd exampledocs; java –jar post.jar *.xml


Page 7: Apache Solr/Lucene: Looking Ahead

Lucid Imagination, Inc.

Where are we now?

Current releasesApache Lucene 3.0.2 and 2.9.2

Apache Solr 1.4.1

Last March, the Lucene and Solr development communities merged to reduce duplication, ease development, etc.

Mail: [email protected]

User communities are still [email protected], [email protected]

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Lucid Imagination, Inc.

Where are we now?

Is the next release Solr 1.5 or 3.1?Solr 3.1 (99% certain!)

Two main branches of development for both Lucene and SolrTrunk (i.e 4.0)•

• No guarantee of back compatibility (but best efforts are made)

3.x Branch•

• Try to be backwards compatible to 1.4.X release

Most things are applied to both branches, but not all

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Lucid Imagination, Inc.

Words to the Wise

“Some or all of the following statements may contain projections or other forward-looking statements regarding

future events or implementations in Lucene/Solr”

“The statements are not meant to be inclusive of all changes”

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Lucid Imagination, Inc.

Apache Lucene 3.1 and Beyond


Performance Improvements in many areasBytes instead of Strings – Better Memory savings

Phrase scoring

Packed Ints

Analysis ContributionsMany new languages/dialects supported: Hindi, Indic, Arabic, Armenian, Persian, Indonesian, etc. on top of support for English, most European languages, Chinese, Japanese, Korean

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Lucid Imagination, Inc.

Lucene 3.1 and Beyond

Expert LevelFlex APIs• Different codecs for the index• Total control over what is in the index• Pluggable scoring models

(Near) Real Time SearchMake newly indexed documents instantly available for search


Much, much more

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Lucid Imagination, Inc.

Apache Solr 3.1 and Beyond

Solr CloudMake it easy to deploy and manage truly large scale search applications• 10B+ (100B? 1T?) docs with subsecond search/faceting


(Near) Real Time Search

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Apache Solr 3.1 and Beyond

Spatial Search“Find me all the Lulu authors that live within 50 miles of HQ”

Boost, sort, filter documents by distance and other spatial information

Page 14: Apache Solr/Lucene: Looking Ahead

Lucid Imagination, Inc.

Solr 3.1 and Beyond

Group By/Field Collapsing

Roll up results that have a common “token”

Examples:• All documents from the same URL

• All documents by the same author that match

• All documents in the same price range


Pivoted Faceting

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Lucid Imagination, Inc.



[email protected]

[email protected]
