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Press Release

Paris, Tuesday 30 April 2013

EU-Japan Business Round Table met for its 15th Annual Meeting

“Opening a New Chapter in EU-Japan Relations”

The EU-Japan Business Round Table (BRT), a forum of some 50 European and Japanese business leaders, held its Annual Meeting in Paris on 29 & 30 April 2013 under the theme of “Opening a New Chapter in EU-Japan Relations”. The meeting was co-chaired by Messrs. Jean-Yves Le Gall, President of CNES (Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales) and former Chairman & CEO of Arianespace, and Osamu Nagayama, Chairman and CEO of Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. The BRT had the pleasure of welcoming high-level representatives of the Japanese and EU Authorities: Mr. Kazuyoshi Akaba, State Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, Mr. Masaji Matsuyama, Parliamentary Senior Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Soichiro Seki, Director-General for International Affairs, Global ICT Strategy Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan, Mr. Daniel Calleja Crespo, Director General for Enterprise and Industry of the European Commission, and Mr. João Aguiar Machado, Deputy Director General for Trade of the European Commission. Mr. Laurent Fabius, French Minister of Foreign Affairs, hosted the BRT members at the official dinner held at Quai d’Orsay. The meeting also addressed the following subjects: the negotiations on a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) / Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) and an agreement covering political, sectoral and global cooperation between the EU and Japan; EU-Japan cooperation including business with / in emerging economies; and resources issues.

During the meeting, the BRT agreed on a set of recommendations to be submitted to European Council President Herman Van Rompuy, European Commission President José Manuel Barroso and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan.

Opening a New Chapter in EU-Japan Relations

The BRT Members believe that further enhancing EU-Japan cooperation will help create new growth in the EU and Japan and welcomed the decision made by the EU and Japanese leaders to open a new chapter in EU-Japan bilateral relations.

In the expectation that a deep and comprehensive FTA / EPA and a Cooperation Agreement between the EU and Japan will boost EU-Japan trade and investment and promote job creation and economic growth in both economies, the BRT recommends that the FTA / EPA negotiations should be completed as early as possible and their outcome be compatible with the high level of their ambition. The BRT calls upon both authorities to ensure that negotiations

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will be undertaken in a transparent manner in order to enable industry to take possible outcomes into account in future business strategies. The BRT also reiterates its call that the resulting EU-Japan FTA / EPA should be ambitious, balanced, mutually beneficial, comprehensive, and tackle major outstanding issues such as tariffs, non-tariff barriers, public procurement, investment, services, competition, IPR, regulatory cooperation including harmonisation and the mutual recognition of regulations and standards. In addition, addressing elimination of tariffs and non tariff barriers in parallel in the negotiations is necessary to guarantee a successful outcome. At the end of the meeting, the BRT announced that Mr. Fabrice Brégier, President and CEO of Airbus, became its new EU-side Chairman. Dr. Le Gall said, “Having chaired the BRT for the last four years, and with EU-Japan relations on the point of changing given the recent start of the negotiations, I believe it is the perfect time for Airbus to take over the co-chairmanship and co-pilot the BRT on this important journey. As the BRT is the sole organisation of its kind consisting of European and Japanese business leaders, I am confident that it will play an important and useful role in supporting the newly-started negotiations and call on the Authorities to take full account of our proposals and recommendations as they work towards a successful outcome for their negotiations.”

Mr. Nagayama said, “After almost four years of strenuous efforts by the authorities, negotiations for an EU-Japan FTA/EPA have finally started. This is the opening of a new chapter in the bilateral relations, and we expect EU and Japan to build a powerful, high-level economic partnership that will help to boost trade and investment, create new jobs, and spur growth in both economies. We at the EU-Japan Business Round Table will provide support to the negotiations and continue to be firmly committed to establishing stronger, mutually-beneficial EU-Japan relations.”

Mr. Brégier said, “It is a great honour to be appointed the new EU-side Chairman. The EU-Japan Business Round Table is a driving force for promoting trade between the EU and Japan. There are many areas of cooperation where we can learn from each other. It is through initiatives like this that we can forge closer business, economic and cultural ties for our mutual benefit.”

Inquiries and Contacts

EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation (EU-Japan Business Round Table Secretariat)

In Paris (on 30 April only): Tel: +33 (0)6 02 45 85 53 (Contact Ms Aiko Higuchi) In Tokyo: Tel +81 3 6408 0281 Email: [email protected]


The EU-Japan Business Round Table was created in 1999 to review factors affecting all aspects of EU-Japan business relations. Its members are senior executives from around 50 leading European and Japanese companies. Its main objective is to submit policy recommendations to Japanese and European authorities in order to develop trade and investment between the EU and Japan, and to encourage industrial cooperation on issues of common interest, such as innovation, energy or industrial standards.

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2013年 4月 30日(火) パリ

第 15回 日・EUビジネス・ラウンドテーブル年次会合を開催

“Opening a New Chapter in EU-Japan Relations”

2013年 4月 29日から 30日の二日間、フランス・パリにおいて日・EUビジネス・ラウンドテーブル(BRT)の年次会合が開催され、「Opening a New Chapter in EU-Japan Relations~日・EU関係の新たな時代の幕開け~」をテーマに日本と EUのビジネス界のリーダー約 50名が一堂に会した。本会合では、永山治氏(中外製薬株式会社 代表取締役会長 最高経営責任者)ならびにジャン・イヴ・ルガル氏(フランス国立宇宙研究センター理事長、前アリアンスペース会長兼 CEO)が共同議長を務めた。会合には、日本政府代表として赤羽一嘉経済産業副大臣、松山政司外務副大臣、関総一郎総務省情報通信国際戦略局次長、EU代表としてダニエル・カレハ・クレスポ欧州委員会企業・産業総局長、ジョアン・アギアル・マチャード欧州委員会通商総局副総局長が出席した。また、ロラン・ファビウス仏外務大臣が仏外務省本省に BRTメンバーを招き、夕

食会を主催した。 今年の会合では、日本と EU間の自由貿易協定(FTA)/経済連携協定(EPA)ならびに政治協力・分野別協力・グローバル協力を対象とする協定(政治協定)、新興国ビジネスや資源問題における日・EUの協力について意見を交わした。 本会合で採択された提言書は、安倍晋三首相、へルマン・ファン・ロンパイ欧州理事会議長、ジョセ・マヌエル・バローゾ欧州委員会委員長へ提出する予定となっている。


BRTは、日本と EUの協力関係をさらに強化・拡大していくことによって日・EU双方に新たな経済成長がもたらされることを確信しており、両政府首脳が日・EU関係の新しい一章を開くことを決断したことに歓迎の意を表する。 BRTは、深く包括的な日・EU FTA/EPAおよび政治協定を締結することで、日・EU間の貿易・投資を拡大し、両経済圏における雇用の創出と経済成長を後押しすることができるとの期待のもと、FTA/EPA 交渉をできる限り早期に妥結するとともに、双方の野心のレベルに見合った高い内容の協定を実現することを要望する。また、BRT は、企業が協定交渉から生じ得る結果を将

来の事業戦略に織り込むことが出来るよう、交渉を透明性のある形で進めることを両政府に要請する。さらに、野心的でバランスのとれた、互恵的かつ包括的な FTA/EPAを実現し、関税、非関税障壁、政府調達、投資、サービス、競争、知的財産、規制・基準の調和と相互承認を含む規制に関する協力等の未解決の主要課題について取り決めを行うことを再度求める。加えて、

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会合の最後に、ファブリス・ブレジエ エアバス社 社長・最高経営責任者(CEO)が新しいEU側共同議長に就任することが発表された。 永山日本側共同議長の発言: 「ほぼ4年にわたる両政府の懸命の努力によって、日・EU FTA/EPAの交渉開始がようやく実現した。日本と EUの関係における新しい時代の幕開けであり、力強い、高いレベルの経済パートナーシップを構築することで、貿易・投資の拡大、新たな雇用の創出、経済成長の加速につなげていくことを期待したい。BRTとしては、政府の交渉をサポートするとともに、より強固で、

互恵的な日・EU関係の実現に向けて引き続き努力していく所存である。」 ル・ガル EU側共同議長の発言:

「BRTの議長を 4年間務めてきた。日本と EUの関係は先般の協定交渉の開始を契機に変化の時を迎えており、今こそ、BRT の共同議長の職をエアバス社へ引き継ぐに相応しいタイミングだと考えている。欧州ならびに日本のビジネスリーダーをメンバーとするこうした団体は BRTの他にない。従って、今後、政府間の協定交渉をサポートする上で、BRT は必ずや重要かつ有益な役割を果たしていくことができると私は確信しており、日・EU両政府が交渉に取り組む中でBRTの提案や提言を十分に考慮するよう、求めたい。」

ブレジエ新議長発言内容: 「このたび EU側共同議長に任命されたことを大変光栄に思う。BRTによる政策提言は、日本とEU間の貿易促進に重要な役割を担っている。日本と EUは様々な分野で互いに学び、協力し合うことができるはずだ。そうした取り組みを通じて、ビジネスや経済、文化における互恵的な日・EUの結びつきをより一層深めていくことができるだろう。」



パリ(4月 30日のみ) Tel: +33 (0)6 02 45 85 53 (樋口愛子)

東京事務所 Tel +81 3 6408 0281 Email: [email protected]


日・EUビジネス・ラウンドテーブルは 1999年に発足、約 50名の日本および EU企業の CEO/経


て見直し、日本政府ならびに欧州委員会に対する政策提言を行うことを目的に年 1回一堂に会


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Communiqué de Presse

Paris, le 30 avril 2013

15ème Réunion Annuelle de la Table Ronde Economique Europe-Japon

“Nouveau Chapitre dans les Relations Europe-Japon”

La Table Ronde Economique Europe-Japon (« EU-Japan Business Round Table »), forum réunissant une cinquantaine de responsables de sociétés européennes et japonaises, s’est réunie à Paris les 29 et 30 avril 2013 pour sa 15ème édition annuelle, autour du thème : “Nouveau Chapitre dans les Relations Europe-Japon”. La réunion, co-présidée par Messieurs Jean-Yves Le Gall, président du Centre National d’Études Spatiales (CNES) et ex-président directeur général d'Arianespace, et Osamu Nagayama (président directeur général de Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.), a été honorée par la présence de représentants de haut niveau des gouvernements japonais et européen:

M. Kazuyoshi Akaba, Ministre délégué auprès du Ministre du METI (Ministère japonais de l’Economie, du Commerce et de l’Industrie),

M. Mr. Masaji Matsuyama, Ministre délégué auprès du Ministre du MOFA (Ministère japonais des Affaires étrangères),

M. Soichiro Seki, directeur général du MIC (Ministère japonais des Affaires intérieures et des Communications), Direction Générale de la Stratégie Mondiale en TIC", Affaires internationales),

M. Daniel Calleja Crespo, Directeur général de la Direction-générale Entreprises et industrie (Commission européenne), et

M. João Aguiar Machado, Directeur général adjoint de la Direction-générale Commerce (Commission européenne).

Mr. Laurent Fabius, Ministre français des Affaires étrangères, a reçu les membres de la Table Ronde à l’occasion d’un diner officiel au Quai d’Orsay. La réunion a également donné lieu à des discussions autour des négociations qui viennent de s’ouvrir entre l'Union européenne et le Japon en vue d'un Accord de Partenariat Economique / de Libre Echange et d'un Accord-Cadre, et permis aux membres européens et japonais de confronter leurs visions de la coopération entre l'UE et le Japon, sur le commerce avec et dans les pays émergents ou sur la problématique des ressources (énergie, matériaux et innovation). Au cours de la réunion, les membres sont convenus d’un paquet de recommandations à adresser au Président du Conseil européen, M. Herman Van Rompuy, au Président de la Commission européenne, M José Manuel Barroso et au Premier Ministre japonais, M Shinzo Abe.

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Un Nouveau Chapitre dans les Relations Europe-Japon Convaincus qu’un renforcement de la coopération entre l’Europe et le Japon permettra de redynamiser les économies nippone et européenne, les membres de la Table Ronde se sont félicités de la décision prise par leurs gouvernements respectifs d’ouvrir un nouveau chapitre dans les relations bilatérales entre les deux pôles.

Convaincus également que des accords (Accord de Partenariat Economique / de Libre Echange et Accord-Cadre) les plus complets possibles permettront de redynamiser les flux commerciaux et d’investissements, de promouvoir la création d’emplois et la croissance économique tant en Europe qu’au Japon, la Table Ronde recommande que les négociations en vue de tels accords soient bouclées le plus rapidement possible et que leurs résultats soient à la hauteur de leurs ambitions.

La Table Ronde appelle les gouvernements japonais et européen à mettre tout en oeuvre afin que les négociations soient menées de façon transparente, permettant ainsi aux industries des deux pôles d’en intégrer les implications dans leurs stratégies économiques.

La Table Ronde réitère son souhait de voir ces négociations se concrétiser en accords à la fois ambitieux, équilibrés, mutuellement bénéfiques, complets et de nature à couvrir les questions essentielles que sont, notamment : les tarifs, les barrières non tarifaires, les marchés publics, l’investissement, les services, la concurrence, la propriété intellectuelle et la coopération en matière de réglementation, en particulier l`harmonisation et la reconnaissance mutuelle des réglementations et des standards. En vue d`une issue favorable, il est par ailleurs nécessaire de prévoir dans les négociations l`élimination parallèle des droits de douane et des barrières non tarifaires.

A l’issue de la réunion, la Table Ronde a annoncé la nomination de M. Fabrice Brégier, président directeur général d’Airbus, en tant que nouveau coprésident pour le côté européen, en remplacement de M Jean-Yves Le Gall. M. Le Gall a déclaré : « A l’issue de ces quatre années de coprésidence, et à l’aube de changements importants dans les relations qui unissent le Japon et les pays de l’Union, suite au récent lancement des négociations, je pense que le moment est parfaitement choisi pour qu’Airbus prenne le relai et préside désormais une Table Ronde amenée à relever de nouveaux et importants défis. Seule organisation composée de hauts dirigeants des plus grandes sociétés européennes et japonaises, je suis tout à fait confiant quant au rôle primordial que la Table Ronde jouera en supportant les négociations récemment ouvertes. Aussi, j’invite les Autorités à prendre en considération toutes les propositions et recommandations qui seront faites pas la Table Ronde en vue de faire aboutir ces négociations de façon fructueuse. » Mr. Nagayama a déclaré : « Après près de quatre ans d’efforts intenses de la part des Autorités, les négociations entre l'Union européenne et le Japon en vue d'un Accord de Partenariat Economique / de Libre Echange et d'un Accord-Cadre se sont enfin ouvertes, marquant ainsi un nouveau chapitre dans nos relations bilatérales.

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Nous avons bon espoir que nos gouvernements réussiront à conclure un accord économique solide, de nature à redynamiser le commerce et l’investissement, créer de l’emploi et relancer nos économies. Forte de son engagement à promouvoir des relations Europe-Japon toujours plus fortes et bénéfiques aux deux parties, la Table Ronde apportera tout son soutien aux négociations en cours. » Mr. Brégier a déclaré : « Je suis très honoré d’avoir été nommé en tant que président de la Table Ronde Economique Europe-Japon pour le côté européen. Cette enceinte joue un rôle moteur dans la promotion des activités économiques entre l’Union européenne et le Japon. Il existe de nombreux secteurs de coopération dans lesquels nous pouvons apprendre les uns des autres. C’est grâce à des initiatives comme celle-ci que nous pouvons créer des liens économiques, commerciaux et culturels plus étroits, dans notre intérêt mutuel. » Contacts EU-Japan Centre (secrétariat de la Table Ronde Economique Europe-Japon) Paris (uniquement le 30 avril): Tel: +33 (0)6 02 45 85 53 (Mme Aiko Higuchi) Tokyo: Tel +81 3 6408 0281 Email: [email protected]

A propos de la Table Ronde Economique Europe-Japon La Table Ronde a été crée en 1999. Elle a pour objet d’étudier les facteurs affectant les différents aspects des relations économiques entre l'Union européenne et le Japon. Ses membres sont de hauts dirigeants des plus grandes sociétés européennes et japonaises. La Table Ronde Economique Europe-Japon transmet annuellement au Gouvernement japonais et à la Commission européenne une liste de « recommandations » : autant de mesures que la Table Ronde recommande à ces deux autorités de prendre afin de faciliter les flux commerciaux et d’investissements entre les deux pôles, ou en vue d'encourager la coopération industrielle sur des sujets d'intérêt commun tels que l'innovation, l’énergie ou les standards industriels. Site web :

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EU-Japan Business Round Table


"Opening a New Chapter in EU-Japan Relations"

29 & 30 April 2013

Paris, France

1. Introduction The EU-Japan Business Round Table (BRT) held its Annual Meeting in Paris on 29 & 30 April 2013 with the theme of "Opening a New Chapter in EU-Japan Relations". The meeting was chaired by Dr. Jean-Yves Le Gall, former Chairman and CEO of Arianespace, and by Mr. Osamu Nagayama, Chairman and CEO of Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. The BRT had the pleasure and honour of welcoming high-level representatives of the Japanese and EU Authorities: Mr. Kazuyoshi Akaba, State Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, Mr. Masaji Matsuyama, Parliamentary Senior Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, Mr. Soichiro Seki, Director-General for International Affairs, Global ICT Strategy Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan, Mr. Daniel Calleja Crespo, Director General for Enterprise and Industry of the European Commission, and Mr. João Aguiar Machado, Deputy Director General for Trade of the European Commission. The meeting consisted of the following: 1. Discussion and adoption of general and sectoral recommendations; 2. Discussions on (i) the negotiations on a deep and comprehensive Free Trade

Agreement (FTA) / Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) and a political and cooperation agreement between the EU and Japan, (ii) EU-Japan cooperation including business with / in emerging economies, and (iii) resources issues;

3. Discussions with the Japanese and EU Authorities. The BRT Members agreed to submit their joint recommendations to European Council President Herman Van Rompuy, European Commission President José Manuel Barroso, and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan.

2. Background In the EU, there are tentative signs that the European economy is starting to regain a little of the confidence that it lost over the last couple of years. But there is much more to do before businesses fully regain the confidence they need to put in place private investment, which is the real driver of growth and employment. But Europe must remain cautious as the virtuous circle of greater financial market stability, and

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improving confidence that the Euro Area is starting to benefit from, can quickly be reversed if political leaders become complacent and ease off on reforms. In addition to the EU-Japan FTA and a number of on-going FTA negotiations, the EU has recently launched discussions with the United States of America for an ambitious and comprehensive free trade agreement. European businesses welcome these initiatives as expansion of free trade, and opening markets for investment, services, public procurement and raw materials are an opportunity for Europe. In Japan, the Liberal Democratic Party and New Komeito won the general elections last December. New Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has set out his policy for reviving the economy and fighting deflation, consisting of “three arrows”: “bold monetary policy,” “flexible fiscal policy” and “growth strategy.” His Cabinet has implemented measures to promote cooperation between the Government and the Bank of Japan on monetary policy and put forth a national budget aimed at stimulating economic growth and strengthening the nation’s infrastructure against natural disasters. In addition, as part of its initiatives to spur economic growth, the Cabinet is stepping up efforts to establish economic partnership agreements with Japan’s major trading partners. The Government will soon officially join the TPP negotiations, subject to the completion of the TPP member states' domestic processes; it has also started talks on a Japan-China-South Korea free trade agreement. Negotiations for an RCEP, a regional comprehensive economic partnership agreement between Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, India and the ten ASEAN member states, will be launched soon. The market has responded positively to these policy measures, and business and consumer confidence has been improving. The EU and Japan are two of the world’s most advanced economies. They share common values. Together they account for some 30% of global GDP and 40% of world trade. Further enhancing EU-Japan cooperation will help create new growth in the EU and Japan and will contribute to meeting such pressing challenges as improving their international competitiveness; promoting trade by strengthening and enforcing multilateral trade rules; and preparing for the indispensable shift to a sustainable world economy taking into account climate, energy, resources and demographic challenges. In its Joint Statement of April 2012, the BRT urged the European Commission and the Council of the EU to speed up their respective work on the mandates to authorise the European Commission to negotiate an FTA / EPA and a political and cooperation agreement with Japan, whilst also calling on the European Commission and the Government of Japan to expedite their efforts to complete the scoping activities. On 25 March 2013, following the conclusion last year of the scoping exercise, the EU and Japanese leaders decided to launch negotiations for an agreement covering political, global and sectoral cooperation (“Cooperation Agreement”) and an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) / Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and expressed their commitment to the earliest possible conclusion of these two agreements. The EU and Japanese Authorities held the first round of negotiations from 15 to 19 April.

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3. Calls and Recommendations The BRT welcomes the decision made by the EU and Japanese leaders to open a new chapter in EU-Japan bilateral relations. In the expectation that a deep and comprehensive FTA / EPA and a Cooperation Agreement between the EU and Japan will boost EU-Japan trade and investment and promote job creation and economic growth in both economies, the BRT recommends that the FTA / EPA negotiations should be completed as early as possible and their outcome be compatible with the high level of their ambition. The BRT calls upon both Authorities to ensure that the negotiations will be undertaken in a transparent manner in order to enable industry to take possible outcomes into account in future business strategies. The BRT also reiterates its call that the resulting EU-Japan FTA / EPA should be ambitious, balanced, mutually-beneficial, comprehensive, and tackle major outstanding issues such as tariffs, non-tariff barriers, public procurement, investment, services, competition, IPR, regulatory cooperation including harmonisation and the mutual recognition of regulations and standards. In addition, addressing elimination of tariffs and non tariff barriers in parallel in the negotiations is necessary to guarantee a successful outcome. The Cooperation Agreement should provide support to the development of stronger EU-Japan relations, commit to a broad dialogue on many forms of political cooperation, joint research and common undertakings, as well as common rules in bilateral collaboration, as befits two of the world's most advanced democracies. The BRT also believes that, as the sole organisation of its kind consisting of European and Japanese business leaders, it can play an important and useful role in supporting those negotiations, and calls on the EU and Japanese Authorities to take full account of proposals and recommendations from the BRT as they work towards concluding an FTA / EPA and a Cooperation Agreement. The BRT is a strong supporter of the multilateral trading system and expects that this year’s 9th WTO Ministerial Conference, scheduled in Bali in December, will conclude an ambitious agreement on trade facilitation. Further progress must be achieved in other key areas, such as on non-tariff barriers. The BRT also follows with interest the recently launched negotiations for an international services agreement and calls for its design to be anchored within the WTO system. The WTO should also make progress on plurilateral sectoral agreements, and work towards clearer WTO guidelines on the coherence between bilateral / regional / multilateral trade agreements and the WTO system. Finally, the WTO should explore other topical issues such as the relationship between trade and investment, competition, energy and raw materials. The BRT also makes the following requests to the EU and Japanese Authorities:

(A) Trade, Investment, and Regulatory Cooperation

The BRT calls on the EU and Japan to: Conclude negotiations on the EU-Japan FTA/EPA as early as possible, while

ensuring that the agreement is ambitious, comprehensive and mutually beneficial. The agreement should tackle major outstanding issues such as tariffs, non-tariff barriers, public procurement, investment, services, competition, IPR, regulatory

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cooperation including harmonisation and the mutual recognition of regulations, standards and market authorisations. In addition, addressing elimination of tariffs and non tariff barriers in parallel in the negotiations is necessary to guarantee a successful outcome. This should promote an ambitious expansion of trade and investment leading to deeper economic integration between the EU and Japan.

Provide greater mutual support of the WTO Doha Development Agenda to ensure

that the WTO remains a leader in the creation of rules and setting of standards on trade at the multilateral level, encouraging its members to see the advantages of trade liberalisation.

Strive to mutually recognise products certified under similar and equivalent

product standards and to cooperate on harmonising regulations and systems where possible. They should also aim for enhanced cooperation in promoting new global standards.

Support the timely development of business. Specifically, the BRT calls for

expansion of the number of bilateral social security agreements that have been concluded and for liberalisation of the movement of intra-corporate transferees within the framework of an EPA/FTA

Aim for better regulation by improving information exchange between the two

Authorities and with business, and focusing on both existing and future regulation.

Develop measures that will promote and assist each other's SMEs within their

own jurisdictions. The BRT also calls for cross-support, such as logistic support, various tax incentives, and other measures, to be included in the EU-Japan FTA/EPA negotiations.

Moreover, the BRT calls for the EU Authorities to speedily resolve the EU-specific issues identified in the Working Party A document by the Japanese Members of the BRT, and for the Japanese Government to resolve the Japan-specific issues identified in the Working Party A document by the EU Members of the BRT.

(B) Life Sciences and Biotechnologies, Healthcare and Well-Being


The EU and Japan should formulate concrete strategies and action plans in life sciences & biotechnology, thereby focusing on measures to support the improvement of efficient healthcare practices, food security / supply and innovations in Biotechnology.

Health care

The EU Authorities should reinforce its innovation policy to Member States and clarify its healthcare policy, resulting in the appropriate evaluation of the value of pharmaceuticals. In addition, the MHLW should initiate the HTA (Health Technology Assessment) dialogue among stakeholders.

Japan should further support the implementation of new innovation-rewarding pricing systems for pharmaceutical products, including the abolishment of special price cuts

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at first generic launch, and the abolishment of the rule of re-pricing by market expansion. Enhance competitive pricing systems in order to promote innovative products.

Japan should promote an innovation-rewarding pricing system also for medical devices in order to move towards a product-based, market-oriented reimbursement pricing system.

The EU and Japan should improve the pharmaceutical and medical device business environments by proceeding with regulatory harmonisation and further extension of “Mutual Recognition Agreements” in order to avoid redundant inspections of manufacturing facilities (e.g. injectable pharmaceuticals and APIs) and ensure recognition of quality management audit results for lower-risk medical devices.

Japan should support the reinforcement of strict regulations for GMP on medicinal gases.

Animal Health

Europe should introduce a 1-1-1 concept (one dossier – one assessment – one decision on marketing authorisation) for all animal health products, thereby further harmonise the regulatory requirements for product registration, shorten review times and recognise the GMP certification for veterinary products.

Europe and Japan should promote the responsible use of antibiotics in animal health.

Plant Protection & Biotechnology

The EU and Japan should speed up research in plant protection & biotechnology and inform the public regularly and accurately about the state of play on GMOs, based on sound scientific knowledge, closely working with private sectors.

The EU should shorten the review times for new applications / product registrations in both plant protection and biotechnology.

(C) Innovation, Information & Communication Technologies ICT

ICT is a driver of economic growth. The Authorities should uphold the balanced multi- stakeholder approach that enabled the success of internet.

The BRT requests both Authorities to work intensively on the trade liberalisation of services over the internet and ITA expansion.

To further promote cloud computing the BRT calls for a review of the harmonisation of legal instruments such as cross border data flows.

To sustain a free and global flow of information, the internet environment must be trusted by society and industry. Both sides’ Authorities should cooperate on building a safe and secure society by enhancing cyber security while protecting privacy and involving both the public and private sectors.

Innovation in General

Both sides’ Authorities should increase their bilateral cooperation on common challenges. The EU and Japan should improve their bilateral STI cooperation arrangements and complement them with actions such as increasing the reciprocal access to each other's research facilities.

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The BRT requests that the Authorities establish a permanent dialogue to upgrade significantly the scale of EU-Japan industrial cooperation in aeronautics. They should also establish a broad cooperation on environmental issues. Cooperation between both aircraft certification authorities should be upgraded.


The BRT requests that the Space Authorities’ bilateral meetings should involve not only the ESA and JAXA but also the European Commission and Japan’s Cabinet Office. The Authorities should significantly upgrade the scale of industrial cooperation in space. They should establish a formal and permanent dialogue on satellite technology.


The Authorities should, on the basis of bilateral agreements to exchange and protect classified information, take advantage of the relaxation of Japan’s three Principles on Arms Exports to develop strong ties in joint development and other cooperation. Export control systems should be harmonised.


The Authorities should promote a dialogue focusing on safety, innovation to foster the modal shift to rail, and life cycle costs optimisation in railway transportation.

(D) Financial Services, Accounting and Tax Issues

On global financial market reforms: The BRT recommends avoiding excessive ‘ring-fencing’ in each jurisdiction and

duplication of regulations by ensuring effective supervision by the home country and international coordination, because any constraint on flow of global banking services could cause negative effects on corporate business activities.

The BRT requests that any financial market reform should fully address its impact on effective functioning of relevant financial and capital market activities, particularly for liquidity in the markets, before being introduced.

The European and Japanese Authorities and industries should continue to unite their

efforts to ensure an internationally consistent and level-playing field implementation of US regulations while preventing excessive extra-territorial and other prejudicial application thereof.

The BRT expresses serious concern over the recently released EC’s draft Council

Directive implementing enhanced cooperation in the area of financial transaction tax (FTT), particularly with respect to its wider application and extraterritorial impact. If imposed, the FTT will increase trading costs and result in reduced volume of financial transactions and decreased liquidity, could impair legitimate hedging activities by business corporations and impact primary markets eventually.

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(E) Energy, Environment, and Sustainable Development Natural Disasters and Safety Measures

The BRT requests that European and Japanese authorities adopt necessary measures to optimize pre-crisis, crisis and post-crisis management: identification of risks and associated impact (human, environmental, technological, etc.), facilitating international support during crisis, and strengthening collaboration towards an efficient and speedy recovery.

Alternative and Renewable Energies

The BRT requests that Japan and EU further extend their collaboration on energy issues and work together to promote a long-term strategy on a stable, safe, competitive yet sustainable energy supply, addressing more specifically the following issues: development of renewable energies, remodeling of energy systems, nuclear safety and international standardization, nuclear fuel cycle, development of smart cities and standardization of equipment used in smart grids (EV, batteries, etc.)

Global Warming Issues European and Japanese authorities should promote together a post-Kyoto framework

on greenhouse gas emissions reductions The BRT requests European and Japanese authorities to set CO2 emissions targets

in full transparency, fairness, and through dialogue with stakeholders. Energy Efficiency and Energy Savings

The BRT requests that Japan and EU continuously refine their regulations and incentives to promote energy efficiency and energy savings, including building and housing insulation standards.

Raw Materials and Resources use The BRT request that European and Japanese authorities enhance their

collaborative actions on raw materials supply issues: mitigation of price commodity volatility, R&D on recycling and material substitution, supporting countries to fulfill EITI’s principles, etc.

(A) - (E) summarise the BRT's detailed regulatory and sectoral Recommendations.

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Member List as of 22 April 2013 

  EU‐side members  Japan‐side members 

Dr. Jean‐Yves LE GALL  Co‐Chairman of the Round Table Former Chairman & CEO Arianespace 

Mr. Hiromasa YONEKURA  Co‐Chairman of the Round Table Chairman SUMITOMO CHEMICAL Co., Ltd. 

Mr. Jean‐Marc DE ROYERE Chairman Asia‐Pacific & Senior Vice‐President  Air Liquide 

Mr. Norio YAMAGUCHI Representative Director, Chairman of the Board AJINOMOTO Co., Inc. 

Mr. Fabrice BRÉGIER President & CEO Airbus S.A.S. 

Mr. Yoji OHASHI Chairman of the Board ANA HOLDINGS INC. 

Mr. François GURNIKI Managing Director, ArcelorMittal Japan ArcelorMittal 


Mr. Armand LAFERRÈRE President,  AREVA Japan Co. Ltd. 

Dr. Sachio SEMMOTO Representative Director, Chairman  e Access Ltd. 

Dr. Martin BRUDERMÜLLER Member of the Board of Executive Directors BASF AG 

Mr. Chiaki ITO Corporate Executive Advisor FUJITSU Limited 

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang PLISCHKE Member of the Board of Management Bayer AG 

Mr. Shinji FUKUKAWA Senior Advisor Global Industrial & Social Progress Research Institute 

Mr. Jean LEMIERRE Advisor to the Chairman BNP Paribas 

Mr. Paul MOLYNEUX President Japan Business Council in Europe (JBCE) 

Mr. Emmanuel FOREST Executive Vice‐President, European & Institutional Affairs Bouygues Group 

Mr. Hiroshi KIMURA President and CEO JAPAN TOBACCO, Inc. 

Mr. Markus BEYRER Director General BUSINESSEUROPE 

Mr. Yuzaburo MOGI Honorary CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors KIKKOMAN Corporation 

Dr. Mark PLEŠKO President Cosylab d.d. 

TBC  Marubeni Corporation 

Mr. Martin JÄGER Vice‐President, and Head of External Affairs & Public Policy  Daimler AG 

Mr. Kazuo TSUKUDA Senior Corporate Advisor MITSUBISHI HEAVY INDUSTRIES, Ltd. 

Mr. Philippe FORESTIER Executive Vice President of Global Affairs & Communities Dassault Systèmes 

Mr. Takeo INOKUCHI Senior Advisor to CEO Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co.,Ltd. 

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EU‐side members  Japan‐side members 

Mr. Andrew PROCTER Global Head of Government & Regulatory Affairs Deutsche Bank 

Mr. Hajime SASAKI Honorary Advisor NEC Corporation 

Mr. Daniel DOBBENI Chairman Eurogrid International 

Mr. Hiromichi AOKI Managing Director  Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation 

Mr. Duco DELGORGE Chairman European Business Council (EBC) in Japan 

Mr. Satoshi MIURA Director and Chairman of the Board of Directors NIPPON TELEGRAPH & TELEPHONE Corporation 

Mr. Seán O’DRISCOLL CEO Glen Dimplex 

Mr. Hitoshi KAWAGUCHI Senior Vice President NISSAN MOTOR Co., Ltd. 

Mr. Jean‐Paul BAILLY Chairman and CEO La Poste 

Mr. Kazutoshi INANO Chairman of the Board of Directors NOMURA Asset Management Co., Ltd. 

Mr. Michel LACHAUSSÉE President,  Merial Japan Ltd. 

Mr. Masayuki MATSUSHITA Vice Chairman of the Board PANASONIC Corporation 

Mr. Danny RISBERG CEO,  Philips Electronics Japan Ltd. 

Mr. Yoshiharu FUKUHARA Honorary Chairman SHISEIDO Co., Ltd. 

Mr. Jan REMIE General Manager and Country Representative Japan Rabobank Nederland 

Mr. Kyohei TAKAHASHI Representative Director, Chairman of the Board of Directors SHOWA DENKO K.K. 

Mr. Richard THORNLEY President – Japan Rolls‐Royce 

Dr. Ryoji CHUBACHI Director SONY Corporation 

Mr. Francois‐Xavier LIENHART Saint‐Gobain Group Delegate for Japan Saint‐Gobain 

Mr. Shunichi ARAI Special Adviser to the President & Chairman of Board SUMITOMO Corporation 

Mr. Jez MOULDING Senior Vice President, Japan & Pacific Region Sanofi 

Mr. Koji NAKAO Chairman of the Board of Directors TERUMO Corporation 

Prof. Dr. Hermann REQUARDT Member of the Corporate Executive Committee  and Head of Corporate Technology Siemens AG 

Dr. Sadayuki SAKAKIBARA Chairman of the Board TORAY Industries, Inc. 

Mr. Christian GRÉGOIRE Vice President, Technical & Safety Thales 

Mr. Tadashi OKAMURA Adviser to the Board TOSHIBA Corporation 

(Member tbc) ThyssenKrupp AG 


Mr. Sven STEIN Executive Vice‐President & Representative Director Volkswagen Group Japan KK 


